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tv   CNN Newsroom Live  CNN  March 24, 2024 12:00am-1:00am PDT

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369369. today. >> i'm natasha >> mr. bertrand at the pentagon, and this is cnn >> hello, >> and welcome to allow viewers
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>> watching from >> around the world. i'm anna >> coren live from hong >> kong. hey, don't see in a >> newsroom i was off to the, worst terror attack on russian soil in decades. lot of move putin attempts to link ukraine to the massacre. a claim the us and ukraine say use untrue israel's defense minister will travel to the white house to discuss efforts to retrieve the remaining hostages in gaza as their families plead for their release. the princess of wales says she's touched by the outpouring of support. she's received following the announcement of her cancer diagnosis >> russia says the death >> toll from friday's concert hall terror attack will go higher. so far, official say 133 people were killed and more than 100 others injured. or russian president vladimir
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putin has declared sunday a day of mourning outside the venue near moscow. people have been leading in flowers and stuffed toy animals is the same in all the parts of russia, like this spot in st. petersburg, russia says it's arrested the full gunman who carried out the attack and survivors are telling harrowing stories of how they escaped dr. need to provision >> your first people ran the door opened and i saw it was leading to the street. my husband grabbed me and we got outside. the rest who were following us. they came to a lower floor, but it is unbelievable. you understand only now that you are lucky, really lucky. i came home, my coat was covered in blood apparently someone shielded me with his body. there were people running behind me and they were effectively covering me, my relatives and those who were running next to me isis has claimed responsibility for the attack, but russian president vladimir putin is suggesting without
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>> evidence that ukraine a played a role or meanwhile, the white house says ukraine is not involved in any shape or form in the moscow attack. >> ukrainian >> president zelenskyy says the kremlin's allegations are part of mr. putin standard playbook, which is to blame others for russia's own problems mr. zelenskyy also says it's something anyone could have seen coming on the show. >> i'm grainge, because they have brought hundreds of thousands of their own terrorists here on ukrainian land to fight against us. and they don't care about what is happening inside the own country yesterday, as all this happens instead of dealing with his fellow russian citizens addressing them, the wimp putin was silent for 24 hours thinking about how to tie this to ukraine. it's all absolutely predictable while cnn's clare sebastian has reported extensively from russia. she joins us now from london.
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>> glare >> as we just heard, ukraine vehemently denying any involvement in this attack, tell a small yeah. >> strong was there from president zelenskyy and i think he gets to the heart of putin's relationship with his people, essentially an unspoken compact. the last almost a quarter century that he provides security. he's the security guy and exchange for them staying quiet and accepting ever greater levels of state control well over their lives. this i think will raise significant questions about why it was missed, why the us warnings in the lead up to this. will publicly dismissed. and of course, putin's claim in his address to the russian people on saturday that there wasn't ukrainian connection, that there was a court window being made available to the attacker just to escape through the ukrainian border flies in the face of that isis claim of responsibility in the us saying that there's no reason to doubt it and that there's no ukrainian involvement whatsoever. but i will say inside russia, the wheels of
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the propaganda machine are in motion. they have picked up that ukrainian connection and running with it an even taking it even further, take a listen to one of putin's chief propagandists, a very regular figure on russian state tv volodymr still you the normally when the american south telling us, no, no, it's not ukrainian. barkley, right? it's not ukraine. it's them. >> is there a special services working? through various sources, various methods carried out the terror attack using an deeply calculating a reaction. or more accurately, the spark, a specific reaction from russia >> he doesn't really cite any evidence. the only evidence that his eyes in the lead up to this is a claim from former president trump in 2016 that obama with founder of isis, but this is the information diet the russians are fed and anti-western rhetoric is a very powerful propaganda tool to prevent any blame for any misfortunes i'd russia ever being laid on president putin
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>> a clear there's obviously concerns that this attack could escalate the war in ukraine. and we are hearing in the last few hours of more russian strikes on ukraine, including in key, what are you learning? >> yeah, kyiv, according to the city military administration targeted for the third time in four days, but also for this attack overnight seems to have targeted the western city of lviv. and we're hearing now from poland that a russian cruise missile they say violated their airspace. the object flew into polish deaths aspects, they say near a village, near the ukrainian border and spent 39 seconds in it. it was observed by military radar systems. they say an aircraft often cleaning allied, punished an ally day via aviation, have been activated to secure the safety of polish airspace. this is not the first time this has happened. obviously, there has been activity near love of before and polin has said before that it does space is being violated but potent as a nato country,
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we are expecting to hear more on this in the next hour or so, so significant showing that the danger as russia steps up, these attacks, including, and in particular using bombs dropped from its own aircraft, which is something that we've seen increasing in this war so far, having said that, we're not hearing of any casualties on the ground at the moment either in kyiv friendly, vivid seems that air defenses were relatively efficient in this averting this attack overnight, dana clear sebastian in london. thank you for the update. i'm now joined by michael kugelman, director of the south asia institute, at the wilson center. michael great to have you with us. why would islamic state khorasan want to target russia? >> actually, quite a few reasons if you look back at speeches and pronouncements and statements from islamic state leaders over the years that russia is frequently singled out. there's many things that russia has done over the years
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that have not gone down well with islamic state. and indeed, islamic state khorasan. the affiliate base in afghanistan that arranges from the soviet invasion of afghanistan to its actions in chechnya, to more recently russia's military operations against islamic state fighters in syria so more recently, i should say the tawam ban and afghanistan is a major rival of isis-k islamic state khorasan. and the view of islamic state is that russia is friendly with the taliban and in fact, back in 2022, islamic state khorasan stage an attack on the russian embassy in kabul. so there's all kinds of reasons why this group would want to target russia men, it's interesting that we tend to think that it's the us and its allies and partners that
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islamic state wants to go after. but it really has a lot of reasons to go after russia as well. >> so there is no doubt in your mind whatsoever that this was the work of isis-k >> well, i mean, there's no such thing as 100% certainty in these cases. i should say that isis-k has not actually formally claimed the attack. it was the parent islamic state took credit for the attack through official channels though i really would not be surprised if islamic state khorasan was involved with this. just because for one thing, it is, i would say the most active potent affiliate of islamic state today. and it's been able to build itself up in afghanistan where it's been able to benefit from a lot of things. and that includes being in a situation where it's no longer being targeted by airstrikes by nato, which of course left the country many years ago and it's really been
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able to build itself up and become quite active and potent yeah, michael is a number of us officials that have said that it was specifically isis-k. this this branch, as you say, based in afghanistan at formed in, in 2015. >> as a >> result of disaffected pakistani taliban. and as you mentioned, it has been fighting vigorously against the afghan tell, a ban they haven't been able to seize any territory. a foothold if you like. i mean, what is its modus operandi >> it was really quite remarkable that if you look at isis k, which indeed has been around for almost a decade, it's been hit hard at all times by many different the groups, whether you're talking about nato forces that use airstrikes against it, or the free taliban afghan military. and of course now the taliban itself is going after isis-k hard. it's a bitter rival of is k, but it's a group that
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continues to remain resilient. and i think that's another reason and why we should be so concerned about it. and for until relatively recently, most of its attacks were taking place in afghanistan and in the region pakistan. and it also carried out a few attacks and central asia. but now we're seeing in this capacity to project power project threats well beyond afghanistan. so it's that it's that resilience that really stands out and makes it so dangerous in my view, michael a short time ago, the isis-affiliated newsgroup, a released a very graphic >> video of the attack. it's about 90 seconds long i mean, this is this is incredibly high profile for this group, for this specific branch >> what will its mean for it moving forward >> well, i think go i hope that this will be a wake-up call to
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those that think that it's time to move away from focusing on islamic state. i think that there's tends to be this pattern of prematurely assuming in at a particular terrorist group is dead and not a threatening more this happened with al-qaeda some years ago and a number of policymakers were saying to the threat wasn't there. and now there's been this tendency, i think to assume that islamic state is not really much of a threat anymore in that indeed the parent islamic state lost its territory in the middle east, that it had for many years. and we haven't heard as much from the group as we used to, but there is this pattern of large global terrorist organizations may be struggling, but they have affiliates, they have regional affiliates that managed to remain strong. and i do fear that this attack from a is from islamic states spectrum was extremely successful and that it was a mass casualty attack. the russians were not able to stop it. that could embolden the group. both the
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parent islamic state as well as is k, and it could prompt additional attacks, whether in russia or elsewhere. again, is k has been linked to attacks, both successful in foil in europe and the middle east in recent months. so i think that it's very important that we not be complacent about the threat posed by this group >> yeah i really important point, michael kugelman, great to speak to you. thank you for your perspective. >> thank you >> israeli defense minister yoav gallant is heading to the us this week for meetings with top officials, including national security adviser jake sullivan the white house says, the two we'll discuss the humanitarian crisis and the efforts to free hostages in gaza. it comes as the cia director wraps up hostage negotiations in doha between israel and hamas, israel has reportedly agreed to a
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so-called bridging proposal from the us regarding the number of palestinian prisoners to be released for every hostage held by hamas. >> well, that's according to cnn analyst barak ravid >> he says the >> delegations are now waiting for a response from hamas hundreds of people rallied in tel aviv on saturday calling for the release of hostages, including adina moshe, a survivor of hamas captivity, who slammed benjamin netanyahu before abandoning the hostages, were some protests is listening to her speech also criticized the prime minister >> corrupt government the climbing bring bring sides to negotiating table close the deal to return the hostages and we believe that the government has to go because this is the government that let us let us
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to a point of complacency and will not be able to take us to a place progress >> meanwhile, un secretary-general antonio gutierrez is calling for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire in gaza he spoke during a visit to the rafah border crossing on saturday and called the long lines of blocked aid trucks a moral outrage. >> he says, the un will continue to >> work with egypt to streamline the flow of aid into gaza newest federal agencies can breathe a sigh of relief after a partial government shutdown is avoided. the last minute. >> but another big funding battle involving the war in ukraine is still looming ahead. plus the de, a prosecuting donald trump four, election subversion in georgia is defending herself after she avoided being disqualified in the case we'll have more on that later in the next next
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after the senate passed a new spending bill in the wee hours of saturday morning president joe biden later signed the bill into law, given liptak looks at the law itself. >> and >> another congressional battle looming in washington president biden signature on this government funding bill does take the threat of a government shutdown off >> the table until september, but and it really does punctuate what was quite a tortured saga over the last several months to secure funding bill that would provide funding for the federal government for the fifth the school year 2024. in a statement, president biden emphasizes that this keeps the government open. he says that invests in the american people and strengthens the economy and national security. but he also acknowledges this was a compromise and not everyone got everything that they wanted. and you are seeing both sides that's emphasizing what they say. they're getting out of this bill, for example, their
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2000s new border patrol agents funded as part of this package, 8,000 more detention beds for migrants. and you hear republicans emphasizing how this will strengthen security on the southern border. what you hear democrats crowds emphasizing is the billion dollars for federal childcare and education programs like head start. and the hundred and $20 million for cancer research also included new money for alzheimer's research. what this bill also does is cut funding to the un agency that's responsible for getting aid to the palestinians the biden administration has accused some members of that agency of aiding hamas. now, in that statement, president biden does point to the next big funding battle on capitol hill, which is this fight over more aid to ukraine. and you'll remember president and biden requested $60 billion in additional assistance for
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ukraine that has stalled on capitol hill as many republicans particularly those closely aligned with the former president donald trump. >> so if >> they say that they won't approve any more assistance to kyiv, a president biden has said that this is unnecessary and you are hearing ever more urgent calls from the ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy, who has said that if american aid dries up, that ukraine could lose this war. now, the house has gone on break for easter for two weeks, so we won't see any movement on that ukraine aid in at span. what we do understand is that the house speaker mike johnson has tasked members of the house with coming up with some options for providing that ukraine aid. but it remains very unclear at this moment how that will move forward. and in the statement, president biden says that it's time to get this stuff kevin liptak, cnn washington with the
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clock is ticking on a huge deadline for donald trump, the former president is now only one day away from having to post nearly half $1 billion bond in his new york civil fraud case this week, trump claimed he has the cash to cover the sum but his lawyer later clarified that he doesn't actually have that much cash on hand >> inverses did approve a deal on >> friday that made his struggling social media platform truth social, a public company which could make him billions. >> but that is just the first many steps before trump could actually get his hands on any cash from such a deal. >> may well, new york's attorney >> general is now taking steps to possibly seize trump assets and properties if he can't pay up ron brownstein is cnn's senior political analyst and the senior editor for the atlantic. he joins me now from los angeles to discuss this in much more run. what will happen if donald trump can't or
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refuses to pay the bond? >> well, i think we have seen from the new york attorney general that she is going to be very aggressive about using all the legal options that are open to her and i would expect her to begin the process of seizing assets if he simply is unable or unwilling to post the bond, there's no indication she is going okay do anything to try to let him off the hook and we'll see how far the court's let her go in that direction. if it comes to that >> turning to congress, bipartisan efforts and shot a government shutdown was averted. i mean, it's absurd to think that the us kelvin congress can even get to these points to president biden, he said that the agreement was a quote, a compromise and that neither side got everything at wanted. so i guess who are the winners? >> and its 1.2 >> trillion spending package? >> now the winners is kinda the governing, the governing side
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of both parties when you have divided government like this as biden said, and as you suggested, and in the intro here, neither side is really going to win. the wind is not closing down the government. what's striking about this is that house republicans for decades have been operating under what they have turned the hasta rule named after a former speaker in which they would only bring bill to the floor if it had support from not only a majority of the house, but a majority of their own members, they had to abandon, they had to abandon that. again to pass this as they have really on every major kind of housekeeping bill they have passed a kind of keep the lights on to avoid debt defaults and so forth a majority of republicans voted against this. they needed democrats to pass it, and it is just a measure of the chaos that has engulfed this very small house majority house republican majority as it's majority continues to dwindle with another republican, a young talented committee chair
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indicated that he is walking away within weeks pushing up his retirement. so it really has just been chaos since day one. and it's not abating in any kind of meaningful way. >> well, i guess the far right lost badly and we heard from marjorie grain, tyla, calling the deal atrocious and a betrayal >> it would >> appear that the far right are out for revenge and is mac junk mike johnson, i should say, is he in the firing line? >> yeah, i be interesting to see. i mean, they are down to a two. once gallagher leaves. i mean, 22 member to republicans voting with all the democrats could depose the speaker but this is a, this is the furthest right speaker out of, you know, each, each iteration keeps moving further in that, in that direction. and i think mike johnson has the support of
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trump. so i suspect that republicans in the end although who can really say, i'm a logically, you would think that would keep him there you know, it's interesting the marjorie taylor greene thinks this was a defeat and obviously it was in the sense that the kind of the far-right militant edge of the caucus did not get what it wants, but what republicans have learned really over 30 years of experience going back to newt gingrich and bill clinton and bob dole, is that shutting down the government simply is not a tool that can allow you to get what you what all it really is is like kind of holding a grenade while it goes off in your hands, and republicans have learned that there is no point in, in kind going down that road at least enough of them to join with the democrats. they keep the government open. green is frustrated, but what she is really frustrated about is that they can't get what they want without unified control. >> from brown saying, always great to get your analysis. thanks for staying up to speak to us >> thanks for having me turning
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to another of trump's legal cases, fani willis is defending herself. she's the district attorney in georgia who is prosecuting donald trump's election subversion allegations she. recently avoided being disqualified from the case after a hearing revealed she had a romantic relationship with her lead prosecutor. he later resigned. >> but now >> the embattled at de is defending her credibility saying she is not embarrassed by their relationship and that she has not done anything illegal will it says she does not believe the case against trump and 14 co-defendants has been hindered or why that was going on. we were writing responsive briefs. we were still doing the case and the way that it needed to be done. i don't feel like we've been slowed down at all. i do think that there are efforts slowdown is trained, but the train is coming >> russia says it's arrested the four men who carried out a
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terror attack inside concert hall. as officials say, the death toll from that attack is shore to rise an update next plus worldwide support pours in for princess kate after her heartbreaking cancer diagnosis. >> next, her >> message to her well-wishers okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete balanced nutrition. >> are strengthened synergy. >> ensure with 27 vitamins and minerals nutrients for immune health, and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein >> you have chronic kidney disease. you can reduce the risk of kidney failure with bar sega because there are places like to be for seeker can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal dehydration, urinary tract, or genital yeast infections and low blood sugar a rare life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur stop taking for sika and call your
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of the victims inside the hall. a look at the destruction from the shooting and massive fire crews, they're cleaning debris and looking for more victims. or russia says it's the rest of the four gunman who carried out the attack. isis has claimed responsibility. >> let me put an is >> suggesting without evidence that you praying played a role the united states, which warned russia about a possible attack, says, there's no evidence ukraine was involved and ukraine is firmly denying any role in the attack the brands send princess of wales a quote, enormously touched by the public support she has received after revealing she has been diagnosed with cancer and is in the early stages of treatment. >> well, >> that's according to a statement from kensington palace it says the couple is extremely moved by the people's warmth and support statement comes as good wishes and sympathies have been pouring in from around the world joining me now is cnn
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royal historian kate williams from london, kate great to have you with us this two-minute video message issued by the princess. it's certainly puts an end two weeks of rumor, speculation about kate's whereabouts and health. i mean, do you expect this outpouring of support? to continue for the rumor mill to start up again >> we as just saying there's been this huge outpouring of support. kate said how touch she's been by all these messages and all over the world. if celebrities, politicians. i mean, it really has been an incredible outpouring of support which case announcement on friday? i don't think anyone could have expected it. i think people there were all these conspiracy theories. you say it was very distressing. many of them, very cool that we've already seen. some people who've been involved in them on social media apologizing. i do think that we are going to have a stop to these conspiracy. there whereas for the moment, i think
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that's certainly perhaps within a month or so. kate may have to do another update saying, i'm still feeling better and perhaps i back to work at this point because we haven't got a timeline as to when she say she will be doing events. she said as soon as possible, but we don't know exactly told in january it would be after easter, but that's before they knew there he had that she had cancer. i think that we are we will have to have more updates, but i'm hoping that now she's given this announcement, she will be left alone to recover to be with her family for at least a month because what she's going through, it is really tough. >> you'd have to say that obviously cage and she's, she's advised and you presume she has a pr team. they handled the announcement incredibly well by informing the public >> but the >> leader must admit was pretty shaky with that edited photo on mother's day. i mean, surely they hold responsibility for this information vacuum that was created
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>> yes, that's exactly right. i think it was bungled. i think that kate had gone through a lot operation and then the cancer diagnosis, which we understand came about a month after her operation late february what she needed was to be protected, and instead, we have this strategy, the radio silence, william disappearing from engagements. and into that vacuum. all these conspiracy theories rush. now of course, there's no justification necessarily for the speculation, but still at the same time, i think a few updates and kensington palace, perhaps a little. thank you for the cards and messages would have stymied it and william, i think, should have kept going to his engagements and it's difficult. but the that you didn't really was going wild and i think that really wasn't a choice. but for kate to come out and do this message and it's very interesting, isn't it the way she chose normally that type of message comes as a statement? kensington palace, that's what happened with the king. it came as a state within buckingham palace. she did her own video message. i think she
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wanted to do a video message which is unprecedented for k1 really reminds you of how the queen used to address as in times of crisis, covid, the death of diana, it was unprecedented and i think she wants to speak directly and say, this is me taking hold of the narrative and i am, as i say, getting better and i think it was she really took took the narrative back after all these being the subject of new stories in a way she would never would have wanted to be yeah, you're right. >> it is taking the power back doesn't say this explicitly in her message, but you would have to assume one of the unspoken messages was backoff. what others did you read between the lines? >> yes. i think that the key message of her video message was i'm here these conspiracy theories aren't true. we've told you the truth. i was having an operation and since then i've been dealing with cancer diagnosis and my priority as she reiterated, was my family. she's always put the
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children first. she's though was seen herself as a mother first, and this was really vital for her saying, we've been trying to talk to my children who are 108.5 in a way they understand we're waiting to the end of we understood. they waited to the end of the school school term so that they could tell the children at home and some sources have been speaking to one of our newspapers today, sunday i am saying she wrote it by herself. she wrote it swiftly and it wasn't necessarily responding to all the drama over the past couple of weeks, but it was because she knew she had a public figure and she felt she had a leadership role. i think this is the thing kate's not the king. she's not the head of state. we don't need to know about our timeline, but still the level of concern with her, she is the royal families biggest star. i have to say, and people want to know where she was, where she is and they feel that she's a vital lynchpin to the royal family yeah, absolutely. okay. williams. great to get your insights and thank you for joining us. >> it just see hong kong second
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national security law passed last week is now in effect. critics warn that it aligns the city more closely with mainland china and could deepen an ongoing boeing crackdown on dissent. cnn's krystal loose out, has this report on the streets of hong kong. we ask a simple question. do you support or not support article 23? >> i have no idea. >> no idea yes or no >> yeah >> we asked an english we ask in cantonese no comment article 23 is hong kong is controversial new homegrown security legislation. it includes a range of new national security crimes moving, treason, espionage, external interference, and disclosure of state secrets. bit carry sentences of ten years for crimes linked to state secrets and sedition, 20 years for espionage, end up to life in prison for treason
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insurrection, sabotage, and mutiny officials point out that many western countries have similar legislation and say it will fill loopholes in a sweeping national security law imposed by beijing in 2020 after mass anti-government protests we still have to watch out for potential sabotage. undercurrents that try to create troubles >> in 2003, article 23 was shelved after an attempt to enact it drew half 1 million residents onto the streets in protest no such scenes of opposition are expected this time around beijing's national security crackdown has transformed hong kong dozens of political opponents have been arrested. civil society groups disbanded, and outspoken media outlets shut down former opposition lawmaker emily lau, was among the protesters in
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2003. she's no longer marching, but has a message for beijing. >> i just wanted to tell beijing there's no need for such stood treatment. i don't think hong kong will go back to the turbulent past. and i think people want to look forward to a safe and peaceful and three, future we want hong kong to prosper. we are part of china. i've never disputed that, but we are different from the rest of china. but the difference his getting less and less, which is very sad. >> critics say the law could have deep ramifications for the city's status as a global business help the us state department says, it is concerned by the broad and vague definitions of state secrets and external interference that could be used to eliminate dissent through the fear of arrest and detain tension. the hong kong government rejects that criticism as biased and misleading. was security secretary chris tang pointing
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out there is strong public support okay. >> hi sourdough or fancy. that was a party him locates easy to my tycho changing. >> but on this kristi lu stout, cnn, hong kong will legal scholars and business figures told cnn that they are worried about the hush penalties and broad definitions in the new law. according to the hong kong government, cases will be handled, quote in accordance with the law where we return reservoir is drying up in chile, how residents are coping with a yield as long drums. >> that's next in >> the us winter seems to be taking a better late than never approach the latest on the winter storms duping, heavy, dumping, heavy snow. >> in the >> first week of spring, stay with the cnn
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free text dra w 2369369. today this is cnn the world's news
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network >> 190 countries around the world marked earth are on saturday it with landmarks like sydney opera house switching off lights for an hour >> it's a way to >> show support for the environment and raise awareness about climate change empowers the eiffel tower unplugged, powering down at the designated eight video the pm local time. the lights only stayed off for seven minutes rather than the hour that is usually observed. while several landmarks in india participated in the events which started in 2007, this is a historic railway terminus in mumbai while in the capital, new delhi, the typically brightly lit, how rub bridge went dark as well. and india's presidential palace to a part in the event showing solidarity with the movement to save the planet some people in northern chile are being forced
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to ration their drinking water because of years-long drought in the region. cnn's isabel rosales has this report reservoirs in northern chile. don't look how they should years of drought in the andean nation has left reservoirs bone dry, and locals with limited water access. one has completely dried out >> any >> medical perez races, livestock here he says he doesn't have enough water to give to his animals are mild >> the man, man, it's really bad. it hasn't rained, it's critical. i managed to get some water from a well over there because they have no water to give them. it makes me sad because my animals are thirsty all of us human beings have to have water >> in the country. the drought has affected many signs of life according to 2023, data from the world resources institute, chile is facing extreme water stress using more than 80% of its available water resources >> it is very difficult. the water situation is critical
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critical. i hope god remembers the rural poor and the farmers >> the lack of water is leading people to limit how much they drink in a day says, one local resident, consuming on what we consume very little water. so we have to plan well to have enough water for central and southern celia have had rainfall helping refill reservoirs. however, the north has had very little and remains drawing >> it has not reigned in our area for years. so now a few years ago only 15 milliliters of water was recorded on you. >> okay? >> one go farmer says for business at home is no longer working due to the lack of water because he do >> if we had water, we would all have a different life. i don't think it's just us. it's all the people here isabel result was cnn >> in the us. it appears winter is making up for some lost time. well, then 20 million people are under winter weather, alerts is to winter
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storms move across the country. one over the northeast and new england and another through the northern plains and midwest swisher some cities could get more snow in the first week of spring. then they saw or winter minneapolis could get up to 14 inches of snow by tuesday eclipsing the 11 inches, it's saw over the entire winter, which was by the way, their warmest winter on record well, the race is on to pick the winning lottery number in the us still ahead, the latest on that billion-dollar mega millions jackpot >> that's >> you need t-mobile home insert with t-mobile has home internet hey, you've seen this
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points total, just shy of 3,800 i would take son west virginia next >> we'll baltimore orioles fans and mourning >> the death of the team's owner, peter angeles died on saturday, according to his family. they say he had been sick for several years adding quote, the family, thanks, the doctors, nurses, and caregivers he brought comfort to him in his final years. angela said owned the orioles since 1993, but agreed in january to sell the team and a deal that still needs three finalized. >> peter >> angeles was 94 years old >> dramatic conclusion. two >> goes trailing grand prix a little while ago, ferrari's carlos saenz, ones won the race with teammates charles leclerc, coming in second red bull's world champion, max verstappen started on the poll but was forced to retire on lap four the staff and complained he had
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quote lost the car before flames leaped out of the vehicle from a break problem. >> it was the dutchman's first >> retirement since the race at albert park two weeks ago? >> well there was no jackpot >> winner and saturday nights at powerball drawing in the us, pushing monday's lottery prized 800 million, but that's nothing compared to the mega millions jackpot, which is now more than 1 billion after no one picked the winning numbers on friday night the next drawing is tuesday. cnn's polo sandoval explains these big prizes seem to be becoming more common >> well, here are the us lotto jackpots exceeding $1 billion used to be rare, but not anymore, especially look at the numbers that have been laid out by financial comparison website, nerd wallet. they conducted a recent analysis and found that eight of the ten largest lotto jackpots in history have been reached in just the last three years and half of those eight, we actually saw in 2023. and then
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there's the other question of why we're seeing these on a more frequent basis, nerdwallet also trying to answer that question. well, first starters, both major lotteries, mega millions and powerball. they changed their rules of the game, making it even harder to win. so every time there's no winner, that jackpot amount will basically increase. and it continues to happen until there's an actual winner rising interest rates in the us may also have something to do with it. they affect the advertised jackpot amounts which are actually based on annuities. remember any anybody who wins it's usually given that options of either getting that lump-sum cash amount or several annuities over several years. and then finally, there's simply more people playing the lotto nerdwallet, finding that every time that jackpot amount exceeds $1 billion usually people who may not be playing the lotto might think twice and actually will buy a ticket. and because of that, they're essentially more people playing and all those sales part portion of those actually going into the
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jackpot. but the odds are still so poor that it doesn't necessarily matter how many people are playing thank mega millions estimating that the odds of winning in tuesday's drawing 1 in over 300 million. polo sandoval, cnn new york it's still buying a ticket. >> thanks >> so much for your company. i'm anna coren. use room continues. we kim burn hoover >> after this short break >> this thing it's what's going on inside of me it's my moderate to severe ulcerative colitis. there wasn't always this column. you see when everywhere i did wondering when it would pop up next was stressful doing a number on my inside it's but then i found out about ville scipy, a new once-daily pill, not a steroid or biologic for adults with moderate to severe uc, they'll
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