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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  March 25, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PDT

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1800851177. call now i'm selling serfaty in washington and this is cnn >> cnn breaking news >> we're tracking breaking news on cnn news central. i'm boris sanchez alongside jessica dean in washington dc we're tracking a legal double-header for donald trump in new york. a pair of cases that go right to the heart of the former president's campaign and business empire we're standing by as a former president is outside of 40 wall street right now set to make remarks to cameras were monitoring his entrance as we speak you're looking at pictures of trump in court today for his manhattan criminal case, centered on
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alleged hush money payments tied to his first presidential run. we now have a trial date said because in the last hour the judge rejected trump's this motion to delay or dismiss that case jury selection now set to start on april 15. >> now, trump did get a win today in his separate civil fraud case. he was on the hook hey, roughly a half billion dollars in bond money today or face the potential seizure of his assets. but the appeals court trimmed the bill by more than half and now stands out the 100 million. and it gave him ten additional days to come up with that money. >> let's start first >> with the hush money case that's the criminal case. cnn's kaitlan collins, paula reid, and kara scannell are outside the courthouse and kaitlyn, just a reminder of how we got here today was supposed to be the first day of this trial >> yeah it was and now they have just confirmed the judge inside that courtroom that this trial will now begin in three weeks, and trump's attorneys
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had walked into that courtroom today, hoping to get that delay extended. even further from what it was initially expected to be, which of course, a start date of today that was delayed ever drew some issues with the discovery and know how documents were turned over to trump trump's legal team. but the judge today rejected any effort by trump to say that that warrants a further delay in this trial or even a dismissal of the case outright. and that is something that stands in stark contrast. transpose, we've seen happen with every other criminal trial that trump was facing, where the judges have gone along with delays and some of the issues. this one is different. this is going to we trump on trial and three weeks from now that jury selection beginning on april 15th, that we have a team here with us. we've got paula reid and kara scannell. kara, you've actually inside the courtroom? there's all this was happening, it wasn't clear that we were going to get this date from the judge while they were all still inside the room, how did trump respond when the judge said nope, you're going come to trial april 15th. >> well, when the judge had
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found made his initial findings saying that the district attorney's office wasn't at fault, so that was the preludes him ultimately saying we're going going to trial april 15th, donald trump's shook his head from side to side, looking annoyed by that then that's he was just about to leave the courtroom at the end of it you know, he he twisted as base in a way of just looking frustrated before he then walked out of the courtroom. so clearly not happy with the outcome in this case today because he was hoping to get a play in the trial by a couple more weeks, if not longer, and the judge, at one point earlier before he came to this conclusion, said he didn't even really understand why we were here today because because he felt like the facts are the facts and trump's team was misreading these facts and was misleading the court about the actual details of this triplet of the turning over of documents from federal prosecutors. >> this is notable >> because in that >> brief period, the 40 recess, where the judge was making this final decision board came out and told us publicly what decided the trump legal team also got some other unexpected, some welcome news when it comes
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to the bond, that jessica was referencing there that he had to put up half 1 billion it was the 30 day grace period ended today and that appeals court made a rear ruling on a monday saying that he could actually pay a smaller bond and he's got more time to come up with a way to front that. >> yeah, win some lose some today for the trump legal team here in the state of new york. this is a huge win because just a few hours ago when trump enter courthouse for this morning's hearing, he was facing the possibility that by the end of the day, if he couldn't post that $464 million bond. but the attorney general could begin the process trump is walking in right now. he is hosting a press conference with reporters we heard from him briefly walking into the courtroom and now he is expected to speak to reporters. take a few questions it's at 40 wall street. >> let's listen. >> rule biden run things, meaning biden and his thugs because i don't know if he knows he's i've and it's a shame. it's a shame. what's happening to our country. this
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is election interference. >> they >> are doing things that have never been done in this country before. we've never had anything like it. certainly not at this level, but we really had nothing like it that i've been able to find. it does happen a lot in third world countries, banana republic's. if you look at what we just left, you had a you have a case which they're dying to get this thing started the judge can not go faster. he wants to get it started so badly >> and >> there's tremendous corruption. you have pomeranz, mark pomeranz >> he >> was hillary clinton's lawyer democratic national committee's lawyer he worked in paul weiss. he walked in and he took over the the district attorney's office. nobody's ever seen anything like that? the prosecutor trump >> and then they wouldn't do what he wanted to do. and he goes out and he writes a book long before any decisions were made, he writes a book about it
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and the book gets published and everybody is reading his book and the judge said there's nothing wrong with that. and if you look at brag, brag had a fit over that barracks or destroyed has now dead. we can during the drought, wealth that was one of the problems that the judge should have allowed that to happen. and you had other instances like colangelo's colangelo's so is a radical left from the doj, who is put into the state working with letitia james, and then was put into the district attorneys profess to run the trial against trump. and that was done by biden as dogs also, because they can't win an election because of the borders, because of energy prices, because of inflation, because of afghanistan the worst and most embarrassing de, the history of our country he can't win because of russia, russia, russia because of all the problems because ukraine being attacked by russia. and he can went because of the october 7 attack of israel
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which he should have never allowed to happen. i've never happened about where president ukraine would have never been attacked of. i was president and you wouldn't have inflation of hours, president, we didn't have inflation so all of these things, so they do is they do election interference, which is court cases. and let's try and tie him up and let's take as much of his money as possible. i respect the appellate division where substantially reducing that ridiculous amount of money that was put on by a corrupt judge named and goren you to be looked at seriously looked at, especially in what he did with valuation see, he's the one he's a fraudulent valuator where he values mar-a-lago and $18 million in people say it's worth 50 to 100 times that much the biggest experts in the business so he ought to be looked at and james are to be looked at because she tried to get him. she's like the puppet master of the judge and our state, this state is losing tremendous prestige. it's
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losing its companies, is losing its people. they're fleeing and violin crime is flourishing. and we can't have that you can have that. no city should have that and it's happening in other cities, but not with the lawfare the law fair that they're doing is incredible so they could have done this in the case of the trial that we just left one of the many that it goes on every single one of them is run by biden and his thugs the only way they think they can get elected. and i think so far it's backfiring because the people of this country understand it. it's backfiring but they're being run and they're running all of these different cases so ridiculous. faces every one of them is ridiculous you take a look at any one of them and you say, any one of them, it would make any difference. this is all weaponization of doj and fbi. they rated by house in violation of a thing called the fourth amendment, not allowed to do that. they raided my house in florida mar-a-lago no
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notice? no nothing. they rated it. i can't believe it. nobody can believe it. and we'll see how that all works out in the end but it's illegal what they're doing. it's criminal what they're doing and it's never been done before in this country you can't have an election in the middle of a political season. we just had super tuesday now we had a tuesday after tuesday already and we had louisiana the other day a couple of days ago >> and we want >> an a record number, the highest number ever recorded but we're in the middle of an election right now. and we're fighting crooked joe biden, who is the worst president in the history of our country by far, whose let this country go to hell? the borders, millions and millions of people coming in from prisons, from mental institutions that terrorists many people coming in from prisons and mental this intuition sake of it, and terrorists are coming into our country. and this guy's just letting them come in by the millions. i think we have 15 million people already.
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>> we're going to continue to monitoring the remote marks from former president donald trump just moments after leaving chord, a judge deciding to move forward with his hush money criminal case one month delayed. it was supposed to start today. now, it is set to start on april 15th. trump. they're laying out a plethora of false hoods, perhaps the most blatant one that all of these criminal cases were orchestrated by president biden. there is no evidence to support that i just about every single one of the criminal cases went before grand juries that then elected to indict the former president but of course he is using this moment, kaitlan collins as an opportunity to campaign as we've often seen him do before >> yeah, some of the classics there, including his claim that he repeats on a near daily basis this is about other countries emptying out their mental institutions and sending those people across the border something his campaign has
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never been able to provide any factual basis for. but on the task get hand today, which is these criminal cases and the fact that his first criminal case is going to be starting in three weeks. would that jury selection after that decision was made here? in the courtroom behind us by judge juan merchan, trump was criticizing that and criticizing alvin bragg, the district attorney who's brought that case. he had marked pomeranz it's the person who is citing is an attorney who's a prosecutors to work in that office. and then detailed a book about the investigation. so they had been potentially pursuing against donald trump, including that they once considered bringing a racketeering charge against him. trump did not mention that part of maga prime rents his book, but, but clearly his anger here is that the judge and the fact that judge mark sean did not allow this trial to get delayed any further than what had already was, which i should note it was supposed to start today. so there is at least a three three-week delay. >> he was >> saying the judge cannot move fast enough on this. what the judges made clear here is something we've seen in stark
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contrast to the other criminal cases that trump is spacing is that he does not play into this delay strategy that we have seen from trump's legal team and said that what they brought today does not warrant any further delay from this court in that case, we'll go forward for us >> all right. kaelyn, standby. we're going to come back to you. let's go now to our fact-checker, daniel dale and daniel as boris mentioned, over and over again, we heard these baseless claims that all of these criminal prosecution, that all of these trials, civil and criminal, are tied back to joe biden and the doj. there is again, no evidence to support that, and i'd like you to just walk people through because these claims are just simply not supported by any evidence >> they're not supported by any evidence. so let's look at the two cases were talking most frequently about today. we have the civil fraud trial in which trump needs to put up all this money. well, that resulted from an investigation launched in 2019 while donald trump was still president, not joe biden
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by the state attorney general of new york, attorney general, james, and she filed the lawsuit that led to the trial in which he was found liable in 2022 before trump even launched his campaign. so the idea that this was some joe biden launched thing that joe biden time this for the sake of election interference does not hold water. then then this case, the criminal case in which a trial date has been set, brought by a local district attorney, district attorney bragg over haroun, joe biden simply does not have jurisdiction. this is a local matter decided by local official. the trump tried to bolster his false claim by saying, oh, biden put matthew colangelo there, an official from the department of justice? yes. a senior doj official did go work for de brag, but this was his own personal a job decision. he had a preexisting relationship with de a bragg. he worked with him in the state attorney general's office, decided to go over to help with the trump case. there is no basis for the claim that biden or other doj officials put them
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there, and i just want to add that i think we're so used to former president trump making these, these broad allegations of he said illegality, criminality, and corruption accusing specific individuals of corruption, calling the investigations illegal criminal. there is no basis for any of that. and i think it's just what he does. so we tend to brush it off but i think it's important to address it when he says it again >> absolutely and daniel, please stand because he did continue talking after we moved away from him. so there's going to be more to fact check their standby, daniel. we want to go to kaitlan collins again, katelyn, this is effectively a preview of what we're going to see as these cases play out, trump coming before cameras and not only defending himself and what's happening in the court of law, but also trying to present himself to the public and the court of opinion as someone who's been wronged by state and federal officials >> yeah. even though his republican challengers and the
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primary would disagree three and say actually, the indictments and their arguments of people like ron desantis, they believed helped him and just to note, obviously, you're seeing donald trump's speak right now. the dark mahmoud, the dark hair that you were just hearing from, that's todd blanche. he was the attorney that was being pressed by judge mark sean inside that courtroom behind me earlier today as they were seeking to try to delay this, the judge asking multiple questions about what kind of documents it was that they were trying to delay this over, unable to get a specific number from todd blanche there and paula reid and caroline it's going all are both back here with me. >> i think one thing >> that's also notable from what trump said there as he was basically implying that he believes judge and grand and the attorney general of new york, letitia james, who brought the civil fraud trial case against him, should be investigated for what they do. so what is essentially arguing that this is election interference, that he's being unfairly targeted. but then you he's calling for those officials to also be investigated simply for investigating heaven and over segall trial, where is businesses was looked at. >> yeah, something he does a
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lot friday's also called for investigations into di fani willis down in georgia, punish anyone who tries to investigate him more successfully brings charges. he is going to call for them to be investigated, but this trials start in about three weeks now, jury selection will get underway. it's expected to last row rounds six weeks. that's getting into the heart of campaign season. i think this is exactly what we can expect from the former president throughout this trial using any opportunity to address the microphones and suggest that this is not a legitimate criminal investigation, that this is instead an effort to interfere here with a 2024 election, which is notable because the once i get paul, we're going to listen to now that he is taking questions >> fraud, he created fraud in order to help his narrative and her narrative because he does whatever she wants the judge is really what he's done is fraudulent. you made mar-a-lago, you know, very well, maggie he made mar-a-lago into $18 million. i had many offers. they said i'll give you 19 okay. you could take half of
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the living room is worth more than that. so it's worth anywhere from 50 to 100 times that amount. and he stays with it so he's either whacked out or dishonest. one of the other well, both probably both. but he's a disgrace to the system and i think that new york state was helped a lot today by the decision. i'll give you an example. sample >> truth social is doing very well. it's hot as a pistol and doing great. and it's going public. and the new york stock exchange wants to have as badly and i told her we can't do the new york second, she tweeted too badly in new york. we don't want to do the new york stock exchange and the people at the stock exchange, a very, very upset about it. the top person is is mortified, kept believing he said, i'm losing business because of new york, because people don't want to be in new york and they don't want to go into new york stock exchange. so you can ask them about it. but how can you do that? i'd love to go in the new york psaki. she was always
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it'd be a big thing to go on the new york psaki, she has that'd be nice, but people aren't going in the new york so i can change now because of what's happening in new york, because they don't want to be attacked by a thug like this horrible attorney general that we have in new york, the worst in the whole country so we'll decide about truth, social, and what we do with it. but there's just an example of how this is hurting new york and new york state >> yes. >> a little bit more for details about the timing of when you plan to secure the bond, how exactly you're planning to take a moment was they say, have a lot of cash you know? why do because you looked at my statements. i mean, you've been examining my statements for a long time and i have much more than that in cash but i would also like to be able to use some of my cash get elected. they don't want me to use my cash to get elected. they don't want that their only taking cash out to use it for the campaign. then they looked at it and there's judge looked at it and he's part of the whole deal. while he's such a disgrace for this city.
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again, the most overturn judge, there's never been that we can find a case where judges just been overturned now five times two is four times now it's five times then overturn but i have a lot of cash and a great company me to think they want to go after accompany this a great company a company that's doing very well. i've got very low debt on buildings like this building. i have very low debt in this building. most buildings i have no debt. most clubs i have noted dad you took look at my greatest assets. i have know that i didn't even include like brand value and the brand values. i became president because of the brand. let's say >> but the brand value is it's one of the most valuable brand values. so i think it's, i wouldn't swap it for any other brand in the world. trump >> i don't even put >> anything down for very conservative statements. >> and >> the way they made him look bad is by valuing mar-a-lago at 18 million instead of what the real value is which was at least 50 two maybe 100 times
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>> more. think of that this is the fraud thick creating a fraud. and they are hurting the state so badly and then i can go into the new york stock exchange because i i can't do it because i don't want to do not because i can't because i don't want to do business in new york and the people at the new york stock exchange, i can tell you right now, and they're very fine people. they're not happy yeah. you're going >> to present you mentioned the cash you had to sit on friday, something like 500 million you intended, but some that may can paint out of the bonds been refusing. >> are you going to start putting 20 and your kidney? >> then that's the only 60. >> well, first of all, it's not your business. i mean, frankly, but i might do that. i have the option. but if i have to spend 500 million the bond, i wouldn't have that option. i'd have to start selling things. i don't have to sell anything because it's a phenomenon. i built a phenomenal company someday they'll actually port that. i built a phenomenal company that's very low leverage unbelievably low leverage with lot of cash light of everything
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else why should i let a kripke, judge make a decision to give 450 the million dollars that allows me to spend very little money on my campaign. if i so choose, i'll be spending money on my campaign. i might spend a lot of money my campaign, but i should have that option. a crooked judge and say, we're going to have you post the bond and take all of that money that i could be spending on the campaign or other things want to do other things >> so we were >> gratified by the professionalism of the opinion today. i thought it was a very i think it's very important opinion for new york, but the only thing that's going to really solve that problem is when i win, because you going to have to win, because no company is going to be coming to new york. if i don't win that case, that case is a scam. it's a sham and it's a hoax. >> a foreign government to pay the ball under your clients or no, i don't i don't do that. i i think you'd be allowed to possibly. i don't know if you
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go borrow from a big bank, many of the banks are outside of this. as you know, the biggest banks frankly are outside of our country so you could do that, but i don't need to borrow money. i have a lot of money. i have i built a great company but i don't want to have a crooked judge named and goren and a crooked horrible, the worst the worst i would say without question, attorney general in the country, the most obnoxious and the worst attorney general and the whole country. and she did it for political reasons, go back and take a look at arrays. we will stop promptly. she knows nothing about me. i never heard her >> she was advertising and she took ed's it saying we will stop trump, we will stop him, stop and vicious. i said, boy that's a bad 1. then i looked, she got elected, but then she tried to do it with the governor and it didn't work. she went after the current governor, who's much more talented than she is. she went after the current governor. she was very nasty and she pulled at about 3%. she pulled it
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nothing. and after six weeks or seven weeks, you pulled out of the race? she ran for governor on what she was doing to me. she thought that would work. it didn't work. >> i just think >> that it's very important that you know this is a time when businesses have a choice to go to a lot of places, including are the countries there are the say in our country, but they can certainly go also into a lot of other safe, lot of people going the texas, florida tennessee, north carolina, lot of south carolina. and you have a lot of competition. you shouldn't be persecuting people that have done a great job. i paid $300 million in prize absolutely over the years in taxes here, 300 million that's a lot of money. >> and you're going to lose those people >> that pay all that money and you're not even going to have a statement the more they just won't be able to do >> three weeks, do you plan to testify an ru the which the trial here? i don't know that you're going to have the trial. well, i don't know how you can have a trial like this
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in the middle of in an election, the presidential election and this is again, this is a biden draw. these are all biden trials because collegial worked for biden. >> can you >> imagine they take a guy out of doj? and they put them into the attorney general's office and then into the manhattan da's office to go after trump. these are all biden trial, so i don't know that you're going to have it. i think we're going to get some courtroom oh, well, you testified that crowd was already i would have no problem. testified. i didn't do anything wrong >> concern that a conviction you are convicted in that trial could cost him the election, given what taught said voters. >> well, it could also make me more popular because the people know it's a scam. it's a biden trial. this is a biden. there is no trout, there's a biden trump. colangelo's the man who stood up, had the nerve to actually stand up and take off. you know, he's been sitting in the background for the last year. today. he went right up front because they figure he buffalo the whole public and the writers including new people. >> so as the president is
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answering questions from reporters while more falsehoods from former president donald trump, again, repeating this false claim that president joe biden is behind the slew of legal issues that he's facing, not only a criminal, but also civil as well. notably you there there was a specific attack on judge arthur engoron president former president trump, saying that he created a narrative that he's a puppet effectively for district attorney letitia james, also claiming that he undervalued mar-a-lago there are number of times that trump is now referenced having enough cash, having enough money to pay for the >> bond that was set in the civil fraud trial that had originally been set at more than $460 million. today, a judge a reducing that to about 150 million, giving trump ten extra days to pay it. trump was asked when he would pay it and if you would take in perhaps four and money to help him
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cover that bond, he said he would not take in foreign money, but he didn't specify when he would pay though he said, quote, i have a lot in cash, but i'd like to use it to get elected. again, repeating the reframe that this is all politics. we want to bring it in. cnn's kristen holmes to fact check that because kristen, when trump first made that claim on social media last week saying that he had enough money to cover at the time before hundred and 60 plus million dollars bond his attorneys quickly came back and tried to clarify that, saying he's not exactly that liquid, right? >> yeah >> like he actually is liquid enough for the $175 million as far as we can tell from every assignment so we've seen office finances, all the records that he's had >> he is >> roughly 300, to $400 with a lot of that is still not completely liquid, but it would likely cover this hundred and 75 million. the other part of this is the underwriters who said that they would only qualify, they would only
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underwrite a bond for $100 million. lot of that because of precedent, people did not have or had never underwritten a bond that was half $1 billion. that is an enormous amount. what i want to specify here teren point out, what are the things we've been talking about, about this new york civil fraud case for the last several months has been how critical this is and how much this really plays to who donald trump is. the reason he's been there is because it goes to his identity, his core, his brand. you have never heard him be so personal, so angry and so public about that until today. today over over and over again, it's saying that he was rich enough that he built a great company one day someone report how greatest company is saying he had so much cash on hand, how good his brand was several times i am saying how many different properties he had. you'd in new york? he had built up an entire a conglomerate. he is defending what he believes is the core his identity and being it is what he ran on in 2016 is what
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helped propel him to the white house. this idea that he was this billionaire that's wealthy businessman and you heard him tripling down on that today. that is the kind of stuff when we're reporting that he has privately angry that he has been ranting about this. what you saw today was that he upset by the fact that people weren't talking about that he wasn't wealthy enough, that he couldn't pay that $464 million bond. and just to remind you not only as you said, did he come out and say, actually, i do have the cash, then his lawyers had to say no, that he doesn't. this is an impossible amount. no one is that liquid, but it was almost as though he could not stand the fact that people were saying that he didn't have that cash. now, the other part of today, he is clearly very angry that this trial is going forward. you heard him saying that he doesn't even know there's going to be a trial, there's no indication that there's not going to be at trial. they will tell you from talking to his team, they thought the trial was going to start today. they were surprised and pleasantly so that it was delayed even as as far back as to april 15th, they are planning an entire
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campaign around the fact that he is likely to be in court, meaning he's going to have campaigns events on wednesday and saturday is those are the daisies but of course, but talking about that campaign, whether or not he's going to actually give money to his campaign. you heard somebody asked the question, there. you keep saying you want to give that money to the campaign. well, now that the bond is lower, will you give money your campaign first? he said yes, then he said it's none of your business reminder. he has not given any money to his campaign since 2016. we had no indication he's going do and he had no indication from other people outside was giving berber he's been spending the last several weeks fundraising to get money for his campaign because they've had had some issues with their finances because they have come in significantly lower than president joe biden. so the idea that somehow this is complicating things are making it impossible for him i'm to finance his own campaign seems comical at best, or a falsehood. >> just given the fact that weirs, we had no indication that he's going to and even now he didn't answer the question sincerely and
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straightforward whether or not he would write. all right. kristen, stay with us. let's go back out to kaitlan collins, caitlin, just going off of what kristen was explaining there. he was asked how he's going to pay for this now reduced bond and he talked he was asked he would take foreign money. he said no, but then he talked about how some banks are outside of the us and maybe you use those banks but and again, it just hits at the heart as you hear him talk over and over again, that he can't stand the idea that he doesn't have the money or wouldn't have the money to pay for it? this what more do we know about how he will pay for this bond? and these claims that now he's going to contribute to his campaign yeah. >> until about three hours ago. i mean, they were kind of searching forever single solution because as of this morning, they had not yet found a way to make that half 1 billion colorbond to be able to put that up. then a state appeals court of course, here in new york came in and lowered that and also gave him ten
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additional days to carry through with that his attorney had been out previously, the attorney who argued in lost the civil judgment. there's civil fraud case, whether or not he would turn to a foreign government potentially to help pay for that. she would not answer instead i'd saying that it was a privilege that was privileged information. but we have kara scannell and paula reid back with me and qarrah, you actually were talking to an attorney recently, another trump attorney about this very the issue which i should note, trump. trump said he didn't think he would need to hear, but he did say he did believe you would be allowed to turn to a foreign government if they offered to help cover not only as mounting legal fees, but when it comes to putting up this bond, specifically, what did the attorney tell you? you >> so this was a different attorney, chris kise, who was directly involved in this case, and this was after there was confusion about whether trump would accept any foreign money. and on friday he told me on the record, he said categorically it's not true. he said no money from a foreign government not rushing that china is under consideration nor has it ever been under consideration. it was very stark. they're saying that they're not considering
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foreign money. now, trump talking about a foreign bank is a different thing unless it's a state-owned bank because there are a number of foreign banks and and that's a different situation, but they were pretty determinative on friday that he was not going to look toward any foreign money. and now he does have cash still trump's still does have caches the issue with the bond is that these insurers were only willing to accept as collateral, cash, or stock. and so trump now could get a bond or get too on's because some had said that they had internal limits of not giving a ban more than $100 million. so he could get two bonds and now post that with cash because he does have the cash that's why that that is what his lawyers said was the biggest obstacle that they faced in putting together a half 1 billion was that he didn't have the cash to get companies comfortable with taking it and that was really the issue for him. so the appeals court now saying you only have to come up with 175 million. he has that he can satisfy this bond right before he loved paula. he said that he would try to appeal the ruling
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from the judge today that this child will start on april 15th. what's the likelihood of a pretrial appeal rolling, working? >> yeah. i don't think that's going to work. there's no real factual basis for him to prevail on that appeal, but it still his right to try. and as we've seen, with their strategy, they will try any avenue, any possibility to delay. and i'll point out that we thought for certain that this trial was going to start today on march 25th, and it has not because of course, the justice department handed over this additional evidence. so right now april 15th is the date, but anything can and will happen and trump legal world. >> yeah. no the judge soon very steadfast on that april 15 date for us and jessica, obviously, you heard a lot of that reaction from the former president. they're really just anger at the fact that the judge is moving ahead with that. de did not grant any more of a delay to this case starting here on april 15th >> yeah. no question. some of that anger also coming from the fact that these this case is cut to the core of his identity as a business person. let's
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bring in daniel dale because daniel, you were listening as the former president was answering questions from reporters and port of what stood out to you was his repeated attack on judge arthur engoron and the specific mention that letitia james, the attorney general in new york, is something now controlling him and that he is undervaluing trump properties. walk us through a fact check of what he said about the judge >> well, he kept calling the judge crooked and corrupt. and i think we're so used to donald trump calling lots of people crooked crooked hillary, crooked joe, that it's of faded into the background is standard political rhetoric. but here he is on national television making a specific allegations of corruption against more obscure figure, certainly not a national political candidate, calling a judge corrupt with precisely zero evidence. he's presented not a shred of anything to corroborate this claim that this is a crooked or corrupt judge which it seems like he's unhappy with the judge's rulings. and therefore, in his mind is corrupt. but there's
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nothing there. so i think that's important to say. and then he again continued to say that these are all biden trials. all of my trials or biden trials, there is no evidence even that joe biden had any role in bringing the two federal prosecutions that were brought by special counsel, jack smith, let alone the two prosecutions brought by local district attorneys over whom the president has zero jurisdiction. so in all four of these cases, there is no factual basis to call these biden trials. of course, he said it before and i'll keep saying it. >> yeah. >> thank you so much, daniel. and just to rein everyone, judge, and grow on at one point saying over the last several months, there's enough evidence in this case. to fill this courtroom. >> all right. we're going take a quick break. we'll be right back. >> space. shuttle columbia, the final flight from your sunday, april 7 at nine on >> you've got better things to do than clean up clog gutters, call me filter today. and never clean out clog gutters again, leaf filters technology keeps
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an encore prison disintegration of hbo's real time with bill maher saturday at eight on cnn >> breaking news to cnn. we've been following a big day for donald trump in court on two fronts. first, in his civil fraud trial and appeals court deciding to lower the amount of bond that the former president should pay. an extending the amount of time that he has to pay for it by ten days and then secondly in the hush money payments case a criminal case, according to point out, this is the case that alleges that the former president committed fraud by moving money around financial fraud, moving money around in order to compensate his former attorney, michael cohen for paying off an adult film star during the 2016 campaign. today, the trial was supposed to start. a judge deciding to move it back 30 days. trump's attorneys wanted to push it 90 days. instead, they've decided that trial will start on april 15th. so a big day for the former president court. we just heard from him a slew of falsehoods there, yes. >> and it's there's a lot of
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moving parts that we have brought in the experts to help us kind of dissect it all here with us now is cnn's carry cordillera and seen an anchor and former federal prosecutor laura coates. there. i'm trying to keep it straight forever. everyone, because you have the civil case that we've been talking about and the criminal case. there are other cases, but let's put those in a different bucket for right now >> carry >> talk first about he said, no, no one should be perfect prosecuting him, and he should not be on trial during a presidential election. and yet, it appears that is going to happen. and do they have the right to do that? >> well, i mean, these cases, both the civil case and the criminal case, being brought by the new york da. those cases are here related, unrelated to the political calendar. they've been investigated for years and the new york da case, i mean, those facts and my judgment are pretty stale. that case hasn't going on for over eight years now, the facts of the case are eight years old the investigation was conducted for many, many years before they finally decided to bring the actual charges and those cases are for where they're at. and
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really the former president caught a bit of a break today in both the civil and criminal cases on the civil side having the bond reduced to an amount that is more manageable and and i think doesn't put his properties at risk in the immediate future and in a civil case, having a few more weeks for his defense team to be able to look at the new documents. is that they've received and continued to prepare to defend him in that case >> laura, let's talk about the detail in the judge's decision on the hush money payments case. essentially, what happened is that the legal team's gotten like 100,000 pages plus of new documentation based on michael cohen's investigation and what investigators found when they were looking at at his case and when they receive them the defense pointed to the prosecutors and said, there's evidence in there that is exculpatory. we need 90 days to look at this stuff. the defense pointed to them and said, you
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actually waited a long time to ask for these documents they're not exculpatory and you're just doing this to keep delaying things the judge sided with the prosecution >> boris, you now have a jd. congratulations >> you have accomplished i am by the codes >> i'm really backing of it. >> you're absolutely right on this. and here's why it's so important. first of all, today is really about unpacking and compartmentalizing two separate things number one, it's the federal government, the federal prosecutors and state prosecutors this important for this reason, what the federal prosecutors and the sdny did was not provide documents to the state prosecutors in a timely manner to then hand over to donald trump's team. that's important to this, judge because if you're going to punish the trial team, the state prosecutors, it has to be essentially they're falling fault. they didn't have possession of these documents. the government and the federal side did, but they're separate entity. number one, also, the unpacking here is important because he's talking about
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this being biden trials these are state prosecutions, state-level prosecutions. now only had the doj handed the cases is counsel jack smith, but da alvin bragg the nyag's tissue james, are not under the umbrella org chart at all of when donald president biden nor would they be it donald trump were the president in states. >> but >> ultimately the prosecution always has a duty and obligation to handover documents because if the onetime really they have to say here are all the reasons you might ask actually be innocent of a crime. we have a burden of proof to prove our case beyond a reasonable doubt but it's our duty and obligation knowing the weight that comes with united states versus or new york versus against an individual defendant or litigant, you have to hand over document it was delayed. they have a right to review them, but the judge said, hold on a second. this is not a 90 day or a six month thing, especially it wasn't an intentional act of withholding, you have enough time as the average person and a team of
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litigators would go over different things and that's how much time they have. now, it could be. there are really good nuggets in those documents for them to use and aiding in their defense. but until the trial comes we have no way of knowing that and >> carry now we look to april 15th for this criminal case when we're now slated to start, what does putting a jury together? look like in that case? >> well, really, any case that is involving the former president is presenting certain challenges and so i would expect that the new york da's office, they're going to have to function as much as they can in a way that is fair, that doesn't give any special treatment to the former president. but at the same time they have to put a jury together. i mean, there is no question that whether it's this case are the future federal cases if those ever go to trial before the election? that any jury is going to be aware of who the defendant is, and the prosecutors will have to work
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through that piece. i do think it is somewhat unfortunate for the country really that the new york da case, with respect to the subject matter at are of that case and it being about these payments for activity that was prior to when he was president. i think it's unfortunate that that's the first criminal case going to trial. given the gravity of the federal criminal cases, both the january 6 related cases and the classified documents case that really have serious national consequences. laura >> quickly, your reaction to the question of the gravity of these cases? >> well, i think that a criminal case against the former president is going to be very serious nonetheless, i do note the idea of the timing of this case, but in some respects, one could argue this could have gone a long time ago doesn't mean that fact that it's a little bit better than the new cases. it's any less important, but certainly i think trump is fighting this because he understands the importance of this case. and while the supreme court arguments, he's made it immunity and otherwise would not apply hi to these actions as a pre presidential conduct. >> but >> alvin bragg has gotten a lot
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of heat about being first, but you could also say to them, say that argument, well, jack smith's special counsel merrick garland has attorney job, united states. why didn't you go sooner? and a lot of these cases that's been thrown right back in their faces by donald trump, by a lot of his supporters is suggests you've gotten thing there because you waited too long, wringing your hands or otherwise. and so alvin bragg has has had some speed with his case. fulton county da fani willis, similarly as well. and so if you're going to argue that it's slowed down, the process well why wasn't this brought sooner against him? and all the cases that's a huge question as well. yeah. >> laura coates carry cordero. appreciate the perspective, ladies. thank you so much. >> let's discuss trump paying this bond now with an attorney who specializes in enforcing judgments for nor do razo bernard is the principal attorney at bernardo razo and associates. thanks so much for being with us. you say that new york attorney general, letitia, james has many options but now that she knows that former president donald trump has another ten days to put up a fraction of the bond he was
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originally set to. what do you think she's doing today with the case? >> well, the effect of the court order is to stop her and trax stay that precludes you from enforcing the judgment. so as of today, that she can take no action if trump and the other defendants failed to post the bond with ten days, then stay with blacks and shubi. the right now, she stopped. >> so the attorney general, she issued a statement saying that, quote, donald trump is still facing accountability. the $464 million judgment plus interest against donald trump and the other defendants still stands how do you think the appeals court decision might affect the timeline of that accountability that she's promising well the effectiveness stay let's assume that they do post the bond within the ten days will be to preclude >> judgment enforcement for the
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entirety of the appellate process and under new york law, that could include a further appeal after the mid-level appeals court, the appellate division rules all the way up to the top court in albany, the court of appeals so you could be looking at a state here of more than a year i'm wondering what you make of former president trump repeatedly claiming that he has the cash to pay off the bond, both when it >> was add 464 million and now when it's down to 175 and his attorneys sort of coming up and cleaning up after him. i can imagine that that's something you've seen typically from folks that are in that position >> well, we're talking about an extraordinary situation, a judgment of this amount. >> the former president of the united states, it's cetera appellate bonds are the way you normally get a stay of enforcement of a judgment pending appeal. the discretionary state is an option. in this case, the
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appellate court for reasons that are not explained and they rarely would explain it i typically wouldn't has decided to modify that volunteer make it more likely than he could qualify for the bond will up to guess what the courts internal reasoning was. but in the end, it doesn't matter >> he's obtained the stay on condition. he gets the ball bernardo rozzi, you got to leave the conversation and they're very much appreciate your perspective of course, a comma news central does boeing need a new leader to fix the problems the company is facing? one man apparently thing so the company's current ceo, he's stepping down at the end of the year. >> we'll discuss what other changes are coming when we come back >> if you work in spaceflight, this is the worst possible thing i can ever help my dad died doing what he loved >> space shuttle columbia, the
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terrifying incident in early january when a door plug blew off a boeing 730 seven max nine plane midair during an alaska airlines flight and it left that gaping hole in the side of the plane with 177 people on board. cnn's aviation correspond pete muntean is joining us now. hello, pete. why is he resigning now? >> well, this is really interesting and the timing here is so critical because this comes after they're been, all of these calls for a shake at boeing, the only person to get the ax before this was the head of the 737 max line, which many saw as a scapegoat and now ceo dave calhoun is leaving alone and with larry kellner, the board chair, as well as stan deal, the head of boeing commercial airplanes. remember dave calhoun became boeing ceo after the 2737 max crashes of 2,018.20, 193.46 people killed nobody died in the january 5, alaska let's get airlines door plug blowout, but it exposed a huge quality control issue at boeing. calhoun said this in
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his message to employees, quote, as you all know, the alaska airlines flight 12, 82 accident was a watershed moment for boeing. we must continue to respond to this accident with humility and complete transparency there is some surprise in the aviation community that calhoun is not leaving immediately. his resignation takes hold at the end of the year, but calhoun notes, there are these investigations taking place, not only the ntsb investigation that found boeing workers did not re-install the door plug bolts of the factory and renton washington, but also the faa audit of boeing quality control and a department of justice investigation to see if passengers on that flight may have been victims of a crime. the timing is telling and just last week, a boeing reported a financial loss, a huge financial loss in the first quarter boeing has lost some confidence of its major customers, alaska airlines, once compensation, united airlines has its new plane orders are in limbo. the saying in corporate america as the buck stops at the top. but in
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this case, really the money is talking to you. >> just let it all out there. yeah. and >> it could potentially be a heck of a lot of money. pete muntean. thanks so much for the next a defiant benjamin netanyahu he says he is no longer sending a high level israeli delegation to washington warning that he will not change his mind about invading rafah. >> the little finished on this tense relationship he has with president joe biden when we come back >> good evening, everyone. i'm abby phillip what on earth is going on with the republican party is just a huge problem for the biden how do you know that those numbers are false news night with abby phillip tonight at eastern on cnn your shipping manager left to find themselves leaving you lost unique to hire. i need indeed, >> indeed you do indeed instant match, instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description, visit slash higher. >> we had to take our old gas
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