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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  March 26, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm PDT

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>> realtor dot com's real view maps show you precise wildfire flood, and noise ratings on every homeless. they don't all let's do not really trust the number one, our real estate professionals trust, download the app today via a 100% free with turbotax free edition >> roughly 37% if taxpayers qualify form 1040 and limited credits only see how a that's me i'm evan perez and washington >> and this is cnn >> rescuers are racing against the clock to find six people who are on accounted for after a bridge collapse in baltimore. it's now more than 12 bauer since a cargo ships slammed into the francis scott key
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mayday call about power going to leverage the full power of his administration for the response? saying the federal government will foot the bill for the reconstruction of this crucial bridge. let's get you out to baltimore now with cnn's gabe cohen gave what more are you learning about the operations there at the scene? >> just it's definitely still an active scene as you look behind me, you might be able to hear that helicopter hanging just overhead not far behind where we're standing here. right by the taps. go river and as you look in the distance well beyond it, you can see that massive container ships still sitting out there and those huge sections of the key bridge that came down early this morning including that mangled piece hanging over the deck of that bridge right over the front of it it looked
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search and rescue crews have been out here for more than 12 hours at this point, a working to try to find those six missing construction workers who were on on the bridge when that container ships struck one of the columns and brought down a huge portion of it and they're covering this massive part of the river, combing it, looking for any sign of life at this point. and it is really expansive because of how much of the bridge came down. we're also seeing emergency vehicles on the riverbank that persisting with this. we're not just talking about local authorities, the coast guard participating as well. several agencies involved. now, we do know according to officials, that that ship, as it was coming near the bridge early this morning just after 01:00 a.m. eastern time. it started to lose control. an in-video which who's that? the lights on the ship flickering, that there were some sort of power issue. we don't know exactly what went wrong. but the crew on the ship sent out a mayday
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coal and official say that police were able to get that call quickly enough that they were able to stop some of the traffic that would have been crossed i'll sing the bridge. look, this is a huge interstate 695 that is a major artery in and out of baltimore and really up and down the acela corridor or people who are traveling between washington and new york, if this happened during rush hour with the number of vehicles that would have been on there. we'd be talking about potentially dozens of cars in this river fortunately, though the governor of maryland says, because police got that warning, they were able to stop some of the traffic and most likely save lives. what we don't know what this hour is, why those construction workers were not told or if they were told why they were on the bridge still at that point when the when the bridge came? down eight of them, at least ending up in the water to have been pulled out. one of them unharmed, the other taken to the hospital with serious injuries though. they have since been discharged but again, so many questions as a
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search and rescue operation continues early this afternoon all right. gabe cohen for us. thanks so much. we're going to keep checking in with you throughout the day and let's go now to brian todd, who is there on the water in baltimore brian, what are you learning? >> well, jessica, we've been able to kind of shift our vessel around to a better vantage point now to get you a better look at the vessel in question that's the dalai that's the cargo ship. there. now you can see we're at a different angle than we were before were a few hundred yards away from it. you can see the sun hitting the vessel now, which gives you a better view. two of the cargo ship, of the container ship and the wreckage and the shear force with which it hit this bridge. you can see that you can see the damage there. there's concrete that's kind of smashed up against the boat. there are remnants of the bridge that are lying across the bow of the boat there. and you can just see that the sheer devastation and the entire section the middle section of the bridge, that's missing several vessels
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now are buzzing around this this vessel their rescue vessels, they're dive teams, at least 50 dive teams have been in and out of the water all morning long that one grayish vessel over there to the left of the container ship. we're told is the catlin that's an army corps of engineers boat that has sonar for capability. we've also seen tugboats tugging in an oil boom here looking for remnants of spillage in the water, some pretty treacherous conditions were told that this water is 46 to 48 degrees fahrenheit. that's very dangerous, very cold so dangerous for people to be in the water for more than about an hour. so it's dangerous even for the divers, it's about 185 foot drop from the top of that bridge into the water. what we're told is that by officials was that they tracked a few vehicles that they believe dropped into the water, but they do not know if there are any people aside those vehicles when they dropped into the water, one of the vehicles was observed with its lights on. so this is some of the devastation that we can
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show you from this angle. we're on the baltimore harbor side of the bridge. the other side of the bridge is the tapscott river and again, these vessels that are just moving back and forth all around the cargo ship here some of them are rescue vessels looking for the six people who are still unaccounted for from this accident as we pan to our left here we can give you an idea of the disruption of commerce that green vessel over there that's the karman, that is a huge container ship that carries cars into the port of baltimore from other ports that vehicle and many excuse me, that vessel and many other vessels, large container ships and others are now stranded in the port of baltimore. they cannot move no major ship traffic can come in and out of the baltimore harbor. and that is a major economic disruption. the governor of virginia, glenn youngkin, did say a short time ago that they're diverting some ocean carriers to the port of virginia, which is in the hampton roads area, south of here but whether that is going
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to kind of alleviate the disruption in vessel traffic that remains to be seen. but there's a huge economic disruption that you're talking about here. and we can show you some of that with a lack of of major ship traffic into the baltimore harbor and out of the harbor. now, jessica and we can we can point out that this nestle was outbound at the time that it was struck this bridge a little bit before 130 this morning, jessica. >> all right. brian, time for us there in baltimore. thanks so much for that update >> boris and again, we were set to hear from the ntsb in just moments will of course, bring that to you live we are also officially on vip watch any minute now, independent presidential candidate robert f. kennedy jr. is expected to announce his running mate and he is expected to introduce nicole shanahan california based attorney and tech entrepreneur with very deep pockets as his vice presidential candidate today's event marks a critical moment for kennedy's white house bid
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that could accelerate his efforts to gain ballot access in all 50 states, there are at least 23 states that require him to name name a vice presidential candidate in order to apply, to get on their ballots for november. let's get to cnn's eva mckend, who was at this event. so eva, what can you tell us about nicole shanahan and why rfk juniors looking at her you know, border, she is a political newcomer that is being propelled into the spotlight today but this is a tactically significant choice for this campaign to be making because she does have pocket, she donated upwards of $4 to a kennedy associated pack to be able for them to be able to produce that super bowl and she has also given personally think time will tell how much more she wants and in this campaign. but what that can do is help this independent campaign in
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historically independent campaigns have not been able to compete in the same way democrats and republicans have this essentially could allow them to level the playing field to allow them to compete all over the country to get on the ballot. in upwards of 23 states and the reason why kennedy is naming his running mate now is because for this ballot access question, he needs a running mate democrats taking note of this, they are very concerned, even the democrats in his own family. let's listen >> i feel strongly that this is the most important election of our lifetime, and there's so much at stake and i do think it's going to come down to a handful of votes in a handful of stuff it's i do worry that bobby just taking some percentage of votes from biden could shift the election and lead to trump's election.
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>> so shanahan, a wealthy silicon valley lawyer, she was previously married to the co-founder of google, who is a billionaire. they'll kennedy saying that her material wealth did not wait his decision in who he ultimately selected, but a big day for this campaign. it really illustrates that they have some longevity here many people dismiss this campaign at the outset. but with her, i joined the ticket. she does inject a cigarette frequent amount of wellness sources into this independent bid for the white house bores >> and eva, you've been speaking to voters about what attracts them to rfk junior what have they shared with you? >> so it's a range of issues, boris, but i think a warning sign for democrats of the handful of voters that i spoke to as we were walking in. many of them told me that they voted for biden in when 220 and they
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seem sort of fed up with the two party system. they are no longer interested in the traditional system voting for democrats and republicans a lot site and tie war positions. so not wanting to support funding for foreign wars as a key motivation for voting for kennedy. >> but really a >> wide range of issues beyond sort of what he's nationally known as for vaccines skepticism, it's important for folks to know what that is not the only reason that we see voters attracted to his campaign. >> even maken live from oakland. thanks so much for the update >> still ahead. will the supreme court restrict access to a widely used abortion drug? the most significant abortion case to land before the high court since roe versus wade was overturned, was heard today, we're going to bring you some critical moments from core and as us and israel tensions rise over the humanitarian crisis in gaza, defense secretary lloyd
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austin is holding a critical meeting today with his israeli counterpart at the pentagon. >> we're >> following these stories and many more coming up on cnn, news central >> we deserve a real king because if he cannot protect his own family house, these supposed to protect us >> do this myself >> come >> man, and the lost kingdom. now streaming exclusively on macs can the riva support your brain health? >> mary janet, hey eddie, now appraiser, franck, franck, bread. how are you >> fred fuel up to seven brain health indicators, including your memory, joined the new riva brain health challenge why always the couch doesn't need to get a >> puppy school, get his little puppet diploma know must have been spending all this little
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>> you could take each step with 90% clearer scale and if you have psoriatic arthritis sky rosie can help me get moving with less joint pain or stiffness, swelling, and fatigue. and sky rosie is just 40 this is a year after to starter doses, serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your dr. if you have an infection or symptoms had a vaccine or plan to thanks to this guy receipts, there's nothing we are skin and less joint pain. >> and that means everything >> your dr. we're about how sky was e to come with your skin for join symptoms, learn how abby could help you save all rafael roma, the georgia state capitol in atlanta. this is cnn >> turning back now, do are breaking news search and rescue efforts are underway in baltimore after a devastating bridge collapse, a cargo ships slam into section of the
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francis scott key bridge early this morning, sending it crashing into the frigid perhaps go river below. >> so >> far two people have been rescue. one of them who was taken to the hospital has now been discharged. the other remains hospitalized, but six people are still missing at this hour, the us coast guard fbi, and other federal and local agencies are scouring the area, looking for any survivors. meantime, president biden has vowed to use the full force of the federal government to aid in the rescue, recovery, and rebuilding efforts we are expecting to get an update from the ntsb in just a few moments, we're keeping our eye on that and we'll bring it to you as soon as it begins. but first, i want to bring in former inspector general of the department of transportation, mary shiloh. mary, thanks so much for being with us this afternoon. >> i want to start first >> with what you're hoping to hear from the ntsb. it when we get this latest update from them well the ntsb will start off by introducing us to everyone who's going to participate in the
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investigation. and by >> dispense, i mean, various agencies of the federal government and also of course, they're going to need to have the shippers full participation. the management group of the shaft which is something called the synergy company. and everyone involved was going to have to participate as well as state agencies. and i think the ntsb will probably have a pretty big list of people. they will expect to participate in this investigation. and they will just give some preliminary details. they are they always will just say factually they won't give their opinions but they'll factually say what they think they have learned so far. if they'd been able to talk to anyone on this ship, if they have they have gathered documents or information. so it's a really sort of cursory introduction into what their investigation will look like and who's all going to participate what about these six people who remain on accounted for? we know that there is a rescue mission that has been in place now for hours. >> do you expect that
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>> they'll update us on that at all? i think that they wail on. of course, the coast guard has been taking the lead on that. and if there's a way to find or get or rescue anyone, the united states coast guard can do it. so i do think that we will hear from the coast guard at this briefing and in these instances, you've named a lot of these agencies. there's so many different agencies and local law enforcement, county law enforcement. >> that's >> that's participating in trying to help. how do they go about organizing all of that, making sure that everybody has to kind of stays in their own lane. and that everybody is affected div as they possibly can be >> well, the national transportation safety board will have oversight because of course, we've already heard from the fbi that there's no indication of criminal activity of criminal foul play if there was the fbi would be the lead agency until they sort out the criminality. but the the fbi and other law enforcement has said, no, we see no indication
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of terrorism or criminal activity. so the ntsb will be a lead. the lead, >> and the way they get their work done in any kind of transportation accident as they form working groups. one working group will be looking at the ships operational performance there will be looking at the piloting of the ship, the harbor pilots and the crew. another we'll be looking at the crew training, et cetera. another group will be looking at the ships management and overall operational controls of this shipping operation. and then of course they will look structurally at the bridge as well and they will look at the protections around the base of the bridge to keep this from happening because this is far from the first time shift, this crash or a barge, they both happens has crashed into a bridge and quite often that causes a bridge to not usually come down completely, but sections sections of the bridge to fall. so the ntsb is used to dividing
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up their job like any big job, you divided up in small pieces and they have working groups tackle each piece of the investigation and they get her done >> there is of course, the human tragedy to this piece of it. these six missing people that they've got to try to find that they can hopefully still rescue but beyond that, they're also going to have to rebuild what is a major artery both for ships and vessels bringing in all kinds of things and also cars there. what is that process begin to look? gleick >> well, that process is going to be huge and there are so many interested parties in that process. now we heard the president just a little bit ago say that the federal government is going to pay for at all. i think when the federal government actually sorts out all the resources that are there first and foremost, this ship wasn't sure it's management company brags on its website that ensures all its
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ships and in a major transportation operation that they insurance could very well be 1 billion, 5 billion. it will be a large policy and that insurance is there to cover things that jazz accidents on the sea collisions with bridges collisions with other ships, et cetera. and that's why that's there. so they will sort out it's obviously going to be important to get the project started before all of the liability responsibility and you'll payments are put in place and that will take years maritime insurance and maritime liability is one of the most complicated areas of the law. so that'll take time to sort out. but the federal government already said they're going to take the lead on designing rebuilding the bridge, which is good. >> yeah, it's gonna be quite a project. they're marie schiavo. thank you so much for being here with us. i appreciate it. >> thank you >> still ahead today. a major case on reproductive rights
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goes before the nation's highest court the supreme court weighing whether to restore, restrict access to a widely used abortion drug. we're going to bring you the key moments from that hearing that's next >> if you work in spaceflight, this is the worst possible thing i can ever help >> my dad died doing what he loved >> space shuttle columbia he final flight or mere sunday, april 7 at nine on liberty mutual customize my car insurance and i saved hundreds >> that's great. >> i know i've been telling everyone how many people did you tell only pay for what you need >> i'm lucky meet the traveling trio, the thrill seeker, the soul searcher. and it's the explorer. each helping to protect their money with chase loss card isn't keeping this thrill seeker down, lost her card, not the vibe those searchers finding his identity and helping to
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and improve heart health. rush to walmart and find total beans. >> i'm natasha bertrand at the pentagon. >> and this is cnn >> the supreme court is now weighing the fate of the abortion drug mifepristone, the pill is one of two drugs used in reproductive health care, including medication abortions
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for treatments for miscarriage. the fda approved mifepristone decades ago, but last year, a federal judge in texas suspended that approval research has shown mifepristone is highly safe and effective and effective and it's the most common method of abortion, accounting for 63% of all abortions in the us last year. cnn's paula reid is live outside the supreme court and paula, the justices heard oral arguments. this morning, walk us through what happened today. >> just hundreds of protestors showed up today at the steps of the supreme court and anticipation of this case, the biggest abortion-related case since the court overturned roe two years ago. what was really interesting during oral arguments, the justices across the ideological spectrum, we're really focused on a pretty technical procedural question, which is that of standing or the right to bring this case and right now it appears that the majority of justices are skeptical that this conservative group that sued the fda over its approval of mifepristone had the right to
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bring this lawsuit. now, the group has argued this is a conservative group of anti-abortion doctors and advocates but they may at some point have to render medical treatment to someone who's had complications from mifepristone. but the government has pushed back on that saying you haven't actually suffered a harm that would allow you to bring a lawsuit. there's no imminent harm. and they also point to the fact that there are federal exemptions for medical professionals who have these kinds of beliefs and they're asking scanning the justices to quote, put an end to this case. now, judge ketanji brown jackson, she had an interesting framing. i mean, she asked lawyers actually on both sides, she said, why is it that the only remedy in this case is to limit access to this drug for everyone, let's take a listen to what she said. >> council, i ask you about the remedy and sort of the way that i was talking with the sg. i mean, it makes perfect sense for the individual doctors to seek an exemption but as i
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understand it, they already have that and so what they're asking for here is that in order to prevent them from possibly ever having to do these kinds of procedures? everyone else should be prevented from getting access to this medication. so why isn't that plainly overbroad scope of the remedy, the end of this case so this point, it appears a majority of the justices would be unlikely to limit access to mifepristone, >> but we'll see what they ultimately decide. does this interesting? we also heard from a lawyer representing a drugmaker because there are serious consequences in this case, not only for drug manufacturers, but also for the fda and its regulatory authority. a rare time you see the fda and drug makers on the same side. >> yeah, that's certainly true. apollo, what happens next >> so we expect a decision will likely come in late june when the court issues its moos. a significant decisions, but
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that's also in the heart of the presidential campaign season and as we've seen since the court overturned roe, democrats have been able to galvanize support around the issue of abortion. so all eyes will be on this case to see what the justices do. but right now, jazz, they do appear poised to likely use this off-ramp on a technicality possibly this issue of standing and not get in to the more significant question of access to mifepristone and abortion medication. >> all right. paula reid >> outside the supreme court for us today. thanks so much for us. >> let's dig deeper on the case now, we're joined by emily basil lawn. she is a lecturer in law at yale university and also a staff writer for the new york times magazine, emily, thank you so much for sharing part of your afternoon with us. >> is >> it fair to say that at the heart of this case is how justices view the fda, its credibility and it's judgment >> yeah, that is really important to the case. the idea of challenging 24 years of
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approval of abortion pills is pretty dramatic and i think that's why you see a lot of pharmaceutical companies he's coming in on the side of the manufacturers of the abortion pills to say, wait a second, the fda sets our national rules for regulating drugs. and if you pull the rug out from under them, how do we know? we can rely on the fda's judgment as we develop and research new medication yeah, i'm curious about the impact on women in the united states. if the plaintiffs windup winning this case it has the potential to be a broader decision. then dobbs, right? because turning the issue of reproductive rights towards the states that meant that there were still many states where reproductive rights it's were protected. but a ruling limiting mifepristone that would impact the entire country, right >> exactly. the effect of jobs has been to turn over to states, the power to ban or restrict abortion. and a bunch
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of states have done that, right? i mean, we have 16 states now are abortion is nearly banned completely lee or only available up until six weeks of pregnancy. but in the rest of the country, abortion is often still freely available, right? you have a split between red and blue states >> if the >> fda's approval of mifepristone cannot stand and the court, for example, rules that women everywhere on the country cannot receive abortion pills by mail anymore. that's going to be have a major effect on women nationally. it's certainly not limited to states in which the politics of abortion isn't of the ban >> and emily, i wanted to expand on something that you alluded to earlier in that is the potential for the fda's standard approval process having to change as a result of a decision that favors the plaintiffs here, what would that look like >> yeah that's a great question. i mean, the fda says, look, we've followed our
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regulations. here are the way we always do. we had a system for collecting data about complications from this drug called adverse events for 15 years, we collected extra data we saw that the drug was very safe overwhelmingly safe, and based on the reports we were receiving and lots of studies that mounted over the years, we decided to loosen the rules that is the standard process that the agency follows. and if you think about this from the perspective of other drug companies, they're saying, well, wait a second if we can show that a drug is more safe over time, than when it was first approved. that's important for our ability to market the drug we want the fda to be able to update its determinations right? >> there's also an, another aspect to this and that is how the court interprets harm. right. because the question of whether the plaintiffs actually have standing came up over and over again today, and if the court rules that they do it's
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quite possible that we'll see more cases where let's say that the standard of proving harm is watered down two degrees. is that a fair assessment? >> yeah, that is fair you know, there's a connection here by the trouble that the plaintiffs were having showing that they were harmed and the safety record of the abortion pills the doctors are saying, you know, in theory making the pills available to be delivered by mail could add two more complications, and that could add to the likelihood that a dr. would have to treat someone for an incomplete abortion in the emergency room when that goes against the doctors conscience. >> but the justices >> kept hitting the point that the plaintiffs had not actually experienced precisely that kind of harm and given the fact that the overwhelming percentage of women don't have complications, don't have to go to the hospital. certainly don't have life-threatening complications. it just seemed like to the justices that this
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was a pretty hypothetical form of harm and usually it takes what's called a concrete injury to be able to sue in court. so that was the trouble that the plaintiffs were having this morning. >> yeah. >> there was some skepticism among i would say, a majority of justices during those arguments, emily basil and we have to leave the conversation there. i appreciate your perspective. >> thank you. >> of course >> still ahead. we're standing by for the latest from federal investigators on that catastrophic bridge collapse in baltimore. stay with cnn news central will bring you the latest and just this is the big dam >> kane who that do >> can the riva support your brain health? very >> janet, hey, eddie, know
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appraiser, franck, frank bred. how are you? fred fuel up to kevin brain health indicators, including your memory, joined the new riva brain health challenge can cellular. >> this is sam palmy, healthier >> this is a button >> well, somebody's but just thought i'd let you know that would consumer cellular, you can get the same exact coverage as the leading carriers but for up to the price >> you're shipping manager left to find themselves leaving you lost unique to hire. i need indeed, >> indeed you do indeed instant match, instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description visit slash higher weight decided to put in an in-ground pool >> i literally went on angie and typed in pool, getting to talk to different contractors, see different bids. >> we wanted something beautiful we wanted something that our children will feel happy zooming in and we love it gets >> started today at >> covid-19 i'm not waiting >> if it's covid packs love it, packs little bit is an oral
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treatment for adults with mild-to-moderate covid-19 at a high risk factor for it becoming severe. it does not prevent covid-19. my symptoms are >> mild now, but i'm not risking it if it's covid packs loaded packs, lovin must be taken within the first five days of symptoms and help stop the virus from multiplying in your body, taking pecs little bit with certain medicines can lead to serious or life-threatening side effects or affect how id or other medicines work, including hormonal birth control joel is critical to tell your dr. about all medicines you take, because certain tests are changes in their dosage may be needed. tell your dr. if you have kidney or liver problems, hiv-1, our plan to become pregnant or breastfeed, don't take packs, love it. if you're allergic to normal my 12 year ritonavir or any of its ingredients serious side effects can include allergic reactions, some severe like anaphylaxis and liver problems. these are not all the possible side effects. so talk to your dr. commercially insured patients may pay as little as $0 and the us government is making packs, love it available to macro bag, to cnn. we're gonna go straight to baltimore word jennifer homendy with the ntsb is giving an update on
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that awful baltimore bridge collapse. let's listen in on-scene today. it's very early i've asked that he remain at the command post to continue what he is doing. so that i can breathe. you on what we're doing so far >> also, >> with me is one of our newest board members. this is alvin brown this is his training launch >> the ntsb >> arrived on scene at 06:00 a.m. to investigate an accident involving a singapore registered vessel with the name dali da >> i >> which made contact with the francis scott key bridge in baltimore, maryland at around 130 this morning the vessel is 985 feet long. it say 95,000 gross ton container ship i've
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seen information about crew members on board. we still need to verify the numbers of crew on the board and their status under our memorandum of understanding with the coast guard, the ntsb is leading this investigation the coast guard will support this investigation >> are >> memorandum of understanding, for example, provides four when an accident involves another mode of transportation and other factors the ntsb will lead that investigation. >> now, i >> want to thank the us coast guard. we have a very cooperative relationship with us coast guard. i am particularly particularly want to thank deputy commandant for operations vice admiral go ta. i want to thank admiral gil
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breath, whose commander of the fifth coast guard district. and captain o'connell, who's the sector commander? before i go on on behalf of the ntsb, i want to extend our deepest sympathies to those who have been affected by the significant event the ntsb, as i mentioned, as many significant transportation event events, not just not just aviation. we do accidents and incidents in marine safety as well. and of course, with bridges and other i weigh infrastructure and for this, there were many that were effected by this collapse. and our deepest sympathies go out to the families loved ones and others who have been affected i'm going to get questions on
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fatalities and injuries which i'm not going to answer that is not something that the ntsb answers. i will refer you to local authorities on all of that information. what i can tell you is a search and rescue is still underway so we are very hopeful and again, our thoughts are with the families and their loved ones again, we got here at 06:00 a.m. and we are standing back to allow the coast guard and search and rescue to continue their search and rescue operations. >> while >> we gather information from the command post there is a lot of information that we can begin to collect. we have a team of 2004 on scene including member brown and me the team of experts include experts in nautical operations and what
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they're going to look at and begin to collect as information on vessel operations safety, history, safety record, the look at the owner, the look at the operator, and they'll look at the operations this day. today. they will also look at company policy, any sort of safety management system or safety management program will be looked at buy them. and our human performance team as well. we have a human performance expert here. we have an engineering team. we have survival factors, and then we have a team here that is getting the recorders we also have a highway safety team, our team out of the office of highway safety, including structural engineers bridge experts, who will be here and are continuing to come in. we have a few here and one or two others are coming in and the
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next few hours we also have our family assistance team on site and our family assistance team works with those that were affected by a particular event families friends, and other loved ones and they will help them get in touch with the resources they need while also providing them with the information that they need. as we move forward with our investigation. this is a team effort. there are a lot of entities, right now in the command post all focused on search and rescue as they should be. but i do want to in particular, thank the coast guard the maryland transportation authority police the federal bureau of investigations, the baltimore fire baltimore fire and rescue, and the maryland state police i
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also know that there are others on-scene. i'm sure i have missed. for example, army corps of engineers is here a great deal of expertise? and also focused on what is very important, which is the people first >> i >> have been in contact with my counterpart in singapore director chong is the director of transport, the transport safety investigations board the ntsb, the ntsb maintains relationships with our counterparts and other countries. often and stay in close communication. so the director and i have been in communication many times before on safeties so it was a good conversation. he is sending some personnel here tomorrow. also, personnel will be arriving from the maritime and port authority of singapore who has the the focus of being the
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regulator and singapore >> now, it's >> not a lot of information that i can share at this time, and i know there's a lot of information that seems to be circulating. the ntsb doesn't speculate we provide facts and so there isn't a lot we can share right now because the focus has been on the people however, if you know me, i like to provide information as we can when we were able to verify those facts and b. open about that transparency is one of our mandates. one of our core values so please monitor and x where we will post when we were have having another media briefing we do have an organizational meeting tonight at 05:00, which i mentioned two to determine where we want to go next on the investigation. but there's a lot a lot of information we
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need to gather between now and then and the days and weeks that follow so with that, i am going to take questions. i will call on you, please. state your name and your affiliation. we'll start with tom and then go over here >> your helmet you, tom costello with nbc news one of the teams within this ntsb structure. looking for specifically the recorders onboard the ship, you speak to what type of reporters may be on board the ship and what do you hope to be? what information might be provided? >> yeah, at this time i will have more information about the recorders tomorrow we chose not to board the vessel today to allow some time for the search and recovery which we did not want to interfere fear was that is the first and foremost. we do have some information, but we need to verify that
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information first before i provide that information before i verify it. so we'll have that information tomorrow or maybe later tonight if you want to check with me yes >> how long was her the search is? a question on how long the search will go on today, the ntsb is not in charge of the search and rescue operation that is the us coast guard. so i would refer you to the coast guard for that information >> yet, because we're the time for the shift can you give us a rough timeline of when they were wholesome, curious? what you can tell us about the timeline, how much time lapse between the pilot 40 >> yeah. there's a question on the tugs and the timeline again, i know this is all information you're looking for the information we get, which
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often happens in a large event where there are a lot of entities. is there are, there is conflicting information russian, the ntsb focuses on the facts. so we will we will figure that out and be able to provide that information in the coming days today, as far too early for that nothing on the timeline so far >> ready to go. we'll avoid data recorder be to investigate how critical voyage data recorder be two, investigating this, it will be critical. it's a critical piece of our investigation which is why we ever recorders team here been able to figure out why this shift power went out >> again, that will be the the question is on dropping anchor and whether they did or did not and the timing on that again, that'll be part of our investigation and part of our timeline. i can provide you more information on that in the coming days, but not today.
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>> lucky and i just wanted to check. do you have any information on the crew that was on board on their nationality, what they 22 indians onboard there were 20 on the >> question is, who was on the vessel and nationalities? i again, i've heard conflicting information on that as well. we will have to get back to you on that. yes. do you have any >> reason to believe he will make you deficiencies with the visible forward seat sale. what are you learning from previous instructions? >> the question is, were there any deficiencies on the vessel before it sailed and well, we be looking at any safety information that's that is part of our investigation where we look at in-depth at safety information, anything that may have occurred prior to this any sort of safety history with respect to the vessel, any sort of maintenance? that was done
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to a vessel or a component the vessel or component on the ship, we will look at all of that, but it's much too early for all of that >> the private sector those from parents now? >> certainly we're going to we're working with the owner operators, which are two different entities. his for this vessel we will be working with the pilots association and we will have a number of federal, state, and local partners as party to the investigation. we are going to designate those tonight at the organizational briefing and i'll have more information on that tomorrow. >> given obviously the search and rescue effort is the main focus right now, handled by the us coast guard. but the key bridge being such a major thoroughfare the city in war
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commerce for our entire country, not to mention the waterway is being shut down. >> is there any sense of urgency >> to get this cleaned up faster or what exactly? please the priority beyond just the search and rescue >> there's a question on what's the priority beyond the search and rescue >> we don't >> you know, certainly investigations are a priority, certainly environmental considerations are a priority and so is traffic and getting cargo vessels in and out of the port of vault baltimore. it's not the ntsb's priority. we have a number of organizations, including the department of transportation, maryland department of transportation, the governor that's doing a lot of work on that but this isn't right now, it's about people. it's about families and addressing the needs of those that were impacted. that's the focus. i don't think anybody in
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that room right now and at the command post is thinking about what are the next steps to get things cleaned up? there they're working to figure out who was impacted, if anyone was impacted, and how do we address that? because that is and should be the priority always jericho solids with ew ten use nightly. you talked a little bit about the families and you talked a little bit about the rescue effort that's taking place. have we confirm that there were the more than just the six construction workers that were on the bridge itself, were there anymore possible other cars, other drivers on the bridge? >> so there's a lot of information the question is on. have we been able to confirm information on the number of cars on the bridge, the number of workers on the bridge. there are a lot of numbers that we've heard back-and-forth we need to verify that the search team is doing that now, that's not for the ntsb, that is for the local
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authorities, maryland state police, and the maryland transportation authority as well as their federal partners through the coast guard, to be able to verify that information. in particular, there could be another victim than just the six that you're searching >> there are at nobody is going by a number. they are just looking and they're searching that's what's important yeah, the structure of the bridge. there's some questions about the structure of the bridge protective structure around the bridge or around the peers to make sure there isn't a collapse. we are aware of what a structure should have. part of our investigation will be what how was this bridge
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constructed? it will look at the structure itself should there be any sort of safety improvements at all that will be part of our investigation. we go very broad in our investigation. >> have you ever been black >> the question is, has the bridge ever been flagged for any sort of safety deficiency or security deficiency that is information that we will that will take time to dig through. i will just point to our recent investigation of the fern hollow bridge collapse, which took almost two years to get information on inspections. and what wasn't was not done after that. those inspections and whether there were records or not records maintained. i'm that's specific to fern hollow bridge, but it is very
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cumbersome process. it's a very meticulous process where they have to dig through a lot of information. so it will not be something that we will be able to verify well, on seen the question is on the reported at power failure sure. we've heard the reports we've been made aware of those same reports about there being a power outage. i've also seen state humans media releases from singapore as well. it's something that we take in, but something that we have to verify through our investigation that that was what what was part of the a contributing cause here. so too early to tell >> yep. >> yard can you confirm if they construction workers on the bridge with my corners?
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>> can i confirm whether the construction workers on the bridge were employed by bronner's braun are builders incorporated that is the information we have. braun are builders incorporated. of course, sometimes they use subcontractors so we don't have any information i shouldn't yet on subcontractors, but we do have information on the company itself is there any information on on the anybody that is unaccounted for and whether they were able to verify with the company that is something that the federal officials, the fbi, along with the coast guard, will verify, not not the ntsb. sure. >> of course, there were workers though one of the people was estate sector. can
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you share any without that? and that was the person that was rescued and taken to the hospital. >> the question is about a state inspector i don't have information on the state inspector at this point we are very focused on getting our investigative groups up and running again, let the search and rescue team do what they need to do to focus on the people and then we are gathering information from the owner and the owner of the ship of the vessel. and then the operator and others for this time, again, that was my last question for further information and i know it's not a lot of information for the first day, but we just got here really, the focus is on the families and the people. that is our main focus that is everyone's main focus right now the rest can wage so please
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monitor and our twitter feed for the next briefing. >> thank you >> the focus is on the families right now. that was the chairwoman of the ntsb, jennifer homendy offering deepest sympathies to those affected by this huge bridge collapse in baltimore overnight she did not offer any answers on reported issues with the search and rescue effort on any potential fatalities or injuries with six people that were unaccounted for that were apparently on the bridge at the time of collapse. she did say that at some point we would get answers from local officials, but right now, she said that the search and rescue effort continues obviously, a very difficult process for officials on the ground and the odds are tough that anyone would survive a situation like that, given that it's been 12 hours out from the incident and sub 50
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degree water is a major fall of at least 100 to 100 feet she did say that the ntsb has not yet boarded the vessel either. there are recorders on board as we watch video of the incident as it unfolded roughly at 01:30 this morning at the francis scott key bridge in baltimore. but she said that this will be a thorough investigation looking at every aspect of what happened yeah. >> and then really, truly at this point, it sounds like the overarching takeaway is that they are still very much focused on the rescue, the recovery efforts that they're trying very hard not to impede anything that would get in the way of those we have cnn's danny freeman. they are on this seen along with brian todd. we also have ameri schiavo, a former inspector general for the department of transportation gave let's start with you. you've been there for several hours this morning. i believe it's actually danny. you've been there for several hours this morning. danny and i know you've talked to family er


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