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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  March 27, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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nbc reversed the decision. i'll read to what cesar conde, the nbc universal news group chair, the real big boss over their email to his employees announcing this yesterday, he wrote, i want to personally apologize to our team members who felt we let them down while this was a collective recommendation by some members of our leadership team, i approved it and take forward responsibility for it. so nbc hoping to sweep this under the rug and move on. the problem for them as they're now facing a fresh crisis. where they're being criticized by the right. so you saw donald trump come out and basically characterize them as intolerance woke leftist. you're seeing that among the fox news crowd. and so now nbc news is going to have to deal with the tax from the right as it tries to emerge from this crisis, fred. >> all right, oliver darcy. thank you so much. >> all. right and knew our piano new central starts
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breaking news this morning. the black box from the ship the cause the deadly collapse in baltimore has been recovered. we are standing by for new updates on what it tells investigators. over the first time since the federal raids on to ms holmes entertainment mogul, sean diddy combs is speaking out >> two >> former president's, one late night talk show host and all kinds of stars. the biden campaign's new effort to excite the base kate and sarah are out. i'm john berman with fredricka whitfield today. this is cnn news central >> this morning, the >> black box from the cargo ship that triggered the deadly collapse of the bridge in baltimore. he is now off the ship and in washington dc, i'll
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short while ago, the ntsb chair broke the news right here on our show right now, we do have the data recorder which is essentially the black box. we've sent that back to our lab to evaluate and begin to develop a timeline of events that led up to the strike on the bridge and we hope to have that information to share with the public later today. >> that information again, due later today, they are also beginning to interview people both on the vessel and on-shore according to the wall street journal, officers on the ship say it experienced a total blackout, engine failure and they say the smell of burning fuel was everywhere cnn's gabe cohen is live on the scene where we do also know that divers just got back in the water gate john, that's right. and i just spoke
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>> with the team of maryland governor wes moore were expecting him to come over and give you a live update here in the next couple of minutes, but i can tell you they just relayed to me that so far this morning, no update on that recovery operation. they still have not located any of those six a missing construction workers and their teams are really dealing with brutal conditions out there. it is cold out here. there have been serious waves in the water right now, choppy waves. and so it is very difficult for the crews that are out on the river trying to find them. and as you mentioned, this investigation is really ramping up today with the ntsb, there investigators finally boarding the dali, getting that black box off, as you mentioned, we are expecting to get a timeline from them later this afternoon. hopefully that black box will tell them what went wrong that caused that near total blackout on the ship just before the collision. and we are learning much more about the six construction
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workers, their lives they were members of various communities here in maryland for some of them over many years, we have learned about 38 year-old mayner, yasir suozzi, same naval. he was an immigrant from honduras who had been in the united states for the past 18 years, a married father of 2.18 year-old son, and a five-year-old daughter and john, i can tell you you could feel the heartbreak here in baltimore over the past 24 hours and it's only grown since we are learning more of those stories. it is just a brutal for so many people to think about the lives that are most likely lost in this terrible tragedy. >> it is such a tragedy and those people, they may have been heroes as well. gabe cohen, thank you very much >> john, this morning, divers are back in the water as they continue the somber and
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difficult search for the bodies of those missing construction workers. cnn's correspondent tom forman, is with this now. so tom suspended some of the searching overnight. they're back in the water now, how difficult are the conditions >> while there's still not great obviously working in the dark is harder and they have a lot of tools at their hand. they have divers, they have side-scan sonar, which is used for a lot of underwater searching. they had that right from the beginning, but they have to do with changing currents, other high tide, low tide, low water temperature, the air temperature and the water temperature were virtually the same at one point this morning in the high '40s, not a comfortable temperature to work in difficult to be there for a long time. poor visibility, even in the daytime under the water, there. and there is a lot of debris in the water, tremendous mountain it's how he's described it last night, not only in the water that they even been worried a little bit about the containers hanging off the ship overhead and how they could fall down. these things could obviously hurt a diver. they can cut air supplies, they can do all sorts of things. so very
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serious, very difficult work going on. they're not easy either dealing with the depth 40 to 60 feet in this area with that low water temperature. so this is a big challenge down there. and remember, because of the shifting currents and the water and the wind, your search area is not necessarily just here and along the whole length of the bridge, but as occurrence, move your search area can be moving now in an area you searched is not necessarily the same area in two hours as the water moves around, fred >> all right. and then tom, i also understand the white house has pledged support for robust, very quick recovery assistance in any manner in which it can. what do we know about that? >> well the goal here is to open what really is a major artery not just the road, which is important, important on the east coast here, but also the waterway believe and below look at how long it has taken in the past. so 19 at the sunshine bridge over sunshine sky way in your tampa, was also hit by a
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freighter in that case? case and it failed in that case, it took seven years before they were able to get that all fully re-establish their usually though, not bridge looks very nice now usually though, it doesn't take quite as long, i35 and minnesota 11 months when it collapsed, pittsburgh ten months when it collapsed in 95 in pennsylvania roadway messed up there, took two weeks. you got to temporary roadway into play. so the question will be, how fast can they do it here? hopefully very soon for a lot of people involved again, right now still dealing with the human tragedy. but you know, the plans are in the works here and what the white house is saying is, look this is a federal priority. this isn't a state issue, doesn't just for maryland, the country needs us to be working again and fast. so hopefully that makes a very fast recovery effort yeah, very important transit area. all right. thank you so much. tom four min jian >> all right. with us now, is the governor of maryland, wes
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moore, governor. thank you so much for being with us. we do know how busy you've been. we have heard from you that divers are back in the water today, engaged in these recovery efforts for those zoom to have been lost, any updates on those efforts this morning >> we're first are our hearts go out to these families they they are living a nightmare right now. and so i told him, though we would exhaust we would exhaust every single option for the search and rescue to try to bring them bring back survivors. now that we've transitioned two a recovery mission, i promised them the same that i will exhaust all options to be able to bring them a sense of closure. and that includes these a row, a divers who literally as we speak are right now in the water trying to and working in pitch dark conditions and frigid temperatures and high tides and high winds with mangled metal all around them who are looking
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and still searching for for, for, for these individuals. so i'm thankful for these first responders for the heroic work that they're doing. >> have you had a chance to speak to the families of those presumed lost >> i have yesterday i had the chance to spend time with them and prayed with them prayed for them, and just praying that god can give them a sense of peace and so that's words we're hoping for right now, that in this moment that we can just bring them a sense of, a sense of closure after this, after this horrific incident >> these are people who may have lost their lives as heroes. governor >> the thing that we know is that these are people who went to work to fill potholes and had no idea that this was going to turn deadly and for the family members who when they left for when they left their homes had no idea that this was
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going to be the final conclusion. i think about the heroic work of these first responders who soon as that made a call came in, these first responders went to work and they were began to alert the people who were working they began to move people off of the bridge. they closed off the roads to keep other cars from coming on. these first responders saved countless lives and we owe them a huge debt of gratitude is a state governor, >> i know the effort right now is on recovery. and then as soon as that's done, the effort's going to be on opening the channel there is the issue of accountability though, as the governor of maryland who represents the people of maryland and those people who were lost. what do you need? he'd in terms of accountability, if there were warning signs, missed or ignored here we need to know exactly what happened. >> that's why i believe there needs to be a full a full and thorough investigation. what led up to this what what what
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made that the ship lose power? what made it, what made them lose the ability to be able to steer the ship? do we have the right infrastructure that's in place to be able to protect the people of our state. so i think there needs to be a full reckoning, a full accountability i think we need to go wherever the investigation takes us to make sure that the people of our jurisdictions are safe. >> what explanation have you been given so far about why this vessel appears to have lost power? >> well, we don't have anything anything yet and i know the investigation is still in its its preliminary stages. and this is gonna be a long investigation, as we also know, it's going to be a longer recovery process but it's something that we are all fully committed to making sure that we see through to completion. and we see through to the end. and then as something that we can act on, what do you want from these companies? who run the shipping company? i know it's a complicated web here
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because one company owes the ship, another license is it the cargo on-board may belong to somebody else. but what responsibility do they have if something truly was missed here? >> i want accountability i wanted i know that in everything that we do, there's accountability that someone or something has to has to be accountable and responsible for what happens. and so we just want to make sure that we are getting that we are our healing. what is broken, that we are fixing this type of systems and then we're getting the port of baltimore up back and going again that we can bring a measure of closure to these
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>> we will work if this channel's not open >> and over >> 140,000 that >> are indirectly >> impacted >> by, by the port of >> baltimore and the port of >> baltimore has such a >> significant economic >> impact, not just >> on, on my state, >> not just on the state of >> maryland, but we're >> talking about 51 >> million tonnes of foreign cargo. that's the largest. so with the largest port in the country, the foreign cargo were talking about cars, heavy trucks agricultural equipment, were the number one port in america for that. it's a top ten port in the country. so this isn't just about the impact, this is going to have on maryland's economy this is the impact. it's going to have on our country's economy. this is the farmer in kentucky. it's the auto dealer in michigan. and so we've got a prioritize being able to get that bridge rebuilt, to get those port and get this channel reopened, and having the port of baltimore be the gifts to this country, the port of baltimore as always been, anyone been able to give you an estimate as to when ships may be able to move in
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and out >> not yet. and we're, we're all aware. we're prioritizing, focusing on how are we coordinating efforts. i mean, it's the reason that that i've been on the ground marshalling the resources and marshall and the efforts and and why we're going to stay here to be able to make sure that we can get this thing open and get things going again. and by the way, making sure that we're protecting the workers in the process as well. >> maryland governor west more we do appreciate you taking the time to speak with us this morning. thank you very much >> john. let's continue this conversation now with retired us coast guard captain peter boynton captain, good to see you. we understand the divers are back in the water trying to recover the six that are missing. also the cookie this card has been instrumental in other facets of the investigation. what do you believe the priority is today >> well, they're obviously working on the recovery and let me even proceed that by saying
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the victims, families, and the first responders front of mind, it's an incredibly hazardous situation. they're dealing with there. and as they go forward with that recovery of course, the investigation the chair of the ntsb had laid out the incredibly complex task they have. but when we talk about priorities, one of the things that i've really admired to see so far, using the example of the leadership of the ntsb is they had virtually all of their team onsite very early they understood that the immediate priority was the search and rescue, but to some degree, they were able to proceed in parallel having there investigators on scene and ready to go. so as we move forward with recovery, it's very important that the investigation proceed in a manner that does not prevent recovery actions also, moving
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ahead and that includes clearing that channel. the governors absolutely correct it's of tremendous value to baltimore, but as a top ten port that is of tremendous value to the country's so a great mark of resilience is how do we prioritize, how do we move ahead, and how can we expedite recovery and clearing that channel >> yeah, it's a hugely important port, but of course, clearing the area is going to take a very long time we mentioned earlier today, the divers are back in the water talk to me about the obstacles because you look at this scene and that's all you think of or obstacles you've got this mangled still. it's cold. the water is deep, it's murky, and they're trying to recover bodies. so talk to me about the barriers, the obstacles. i mean there's a lot in jeopardy here >> that's absolutely correct.
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they really are operating in a very hazardous environment. there's also currents and it's both the current caused by the tide surging in and out of the harbor and also the current coming from the potassium river. so that's a very complex underwater situation. and the big hazard is all of that debris and the ship itself there's no guarantee that that will not start moving at some point. and with those divers in the water, it's just incredibly dangerous hats off those brave and incredibly skilled first responders who are in that environment as you have pointed out, visibility is very low. and because of that current, whatever they're looking for, victims or areas of debris that will be important to the inspection. it may very well have moved >> so >> search planning taking into account the effect of the current and where those objects
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may now b is also critical and that makes it even more hard for those divers underwater because it becomes a larger area, right? >> so many incredible people at hand and involved here. thank you so much captain peter boynton. appreciate it >> all right. and now new details about where sean diddy combs was headed before federal officials stopped him as they rated his homes just hours from now, a hunter biden and his attorneys will try to dismiss several felony tax charges against him and will it be another blockbuster de for former president trump's social media stock? >> it appears that despite my sinister efforts employees are still managing their own hr and payroll. why would you think mere humans deserve to do their own payroll? because their livelihoods depend on it, because they have bills to bay
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slamming raids on his properties in los angeles it's less and in miami, calling it gross overuse of force, defense and trial. attorney misty marris is joining me right now. >> good to see you. so does it seem like this was excessive or is this tantamount to a sex assault or sex trafficking allegations kind of investigation. so the he isn't that you see this type of array. number one, it's to make sure that evidence isn't destroyed. we see a coordinated effort, miami, los angeles, and that's to make sure that everything is preserved. you're kind of taking them by surprise now the second piece of this going in with guns, the amount of agents that indicates that they might have anticipated some resistance. we know in some of these civil lawsuits, there have been allegations raised about gun use, gun trafficking. perhaps they thought there could be guns at the homes and that there would be a threat or a risk. and that's when you see this type of tremendous amount of police force with arms going into these properties. so i think
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that under the circumstances, it really depends on what that underlying warrant says, but that's approved by a judge. so among the things reportedly seized computers and cell phones. but what does this tell you about the phase of the investigation involving homeland security investigations in new york, miami los angeles? yes. so this starts in new york and it tells me that these are federal crimes, of course, because this is federal jurisdiction. so we're looking at the sex trafficking type of crimes. were looking at those relating to federal as opposed to state-level crimes, which would be sexual assault. so there's something more to this than the allegations that we've seen the civil lawsuits. now, interestingly enough, in both cassius lawsuit and in another lawsuit brought by rodney jones, they referenced a lot of video. they said that there were videotapes, that there were there were videos in the home that we're capturing. some of these acts which they called sex trafficking in those civil complaints p diddy was stopped the airport. his phone
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was confiscated. this tells me that the electronic footprint is something that the federal government is very, very interested in and is looking at very closely in this investigation, determining whether to take next steps. does this indicate to you that there was a federal >> investigation prior to the casie allegation and her settlement because because if not, then this happened really quickly, right? right. so it's hard to tell when this began. they've said it's an ongoing investigation. what we know is that at least five people as according to a source, have been interviewed. now, was it spurned by something that became public? so then the fed's became interested, started conducting interviews. it's definitely more fred than a civil complaint. a civil complaint isn't going to trigger all of this. so that means that there's additional evidence. now, how will we know when we see that affidavit that was presented to a judge as the probable cause for the basis for these rates. that's when we'll have more detail about when this investigation began. >> right. misty marris, great to see you. thank you.
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>> all right. john >> all right. barack obama, bill >> clinton, and lizzo all >> hands on deck situation. the biden campaign's new push to excite the base and the new question the rnc is using to vet its staff. they're now asking perspective hires whether they believe the 2020 election was stolen and with ai, we can look at so much more than sales data see that predictive analytics. >> how long have you been doing this >> as long as we've been with bdm, people who know know vdo >> i'm nfl hall of famer dan marino, you know, i used to be afraid of things like defensive lines and losing games but what's insane is that years later, by biggest fear became trial hey, to fall asleep. but the insanity stop. ryan learned about relaxing them sleep. i started sleeping again the first night while i might not
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stephen colbert at a star studded fundraiser >> in new york with this dow is democratic congressman from california, ro khanna, congressman. thank you so much for being with us. you're on the record saying that president biden has work to do to win you back the support among young voters. now, i do want to stipulate here. i'm not hip. >> all right. >> that time has come and gone, but that lineup, obama, clinton, cold kaling, queen, latifah, is that what's hip now? is that going to win back to young voters? >> well, that's a lot of star power. i wish i had a ticket. i'm sure anyone in america would want to be at that event, but let me tell you, the president as some momentum, the latest polls, john and bloomberg morning consult shows that he has closed the gap and a lot of the battleground states he's up in wisconsin, tied in pennsylvania title in michigan. i actually think it's after his strong state of the union speech, where he laid out the clear economic
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differences between him and donald trump. the country's responded, why do you think or why did you think he had work to do among younger voters? >> well, i think he we needed to make the clear contrast with donald trump in the president had started to do that, that he has made a contrast when it comes to being for unions, when it comes to being for housing, affordable housing of being for increasing the minimum wage. is that looked donald trump is just going to give more tax gods to the very, very wealthy that's what he did. >> and he's also >> taken a position on getting humanitarian aid into gaza. he didn't retell the administration, didn't veto a critical resolution that called for a ceasefire. so you see in the state of the union, i think him laying out a agenda for the next term that it seems to be resonating >> so the rnc or reporting this morning is asking potential new hires if they believe the 2020
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election was stolen. it's kind of an a litmus test for people to come in and work there. some of the reporting is right now, what does that tell you about the state of politics? this country >> it's really sad. i mean, look, we need to strong parties in this country and it used to be we used to argue over taxes and spending. and that's a rational, thoughtful debate. we shouldn't be arguing in this country about whether you concede an election. if you get less votes. and i guess what this is a stark reminder is that donald trump today is stronger in his hold on. the republican party than he has ever been at any point. and i came into congress when he was first elected in 2016, that then you still and members of congress and others who would descend, who criticize them. this is now donald trump's republican party so congressman the ftc is investigating tiktok over an alleged violation of the children's online privacy protection rule, which >> requires companies to notify
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parents and obtain consent before collecting data from children under 13, they could sue tiktok in the coming weeks you voted no on the so-called tiktok ban, citing first amendment concerns, but did say there are legitimate national security issues. so how do you think they should be addressed? >> well, two things. what up the ftc issues are very serious and that investigation needs t be carried out i mean, the the critique there, the lawsuit is that tiktok may be collecting data on minors and that's just against the law. the separate issue is is there a transference of data? to china? is the chinese communist party in any way interfering in tiktok or other social media algorithms. and it's in a banning tiktok. my view is that you should pass laws. the one protect americans data, privacy can make it illegal to ban any of our data to transfer any of our data to a place like china and to make it illegal for any foreign government to interfere with the algorithms are social media
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>> so florida governor ron desantis just signed a bill that would ban social media accounts for children under 14 and require permission for 14.15 year-olds, parental permission. i'm curious what you think about that bill i think that goes too far. i mean, there are a number of people on social media who maybe lgbtq applies, who may need that outlet in terms of building a community. but what i would say is that you should not have any collection of data on minors. and that you need to make sure that the social isn't feeding algorithms to young people. that is encouraging a depression, that is encouraging eating disorders. so there are bills that we need to be passing to protect minors. i think an outright banned are working year-olds goes too far >> cars from row khan, a great to see you this morning. thank you very much. >> thank you >> all right. a major showdown in a los angeles cord will a
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steam pat. it's part steam-powered stain remover and party party animal patrol this on a new breed of clean for a gentle, dependable constipation really tries seneca it works differently than other laxatives >> because it's made from the center plant and natural vegetable active ingredient in gentle, dependable, seneca also available in delicious gummies all right, just hours from now, hunter biden's lawyers will be in los angeles courtroom to make the case that felony >> tax charges against him should be thrown out. special counsel, david weiss, charged the president's son with nine tax offenses in december. he has pleaded not guilty, joining me right now as former assistant special watergate prosecutor, nick ackerman. great to see you next. so hunter biden and his attorneys are trying to get all nine of these charges thrown out. >> what's the >> argument or what are the goods that they have to bring to justify all of these be dismissed, not easy but they do
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have out of all of these various arguments, they have mostly kind of a general defense arguments that weren't would raise a selective prosecution. the idea that mr. weiss was not a properly as special counsel, but the one that really is substantive is his claim that the diversion agreement agreement that he had entered into with mr. wise last year, over a year ago to plead guilty to tax fraud and the gun violation that all charges would be dropped and that he would not serve any jail time. so the issue he has raised is that there was an agreement he is claiming that there i'd been in agreement with the government. and as a result, he relied on that agreement. he provided them information. and as a result, the for the court should enforce that agreement. and dismiss the indictment. >> isn't that true? i mean, everyone knew that there was agreement and they showed up at court understanding that this agreement was going to work. but now that agreement is being
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used against him. so it seems like that would be a pretty good defense. >> it's a good defense, but again, we don't know the details. there was something that happened in the delaware court last year, if you recall, where the judge started asking questions about what people's understanding that agreement was. it was obvious that there was a disagreement in some way. so the question is, was there really a meeting of the minds such that there was an agreement? but keep in mind both parties signed it. if you look at the latest reply brief that was filed in that case, it appears that the issue is coming down to whether or not the probation department signed off on that grid, boy so it gets into some pretty knotty issues here, all of which if you started talking about them in detail, we'll put everybody to sleep. but it is a real argument and it does have real potential for basically carrying the day. >> so if case not dismissed, this were to go to trial, how lengthy as this it's not a very
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lengthy trial because it's fairly straightforward. i mean, he did not report a lot of income on his tax returns for those years. >> okay. >> he clearly signed off on the deal, with the gun, which is a whole other prosecution that is in delaware, not in california where the tax case. all right. well, since we only have a few more >> seconds left, and i really want to get in this gag order with a new york supreme court judge who opposes this limited gag order on donald trump because the history of donald trump disrespecting the court you find this to be quite striking. that will number one, the gravitas of any defendant to go in there and disparage a courtroom. but this is now necessary, isn't it? it is. and i think what the viewers have to understand is this is so on the usual, this never happens. it over 50 years of
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law practice, both as a prosecutor, defense, unprecedented time it's done. and the reason it's not done is because once you start disparaging the judge, disparaging people in the courtroom, you're putting yourself in harm's way hey, because that's the judge who's going to sentence you. it's the judge who could send you to jail or give you probation. so you don't do those sorts of things. donald trout isn't the only one i have ever seen. do this and do it in such an outrageous way that is really forced the courts to deal with where does the first amendment stop and where do we need a gag order in order to protect the judicial system? >> it's been unique and continues to be on so many levels and big ackermann. thank you so much. appreciate it. thank you. all right. john >> all right. this morning, do i have a story for you? it's about a cnn anchor maybe the greatest cnn anchor. but before allison camerota was the greatest anchor, she was a girl growing up in new jersey
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essentially a punk rock groupie, who ended up leaving home at 16. >> and her >> brand new memoir combat love is out this week and allison camerota is here with us now. >> why am i sitting so far away from you >> but you were the fact that we're sitting is revolutionary. begin with, you know, that it's serious if we're sitting down so i've been lucky enough to read this book and it is, it's mind-blowing. you can't believe that everything in an actually happen to anyone, let alone somewhere that i sat next to for four years. let me start with the punk rock groupies. sure thing >> explain that to me. >> so at 13 years old, i fell in love with a local punk rock band from shrewsbury, new jersey called shrapnel and they were so electric and so charismatic and so talented that i ended up following them around for a few years, much to their dismay because they didn't what a teeny bopper
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following them to cbgb's and max's, kansas city and all these different clubs. but i was so spell bound by them that i followed them into some dangerous situations and they ended up having to routinely save my life. dangerous situations like being in >> the back of a van or being in a car with broken. we just bad stuff on the streets of new york get 01:00 a.m. yeah. >> like if anybody remembers the 80s, the early 80s in new york city, in the bowery in particular, which is where cbgb's the iconic punk rock club was, was very burned out and dangerous. and so sometimes because i was so young, i'd be sleepy. oh, i don't have to go to high school the next day. i would be sleepy, so i would go to sleep in a car sometimes. well, one time i shall read and combat love. i found myself surrounded by punk rock skin heads with baseball bats, who were breaking the windows to steal stereos and stuff like that. so like, yeah, things like that happened that shouldn't have been happening to me know and clearly they didn't know what i know now, which is that they should have been scared of you know, not
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not the other way around. and like i said, the events in this book are, are almost beyond belief. this sequence of things that you did in your life and one of them was you left home at 16 and i'm not talking about going to boarding school on talking about basically like interstate couchsurfing >> as i lived in six different houses it isn't the space of two years really what i was searching for was a foundation. i mean, this whole book, the overarching theme is about my decades long search for home. however you want to define that figuratively and literally so when i was 15, my mother moved me. i was an only child away from what i consider to be the episode center of the university of new jersey 3,000 miles away to the west coast. i was alone. i was disoriented and after about a year, i decided that i should fend for myself and it would be better if i just was on my own and crawled my way back to new jersey. and so you'll read about how i was able to do that.
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>> when i read this, one of the things i basically said to you is, are you sure you want to tell everyone everything that's in here because this really deeply personal and difficult. and so it wasn't so much the punk rock groupies thing, which is awesome, or the couch or spring which is awesome. it's all awesome. but you're also very honest about periods of your life where you dealt with depression >> yeah. >> you did tried to warn me. i will say that you did. everybody should know that john tried to warn me about this. look, there was deep despair during some of these times in my life. definitely bouts of depression. >> and >> basically the reason i decided to test very deeply personal and raw story is because i think a lot of people can relate to that. and we don't talk about it and we all do wear this facade not always as much of a makeup mask and well coiffed anchor hair as i am, but we all do wear a public facade, but everybody has a
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story of survival, of some kind and a lot of people have a story of grappling with despair and depression. and so in that way, i just hope that it will be inspirational because i did find my way out of it and i did find my way to achieving my dream of becoming a tv reporter and having a happy and stable family >> i have i was i always have been inspired by how you talk about mental health and away you taught me how to talk about mental health in a responsible way. now i understand. i think we're at all comes from i understand so much more bow or every the all comes from really more than you ever wanted to know about me i say that but, you know, deep down inside of like, listen, this book is wonderful. everyone needs to order it, right now combat loved by alice and is fantastic. it's so any, you know what you have to write more books so i can sit next to you more often. that's right. i'm willing to do it. it's worth it, john. all right. for me. thank you so much for watching graduated really appreciate you.
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>> read. >> all right. so i may up i'm going heading to a bookstore today. i will be picking it out >> all right. donald trump's stocks starting the day in the green up more than 23% at one point what does this mean for the former president's wallets >> it's time >> yes. >> the time has come for a fresh approach to dog food every day. moore dog people are deciding it's time to quit the kibble and feed their dogs fresh food from the farmers dog. made by vets. and delivered right to your door precisely portion for you? your dog's needs >> it's an idea >> whose time has come >> every trip we're versus time. she correction sorry
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1806510200, coventry direct redefining insurance >> i'm evan perez, federal court in washington. and this is cnn all, right right now the markets are officially opened for day two of trading after trump media is blockbuster debut >> shares for donald trump's social media company. we're selling so fast that they had to briefly halt trading. >> on day one. and the company's value skyrocketed to nearly 11 billion. >> but will the high hey hold
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cnn business and economy reporter matt egan is here with the answer on that. what for >> fasten your seat belts because this stock is not obeying the laws of gravity. it's all trading on momentum. >> but listen, that is a very powerful >> force because let's look at how it's doing this morning. this is up another ten as we speak this as after yesterday's spike, after days of spikes >> let's also >> zoom out a little bit over the past six months. this is a stock that has basically quadrupled in value. this spike here back in january, this was around the time that donald trump had a landslide victory in the iowa caucus that sent this skyrocketing as people started to bet more and more on truth, social. now, one thing to keep in mind is the higher the stock goes the higher that donald trump's net worth is at yesterday's close. trump's net worth, according to bloomberg, a little over $7 billion. it went up by 4 billion on monday alone. now we should note that he can't quickly monetize this
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stake. there are restrictions around that insiders have where they can't sell or even borrow against their value in this company, at least over the first few months. but what's also important, remember, is there's a lot of questions about the valuation of this company let me look, show you why. so truth, social is actually still very, very tiny, right? half 1 million monthly active users >> even >> threads is ten times bigger than that. obviously twitter is massively bigger than that. and also it's worth looking at how true social stacks up against reddit, social media company that just it's went public last year. you can see that even though truth social has just a fraction of the revenue, it's actually been valued at a much higher level. so listen, fredreka, this stock is going to keep going up and down because right now it's trading purely on momentum. >> that brand association. all right. matt egan. thank you so much. thank you so much for being here. in a great great to have you here. thank you all for joining us. this has been cnn news central, cnn newsroom with allison camerota today
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