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tv   Laura Coates Live  CNN  March 27, 2024 7:00pm-8:00pm PDT

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what are you going to i do this secret, the trick to getting out of this is to recognize that we all hate it. the kids even don't like the kids even say they wish these programs were never invented. but they're trapped. and so it's a collective action problem. and if we can coordinate, we can solve it collectively. so it just, so if you're, if you're a parent and you're listening to this get on the text thread or talk to the parents of a couple of friends of your kids. >> if you >> all delay smartphones or if you all put certain restrictions on, then it's okay. your kids will go for it if they just don't want to be the only one. so we can escape this if we act collectively. >> but do you hear from parents who are actually doing that? >> yes, i do. every day but my hope is it's so far its lone parents who are doing it and then their kids feel isolated. then they often have feel like they're grateful later, but i want to make it easy for parents to do it today, tomorrow jonathan haidt, the book is the anxious generation. it's fascinating. everyone should read it. thank you for joining us tonight so much
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katelyn. >> and >> thank you all so much for joining us for this ry, very busy. our laura coates live starts right now an american tragedy deepens what people have been >> confirmed dead baltimore, leaving more families and so many questions. >> and so much pain. >> that's tonight on a special to our laura coates live good, evening. >> i'm laura coates and washington, dc. and tonight, a dramatic play by play of a dolly's final faded minutes from the investigators examining just went wrong and what happened at that key bridge? the national transportation safety board is that it gave a second by second depiction, going through the initial alarms, the commands to steer away the desperate radio call for help. >> the >> order to drop the anchor, the radio call that confirmed
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that the dali had lost all power, all of this before hitting the bridge and causing the catastrophic collapse. i really cannot even begin to imagine how frantic this crew must have been. now we have some insight into those terrifying moments from inside the ship. the ntsb, everything they've got the data recorders, they've got the cargo manifest and you will not believe what was on board that vessel some 764 tons of hazardous material, corrosive, flammable, and some are breached on that ship. and there's some kind of a parent sheen on the water would suggest that some of this hazardous material might now be in the port of baltimore, a body of water with a current that leads to the ocean below as much information as we're getting tonight. there's still so much we still do not know it's the infancy of the investigation and we don't have any pictures from inside that andrew room. we don't have any
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cameras, but don't have any cctv. also tonight, divers are uncovering an underwater grave a red pickup truck with two victims who were trapped inside, and they are all saying site that's sonar scans show vehicles in in the wreckage from the bridge. did anyone else possibly survive >> encourage you all to think about these people in those that they love and they lost they're going to need your love and support >> and the disaster has produced a traffic jam with nationwide, maybe even global consequences ten ships in addition to the wreckage of the dali, are stuck inside the port of baltimore, you got three bulk carriers, one vehicle carrier to cargo ships, an oil tanker, three naval logistics vessels. those are all trapped now by the key bridge. now sitting across un underneath
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the water that iconic bridge may be gone from the skyline, from the horizon, but the wreckage that remains means a clogged artery to one of the country's major ports >> it's like >> i've tenderization pete buttigieg says that rebuilding quote. will not be quick or easy, or cheap >> but a bridge >> can be built back. lives. you simply can't six families tonight are clinging to hope that somehow some way against the odds, against the weather again, the tides that their loved ones might still be alive. rescue divers are pausing their search tonight though because of dangerous conditions like heaps of mangled metal the grim task of finding the bodies of the men who fell with the bridge into the potassium go river that's, going to pick back up tomorrow. >> and >> all the missing workers worked for broader, which is a
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baltimore-based contractor and they migrate to this country from different parts of the world. menn miguel luna from el salvador, he lived here for 19 years getting married, raising three children. may norris on naval immigrated 17 years ago from honduras. he leaves behind two children and his wife. he would've actually celebrated a birthday just next month thoroughly. and castillo cabrera, let's from guatemala, and his sister-in-law says that he loved his job, had been working for brawner for the past three years as well cnn spoke to sandoval's brother, carlos, and he says he's banking on a miracle >> yes. >> we still have hope till this moment. god granted a miracle. it would be beautiful for us and the family in honduras, we still have hope i know time is our worst enemy
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>> joining me now, jim hall, he is the former chairman of the national transportation safety board. jim, thank you so much. for being are you heard from at least one family members still holding out hope it is heart-breaking to even here and in a way we're all holding our breaths still. it just seems so surreal even now. but can you just tell me from your perspective what was the biggest thing that we learned tonight from the investigators? >> well, i think they're doing a very thorough job that we are in the factual factual part of the investigation and there was a lot of information released but it highlighted also what we don't know and that is who, knew who had the information when and when did the captain and the palate know the ship's problems hopefully we can look at that. and these recorders, but as was pointed out earlier
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these recorders do not provide the same type of information that you have in an aviation accident. that is something the ntsb has tried unsuccessfully to correct over the years and marine safety and marine security in many cases is still the weakest link in our transportation system. >> did i do make an interesting point because most people who hear about the so-called black box, they think they know what kind of data is going to be on that black box a communications, giving some color and insight into what's happening for this data tracker. is it so different? is it a snapshot? what would it reveal? >> well, it for much more information and a lot of it could be useful to the fifth type of investigation laura, that this event will possible b. a. significant to a maritime
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safety and security as 911 was two aviation safety and security if you notice, there are a lot of parties to this investigation you've had the secretary of transportation there. you've had federal highway there, you have other organizations sometimes in our ports in which 25% of our economy is based. there are so many people in charge that as they say, no one's in charge and the accountability here for me runs to why was this isn't been our first bridge collapse. there were two during my tenure at the ntsb in which we made recommendations at risk assessments be done we know how large these ships are, how much the port traffic has changed because of justin time impact on our economy. and yet, here
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we are with the same bridge that was built at very little change to it. so in many ways, we have got to relook at port security because it's too it's too disjointed and it needs to be addressed for the protection of the american society and the american people today. we're going to be the ones paying for the bridge to be replaced is a fine point. i'm really curious about the recommendations that were made during your tenure because if you look at various bridges, there are distinctions and the way they are reinforced, we look for them all side-by-side comparison between the francis scott key bridge and others like the cascode bay bridge and portland, maine you do notice that there is something different. the key bridge did not have this sort of robust fender system of sorts. is that something that you think is critical going forward or could have even prevented something like this from happening?
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>> well, i think a go going forward, the critical thing is we structure, restructure how we provide effective oversight at federal and state level to the ports that are so important to the economy of the united states, wanted >> that mean, i don't want think about what would that do? terms of that oversight, because if you're talking about the obviously the bureaucracy looking at things in a detailed fashion in the long run, then you've got the individual pilots who have to navigate the waters. what would be the action taken? those moments for oversight purposes >> well, in this case that situation you have the port authority that has the pilot association that brings the ships in and out of the port i don't know that there's any system even though it's been recommended changing best practices among these very policy organization. we don't
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have that many major ports. i don't know that there's been a real risk assessment to look at i think the chairman homendy mentioned the number of bridges at risk and the number of ports that we have. the economic impact this is an accident that needs to wake up america good to the importance of addressing a system of accountability in terms of these operations in the ports as you want it out. and we saw in the east, east more riches incident, we've got a lot of hazardous materials being transported most of the stuff that comes and goes on the train, comes off the ships but then goes on to trains and through all the local communities and our country interesting connection i was thinking about the east palestine train derailment and
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how there were so many environmental concerns about the >> transportation more broadly of hazardous materials. and then what you do to navigate because they do have to go from point a to point b. are they on areas where you've got the average civilian passenger through affairs? is there otherwise, the fact that they did say tonight that there were some hazardous materials that may have made its way breaching the cargo, but then maybe even creating a sheen over the water. does highlight this very important point. and jim hall, thank you so much. >> my pleasure >> we've got a lot more on this tragedy ahead is we're learning more details also tonight, former president obama's said to be perhaps fearful that joe biden may not have this reelection in hand. >> the election being very >> close with donald trump, chris wallace joins me on what obama is about to do on the trail. plus the question that potential the employees are
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being asked during their interviews and what's being called a kind of litmus test and in minutes, a new interview with larry david tonight. he hasn't hold back on. donald trump or the election it's so crazy, he's such a sociopath. he's so insane >> seven astronauts setting off on a scientific mission, columbia, houston. object. >> i didn't know anything concerning it happened. there were people that did though >> the space shuttle accident, it's usually not one thing think it's a series of events >> you follow the debris, what's it telling you >> it should have had that test on day one? >> we need you're single what the hell happened in shuttle columbia. he final flight and mirror sunday, april 7 at nine. >> i love your dress >> i splurged a little because liberty mutual customize my car insurance and i saved hundreds that's great. >> i know. right. i've been
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and potential employees if they think the 2020 election was rigged, an apparent litmus test for hiring and the biden campaign pouncing on this thing that it's trump, quote, demanding fealty we now it's chris wallace, host of cnn's the chris wallace show. and who's talking to chris wallace on macs and who's talking to me right now? me that too. hey, chris, how are you? great to be with you, laura? so this all started after donald trump's daughter-in-law, lara trump, was named co-chair of the rnc. now how is this just in some ways, chris just formalizing that the republican party is now trump's party, and that a platform policy of this party is at the 2020 election was stolen if not especially certainly in practice. yeah. i mean, it is trump's foreign a lucky sailed to victory very easily in the primaries as you say, he's completely, and this
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isn't so unusual that the winning nominate takes over the party structure, the dnc for democrats, the rnc for republicans. at what's unusual are these kinds of litmus tests, but you've got a candidate who is signing and the nominee of the party who was saying that the election was stolen. so it's almost a logical extension of this, of this false hood that you would be asking employees, are you willing to sign on for this? i mean, it is it's a loyalty test to donald trump and what donald trump is going to be saying throughout the 2024 campaign >> i mean, normally you think about ones policy positions, but the idea that this is a policy or a stance it's really stunning even after all these years, but the rnc for their part, kris, they're saying they're only asking candidates who worked in states where fraud allegations were prevalent, they get asked about their work experience. do you buy that sort of caveat here?
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>> not especially. i mean, you've got to remember they came in and they they let go 60 operatives on the rnc said, you can apply for a job to come back, but basically you've got to go through a whole vetting process look, it is a kind of alice in wonderland situation. but when you've got the candidate himself, who's saying the election was written, you say, well, that's not policy it's one of the major planks of donald trump's presidential runs. so given that logic why wouldn't you ask people at the party, are you willing to sign on? for this? >> it's a really good point if you remember back to the rnc debates than some that never were. it was about whether they would then essentially pledge to be loyal to ever the eventual candidate was this caused some consternation in the first instance, speaking of somebody who had been towing the huge plank of the party the
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and the party line is always the rnc was one, ronna mcdaniel, right? she was somebody who was former now chairperson of the rnc. she was ousted. obviously, we know all the reasons circumstances around that she was now ousted though from nbc news. and one of the things that contributed to her firing was that she discussed while this answer from your july interview with her and then had an about face, listen to this >> you're saying is the chair of the republican party that you still have questions as to whether or not joe biden was duly elected president. joe biden's the president. no, i didn't >> the president. i don't think that i think you've won the election. >> i think there were lots of problems with 2020 >> when he won the election, but ultimately he won the election. but there were lots of problems with the 2020 election >> and that's fair. but i don't think he won it fair. i don't i'm not going to say that now. >> she >> is saying that that answer that she gave you is not different from what she is saying. now, what do you make
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of of what happened here in terms of nbc >> i you know, i think it was just a terrible mistake. i understand the idea that, you want to find somebody to reflect trump's policies, trump islam. if you will, because he's one of the two candidates. it certainly seems it's going to be running for the presidency. one of the two main candidates, they're gonna be some third party candidates and you want to be able to reflect where three stands on foreign policy, where his dan's about ukraine. all of these other things that's fair. but to have to hire somebody for supposedly $300,000 a year, who's going to be not only an election denier, which she was after the 2020 election, but somebody who worked and was calling people hello in michigan, it or trying to get them not to certify the vote. so she was an in an election denying enabler to me, that's a bridge too far if you
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believe in something as fundamental as the peaceful transfer of power, and that we believe in alive sections and the winner wins and the loser concedes and goes home to hire somebody to talk about trumpism and supposedly given an insight into that, but someone who actually was an enabler of trump's effort to overturn the election. i can certainly understand why our colleagues at nbc found that out an acceptable and frankly, i thought it was pretty dumb of the executives at nbc to think they were going to get away with it i just say an if use called or enabler, but she might be called a witness and some of these trials as well for the conduct you're talking about. that's being alleged. cnn's also reporting today that former president obama has told associates that this election he's not calling a of all hands on deck the moment
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because he thinks that biden's rematch with donald trump is going to be very close and the polls seem to support that as well. they seem to be jockeying for position. >> but part of that >> all hands on deck moment. you've got tomorrow night. biden having a huge fundraiser with obama and former president clinton as well. how do you think having obama on the trail? we'll impact biden's campaign? >> yeah. i mean, just to make it clear, this is one of the biggest fundraisers ever. it's at radio city music hall in new york tickets are going for up to $50,000 and you're gonna have the current president and two of his predecessors all on the trail look, obama is certainly there very popular himself. and i would think particularly with some of the voting groups, like younger voters, especially younger voters of color, black and latino, who seemed to be slipping away according to the polls, from biden so obviously the theory is pretty obvious. you hope that he can get them
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excited or at least get them to the polls to vote for. biden. >> but, >> an interesting thing about, about barack obama's career, he was enormously popular politician and one to very convincing election victories. he was not particularly good at trial transferring his personal popularity to other people's. so i think there are real limits to how much he's gonna be able to do to energize some of those voting blocs that biden is needs to show are up i just think that's not transferable. that kind of personal popularity >> all right. well, chris standby for a second because you just spoke with larry davis david for my god, larry david who went off about trump. and this election don't ms this interview plus, i'll speak live with a lifelong texas republican who says he's leaving the party why he says he's had enough next >> get your viewing glasses
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with custom gear get started today at this is the big dam >> it's time to kane who that do >> i'm back now with chris wallace. chris, i have to tell you, i am very jealous because i'm a huge, huge fan. this next person because you just talk to curb your enthusiasm. larry abid about the election was listen >> so how much has the whole 2020 election and everything that has flowed from it? you off >> oh, i mean, you can't go a day without thinking about what he's done to this country because he's such a little baby that he's. thrown 250
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years of democracy out the window, but not accepting the results of, i mean, it's it's so crazy. he's such a sociopath. he's so insane. he just couldn't admit to losing. and we know he lost. he knows he lost and look how he's fooled everybody. he's convinced all these people that he didn't lose it's such a sick man. he is so sick anyway, no, it hasn't impacted me at all >> that's exactly how i envision these conversations going. what else did you guys when it came to politics? >> well, you know what the reason we did is because this is his last season, not going not not the series finale of curb urine >> those he hasn't >> season finale, but the series finale and in one of the early episodes and it's been on for awhile and incidentally, my interview with him is also going to be on max drops on
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friday and up-regulate. they've got maybe the best interview i've done in these two-and-a-half years, i not because of me, but because larry was so great in this is in one of the early episodes of this final season he's down in atlanta and as a woman who's a friend of his and she's on line to vote and he's. talking to earn gets eight just goes out cheetahs. i'm so so exhausted. so thursday and he goes and he gets a bottle of water and it gives it to her and he's arrested and you realize this this is going on because it seems so organic and natural you realize, oh, this was his way of responding to that georgia your election law that you're not allowed to provide food or water to somebody who's waiting online devote which when you think of it and when you see it in the context of the series, you realize how just insanely nonsensical it is in any case. so that got us talking about politics and at let me say it did not take a lot of prompting to get larry, david to go off
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on donald trump he really doesn't like them >> i mean, i, i wanna know if you asked him about the fact that you've got rfk junior, who is in the race. and of course, his wife in real life was larry david's ex-wife and the curb your enthusiasm, did it come up at all? i don't want to spoil anything. did it? >> no. i i thought about it for a but you know, i i don't know. i talked for an hour. >> we talked about about politics. we talk about laura debit, at one point, i don't larry. how can you live with yourself and he basically says doesn't. understand and how does really he wishes that he was someone else? >> i cannot wait to see this interview with larry david. it's on who's talking to chris wallace. it is going to drop on macs on friday. i'm very jealous. next, i'm just going to have to follow you everywhere you go. chris wallace. thank you so much >> thank you. laura notice he
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didn't say i couldn't follow him around, just saying that wasn't as we talk about this election and how the gop is. no doubt. well, trump's party, there are many republicans who aren't willing to accept that particular notion. and my next guest, he's one of those people, a businessman who goes by texas trae a lifelong republican who voted for donald trump in 2016, while he is leaving the party to become an independent in a red state and he's getting attention for his decision and speaking out for candidates and believes in trae joins me now, trae, nice to talk to you, how you doing hey, i'm great, laura. thank you very much for having me. it's great to be here. >> well you know, you voted the republican ticket most of your life. usually a straight party ticket. now, you've said that you had it with both parties. what change so much for you? >> well you know, politics was something that for the majority of my life just didn't permeate every aspect of it like it does
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now. i mean, it's just injected into everything that we do. so i remember when republicans or democrats, the biggest thing they used to argue about what the budget and now it's from the beer you drink to the stores that to shop at and so forth. and it all has political implications. so coming up through that, through life and voting straight ticket republican was something i did more or less out of. i thought it was my patriotic duty anything else? coming into 2016 when donald trump was running my vote for trump wasn't so much bowden supportive him. as it was a vote against hillary, if you will. she didn't have anything to offer that necessarily appeal to me. i felt the election was hearse to lose and the whole thing seem to be at least pretty much son up. but as far as everybody thought, including her and i was very shocked to learn the next day that he had actually won when i really didn't think that he would actually use devices. they were things i just never really paid attention to. >> i don't want i want to hear
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what you had to say about that, but now i'm curious about the have you had an evolution of thought as it relates to hillary clinton? now in the wake of all of this yes. yes, absolutely. and i really nobody that she was absolutely right. he was absolutely right about everything that she said. although i didn't necessarily pay too much attention to the things that she said going back, hindsight's very clear, very clear. >> well, are you are getting ready to talk about some of the concerns you have and i want to get writing those because you've expressed your frustrations, your annoyances, shall we say around what's been going on in the presidential run them administration for donald trump as well at one point, does that translate an extend to, i wonder congress as well? because frankly, we're seeing allied dysfunction on capitol hill >> oh, is extreme it's absolutely beyond frustrating the activities and the things that they engage in the partisan politics it's, it's all for show and nothing of substance actually had nothing to benefit the american people. actually takes placed there. it
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was interesting to note for me how both sides seem to come together fairly quickly on what is often referred to as the tiktok ban bill. that into member problem getting any legislation through about that. but as far as the real issues that americans are faced with, immigration reform, health care reform, gun violence, all of these things that just goes total ignored. >> here about the concept of choosing one's battles. but that seems to be quite the disconnect for you. and many voters in terms of the battles that are prioritized in a lot of spaces, you're, you're actually now ringing the alarm though, and you're talking about this election. it's about what, 220 something days away at this point you're talking about it as being a kind of watershed moment for this country. why do you think this election compared to say 2020 or 2016 will be so different? >> well i think quite plainly they have told us what they're going to do. they have they've laid it out very clearly for us, really this election is a
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referendum on freedom and democracy at this point, lot of people say, you know, republic, well, yes, but we have democratic processes and principles that underpin that republic. and to me it really boils down to this. we can vote for a man who by voting for him, those principles and processes will survive and we will live to fight another day in terms of being able to work, work. there are issues in a vote for trump is to run the risk of losing all of that, to run the risk of the man said himself, he wanted to be a dictator on day one. i don't know if many dictators that are willing to give up authority wanted to grant it to them i wonder you're now going to be an independent in a red state. and i often wonder at one time independence says as a collective body, and i'm generalizing was that you did shouldn't relate to everything that a particular party spoke about. and it was sort of the not necessarily a middle ground, but you wanted to make sure you can be convinced by both sides. now, independent voters are increasingly more
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rejecting both parties and also having a maintaining their own lane. are you identifying as independent out of rejection or because it's more of a moderate position identifies independent voter because i don't fit neatly into a particular ideological box. i have different thoughts and opinions on different issues. some of them would be right of center. someone will be left of center, for example, i believe in support. the second minimum united states although i do believe that there are certain classifications of weapons that we should not be allowed to have. i believe in the right of people to love and marry whomever they choose to love. that, that should, i believe in bodily autonomy for women. so they're just a number of things i think when i look at the issues and i consider one by one and my thoughts and my beliefs, i just don't fit with necessarily one side of the other and i think there are a lot of americans out there like that it's interesting to think about. i think it increasingly so many people are identifying the way you're describing. i have to ask you about this
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though because trump revealed just this week that he is selling god bless the usa bibles for about 60 bucks. i wonder what you make of this money-making venture. i think it's licensing his name just just another grift. i can only imagine what what's in this patriot bible his i mean the constitution. i'm sure it's probably in there. i mean, jesus wrote it after the sermon on the mount, right? i mean, give me a break. it's just ridiculous that made me laugh. thank you so much. texas trae thanks for joining me tonight >> you bet. thank you. >> well, up next, the fbi is now investigating some very serious threats. racial threats made against a university of utah women's basketball team. this at a time when white supremacist threats are on the rise. >> i'll talk about it last sad and shocking news tonight. the former senator and vice presidential candidate, joe
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with others in tow. they were revving their engines. they were spewing racist threats at the players, including the n word. the team was so fearful for their safety, they actually had to change their hotels the team was saying in northern idaho because of limited hotel space in spokane, washington, where they were set to play in the end cwa women's tournament with me now discusses michael, eric dyson. he is a renowned professor of african-american and diaspora studies at vanderbilt university. he's also the author of entertaining race performing blackness in america and frankly, many others. michael, i want to start here with the big picture because this can't be looked at in a vacuum. frankly, i mean, there was a study that was published this week by the adl that says that white supremacy is propaganda incidents have hit a record high in the united states. actually up by double digits. so what they experienced in that moment, many might say, oh, that's a distant past. it is now, it's
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going on right now, and it's the manifestation of broader themes that have been adapted in the country. one of the coaches said, this is, this is a college campus. there's so much diversity. we are living through the assault upon dei and other forms of diversity right? >> the rejection of affirmative action, the rejection >> of dei, this is a country that is allergic to the diversity, the complexity, the nuance that makes america at its best a nation to be idolized, or at least to be looked at with some respect and so when you see the white supremacists, the resurgent white nationalism, the white christian nationalism. these are all part of a thing connected to a particular ideological strand that is really hurting the nation at its best in terms of democracy. so what these young women endure it, unfortunately and tragically is not an exception, not a passing fad is deeply entrenched in the american culture >> these are, you forget some sometimes we're talking about children. were children yesterday and they still are today. >> that's right. they're going
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to school, they're having to thrive. they're expected to thrive. in fact, to win. and you go to these games and money might think, well, the pressure is on and they may say, okay, let's show them. but now there's also a fear. what if you win? >> that's right. what if you were harmed in some way retaliates against and she wouldn't this is all on your mind and you mentioned dei, this is why i think it's so fascinating because there were a number of people in that locality who condemned what happened, including idaho's governor. now, i want to read you a part of an op-ed published by the idaho statesman editorial board because they pointed this out the actions of some of idaho's republican leaders send a different message because on monday, governor little posted a photo of himself holding up a proclamation ending diversity statements in idaho. is idaho setting the message loud and clear enough that these white supremacists and christian nationalists have no place in idaho oh, or are we sending the message that idaho is exactly where they belong? >> yeah. that's a real question. and good for the statesman to say that because
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people try to say, well, this is disparate, this is discrete, this is over there. this is a different sphere, but they're all interconnected. so, they have the ability to deny, on the one hand that they participate in such an nefarious beliefs. but on the other hand, they're reinforcing the very value that some of these white supremacist hold. this is our country. we don't want to hear anything about black history, indigenous history, native history trans history gay, lesbians bisexual. this is a nation shouldn't that at its best thrives when it brings together the diverse elements that constitute this great democracy. those people are have a bunker mentality. this is our nation. you are impure, you are out of place and you don't belong here. so the governor can't wash the hands of democracy or that low okoli administration from the very things that are going on, i'm not blaming them directly, but the area is a kind of interconnection that has to be acknowledged by the way the school was calling out the answer doublet for assigning this team to be in that
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location because of the timing of when they were alerted aware there are going to be the space was sparse. and by the way, you need to add that not only felt emboldened to say it, they felt there was consequence free in doing so about who belongs and who does not, which really for me is a bit of a segue into who is entitled to be in what spaces in occupied because i'm sure you saw that today as the everyone's buzzing about cowboy carter talking about beyond saying, here it came out the march 29, jolene jolene, i know that's how willie nelson i saw at all. i'm so excited. i'm have to look karaoke probably with you in nashville but she has been vocal about how she did not feel welcome that one point and i think it was a cma is whenever performance isn't the idea that hi think that somehow artists can only occupy but one space and the genre is becoming more fluid across the board. what do you think the message she's trying to send in this particular album might be other than look, it's music, it is
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music. and she said this is not a country music, this is not a country album. this is a beyonce album, which means she's like what whitman she is a great artists who is able to absorb many genres. she can do techno, she could do rmb, she can do pop, she can do so. and here she is now doing a country plus this part she grew up in houston, texas. i don't know if you all notice, but that got a lot of country going on in houston with the cowboy boots and cowboy hat she's not just as they say, all had and no cattle, she's got a lot of cattle behind her and look, most of the cma i think supports her. i talked to me and mcneil who ones dei a black woman for the country music association. and she talks about the tremendous support that she has a few knuckleheads out here trying to say, oh, no does she doesn't belong beyond say is proving she belongs wherever her talent can carry her. and i think that twain, and that southern accent that people in the past tried to demonize or four, is really one of the greatest certifications and validations of her organic
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relationship to a music vet had black interests, the banjo invented in the caribbean and in north america with an ear toward africa. so the antecedents that, that existed there, we invented the very banjo that is central and eight were like clark and a buck owens. and i love them both. that's african inspired music. beyonce is reuniting an audience that has been divorced from alienated from its own roots. and it would be interesting to see how others who are already doing it war in treaty, who are out here dueling rionda giddens. i mean, all of the people who are doing tremendous receive palmer, all of these great black artists who are already doing what beyond say is doing. she's both paving a path, pioneering a path, but opening the door sure to see many other artists who are doing incredible music. >> and you know, air strikes me that she is hoping to do that, which i think everyone strives to be. and that is no, not reduced to a category that's it. >> i mean, she's beyond that i
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mean, the answer is category lists in that sense, because if it's good music, i like get if it's great, i like it. i'm attracted to it. she can do rocks, you can do pop chicken, do jazz. she could do rmb. she's a great artist. she has a great e or she understands what the culture wants, but she also understands what her artistic vision is. so in that sense, she is the perfect person at this particular moment, having felt in the past a kind of snub she's re-introducing people to the fact that this is music that has animated us. i grew up in detroit, michigan. my dad is from georgia, mama from alabama. we heard hank williams >> hey, good luck in watch it. got cookie and house about cooking something up with me. >> i mean, we listened to that >> that was grill stuff >> that was not foreign to me along with a reason the franklin and ray charles, so have at it beyond say thank you for doing what you're doing, man, the same texas they know hold them, but this is michael erik davies thank you so much arthur, entertaining, raise performing blackness in america. i'm going to take your course. so i want to understand what 16 characters
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is really about. >> let's do what we can deconstruct that. we do that i do beyonce course. i know so say i want i want the whole thing. i think i have my own mind not at but soulmate. thank you so much. >> thank you for having me. >> there is some very sad news tonight the former senator and vice presidential candidate joe lieberman has died. this after complications from a fall he was 82 years old in a town like washington, dc, known more for division, then certainly compromise. liebermann spent a career pushing for civility across those party lines. in 1989, he joined the senate as a conservative democrat a decade later, he ran alongside l gore, becoming the first and only jewish candidate on a major presidential ticket. >> six years later, >> he lost democratic primary for his senate seat in connecticut, but he ran as an independent >> anyone >> to champion liberal issues like abortion rights, the environment, gay rights, and gun-control liebermann however,
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was known to stray from the party line he supported the iraq war. he opposed key parts of the affordable care act >> i have never shied from a good fight and i never will he famously backed obama's opponent back in 2008, the late senator john mccain almost landing himself another vp nod. but this time, on the republican side, became would later say it was a mistake choosing palin over liebermann along with senator lindsey graham liebermann and mccain were no, as the three amigos. well, today, senator graham joked quote, the good news. he's in the hands of the loving god. the bad news, john mccain is giving him an earful about how screwed up things are rest in peace. my dear friend from the last amigo and justin al remembering his running mate
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as someone who put his country and the values of equality and fairness first while revealing, liebermann favorite song much more than i did it way regret >> gen. sugar ray leonard, do everyday tasks wearing boxing gloves
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