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tv   CNN This Morning  CNN  March 28, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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that he was willing to break with his party and do things that got them in trouble and stand up and explain it. and look you in the eye and say, this is why i'm doing it. he believed that john mccain was known as the maverick joe lieberman was kind of a maverick. he was not afraid of going outside of orthodoxy and taking heat for it and taken flack for it. but he kept most of his friends, which is interesting even the friends who are mad at him, why are you with mccain? why did you go to no labels? he kept most of them was tells you something about the man more than a politician >> yeah >> i mean, in terms of politics, is there one? like event you think he will be moos. the vice president >> is the history-making is the vice presidential candidate, and also the big divide in the country in the democratic party. he supported the surge in iraq and thought it was the right policy. and of course, you don't. brock obama became president because axelrod ran a great campaign. obama was a great candidate, but also because the country was so mad about the iraq war. he was on the side that people were mad about david actual john king, thanks. the news continues
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right here on cnn >> it's thursday, march 28, >> right now on cnn >> this morning, donald trump's election interference case, ready to resume in georgia with embattled da fani willis back at the helm. maryland's governor calling the baltimore bridge collapse of global crisis as search teams recover the bodies of two missing same workers. and remembering the life and legacy of former senator joe lieberman, who was behind the no labels movement all right, 05:00 a.m. here in washington, here's a live look at atlanta, georgia, where of course fulton county case is going to be unfolding. good morning, everyone. i'm kasie hunt. it's wonderful to have you with us donald trump's georgia election subversion case set to resume in atlanta later on this morning with fulton county district attorney fani willis, remaining on the case the judge is going to hear two motions from the defense, one filed by
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trump, objecting to the criminal solicitation counts against him. he is claiming that violates his first amendment rights. the other is emotion by one of trump's fake electors in georgia, david shafer, to dismiss all charges against him another co-defendant in that case, the former trump attorney john eastman. he is poised to lose his law license. a judge in california recommending that eastman be disbarred for his role as one of the architects of the fake elector scheme, joining me now to discuss all of this, eugenie scott, senior politics reporter at axios. >> eugene. good morning to you. it was wonderful to have you driving >> so of course, >> we had been talking so much about fani willis. is the hur affair admitted affair, but now we are going to be back on track with this case. what do you expect today? >> well, it's certainly she i expect some zao perhaps from her trying to make the case by her actions that she really is the best person to remain in
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this position, which of course the judge allowed, but she's been attacked significantly over the past few weeks and months not just because of her actions, but making the argument by critics that perhaps he hasn't even qualified and that this this case, mirrorless and i think what we should expect moving forward is to see something from her from her team that suggests that what she initially set out to do needs to be done. yeah. >> eugene, let's let's also talk a little bit about john eastman, who of course is on track to basically be disbarred that the judge said should lose his law license. i just want to remind everyone about why that is. it's related to his claims that the election was stolen and some of the work you did for donald trump. here's john eastman my name is john eastman. i'm here today to surrender to an indictment as troubling. it targets a 20 they're zealous advocacy on behalf of their clients.
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something attorneys are ethically bound to provide. >> do you still think the election was stolen >> similar still, no question. >> do you regret attaching your name to the former president? none whatsoever >> perhaps there should be a little bit of regret. consider use investigate, barred. >> what's on there >> yeah. be spent so much time and law school and everything. but i think what we're going to see from democrats is them lean into this showing what happened? because i think what we've seen from republicans quite a few is i'm trying to downplay, of course, what happened january 6 and the efforts to overturn 2020. but having your lawyer disbar communicates that this was not a light matter. that's something actually occurred that suggests that this should not happen again. and i think the fear that many many people want to laugh have is that if trump is to return that something like this could happen again when you have people who don't regret doing it in the first place, the other, a case of course, it's unfolding and the one that could make donald trump the first former president the united states, to go on trial
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is of course, in new york, this hush money case that there is a judge who has said, nope, we're moving forward with this there was a gag order issued to protect basically employees of the court and their family members, right. however, it doesn't extend to the judge himself and donald trump in the last 24 hours at putting out this attack against the judges daughter actually a judge juan merchan, who is suffering from what he calls an acute case of trump derangement syndrome. and he alleges whose daughter represents crooked joe biden, kamala harris, shifting, et cetera, et cetera, just posted a picture of me behind bars that makes it completely impossible. well, for me to get a fair trial. now, we should note that this account in question, they are saying that his daughter had deleted that account. it was probably taken over by someone else. had this picture up put up, but this really is part of a pattern from the former president and a pattern that we're seeing
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extend beyond the form more precedent i was reading a report that says since 2020, attacks on federal judges have increased more than double and donald trump is setting the trend. and when i say they, i mean, even the former chief of the ohio supreme court, and they think that if this continues to be allowed to go unchecked, there are no consequences for that can see more there haven't been significant arrest, but to have a daughter of a judge threatened on social media by someone who's followers have communicated that they don't mind going to bat for him to an extent that most people would think it's unreasonable. it's a significant concern to people who work in this system >> so eugene, what is your sounds kinda broadly mean this, this hush money case was one that there had been this political sense from some republicans i had talked to you that this was the one that was of the least threat to the former president. however, it's now possibly the only one we're actually going to see unfold before election day. what does that mean? >> so that means we're going to see from the da is i'm really
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try to move forward with trying to make the case that this really is as big of an issue as so many of the people on the left who believe it's a problem, think it is, you know, we have seen history being rewritten saying, oh, it wasn't a big deal. this was a personal matter, but there are real reasons why this ruling has come out the way that it has. and i think we shouldn't be surprised to see it when democrats really lean on that. >> all right, eugene scott up for us this morning. thank you very much for being here. i really appreciate it >> all right. divers have recovered the bodies of two construction workers who died in the collapse of baltimore's key bridge search efforts paused for, for other missing workers who are presumed dead police say the men were in vehicles on the bridge that are now encased in concrete under 25 feet of water >> we're now moving from a recovery mode to a salvage operation because of the superstructure surrounding that we believe were the vehicles and the amount of concrete and debris divers are no longer able to safely navigate and operate around that the ntsb
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has recovered six hours of voyage data from the container ship, the dali transportation secretary, pete buttigieg says that bridge >> rebuilt could take up to two years we still don't fully know the condition of the portions of the bridge that are still standing or of infrastructure that is below the surface of the water. so rebuilding will not be quick or easy, or cheap. >> the most urgent priority is to open up the port of baltimore. it is essential to the livelihoods of people here all. right we're gonna have a live report from baltimore next hour i've next here, y prime minister benjamin netanyahu says, israel has no choice when it comes to a ground offensive in rafah plus a huge cash infusion for the biden campaign's thanks to two, to former president's. >> one of those. >> folks picture there is a former presidential candidate. and how the baltimore orioles plan to honore the victims of the key bridge collapse
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suppliers, coordinate shipments already alerted already coordinated every supplier sees changes as they happen >> since when can we just scale up? mid-cycle? >> since we brought in vdo people who know know vdo >> i'm lauren fox on capitol hill, and this is cnn the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu predicts victory in gaza is coming soon >> we've killed many senior leaders, including number four and number three in columbus will get number two. number one that's victory is within reach it's a few weeks >> so that is what he told me. a bipartisan delegation of us lawmakers in jerusalem on wednesday, netanyahu says that since the october 7 hamas attack, israel has enjoyed a remarkable alignment with the biden administration but he insists israel has no choice when it comes to an offensive
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in rafah. cnn's ben wedeman is live in rome for us with more on this, ben, what does this mean for the us? israel talks that have been trying to find an alternative to an offensive in rafah they're not really trying to find an alternative. kasie more like the americans are trying to convince the israelis to be a little more precise in their targeting of hamas leadership. now, the americans are most worried about the fact that there are about 1.5 million palestinians move, taken refuge in rafah. and i've been too rough on many times. we're not talking about a large area now. of course, it is crammed with these people who are very much in the line of fire. now, the americans have been telling the israelis for weeks, what is your plan? asking them? what is your plan? how are you going to avoid a massive civilian casualties? and we've seen prime minister netanyahu
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essentially brushing off those concerns. in fact, when he met with that bipartisan us congressional delegation, that is sponsored by april pack, the america is rare. israel, public action committee. he said that as far as the palestinians go, this is his words. they can just move out of rafah, move with their tents. there's all of the gaza strip north of gaza, the people move down they can move up. now, keep in mind, of course, that many of these people have no homes to go back to large areas of northern gaza, have been pulverized ground into powder. there is no home for many of these people to go back to. many of them have moved moved 2345 times already. and we know from accounts on the ground and gaza that actually moving back to your home in the north is
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nigh-impossible because oftentimes people who tried to do that come under fire from israeli forces. so i think the americans are wondering what is israel going to do if it goes ahead with this offensive in the rafah area, there will indeed of b. many more civilian casualties. and but the israelis don't seem to be taking those american surgeons very seriously casing ben >> there was recently action at the united nations where the us did not stand in the way of a un call for a ceasefire and that seemed to anger the israelis. what impact is that having on this ongoing tuition >> well, what we saw is that the prime minister benjamin netanyahu, canceled and israeli defense delegation, there was going to washington to discuss
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the details of a rafah operation. now of apparently they've changed their minds. they're sending a delegation back in the coming days. no we're in this bizarre situation where while this was going on, you have golan to the israeli defense minister, was already in washington talking with american officials. you having israeli war cabinet that is essentially split between netanyahu and people like you have galanis, who independently go to washington, not necessarily with the approval of the prime minister. so you haven't israeli government, that's sort of talking out of both sides of its mouth it's there's confusion in washington as to who is actually calling the shots. the prime minister clearly is concerned about his political survival perhaps the defense minister is more focused on the actual military offensive going
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on in gaza. it's confusing >> all right. >> ben wedeman, for us this morning, ben thanks very much for that. >> up next here after cuba, gooding, gooding junior added as a defendant in a case against sean diddy combs, plus remembering the late senator joe lieberman i have never shied from a good fight and i never will check a space shuttle accidents. usually not one thing. it's a series of events is that part of the wing coming apart? >> space shuttle columbia. the final flight or mere sunday, april 7 at nine on cnn >> if you spit blood when you brush, it could be the start of a domino effect new periodontics act of gummer pair breath freshener clinically proven to help first the for signs of early gum disease >> a new toothpaste from >> periodontics, the dom experts
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so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for. 79594061 >> call now, i live in paris, a federal court in washington, and this is cnn >> 21 minutes past the hour. here's your morning roundup. before people are dead and seven others injured after a 22 year-old suspect went on a
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stabbing spree in a rockland, illinois neighborhood he is now in custody. the motive is not no >> the man >> accusing sean diddy combs of sexual assault is adding cuba gooding junior do his civil lawsuit the former producer says the actor groped him on a yacht to have diddy's homes were rated any federal human trafficking investigation on monday new york city greenlighting a congestion pricing in plan it paves the way for a new minimum $15 daytime toll for any vehicles entering manhattan below 60th street drivers will only be charged once a day. be very few exemptions our time now for whether colder air and more rain along the east coast this morning, flood threats in florida and north carolina temperatures in baltimore can be very cold tonight as officials continue their salvage operations or weatherman derek van dam is tracking all of it for us. derek, good morning. what are you looking at? >> yeah. good morning. kasie currently right now in baltimore as the salvage
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operation continues is rain. okay. so it is it's not the brightest outlooks for your thursday, but things are going to change, going into the weekend. i will show you that in just a minute. so rain right now, temperatures in the upper 40s, it is going to get cool to coal hold overnight. we're going to drop 237 that has are projected forecasts, low for baltimore but then look at the warming trend as we head into the weekend. and i think will clear out the skies at least for friday, saturday a little bit of rain coming back into the equation. but in terms of the winds, for the boats on the surface of the water within this key he bridge collapse area that is going to be a key factor as well considering that they need the calm conditions. well, that's just not going to be the case because wins will pick up 20 to 35 miles per hour through the day tomorrow and into saturday as well. so we have flood threats though this is part of a larger storm system, the rain baltimore. you'll see it in just one second. but flood alerts included for northern new england as well as the coastal
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areas of north carolina. here's a look at the radar, very wet along the i95 corridor stretching northward from new york to baltimore. so maybe just add a little bit of extra time heading to work or school this morning. the backside of the system bringing some more snow to the higher elevations of northern new england. now, check this out. this is along the west coast of our country significant storm will impact the state of california starting tomorrow latina, right through saturday more rain for the coastal areas. i'm looking at uc santa barbara all the way to los angeles and several inches of snow, if not feet, across the sierra nevada mountain range. good news for the ski resorts and building up that snowpack as we head into the melt season. but look at this, we do have a slight risk of flash flooding for the greater santa barbara area for the day tomorrow. that extends into los angeles and san diego county for saturday. so this storm system will impact southern california as we head into the weekend with the potential of some flooding as well. so casey lots going on back to you, lots going on indeed are at our weatherman,
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derek van dam. derek, thanks very much. >> all right. have good. all right. >> coming up here, new questions about the structural integrity of baltimore's key bridge cnn, central today, and sediments stirred dm, having fun, don't put me down. that'll let you with allegro >> allergies won't hold me back leggero starts working two times faster than clarity pretend and unlike zyrtec or won't make me drowsy nothing beats allegro. it's the fastest non drowsy, 24. our allergy relief times may change, >> but some things remain timely. >> feel how much softer >> who skin? dove is one-quarter moisturizing cream. >> i've been using more than 25 years after seven days. i
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peasant may cause severe hearing problems, which may be permanent now, i'm ready to be seen again. does it lie to pass >> to find a ted is specialist and to see bridget's before and after photos i, brought in a job macroalgae with 30 grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy and just two weeks here, i'll take that ensure max protein, 30 grams protein one prim sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals, and a new fiber blend with a prebiotic >> we deserve a real king because if he cannot protect his own family house, these supposed to us do this myself >> come and the lost kingdom. now streaming exclusively on macs all right a live look at new york city on this thursday morning. good morning thanks for being with us. i'm kasie hunt president biden will be in new york today to attend a huge
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fundraiser at radio city music hall. he's going to be joined by former presidents barack obama and bill clinton, as well as musical guests, queen latifah, lizzo, ben platt, cynthia are your vote, excuse me, emily, i'm more than 5,000 supporters are expected to attend and the biden campaign just announced they've already raised $25 million from the event, widening the fundraising lead that he has over former president trump president biden ended february with $71 million available in cash, more than twice the 33.5 million the trump team has joining me to discuss all this. i mean, kim, she's white house reporter for the associated press and jackie kucinich, washington bureau chief for the boston globe. good morning. >> to you both. >> for being here >> so quite a scene, right? these three up president's, this is a exclusive club, right >> in this case, of course, it's it's >> democratic presidents, but trump also has never really been an accepted member of this club, even when it has included
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george w bush >> for example. >> jackie, what do >> you see in all of these three men getting together to put this on tonight, >> and this is a fundraising >> juggernaut is what this i mean, truly and i think that's one of the things one of the big things that both of these menn can lend to the biden campaign because let's be honest, surrogates can do so much for a candidate, but when, it comes to these surrogates, some of the most famous, most prominent menn in the country or the world that, that is really going to, it's going to make a mark tonight. yeah. what do you make of obama >> coming back onto the stage because he's sort of picked his spots pretty carefully, right? >> i think he knows that this is really the time to deploy the political power that he still has in his own party, whether it's his popularity among democratic voters or his fundraising, or as fundraising prowess that he still has as, as being, you know, barack obama. >> and you know, there's, he's been, he's >> been concerned in private particularly about the threat of a second trump term in
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office. and that's why you see him going to these places. he has indicated privately that he would be more involved in the campaign as he as the campaign season goes along, you know, there's always been a little bit of friction between the biden camp and the obama camp, but it looks like they're setting that aside for now to really bring the democratic party together. to be able to beat trump this fall. >> yeah, that's friction. jackie can we dig into that a little bit? because it does seem like biden himself is often comparing himself to former president obama in a way >> biden and for president trump for that matter. but no, you're right there or is there is there is that friction but i think sunday is absolutely right that they're going to have to set them aside, but they don't want it. i think there is a sensitivity that obama was going to write it and save joe biden when but that said, i think the most important thing for them is that he does come out and that he does it mean they've indicated that obama really is
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going to be on the campaign trail getting out there particularly with younger voters who probably don't remember and obama presidency, because a lot of them have grown up in the era of former president trump. >> so >> that dynamic i think is going to be at play as we go forward. >> so seung, seung min the trump of it. all right. so there was an email that went out yesterday from donald trump clearly focused on this. he says, quote barack obama wants to spit in your face and bill clinton, wants to utterly humiliate you, that is very, very sharp language and it does seem to speak to the theme that donald trump has really tried to stoke in terms of resentment around the the obama past, but also the establishment and elites, right >> what do you make of >> the language that the former
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president is using in this email? >> i mean a former president trump has a vogt barack obama, so many times, surprisingly, on hit on the campaign trail so far whether you think as by mistake i calling what biden has done, not as attributing that to obama or whether you think that's intentional this sort of insinuation that obama is somehow like pulling the strings on biden's presidency. he is trying to evoke some sort of beer that exists when it comes to barack obama. but i do thank that obama still remains very popular in the democratic party. there is a reason why, at the end of the 2020 campaign, the biden campaign strategically deployed barack obama did a lot of these key swing states and georgia pushed them across the finish line there and they see just that the broader coordination as a huge asset to the democratic party at again, that contrast between the unity of the democratic presidents and then republican presidents is still stark. you would never see donald trump doing a joint fund, right? for fundraiser, would george w bush or other sort of big republican figures.
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so i think that's the, that's the, that's the split-screen that the party wants present right now. right well, jackie, there's also of course, when you start talking about obama's this sort of conspiracy your see theory on the right about michelle obama to the point that she had to put out a statement saying, i'm not running for president to be clear >> what right. and again, that's what you're seeing former president trump trying to foment that obama as like the scary guy behind the curtain who is going to take over and michelle obama is going to step in when joe biden goes away. >> it's not going to happen >> i'm michelle obama has, has said as much and it just, it is, but it is just designed to so that sort of rage on the right. >> it's just says a lot about where we are, that they felt like they actually had to put out an on-the-record statements saying no, this isn't happening totally. let's change gears. i want to talk a little bit about this alabama special election.
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it was for a state house seat so a relatively small example, but still significant and the woman who won their marilyn lands spoke with where my colleagues and cnn earlier this week, i want i want you to watch what she had to stay there but what do you think it was allowed you to flip this seat in deep-red alabama, do you believe it was purely your >> focus on abortion and ivf and reproductive rights, or was there something more? >> well, i believe that was certainly a big part of it and i think we really saw the message resonating with the voters. i think this victory really also signals that this state is ready for change >> so sung-min, this doesn't change the balance of power in the overwhelmingly republican alabama legislature. but it is something that democrats are looking at and saying hey, this is another data point. another
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example of how our messaging, particularly on reproductive rights, potentially has a huge impact in the fall, right? >> and not just swing states where we're talking about deep red areas like alabama, kansas, and ohio where this message has proven to be over and over effective. and i also do think it speaks to the broader issue or the broader in fact, fact that fear and anger is such a powerful, motivating factor for voters, the api had a really fascinated pull this week. looking at the trump biden race, in particular, where it said seven out of ten democrats are really angry or fearful about a trump presidency compared to four out of ten republicans who feel the same about a biden presidency that's the kind of dynamic that the biden campaign is hoping to capitalize on. they know the popularity reggie's of president biden. they see the approval ratings. >> so they're just >> trying to say, look at the other guy, look at what the other guy's going to do, not just on abortion, but on a whole litany of other issues. and they hope that what works for them in november, but particularly in this ivf issue, i mean, remember, in the aftermath of this, you have the national republican senatorial committee telling can't
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telling their candidates to get out there and say, we support ivf. ivf is great. >> they know, republicans >> know how toxic dep, particular issue will be for their candidates. and the democrats are going to grab and run with it. >> yeah, in this again, just another sung-min, i am really interested because i was because reading the story that your colleagues at the api wrote about 7.10 democrats using the words angry or fearful, whereas only 56% of republicans say the same thing about president biden is this strikes me that this is basically the biden campaign's theory of the case, right? right >> but that said there's still having trouble pulling together their coalition of young people in particular, the gaza war has become a major issue. how are they thinking about these two things? convincing? >> pieces of their base that they really need to show up who may be disillusioned when the
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reality is voters do back him, do feel this way about trump right? >> well, i think especially on the gaza issue, when you talk to the activists were angry about about the administration' 's handling of the war. they're saying, even if the, even as a batch i didn't campaign says, well, look at the policies that president trump would put into place when it comes to this, the fact that he's remains silent about it and not said much about the matter is very telling for civil, but a lot of these activists are channeling channeling their anger to the fact that biden is the one in charge right now. and i think the biden campaign and it's hoping that what comes to that binary choice in november with it because it is still march, it is still fairly early when it comes to when it comes to the polls and when it comes to facing that binary choice that voters will make that binary choice. >> and a lot of people who >> supported the uncommitted efforts in michigan and elsewhere as said we won't oppose biden in november. we just want to send a message now that there are a smaller minority where they say we have abandoned him, we're not going to support him >> but the >> biden campus certainly hoping that there's more in
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that former camp when it comes to people disillusioned over gaza jackie, just briefly before we go, former senator joe lieberman, former vice presidential nominee joe lieberman passed away. >> he was >> kind of one of these characters of the older version of washington that's kinda seems to be on its way out. tributes have poured in for him. i think you covered him at some points in the senate briefly. >> what do you think what are your >> reflections as? i mean, quite honestly, it feels like his brand of politics is very out of favor in washington right now, potentially to the detriment of the country. >> his later years. and just recently, he had joined up with the no labels folks, but i think that when you look at at joe lieberman career, he really was someone that did try to bridge the partisan divide, not only because he was a political independent after what was that 2012 or 2008, whatever you're here, he endorsed john mccain in 2000 yeah. yeah, he did, but
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but when i'm sorry, when he left the party right >> 66. thank you. >> it's early. but but but yes, he he endorsed john mccain was very close with john mccain and one version of lindsey graham. and i think that that reputation is a centrist and really trying to meet in the middle, will is his legacy. yeah. all right. jackie kucinich showing me kim. thank you both very much for being with me this morning. i appreciate it >> kinda. next here, shoheiohtani not letting a gambling scandal stop him from playing in today's home opener for the dodgers plus new concerns about bridge safety in the wake of the baltimore disaster >> this is the big game >> time that do >> didn't keep missing out on
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slip in and they're on dry sketcher slip in this morning, there are lingering questions about the structural integrity of the francis scott key bridge, the head of the national transportation >> safety board, saying this at last night's press conference it's a fracture critical bridge. if a member fails, that would likely cause a portion of or the entire bridge to collapse the preferred method for building bridges today is that there is redundancy built, built in whether that's transmitting loads to another member or some sort of structural redundancy. this bridge did not have redundancy all right, joining us now is structures engineer and spokesman for the national council of structural engineers associations, troy morgan, try good morning. thanks for being here, right. good morning. >> so can you help us understand what she means by structural redundancy? why was it not president in older bridges and is it is it the
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standard now our new bridge is being built that way? >> yeah. so redundancy really refers to the ability of the >> bridge to transfer load to other elements. if one of those elements happens to be damaged or destroyed and a lack of redundancy doesn't mean a lack of safety. it just means that there may be a higher probability of collapse under certain conditions. but it doesn't necessarily imply deficiency of the bridge itself >> so try i mean, when you look at these pictures, you see the size of this ship were talking a ship, the size and weight of a skyscraper basically. >> i mean, is there any way to build a bridge that would survive? and in fact, like that it's not really practical to design a bridge pier to absorb the impact of a vessel such as this traveling or really any speed. >> i mean, >> these these things where thousand feet in length and up to 200 million pounds of deadweight. so the idea is not to really design these bridge piers to absorb that kind of direct impact. it's just not it's not feasible, it's not
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economical but usually there are other real protective measures that can be taken to limit the exposure of the peers to the ship itself. >> yeah. can you talk me through what those measures are? i do know there were some kind of pilings in the water that in theory we're designed to take some of the impact are like bump the ship into a different course. they obviously didn't work. i mean, what other ways are there to protect bridges from this kind of thing >> the main ways you can do it without trying to strengthen the pier itself is like you said, pilings or were called dolphins which are basically concrete elements out in the water that will deflect or absorbed some of the impact of an oncoming vessel you can also build things like a berm or a hill, small hill of rock and soil around the pier that will act to slow the ship down as it approaches and then a common approaches to make the span large enough to where the peers are located sufficiently outside the shipping channel so that they won't be exposed to too oncoming vessels. >> yeah, that's that's an interesting way to think about it. >> i >> want to show our viewers
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this chart that has been circulating that shows how these ships have grown in size over the decades. i spent a bunch of time looking at this yesterday. it goes from the 1950s to the top to 2019 onward. there 24 bays >> the ship's have >> just exploded in size. i mean, even since 2000, if you look at the letter c on your screen that's kinda what these ships used to look like. >> is there an >> argument to be made that the ship's should be limited in size and somewhat i mean, what are the regulations around this or is that also totally impractical? >> well, i think we have to recognize the size of the ships that are being used in the industry and then you know, with, with any bridge that's exposed to shipping traffic it makes sense to do risk analysis and to look at the structure itself, the foundations, the size of the ship's, the speeds at which they may be traveling. >> and
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>> then perform an assessment of the likelihood of collapse given those given the size of those ships and the frequency that they're traveling by the bridge. and then that risk analysis can then inform engineers and owners as to whether or not some additional protection should be should be added through retrofit or other rehabilitation >> i'm looking at the key bridge. the transportation secretary, pete buttigieg, as pete buttigieg, excuse me, a suggesting it could take up to two years to replace the span to fully rebuild it. do you think that's a realistic timeline here? and what changes do you think? how should the bridge look different when it's rebuilt? >> yeah. i think the >> timeline probably is measured in years just because there needs to be both the removal of the wreckage itself and then reopening the shipping lane and then design and construction of the new bridge. it's all that does take time and is a carefully considered process. in terms of the new bridge i mentioned a longer span that might locate the peers further towards the, towards the shore and away from
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the shipping lane. that's one option that might be considered. but whatever options that are considered, i don't think that the bridge itself will be designed to sustain a direct impact from one of these vessels fair enough. >> structures engineer troy morgan at troy. thank you very much for your time. i really appreciate it. >> thank you >> all right. not time now for sports, opening day is gonna be bittersweet in baltimore as the orioles plan to honore the victims of tuesday's tragic bridge collapse. andy scholes has this morning's bleacher report, andy, good morning. >> yeah. good morning. case the oils ballpark came in yards it's only about ten miles away from the francis scott key bridge and the team's going to hold a special moment of silence before today's home opener against the angels to honor the victims and their families and to share an appreciation for the cities brave first responders who immediately stepped into action. first pitch there at camden yards. that's live pictures as we're seeing right now is set for 305 eastern today. now, 26 teams will take the field four opening day, clearing the astros, hosting the yankees, cardinals, taken
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on the dodgers, every team would have been an action today, but the met's brewers and phillies, braves games, both postponed due to rain, are james harden, meanwhile, he was playing his first game back in philly since being traded, and he was booed heavily by those villi fans every time he touched the ball, they just with 16 points and 14 assist in this one. and this was really good game. the sixth is we're up to with 20 seconds to go and kawhi leonard is going to get the bucket here plus the foul he made a free throw to take a one-point lead, then there'll be a jump ball with five seconds left. file's going to get it, kelly, you break junior sure then going for the when it gets hit by paul george blocked by hawaii? no call. clippers would win 1081076. his coach, nick nurse was not happy with the reps nor was uber. they had some words after the game that's actually omitted with great was fouled on that last play. but nevertheless, ebri apologize for confronting the officials >> asked for forgiveness, but i saw coast nurse getting riled up and mark if our coaching all
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flight for us and, you know, he's going there, then i'm right behind him. so but at the end of the day, it wasn't cool. so i'll take whatever penalties come with that and do we have to move on, but i gotta be better in the sense draymond green meanwhile, was ejected less than four minutes into the warriors game against the magic he was arguing with one of the officials about a call. and during a time-out, he just kept chirping adam that got me injected which left steph curry kind of shaking his head this way his dream second first-quarter rejection this season, he's the only player with multiple first-quarter rejections and his season over the past 20 campaign's golden state though, would still pull out the win over for the magic 101 to 93. and that was important because the rockets just keep on wet and jalen green with some huge buckets in overtime against the thunder. first, he hits the step back three right here. then moments later he would take on the entire thunder team and get the up and under lay up to go green at 37 as the rockets when 132
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to 126 are their tenth great when their a game behind the warriors. but that last west spots to play in turn. >> all right, march madness. meanwhile, back tonight with the men sweet 16, we've got a rematch of last year's national championship game between uconn, san diego state huskies trying to become the first team to go back to back since florida did it in the 2000s. go today in hurley says his program is built for march >> we truly believe deep down and some some some some place that this is what we're supposed to do this time a year plus we did it last year >> but then we didn't carry the >> complacency that other national championship teams carry with them because since june, we've worked like we haven't won anything that's it. that's the secret. so >> at devops efforts 739 eastern on our sister daniels tbs and trutv. there got four games on that schedule tonight for more on deck tomorrow at ir. and finally, iowa star
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caitlin clark, the biggest name in college basketball, and the odds-on favorite to be the topic next month wnba draft. but she's got options. ice cube confirming that his big three is made an offer for clark deployment play in his league in tmz reporting that offers for $5 for just ten games. the kci. that would be a tough offer, in my opinion to turn down. but the wnba big three kind of going on at the same time during the summer we'll certainly wait and see what clark decides that it would be really fun though if she she it could do both. >> yeah. it would be i certainly i certainly would watch that andy scholes. thank you very much for that. i really appreciate it. all right. ahead here. donald trump. now targeting the judges daughter in his new york city hush money case congressman said moulton of massachusetts is going to join us live next hour. we're back in just a moment >> if you work spaceflight, this is the worst possible thing i can ever help my dad
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