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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  March 28, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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one, with a single point failure and then do everything you can can to protect that point by building a variety of structural protection mechanisms to prevent the single point failure from occurring. and the ntsb has delved into recommendations in that regard for almost 50 years now, as a result of numerous bridge strikes like this that they've investigated in the past in florida, georgia elsewhere >> very good. all right. we'll leave it there. charlie pereira, a formerly of the ntsb. thank you so much. and i knew our the cnn news room, new central starts right now >> very shortly, fulton county district attorney fani willis, we'll be back in the courtroom for the first time since the judge allowed her to stay on the election subversion case
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donald trump's lawyers are trying to get that case tossed this morning. we will tell you how sentencing for the largest white-collar criminals in us history and three presidents and a queen. if you include queen latifah, i made that joke once already, but it was so good. >> i had to do it again the record setting fundraiser there for the biden campaign. here in new york tonight. i'm john berman. was sara sidner, fredricka whitfield is in for k. this is cnn news central >> this our courthouse house cameras getting ready to turn back on in georgia district attorney fani willis says the trial train is coming enough thing. we'll do real her case against donald trump and his co-defendants. this will be her first time back in the fulton county courtroom on the case since the effort to disqualify her failed at 10:00 a.m. eastern, a pretrial hearing will begin and the da will try to fend off trump's latest
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attempts to get his election subversion charges dropped. trump's team will argue his actions in 2020. we're protected by the first amendment teeing up another free speech fight cnn's nick valencia is live outside the courthouse in atlanta, where we have found you so many times before nick walk us through what will soon be able to see coming up in the next few moments. >> yeah good morning, sarah. this is a pretrial motions hearing. were again, trump and his attorney, steve sadow, are trying to get this indictment for thrown out this time on first amendment grounds. and what they're basically arguing is that when trump was spreading lies and conspiracy theories after he lost the 2020 election, that that was political speech protected by the first amendment and then therefore, this indictment never should have been brought forward. this is just a pretrial motions hearing, but it's much bigger deal than that given the fact that we've just gone through two months of disqualification hearings for fulton county da fani willis, where she narrowly survived staying on this case. the big question today is ken, her team get this case back on track,
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put the drama behind that and focus on the facts of this case willis is juggling a lot principally all the legal cases that trump is facing. she's trying to squeeze her trial in with without affecting any of those other legal cases that trump has. it's something that we asked her about recently and she says the train is coming and she's trying to get this case for a august trial i'm also realistic that one of the defendants has multiple cases going on and some of them have trial dates >> that are ahead of ours. and so i'm always going to be respectful of sister duress conviction. we asked for a august trial date. we have not been granted that trial date. we may ask for that date again, but we're realistic. we still have to be yours and other motion i not been responded to. and so those motions will have to be resolved and once those motions are resolved, we would like to push the trial >> so again, pretrial motions hearing today. we will also hear arguments from the attorney for dave schafer. he
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is the former gop chair here in georgia schurr, who was essentially the point man in this so-called fake elector scheme. his attorney has taken exception with that characterization of fake electors and believes that the title of a fake electors there is basically prejudicing the jury and the prejudicial to the trial. so they will argue that that's expected to start at 10:00 a.m. and some important note here, we're just hearing now from the district to attorney's office serra, a moment ago, that fani willis is not expected to be in court today. >> sarah. >> all right. nick valencia. thank you so much for that. appreciate a friend. >> all right, sarah, so how is trump planning to handle and respond to what is happening in georgia today? cnn's kristen holmes has been checking in on the team and is joining us right now. so what are you hearing, kristen >> yeah. >> i'm told that steam is going to be monitoring this, but donald trump himself is likely to not be watching. and that's because he's going to be on a plane this morning from florida to new york. he is going to be attending the wake of an nypd officer, jonathan diller, who was killed in the line of duty earlier this week,
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part of this is a trip because he wasn't by to the other part of this is going to be an opportunity for donald trump's team to try and contrast donald trump going to new york on this day visiting the family, seeing attending the wake of a fallen nypd officer. well, president joe biden and his rival in the general election is in new york, attending a, what they say is a glitzy fundraiser. now, when it comes to georgia, they are not having big expectations out of the hearing today. they say that they have known that these first amendment cases in the past have not been successful, but they do continue to remind the donald trump is paying his lawyers. and as we know, a very large amount of money to exhaust every single avenue can you possible with the hope and the end game, there, that this is delayed past the november election. obviously, we heard fani willis now just saying they might ask for another august trial day, but there is a lot that has to happen before they actually would go to trial. and donald trump's team feels fairly confident that this case is not going to go to
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trial before the november election. fred >> all right. kristen holmes. thank you so much. john >> all right. with me now, cnn legal analysts, former us attorney michael moore, and former chief assistant district attorney for manhattan, da's office. karen friedman and agnes michael. i want to start with you as our residence georgia guy here. just talk to me about the atmospherics of when this pretrial hearing starts again today because we spent a lot of time watching this courtroom with a lot of drama surrounding fani willis. there back to sort of businesses usual today. but will it ever be business as usual? >> yeah. well, i'm glad to be with all of you. i do think that this is an effort by the district attorney to hopefully change the narrative. but also think this is the court said, okay, we've i've made my ruling. i've given you a chance to appeal that order less now get back down to business. i mean, he's mindful. i'm certain that mean the judge, he certainly mindful that the appellate court course is going to be flash spec and what he does and looking at his prior
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order. but he also wants to make sure that he comes in now and continues to hold motion hearings as it may relate to the trial because at some point and i do think it will be after the election, but at some point this case can move forward. the motions that have been filed are pretty standard motion, so this is a pretty regular hey, for the court. what's unique about them or are the parties to this that b. in the former president and other political folks, the subject matter being constitutional issues and so big into those. and i think you'll see he's he'll be pretty good as he hasn't been in the past and separating the wheat from the chaff and it'll get on down to business and talk about the first amendment. we know probably he's going to say he said it in some earlier cases involve the cake that's the case. will be the case. this is, this is a normal coordinate, so some of the circus that we saw a few weeks ago, this, this will look much more like a normal coordinate he talked me more about the arguments being made here, karen, because michael cause some standard and i guess they're standard in the sense that a lot of people have tried them, but they've been >> universally ruled against, not just in georgia anywhere in the election subversion, this
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fear >> so what donald trump is going to argue here is his conduct was nothing more than words, right? calling in that famous phone call and asking them to find the whatever the number of votes were, the perfect phone call that two brad raffensperger berger, he's saying those were just words and words are protected by the first amendment in this country. and what you're going to hear is a discussion about that. and what fani willis is team will say, look, not all words are protected by the first amendment. for example, you can't walk into a bank and say, i have a gun in my pocket, give me all your money. get the money and walk out and turn around and say, oh, they were just words obviously, you're not allowed to certain conduct, certain words turn into criminal conduct and that's the line that gets crossed and that's what they're going to argue. donald trump was doing here by trying to pressure the georgia the georgia officials to to throw the election. so
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you're going to hear arguments like that. you're going to hear arguments that certain terminologies to prejudicial and shouldn't be shouldn't be allowed to be said in front of the jury. that's very common in standard. and you might see some sort of compromise there. so that, so that it's more factual unless unless suggestive so those are the types of legal arguments i suspect we're going to see today in terms of the free speech argument, karen, it hasn't worked here are anywhere so to what extent is this performance art? and to what extent is this our kristen holmes was referring to this before. i mean hi price lawyers getting some billable hours >> look, it's no secret that donald trump does not want to have any of his four criminal trials go before the election >> in fact, >> in new york, what judge juan merchan actually ruled just this week was very much it clear that they are trying to
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seek delay there as well. so the judges all know that that's part of the strategy is to not have a trial. and so making arguments that you're entitled to make legal arguments, even if you know you're going to lose what that does is it actually could potentially delay things. so i think part of it is that strategy as well on the part of the defense team. >> michael, what do you think we will or might here in terms of a trial date today? >> well, i think they'll be some effort to discuss the trial date. the judge is going to take it all up from the bench in front of everybody, but you may hear this mentioned about an august trial date. but remember that the court has mindful that there's one order that being the disqualification order that's on appeal right now with the georgia court of appeals. but he's also got to deal with this issue of the supreme court holding oral arguments as it relates to immunity for the president, whether or not his he has
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protection basically as he, as it was time and what see what may affect this hey, so we've talked about this a number of times. is most of the conduct, if not all of it is charged while trump was a sitting president, the united states. so certainly the supreme court's ruling was going to have an impact here on georgia. we're not talking about aks done after he was president, for instance, witness tampering and those types of allegations that might have been made at the dap decided to do that i think he's gonna be mindful of that and we're probably it just seems almost like a fool's errand to set the trial date with these things pending out there with more certainty about actually, when we could actually conduct a trial. i think the judge will probably separate groups and say, you might be on appeal in this instance. you this group is not on appeal. we're going to set these five or ten defendants for trial. >> and we may >> do those first and get to the former president sometime later after the appellate courts have weighed in. >> michael moore, karen friedman agnatha, low-grade to see both you this morning.
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thanks so much. sarah >> all right had new video into cnn showing another view moments before a cargo ship brought down that bridge in baltimore, the difficulties investigators are having get. all the details in the lead up and aftermath of that crash. and sentencing day for the man once called the crypto king, sam bankman-fried prosecutor's asking for up to 50 years in present, defense attorneys asking for six any moment now a judge is expected to rule on his sentence and cnn exclusives revealing how much money was paid to drop the sexual assault lawsuit against a powerful leader? peter and the republican party, a settlement. all parties denied ever habit if you work in spaceflight, this is the worst possible thing that can ever happen >> my dad died doing what he loved space shuttle columbia. he final flight from your sunday, april 7 at nine and
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to answer >> what is on the arizona mexico. cnn >> all right. at any moment now, the man once dub the king of crypto, sam bankman-fried will appear in federal court for sentencing prosecutors are pushing for the 30 to spend a half a century in prison. the ftx founder was found guilty of committing one of the largest white-collar crime who's in history, stealing and defrauding more than 10 billion from his crypto customers accounts. cnn's kara scannell is here with a very latest. so what else can we expect today? court besides him finding out what the rest of his life is going to look like exactly. and the question is just how many years will it be? before he ever leaves a prison? remember, he's been detained since august when the judge found him involved in witness tampering when he was out on bail. but this is the moment of reckoning for sam bankman-fried once the face of the crypto industry hailed as the king, but he's really going to face the judge
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today and find out what his future looks like? no prosecutors, as you said, say this is one of the biggest frauds in financial history. second only to bernie made ofs fraud so they're asking the judge to sentence him to 40 to 50 years in prison because he stole $10 billion from customers, investors lenders, and they also say that he no, he spent $150 million in bribes to chinese officials and illegally donated more than $100 million to influence the us political system stump saying he's a significant criminal. so they've written in the letter the judge, his life in recent years has been one of unmatched greed and hubris of ambition and rationalization and courting risk and gambling repeatedly with other people's money. now, sam bankman-fried's lawyers are saying he's not burning made off, he's not even elizabeth holmes, the founder of therapy for no, so he didn't steal from people's pensions. he didn't harm patients. he should only get as much as 6.5 years in prison. part of their argument two is that they say that some of these victims will be made
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whole on the money that they had invested through this extensive bankruptcy recovery process and in their memo to the judge, they've called the sentence of potentially 40 to 50 years, a medieval view of punishments. what amounts to a death in prison sentencing recommendation, crushing sam in this way is unnecessary. there also presented the judge with dozens of letters from supporters of bankman-fried freed. his parents have arrived in court. we saw them enter court this morning the big question will be, does bankman-fried himself addressed the judge? and if he does, what does he say this could take some time about a certainly going to be a very significant for can make been freed and for the crypto industry. yeah, if i'm an investor, maybe it wasn't their pension, but it may have been their hard earned money that they invested in this. and then law last so what about the recovery of some, if not all of those monies for people who did put their heart earnings into it.
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>> and the prosecutors have letters from people who were overseas where they don't have system and they put their money into ftx's like a safety net and that was wiped out. so would bankman-fried's lawyers are saying, is that this money is going to be recovered. but the thing is, it gets recovered to november of 2020 when the fraud what discovered since then, the value of some of these securities have gone up 400%. so people will not recover that huge gain that has happened since just potentially the money they put it if they're lucky, at least they put and kara scannell thanks so much. all right, john. all right. we are just minutes away from the opening bell on wall street looking at market futures, some green there a little bit of red back to green, looking for more gains today, the dow had it's best day of the year so far getting close to 40,000. the s&p said to have his best start to the year since 2019. all three indices on pace for a huge
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visit to learn more. doc? deal and see how much you can save this is the big dam >> kane who that do >> this is new video obtained this morning of what was happening on the bridge in
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baltimore, just seconds before a cargo ship crashed into it these final few cars make it to the other side safely off camera. we now know at about at the same time the ship was losing power and issued a mayday call. and then seconds later, authorities stopped bridge traffic likely saving a lot of lives we have now skipped ahead less than a minute. the cars gone. you can see that they're and on the right side of the frame, you can see the ship heading slowly under the bridge just before it hits that pile healon those flashing lights that you see belonged to construction workers on top of the bridge who were laying asphalt on the bridge. they were not evacuated in time to survive, but a total of six people are now presumed dead. cnn's gabe cohen is live from baltimore for us game. what are investigators learning about the final moments before the collapse and they now do have a hold of the black-box >> yeah. that's right, sarah. and they have analyzed that data recorder, that black box that you're referencing and they put together a much better
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timeline of how this all unfolded, this catastrophe. and we have learned that the problems really started just 45 minutes after that ship left the terminal while and that's when alarms started going off on the ship as that pilot was experiencing a total blackout, they were losing power and the ability to steer and the pilot began calling for help, asking for tugboats to assist dropping a port anchor, trying to slow down the vessel because they just couldn't steer it. eventually, they sent out that mayday request which told police they needed to shut down traffic to the bridge, keep cars off of it. but within two minutes before they could even reach the eight construction workers who were on top of the bridge. the ship ran into the column of the bridge and caused it to collapse. the big question now, sarah, as investigators continue their work today interviewing those pilots again, is what color? because those problems, what caused the issues. and that power outage a couple of the questions that have been raised
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was the possibility of contaminated fuel in the vessel or maybe some sort of electrical issue but the ntsb at this point has pushed back on that saying they want to continue their investigation, which could take a couple of weeks gabe cohen thank you very much for your reporting there. let me ask you this. you knew as they're looking at this and they give you any sort of timeline about how difficult, for example, it is. just to get some of these details, yes, they have the data recorders but you're also looking at this mangled mess that's down into 50 feet of water, what are they telling you about that >> well, sir, it's going to take a lot of time. they're bringing in big equipment, cranes, barges to pull out all of that debris to cut up the steel and remove it. and officials have said, once that is done, they are going to get down there and find those four remaining construction workers
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and bring closure to your to their families. but it could take time and i do want to clarify. the ntsb has said the full investigation could take a couple of years, but they're hoping to have preliminary info in the next couple of weeks. sarah. >> all right. gabe cohen. thank you so much for your reporting out there. fredreka. >> all right. sorry. investigators are searching for a motive in that deadly stabbing spree across an illinois neighborhood, a 22-year-old is now in custody, accused of killing four people, including a 15-year-old girl and injuring seven others. first responders had multiple crime scenes in a matter of minutes. cnn's veronica america, miracle is joining us now from chicago with more this. what more we learning about the suspect and the sequence of events? why did this happen? >> well fread, we just heard from police that they're going to be holding a press conference in a few hours. that's where we hope to learn more about the suspect and more about how all of this unfolded. what we know at this hour is that a 22-year-old man was taken into custody just a half an hour after the initial 911
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call went out, which was initially called as a home invasion, but as to why this happened police don't have a clear understanding of a motive, and they also say that they are just trying to figure out exactly why this man went on a killing spree in multiple areas in the city of rockford. as you mentioned, four people have been killed including a 15-year-old girl a 63-year-old woman, 49 year-old man, and a 22-year-old man. one of those people was a mail carrier and another seven people were injured, including a young person who was able to get away after the initial home invasion, according to police, take a listen young lady ran from she got some stab wounds in their hands on her face. she's currently a hospital and she is intubated. she isn't serious condition >> and police say, although some of the victims were stabbed, not all of them were were waiting to get an update
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on their conditions and we'll bring you more information as soon as we have it. fred all right thank you so much of veronica miracle. appreciate it. john >> a new cnn exclusive report this morning, a huge payout to settle a sexual assault lawsuit against a big we republican. and what does it take to be the most successful political fundraiser in us history? apparently three presidents, one queen and a late night talk show host on the chasing life podcast dr. sanjay gupta goes inside the world of weight loss. that drugs and what we really tells us about her health, chasing life with dr. sanjay gupta listen wherever you get your podcasts. >> upon his first day of retirement, markers, rogers made a contract with themselves. >> i will never >> again work for another man or woman oh, todd especially time. i lay down my badge,
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>> this is cnn. >> the world's news right? >> new this morning, a cnn exclusive multiple sources tell cnn a republican operative that accused conservative bigwig, matt schlapp of sexual assault is taking a hefty settlement. cnn's jaime gang, gail has the story this morning, jami, there is some nuance here, but it's very interesting >> it is john, we have learned that in a private settlement match slap actually agreed to a payment of $480,000. this is a significant amount to settle this sexual lawsuit that it was paid via an insurance company to carlton huffman, the gop political operative who brought the lawsuit. this is according to a source who is familiar with the details john, this is notable for a couple of reasons. when schlapp's team first announced the case had
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been dropped earlier this week. they released this statement from schlapp. he said from the beginning, i asserted my innocence and he did an interview and posted on social media implying that he had been exonerated. his legal team also released a statement from carlton huffman. this had been in the private agreement that created the impression that huffman had folded and that statement was the claims made in my lawsuits were the result of a complete misunderstanding neither the schlapps nor the acu, the american conservative union paid me anything to dismiss my claims against them looking back, this seems to have been frankly a clever pr move at the time to imply that huffman had folded. but since then, we've learned about this private financial settlement for the record schlapp's team
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declined to comment and just as a reminder, this lawsuit began more than a year ago. huffman was working for herschel walker, georgia senate campaign and at that time he told cnn that schlapp made unwanted physical sexual advances when huffman was driving. schlapp for the campaign, including quote, groping and fondling his groin without consent and quote, john has huffman responded to any of this >> so this is what happens in these private settlements. so we reach out to huffman. he will only say, quote, i'm only legally allowed to say five words. and that is quote, we have resolved our differences. those are the only they five words that i'm legally allowed to say. so that's, that is common when there are these private agreements that no one's supposed to comment. what's also key here is the trial was coming up in june and
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by settling the case, sources tell us match lap avoids having to take the stand and that there were a number of key witnesses who had been deposed already, or rescheduled to be deposed, who might have provided potentially damaging an embarrassing him formation john, for the payout coming from an insurance company in this case, which is interesting, can also sometimes five words can speak volumes jaime gan gal, great to see you this morning. terrific report. is there. all right. knew this morning, the biden campaign getting a $25,000,000 boost, adding to their fund raising edge over donald trump, the hall coming already from tonight's just one night star-studded fundraiser at new york's radio city music hall. the event will feature former president barack obama and bill clinton alongside hide president joe biden and a bunch of hollywood stars, among them queen latifah, lizzo. and stephen colbert for joining us now a cnn political commentator, s.e. cupp and cnn
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political commentator and democratic strategists for ria cardona. thank you, ladies for being here. we're going to start with this star-studded event. you've got three people's three to former presidents and one president altogether with a huge crowd of hollywood stars >> and then at >> the same time, donald trump is also in new york. he's here attending a funeral of an nypd the officer who was killed by somebody who has a very long criminal history. >> can you talk >> about the optics of this and how this is being played by each of the campaign's. i think these are both good for their bases. donald trump is playing directly to his base, his focus for this election among other things, including immigration will be crime, and there's a big push to focus on that. so this is of course being used and politicized, but effectively for a base that is very worried about crime over on the left, joe biden's bringing the big guns. i wish, and 2024, bill clinton still
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warrant a big gun in which democrats could quit him already. however, still very popular figure in democratic politics, obama, wildly-popular having a big fundraiser with splashy hollywood, hollywood celebrities i think is some the dao jia for democrats and a potent nostalgia. there is one risk coat, however, there's a fine line between this delta and depression. you want to remind democratic voters of the good old times. but you don't want them to, ms them so much? that they're thinking, oh, i wish we were back there and here's what we're stuck with with the team precedence than >> standing next to him. >> maria, what are your thoughts >> when you look at this because you knew that you have these that's dichotomy that is happening. and i'm curious whether you think biden should have attended this funeral, at least made a call well, i do think that it is going to be a split screen. i agree with the s.e. they are focused h on their base, but i would also say that on the democratic side, i think it's far more
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than the base, and i think that by having president clinton their president obama there and now president biden there, they're going to have a very potent reminder and underscoring how the democratic agenda writ large has one and the last seven of the eight presidential elections, the popular vote. how popular the democratic agenda is, and how moving forward this coming election will be an existential threat to the expansion of the economy, which we saw under all three presidents, the expansion of rights and freedoms, which we saw under all three presidents. >> and >> what the election of donald trump would do in terms of destroying all of the above of n. first and foremost, would be the protection of our democracy. now, joe biden is focused also on making sure that crime is going to be something that he's going to be taking care of him by the way, crime statistics are down. crime is plummeting all across
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the country. and of course president biden has empathy for everyone who has suffered what this family has suffered. and there's no question about that. that is one of his superpowers. and so i think at the end of the day, the messaging on the democratic side will be potent. again, not just for the democratic base, but for independence and for republicans who understand what an existential threat another donald trump presidency would be. >> so here's the problem with maclyn maria just said, all three of these presidents were an expansion of rights. i can i can provably false well, so under bill clinton, there was doma, there was don't ask, don't tell. collapsed the welfare programs there was a lot to remember about bill clinton that wasn't all good. and i'm not talking about the things you know, that i'm talking about additionally. so i don't know is he worth it? i'm not sure now, if they had had wwe on this stage with obama and biden man, would that have been an incredible show of force a less partisan show of
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force w, whatever you thought of what he did as president is a good guy. this would have sent to the to the country look, there was a time before trump when politics wasn't this awful and crazy and divisive. and for the good of the country, these three guys are coming together yeah, it's interesting because there's a relationship, a very good relationship between george w bush and clinton and obama and biden? yes. i do >> want to ask him about fundraising does, it matter that they have this $25 million in one night biden has clearly out fun race so fast, donald trump. donald trump is way behind, i think in february was like 20 million for the whole month. but he has funders any now, he's talking bibles, right some two people, donald trump is. but does it matter at this point in time because it doesn't seem to be showing up so much in the polls just because you have this money doesn't mean can you, win. >> yeah, i don't think the goal of fundraising is to tip the polls. i mean, it can help write the momentum and the sort of air of inevitability that can help with big fundraising halls i think it can tell you
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where some of the momentum is for sure. but listen to donald trump has a lot of obstacles, legal obstacles, financial obstacles, primarily, and the fact that joe biden and the dnc or outraising outperforming, i think is a sign of weakness for the trump campaign and a cause of concern for sure. >> maria, i want to ask you about something that came up recently, the rnc in high airing people have them ask, answered this question whether or not they believe the 2020 election was stolen, what does that tell you about what they're doing at the rnc? >> well i think that tells me again that there is no question that the republican party, as it was before donald trump, doesn't exist anymore when even the republican national committee is asking these kinds of questions. and we know that the vast majority of americans understand that the 2020 election was legitimate, that joe biden is the legitimate president. again, i think it goes to what essay cup just talked about. a huge weakness
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within the current donald trump republican party because they are talking to a very small slither of the the american electorate. now, we all know that this election is going to be close. it's going to be tough and that's why you see all the big guns on the democratic side coming out. i do hope that w is part of that. i think what you will never see is w coming to help donald trump, the way that the democratic presidents are coming to help joe biden. and again, at the end of the day, sara, it underscores what this election is all about an existential threat in donald trump, who if he comes to office again, he will be the a commander in chief who was also a fraudster, a sex offender, a criminal who will bring chaos us, who will bring confusion, who will bring criminality yet again, to the white house. and i believe the vast majority of americans do not want that, and that they will ultimately support and were shut. we're now seeing the polls today
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actually s.e. polling average now has joe biden ahead again, i'm not one to live and die by the polls because at the end of the day, it's going to be what matters in november. and i think at the end of the day, americans will choose joe biden as the commander chief yana, be tight. i think if you look at anything that anyone has written so far, we will see maria cardona se kopan always look to see you, ladies, sir. fred. >> thank you. all right. >> in just, minutes, donald trump's lawyers will return to a georgia courthouse. there first time since their failed attempt to get district attorney fani willis disqualified from his election interference case. we're alive and fulton county, as they try one more time to get the case thrown out and springing to life cnn's stephanie elam is in california among the blooms the hills are alive color on here as the sun comes up we are going to preview that awesome
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superbloom here in california, coming out right here on cnn i can't wait. it's making mixing all right. thank you, stephanie >> sanity needs safe space. >> you have a show. were right and left talk to each other cnn presents an encore presentation of hbo's real time with bill maher, saturday at eight on cnn >> is your shower trying to tell you something is getting in and out of the bathtub becoming a safety concern are you worried about the cost of a bathroom remodel that could go on for weeks and weeks. will now you can have a gorgeous new bath or shower that safer at a price you can afford with a one day jacuzzi bathroom model. >> it was done the same day. we did not have to wait >> it is >> amazing, amazing. >> fergie with a jacuzzi design consultants. it was a seamless process and there really is an option for me i would give this whole experience and a plan. i definitely wish i would have
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free visit ai or download the app spatial >> colombia, the final flight from your sunday, april 7 at nine on cnn all right. this >> morning, isn't this gorgeous a dazzling display of colorful wildfires erupting across california after a wetter than normal winter. this is known as a superbloom and it blankets
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the landscape with so many wildflowers. the colors can be seen from space. it's amazing and i'm going to credit stephanie elam for this >> great. >> we how it all works to tell you. we were looking for a place to we were looking for a place to go live and we drove past those hillside and i was like it's a lot tower here. and this is what we want to show you because it is springtime shorts bring time, but right now it's still early on, but you can still find some of this color already happening. you mentioned one of the things to get a suit for blue, which by the way is not a technical term, is just something people say when there's just all of these blooms all at the same time, sneaks on. it, doesn't happen every year. you need to have the right amount. a raid, you need to have some sun coming up. all of those things he to work. and then the blues will come and it doesn't mean that everywhere is going to see a
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superbloom, but we've already seen down in the desert floor they've been having a great blum. we've been seeing it's starting to hit the coastal areas out a malibu, i saw some blooms popping out here and going up into the mountains. you'll see it going probably into may or even into the summer. i'm told. but as you take a look out here and you look at all of this awesome color. just imagine that this is still early in some places it gets so dense that it looks like just a sea of color. i could give you a whole bunch of alliteration here. bounty of blue it's all of that so much so you could see it from space. and i want to show you the ones from last year, because last year we did have one of the wettest winters on record and so there were so many blooms you can see those carpets of color all the way from space. so we're not there yet, but still when you look back out here, look at all of that fantastic color. i have to also point out that it's been so attractive for people to come out amongst these blooms that's some places in
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california have to limit how many people can come into some of the canyons because people were maybe showing a little bit of bad behavior, trudging out into the flowers which you're not supposed to do, you gotta stay on the path, like even right now, i'm on the path and you don't pay pick the flowers, you don't pick the poppies. that's california state flower by the way, for anyone who didn't know that behavior and some things that have changed because people want to get the perfect selfies when they come mount here. i mean, he can't blame them, but just do it from the sergeant and where you're hiking boots. if you come out here, we go >> time. i got to get a plane ticket. i got to see this one and it looks like this is the year, stephanie. thank you so much yes. but you've seen it. i've seen it. you don't we learned that in the wizard of oz stay away from them and there's traffic and for those who have allergies, i'm sorry, debris, a debbie downer, wu foe row to pay. so for joining us, this has been seen a new central special edition, a newsroom trump on trial up nex t
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redefining insurance >> i've been touring the world with my music now, i want to focus on what's happening 12 carbon, a cnn films sunday, april 21 at nine >> this is cnn breaking news >> hello, and thank you for joining cnn. vessel coverage. i'm laura coates and washington, dc and literally at any moment, a hearing gets underway and georgia election interference case against donald trump for president will not be in the fulton county courtroom, but his attorney


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