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tv   The Situation Room With Wolf Blitzer  CNN  March 28, 2024 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT

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it's the gallery sender tower built in the 12th century, thousand years ago, an artist's rendering shows how equipment from italy's famous leaning tower of pisa will be used to stabilize the guards center tower the mayor says it could take six months to adapt the equipment cost by $20 now the cambridge, england, a statue commemorating a royal family member which a local official referred to as quote, rather ugly, will finally be taken down the 13 foot panic grim, reaper, voldemort looking monstrosity is supposed to honor the late prince philip. and his ten years chancellor of chancellor of cambridge university. today, the cambridge council told cnn, it was installed in several places on the campus over the years without proper planning and discussion you can follow the show on x at the lead cnn. and if you ever, ms an episode of the leaving i can listen to the show wherever you get your
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podcast and the news continues on cnn >> happening now, the judge in the georgia election subversion case is weighing donald trump's newest attempt to try to avoid criminal prosecution. we're breaking down the first hearing since district attorney fani willis was allowed to stay on the case and why she was a no show today? also tonight federal investigators are back on board. the cargo ship that slammed into a baltimore bridge seeking answers as we're seeing the ship heading toward the deadly collision from a new angle. and the biden campaign is touting a historic $25 hall from a fundraiser tonight featuring former president's obama and clinton. president biden getting ready to attend the event as donald trump is also in new york trying to grab some of the spotlight and send a get tough message on crime.
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welcome to our viewers here in the united states and around the world. i'm wolf blitzer, a urine the situation room we begin this hour with the criminal prosecution of donald hello, trump in georgia, moving forward after district attorney fani willis is successful battle to remain on the case, both sides now awaiting the judge's ruling on a new attempt by and the defense to make the charges go away cnn's nick valencia reports from atlanta >> tonight, donald trump's criminal case in georgia back under trump's attorney and the sprawling racketeering case arguing in court that the indictment must be thrown out statements comments, speech, expressive conduct that deals with campaigning or elections has always been found to be at the zenith. of, protected speech, which i'm steve stayed >> objecting to the charges
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against trump arguing his client was protected by the first amendment when he spread lies and conspiracy theories about the 2020 election being stolen. >> we wanted to say >> noticeably absent from thursday's pretrial motions hearing, fani willis, who spoke out saturday at a community event. >> i'm not embarrassed by anything. i've done. >> the fulton county da's narrowly survived staying on the case after more than two months of hearings and court filings on an effort to disqualify her over for romantic relationship with a former lead prosecutor on the case. nathan wade? >> i do think that there are efforts to slow down this train, but the train is coming. >> but today, the focus was back on the facts of the case in the first hearing since those efforts were ultimately unsuccessful per team minus the recently resigned wade arguing trump was not being charged for lying all right. but rather because the lies he told in cited a crime under georgia law, an act which is illegal because it does harm to the government. there's nowhere to go because all of these features pled as integral to
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criminal conduct. and therefore, it's not protected by the first attorneys for trump co-defendant, david shafer, also argued to get his charges dismissed reformer georgia gop chair was charged with multiple counts, including for impersonating a public official when he and others showed up to the georgia capital in december 2020 to act as so-called fake electors for trump. shafer's attorneys argued the term should be dropped, calling it quote, really nasty. >> it is a just a pejorative saving it. >> schafer argues he was not participating in a shady scheme when he tried to cast a vote as an elector, saying trump won the 2020 election in georgia, instead, he argues he was simply following novel legal advice to give his candidate legal options to challenge the election court ended without a decision today, and we should mention that previous first amendment arguments by former co-defendants in this case. have failed before, judge mcafee, even still big questions remain around this case, not just how judge mcafee
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will rule on these motions, but will fani willis be able to get this case back on track? crack for an august trial start. >> wolf, our next day with us. i also want to bring in our legal experts, including jennifer rodgers right now. jennifer, this is the first hearing since the scandal with willis and wade. has the district attorney's office gotten this case back on track. what's your assessment? >> it sounds like they have will offend. sounds like the judge is onboard with that, judge mcafee is not waiting to see what happens with this appeal. he's going ahead and he's deciding motions that are pending before him and that's really good news for the da's office here because it shows that he's ready to go. and as soon as they set a trial date, it sounds like he's it's got things on track to meet that date, so we're just waiting for that date now, the trial date and we'll see how things develop until then >> amy lee copeland is with us as well. emily, very similar arguments as you know, from trump's attorneys already failed in the federal election subversion case. so why are
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they making them here? >> well, if i've asked myself the same question, i think they just want to preserve the arguments in case somebody changes their mind it's just not going to happen. judge >> mcafee said to >> defend it, chesebro. listen >> anything that you have concerns about needs to be resolved at trial? i can't do this pretrial i'll judge chutkan issued her order saying this doesn't protect criminal conduct and as recently as last night, the california bar rejected john eastman, one of the attorney architects of this whole thing, rejected his first amendment claim. so this isn't going to go anywhere. this first amendment argument important information. >> jennifer trump's attorney claims his false statements in the indictment are protected by the first amendment and can't be prosecuted. how do you see ocean? >> georgia? >> well, he's right in the sense that false statements can be protected by the first amendment. they're not unprotected just because they're false. >> but it's also the >> case that speech can be part of a crime and you can't say
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just because words were coming out of your mouth that you're protected from committing that crime. i mean, think about a bank robber who walks into a bank and says stick them up. i'm here to rob the bank. you can still chin with bank robbery and it's not like he can say, well, you can't use that statement against me because i was speaking words out of my mouth. it's sorted the same thing here. so trump's statements are unprotected because they were part of a criminal scheme, and that evidence will come in at trial against him, despite these arguments, his lawyers are trying to make now nick >> valencia, let me bring you back at the district attorney, fani willis didn't appear during today's hearing. what do we know about that? >> protect >> well, defense attorneys, i've spoken to wolff are speculating that she's in hiding, but there's simply no indication of that. >> and look, we haven't really seen >> her much and hearings like there's there's only once before those disqualify location hearings that she appeared in court, and that was to try to get harrison floyd trump's co-defendants bond revoked. these are the types of things that her team handles and talking to sources close to
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willis, this was really a team effort from donald wake, awake forward as well as daysha young and will wooten. one really important note here is that for those, that belief leave that the prosecution would be lost without nathan wade. that's not the case at all. they handled today's case very well or today's hearing rather very well without him well, interesting. >> amy lee, bottom line right now, did you hear anything today that would suggest that the judge could make a different ruling than his federal counterpart. >> i didn't. >> the state even made sure that judge >> mcafee new with judge chutkan had considered the rico expert that the state is hard jumped up to explain the effect of first amendment rights and the rico conspiracy allegations that even if this was political speech at some point, those may have i've been steps toward the finish line, but where the first amendment quit protecting one was when criminal conduct occurred. >> so >> i just didn't hear anything that this is going to be the
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unicorn case where the first amendment saves the day for this defendant. >> yeah. important. jennifer does does trump have any avenues really left to try and get this case dismissed? when could this actually go to trial >> well, he does have one avenue left which is the pending supreme court argument about presidential immunity. i don't think he's going to win that argument, but if he did get a ruling for the supreme court that he's immune for anything that he did while he was still president of the united states, then he would not be able to be charged for this case in georgia either but i don't think that's going to happen i don't know when it's going to go to trial will if i wish, i knew, i can't see it happening before the election. i just don't think there's enough time but judge mcafee will be the one to make that column. we're all anxiously awaiting it. >> and we know that the supreme court will hear oral arguments on the presidential immunity issue later next month. amy lee, fani willis insists her case will proceed full steam
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ahead, even though there's still no official trial date on the calendar, do you buy that? >> i buy that she's going to continue ask for promotions hearing. she's going to continue pushing the case. she's going to continue moving forward with the work of our office. remember, she's the one or her office told the one that they just needed a 30 day runway to try this case. and if you stay ready, you don't have to get ready. i think the real wrench in the machine is going to be what the appeals court does with the certificate of immediate review. if they grant review of the disqualification motion, that'll be a serious impediment to try and the case before the election, we will watch it every step of the way, thanks to all of you for joining us. excellent analysis coming up. we'll have the latest baltimore bridge collapse. we have details. in new efforts to clear the debris as federal investigators read board the ship still tangled in the records plus president biden's fundraiser with barack obama and bill clinton brings
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in already $25 billion. can the campaign take advantage of growing cash advantage over donald trump >> how long have you been tracking our car's value with covana? >> just like seven months. >> should we sell it? >> we hold all silver were bands are going for more right now. should we are low mileage is paying off. you think we should all depreciations really heating up >> we're sad >> already sold the carbonic go to >> car ivana and track your car's value today? >> at morgan stanley old school of hard work meets bold, new
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cnn >> close captioning brought to you by her firm only represents mesothelioma victims and their families. if you or a loved one has been diagnosed with mesothelioma, call us now maryland governor wes moore has just officially requested $60 million in initial >> initial federal funding for the baltimore bridge collapse. this as the massive effort to clear debris from the river gets underway cnn's brian todd is near the scene in baltimore for us. brian, what do you see >> well well, if we have new information tonight on the effort to get this port functioning again, and we have new images of those critical moments before impact on tuesday morning new video into cnn showing the final moments before the francis scott key bridge collapsed on tuesday, killing six people. this surveillance footage caught the last vehicles to dart across the bridge before the cargo
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ship rammed into one of its supports. officials are now focused on getting the port back in business. long union heads scott cowen says the closure will hurt all of baltimore and beyond the warehouses, the trucking community, and all those all the stuff around the city that is connected to the port. it's 100,000 jobs there are indirectly not connected to the port and 15.20 thousand jobs directly connected port of baltimore. >> the ports common. >> first will remain at a standstill until hundreds of millions of tons of twisted steel and concrete are cleared from the tap sco river. >> we have no more work. >> damian tucker has been loading shipping containers onto cargo ships at the port of baltimore for 20 many years, many of us, wow, showman, live paycheck to paycheck like many other people in economy, we have to work 60, 70, 80 hours a week. then make a decent living. >> cowan says the work at the port is going to dry up. so there's some little bit of cargo laugh that some of our people were working. some of the processes are still working, but that cargo and that processing will eventually dry up and they will, they will
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be out of work as well. >> but it's not just in the port four here on the chesapeake bay south of baltimore, just across from annapolis, maryland, where as you can see, there are several tanker's cargo ships and other vessels just anchored here waiting for guidance on where to go. the national transportation safety board laid out a dramatic timeline, >> audible alarms were recorded on the ship's audio bridge audio, just two minutes elapsed between the ship's pilot making the mayday call until it crashed into the key bridge. and the 21 member crew has been on board since the collision, the ship needs to be maintained and they have to have people for that ship at all times, it was carrying roughly 4,700 cargo containers, including 56 with hazardous material, 764 tons of hazardous materials mostly corrosives, flammables and some miscellaneous hazardous materials class nine hazardous materials, which would include lithium ion batteries, ntsb chair jennifer
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homendy said some of those containers spilled into the water. >> we have seen sheen on the waterway. >> cnn has identified some of the six workers who were killed tuesday a fellow construction worker who was scheduled to work tuesday night but had swapped shifts, told cnn the men were likely taking a break from filling potholes on the bridge when it collapsed? now, while officials have said some hazardous material did spill into the water, both the epa and the coast guard have said there is no airborne contaminant as a threat and no threat to drinking water as i step off just to show you a one of the ships that stranded here in baltimore harbor that's the pier lanka rio, that is an order well, and chemical tanker. what i can tell you is that the governor wes moore is going to have a news conference next hour to give an update on these recovery efforts and wolfe also, we just spoke to a truck driver who picks up cargo from the port and carries it to places locally. he said, it's a ghost town over there. he's got to actually now make the trip to places like hampton roads, virginia, about 220 miles away way just to keep
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going with his job. that's how tough it is right here. we'll have live coverage of the governors news conference. brian brian todd. thank you very, very much joining us now. greg williams, he's president of a company which handles cargo at the port. thanks very much greg for joining us. we just we're just getting new video showing a different angle of the dali, the ship, the dali ship approaching the bridge three days after the collapse. what is the latest situation at the baltimore port and are your company and others able to operate in any way at all while the channel is shutdown? >> well, just like your other guys were saying before me, you know, the port is going to be shut down here by next week. we can't get any ships in or out of the port of baltimore. so even what we do, we drove proximately. we move about 100 truckloads de to our terminal here in right now will be out of inbound cargo coming from the port of baltimore, probably beginning of next week. now,
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we're trying to work with our customers. the cargo is being rerouted to either new york, new jersey, or down into hampton, norfolk, virginia interests right now, we're making inroads to get there containers back in the baltimore. so like your previous guy said, it's about two are 25 miles to norfolk. that's about 200 miles up to new jersey. so we're working with our not only our trucking fleet, but other failures to get the freight down to our warehouse to get it on loaded, and get it out the supply chain and got into country's people all over the country as well. >> i know your company has been in business for 40 years at this baltimore port. how big of an economic toll is this bridge collapsed, taking on your company right now and indeed, on the entire industry, there it's huge, you know, i'm just a small operator here, but you have just like the general, you have a union, you have the port of baltimore >> here that has over 15,000 guys working daily and associated with the ports over
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100,000 guys daily so right now, i was with all of our drivers. we're going to reroute our trucks to go to new york, new jersey, or down and then flipped to pick up our customers freight and it's something that we really don't do. it's not nothing that we want to do, but we want to keep our guys working during this tragic event. we don't want us to send anybody home. but that's what we're gonna do. we're going to keep going through this. >> so important, the state of maryland, as you know, has already requested 60 million federal dollars to start cleaning up this wreckage and begin recovery will businesses like yours need any financial support? the longer this process goes on? >> well, we're gonna do everything we can not to ask springs financial support. it's my understanding that floaters are on the way and hopefully we'll get our first crane in here tomorrow, one saturday wants sunday that can hopefully start to dismantle the wreckage this is a very fast paced operation, not only what we do, but with the port
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does. and it's a big machine that just eats cargo every day. so then you can imagine when it stops you know, it's people just stay around looking for the next thing to do, but we're going to keep our customers going and start picking up their free from whatever ford it's available. >> good luck to you and all the men and women who worked with you, greg williams. thank you very, very much. up next, tonight's presidential blockbuster in new york city as the biden campaign turns to barack obama and bill clinton to generate enthusiasm and a record amount of cash plus donald trump has also in new york aiming to show a very stark contrast with the biden gala as he attends a slain police this officer wake >> sanity, needs a safe space >> you have a show the right and left talk to each other >> cnn presents an encore presentation of hbo's real time with bill maher, saturday at eight on cnn
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cohen in washington and this is cnn >> less than three hours from now, the biggest names in the democratic party are teaming up to give a financial and psychological boost to the biden reelection campaign. we're standing by for the star sold out event feature during former presidents barack obama and bill clinton cnn's kayla tausche following all of these developments, she's joining us from the white house right now. kayla, the biden campaign says, it's already raised. what it's calling a truly historic amount of $25 million update our viewers a well, if there's no doubt that it's the highest-grossing event of the cycle so far, the public won't get to see that star-studded event. there's a presidential prologue of sorts that's available only to small dollar donors. it will be live streamed before the events and sources tells cnn's mj lee that those grassroots donors comprise about a third of the $25 hall that's expected from tonight's event. now, it is a
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significant figure that $25 million and it would go along way to widen the cash advantage that biden already has over his republican rival. of course, the former president, donald trump. the march data is not available yet, but in both january, in february, biden raised about double that that trump raised. and at the end of february, biden had roughly double the cash, cash on hand as president trump. and the biden campaign says that the money that it's raising now is gonna go easy. even further than trump's who's been using his campaign cash to defray his legal expenses. jeffrey katzenberg, who is the co-chair of biden's campaign, says this in a statement, unlike our opponent, every dollar we're raising is going to reach the voters who will decide this? selection, communicating the president's historic record, his vision for the future, and laying playing the stakes of this election. the three presidents are expected to spend much of that steven cole bear moderated conversation on stage at radio city music hall talking about that record of president biden's three years
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in office. so far, even though wolf of voters aren't quite sold on it, when you look at the approval ratings for the three presidents, biden has a lower approval rating than his two predecessors. at this exact stage. same stage in their terms, >> interesting. so kayla, how's the biden campaign plan to translate what's happening today into votes >> they say it's simple. they save money and time. of course, the money that not only biden, but also democratic affiliated committees and packs have on hand is significant. there'll be deploying it through ads throughout the year also, events with voters and binds expecting his campaign traveled to ramp up from two states a week to even more as the months go on. but many advisers suggests that the american electorate is just not paying attention yet and that it could still be several months before they're actually really focused on the choice it is in this race wolf here. >> it how she are senior white house correspondent, kayla. thank you very much not the trump campaign. the former
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president was in new york today to attend the funeral of a police officer killed in the line of duty. this as we're learning that he's hoping to one-up president biden's big fundraising haul tonight i want to bring in cnn's kristen holmes. kristen, what are you learning about an upcoming trump trump fundraiser? >> yan hearing from campaigns versus that they are expecting to erase more than 33 million. now obviously this is an enormous sum and we will be waiting to see what actually comes out of this fundraiser. it was one that we had reported on before. it's happening april 6 with some of the biggest names in the gop. and these are donors, many of whom had sat on the sidelines during the primary saying they didn't want to get involved. we're really trying to find an alternative to donald trump now, they are getting behind the former president that includes the mercer family, that includes oil tycoon, harold hamm as well as hedge fund founder john paulson among many others. now, again, this is coming from the campaign. it's also coming out on a night that joe biden and his team are saying that they plan
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to raise more than $25 million. so we will wait and as we get closer to this fundraiser to see if those numbers are accurate. but as you mentioned, while he is holding this big, fancy fundraiser in palm beach on april 6th, he also was hoping today to really draw a contrast with present then biden saying that president biden was in new york, as was donald trump. biden was there. but what they were calling a glitzy fundraiser with elitist obviously something donald trump does often just try to paint democrats as leaders as compared to what he says he was doing what he was doing, which was going to the wake for this nypd officer jonathan diller, who was killed in the line of duty. so they were trying to draw this juxtaposition here meanwhile, donald trump is also lashing out on truth, social right now at judge merchant's daughter, this is the judge in the hush money case. he has been going after what he says is her twitter account. this came from far right circles who tried to circulate this account. the court has already
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responded saying that this is an old account. it's no longer linked to his daughter, that it's not linked to her email that she shut it down a year ago, but he is continuing to attack not only the account and posts that have some more liberal pose, including one of donald trump behind bars, but also attack his daughter personally interesting kristen holmes reporting for us. thank you very much. i want to bring in seeing a chief national course on a john king and cnn senior political analysts, nia-malika henderson, john. now, what message is the campaign trying to send by bringing obama, clinton, and biden together tonight? >> the biggest message is that the big guns of the democratic party are all on the same team. i'll rowing in the same direction. you will not see, for example, george w bush, the only living republican former president you're not going to see him raising money for donald trump. you're not even going to see mike pence or dick cheney, or you'll republican vice president. mike pence was donald trump's vice president. he says he can't vote for him. so the democrats trying to send a message that we are unified now, the biggest takeaway though, is all that money. $25 million plus i bet by the end of the week they say it's even
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higher than that fundraising it does not win elections. but if you spend that money wisely, it can win elections. it can help you win elections and the president has a lot of cracks in the democratic coalition. he's already up on tv targeting black voters already up targeting latino voters. he's got a lot of work to do when you have a lot of work to do, a lot of money helps certainly does is they say money talks and when it comes to politics, nia-malika, how key is president obama's embrace to help energize so-called disaffected democratic voters. >> yeah, listen, i mean, we have seen president obama on the camp and trail before you think back to 2022 he played a role in georgia senate race was very good. it really, i think stitching together a good coalition, tobacco, raphael warnock in that race in georgia in those are the kinds of voters, african american voters, young voters, latino voters, as well as suburban voters. those are all the kinds of voters that, that obama is so good at energizing instead
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of branding the democratic party as a winning party, as the party of the future as a sort of normal party. i think john rightly points out that part up tonight is just show casting of the democratic brand and that's something that obama can do, i think for biden. and he obviously has done that before in 2020, i'm sure his wife, michelle obama, at some point, we'll get out on the campaign trail. he has expressed some concern about this election, given what we've seen from the polls that it's obviously very, very close so he can really, i'll have all hands on deck, really rowing in the same direction. all of these democratic presidents, including president clinton and getting folks energized >> and also >> like engage, i think biden is obviously aware that democrats are quite paying attention yet. and so part of this fundraiser is really just sort of piercing the bubble in really trying to break through to encourage voters that there's an election in the
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stakes are very high >> well said john seth meyers poked a little fun at this event tonight. watch this, watch >> as president biden is set to appear at radio city music hall with former president barack obama, and they definitely know how to sell it i, just. to be precise, so that banner that we just saw under radio city music hall, that isn't real. but john is there some truth in that? >> oh, there's maybe some truth and the idea that obama has more celebrity status then biden, but joe biden is the president right now. he's the incumbent president, united states it as his record and his performance. so it will be judged by the voters in november hi, i think it does highlight the point that one of the things i have learned in my travels over the last six months or so is that a lot of voters out there? voters who voted for biden in 2020 and our disillusion, maybe it's inflation, maybe it's their own circumstances. maybe they just think washington is not working. what does it done for me lately, they want to see him? they want him to be more visible. so that's a piece of
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humor there, but i do think it highlights the idea that as i said before, there are cracks in the democratic coalition it makes a key point. you have bill clinton, right? yeah, the last president to have a balanced budget, he was the different kind of democrat, more of a centrist obama, more left of center obamacare. they want to talk about the issues reproductive rights. they want to talk about civil rights want to talk about gay rights. they want to talk about the issues that they hope will motivate those disillusioned voters out there to remind them. maybe there's, maybe you're mad about something, maybe you're mad about israel-gaza. lot of young voters very angry at the president right now about that. maybe you're mad about that. but look at the broader issues portfolio that we port forward these three democratic presidents that look at the other guy, there's your choice you very important near this event at radio city music hall later tonight, already has raised what, $25 that's a massive hall for president biden, further widening his cash edge over trump but how does the campaign convert that into actual support? >> listen, it's going to be about ads they've already got adds up in swing states and you
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see some of this working in some ways. i think if you look at the state of the union as a time when there was a shift in voters minds. but voters who watched that, particularly democratic voters, felt like this was an energized president. and then they put a bunch of money into putting campaign ads in swing states. this is going to go to get out the vote efforts as willing really targeting these voters. they've been up. >> i'll >> talking to african-american voters on a black radio. listen, they have a massive mass of project over these next seven months in stitching together this coalition that is frayed a little bit around the edges with african american voters, latino voters are and young voters. >> so >> listen, they are going to need billions of dollars to get this done. so this 25 million isn't some ways it's a large hole. they're going to keep having to have large holes. they're going to keep keep having to not only have big donors, but also those small dollar donors to listen. >> donald trump >> joe john king was right, that money doesn't win
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elections, but it certainly does help. and you have donald trump, who so far has been lagging in terms of fundraising. and obviously diverting some of that cash to all of his legal issue he says, well, listen, i think you're going to see this over and over again, them trying to general support jen up money because they are going to need it over this very, very important in costly election >> and john, as we reported, a third former president, namely donald trump, is also in new york today attending the wake of an nypd police officer gunned during a traffic stop. trump is not know necessarily for this sort of appearance. so why is he doing this now >> because crime and immigration shin, are central to the argument that trump is going to make that you want to change, you want to change presidents because you're mad about the border and you're mad about crime. now if you look at crime statistics nationally most violent crimes or down, if you look but the new york police department statistics most violent crimes are down, but property crimes are up, motor vehicle thefts are up, and we've had many climate crimes, including an officer killed in the line of duty that are shocking. and they get a
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lot of attention on television and so this is one place where there's a disconnect between the crime statistics and the crime perceptions among voters. and it could be a key issue in the suburbs, a key issue with swing voters, a key issue in the place trump needs to win. so it's an issue he wants to highlight again, the statistics tell you crime is in better shape now than it was a few years back. however, some of these crimes are so shocking wolf that they stirred people. they steroid anxiety and trump wants to turn that into votes. yeah, really important now, john king, thank you very much. a nia-malika henderson thanks to you as well. just to head, we're standing by for top officials, including the maryland governor, wes moore to give us an update on the baltimore bridge collapse will bring that to you hi plus a flurry of conservative legislation in alabama as some worried about lgbtq rights in that state, stay with us you're, on the situation room >> if you work in spaceflight, this is the worst possible thing i can ever happen
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redefining insurance. >> get your viewing glasses ready. eclipse across america on april 8 and one on cnn >> alabama has been in the
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spotlight recently, an anti diversity equity and inclusion bill was the into law this month. ivf was also under threat in the state after an alabama supreme court ruling that frozen embryos are humans. now a flurry of conservative legislation including bills targeting the lgbtq community is working its way through the state legislature cnn's isabel resolvers has are report on a sunny spring day, an alabama mother walks past rows of tombstones never in 1 million years that i think i will pull up at home my child lifeless >> can mika shelby is here to visit her only son >> definitely not easy having a plan of funeral for your 15-year-old child. cooking and 22 days can make a will mark five years since nigel remembered as warm and gold hearted, died by suicide and for he was bullied for being gay. >> do
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>> you still talk to him? >> yeah yeah >> it makes it >> it's like a comfort thing because i believe he can hear me. >> last year. she said a little more than $800,000 civil lawsuit with the huntsville city board of education in the death of her son, part of the deal required in several district wide policy changes to better acknowledge and protect lgbtq students, including an update to its anti-discrimination policy, specifically prohibiting harassment based on a student's sexual orientation, gender identity, and expression now, she questions whether nigel legacy is at risk >> these >> bills actually >> go into play what was are fighting for who are these bills actually protected in montgomery series of bills are advancing that opponents worn are intended to slowly chip away at lgbtq rights. one determines gender as dictated by your birth certificate.
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another bans non-approved flags, including pride flags, from flying on public property. then there's house bill 130 dub does don't say gay by opponents. the bill intends to broaden a 2022 law to all public k through 12th grade levels and flat-out bands instruction and discussion about gender identity and sexual orientation. >> just bill just strengthens a laudatory in place and goes a little bit further, making sure that we keep a political agenda or social agenda out of our schools. and let children be children again, hp1 30 would also prohibit teachers from displaying flags related to sexual orientation groups like the aclu of alabama fiercely hitting back against the legislation, saying it would read alabama classrooms and students of inclusive discussions republican mac butler, who represents a town of rainbow city, authored the legislation. he argues these conversations belong at home. >> we just want the school to focus on reading, writing, and arithmetic seeking to have purify the skills just a little bit. >> the lawmaker later walking back that purifying of schools
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line saying he misspoke kimiko argues his bill amounts who alienating and erasing students like her son is dangerous. >> you're basically making it a issue that they don't have a safe space school is not supposed to be a place that would make a child want to end a lie >> representative, neil rafferty, alabama's only legislator who defines as gay, warns of bill could seriously interfere with the school curriculum in unexpected ways. >> it is a super problematic bill. it's become so vague that can even talk about martha washington being married to george washington because martha washington was a woman wife frey, who married a man george washington. so that's a heterosexual relationships and sexual orientation. sexual orientation, i'm talking about gender identity and sexual orientation. any questions >> motivation for these bills? >> these are not home grown alabama issues essentially, these are solutions in search
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of a problem >> as for kimiko, her pain and loss still fresh, but in niger's name, she fights on. >> he's no longer here but there's still a millionaire him that is here and it does affect them the alabama legislature is not in session this week. lawmakers returned next week, cnn reached out to all nine >> sponsors of house bill 130, all of them republicans, and they either didn't answer our questions are in the case of the author of the bill representative butler he said he was not available for an interview, and wolff, the aclu nationwide is tracking nearly 500 anti-lgbtq bills spanning across 40 states this year alone isabel results in montgomery, alabama for us, is about thank you very much. and this note, if you or anyone you know, is struggling, help is available at the suicide lifeline. just call 988. and we'll be right back.
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free book to answer questions you may have call now and we'll come to you 808 to 14000 >> devastating news out of gaza. and other palestinian child died this morning from hunger and lack of treatment cnn's jomana karadsheh reports, this brings the number of palestinians in gaza who have died from starvation and scarcity of men medical supplies to 30. a warning, some of the images you are about to see are disturbing >> this video filmed 11 days ago at northern gaza hospital, captured little mohammed's final days. his labored breaths and all but staff tried to do to keep him alive on thursday, six-year-old mohammed became the 20 palestinian child to die of malnutrition and dehydration in gaza the fear is many more fungible lives could be lost hunger is in every corner of this besieged territory the
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pain visible in the eyes of mothers like there's luck, was helplessly watched her children go hungry for months >> her husband >> might on his thought, the unthinkable throwing his children in the sea. he says, to spare them this torture of an existence than tastes family endured months of bumpy boardman in northern gaza, but it's a looming famine there. that's pushed them out of their home >> if you grab a bag of flour, someone can kill you to take it on says, our daily meal for our children became things we hadn't heard of before, like grounds, soybeans, and a wild plant that we never tasted before. food, than animals refused eat. we ate what, they'll do, where they'll go, they don't know all they want right now is to feed their little ones my children were crying every night asking for a piece of bread, nash lot says we were dreaming of white
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bread. we were eating animal foods for the first time in five months. they say the children are having real food, even if only plain bread this is what the taste family left behind in the north scenes that tell of the desperation of so many who also just want to feed their children thank brush the aid that's made it into this part of gaza >> more than 1 >> million palestinians are now facing catastrophic levels of hunger according to un backdrop ports with famine projected to arrive in the north any day. now this man-made crisis for israel has been accused of using starvation as a weapon of war, something it denies people every day find themselves scavenging for food forced to pick wild plants to boil and eat this grandmother can't hold back her tears as she washes weeds and leaves let's today's meal.
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>> what >> else can we do? she says it's the indignity of hunger avoidable suffering as the world watches on. jomana karadsheh, cnn london and thanks to giovanna for that report coming up, we're expecting an update from the maryland governor and other top officials on the baltimore bridge collapse very soon >> stay with us. we'll bring it to you live there's a new ally in the fight against climate change. this is >> new car business blue carbon need to protect nature will do the rest in carbon >> cnn film sunday, april 21 at nine. >> i love your dress >> i splurged a little because liberty mutual customize my car insurance and i saved hundreds. >> that's great. >> i know. right. i've been telling everyone did you hear that type just set her first word >> couldn't you say mama?
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