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tv   The Situation Room With Wolf Blitzer  CNN  March 28, 2024 3:00pm-4:00pm PDT

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you up when you're down, people on tiktok do that on a daily the basis and i've never found a community like that ever. >> keep tiktok cracked windshield schedule would say flight and will come to you to fix it. this customer was enjoying her morning walk. we texted her when we were on on our way and she could track us and see exactly when we'd arrive. >> a few moments >> we came to her with service that fit her schedule. he let's be fetsko unless we got right to work with the replacement, she could trust we come to you for free, scheduled now for free mobile service at safe >> like me payer safe might be his palm on her raj on capitol hill >> and this is cnn happening now, we're standing by for top officials to give an update on the baltimore bridge collapse as federal investigators are back on board the ship that
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also this hour, how georgia prosecutors are pushing the criminal case against donald trump forward, fighting a new defense attempt to try to get the charges thrown out we're awaiting the judge's decision and getting new insight into just district attorney fani willis is strategy after weeks of controversy. welcome to our viewers here in the united states and around the world. i'm wolf blitzer, a urine the situation room right now we're awaiting an official update on the baltimore bridge collapse. maryland's governor and other top authorities expected to brief the public this hour. but first, let's get the latest on the investigation and the cleanup effort now underway for more on that, i want to bring in cnn's pete muntean, who's joining us for baltimore right now. what are you learning
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>> what we're expecting to hear from governor wes moore in the next 15 minutes or so, he has called this a national crisis and the white house just release 60 million in federal funding to help out here also just announce it is sending a special floating crane that should arrive here soon. just the start of the cleanup from this disaster >> new >> video shows the fateful final moments before baltimore's iconic key bridge was taken down by a crippled cargo ship flashing lights on top, believed to be from the pothole repair crew that perished? >> i could have been on that >> bridge, uber driver gail fermion says she was stopped by police moments before the bridge's dramatic plunge into the potassium sco river below, if my passenger wasn't a little bit late coming out to the car and getting into it we probably very well good. have been on the bridge when it collapsed. >> now, national transportation safety board investigators who boarded the dali again on
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thursday are detailing the cruise desperate attempts to avoid disaster is the hundred ton ship barreled out of control. >> we've seen the recordings. we have data which is consistent with the power outage, but ntsb chair jennifer homendy says it is too early to know what triggered the outage. the dali's voyage data recorder shows that shoved up from the port of baltimore early tuesday at 12:39 a.m. traveling at eight knots are roughly nine miles per hour. the ship maneuvered without issue for 46 minutes, then at 01:25 a.m. numerous alarms sounded on the ship's bridge at 01:26 the crew ordered steering and rudder commands, then radioed for tugboats to come back and help at 01:27 a.m. the crew big again, dropping an anchor on the left side of the ship and warned over radio that it was approaching the key bridge at 01:20, 9.33 seconds impact and
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higher achievers has fallen into the harbor >> investigators now underscore that the 47 year-old bridge was designed without redundancy, known as it's fracture critical. the ntsb says the failure of one support causes the entire bridge to fall. the older design is common on nearly 17,000 existing bridges in the united states, the key bridge did have protective barriers known as dolphins but investigators say the dali slipped through them. >> the idea is not to really design these bridge piers to observe or that kind of direct impact. it's just not it's not feasible, it's not economical. but user, there are other real protective measures that can be taken to limit the exposure of the pure is to the ship itself with the port a backbone of baltimore's economy. there is an urgent push to reopen it. shipping lanes, even at a reduced capacity, at least 11 ships are trapped in the port. critical for moving everything from sugar, two cars, the army corps of engineers is working
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to move the dali first, but its bow is now pinned under the weight of the collapsed bridge. >> if we can open one of the lanes sooner, than that obviously would allow ships to come in and out at the season opener for the baltimore orioles. a moment of silence for the lives lost answers are in short supply, but baltimore's resolve is not on the field and far off it, we will build together and we will be resilient in next chapter of our great city >> the ntsb is interviewing some of the 21 members of the crew of the dali, who are still onboard the ship were only days into this investigation, wolf, and it's already hitting a bit i was stumbling block that voyage data recorder recorded very basic and barebones pieces of information and dsb chair jennifer homendy says, it is not like the data recorder on a commercial airliner that captures thousands of points of
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information, something she says she would like to see changed both good point. pete muntean in baltimore for us, pete, thanks. thank you very much right now. i want to get more on the story. seen as tom form and is joining us right now, time the bridge collapse in baltimore, raising serious questions about the structure of bridges is indeed all across the country >> yeah. previewed it. they're just a tiny bit federal officials say about 17,000 bridges across his country are fracture critical. we heard that term. what that means, it's technical term, but it means in simple ways that if they're struck with enough force at just the right spot, a big section or the entire bridge will come down. that is exactly what we saw with the key bridge when that ship hit this one support over here, it triggered a chain reaction the took the whole thing out. this is a bridge that had stood for decades that handled 11 million cars a year. is undeniably very, very strong gone in second, and there have been similar incidents in the past. the sunshine skyway bridge near
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tampa, which opened roughly around the time of the key bridge was taken out by a floundering ship many years ago the eye 40 bridge and oklahoma also well, in the past, was largely destroyed by some loose barges, again, hitting one area. and there are more wolf it's interesting time because the head of the ntsb has talked about the current norm. the current norm for building bridges involves what she calls redundancies. explain what that means. >> yeah, those redundancies many modern bridges are being constructed with protections around those danger points. so for example, you might have something like those dolphins we heard reference there. that's something that's going to stand apart from the bridge itself out in the water. there are many different forms of these, but the point is that these would be something that would either deflect where somehow slowed down reduce the idea of a bridge getting a free unhindered shot at this vital part right over here. the other possibility is something that's referred to largely as
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fenders. in this case, it's built more around the critical part and it might be out of earth or it might be out of steel, or it might be out of any number of concrete and number of sub substances. but basically the same effect which you're doing is you're putting something here that will keep any force from having a direct shot at the bridge. federal officials say they don't think anything could have withstood the force of this ship hitting that bridge. but maybe if these had been more robust, it could have steered it aside somehow blunted that assault. and maybe this fracture critical bridges wouldn't fall and plus engineer's say, what about all the older bridges even if you're building the new ones this way, what about those 17,000 other bridges? which ones are in dangerous areas? which ones are vulnerable to this kind of? single impact catastrophic failure >> they've got to figure >> out a way to make sure this doesn't happen again, tom, form. and thank you very, very much for that report. i want to break get some insight right now from a former merchant
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marina cell and mercogliano south. thanks very much for joining us. you're a maritime expert. what do you see as the key angles right now for investigators? to pursue as they work to try to understand how this truly horrific collapse happened >> thanks. well, i think you've got to start ruling out ideas. what could possibly be i mean, everything from contaminated fuel, which would be easy for the ntsb to check, didn't go back in and do fuel tests all the way to interviewing the crew to find out what were the events leading up to this that allowed main power to go out? was it electrical? >> was it a >> mechanical error or was it a human error? >> the wreckage site as all of us know, is full of twisted steel and concrete. the ntsb says there are 700, 700 tons of hazardous materials on board the ship the dali. how do these salvage teams safely clean all this up and get the port up and running again.
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>> but wolf, remember two years ago, baltimore encountered this, the ever forward leaving the port of baltimore ran aground between the key bridge and the bay bridge so the captain of the port at the time was the same captain now oversaw a massive operation to remove containers from the grounded vessel to pull the vessel out. this is obviously a a much larger operation of the fact that the bridge has landed on the bow of the vessel there's no problem for baltimore who we've done this before. you start removing containers off the ship and that may be part of its salvage operation. we'll see you remember, there's gonna be a three parts operation you're going to have the ship that needs to be removed. you're going to have to remove the bridge across the main channel and then you're going to have to remove portions of the bridge beyond the channel to be able to clear everything out >> enormous amount of work remaining as all of a sudden falls, the dolly, dolly ship's crew are spill on board that ship help us understand why it's still an operating ship. i mean, you still have systems to you still need to maintain
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the ship. there's also the fear, again that the ship may shift and move even though the forward part is grounded did if weather comes up, there may need to be use of the ship systems to maintain it. you don't want it to shift, especially when there are boats in the water, the sonar boats it's the sensor boats. and when salvage operation stops, so this needs to be remaining at a fully operational ship until they can remove it, get appear side and begin the offload process and repair ship has heavy damage up froward, enormous damage. what structural changes can be made to these older bridges here in the united states. and indeed around the world that are more vulnerable to a forceful hip >> well, i think one of the things we need to be thinking about is when baltimore, for example, upgraded and the upgraded directions, the harbor it included a new cranes to be able to handle these type vessels. you need to look at those bridge and infrastructures. and i think as was reported just before the use of dolphins and barriers, if you look at the new bridge that was built in 19 after the tampa incident in 1980, you can
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really see it before and after where some of those protections were put into place, they should be mandated and then retrofitted on older bridges. >> important point selma thank you very much for all that analysis just ahead, were awaiting a news conference on the baltimore bridge collapse. the governor of maryland and other top officials expected to join love live coverage plus is there any merit to donald trump's newest attempt to get the georgia election subversion case thrown out. our legal experts are standing by as the judge ways is decision >> houston check. >> we hear nothing >> a space shuttle accident. it's usually not one thing. it's a series of events is that part of the wing coming apart >> space shuttle columbia, he final flight or mere sunday, april 7 at nine on cnn, liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. >> that's great. i know i've been telling everyone how many
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now for free mobile service at safe, we pay your sleep might be place >> can the riva support your brain health? >> mary janet, hey eddie, know appraiser, franck, franck, bread. how are you, fred? >> if you will, up to seven brain health indicators, including your memory, joined the neretva brain health challenge >> erin burnett, outfront >> tonight, it's seven odd cnn closed captioning brought to you by are firm only represents mesothelial of victims and their family >> place. if you or a loved one has been diagnosed with mesothelioma, call us now we expect a news conference on the baltimore bridge collapse to begin at any moment where standing by to bring it to you live. right now, a judge is weighing new pretrial motions by donald trump in the georgia election, subversion case, cns, sara marie has details on today's hearing and the very
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conspicuous absence us district attorney fani willis >> the criminal case against donald trump in georgia, this whole witch hunt should be put out of its misery and dismissed immediately. >> engine ahead today, trump attorney steve stayed out arguing the indictment against the former president should be tossed, claiming trump's efforts to overturn the 20 he 20 election, like his call to georgia secretary of state, brad raffensperger. >> i want to do is this. i just want to find 11,780 loads were protected under the first amendment statements, comments, speech, expressive conduct that deals with campaigning or >> elections has always been found to be at the zenith. of protected speech. >> take out the political >> speech, no criminal charges. >> prosecutors, a batting back at those arguments. >> what is not allowed to do is employ his speech and his expression and his statements
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as part of a criminal conspiracy to violate georgia's rico statute. he's not being prosecuted for lying. he's been prosecuted for lying to the government. >> it's the first hearing after months of delving into the propriety of fulton county district attorney, fani willis is romantic relationship with fellow prosecutor, nathan wade. >> you're confused. you think i'm on trial >> these people? laurel on trial for trying to steal an election in 2020. i'm not on trial. no matter how hard you try to put me on trial, wade, his sense resigned from the case while willis was allowed to remain, but trump's team is appealing that decision. as judge scott mcafee moves the case ahead. >> some crimes can be achieved solely through speech, though. why is that? now what's happening here as alleged mcafee we didn't rule on whether he'll allow the indictment to stand, but other defendants in the case, i've tried similar first amendment arguments and fail willis who did not appear in court today still angling for trump and his remaining 14 co-defendants to go to trial before the presidential election. perhaps as soon as august.
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>> i don't feel like we've been slowed down at all. i do think that there are efforts to slow down and strain, but the train is coming. >> but today's hearing wrapped without any discussion of a potential trial date and will be now a federal judge here in washington, presiding over the election interference case, has also heard a similar first amendment argument from trump's team and rejected it. now we wait to see if this judge in georgia is going to make a similar ruling, or perhaps surprise us wolf by coming down on a different side of this xu >> interesting are sara marie reporting for us? thank you, sarah, let's bring in cnn's kaitlan, poland's she's been covering today's hearing in atlanta also with a cnn legal analyst, elliott williams, caitlin, this is the first hearing since the scandal involving fani willis and nathan wade is this case now, back on track >> wolf, it sure looks like it is. and what you saw as evidenced today in court is that the judge is taking seriously the legal issues that
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need to be sorted out before this goes to the trial. now, a question is going to be how fast judge scott mcafee moves to rule on issues like this, how many different issues before the trial the defendants trump and all of his other co-defendants. i'll 14 of them. what else? they're >> going to argue to try and >> get the case dismissed or to attack the prosecutors. all of the things that they could bring into the pretrial proceedings here, how quickly judge mcafee deals with all of that. but one thing wolf today that really showed how this is a case that's moving along, is that there was discussion about whether the false statements donald trump made after the election. is that question that a jury should look at? should the jury be weighing whether those were intentional false statements and those are a crime or is that a question that the judge now? all should be dealing with any either dismiss the case or let it go forward to work for the trial.
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>> elliott, i'm wondering was it the right move for fani willis, the district attorney, to skip today's appearance well it's important to note that the top prosecutor in an office, whether that's frankly the attorney general of the united states >> or district attorney as in the case of fani willis, or a state attorney general, does not have to attend hearings, right? often, these cases, even important major ones like this one are argued by deputies and lieutenants in the office and so on. now, look, we have had a crash course and getting to know fani willis personally over the course of the last couple of months of watching her in her own hearings where where she's been a witness, but i don't think that anything in terms of the information that was presented to the judge needed to be argued by the district attorney or herself. and frankly, if in less crazy circumstances, then we're in right now the case would have been argued by someone underneath the district attorney's. i wouldn't read too much into that one important. >> it's interesting kaitlan, >> trump's trying to throw this case out out based on his
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first amendment rights. but this argument has failed multiple times before. how will that play into the judge's decision? here >> let's certainly something the judge is going to have to be considering because we're in such an unprecedented situation. duration. this is someone who was serving at the as the president at the time he was making these statements. he was a political candidate as well. and so his claims here are about the constitutional protections around his political speech. now, what judge mcafee has to look at though, is georgia law. and if this case is charged correctly, under georgia law so he'll do that because he's a judge in the state of georgia. he's not a federal judge. however, he also will very likely look at what not just judge tanya chutkan has done in washington dc saying that trump it doesn't matter if he claims the first amendment protection, saying the false statements he made after the election were reasonable. that's not enough
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to dismay is the case that's what she said in federal court, but it's very likely judge mcafee will also be looking at the us supreme court precedent around this case. it came up multiple times. there was a lot discussion about what the supreme court has said before related to false statements. and if that can be protected speech. >> so elliott, do you expect judge mcafee to reject trump's first amendment argument? >> i really do walf and to be clear, the judge probably needs to take a little bit of time and write a lengthy opinion on this, given the nature of the important constitutional questions it raises. but just about every time this issue has come up, judges have consistently found that false statements and statements that are made in furtherance of the conspiracy are not protected speech. one can't, when running for office or giving a political speech, commit a crime that can be in the form of a statement that's made. so i i see what the president is attorney former president's attorneys are doing, but the simple fact is statements can
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be criminal acts in and of themselves or in furtherance of a criminal act. and even though the statements of federal district judge tanya checking in dc do not bind the court in georgia. there still persuasive and this judge can certainly look at other judges who've rolled in this and probably come out in the same way. >> it's interesting. caitlin fani willis insists this georgia case is proceeding full steam ahead, but there's still no official while date on the calendar. is there >> there's not there was not even talk of it today, wolf, in this hearing, there hasn't been judge mcafee just hasn't addressed the requests from the prosecutors to get this case scheduled for august. if you step back for a second, some of the things donald trump is arguing in this case, such as presidential immunity claims aims, those things are before the supreme court because he's charged on similar counts in federal court in washington, dc
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related to january 6 and the 2020 election. so it's possible, judge mcafee we may want to wait and see what the supreme court says, at least on that potentially this spring or early this summer. >> but also it's a big, bulky case. once this gets on the calendar, it could take months to try caitlin paul, and salyut williams to both of you. thank you. very, very much coming up. top officials are about to give a news conference on the baltimore bridge collapse. were awaiting an update. will also the live to new york where big money biden campaign fundraiser begin soon featuring former president's obama and put >> sanity needs to save space >> you have a show were right and left talk to each other. >> cnn presents an encore presentation of hbo's real time with bill come on saturday at eight on cnn >> jorge is always put the ones he loves first. but when it comes to caring for his teeth and he's led his own
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>> right now, president biden is in new york city getting ready to attend a fundraiser that has campaign is billing as historic because it's reiki again, big money at attracting big names, like former presidents obama and clinton. cnn's mj lee is outside radio city music hall in new york where the star started event is expected to begin very soon. mj, the biden campaign says it's raising a record $25 just tonight. tell us about tonight's event welcome >> arrived. radio city music hall ib for the fundraiser because hundred the prior demonstrator before wherever president biden traveled. so that that is. outside might of
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course race or where the campaign that it has three is $25 and counting saying about but that arguably that would like dollars and this evening the three presidents one sitting and two former banding together with the goal of securing president biden in a second time. and of course that means former president donald trump also getting a second term at the white house >> now this is a really important moment for the other reason money that the biden campaign can now add that $25 million already but campaign offers very significant given on what a gap that present between the biden campaign at the password >> remember jus reporting about how president biden and former
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president obama had been spending the afternoon in new york >> that's right. well, you know, this afternoon, greater opportunity for president biden and president obama spend a bunch of time together our in-person, the campaign actually released a couple of photos from their afternoon so far. >> we >> know that president obama wrote on eric one they also wrote in the offensive motorcades together telling me that they have been having gone to all thing looting and their personal lives. so this is a two then who i've made much of their friendship and the so-called man. but you can imagine that biden a lot of conversations about all boy
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particularly this war the biden drums, mj lee reported verses, thank you very much. let's get some more. i what's going on joining us the former obama senior adviser as cnn senior political commentator, david also with a cnn political commentator, s. e. cupp. david, your former boss, will share this stage with bill clinton and joe biden. that's coming up very soon. how important is an event like this to biden's reelection campaign >> well, in a very practical way, it's very important, wolf, when you pull in 25 million on one night, and increase your cash advantage over the other campaign. that's actually meaningful. they're going to have to run full-out campaigns in six or seven states and this cash advantage can be very meaningful in a marginal race, which this is very likely to be. so it's important in that way, it's also an important sign as mj set of solidarity
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among the leadership of the democratic party. and then thirdly, you have two of the greatest political communicators of their generation on the stage to make the case for biden and for the importance of this election. so it's important in those ways, i think the crowd outs hi, that we heard in that stand up is a reminder that there are a lot of challenges as well. and this won't solve all of that and it won't necessarily speak to the voters who they need to get younger voters, minority voters who aren't with them now recover that coalition. but certainly the money the, support will be meaningful down the line. certainly will be s.e. president biden raised a staggering $25 tonight. for his campaign further widening is cash advantage over trump how significant do you believe that is? it's >> really significant. it would
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be significant without any of the wildness and weirdness going around. the trump campaign. but it's even more significant considering trump's hall has to be diverted to cover legal fees and fines and all the other stuff he's dealing with. so it's a big it's a big deal that the raising this much money, not just joe biden personally, but the dnc as well. it should be concerning for the trump team for sure. >> david, how problematic potentially are these sorts of protests that are ongoing in new york right now for the biden campaign and what everyone will be projecting we'll in fact eventually be pretty close race >> yeah. look, i don't think that the protests per say are ours concerning as the general feeling, particularly among younger voters and younger democratic voters and some african-american i can voters, voters of color that is concerning, you see it in
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polls. wolfe, you see that he is not joe biden is not getting the numbers that he needs to get and that he did get four years ago or three years ago in that race and he needs to be able to pull some of those folks back. and this is an obstacle. there's no doubt about it and i'm sure the hope or the campaign is that circumstances will be different in november than they are right now. >> these protests and s.e. which pointer democratic discontent shall we say, are not exactly the message. the biden campaign was? i'm going to project tonight >> we're its opening day. right? i'm a baseball fan. i i'm a mets fan. and if the mats wanted to hire me up for this upcoming season, they roll tape of the 86 months, right. and i think what this event tonight is, this dahlia throwback remember democratic voters when you were energized about the party, when you loved the president, when you thought
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politics wasn't as weird and crazy and awful and divisive. remember those good old days well, here we all are again start the good vibes, right? start feeling good. and i think they're hoping that that mitigates the real discontent that there is among the voters that david was talking about young voters voters of color. there's some discontent there. some of its israel and gaza, but there's some other issues as well. and i think this is good politics, but it's not going to address some of those issues that these folks are really, really concerned and passionate about >> it's interesting yeah, david, former president obama will hit the campaign trail for president biden, but we're totally doesn't necessarily plan to hit the stump aggressively until the fall, but considering biden's low approval right now, can democrats really afford to wait that long? >> well, i think a few things will f1 is this has been his habit has been to really engage in the fall campaign. i think
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you'll see him prominently at the democratic convention and he'll have a schedule after that. but you have to strike a balance between so the appropriate support of the ticket and sort of overwhelming it and making yourself a kind of a co actor or a coat in the campaign. and i don't think that's necessarily in president biden's interests. so moos voters are not paying rapt attention to this camp and pain, right now though we are they will be after these conventions and in the fall and that's really when president obama and some of the most prominent surrogates will have to be going full tilt, but i'm sure there'll be talking. i'm sure he'll be offering advice as he has been right along i suspect you're right. david action rod. and as he cup to both of you. thank you very much. just ahead. why ukraine is stepping up its attacks on russian oil refineries. as usa
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absorption than regular putin, kunal, the brand i trust >> carbon of cnn. sunday, april 21 at nine >> there's breaking news. we're following officials are giving an update on the baltimore bridge collapse right now, the governor, wes moore announcing just moments ago that the white house has now approved when the state of maryland this request for an initial traffic $60 to help in this in this effort right now. and he's speaking in right now. let's listen to him >> third we need to take care of all the people who've been affected by this crisis. and that means the families, that means the workers, that means the businesses that means the first responders that means everybody in the military. i was taught something and one of the things we were taught as you always take care of your people we're going to make sure that in this moment we take care of our people and
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forth >> we need to >> rebuild the francis scott key bridge going forward, you can expect regular updates on each of these four directives, but i want to be clear. this work will not take hours this work will not take days this work will not just take weeks we have a very long road ahead of us. we understand that and we're preparing and yesterday morning our team and members of the federal delegation traveled to the site of the collapse on a coast guard cutter you've had a chance to see the wreckage from far away yesterday, we had a chance to see it up close and when you have a chance to see that wreckage up close you fully understand the enormity of the challenge this is an incredibly complex job and our
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timeline will be long and all of us can remember when the container ship that got stuck in the suez canal, a few years ago when that happened it's important to remember that it took five weeks the dislodge that ship well if you think about what the dali is, the dali is almost as long as the eiffel tower and the dali has the key bridge on top of it we're talking three to 4,000 tons of steel. that's sitting on top of that ship so we've got work to do but we're moving first on recovery >> the best evidence we have at this time suggests that to advance our recovery efforts, we need to do more work in order to clear the channel as of last night, the maryland state police have suspended diving operations due to security concerns. and further educate engineering analysis. is ongoing to determine our
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next steps to bring closure to the families and set the course for salvage operations as of this morning. i also received a briefing from the unified command on the extraordinary conditions are divers are working under what are divers are seeing right now is this, is that water is so dark and the debris is so dense that in most instances are divers can not see any more than a foot or two in front of them so much of the operation is simply feel these divers have been methodical >> they've been >> disciplined they had been courageous diving in darkness with objects all around them >> and so >> to all of our divers i want to let them know that we're grateful for their service second, on clearing the channel and opening the vessel traffic to the port. i've said it before. i will say it again and i will keep on saying it. this is not just about maryland,
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this is about the nation's economy the port handles more cars and more farm equipment than any other port in america. and at least 8,000 workers on the docks have jobs that have been directly affected by this collapse >> our >> economy depends on the port of baltimore and the port of baltimore depends on vessel traffic yesterday. we are briefed by the commander of us army corps of engineers for the baltimore district and she laid out her team's efforts with the us navy to mobilize major resources from around the country at record speed, to clear the channel under the leadership of kernel pinch jason, the army corps is moving the largest crane in the eastern sierra to baltimore to help us is estimated that that will arrive later on this evening >> and third >> taking care of our people. i
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want to provide two updates >> the first the maryland >> department of labor now has established a hotline for unemployment insurance for workers affected by the collapse. the number on that hotline is this 667 i'll say one more time. >> 667 930 >> i've also pointed >> and administration liaison to work with the families of the victims in their time of need? and let him know. >> we are going to be >> here for them and with them >> and i want to thank the >> leaders and organizations that have stepped up in order to help these families as well. >> we're going to continue to monitor governor wes maryland. he made some significant news. the initial request from the state of maryland to the federal government for $60 million and closer to help them this recovery right now has been approved. he says old by
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the biden harris administration and he says we are deeply grateful. and then he goes on to say, we you also need to rebuild the francis scott key bridge and that's going to take a long time and cost a lot of money. pete muntean, you're there for us on the scene. you've been watching all of this unfold. what else jumped out at you? >> still no definitive timeline on one, the port of baltimore can reopen and that is significant wolf because so much travels through the port of baltimore. you heard the governor mentioned it is the number one spot on the east coast for the import and export of cars. also farm equipment is the domino sugar. a lot of commodities come in here like sugar and salt. there is still a ships trapped on the inside of this port, right now, and they need to clear the mv dali first and remove the debris from the bow to try and move it first and then begin to clear the bridge. wolf interesting, i repeat standby. there's a lot more news, obviously that we're
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watching. we're going to take a quick break. we'll have more news right after this >> kinda riva support your brain health. >> mary janet, hey, eddie, know appraiser, franck. franck, bread. how are you, >> fred, fuel up to seven brain health indicators, including your memory, joined the neretva brain health challenge, meet the traveling trio. >> the thrill seeker, the soul searcher. and if the explorer each helping to protect their money with teeth last card isn't keeping this thrill seeker down, lost her card. now if the vibe the sole searchers finding his identity and helping to protect >> oh, yeah. the explorer. she's looking to dive deeper. all while chase looks out for her, because these friends have changed alerts that health check tools that help protect one bank that puts you in control >> chase, make more of what's yours >> why always the couch
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and save up to 50% over real stone space, shuttle columbia, the final flight premieres sunday, april 7 at nine on cnn >> tonight. new details in the
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cyber espionage accusations against china. cnn's will ripley has are report tonight, china in the crosshairs the us and britain accusing beijing of cyber espionage, >> hacking into the heart of western democracy, targeting critical military and civilian infrastructure, the chinese government, they have intentionally developed their cyber capital it capability for the past day cat, and we are craig in like hundreds of threat actor and some part of them, we can trust them back to a military unit a belong into pla, the people's liberation army, linked to ongoing chinese cyber warfare says the us director of national intelligence. >> we expect the pla will field more advanced platforms, deploy new technologies, and grow more competent in joint operations. the latest accusations from >> the us and the eu k, claiming elite chinese hacking units are infiltrating
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america's power grids, stealing voter registration lists for tens of millions of british citizens working on behalf of china's powerful security ministry. the accused hackers now facing sanctions in both countries just months ago at their summit in san francisco chinese leader xi jinping told president joe biden, china won't interfere in the november elections. two people familiar with the conversations tell cnn, but us intelligence believes beijing is improving its ability to spread disinformation and may try to use social media platforms like tiktok to so doubts about us leadership undermine democracy and extend beijing's influence >> director haynes, you cannot rule out that the ccp could, again, just like they did here, use tiktok as a platform to influence 2020, 2024 elections, right? >> we cannot rule out that the ccp could use it, correct >> beijing's malware may also be designed to wreak havoc on
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america's food, water, and power supplies. the new york times reports citing us intelligence, part of a plan to create chaos and distraction if the us tries to defend taiwan from a hostile chinese he's takeover. >> i think the purpose of this kind of server text, especially targeting and create two infrastructures the goal is probably the cause some disrupt disruption. >> the us justice department also indicting individual hackers working for beijing for what the attorney general calls a 14 year global campaign to target and intimidate critics of china's communist party tonight we do have a response from beijing's ministry of foreign affairs firing back as usual, wolf saying, quote, this is purely political manipulation. they say we urge the united states and the united kingdom to stop politicizing cyber security issues, stop slandering and smearing china. now we know
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that beijing has long accused the west and particularly the us wolf of hypocrisy here because they say the us launches lots of cyber espionage campaigns against china, >> will ripley reporting from taipei. thank you very much. we'll coming up, sam bankman-fried has now been sentenced to 25 years behind bars, will take a closer look at what played out. at the sentencing hearing for the former ftx ceo. that's has my favorite part great. >> i started using schwab investing themes. so now i can easily invest in trends like wearable tech trends >> all that raves. sounds exhausting no schwab's technology does the work. so if i spot an opportunity and robotics or pets, i can buy those stocks and a few clicks can't be that easy. >> as with schwab >> schwab investing themes, 40 customizable themes up to 25 stocks in just a few clicks, >> can the riva support your brain health? >> very janet, hey, eddie, now
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appraiser, franck, franck, bread. >> how are you? >> fred, fuel up to seven brain health indicators, including your memory, joined the neretva brain health challenge. >> when barbara switch to turbotax, i wrote for generations of family tradition. >> i want to make perfume >> so i meet barbecue psyche counts by guaranteeing her maximum refund intuit turbotax >> that's how you may like it never even happened happens serve pro times may change, but some things remain timely for you. how much softer leaves your skin dove is one moisturizing cream. >> i've been using more than 25 years after seven days i feel like a brand new woman i
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think duty starts with my skin >> bob, i cough, chest congestion. hello, 12 hours of relief. >> wow mucinex dm gives you 12 hours of relief from congestion in any cough dei are not >> mucinex dm >> its combat season. now, trying to use the next instance suits or probe medicated drops >> i'm arlette saenz at the white house, and this is cnn sam bankman-fried has been sentenced to 25 years behind bars after a jury found him guilty of >> defrauding customers and investors in his failed crypto exchange, ftx. cnn's kara scannell, track to sentencing hearing for us today, kara. so what played out in the courtroom? >> well sam bankman-fried address the judge saying that he was sorry and that he made some bad decisions. but prosecutors say this wasn't a case of mismanagement. sam bankman-fried stole more than
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$8 billion from investors and customers of ftx and lenders to its sister hedge fund alameda research the judge agreed. he said that bankman-fried has shown no remorse and he said that his nature is one of risk-taking and that he weighed getting caught versus getting away with it. the judge saying at one point, there is a risk that this man will be in a position to do something very bad in the future. and it's not a trivial risk and that is why the judge said he would the sentencing the 32 to a 25-year prison sentence to disable him from committing further crimes. that means when the sentence is up bankman-fried will be 57 years old, his parents issuing a statement after court, which they did attend today, saying, we are heartbroken. his lawyer says that they will appeal we'll see what happens. curious reporting. thank you very much into our viewers. thanks very much for watching. i'm wolf blitzer in the situation room. the news continues on cnn. >> right now.


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