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tv   The Source With Kaitlan Collins  CNN  March 28, 2024 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT

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economy, thanks, kami. and then he expanded on that today after fat checks had come out saying the fake news won't investigate illegals arriving in our cities citizens have to investigate. but i have to say if this is his citizen investigation, i don't think he's gonna be hired for too many private investigator jobs anytime soon. >> he's an actual legislator, like an actual prison. >> he's an actual, he's a state representative in the state of michigan elected official. indeed. >> wow daniel dale god bless you. how long that takes you, daniel >> very little time i mean, it took an hour or so to write, but actually figure out what happened a few minutes. >> all right? yeah. a few minutes. wow. to do than adele. amazing. thank you. appreciate it >> the news continues. the source with kaitlan collins starts now. thanks for watching straighten. the source tonight. all hands on deck at radio city. three president's, a star-studded lineup. any multimillion dollar? show of
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force against donald trump. more on the clinton obama biden trifecta tonight. also, the port of baltimore still paralyzed tonight as a massive recovery three effort to dismantle the twist and wreckage of the key bridge is now underway. the largest crane on the east coast is arriving there shortly. so our federal dollars all or is that are now pouring in transportation secretary pete buttigieg will join me and the republican official who went public with a sinister discovery photo evidence it's a buses at the airport loaded with what he referred to as quote, illegal invaders wait until you find out who was really on board. i'm kaitlan collins, and this this is the source if it's december new york at radio city, it is the world-famous rockets. if it's march at radio city in the middle of an election year, it's political rockstars some actual ones as well. former presidents barack
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obama and bill clinton joining president biden in a who's who of special guest tonight, reportedly raising 25 million for biden's reelection election campaign against donald trump. that's a record for the biggest political fundraising event ever. >> perhaps >> they came out to see royalty, queen latifah is among the many performers taking part. lizzo, also on stage to get 5,000 biden's supporters on their feet but the main focus on those three presidents have one mission defeating donald trump. sources tell cnn that obama in particular views this as an all hands on deck election and plans to step up his own public support for biden. and the dollar signs really do matter here. biden is raising more money in one night tonight then trump did in the entire month of february, while trump has been running slightly ahead in the polls, he's far behind biden in the money raise which trump himself has been privately worried about. tie also creates quite a contrast. trump has never been in the
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so-called president's club. the only living former republican president george w bush which has never supported him. but trump doesn't even have the support of his own vice president or a string of former big name cabinet secretaries like john kelly and giamatti's tonight, trump team is saying essentially to president biden, anything that he could do, they can do better claiming that they are going to outraised the president to the tune $33 in one night next week at mar-a-lago as trump would often say, we'll see what happens there. joining me tonight, david al-qahera, chief strategist for the obama presidential campaigns, and a senior advisor to him. and the white house and david, i know you've been critical of some of president biden's campaign choices, the reelection efforts. so far. but, but for a big event like this, would this kind of energy three presidents there on one room, what kind of impact do you think it has >> well, i think you put your finger on the biggest impact caitlin you raise 25 million in
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one that's a good night. take for you >> i mean >> the advantage that joe biden has cash and his ability to raise money has a tremendous advantage in, as you known as you've reported he's not having to hive off money for legal expenses as trump his campaign. so this gives him a chance to raise money for the six or seven battleground states where they have to run full-out campaigns to develop the kinds of organizations they need there to run the media that they need there, and to run all the other operations that are net necessary in order to be competitive, it's, that's a big deal and the show of unity and support among the hierarchy of the democratic party is a great contrast with trump in the republican party. and it comes at a time when democrats have been worried about race. so just as the
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state of the union gave some of those folks who are concerned a shot in the arm. this will as well. >> what about obama himself? i mean, what we're hearing from our our sources is they've been speaking regularly. they're strategizing. what do you make of his involvement this early on and what he can do to help biden >> yeah, i think so much has been made of this as if this is really unusual. i mean, these guys really are the friends. i understand that the reporting that's been done about rivalries and tension between the camps and so on. i was there and i watched the relationship developed between joe biden and baraka about over the course of that presidency. and they've been, they've spoken a fairly regularly. most ellipse moos precedents don't i think i've lost my picture here. i can still hear xi their own six. >> okay. >> moos, presidency, don't
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>> regularly speak to their fellow presidents. even once they're close to and but these guys have spoken regularly and look, president obama, i can tell you from my own conversations with him, is deeply invested in biden success in this campaign. an and very concerned that everything be done in order to succeed. so i expect that you will see him as you have before. he will see him at the convention, you'll see them out in the fall campaigning and he's important because katelyn, the one thing that money can't solve immediately is the lack of enthusiasm among young people, lack of enthusiasm among african american voters, latino voters. these are areas where i think barack obama can be helpful as a surrogate, heading down those critical final mass. so this campaign, well, but on the
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money part though it can help down the road and $25 is obviously a lot of money, but but how do you how you spend the money obviously matters just as much. and he's got all of those coalitions that helped put them in the white house that you just mentioned there, that he has cracks with progressives, with younger voters, with black voters. how does he spend them? this money wisely >> well, look, i think there are many different demands for this money, but i don't i'm not sure. i think a lot of that action reaching those voters is going to happen on social media. and some of that will be in money spent and some of it will be in amplifying influencer on on social media who can reach some of those voters. i think a lot of this campaign right now is being carried on below the surface on social media, on tiktok, on instinct the gram on the places where young people get their news, they're not watching
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sadly, they're not. moos watching us tonight and they're not watching most news outlets and they're not reading a lot of news sites, they're getting their information on social media. and that's where i think the biden campaign needs to d in and work and compete with trump and make the contrast clear with these, with these young voters and with minority voters or streaming on macs, they all young people are watching that david ox arrived. thank you. as always >> good to see a caitlin >> meanwhile, just about 30 miles away here in new york, donald trump attended the wake of a slain your police officer today, jonathan diller was fatally shot during a traffic stop earlier this week, the 31 year-old now leaves behind his wife and his one-year-old son. the former president, says that he met with dealers, widowed today, and after that wake and you saw him here flanked by law enforcement officers? for donald trump called for quote, law and order >> they're not given the
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respective police are the greatest people we have this nothing and there's nobody like we have to stop it we have to get back to law and order. we have to do a lot of things differently because this is not working >> i'm doing tonight by cnn's chief law enforcement and intelligence analyst, john miller. and john and urines experience just knowing what you know and seeing donald trump at this week today. i mean, how do you think the new york police department officers viewed disappearance >> well, i've talked to a number of them today. i've scanned through some of the chat rooms where they have those conversations and donald trump generally plays well among police officers simply because that is a constituency in america, but especially here in new york, that really hunger's for any anything like unconditional support from a political leader. so his visit seem to be welcomed. there are some political aspects because if you look behind him, what you saw as he stood there was
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the nassau county the executive are republican. his police commissioner, pat ryder, who's been police commissioner in nassau county through a number of county executives. and the nassau county police. the new york city police department was going to a lot of effort to stay out of the backgrounds. they out of the politics because frankly, they were focused on making sure that this is about jonathan diller, his wife, stephanie, their baby boy, ryan, arrest and a terrible tragedy and not falling into the political waters. >> yeah and it is absolutely tragic to hear his story about what happened to him. and as you look at that, and the fact that trump made the effort to come to this wake you mentioned that there was also a political lens to this is well, and this is someone who covered trump when he was in the white house now he finds himself facing 88 felony charges he's been attacking federal and state law enforcement officials, even just this week, you know, he
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said he wants to free january 6, rioters, some of whom assaulted cops on that day dozens of cops and he's also been courting them, styling him as you heard him there as this tough on crime candidate. and i wonder what you make of that >> well, it's a conundrum for police, but attacking prosecutor is particularly elected prosecutors who many police officers view as simply just a different kind of politicians it's not going to move the needle away from trump, where the, where the red line is is referring to january 6, rioters who arguably led to the death of one police officer. the serious injuries of others and referring to them as hostages. that's where you're going to see real resistance there. because that's just not okay in the world of police >> john miller always great to have your perspective on this, especially given your context. thank you so much for joining tonight. >> thanks >> and as we continue to look
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at that political lens, that very much exist here to both of these conversations we've had tonight, i want to bring in former senior policy advisor for the obama administration and the national coalitions director for biden's 2020 campaign, ashley allison, and also a former special assistant president george w bush, scott jennings. it's great to have both of you you hear tonight right now as this fundraiser is truly underway, and scott, i wonder as a strategist, what you make of this and whether this was an effective split-screen moment that we're looking at here. >> well it's probably an effective day for both of them, right. biden's getting all this money showing democratic party unity. but for donald trump to go to this situation this week where this police officer was tragically shot by someone who had been arrested so many times and let out of jail. it does drive home. the point that he the rest of the republican party is constantly making and that is what joe biden as president with democrats in charge. you just don't have people who were serious about putting and keeping violent criminals in jail. so i thought
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that was an effective tactic that they did today. and i'm sure the police officers in the family that were there sincerely appreciated it. >> ashley, i wonder what you make of that. and also this comment that was that came from trump's spokesperson for his campaign, steven jiang, who, who basically was comparing these two moments. what's happening at radio city and what happened with donald trump. today's saying calling them the three stooges, biden, obama and clinton at this glitzy fundraiser in this city. and this is the response from trump, as i should note, right now, we're also getting pictures of this fundraiser. you can see the three presidents there on stage at radio city music hall is still just remarkable moment for anyone who cares. i'll politics to see three presidents on stage but ash, i wonder what you make of that comment, comparing the two of these >> well, look, i think that it's interesting to hear republicans confidently say that democrats are soft on crime when the reality is since joe biden, who's been in
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president, this is the fifth to show that crime is going down across all major cities. so whether or, not president trump goes to the funeral or not the rhetoric that they are spewing accurate just is not factual. also point out that much to some folks in the progressive movements, chagrin joe biden is one of the most pro police president's that we have had an a very long time contrast to how donald trump speed at law enforcement on january 6 regards to how democrats and what this means for tonight, i think it is an interesting contrast. so your point, caitlin, you started the show saying donald trump doesn't have his vice president moos cabinet secretaries are not supporting him. these are the people that he chose to work with him for four years. >> and yet, joe biden >> doesn't just have the person who selected him to be his vice president. president barack obama. but he also has a former president bill clinton sitting onstage talking about how important this election is, how people need to get engaged.
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now, all hands on deck, and that's the contrast that i think will come out tonight. the democratic party, yeah, the coalition might not be as strong as it is now it was in 2020, but we have work to do these three folks can do it together. and when the campaign really gets out and hits the streets, some with is $25 million. they're raising tonight. that the voters will understand why the one in the fall, they need to vote for joe biden scott. >> well, what do you make of the discrepancy? if you're running the trump campaign tonight and you're seeing this $25,000,000 number and biden is already far outranking trump on cash. course, he didn't have a competitive primary or anything like that. but how worried are you about being this far behind biden? >> democrats have had more money than republicans going back really to 2016, democrats have been, had become the party of big money, big money donors. they become the party of dark money. so i think all republican strategists have been anticipating the democrats are going to have all the money, the money you can see and the money that you can't see or can't track. but i think trump will have enough i
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have long wondered about this election with biden being so fully defined and trump being so fully defined. if there will be some diminishing returns on massive amounts of money here, i think both will have plenty to do what they wanna do and get out their message. but at some point, the voters know both of these people. they also know how they feel about the results of both presidents disease. and if you look at the polling right now, there's a lot of nostalgia for the presidency of donald trump when people are asked to compare it to the results they're getting from joe biden >> we have a lot to discuss coming up. ashley allison, scott jennings. thank you, both ahead here tonight on the source, we have new video from inside that cargo ship that took down an entire bridge in baltimore. we also have transportation secretary pete buttigieg here. let's talk about the federal efforts plus donald trump back at it, attacking the daughter of the judge, will oversee his first criminal trial by name, more on that in a moment. >> get your viewing glasses ready. eclipse across america,
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thing i could ever happen >> space shuttle accident, it's usually not one thing is that the wing coming apart >> my dad died doing what he is >> space shuttle columbia the final flight mirror sunday, april 7, that nice cnn >> tonight, baltimore's port remains closed, which means key cargo deliveries are scrambled here on the east coast. that cargo that could include the car that you've been thinking about test driving or even the sugar that you put in your coffee each morning? maryland's governor says that the us depends on reopening this port asap. but it can't reopen until the collapsed bridge and the ship stuck underneath it or removed from the water. let's get straight to the source tonight with transportation secretary pete buttigieg, who met today with officials from ports and liger, labor groups to talk about these supply chain concerns, secretary, thank you for your time tonight. obviously, you know, how vital this port is to national supply chains, which
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has been a big concern for everyone. do you have a bell? but our idea tonight of how soon that port could reopen >> it's too soon to say exactly how long it will be to clear the channel. that's going to depend on assessments by the army corps of engineers and others as they work to understand the extent of the debris that's in there. what i do know is that there for r3 heavy lift vessels on their way in the first of them should arrive tomorrow. >> what we >> were able to learn today when i gathered about 100 players from across supply chains is what to expect until that port can be reopened, which of course we're seeking to have happened as soon as possible, but we know it's not going to be overnight. and in the meantime, they're gonna be some real impacts this is a significant container port around tenth in the depending how you count it. the good news is containers can be accommodated. a lot of other ports up and down the eastern seaboard. it is specialized though in vehicles, it's actually the biggest
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vehicle-handling port in the as well as certain other bulk products like sugar. so there's a lot of coordination going on right now. that's that's part of what we were working to help support today when we brought these players together, you got shippers terminal operators, ports, cargo owners, even the real and the trucking sector getting involved because some of their plans have to change all to figure out how to accommodate reroute and plan for what's next. >> yeah. i mean, you mentioned not know when when this is going to reopen. it has people who are sitting at home wondering how it could affect them and impact their lives in the car is obviously has been a big impact of that. i mean, do you have an estimate? of the cost of that impact and just how many americans it could, it could end up affecting >> we'll, of course, the longer the disruptions go on, the more you can see them cause some of these economic distortions, although so far there have not been injured occasions that it's going to be in the proportions of what we saw a few years ago on the
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west coast, for example, many of the ships that call on baltimore already also call on other ports up and down the east coast. and those ports are already gearing up to try to temporarily accommodate that extra traffic. for example, the port of new york and new jersey, van dk that they have about 20 present more capacity than they're using right now so again, for those temporary changes, they should be pretty well positioned to absorb that. we just need to make sure that whether it's vehicles or other bulk products that their plans for things that are a little more specialized. now the other thing we're really concerned about right now is of course the workers are those ports. these workers have been through so much from covid, two more recent disruptions. they need the cargo to be moving in order for them to have an income. there's a lot of work going on right now, including with the state department of labor under the leadership of governor wes moore my colleague, julie su at the, at the us department of labor. just another part of the whole of government effort the
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support, everybody who has been impacted by this tragedy. >> yeah, we saw governor more with the hotline earlier for those workers, the federal government for its part, has just provided maryland would six steve million dollars in emergency funds and announcement that you made earlier. do you have a better estimate tonight as you're looking at this of worley with the whole price tag for the recovery and rebuilding is going to be what i can tell you is this $60 million is helpful, but it's really a down payment and that's exactly part of what they're working to get more information on right now, there are some expenses that are being incurred right away. that's why we made sure to process this emergency relief requests within hours of when it came in for formally to our department, those $60 million can be used for things like demolition, debris, removal even detours some of the costs associated with setting up the detours associated with the traffic disruption, as well as things related to the design and the construction and ultimately reconstruction of the bridge but this is not going to be a small project by
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any stretch. and we know that it's going to be costly, but we also know that that cost is worth it to get baltimore back on its feet, not to get everything back to normal and to port. are traffic systems and supply chains. and you might hope is that this will continue to be something that enjoys bipartisan support and it's certainly enjoys the full-throated support of the president united states, as he pledged very soon after this tragedy was known. >> yeah, i know we've heard from some republicans talking about offsetting and having spending cuts to offset that cost. we'll see what that looks like with congress. but mr. secretary, i have to ask you something that i guess we shouldn't be surprised by anymore, but almost immediately after this ship hit this bridge and the bridge collapse, there were these wild conspiracy theories about what really happened. i mean, they ranged from a cyber attack to the captain having side effects from the covid vaccine. they even blamed the obamas. it at one point, and i just wonder as a sitting cabinets are great, secretary, if you've ever thought that you'd have to
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combat something like that when dealing with a crisis we're in the business of dealing with roads and bridges and sometimes ships and trains. so we are not in the habit as a department of transportation of being in the business of dealing with conspiracies are conspiracy theories or that kind of wild thinking. but unfortunately, it is a fact of life in america today what's really upsetting of course, is that when misinformation or disinformation circulates, that is not without victims. remember, this is a human tragedy, six people lost their lives and everybody from dock workers to commuters in both baltimore is wanting and needing good information about how this is going to impact them. and we as a department need good factual information about how this happens so that we can include that in future decisions on everything from maritime and shipping policy to bridge design for the 2030s and 2040s all of that requires
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being grounded. in fact, and that's what we're doing, that's why i admire and respect the independent work of the ntsb, the national transportation safety board which is really just ignoring all of the speculation rumor and this inference making sure that we have a completely factual base of information to use as a country to use as a government, to guide better decisions and get to the bottom of every piece of how this could have happened secretary pete buttigieg, thank you for your time tonight ahead. donald trump has not stopped attacking the daughter of the judge, overseeing his criminal hush might trial. >> we have a >> sitting judge here tonight to react. someone who was also received threats against him and his family before blue. >> carbon let's see an infill >> sunday, april >> 21 at nine >> were you worried the wedding would be too much
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step in the future like i did when new hands-free skechers slip in the secret is flip ends have an invisible built-in shou your foot slides into place to try skechers slip in the new york judge and donald trump's upcoming hush money trial has made it crystal clear this week that he is not in the mood for any games from the former president or as legal team banning trump from attacking prosecutors, witnesses, and jurors so trump has found someone new to attack judge juan more sean's daughter in a new post tonight, he calls her out by name. trump goes after her as a quote, rabid trump pater, because she's done work for democratic campaigns in the past. he didn't stop there. he also accused her a posting a picture of him behind bars, which trump i'm says, quote, makes it completely impossible for me to get a fair trial. i should note, however, that is apparently not true. and the new york state course court system says that long ago to judge merchan's daughter,
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abandon that twitter account and it's also not linked to her email even so she's a private citizen. she's not party to this case i should note that the gag order that the judge did put in place earlier this week doesn't apply to himself nor to his family. tonight, i want to bring in senior us district judge reggie walton, who is nominated for judgeships by both presidents bush, 41 and it's great to have have you here, judge, tonight and i just want to say thank you for joining us and i think to a lot of people, the dangers of attacking a judge and his family and their family is clear. >> i wonder how you would >> respond to something like this. >> well, it's very disconcerting to have someone making comments about a judge and it's particularly problematic when those comments are in the form of a threat, especially if they're directed at one's family. i mean, we do these jobs because we're committed to the rule of law when we believe in the rule of law and the rule of law can only function effectively. when
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we have judges who are prepared to carry out their duties without the threat of potential physical harm. >> and you know, personally, i mean, what this is like someone threatened your daughter once as well >> yes. threatened to me one day and then the next day called and made a threat against against my daughter and also indicated my address. so they obviously had done some research to find out that i had a daughter what her name was, and also where i live >> i mean, what's that >> that must be terrifying >> well, it is. but you kind of have to appreciate that you can't let that impact on how you live your life and how you treat litigants who are before you because even no threats may be made against you and against your family, you still have an obligation to ensure that everybody who comes into your courtroom is treated fairly
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regardless of who they are, what they've done. but nonetheless, it is very troubling because i think it is an attack on the rule of law. when judges are threatened and particularly when their family is threatened it's something that's wrong and should not happen >> given that, i mean, you said it shouldn't impact your work, but it's gotta be something that's always kind of in the back of your mind when you're going to work, when you're leaving to have those kinds of threats hanging out there? >> yeah. i mean unfortunately, it's a reality that it's not inconceivable that something could happen. we always have to hope that doesn't occur, but several years ago, one of my colleagues up in new jersey, her husband was seriously injured and sadly her son was killed and we had a judge out in chicago who someone came after her unfortunately, she was not there, but her family members were and several of them lost their lives. so it's a reality that we live with, but you try not to let it
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impact on your day-to-day life i don't expect you to get political here obviously, but do you think that's something that donald trump considers when he posts something like this >> i can get into someone's mind to say whether they appreciate the impact that they're doing, but i would think that any reasonable thinking person would appreciate that when they say things that can sometimes resonate with others. and i think that's particularly true when you have somebody who has status in our society and they make certain statements, it can cause people to act on those statements, even if they don't necessarily intend for someone to do so. so i think it's very important that people in positions of authority be ferry circumspect in reference to the things that they say so that they're not called causing others to act on what they say and maybe cause injury or death. the somewhat as a result of that, what do you make of how the judge here, judge juan
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merchan, didn't include himself or his family in the gag order. >> yeah i understand why he wouldn't do that. i mean again, i think we cannot make ourselves a part of the case i mean, obviously we are a part of the case because we're presiding over the proceeding, but we can't make the case in the issue about us. and that can be very difficult, but it comes with the territory. i mean, first and foremost, when we take the oath of office, we have an obligation to make sure that all parties who enter our courtroom receive a fair adjudication, regardless of who they are, what their politics are, or what they've alleged to have done therefore i think it's crucial that judges not make themselves a part of the issues. so i think the judge did the right thing by not including himself in the gag order you're someone who has always been really straightforward and your assessment of the former president, if you read your
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comments when you're, when >> you're sentencing people, when you're in these cases, you once referred to him as a charlatan at the sentencing of a january 6 defendant. i know you've gotten a lot of those cases before you you said that you don't think he cares about democracy? the only power that you want seemed to suggest you didn't, you weren't sure he to accept defeat if he lost in this election do you still feel that way tonight? >> i'd rather not comment on that. i mean, i've made those comments i made in the context of the sentences on the i imposed because i'm hoping what i say to the individuals who i'm sentencing will resonate with them and cause them to rethink the activity that they engaged in that problem before the court and hopefully deter them from engaging in further conduct of that nature in the future. >> have you been on the receiving end of more threats since you've had the january 6 defendants in your court >> yes, i've had more threats
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than what used to be the case. yes, i have received a greater number of threats as a result of that incident. and the fact that cases arising out of that incident have appeared before me. i mean, it was rare. i've been a judge for over 40 years and this is a new phenomenon, not saying that it didn't happen before, but it was very rare that i would ever receive any type of a threat rig. of what type of cases i was handling. and unfortunately, that is no longer the case. i know the marshals service has seen a significant increase in the number of threats against judges i think obviously that's very, very, very concerning >> it's rare that we get to hear from a sitting federal judge but obviously this is a gravely important issue. i wonder what made you speak out tonight and speak publicly? >> well, i i am concerned
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because like i say, we have had judges who lost their lives or family members who have lost their lives. as a result of individuals who have been litigants in their courtroom and i think it's important in order to preserve our democracy percy, that we maintain the rule of law and the rule, the rule of law can only be maintained if we have independent judicial officers who are able to do their job and ensure that the laws are in fact enforced and that the laws are applied equally to everybody who appears in our courthouse and i i think it's important that as judges, we speak out and say things in reference to things that conceivably are going to impact on the process. because if we don't have a viable court system, that's able to function efficiently than we have tyranny and i don't think that would be good for the future of our country in the future of them nakasone in our country >> senior judge, reggie walton,
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it's great to talk to you. thank you for joining us here on the source tonight >> thank you very me a remarkable moment there to hear a sitting federal judge with the weight of these attacks from a former president and what they could mean. also tonight, we've got another interview that you are also not going to want to ms cnn's chris wallace i had no idea it was coming when he sat down with larry, david of curb your enthusiasm talking about the last season, but instead also talking about the 2020 election. you're going to want to see that moment right after a quick break >> such a little baby, he such a sociopath. he so insane, just man space shuttle columbia, the final flight, premieres sunday, april 7 at nine on cnn >> it's a new day. >> one. we're our shared values papilla towards a more secure future through august, a partnership built upon
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spectacle in the skies, eclipse across america, april 8 did one on cnn or streaming on macs >> everyone is talking about what larry david had to say about donald trump to chris wallace on his max interview show, who's talking to chris wallace? and we have a brand new clip from that interview. >> what do you wrap your head around? the fact that he could very well be re-elected president i mean, right now, i'd say he is the favorite >> he's just such an amazing con man. he has such a gift for lying and fooling people and convincing people of something that's a complete lie. >> but the point is millions and millions and millions of americans more so than three years ago they buy it they buy it's, it's a testament to his cunning abilities. he is he's he's the greatest con man we've, we've ever produced. yeah >> and see you in an anchor.
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chris wallace joins me now, i'll be chris this interview is really something else and i learned david's ire for donald trump is, is pretty well documented. but but what did you make of what he said to you? >> well, you know, it wasn't really such a jump to go from larry, david, and curb your enthusiasm to politics because there's a lot of it in this final season, the series ends in april in an interview which drops on friday on macs we talk about that because one of the story lines he has, he's down in atlanta and there's a friend of his whose waiting to vote and he goes and he gets her a bottle of water suddenly he's arrested and they take as mug shot, which looks a lot like donald trump's mug shot. so there's a lot of politics that plays through this. and his distaste for the former president of the united states is pretty clear. in fact, in the previous season, he got a maga hat and whenever he was in a situation like he didn't want somebody to sit next door he would just put on his maga hat and it would clear the room. >> i remember he would do it
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when he was driving his car, when he had road rage as well. it you're seeing this intersection between the humerus fiction based show, but obviously has so many ties to reality and the thing that we've been talking a lot this week, it is this new thing that you're hearing from a lot of republican figures who were saying, oh are lies about the 2020 election are in the past. i'm thinking of lara trump and ronna mcdaniel. you ask larry david about this entire kind of permission structure, about the election in 2020. here's what he told you so how much has the whole 2020 election and everything that is flowed from it? you off >> oh, yeah. i mean, you can't go a day without thinking about what he's done to this country because he's such a little
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baby that he's. thrown 250 years of democracy out the window, but not accepting the results of, i mean, it's so crazy. he's such a sociopath. he's so insane. he just couldn't admit to losing. and we know he lost. he knows he lost and look how he's fooled everybody. he is convinced all these people that he didn't lose it's such a sick man. he is so sick anyway, no, it hasn't impacted me at all >> i mean, it's such a larry david way to end that comment >> absolutely. he goes for the joke at the end, but he's not joking. that is an incident that happened, i think last summer in both his vineyard, alan dershowitz, the famous lawyer, is up there and they apparently in fairly good friends, but now dershowitz has become pro trump, defended him in one of the impeachment trials and they both child the story about larry, david, and dershowitz running into each
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other and the tony suburbs of of martha's vineyard and larry just says, your disgusting. i don't want to talk to you again. i don't want to have anything to do with you again, it takes him personally but i just want to add for this interview that i say drops friday on macs. it's not all politics we talk about all the things that trigger him in fact, i went out to dinner with a few months ago and he picked up the check. thank them for it. and then the next day, i wrote an email, a quick email and just said, thanks so much for dinner. and he wrote me back specifically to say, when i take him out to dinner, don't expect a thank you note because it's too much trouble. we also go into a whole thing about the nightmare of when you have a birthday and everybody watches you happy birthday online and then you have to respond to what it's really interesting. rusting entertaining interview. and i think it gives you some insight into the crazy mind of larry david, chris wallace. >> it's a great interview. i can't wait to watch the whole thing and for all of you watching, you can also watch
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chris's entire conversation with larry, david as he notes that starts tomorrow on max, that is new episodes of who's talking to chris wallace drop every friday ahead. we're going to >> have a really important >> fact check for you that it has to deal with march madness games are going on right now, but there's a lot of things going on out there that aren't true, including a conspiracy about quote, illegal invaders and the detroit airport and turned out to be a team on the way to the sweet 16, the king of sorting out this information, donie is here on set >> this is the big dam. it's great to the music. the magic of madness. >> it's time to while you can
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free book to answer questions you may have call now and we'll come to you >> 808 to one laura coates live next on cnn >> we are experiencing a whole different kind of march madness right now, really one where you've got to file it under, you have to see it to believe it. a republican state lawmaker in michigan, a state rep. is named as mathematic. he posted online what he claimed it was a damning photo evidence of, quote, illegal invaders at the detroit airport with all the gusto of an intrepid reporter. he captured this photo happening right now, three buses just loaded up with a legal invaders, detroit metro. >> anyone have >> any idea where they're headed with their police escort? well, we do know where they were headed with their police escort because it turns out it was the gonzaga gonzaga's men's basketball team de and three others that are playing in the sweet 16 arrived at the detroit airport on wednesday evening. that was
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confirmed, by the wayne county airport not illegal invaders here tonight to break all this down. as cnn's donie o'sullivan and donie, what? i cannot get over it, maybe this has changed in the 57 minutes, so we've been on air. he hasn't deleted the tweet >> no. just posted another one following up on it. yeah. >> east doubled down. i mean, we live in such dome time that lawmaker he is a lawmaker, an elected official in michigan. this is what he said. i don't even want to read the whole thing to give them the dignity, but he says, we know this is happening hundreds of thousands of legals are pouring in. says, we can trust the hashtag, fake news to investigate citizens with so the process of investigating these issues take time clearly though mathematic did not take the time to investigate and our own intrepid fact checking reporter, daniel dale, did do the fact check. it, didn't take a very long time. he said and clearly, there you laid out what is actually happening here. but i think really maddox
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tweet here is so illustrative of the problem we are in, in this country right now where it's like even when people are shown something is clearly false even maybe when it comes to all those videos and images that people like giuliani were sharing after the 2020 election supposedly showing ballots being stuffed and all this voter fraud, even when those things are debunked and even when people are told us, people like medical say well, i could, i could believe it would happen and i know what's happening even though i said this was proof, it doesn't matter at it. it's not provide believe that it's happening anyway. >> i mean, it's it's racist and stupid. and when you look into his past, i mean, i guess it shouldn't be that surprising. this is someone who has wife is one of the fake electors who was charged in the state of michigan. >> both of them >> were among republicans who claimed the state's electors were wrong and they tried to enter the state when they were casting michigan's votes for biden i mean, they've also talked about covid. i mean, it
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goes back to what you said. this is an elected official who's paid by the taxpayers, who's just lying. >> yeah. the madix, they sound like a great coupled to have around for dinner parties, your door. >> but look, i mean, i think obviously there was >> a time where elected officials might've been held boats to a higher standard when it comes to post like this, obviously trump and others of that ilk have gone up, ended that system. but i think also what you're seeing as when we saw this a bit which all the conspiracy theories immediately about the baltimore bridges, bridge collapse as well, is that every single issue, every single story, every single day online is used as political battering rams in the culture wars all tied up in misinformation. everything is blamed on whatever the issue people want to choose it to be bland. >> yeah. and is pete buttigieg said earlier, this has a real life impact. it's not just for us to laugh about it. our dinner parties donie o'sullivan happy belated birthday. thanks for joining us. thank you


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