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tv   CNN Newsroom Live  CNN  March 30, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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something's sorely missed in today's climate we laughed together, fought like helping gather for what we wanted our country to be, prayed together thought for a, season, we had one together, but well, you know, that part of the story the stakes mr. high pressures are great joe and i experienced those but he always knew beyond doubt, the true value of things i saw him ready to reclaim friendships that had been seared by disagreements ready to look for ways to bridge divisions ready to seek reconciliation, ready to stand for his principle bowles always
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>> senator joe lieberman was 82 years old >> the news >> continues right here on cnn hello, welcome to all of you wanting us here in the united states, canada, and around the world, i'm kimberly hoover. this is cnn newsroom >> it go out there and to see it up close, you realize just how daunting a task this is you realize how difficult the work is. ahead of us >> cleanup operations are intensifying at the baltimore bridge collapse, the largest crane on the east coast is now on the scene. look at what officials we're saying about the timeline for clearing the wreckage and reopening the harbor. >> fonts, >> calls are strengthening for israel to halt the war on hamas amid a worsening humanitarian qatar astro phi, i'll speak to the head of an ngo who's joining other human rights groups, petitioning israel's high court to allow more aid to gaza and march madness is the gift that keeps on giving with big time outset and dominance
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of the defending champs. will look at the top moments from the sweet 16 live from atlanta. >> this is cnn newsroom with kim brunhuber israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu plans to send a negotiating team back to ceasefire and hostage release talks. the prime minister's office says that should happen in the coming days and ends. netanyahu insists the israeli haley military is preparing to enter rafah. us officials say separate talks with israel about what happens next. and rafah could take place as soon as monday, there were supposed to happen earlier this week. but an idea who called them off after the us refused to block a un resolution, calling for a ceasefire and the release of israeli hostages now israel hasn't set a date for the rafah operation to begin. >> there are more than 1 >> million palestinians are taking refuge in rafah officials have said they plan to evacuate civilians before starting to ground offensive. meanwhile, israel has been conducting strikes in rafah for weeks on friday, rafah hospital
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official told cnn that 14 palestinian it's were killed in an israeli airstrike on a house among them, for women and seven children. israel's defense minister says, israel will also defend itself outside of gaza. you have golan says the idf will pursue hezbollah anywhere and everywhere, including in beirut and damascus let's comes after israeli airstrikes near aleppo killed dozens of people, including five hezbollah fighters cnn's melissa bell has more on the strikes in syria and in lebanon israel claims that it's managed to kill the one of the leading missile commanders in southern lebanon. missile commander of the hezbollah has been offered part, has admitted that one its members killed without specifying his rank from the point of view of israel, this is considered a win, but it also represents given the exchange of fire along the lebanese border booth at from lebanon into israel this friday, but also from israel into southern lebanon beyond,
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since we're hearing from reuters that that is 17 dozen people who have been believed to have been killed over in syria. what we've been hearing from israeli officials and specifically from your i've gone onto the israeli defense minister. is that israel intensive? it's far more aggressively than it had before to pursue hezbollah, where it needs to, not just in southern lebanon, but beyond your have called on saying that it is time that israel strange changed its strategy. now what we understand from american officials is that, that had been made plain to them when he visited washington earlier this week, the united states extremely worried about what this may mean with husband are presented a formal, formidable foe they believe >> then does hamas, it comes this ratcheting up of tension, violence along israel's northern most border, as there is some hope. now for the hostage talks and their assumption we've heard from benjamin netanyahu that he is now going we sending a delegation of israeli officials back to qatar and egypt to
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resume those indirect talks. and hope that the remaining more than 130 israeli hostages still in hamas is hands might be released. and of course with dutch that is six week ceasefire might yet be able to take melissa bell, cnn in jerusalem united states military says it dropped some 26 bundles of humanitarian aid into northern gaza on friday containing more than 46,000 >> meals ready to eat. the latest airdrop comes as the food shortage in gaza is growing increasingly dire, aid groups say the area could devolve into a full-blown famine within the next two months an ordinary gazans are feeling desperate. >> they're going to learn professionally annual. we hope to secure food today. we hope no one will stop us and that we will be able to get food with ease without having to crowd around the items if we can at least get a can of beans or hamas to support ourselves, we hope that we will eat today for most people, hunger has consumed them. they have no energy anymore the
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international court of justice is ordering israel to take all necessary and effective measures to get basic services and humanitarian assistance >> to palestinians in gaza. joining me now is tania hary the executive director of gisha legal center for freedom of movement. it's an israeli ngo founded in 2005 with the goal of protecting the rights and freedoms of palestinians, particularly those in gaza. thank you so much for being here with us and so your ngo has joined with other for human rights organizations to petition israel's high court to allow more aid to gaza. so explain why you're taking this action and the legal basis for this yeah. >> thanks so much for having me. >> so you know, it's really >> officials keeps saying that they're not blocking aid to gaza when in effect, they are there are mounting obstacles both on the inspection process and also on the distribution of aid within gaza and really
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since the beginning, since october 7 and after the really horrific attacks by hamas and others on israelis, aid has been used as a weapon of war. it's being used to pressure to punish the civilian population. and the most significant obstacle that we're seeing on the distribution of aid is lack of safety problems with what's called the deconfliction process. so that's allowing humanitarian convoys to travel through the strip safely. >> we're seeing a being systematically >> denied to the north of gaza, where some 300,000 people are now in the most catastrophic stages of hunger they might already be facing famine. >> so geisha is leading a coalition of >> organizations and israel >> and we're >> basically calling on israel's high court to order the israeli government, the prime minister, the defense minister, the army, to enable all excess of humanitarian aid
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that includes equipment, that includes staff were calling on them even to open more crossings, land crossings between israel and gaza and to take on their responsibility as an occupying power >> so these accusations that israel isn't allowing enough aid in, as you say hey, they've been met by denials by the israeli government and they also say that the health information is inaccurate. that people aren't starving and second of all, that it's hamas that stealing all the food. any truth to either of those assertions by israel? >> yeah, i'm afraid not. if you look at the landscape right now, the world's foremost experts on the question in a famine have issued now to seminal reports on the situation all of the humanitarian organizations working on the ground, the eu and of course palestine gideon's themselves in gaza are telling us they don't have
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enough food to eat. there's not enough medicine, medical equipment, staff in the hospitals, the health system is on the verge of collapse. actually, most of the hospitals aren't functioning. you only have about ten hospitals out of 36 partially functioning now, to meet the devastating claim or the devastating reality of famine, you're going to need a multi-sector response. it's not just about food, it's about water, it's about medical equipment. it's about staff, it's about providing medical services to children who are already suffering from severe mt well nutrition. >> so these claims >> that hamas is stealing the aid. look, of course, there are problems with people taking aid. that's a phenomenon that's known around the world. but what we're looking at is really a simple numbers issue. it's math, it's basic math what we've seen is that in the last six months, the amount of aid that has come in is barely
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scratching the surface of what would come in and a normal month >> so >> really, these claims are not founded and it's really a simple math issue. there's just simply not enough to go around beyond the the government's denials of the problem. there are large-scale efforts from some journalists commentators, people online to deny that there's any feminine gaza in the first place, but broadly, is their support in israel itself for palestinians on this issue specifically, do they do they know the extent of the suffering in gaza? >> so that's a really great question. and one of the reasons why we filed this petition in the high court is because we think there needs to be more discussion inside of israel about what's happening. and i have to say frankly i'm not terribly optimistic about our chances of the court. i'm still hopeful that the justices will. we'll see the case for what it is and role in our favor. but i do think what's
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important about this case is that it should spark more dialogue within israel about what's happening israelis are really living the horrors of october 7 over and over again. people are watching their own suffering night after night on the news. and unfortunately, we're not seeing enough images were not given enough information about what's happening in gaza. and i know that must be hard for people around the world to understand, but really we're really focused on our own situation as israelis. and so i think that that needs to change i think that even if it's really do see the suffering, of course they're told to tomas is fault. and from our perspective of course, hamas has a role to play in this the international community has a role to play. >> but is >> this really is it's important to us that we take responsibilities for the choices that israel has made in fighting this war, and for the red lines, we think it's already crossed and that it's
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likely to cross if this continues i leave it on that point. tania hary. thank you so much for speaking with us. really appreciate it >> thank you for having me >> and cnn has gathered a list of vetted organizations that are on the ground responding to the humanitarian crisis in israel and gaza you can find details on how you can help a special section of our website, slash the israeli military has acknowledged it, shot to palestinian menn in gaza, then buried their bodies with a bulldozer. the admission came after news outlet al jazeera published heavily edited video that says it shows the incident now you have to warn you. this video is disturbing. so here you can see one man walking along a beach. >> i'll jazeera >> reports that this man and another were waving what appeared to be white cloths at one point, the men raises his hands in the air and later he falls to the ground apparently, after being shot now the video then cuts to a scene where an israeli bulldozer is burying
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two bodies in sand and debris. now it's not clear if these are the bodies of the two men shown earlier, al-jazeera says they are israeli military says the video shows two separate incidents so here's a statement quote, the first incident occurred in the southern part of the corridor after the suspect did not respond to a warning, shot, the force fired to his direction and he was shot and slightly wounded. now the idf says that men was released after receiving medical treatment and being questioned. regarding the second incident, the idf says, quote, two suspects with bags on their backs observed our forces and approached them in a suspicious manner. after not responding to a warning shot, the forces conducted live fire towards them as a result of which they were killed. the bottom and he is removed from the area using the documented tool out of fear of there being explosives on the suspects and risk to the forces now, cnn has asked al jazeera for an unedited copy of the video
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presumptive republican presidential nominee donald trump is still trying to get the prosecutor kicked off the case in his georgia election subversion trial is legal team appeal the ruling allowing fulton county district two, attorney fani willis to stay on the case trump and several co-defendants asked the georgia court of appeals to overturn the decision. they also want the entire fulton county da's office to be disqualified. and an event friday evening, willis appear to have reference the judges warning about her previous comments it's on race stemming from a speech she made at a church earlier this year. now in those comments, she said her then lead prosecutor was being targeted because he's a black man recently, they tell me now like me to talk about wraith. well, i'm gonna talk about it anyway shubi is some challenges that come to be in blank and i see so much greatness in the city that has so many great african leaders >> trump's attorney has also filed responses friday in the new york criminal case related
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to hush money payments. isn't a recent requests for clarification of the gag order in the case amounted to a request to expand the order for and asked to file legal briefs against it. it was put in place after trump made threats against the judge and his daughter. another sitting judge spoke to cnn's kaitlan collins about why that's so dangerous. >> you almost never hear from a sitting federal judge. i wonder what made you speak out tonight and speak publicly. >> but in a >> rare interview with cnn, senior us district judge reggie walton, who is deeply respected and washington's legal circles spoke out against donald trump's latest attacks on social media against a fellow member of the judiciary. >> i think it's important that as judges, we speak out and say things in reference to things that conceivably are going to impact on the process. >> i have a trump-hating judge walton criticized trump for his latest attacks on justice. won were shawn, who is overseeing
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the former president's criminal trial relating to hush money payments. >> it's very disconcerting to have someone making comments about a judge and it's particularly problematic when those comments our in the form of a threat especially if they're directed at one's family after marsha and imposed a gag order limiting the former president from making statements about potential witnesses, jurors, attorneys, and court staff, but not him. trump has been attacking his daughter on social media, including by name >> we do these jobs because we're committed to the rule of law and we believe in the rule of law and the rule of law can only function effectively. when we have judges who are prepared to carry out their duties without the threat of potential physical harm. >> judge walton was appointed by both bush presidents and has spent more than 40 years on the bench. >> but he noted it's an increase in threats once he began here in cases of january 6, criminal defendants have received the greater number of
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threats as a result of that incident, this is a new phenomenon, not saying that it didn't happen before, but it was very rare that i would ever receive any type of a threat regardless of what type of cases i was handling and unfortunately, that is no longer the case >> walton pointing to past murders of his judicial colleagues, family members, including new the jersey judge ester solace is signed and former chicago judge joan left coase, husband and mother. >> unfortunately, it's a reality that it's not inconceivable that something could happen. it's the reality that we live with, but you try not to let it impact on your day-to-day life >> but even in the midst of these threats walton says the law must endure even though threats may be made against you and against your family, you still have an obligation to ensure that >> everybody who comes into your courtroom is treated fairly, regardless of who they are or what they've done i think it's important in order to preserve our democracy that
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we maintain the rule of law and the rule, the rule of law can only be maintained if we have independent judicial officers who are able to do their job and ensure that the laws are in fact enforced. and that the laws are applied equally to everybody who appears in our courthouse and that rare appearance from judge walton has sent shockwaves far beyond washington you've gotten reaction from former federal judges, including a former federal appeals court judge, judge michael luttig, and others who had been taking what he had to say seriously. his warning that trump's actions and his attacks on people like judge merchan's daughter that they can lead to tyranny is through his point of view, is a judge. someone who has been on the bench for decades. now as any member of a party or supporting a campaign, and that's why he's been resonating so much politics makes strange bedfellows. and here is a case in point, the biden campaign is making a bid
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for supporters of former republican presidential candidate nikki haley. team biden said friday that its policing a forceful new ad aimed directly at gop voters who supported haley in the primaries have a look >> mickey haley has made an unholy alliance with rhinos, never trumpers americans for no prosperity. >> it brings nikki haley voters back in. >> i'm not sure we need to manage >> campaign says the seven figure ad buy will run on digital platforms and battleground states and use republican primary data to target mostly suburban areas where haley performed well against trump all right. after the break, we'll have the latest from baltimore where huge cranes are being positioned to untangle that collapsed bridge. and the cargo ship that crashed into it plus, they don't need any more rain in southern california bots. a big storm system moving in one has other ideas big rain, wind, and snow in the west. but look
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>> you see >> in maryland, the sixth latino, man who died in the baltimore bridge collapse are being remembered at a news conference on friday, the casa organization honore to construction workers who died while working on the bridge before it was struck by a container ship. all six were immigrants from honduras, el salvador, mexico, oh, and guatemala. your organization which supports working class minorities, said it set up a donation fund to help their families. >> all >> right, now, have a look at these live pictures from the scene were a monumental cleanup operation is taking shape huge cranes including the largest one on the east coast, the chesapeake, 1,000 in her being deployed to reopen the shipping channel because the bridge ways too much for any one crane to lift massive pieces of debris will be cut into smaller sections before they can be moved. and on friday, president biden told reporters at base andrews in maryland that he will visit baltimore next week.
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the federal government has already said it's giving the state $60 million as a down payment for a cleanup work and rebuilding. but some republicans are concerned about washington's role in footing the bill, like congressman dan moos of pennsylvania it was kind of outrageous immediately for biden to express in this tragedy the idea that he's >> going to use federal funds to pay for the entirety cnn's danny freeman has more >> the massive task of untangling the francis scott key bridge from the dali container ship is set to begin. the largest crane on the east coast has arrived ready and waiting just up the side of the wreckage. the hope is this crane can help move thousands of tons of debris. so recovery efforts can continue and ships can eventually move through again, but go out there and see it up close. you realize just how daunting a task this is you. realize how difficult the work is ahead of us.
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>> the ntsb released this video providing an inside look at the wreckage from onboard the ship. >> it's kind of scary because we're on the ship and yet the bridge's both below it and on top of it. so you can see this is, this is quite a mess of we asked maritime law and security experts and baltimore native ian row b, to walk us through the ntsb video and explain the challenge ahead. you see objects that are just strewn about, like barrels and trying to put together where did this even come from? it's part of the issue. >> what's the origin? is it from the shipper? was it was it on the bridge and we know that there was construction work happening. what kind of materials were on the bridge versus what what came out of a container on the ship and that's going to be part of many different puzzles that are going to be a focus of ntsb and others on the ship right now, when you see some of these images of like you said, the bridge tangled with the ship do you worry that this ship might
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capsize their sink? >> well, absolutely the question is, as the salvage operation occurs how is we're going to be redistributed and what is going to happen? governor >> wes moore says by monday, a total of four heavy cranes will be on site along with more than 30 vessels in the coming weeks to aid in the cleanup danny freeman, cnn, just outside baltimore >> in the >> flood watch is in effect for parts of central and southern california has a powerful storm is expected to bring heavy rain, strong gusty winds, and snow to the west and then severe weather to the east is gonna meteorologist chad myers as details >> can pretty big storm coming in on shore here in california with rain, wind, and snow still obviously in higher elevations, but some very, very heavy rainfall down really in places that we don't need the rain down into southern california, you don't get to say that very often but big rain, two to four inch rain falls across the mountains here, just to the north of los angeles. and then in the mountains, the sierra
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that's where the heavy snow will be. but flash flood watches are posted here for parts of southern cal and then into the mountains that's where the snow will be. and you can see some spots let's hear between 12.18 inches deep, likely even some spots with two foot totals back to the rainfall. we do see that flash flood level two of four for flash flood threat here across southern cal and then there are your winter storm warnings into sierra wind advisories here all the way through arizona. look at some of the numbers here they were. i'm going to show you for later on today where 42, 45 miles per hour gusts or arizona that could kick up some dust in the desert for sure. and then that storm moves off to the east into new mexico for sunday and monday, and then farther to the east with the potential for severe weather monday into tuesday here in the central plains. so yes, an active system, but when a big storm comes on shore in california, moves across the mountains and into the plains. this is what the forecast map it's gonna look like
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>> also you >> journal reporter evan gershkovich has been detained in russia for an entire year now still ahead. his sister speaks to cnn about the families hopes that he'll come back home soon. plus grains, president calls on us lawmakers again to approve the next batch of military aid. but this time he's spelling out what will happen on the front lines if they don't with thyroid disease? i hit from the camera and i wanted to hide from the world for years, i thought my ted was beyond help. but then i asked my dr. about to pessoa to peda is the only medicine that treats ted at the source not just the symptoms in a clinical study, more than eight out of ten patients taking depressor had less i bulging to pessoa is an infusion and may cause and fusion reactor tell your dr. right away if you experience high blood pressure, fast
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for. save them all. >> i'm natasha bertrand at the pentagon and this is cnn welcome back to all of you watching us here in the united states, canada, and around the world. i'm kim brunhuber at is cnn newsroom. while it's been a full year and counting, but the family of wall street journal reporter, evan gershkovich is still hoping to see him back home on friday. he marked a
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grim anniversary since he was detained in russia for alleged espionage he's the first reporters since the cold war to face those charges, which he and the newspaper, it strongly deny us president joe biden says, the white house will keep working to get him released. journalist sister says the family is counting on it unfortunately, the case is opaque and we just have to continue to trust >> that though white house is taking this very seriously and there's a team of experts working on this so we just have to continue to put our faith and president biden's promised her family, we just have to keep moving forward >> russia is yet to show any evidence to support the charges against gershkovich. he's locked up in a notorious moscow prison, waiting for his trial. those matthew chance reports, russia wants to keep him in pretrial detention for at least three more for months >> this was our latest brief glimpse of evan gershkovich
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appearing in a moscow court this week. >> that's in the past. we've been kicked out of the courtroom is where you can see evan gershkovich's in their hi matthew from cnn. is that you holding up? all right. >> what we watch? >> what you want us to do? >> this time journalists weren't even allowed in, the detention of the wall street journal reporter on espionage charges was extended for another three months outside us ambassador marked have bleak anniversary this verdict to further prolonged evans detention feels particularly painful, as this week marks. the one-year anniversary since seven he was arrested and wrongfully detained. and your catherine berg for simply doing his job as a journalist >> the >> accusations against evan are cattle the gorky untrue they are not a different interpretation of circumstances they are fiction but
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incarceration behind the walls of the fault of oh, prison in moscow is a grim fact. us officials say they're negotiating with moscow for his release. even the kremlin confirmed this week contacts on a prisoner swap are continuing for the russian president, the 32 year-old american newspaper reporter is a tradable asset >> we're willing to tolerate >> but >> there are certain terms being discussed. the via special services channels its i believe an agreement can be reached >> and this is who putin has hinted he wants in return vadim krasikov, a russian operative, jailed in germany for killing a chechen dissident in a public park so far the germans have been reluctant to set him free. but the kremlin knows painful agreements have been reached in the past in 2022, us basketball star brittney griner convicted of possessing cannabis in
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russia, was swapped for victor boot and the tourists, russian arms trafficker. >> i want to tell the world that victim of political kidnap and random russia is also holding other americans among them, former us marine paul whelan, convicted of espionage and jailed since 2018. us officials have designated whelan and gershkovich as unlawfully detained if the kremlin has any desire to salvage russia's integrity. and international esteem >> they should >> do what is right and release evan and paul immediately >> but the kremlin may want more than just integrity and esteem in exchange for its most valuable bargaining chips. matthew chance, cnn, some petersburg ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy is warning kyiv will have to give up more >> ground without us military aid zelenskyy told the washington post, ukraine's
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goal is to keep the frontlines stable so it can prepare for a new counteroffensive later this year, but without us support but he said kyiv will be short of key weapons, including air defense, patriot missiles, and artillery rounds. he said it could result in a step-by-step retreat by ukrainian troops. about $60 in aid has been held up by republicans in the house of representatives, house speaker mike johnson has now committed to bring a bill up for a vote. after the easter break all right. so the latest on pope francis has health and how it may affect easter weekend services at the vatican boss you board of the same old easter eggs on conservation group is shaking things up this year, inviting you to adopt an egg instead shake up your shower with a flavor for every feeling this stub fractions you up, this stub in two down this dub, the deep glowing, and this stub keeps you going. so whatever care you care about,
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because of health concerns. cnn's vatican correspondent, christopher lamb has details the vatican said pope francis decided not to attend a good friday service in order to preserve his health, francis had been due to attend the stations of the cross service in rome's colosseum but instead decided to follow it from home the 87 year-old pontiff has been leading the holy week liturgies in the run-up to easter on good friday, he presided at the main service in some pizzas does the and on thursday went to a prison in rome to wash the feet of 12 female prisoners. the pope has been battling with various bouts of ill health in recent months and has been asking aides to read some of his addresses but during holy week, he has shown a determination to try and participate as fully as possible. in all of the services. >> the >> decision by france is not to
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attend was taken at the last minute, but the vatican explained that decision was a maid in order for francis to celebrate the easter vigil on saturday night and the easter sunday mass in some peter's square francis will be expected to celebrate the mass on easter sunday and also give his customary annual easter message where he is expected to address various conflicts taking place across the hello christopher lamb, cnn >> meanwhile, king charles is set to make a high-profile public appearance. elite members of the royal family at easter sunday church services. this is his most significant appearance since his cancer diagnosis last month on her advice from his dr. he stepped back from public duties while undergoing treatment princess. catherine, who was also recently diagnosed with cancer, isn't expected to attend eggs have long been a custom of the easter holiday. there are
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symbol of life and rebirth, maleness year, conservation group in south africa is urging people to consider a new kind of easter egg, one that supports the renewal of endangered birds. cnn's michael holmes reports on a campaign hoping to replace easter backhoe baskets with incubators >> dept died chocolate. and at times exquisitely painted eggs are a big part of celebrating easter in many parts of the world and one conservation group is hoping to add a new tradition to the holiday. >> when everybody is also thinking about chocolate and eastern's and fluffy i'm bunnies and so forth. we would like people to be focused on age and you can even adopt an aid to so much more symbolic of easter they might not be the fuzzy yellow chicks associated with easter but the southern african foundation for the conservation of coastal birds says it needs help funding the care of more than 200 african
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penguin eggs that were rescued from two different colonies. the group is asking people to to adopt an egg to pay for the cost of incubation and raising the chicks before they returned to the wild. some experts say rearing new healthy goods is the key to the survival of the penguins. that once thrived in south africa >> he african penguin is quite close to extinction by 2035, according to scientists. and with the endangered status, it really is important that we do everything we can to protect the species. >> richness. daniel says the african penguin population has less than 10,000 breeding pays lift. that's down from a total population of 1 million african penguins, about a century ago one of their biggest threats is commercial theater fishing which is depleted food sources like sardines and anchovies that penguins each the organization says it takes for
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months to raise a healthy chick-fil-a from an egg. and any help this easter in the spirit of the holiday. good, hopefully breathe new life into a struggling species. michael holmes all right. >> time for a fastbreak than its march madness galore. we'll see who got upset in the sweet, sweet 16. a news still playing for a trip to the final four, stay with us >> did you know there's no t in skechers >> what he's talking about v is always been scheduled t and these sketches slippery is ten, these get to slip in >> care about. >> there's a dog for everybody emergency crystals pop and fizz
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brought to you by skechers, hands-free slip ends >> we talk on the phone hands-free. go hands-free to turn on our lights. >> and >> now there's hands-free footwear, revolutionary sketches, slip-ups. you just slip in and they're on dry sketches, slip ends all wouldn't be college basketball's march madness without a stunning upset or >> two in the men's sweet 16, friday, number one, houston felt a number for duke, 54, 51 after houston star guard suffered an injury. meanwhile, both do and tennessee have secured their elite eight spots. and number 11, north carolina state advances by knocking out number two, marquette that sends the wolf pack men to their first elite eight since 1986. the women's team will advance after their win over stanford for more on this, i'm joined by cnn sports analyst christine brennan. she's also a sports columnist for usa today so christine,
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after last night, south carolina, still the team to beat yes. >> good. i think so. certainly on the women's side, which is the one that's getting even more attention probably than the man this year because of iowa and caitlin clark, south carolina, played a really strong indiana team on friday night and south carolina, led by dawn staley, long time olympian terrific coach. obviously the undefeated, never one, right team in the country. they are 22 point lead. at one point in the game, and it dwindled down to two and they ended up only beating indiana by four points. so south carolina had a bit of a a yet they are, of course, moving on and they're one of the four number one seeds. all four of them that are still in the women's tournament, even though only half of the field has played, the women are about a day behind the men. so meanwhile, on the men's side, you've had two number one seeds, luis, saying north
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carolina yesterday, and then houston. recently. just a few hours ago, lost to to do so there seems to be mostly stability on the women's side. although a couple of big games coming up, we'll see what happens on saturday. so south carolina is looking good even though they you'd have a scare. >> all right. we were talking about men's and women's. let's let's unite the two stories here. a fun story. the whole of the nc state campus must be in party mode, maybe even still. now at this hour because they want and i mean, they both teams men and women, to upsets exactly. well, and they were playing >> at the same time, which is really kind of great. when you think about that, there, i can only imagine what was going on on campus, the officials, the athletic directors, kyiv when looking at their phones, it's very rare that they'd be playing at the exact same time in the men's and women's tournament. and yes, the man went on on a beat marquette, big upset and north united
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states men's team, won the acc tournament, kept beating team so that they everyone thought they'd lose too. they've 18 games in a row now in the postseason county the acc tournament, and in the north carolina's state women upset stanford, and that's a bit of a surprise because stanford, it was the number two seeds. so a great couple of hours in raleigh, north carolina, kim, for the wolf pack fans, both men's and women's. >> all right. well, you used it when you mentioned her name a few minutes ago. of course, the most anticipated game later today, iowa. and caitlin clark caitlin clark, you can't go anywhere right now without seeing her. on tv. in fact, i was watching with family several of the games at the same time. and the person we saw more than anyone else was caitlin clark because she's on all the commercials. >> and what a >> wonderful statement that is for women's sports, because that wasn't happening ten years my go-to wasn't happening even five years ago. >> iowa
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>> is the number one seed. they've got a tough match, match up against colorado, a big strong team could be, could be a challenge for iowa. i was got to get one. clark has been of course, we would presume play well the supporting cast, her teammates have to step up from what they did the other day. and right before that game, so caitlin clark, obviously, the big main the star of the basketball season, men's or women's this year. but right before that game, lsu, the defending national champion will be playing against ucla. so you've got the he's to blockbuster gains back-to-back lsu against ucla. and as soon as that ends, and iowa and colorado. and if in fact, iowa and lsu were to win those two games, then they would play each other monday night. so it would be a rematch of the national championship last year. but it wouldn't even make it to the final four. it would only be in the elite
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eight if in fact iowa and lsu when one of them will be knocked out before the final four. >> all right. we shall see so let's not want to end with this since you're here, i want to take advantage of your olympic expertise fast-forwarding to paris and the temporal summer olympics thanks a lot of talk around caitlin clark. do you think she'll make the team are one of the teams because she might have options, right >> what she does. yeah. you're right. there's the 5.5, the traditional basketball, the us women's national team, and the olympics has not lost since 1992. that's a tough team to make. that's a tough roster to craft great, great stars. but caitlin clark has been invited to the trainee camp, which is the same weekend as the women's final four. so if i was playing, she won't be at the trainee camp. if i were to lose the next two games, one of the next two games, then caitlin clark would be at that training camp for the olympic team. the only collegiate player to be invited there's another option. there's the fund three on-3 tournament started in tokyo, us won the
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first gold in tokyo with the olympics. they are 2021. caitlin clark would be a natural for that. and that's going to be picture asked with the eiffel tower in the background, plus de la concorde. that's where that, that fun tournament will be. the three down three basketball. so yes, there are a couple of options to see more of caitlin clark because as we know, we can't see enough of her right now. and i think the united states olympic and paralympic committee and usa basketball would like to see caitlin clark representing us in paris. we'll see how it all plays out. yeah. looking forward to talking olympics with you in the months ahead. and in the meantime, i'm looking forward to the action today, christine brennan. thank you so much. really appreciate it >> my pleasure. thank you >> all i say you can't win if you don't play. but after 37 consecutive drawings, the powerball grand prize is still up for grabs. >> the >> jackpot for today's draw has now skyrocketed $935 million before taxes. and this makes it the fifth largest
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it. it was 87 years old all right, that wraps this. our own cnn newsroom. i'm kim brunhuber. for viewers in north america, cnn this morning is next. the rest of the world. is african voices, changemakers >> the emergency crystals pop in fizz when you throw them back. and who doesn't love a good throwback >> emergency crystals covid-19.
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