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tv   CNN This Morning Weekend  CNN  March 30, 2024 3:00am-4:00am PDT

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>> good morning welcome to cnn this morning it is set >> mamer a walker. here's what for watching for you on this morning, saturday, massive mission, the largest crane on the east coast is on the scene of the deadly baltimore bridge collapse begin the dangerous work of clearing 4,000 tons of we are live when a cargo channel that's so vital to the national and local economy could be back opus speaking out, fulton county district attorney, fani willis is defending or character as former president trump tries again to get her removed from the georgia election subversion case. >> let the haters via motivated. they talk about me >> plus cnn exclusive sitting federal judges stinging, rebuke
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of trump's attacks on a new york judge and his family, and a holy holiday in a war zone, christians and israel and gaza memory easter weekend days before high level truce talks are rescheduled and rafah a live report from israel ahead, plus remembering louis gossett, junior of life and legacy of the barrier breaking oscar winner the biggest crane on the east coast is now in place to start removing debris from the collapsed francis scott key bridge in baltimore. crews are rushing to find the bodies of four construction workers who were still missing. >> the >> collapse killed six people in all at a vigil friday night, local pastor said the track azure, the brought everyone together as a lost members of the community and a piece of the city's history >> i have members at the search with been here for 30, 40 years who sat on his balcony here and watched. >> it'd be constructed. it's a
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part of the community. a lot of our individual mitochondria ancient drive that bridge to go to work. and so now it's really a life changing moment >> cnn's michael yoshida is joining us now in baltimore. michael, this is obviously a monumental, very challenging effort. what will the first step b and removing that debris? >> hey, good morning, everyone. when you talk about this process, the first step is going to be several days of analysis before we start seeing anything brought out of the water, they need to get a good look at all of the pieces involved were told more than 1,100 engineers here in baltimore across the country. now, analyzing the bridge and the various this piece is trying to figure out how to take it apart. just leave very complex here on the water. and if you move one piece, how might that shift other parts of that bridge structure? so once they get through that, that's when we'll start seeing all of that equipment that's being brought in. start. this cleanup and removal process, put in perspective at all be happening just behind me see some
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flashing lights there. it's just pass there where we saw the bridge collapse as well as where that ships sits out, bringing in quite a few different pieces of equipment to take part in this. and we know that there will be ten tugboats involved, also nine barges, eight salvage vessels, seven floating in thousand that large crane there that'll be able to lift around 1,000 tons. but the trouble here is some of that equipment that's on top of the ship that's around 3,000, 4,000 tons. so again, they have to start taking it piece by piece apart. that's for a timeline. we're told it could take several weeks once they get to that point to clear that debris as for how long their recovery process here will take in line on all of that >> all right. michael, you she too. thanks so much for the report. we took a few hits on this shot. there but let's bring it now, law professor, former navy captain lawrence
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brennan thank you so much for being with us. let's the great thing is you get to answer the questions about the legal liability here and also about this recovery. let's start here. >> we took >> a hit and i know the maryland governor also said that he's not going to give a timeline on when this will be cleared but based on your expertise and what you see here at this site, how long do you think? we'll take the clear all of that out? >> months, if not longer the dam have to be careful not to cause more damage, more injury, or god forbid, even more deaths and it starts with getting the ship removed, the parts of the bridge that are on the bow of the vessel in the adjacent water needs to be done and done carefully and those of us who have been involved in maritime casualties know that there's a great risk after, particularly in cases like this where the environment is disturbed and that's another thing we have to look at is the hazardous
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cargo that is reportedly on board for the ship that has that has to be carefully worked with to prevent further injury and environmental damage more than the hazardous cargo on that ship. there are still four victims at that site, not exactly sure where how do you want to be delicate and how i ask this question? how does the cruise clear this without disturbing or form? further damaging the remains >> yeah, that's that's a almost impossible question to answer. it's going to take great care and they will have to be careful in looking for that. i don't know if there's any technology that would allow people are remains at this stage fortunately, to be located. i know if there were people with body heat of technology that would allow that to be done, but unfortunately, we've passed that time. so we'll have to
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hope and pray that people are careful and recover what remains if they're in the water that's obviously a different question. >> let's talk now about the legal fight, which is likely already begun. of course, the relatives of those killed and those injured, they have legitimate claims against the company that owned and operated the dali. but how broad is the universe of those who will be going primarily after insurers to be compensated for losses. >> yeah >> the environment is the legal environment is massive you have all sorts of people who have actual claims and one of the major legal questions will be how far that can be recovered. the concept or the doctrine of remoteness may come into effect here. talking more about dollar claims, not injury or death claims, but property damage but the environmental claims will
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be substantial of hazardous cargos in the water things of that nature. and i expect that this will not be as big as some of the cases i've been invited while in the past, such as the ama coax it is, and the c wish. so brussels collision in new york harbor many years ago 40 years ago or so, where a container ship lost its steerage and collided with a, an anchor tanker and drifted out under the virus there was bridge and caught fire damage to the underside of the bridge. so we've got a lot to look at here and then the doctrine or remoteness, i expect that the ship owner and its insurers will petition for limitation of liability. and that matter will proceed in federal court in the district for maryland i was born and raised in baltimore, so i know the key bridge. i know how important that bridge is for the economy of this area. what about the people who
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>> lose work who can't get to their jobs four weeks or months, do they have claims against this company? >> they have claims, but this is the area where we get into the legal concept of remoteness in the law. occasionally is rather harsh to certain groups or individuals and cut off claims that seems to me at this very early stage without doing the necessary of legal research to see we have that that gets resolved, but we do have a rather bold statement from president biden about the federal government involvement and whether they'll get workers some sort of unemployment insurance type remedies it's hard to tell at this stage and if the federal government makes these payments will obviously attempt to recover from responsible parties. >> are laurence brennan. thank you so much for being with us >> fulton county district attorney, fani willis is moving forward with her georgia
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election subversion case against donald trump after judge scott mcafee decided she should stay on the case. but as expected, trump and some of us co-defendants have appealed with some choice words for willis, cnn's nick valencia explains when you get that crucial decision from the appellate court victory in amara after judge scott mcafee granted his certificate for immediate review, we had been anticipating this filing, but now it is official. the former president donald trump and eight of his 14 remaining co-defendants, including his former chief of staff, mark meadows, and his former personal attorney, rudy giuliani, are asking the georgia appellate court overturn judge mcafee is decision and remove fani willis from this case. and here's what they're saying. and part of their filing which is scathing, de willis has covered herself and her office in scandal and disrepute the trial court's decision not to disqualify de a willis under these circumstances is a structural error, a violation of the defendants due process rights and seriously denigrate the
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public's confidence in the integrity of the criminal justice system. we did reach out to the fulton county da's office, but they declined to comment. however, we should wait for their response in writing. a source with knowledge of this process says that the appellate court will have 45 days to make its decision. but of course, all of this underscores just how much the disqualification fani willis still hangs over her head. and this case, even as she and her team tried to bring the focus back on the criminal charges against the former president and his remaining co-defendants victor amara >> thank you >> meanwhile, willis isn't letting the threat of a possible gag order in this case to slow her down well, i'm gonna talk about it anyway >> truth bias is some >> challenges that come to be in blank >> and >> i see so much greatness in the city that has so many great african american leaders and i appreciate all of the sacrifice that you all have had to make
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to be in the positions or well as spoke at an atlanta area event. last night and appeared to reference at admonishment from judge scott mcafee in his ruling earlier this month, the judge decided willis could continue her election subversion case against donald trump, but he warned that her warner rather than a previous comments were legally improper and could lead to a possible gag order in the future in january, willis defended attacks on her then lead prosecutor nathan wade, suggesting he was being targeted because he's a black man i have to judge mcafee is ruling wade left the case this morning, went to weather alerts are in effect four parts of the country right now, some areas of dealing with heavy rain and strong winds even snow. >> we're still talking about winter weather. mute all just allison chinchar here at the cnn weather center alison where is this late winter weather? winter storm happening? >> right? it's actually going to be a lot of the country you're going to start out to the west, but then it's going
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to begin to spread its way across the country as we go through the next few days. so right now we've got a lot of snow coming down across the sierras and very heavy rain across the central and southern portions of california. that's going to continue to spread the word. so there is the potential for a flash flood threat again, not just for sunday in california, but this will eventually spread farther east into other states like arizona. there's also the high wind component you're talking winds gusting up to 52 even 60 miles per hour. that's also spreading east two. so even states, arizona, new mexico, utah, also looking at those strong winds, then you can take a look at where all of these places are that are still expecting some of that winter weather, including putting the snow. obviously, the higher elevations are where we're going to see those highest total sum of these areas could be picking up six to even 12 inches of snow over the next few days. then by the time we get to monday, that focus really becomes the central portion of the us. that means yes, snow and even freezing rain on the northern side, very heavy rain along the front and even the potential for some severe thunderstorms along the southern edge where you have that very warm air. some of
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these areas could be looking at record high temperatures on monday, then by tuesday we begin to see that shift a little bit over more towards the ohio valley and spreading into the mid-atlantic region and into the northeast. that severe component we talked about really ramps up on monday. take a look at this damaging wind, large hail. we're talking golf balls size or even larger. and yes, the potential for some tornadoes basically stretching from southern texas all the way over into west virginia. and a lot of these cities in-between, the biggest concern dies for that is going to be that a lot of these are going to occur in the evening and the overnight hours as well. >> all right. alice we made it through the black because a lot of things going on, sending out how you look at it. if you listen on radio, you missed a little some of them. thanks, allison president biden is raking in record donations and sharpened its campaign attacks on trump's straight ahead on cnn this morning biden's new message for republican voters, loss are rare review from a sitting federal judge in a
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store. you will only see here on cnn y1 judge says former president trump, social media posts about the judge overseeing the new york hush money trial are quote, particularly problematic also with the cbc is saying about a concerning surge in measles in the cnn saturday morning starting >> today at eight on cnn can the riva support your brain health? >> mary janet, hey eddie. know, fraser, franck, franck, bread. how are you fred fuel >> up to seven brain health indicators, including your memory, joined the new riva brain health challenge >> nexium 24 hour prevents heartburn acid before it begins get all day and all night. harper and aza prevention, which just one pill a day chew's asieh prevention. choose nexium >> u-haul. we don't every family
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ramping up his mockery of former president trump this week in both public >> and private events. now biden is not holding back going after not only trump's policies, but his financial challenges and mental competency and all of this follows a record breaking funnel and hosted by biden along with two of his predecessors, former presidents barack obama and bill clinton the biden campaign raised 26 million in one day cnn's camila to chalice joins us now from the white house, camila, tell us about the strategy shifts from the biden campaign that's right. good morning. biden spoke to campaign donors just yesterday. we heavily criticized trump calling him the most undemocratic president since the civil war, and really admonished him over his recent comments where he warned that there could be a bloodbath if biden is reelected in november. now, biden has it's repeatedly gone up to trump and it really signals how the campaign is finding that this is an effective strategy to
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convincing voters and donors a why they should, though their support behind biden and how is biden how was it campaign hoping to peel away at trump's base >> biden is not only hoping to just convince democratic voters, but he's also targeting voters who once supported nikki haley. take a quick listen to the recent campaign ad that they just put out. yesterday >> he's gone crazy. she's a very angry person. she used to presidential timber. >> i don't need the boats. we have all of those she'd. gotten he was >> now trump has really now biden has really just again gone up to trump just highlighting what he has said about these voters who once thrown their support about nikki haley and biden has repeatedly meet a lot of attempts and a lot of efforts to convince those voters of why they should port him and his reelection efforts in this upcoming november election
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amara viktor. >> all right. camila, just alice, thanks so much still to comment extraordinary rebuke a sitting federal judge slams donald trump and his attacks on a fellow judge. why he says those comments threaten the american legal system we deserve a real king because if he cannot protect his own family how is he supposed to protect us? >> do this? >> come on, man and the lost kingdom now streaming exclusively on mac >> what's considered normal for your cat is interesting it's curious and it's sweet >> but if your cat isn't there, quirky self >> lately, they may have pain from a common condition called osteoarthritis now, they're silane cia to lindsay is a once monthly injection in works like your cats naturally made antibodies to reduce pain
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turbulence, just an observation. nothing was serious, no major injuries >> there were more than 300 people on board and in a statement, united said the jet refueled and control can you don't to new work? >> the cdc says measles cases in the this year have nearly doubled the total cases over all of last year the agency says they're already nearly 100 measles cases, seven outbreak so far this year, there were 58 total cases and for outbreaks last year officials say almost 60% of the patients were unvaccinated and more than half of the documented cases are children under five. >> this morning, the rare case of a sitting federal judge speaking out publicly his reason, donald trump's criticism of another judge, the former president, recent launched into an attack on social media against the judge overseeing his business fraud case, even targeting the judges daughter by name, us district judge reggie walton spoke to cnn's kaitlan collins and
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called trump's attacks very disconcerting and a threat to america's justice system. >> you almost never hear from a sitting federal judge. >> i wonder what made >> you speak out tonight and speak publicly. >> but in a rare interview with cnn, senior us district judge, reggie walton, who is deeply respected and washington's legal circles spoke out against donald trump's latest attacks on social media against a fellow member of the judiciary. >> i think it's important that as judges, we speak out and say things in reference to things that conceivably are going to impact on the process. >> i have a trump-hating judge walton criticized trump for his latest attacks on justice. won were shawn, who is overseeing the former president's criminal trial relating to hush money payments. >> it's very disconcerting to have someone making comments about a judge and it's particularly problematic when those comments our in the form
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of a threat, especially if they're directed at one's family after my sean imposed a gag order limiting the former president from making statements about potential witnesses, jurors, attorneys, and court staff, but not him. trump has been attacking his daughter on social media, including by name >> we do these jobs because we're committed to the rule of law and we believe in the rule of law and the rule of law can only function effectively. when we have judges who are prepared to carry out their duties without the threat of potential physical harm >> judge walton was appointed by both bush presidents and has spent more than 40 years on the bench, >> but he noticed did increase in threats once he began hearing cases of january 6, criminal defendants have received the greater number of threats as a result of that incident. this is a new phenomenon, not saying that it didn't happen before, but was very rare that i would ever receive any type of a threat regardless of what type of cases i was handling and
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unfortunately, that is no longer the case. >> walton pointing to past murders of his judicial colleagues, family members, including new jersey judge ester solace is sin in former chicago judge joan left coase husband and mother >> unfortunately, it's a reality that it's not inconceivable that something could happen. it's the reality that we live with, but you try not to let it impact on your day-to-day life. >> but even in the midst of these threats, walton says the law must endure even though threats may be made against do you want against your family? you still have an obligation to ensure that everybody who comes into your courtroom is treated fairly, regardless of who they are or what they've done. i think it's important in order to preserve our democracy that we maintain the rule of law and the rule, the rule of law can only be maintained if we have independent judicial officers who are able to do their job and ensure that the laws are in fact enforced. and that the
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laws are applied equally to everybody who appears in our courthouse >> that rare appearance from judge walton has really sent shockwaves beyond washington. and it includes responses from people like for federal judges does including judge michael luttig, a former federal appeals judge, and others who've been taking what he has to say seriously to dalton's warning that trump's actions can lead to tyranny is so his point of view as a judge, not as a member of any party or supporting any campaign. and that's why it has been resonating so much. viktor and amara yeah, sure has been kaitlan collins. thank you so much joining me now with cnn political commentator, errol louis. i mean, errol, it is extremely rare for a sitting judge to give an interview with tv interview and we heard judge walton say though that he's even gotten threats after presiding over these january 6 cases what do you think of what he had to say? the fact that he did sit down and speak out and it really does speak to the moment that we're living in,
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doesn't it >> oh, absolutely. and look, i'm so glad that the judge said something. the people involved in this case include a district attorney who i've met and interviewed a number of times they they're not walking around in a protected bubble. we all lived together in a community. and the threats, the death threats against both the prosecutor, the judges ultimately, this would spill over into the jury. this is very serious stuff. >> and for >> donald trump to try and intimidate and bully of the justice system just to win his case, opens a door that we do not want opened it's great that a federal judge spoke out more of them need to do the same. amara. yeah. issuing i really stark warning >> let's turn >> to the 2024 presidential race. we've been talking about this record-breaking fundraiser for the biden campaign on thursday in new york. and of course, he would donors again yesterday on friday, the biden campaign also released this new
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digital ad targeting nikki haley, voters. what did you think of the ad? and also, i mean, how does the biden campaign hope to win over these voters? where do they stand? because they may not like trump style and tone perhaps, but i would imagine that a lot of them are closer to trump when it comes to policy then with biden >> well, look the ad itself, i think is brilliant because it goes to the heart of what some voters don't like about donald trump. it has her, it has trump calling nikki haley bird brain it has him saying that neither she nor her followers will be welcome in his camp. and so they're really just making him eat his words and they're reminding people that regardless of what you might like about trump or whatever policies you think he might implement. this is somebody who is juvenile, who is insulting, who dead. he doesn't want your vote i think for a certain
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number of voters that's going to resonate. and that's going to remind them why they voted against them in the first place. >> and the stick shift in strategy by the biden campaign. biden stepping up his attacks much more aggressively against trump personally and also on policy. is this about fine to rattle trump and letting trump have his tantrums as a result, is this about trying to paint biden as someone who can be feisty and fight that he's too old image well let's write it does three things all at the same time. one is it shows that he's got some fighting them. number two, it possibly goads trump into an overreaction and reminds everybody of what they don't like about juvenile style that he displays in public so often, and then the third thing it does is it sort of walls off his support the problem donald trump faces and why he'd lost four years ago, is that he'd never really expanded his base. he's got about 40 plus percent of the electorate that has supported
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him and probably will support them no matter what. but he has to add to that. and the biden campaign is kind of letting folks know this is what you get. the person who mismanaged the pandemic, the person who acts in public like a five-year-old. and this is not somebody you should consider for leadership of the country and to the extent that they pound that message home again and again it's gonna. be a sound political strategy for biden were just talking about the whopping 26 million that the biden campaign raised on thursday in new york. and obviously it probably more yesterday when he met privately, but the donors but when you look at the cnn poll of polls, which just came out it's an average of four poles. and there's no clear leader in this race, race trump with 47% biden with 44%, but then when you look at the cash on hand by these two campaigns, biden at the end of february, had $71
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million in cash reserves way, way more nearly double that that of what trump has 33.5 million can a huge cash advantage like this for biden make a big difference >> and the rice makes all the difference, makes all the difference it pays for the people who knock on doors it pays to the ads and local markets that remind people that there's an election coming up in 220 days and tells him the issues and police should be thinking about that race is all the difference in the world and is an additional benefit that the democrats have, that the republicans don't, which is that trump is spending a lot of money on his legal expenses. it's coming out of some of the superpacs that would otherwise be supporting his campaign. so over time, this can make the difference. it's gonna be a very close race. and every one of these next 220 days is going to be hard fought, amara. that's sure. >> is i our lewis great to have again this morning. thanks so much up next, what may be a new epicenter for the migrant crisis? why illegal border crossings are skyrocketing in arizona?
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there's libretto. the first and only once monthly injection to control your dog's oa pain. veterinary professionals administering libretto, who are pregnant, trying to conceive or breastfeeding should take extreme care to avoid seven injection, which can cause allergic reactions like anaphylaxis >> my this is my coffee shop. we just moved into a bigger space, brought on another employee, an order new branded gear for the team. it was so easy. i just chose my products added our logo, and place my order bring your own team together with custom gear, get started today., united states of scandal with jake tapper marathon tomorrow at eight on cnn >> talks between washington and israel about military operations in gaza are back on. they could happen in washington as soon as monday. that's according to us officials this comes after israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu called off the meeting scheduled for this past week. >> the holy city is preparing for easter as the war rages on
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nearing the six month mark cnn senior international correspondent melissa bell is in jerusalem melissa, what's the latest >> well, we are looking to see what effect, if any, of these talks could have it had been planned, of course, as you mentioned a moment ago these talks went ahead monday and tuesday in washington. in fact, it'll be a week later. will washington managed to convince israel to hold off? this ground offensive in rafah? that is the question, amara and viktor, there is so much at stake. we're talking about 1.2 million gazans who are huddled in and around that southern most parts of gaza. a ground operation, of course the fairies would lead to a bloodbath that's why pressure is being brought to bear. and we'll again, we heard at notwithstanding the israeli delegations cancellation earlier this week, when you have golan to the israeli defense minister did meet with his counterparts in washington on monday and tuesday. we heard that at the end of those
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conversations, both united states israel had agreed to continue talking about washington. washington is hoping to convince israelis to heat, which is the avoidance of a full-scale ground operation in favor of much more targeted attack, targeting of hamas. there are four hamas battalions, american and israeli officials believe in that rafah district strict and of course are fortifying of the border with egypt to prevent any of them from fleeing. that's what america is trying to convince israelis to listen to for now, what we've heard from the israeli authorities and specifically from benjamin netanyahu, the prime minister is that israel intends to go ahead with that ground offensive. we heard the israeli prime minister meet with american congressman on wednesday in jerusalem telling them that israel had no choice but to invade. and again, we heard him meet with the families of hostages who've now been held. as you mentioned a moment ago, for nearly six months in gaza meeting them and telling them that it was in order to get their loved ones
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back that this operation would go ahead vowing that no israeli would be left behind. so a great deal, its stake when these conversations begin, we expect possibly on monday, although for the time being, there's confirmation of that. >> aren't melissa bell. thank you so much. are following this story and here in the illegal border crossings are skyrocketing and arizona with texas trying to four to five the rio grande, particularly the eagle pass crossing migrants are finding other ways to enter the country cnn's rosa flores is there in what may be the new epicenter of the migrant crisis >> it's mountainous, it's very steep. >> paul nixon and laurel grindy helped migrants in distress in southern arizona which is now the busiest migrant crossing on the us, mexico border 300,000 migrants have been apprehended in the tucson border patrol sector from october to february? that's about 64% more than the number of
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migrants apprehended in the del rio sector, which includes eagle pass, texas, the epicenter of the border battle between texas and the biden administration >> jamaica oh, you're from jamaica. >> many migrants walk for miles up and down steep hills to this makeshift camp where they wait for border patrol like meta from guatemala she says that her soul hurt. let's the mother of seven boys ages four to 16, wants to go by her first name only and says extreme already in her home country leaves mothers with an impossible choice, >> decide, do you feed >> your younger child or your older child on the ranching world, you're always around people from south of the border >> the camp is on cattle rancher, lori lindsay is property a lifelong democrat who is now an independent because she's it says democrats are weak and republicans who call the border issue that invasion soft invasion along our southern border have it wrong. >> she says, it's a
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humanitarian crisis. >> when you say invasion, it's as if you're being attacked or if you're in danger. we're not in danger. i would just like people to not leave lose their humanity >> lindsay says sympathizes with migrants, but worries because the camp has no sanitation facilities and to keep warm, migrants build fires. it's not just our >> ranch that could go up in flames. this is our livelihood. this is that this is our home. >> she calls on the federal government to hire more border patrol agents are inside the arizona air coordination center. >> john modlin leads the border patrol's tucson sector, 262 miles of arizona's border with mexico here the border wall looks like the spine of a giant beast resting on jagged peaks >> by far the most dangerous place on the southwest border across modlin says one of his biggest frustrations is that the cartels smuggle thousands of migrants in the most remote areas in the east side of
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arizona, bugging down his border patrol agents there while the cartels smuggle drugs and bad guys on the west side. >> so what we're not doing is actively patrolling for the people that are trying to get away from us. >> he says his team >> has identified >> 30,000 gottaways or people entering the tucson sector and evading arrest so far this fiscal year. but he just doesn't have enough four wheel drive vehicles and agents to chase them down >> is that what? you >> yeah absolutely >> adept air and marine operations show was the trails are top mountains used by these smugglers and migrants who don't want to get caught >> many times they're trafficking narcotics it could be a criminal or someone that possibly has a malveaux intent towards the united states. >> all while many of modlin's border patrol agents respond to what he calls a humanitarian mission, making repeated hours long drives and unforgiving terrain to apprehend parents like meta, she says that she
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left her seven children and guatemala with her dad the guatemalan mother who liked so many migrants arrived with a crushed heart in search for opportunity to feed their family we met so many mothers like meta fathers, families want to skirt the border wall and then turn themselves into immigration authorities. in fact, the head of the tucson border patrol sector says that at the current pace, migrant apprehensions this fiscal year could hit 800,000 just to give you some context about that staggering figure, it nears the total number of the past three fiscal years combined amara viktor, >> rosa flores reporting for sarah. thanks so much. still a heck, we'll remember the life of hollywood trailblazer lu gossett junior. a look at the legacy that he leaves. the first black man to win a best supporting actor, oscar. that's next >> i get ready >> for debate and comedy and social discourse on saturday night scene and presents an encore presentation patient of
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>> he was nominated for an emmy is in his career he also created a foundation to fight racism. gossett junior was 87 years old. cnn's elizabeth wagmeister has more yes. the groundbreaking star of a raisin in the sun routes and an officer and a gentleman has passed away at the >> age of 87 now, no cause of death was revealed, but he died in santa monica on friday morning now, the family of gossett junior tells us that cnn quote it is with our heartfelt regret to confirm our beloved father passed away this morning. we would like to thank everyone for their condolences at this time. the family also asked for respect in privacy during this difficult time gossett junior became the first black actor to win an oscar in the category a best supporting actor in 1983 for his role in, an officer and a gentleman, his co-star, richard gere, shared a statement with us with his
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passing. he says, quote, lou was a sweetheart. he took his job very seriously. he did his research. he stayed in character the whole time. i don't think we ever saw him socially. he was the drill sergeant 24 hours a day and it showed clearly in his performance, he drove every scene he was in a tough guy with a heart of gold. we were also proud of him when he won his oscar. now, gosset was only the second black actor to win an oscar, followed being just sidney poitier. it was later in the decade in 1989 that the next black actor to win an oscar was denzel washington gossett was very open with his struggles with alcohol and drug abuse. he was also very open about his struggles with racism, especially when he first or bribed in hollywood in his memoir, he wrote, quote, though i understand that i a no choice to put up with this abuse. it was a terrible way to be treated and a humiliating
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way to feel. now, he also founded the eracism foundation to help eradicate racism certainly a trailblazer and a legend who will be remembered. viktor and amara, >> elizabeth wagmeister. thanks so much up next a daunting task and baltimore as crews work to clean up the debris from a deadly bridge collapse, we're gonna take a closer that's a look at what investigators are focusing on >> my fellow citizens need to be better renewal, not normal. it makes me want to be dead be better at being normal >> good streaming moving, on macs >> kinda riva support your brain health. >> very janet, hey eddie, know, fraser, franck. frank bred. how are you? >> fred fuel up to seven brain health indicators, including your memory, joined the new riva brain health challenge this tax season, it's time to get with straight talk
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