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tv   CNN Newsroom With Fredricka Whitfield  CNN  March 30, 2024 9:00am-10:00am PDT

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put in a museum. >> it is the oven. my >> mother used to bake bread and roast chicken before a ban reduced our house to ashes. it is the cafe what i watched football matches and play my child stops me, can afford letter word, hold all of these >> all the elements of a home gone by. and you can watch that full conversation along with all my interviews online at and don't forget, you can find all our shows online as podcasts that slash podcast and on all other major platforms, i'm christiane amanpour in london. thank you for watching and see you again next week
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>> hello everyone. thank you so much for joining me this saturday i'm fredricka whitfield. aren't new today, former president donald trump setting off a firestorm of controversy after an incendiary social media post trump posted the video on friday. this one featuring an image of president joe biden hogtied on the back of that pickup truck. the biden campaign is blasting the post inciting political violence. cnn's steve contorno joining us now with more on all of this, steve, i mean, what is the trump's campaign saying about this >> well fred perhaps. it's no surprise that there are downplaying the severity of this video that trump posted last night on truth social. if you take a look at the video, you can see there are two trucks, both of them sporting pro trump decals and flags. and on the second trump, there is this image of president biden, as you said, hogtied rather large image. and in a statement
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to cnn, does trump campaign said, quote, that picture was on the back of a pickup truck that was traveling down the highway democrats, and crazed lunatics have not only called for despicable violence against president trump and his family, they are actually weaponizing the justice system against him. and as you mentioned the biden campaign wasting no time responding to this. they said this to us in a statement this image from donald trump is the type of crap you post when you're calling for, i quote, blood bath or when you tell the proud boys to quote stand back and standby, trump is regularly inciting political violence and it's time people take him seriously, just ask the capital police officers who were attacked, protecting our democracy see, on january 6.5, we're used to this kind of imagery from trump supporters at his rallies online and yes, on the back of their vehicles, but is still striking and somewhat different to get those
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kind of images amplified from a former president and someone who is seeking a return to the white the house. and steve, just as the spokesperson exemplified in the post that there is some precedence to this in relation to >> trump or his campaign stoking violence, saying incendiary things like this but of course you had the response from the trump campaign saying that it's democrats who have done this. so is there a response coming from the trump campaign that the biden campaign is exemplifying giving some examples, just like january 6 and other times where inappropriate language like this is used and condoned, the pick is certainly point to statements where there are democrats who have said certain things about president trump in the past. nothing has as direct as what that image itself showed. and in certainly is not
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coming from president biden him south. but this is the kind of rhetoric that trump has been using going back to his 2016 campaign for president. it's something that his supporters and braced at, and even some independence didn't necessarily mind from the former president at the time. however, it did wear down people as they continued throughout his presidency. and we saw a lot of independent voters, a lot of moderate say, look, we are sick of these kinds of tweets and this is a reminder that this is who the former president is. and he continues to post this kind of stuff on truth, social, even though he might not do it in the public forum that was social media back in 2016, like twitter or facebook. >> all right. steve contorno. thank you so much. i'll let us know when you get anymore developments all right. now, to the new developments in one of donald trump's criminal cases, the former president and some of his co-defendants in the georgia election subversion
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case are appealing a judge's this decision to allow fulton county district attorney fani willis to remain on the case. trump's attorneys want willis disqualified for having a relationship with the special prosecutor that she hired despite the threat of a gag order, willis continues to speak out reasonably. >> they tell me they don't like me to talk about race when i'm going to talk about it anyway >> truth >> vz is some challenges that come to be in blank and. i see so much greatness in the city that has so many great african american leaders and i appreciate all of the sacrifice that you all have had to make to be in these positions? >> this new comments from willis and this court filing comes as the district attorney pushes ahead with her case, cnn's nick valencia has the details on trump's appeal ever since judge scott mcafee granted a certificate for immediate review, we had been
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anticipating this filing, but now it is official. the former president and eight of his remaining 14 co-defendants, including his former chief of staff, mark meadows, and his former personal attorney, rudy giuliani, are asking the georgia appellate court to overturn judge mcafee decision and remove fani willis from this case. here's part of what they're saying in t their filing, which is downright scathing de a willis has covered herself and her office in scandal and disrepute the trial court's decision not to disqualify willis under these circumstances is a structural error, a violation of the defendants due process rights and seriously denigrate the public's confidence biden's, and the integrity of the criminal justice system. we did reach out to the fulton county da's office, but they declined to comment. however, we should expect a response in writing, a source would not knowledge of the process tells us that the appellate court will have 45 days to make a decision that of course, all of this underscores just how much of the disqualification of fani willis still hangs over her head. and this case, even as she and her team tried desperately to bring the focus back on criminal
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charges against the former president and his remaining co-defendants nick valencia cia, cnn, atlanta. >> all right. now to baltimore, where cleanup crews are maneuvering to clear the colossal wreckage from the francis scott key bridge collapse. the largest crane in fact, on the eastern seaboard is now in position to help potentially remove debris. search teams are also scouring the wreckage and hopes of recovering the bodies of four construction workers who were killed when a cargo ships the bridge on tuesday and new video shows ntsb investigators on the ship. they have secured the voyage data recorder, which would provide new clues about the disaster potentially cnn's gloria pazmino is in baltimore for us. so a gloria, what's the latest on any kind of cleanup efforts? salvaging parts from that bridge collapse. what's happening? thank >> wael front. there are about 1,100 engineers as spread out across the entire country right
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now who are looking at this wreckage, trying to come up with a plan for exactly how to move it. this is a complicated and difficult operation, just the sheer size and magnitude of what we're looking at here, you have a portion of the bridge that is resting in the front of the ship, which has a complicated all of these search efforts and that is going to be the primary first step. so this is critical and the reason for that is we have heard from the governor that there is a critical mission here to go back in there and try to recover the bodies of those four victims that have not been found yet. we know that two people were recovered, but there are still four families that are holding on to hope that the bodies of their loved
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ones will be recovered, and then of course, you have the second part of this mission xin, which is to reopen the waterway, to clean up so that they can get back to business. we're talking about theil thousands of workers jobs, and industry that's been at a standstill since the collapse. this is one of the biggest ports, the busiest ports in the country. so that is also a critical part of this operation. i spoke with a lieutenant-general scott spellmon. he is the commanding general of the us army corps of engineer, and he is a leading the mission to clean this up he is in charge of helping to make sure that all of this goes well. and as you said, all of that heavy equipment is here and they're ready to get to work, listened to what he just told us a few minutes ago the first order of business in
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reopening debt navigation channel is to sever that connection from the bridge, from the ship. so we can get to work on remaining steel trust that's at the bottom of a 50 foot by 700 foot-wide. channel. and should we have all of our engineers working with some great navy and us coast guard counterparts. their contracts actors doing all that math in an analysis. now, in across tables all around baltimore doing all that math. so that we know when we begin to cut those bridge sections into smaller pieces where we can lift them. we know how the steel is going to behave, and we can do this safely >> now friday, i also asked the general about what kind of timeline we are looking at here. he expects this process you take at least several weeks and of course, things like the weather and conditions here can affect the process and
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potentially delay. so it's really going to be hour by hour day by day. but again, i just want to emphasize the fact that governor wes moore has made a clear that they have an obligation the priority here is to try and get back into that water and try to find the remaining bodies of the victims. their families know that they have lost their loved ones, but they are holding on to hope that they can be recovered so that they can at least have a chance to say goodbye >> right? >> all right. gloria pazmino in baltimore. thank you so much >> all right. straight ahead. this our united airlines flight forced to make an emergency landing the after flying through extreme turbulence plus gusty winds, heavy rain and snow and widespread flooding. what the major is about to bring everything but the kitchen thanks two places across the us will take a look at the latest forecasts
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observation. nothing was serious, no major injuries in a statement, united said the jet refueled and continued on to newark. the faa is investigating and more rough weather is about to hit millions of americans from coast-to-coast. one system is expected to usher in april with a severe thunderstorms, heavy rain and even snow from the central parts of the us to the northeast. and we're also tracking potential flooding with a threat of landslides in southern california. it's a little bit of everything this easter weekend, cnn's allison chinchar the weather center for us. it's supposed to be docile. i mean, lots of daffodils like the beautiful yeah. hello, you're wearing tulips were supposed to be just enjoying everything with each other crazy i know it's like we got our seasons mixed up here and kind of go in a little bit of everything back at it. best, yes, because we're talking quite a few elements. so the focus today really begins across portions of the west. that's what we've got rain, the potential for very heavy
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snow, especially into the sierras. but all of this system is going to make its way off towards the east. and when it does, it's going to take that rain snow with it and also some very gusty winds areas of california and arizona, you're looking at 50 to 60 mile per hour wind gusts that are going to continue through the day today. but as you notice, this begins to spread towards the east. so by monday, the central us is really were the focal point starts to take shape also, we've got some very warm air that's going to start to come up from the gulf coast. you're talking potential records across areas of louisiana and texas, laredo, texas, looking at a high on monday of 101 degrees for perspective, that's their normal high in mid july, but it's that heat that's going to help fuel some severe thunderstorms on monday as well. we're talking several tornado it is possible damaging winds and fred, even the potential for some hail, maybe the size of golf balls or even larger? >> yeah. i guess this is typical of spring. i think i heard you earlier talking about you're from ohio and you were making incentives snowmen snow bunnies, easter exactly, yes. in the snow exactly. yeah,
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it's just we're hopeful and we want some sunshine and spring kind of flavor everywhere. all right we'll hang in there. i'll such inch are thanks so much. >> all, right. take a look at some live pictures right now of that wreckage from the francis scott key bridge collapse in baltimore, we expect state officials to give an update next hour on the salvage and recovery efforts. look at the cleanup process and how long it just might take. all that's next >> you check >> we hear nothing a >> space shuttle accident it's usually not one thing. it's a series of events >> is that part of the wing coming apart >> space shuttle columbia, the final flight or mere sunday, april 7 at nine once. >> your ancestry is so much more than names and dates it's the story sorry, of your family then >> and now a story that made
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you as it happens. meantime, crews are trying to assess what will be a painstaking effort to clear the wreckage of the fall when francis scott key bridge and retrieve the bodies of four workers killed in that collapse. so how will this process go? joining us right now to talk about it, the director of operations at sow ocean, llc, a marine survey and salvage companies they captain mark martin, captain good to see you. i mean, this is a colossal task, right? i mean, when you see something like this, the debris field, i mean, it looks very overwhelming to figure out how to clean up what is 4,000 tons of debris, twist stood still murky cold water. there other dangers that we can't see. so what is the approach to this cleanup effort
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>> safety is going to be in the forefront of everyone's mind i would expect that they will come in the, the barging crane at least one of them are on-site already i would expect that they would come in and clear out the channel first, which means they're going to have to cut all those pieces up into the size that the crane can manage. load onto a board and then take them to wherever they're going to dispose of them. >> and lets out there because that's part is part right. i mean, when you talk about cutting up portions of the bridge, we've got the murky water you've got divers who have been in the water to try to assess and the same time to locate the bodies, things move with that kind of water and the current. so let's talk about the cutting up the pieces before that big, large crane that's in place can do anything, you know, lifting any of those pieces how will that happen? how are these big pieces cut up into smaller
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pieces to move? >> they're going to they're gonna send workers, obviously the parts that are submerged will be done by divers >> but on >> parts that are exposed, they'll, they'll have me del have steel workers that are in the proper safety harnesses up there and there'll be using torches or plasma cutters or whatever to cut the beams into sizes, that the crane can lift and then place on a barge >> and tuesday and wednesday when divers first lay their eyes on things and they couldn't stay for long because the conditions were so treacherous, it was very cold, it was very dark what they saw, anything that they may have seen in terms of the infrastructure, the way the vessel may have been touching the bottom. all of those things might have moved since then. so
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how do they assess? what areas to tackle first based on the movement of the river, the conditions that continue to change yeah, the current there's quite fast and having >> having spent a number of days submerged in baltimore harbor, i can tell you that you can never see more than one or two feet front of your face? delhi, they are currently using small remotely operated vehicles that'll have sonar and cameras that are continually monitoring any movement with, the amount of weight on the bow of the ship? i think the only movement you're going to see there is maybe seeking the bow, maybe sinking deeper into the sand. than it already is
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>> moos of those pieces that the current isn't heavy enough to really shift those now, smaller pieces, yes, but not the large pieces once the thing start getting cut up, then you have to be careful. you're going to have to monitor the current the direction, the speed of those things. >> and then captain, what about cargo event diver >> go, ahead i'm, sorry >> sorry about that so what >> about the the cargo vessel? the cargo on the vessel. i mean you can see by every angle by look at the way in which the bridge portions of it fell on the vessel. there's cargo, some of it fell overboard, but all of that cargo on top of the vessel. does that have to be moved piece-by-piece? and if so, how do they do that before you even try to? to take apart. i mean, these these are puzzle
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pieces, but you're having to take them apart in order to even free up that channel. how do you suppose that's going to happen? >> what i think it will happen is they'll identify the cargo containers that are in the water and nail probably be some of the first items that are lifted then they're going to try and they're going to have to try and get, as, you know, the portion of the bridge that's laying on the bow is going to have to that'll probably be the first part that be moved because they can't move the ship until that's i think what you'll see is when that is removed off the bow the ship, depending on any whole damage which there doesn't seem to be any then they'll hook up, tugs to the vessel and they'll bring it to a port the
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port that it left from more than likely >> and >> they'll remove all those containers and then they'll, you know, obviously that ship will probably have to be dry dock, didn't completely inspected that's going to take some actually offloading. it shouldn't take more than a day or two if they can get it alongside the dock with the cranes, it's a colossal undertaking captain mark martin. thank you so much for helping us to understand what is going to be what will be some of the phases the cleanup and the recovery. thank you >> all a quick note >> we are >> expecting an update on the recovery efforts at the top of the hour. of course, we'll bring that to you live as it happens. >> all right. now, to georgia, were fulton county district attorney fani willis is pushing forward with her election subversion case against donald trump, attorneys for the former president are appealing a judge's decision that allows willis to remain on the case they want her disqualified for having a relationship with a prosecutor that she hired with me now to talk more about all
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of this this appeal and other developments in a trump's legal cases, jessica levinson, she's a professor of law at loyola law school and is the host of the podcast singh judgment. professor great to see you >> great to be here. all right, so in the georgia >> case, a judge mcafee >> agreed to accept the defendants appeals. the attorneys argue that the district attorney, fani willis, behaved inappropriately despite judge mcafee is ruling to allow her to continue on in the case. so what is going to be different about the argument in the heel, than what we heard during the process of whether she should be disqualified. >> i think virtually nothing other than that, judge mcafee got it wrong instead of ant at excuse me, instead of arguing this as a matter of first impression and saying that here's what happened, here's what fani willis did. here's what nathan wade did. here's why this amounts to a conflict of interest and why not just
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she but her entire office should be disqualified. >> they will instead be arguing. judge mcafee got it wrong when he made those determinations. and i do think it's important for a moment to highlight that it's not just saying fani willis should be off the case. it's saying that her entire office should be disqualified that matters here because it would mean a very lengthy delay. and as we all know, this is the legal calendar colliding with the electoral calendar, and trump's strategy has been delay, delay, delay, but that was going to be the issue anyway. i mean, the initial claim was that she acted inappropriately and if she were removed, then her entire office would be removed from the case. it have to find another route and it would be to their discretion whether they want to proceed forward in this case. in the appellate argument, they say, you know the whole office
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is covered in scandal, and that she her behavior denigrate the public's confidence in the da's office and process. but when judge mcafee mcafee filed his his order, he essentially covered all of that. and then said you know, she's still is eligible to proceed with the case. so they would still mean the defendants would still have to prove to the appellate court in the next 45 days that it has to decide that her behavior or the office is compromised, it would have to be another argument, would it not >> so it would have to be the argument that judge mcafee got it wrong when he heard those arguments and he made a determination that under georgia law there was not a conflict of interests that would require for fani willis to be disqualified from the case and her entire office so they're trying to say, i mean,
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they know judge mcafee considered these arguments the same argument that they put forward before him. i think the difference is just saying when he looked at these facts, when he looked at the law, he got it wrong. and i believe that they have 45 days to accept the case, whether or not they're going to hear the appeal. but judge mcafee, interestingly has said, we're not staying this case. we're moving forward while the appellate court determines whether or not there are here, they will hear the appeal. i think judge mcafee thinks he's used belt and suspenders and that his particular ruling will stand and really quick, judge mcafee says he's going to continue on with the schedule while the appellate process is underway. does that mean that he is going to set a date for the trial? >> it means that the trial is not paused, like the other trials, for instance, we saw in the dc election interference case that trial is paused while we wait on the supreme court now, whether or not he sets a hearing, i will say excuse me,
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sets a date that's a slightly different question because we know the hush money a trial is going to trial on april 15. and so there's a lot of domino's that have to fall into place before judge mcafee sets at trial date. but it does mean that motion practice will continue before >> all right. professor jessica 11 said loyola law. thank you so much. >> coming up. high level talks between israel and the us are back on after israel abruptly walked away from the last round will go to there's one for the latest on any potential israeli military operations in the southern city of rafah we're here to get your side of the store. >> don't ms a single scandal, why do we keep ending up >> you can't write this stuff united states of scandal with jake tapper marathon tomorrow at eight on cnn >> sometimes it takes a different approach, set up a
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the same news programming you love starting at $40 a month. it's the same news programming you love starting at $40 a month. that's what i just said, right? it's this less starting at $40 a month >> i'm elizabeth wagmeister in los angeles in this high-level talks between washington and israel over potential military operations in rafah are back on us official saying it could happen as soon as monday in washington prime minister benjamin netanyahu abruptly called off this week scheduled meeting as relations with the biden administration >> even four >> well what we expect fredricka is now that this israeli delegation is finally going to get to meet these high
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level american officials, possibly as you said on monday, that the united states is going to be able to put its case much more firmly. it had already begun to do so when it hired officials to be inside that
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raffa precinct. now the for the time being, you have to bear in mind that this these talks on rafah that could start as early as monday. it hasn't been confirmed yet, but it's looking likely they will take place even as the negotiations over the hostages proper begin. in cairo and qatar, once again, israel has confirmed that it's sending a delegation back to pick up where they left off. and of course, these two sets of talks are intricately linked. given that benjamin netanyahu is insisting that the assault on rafah is needed to keep the pressure up on hamas. frederica and melissa. >> meantime, israel says it killed a senior hezbollah commander in an airstrike in southern lebanon and voted to pursue terror group. i'm quoting now, anywhere and everywhere. so what's the latest on that >> well, we saw proof of that change in strategy that they were no longer israeli is going to simply push back against hezbollah, but it's seek them
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out nauseous in those series of strikes that you mentioned killed that missile laundering southern lebanon. but in the series of strikes that took place in syria, we saw the highest death toll since this war began here in israel in syria by idf forces, nearly 40 people killed, both hezbollah militants, but also syrian soldiers. i think a serious expansion of ratcheting up of the pressure that we'd already seen along that border, fredricka. >> all right >> melissa bell in jerusalem. thank you so much. we'll leave it there for now. all right. still ahead. >> beyond say is highly >> anticipated new >> album is here are those she says it's not quite country. she is getting the seal of approval from one of country's biggest stars. stay with us sanity needs to save space >> you have a show were right and left talk to each cnn presents an encore presentation of hbo's real time i'm with bill maher tonight at eight on
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done it with john shire, who replaced the legendary coach k two years ago, a player within his own right, who is now firmly at the helm. this is a really scary moment in the first half this is houston's all american point guard, jimel shed turning his ankle while dry having to the basket, he ended up leaving the game and did not return. he is such a talented player that, that open the door for the blue devils and they're big man kyle filipowski, houston did manage to keep this game close. the cougars, the chance to tie in the final seconds and many sharps, three coming up just short. to do holding onto when 54, 51 >> any questions about their mental toughness are any questions about their heart i think they answered that tonight. this seen >> togetherness the how are we didn't quit out there tonight that that really does show the growth from last year. i mean, we remember how upset we went from not sharing, well, we didn't want to repeat that again >> celebration starting already even though there's still work to do, duke advancing to the 24th elite eight appearance in the program's history, they will face it's a familiar foe
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tomorrow night, they're acc rivals north carolina state. the 11 seated wolf pack, continuing to do what most view as make a really unlike likely run, they'd beat market 67, 58 last night, nc states now 18 games in a row. so this has started a conference tournament, which they had to win to be a part of this madness the first place >> as magical, but i'm going to say we knew from day, from day one, we knew we were a good team. it was all a matter, just locking in an understanding. our role is and you don't know but it's time to be doing that. now >> and see states women seem also continuing to show up on the biggest stage is taking out the number two seeds stanford by ten points last night to advance to the elite eight for this second time in three seasons, the wolf pack celebrating this win with a water bottle celebration. in the locker room before they turn their attention to a date with top-seeded texas afternoon. i know how great is that you find >> it's really fine. it's the best time of the year. the men's elite eight is going to
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tip off tonight on our sister channel tbs, illinois and top-seeded uconn, getting things started it just after 06:00 eastern followed by clemson and alabama. just before nine friday, our producer, jon, is a market fan. andy's a houston didn't fan. it's a sad newsroom today. >> moving on. i know defeat really hits you here, but i'm telling isn't a magical and electric. >> can you >> see them so excited whether it's on the court or in the locker room, or even just like, you know, their struck getting into the stadium. i mean, i just love all of that, that feeling. it's so wonderful. >> allight. carolyn mano. thank you so much. >> we'll be right back >> band ammonium is brought to you by xfinity stream sports from the best seat in the house with xfinity because it's only live once not all caitlin clark's are the same >> caitlin clark city planner. >> just like not all internet providers are the same. build
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commerce you want regret it by risk-free with are 30 day fit guarantee at honey >> this is the big day >> that do right? queen b says, >> it's not a country album. it's a beyond, say, album >> day i die and that is beyond say, thinking with miley cyrus on the >> new track mode most-wanted, the highly anticipated second act to beyonce's a trilogy project, cowboy carter released this week, and it's already breaking records. spotify says, it is the most streamed album and a single day so far this
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year i'm doing now by alice randall award-winning song writer and author of my black country, a journey through country music's black past, present, and future. what a great honor alice, to talk to you, you are indeed a ground breaker. i mean, some folks may not know, or perhaps they do remember that you are behind a major hit. x is and o's for trisha yearwood, making you the first black songwriter with a number one country music song and i mean, your you have reached deep into country music and a lot of different ways. also working with johnny cash. so how excited good are you about beyonce's cowboy carter album >> i am absolutely thrilled. i've been in business for 41 years. >> wow. and this is the most important weekend in the i have experienced in the history of country music oh, my gosh, why do you put it that way? why, period? why do you put it that
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way? that's giant >> when i arrived, you're 41 years ago. >> trolley >> prided already been to the top of the charts. i think 29 times in my 41 years, no black woman ever been to the top of the country charts and now she's not just at the top of the charts of these new charts. she's holding all the spaces. this is an extraordinary revelation for the genre. >> and it's a good news >> for america how it really isn't so many ways. i mean, you talk about charlie. charlie pride. i mean now blazing a trail like no one else. and recently you've got country music stores, cain brown gave me allen, mickey guyton there to meteoric rises. other artists like berlin, shy carter. i mean, they're making their marks two. but what is it? about how megastar beyond say now is making her mark in this way, getting so much buzz how do you see it as whether it's elevating or expanding
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the arena? i mean, what do you see happening right now to kind of underscore your comment as this being one of the biggest weekend and of great importance to country music culturally to america >> one, she is teaching us, educating us as she entertains about what country is she's even challenging the idea of what is genre. both its limits and it's realities, because this album is an education in the definition of what is country, even as it divides the definition, it establishes but the whole history of country i think about first family of country d4 bailey, lil harden armstrong who's genius child is ray charles in 1962, 63. ray charles, let's out, modern sounds and country and western music this is an album that deconstructs and reconstructs what country can be. he's
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coming from r&b and jabs. here is beyond say, coming from outside of the genre honoring all the ancestors, the cow music, the films that inspire the genre honoring dolly parton, willie nelson, but introducing all these greats new artists from rionda and giddens to tanner adell to reyna roberts. >> she has a >> a new country cadden but she has mastered and i hate even use that word she has she has mastered and ended math three and beyond said, the genre he's had a new word for excellence and expertise is to be onset l, that's beautiful >> i mean, i love that you also say this is a moment of deconstructing and reconstructing and probably for very long time, people kinda felt like you know what, with an


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