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tv   CNN Newsroom With Fredricka Whitfield  CNN  March 30, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT

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second-seeded market 67, 58 nc state has now one eight games in a row since the start of the conference tournament, which they had to win to be a part of march madness. so they will face acc rivals do for the third time in four weeks, the blue devils taking out the south top seed houston, who lost their all american point guard our jamal shed to an ankle injury early in the game the blue devils reaching their 24th elite eight appearance, but they're first under second year head coach, jon shire. >> the >> elite eight tips off tonight to honor sister channel tbs, illinois and top seeded uconn gain. things started just after 06:00 eastern, followed by clemson and alabama just before nine. so andy scholes, fred houston is l are belief daily. i >> know. >> like collins is still as alabama. what about you, any family members reading for anybody know busted two, but you know what what do i love to see like an excitement, but
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i'm like what they're used to it, but i'm like, oh that's right. no more coach k. so it's a totally different something, but still very special nonetheless. >> yeah, absolutely. i like it. all right. carolyn, man. oh, thank you so much >> hello again. everyone. i thank you so much for joining me. i'm fredricka whitfield. >> all right. new major developments just announced in that baltimore bridge collapse officials now say the first lift of a piece of the francis scott key bridge is expected to happen as soon as today. it's the first step in the process of eventually reopening a shipping channel to baltimore's critical port, cnn's gloria pazmino is in baltimore for us. so cool gloria, what more can you tell us about the plans ahead >> yeah. friday. good news in the sense that we are finally getting some news about the first step that the authorities are going to take in order to begin this massive cleanup project, as you said, they are
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going to move the first opponent we're shown of what remains of the key bridge that is expected to happen today, just take a look at the sheer size and scale of the wreckage, which is behind me and the governor outline does several new updates, including the fact that they will be moving that first portion of the bridge and they are hoping to create a temporary channel that is going to allow the movement of other ships and other boats around the valley while they are working on it >> he also said that the us small >> business administration has a proved a disaster declaration that's going to free up about two million of federal low-interest loans. and that is for small business owners who have been affected by this. that is certainly another part of the recovery. and then he said, this is an operation that is 24 hours a day, seven days a week, more than 300 people are
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out there as we speak right now, working on this too. made sure it can get done. reminding people here that are recovering the victims, recovering the bodies of those who were killed remains a top priority, but that is still very dangerous and difficult to go into the water to search for them. so outlining the next critical steps, but take a listen to the governor talking about that. first portion of the bridge that we expect to see some movement on today >> this morning unified command assured me that the whole of the dali is damaged but intact the army corps and their partners will begin to move forward with a crane operations today the north sections of the key bridge are going to be cut up and removed this will eventually allow us to open up a temporary restricted channel that will help us to get more vessels in the water around the site of the collapse.
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>> so friday, you know, i've been speaking with the us army corps of engineer engineers trying to understand how this process is going to play out. and they explained to me, as you heard it there, they are going to have to go in and cut pieces of the bridge in order to be able to move it. and every time they cut a piece let's go into effect. everything else that it's already there. so they have to be really careful about how they approach it. go step-by-step to make sure that they can ensure the safety of the first responders and to make sure that this mission can continue and be successful. what we're looking certainly at least at several days before the wreckage can be removed. >> and >> certainly a much longer road in terms of a full recovery and certainly the rebuilding of the bridge, which the governor said is absolutely a key component of the response here >> and governor wes moore calling upon his us army, a military background you're scoring mission first, people
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always. gloria pazmino. thanks so much for more. now on the economic impact that this collapse is having. let's bring in transport professor at the school of engineering at the university of sydney david levinson, professor levinson, great to see you. so you were teaching at the university of minnesota, right when the i35 bridge collapsed over the mississippi river back in 2007 so what lessons do you believe from that disaster? might be applied here >> so when we looked at the bridge collapse and in 2007 of the things that we saw was that much of the traffic that was on the bridge was ae to find different routes across the misssii river. so fo inance, the bridge beforit collapsed, cared about4000 trips a day, which is much heavier than the francis scott key bridge and when we looked at the incasin traffic on the other mississippi river crossings after the bridge
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collapse. we only found about 90,000 cars and 50,000 of those vehicles no longer needed to cross the river somehow. so they either found different destinations or they decided not to make the trip entirely. so there's still economic impact associated with that. the other thing that we saw, of course, it does increase travel time because it's faster than the alternative paths that's why people use that bridge. hedge there's about 150,000, $200,000 of economic damage per day. this is in $2,007 associated with trucks that would have to take longer routes. people who would have to take take more time to get between home and work or home and wherever they're going. so that's a significant impact >> yeah. i mean, it will be a nightmare to around the baltimore area because some 30,000 commuters rely on it on a daily basis. the francis scott key bridge, they won't have that, so people will take
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other routes, routes they're going to have to defer to some of those pre 1970s when they built the bridge days. however, so much has changed from commerce to communities built other roads that have been built. and you know, that part of maryland has a whole lot of tributaries to. but when you heard from the governor today, who said, you know, it's really not just about the baltimore, maryland community, but this is a port that the entire nation relies on. you know he talked about the restaurant tour in tennessee or the auto workers in ohio. so when it pertains to the cargo that comes in and out of that port what kind of impact do you see ultimately since this is going to take years to rebuild the bridge >> yeah. so this is a very
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different case then mississippi river bridge when it collapsed, there's very little cargo upstream on the mississippi river from the i35w bridge. so here you're blocking off the port of baltimore for as long as the wreckage of the old bridge remains in the harbor. now, how long would that take to clear it's still, i to be determined? hopefully in a couple of months, it'll it'll be cleared and there'll be a full channel. they were even talking a shorter period of time for that for a partial channel, which would be great and i think one of the things that you have to remember is that there's many ports on the east coast and while it will be devastating for the port workers of baltimore, many of them might wind up working temporary jobs and hampton roads are wilmington board, philadelphia as temporary alternatives to baltimore because shipping is going to have to still unload all of the ships that are currently on the ships that were going to baltimore already on the ocean, or in the chesapeake bay or at the port. and those are going to have to land somewhere. so there'll be a let a
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substitution effects, which obviously the governor of maryland is not going to be happy about, but the supply chain is going to find alternative routes right? >> i mean, over the last few days, we've heard everything about there may be more activity for charleston, south carolina, jacksonville, florida, or perhaps even the newport news, virginia area. in fact, let's listen now to what the governor had to say earlier about the kind of activity the expectations there in that port maryland's economy and maryland workers rely on us to move quickly. and it's not just maryland that is being impacted i'm also talking about the farmer in kentucky i'm also talking about the autoworker and ohio i'm talking about the restaurant owner in tennessee this is impacting all of us and the nation's economy. and the nation's workers are relying on us to move quickly and move
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together >> yeah, that editor how vital this baltimore port is. a lot is going to change over the course of the next few years as a result of this accident that happened earlier in the week >> professor, i mean yeah. >> so i mean, things that will have to change in addition to you know, sort of the strip term supply chain adjustments that hopefully once they clear the wreckage, the port of baltimore can get back to operation once they rebuild the bridge, trucking can get back to its preferred routes particularly hazmat, hazardous material trucks will be able to use the bridge as opposed to going around the baltimore beltway and i think we'll see longer-term changes in how we build bridges and how we make, how we reinforce bridges there have been other bridge collapses in the past usually not due to container ships. some of them have been due to
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barges hitting bridges because there are a lot more bridges and inland waterways than across harbors >> but those those >> reinforcements will affect how we invest our infrastructure and how we avoid these kinds of problems in the future and particularly we need to be concerned not just about accidents, but about intentional attacks upon bridges. we're moving more and more towards autonomous shipping over the next several years and several decades. and those kinds of systems have a different set of threats associated with them, accidents are rare and if we have humans in the loop, we tried to avoid them. but if the humans are intentionally trying to attack a bridge either due to terrorism or potentially warfare >> those kinds of things you know, make the bridge's a lot more vulnerable and i guess we're gonna be having to think about these kinds of threats just as after 911, we thought about a
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>> whole new series of threats that we hadn't thought about previously. >> all right, professor david levinson, glad you could be with us. thank you so much. >> thank you >> donald trump, the presumptive republican nominee, posted a video showing the sitting president a tied up in the back of a pickup truck the latest inflammatory campaign messaging straight ahead space shuttle columbia, the final flight or mere sunday, april 7 at nine on cnn >> my cry >> i'm just lucky,
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carbon >> and cnn film sunday, april >> 21 at nine >> former president donald trump setting off a firestorm of controversy after incendiary social media post trump shared a video on his truth social account featuring an image of president joe biden hogtied on the back of a pickup truck. as you see right there, the biden campaign is blasting the post as inciting political violence. cnn's steve contorno joining us with more on this, steve, what more are you learning about? how this happened? >> well fred, we've gotten statements from the trump campaign doubling down on the use of this image in a statement to cnn, a spokesperson for the trump campaign said quotes that picture was on the back of a pickup truck that was traveling down the highway. democrats and crazed lunatics have not only once against president trump so and his family, they are actual, actually weaponizing the justice system against him. and just to describe that video briefly, it's captured
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thursday in long island and shows two trucks traveling down the road decked out in trump flags and tuchel's and on the back of the second truck there there's this image of president biden hogtied very, very large image, as you can see on your screen there. and the biden campaign responding quickly to this, issuing a statement to us earlier today saying quotes this image from donald trump is a type of crap you post when you're calling for a bloodbath. and when you tell the proud boys to stand back and standby, trump has regularly inciting political violence, and it's time people take him seriously. just ask the capital police officers who are attacked, protecting our democracy on january 6, so fred, just the latest example of trump using this kind of violent imagery. of course, we're used to seeing this from his supporters often at rallies, certainly on the internet and yes, on vehicles. now from the former president as well >> and then trump is set to get
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back on the campaign trail this week. what morty now? >> yeah, it's been a relatively quiet period for the president's former president's campaign ever since he locked up the gop nomination, especially compared to president biden, who has been all over the country since the state of the union address, visiting virtually every battleground will i'm tuesday, president trump, former president trump will return to the campaign trail as well. as well. he has rarely scheduled for michigan and wisconsin. of course, those are two key swing states. this cycle. he want them in 2016, lost him in 2020, and just notable that he's coming back to wisconsin. it's his verse visit there since august of 2022. friends all right. >> no scheduled court appearances this week, so instead, they campaign trail all right. steve contorno. thanks so much are meantime, the biden campaign is launching a new ad targeting nikki haley supporters to get onboard haley dropped out of the republican presidential race early this
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month and said, it was now up to trump to earn the support hur voters. and now president biden is making a forceful appeal to those haley voters who are reluctant to support trump. cnn's priscilla alvarez joining us now from the white house, priscilla, what more can a talus? >> well, all campaign officials have said that this is going to be a tight race. and so trying to shore up more support, they're going directly for those supporters. that back to nikki haley. now, this is an ad, it's going to run in battleground states and what it does is it showcases clips of donald trump calling the former republican candidate and very angry person and also noting the times that the republican or via his republican rival didn't want their vote. take a listen birdbrain, i call it back, bring the key haley has made an unholy alliance with rhinos, never >> trumpers americans four no prosperity to sydney elect >> she's gone crazy. she's a very angry person. she used that to presidential timber.
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>> i don't need the votes. we have all of those women she got haywire. that many never trumpers anymore. >> how do you bring his nikki haley voters back >> in i'm not sure we need to manage now, the biden campaign is specifically trying to shore up support among those voters that are in suburban areas, areas where nikki haley did >> well, sources also tell cnn that campaign officials have reached out to some of the donors that backed haley. so clearly a concerted effort here by the binding campaign to try to bring these voters on board hello, this of course, coming on the heels of that record breaking fundraiser that happened in new york city this week with former presidents bill clinton and former president barack obama. and as the campaign uses those funds to expand their network in battleground states and open even more offices, especially in that battleground, michigan, that president biden only narrowly won in 2020. so full-throated effort here to
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expand the campaign infrastructure and also try to attract those republican voters who are turned off by donald trump. >> all right. priscilla alvarez at the white house. thank you >> former >> president donald trump and some of his co-defendants in the georgia election subversion case are appealing a judge's decision to allow fulton county district attorney fani willis to remain on the case. trump's attorneys want willis disqualified for having a relationship with the special prosecutor that she had hired. this new court filing comes as well as pushes ahead with her case against trump. cnn's nick valencia has more ever since judge scott mcafee granted a certificate for immediate review, we had been anticipating this filing, but now it is official. >> the >> former president and eight of his remaining 14 co-defendants, including his former chief of staff, mark meadows, and his former personal attorney, rudy giuliani, are asking the georgia appellate court to overturn judge mcafee decision gen. and remove fani willis from this case here's part of
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what they're saying in their filing, which is downright scathing. de a willis has covered herself and her office and scandal and district acute the trial court's decision not to disqualify da willis under these circumstances is a structural error, a violation of the defendants due process rights and seriously denigrate the public let's confidence in the integrity of the criminal justice system. we did reach out to the fulton county da's office, but they declined to comment. however, we should expect a response in writing course with knowledge of the process tells us that the appellate court will have 45 days to make a decision. that of course, all of this underscores just how much of the disqualification of fani willis still hanging things over her head and this case, even as she and her team tried desperately to bring the focus back on criminal charges against the former president and his remaining co-defendants. nick valencia, cnn atlanta >> right now, a series of bills being labeled as anti-lgbtq are moving through alabama's legislature. why critics are worried these bills could pose
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is here to visit her only son >> definitely not easy having a plan of funeral for your 15 child were cooking in 22 days can make a will mark five years since nigel remembered as warm and cold hearted, died by suicide. for he was bullied for being gay. >> do you still talk to him? >> yeah yeah >> it makes it it's like a comfort thing because i believe he can hear me >> last year. she said a >> little more than >> $800,000 civil lawsuit with a huntsville city board of education in the death of her son, part of the deal required several district wide policy changes to better acknowledge and protect lgbtq students, including in an update to its anti-discrimination policy, specifically prohibiting harassment based on a student's sexual orientation, gender identity, and expression now, she questions whether nigel legacy is at risk.
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>> the bills actually go into play. what was are fighting for who ids bills actually protected in montgomery series of bills are advancing that opponents worn are intended to slowly chip away at lgbtq rights one determines gender as dictated by your birth certificate. another, bans non-approved flags, including pride flags from flying on public property. then there's house bill 130 dub does don't say gay by opponents. >> the >> bill intensive brought in a 2022 law to all public k through 12th grade levels and flat-out bands instruction, and discussion about gender identity and sexual orientation. >> this bill just strengthens the laudatory in place and goes a little bit further, making sure that we keep a political agenda or social agenda out of our schools and let children be children again hp1 30 would also prohibit teachers from displaying flags related to sexual orientation groups like the aclu of alabama fiercely hitting back against the
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legislation, saying it would read alabama classrooms students of inclusive discussions, republican mac butler, who represents a town of rainbow city, authored the legislation. he are used these conversations belong at home. >> we just want the school to focus on reading, writing, and arithmetic. let's all it's seeking to purify the skills it's a little bit the lawmaker later walking back that purifying of schools line saying he misspoke can make an argues his bill amounts to alienating and erasing students like her son is dangerous >> you're basically making it official that they don't have a safe space school is not supposed to be a place that what make a child want to end a lie? >> representative, neil rafferty, alabama's only legislator who publicly identifies as gay mourns the bill could seriously interfere with the school curriculum in unexpected ways. >> it is super problematic bill, it's become so vague that can even talk about martha washington being married to george which washington, because martha washington was a
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woman wife, right who married a man george washington. >> so >> that's a heterosexual relationships and sexual orientation as actually orientation now you're talking about gender identity and sexual orientation. >> any questions the motivation for these bills? >> these are not home grown alabama issues essentially, these are solutions in search of a problem as for comitia, her pain and loss still fresh, but in niger's name, she fights on >> he's no longer here but there's still a millionaire him that is here. and it does affect them >> isabel rosales. i thank you so much. and if you or anyone, you know, is struggling, help is available at the suicide lifeline just call 988 all right. live pictures out of vatican city now where pope francis is presiding over the easter vigil service. after suddenly skipping >> good
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>> friday service, his easter message next >> they start to achieve, so louis can manifesto they'll padre nona reach a bhutto >> sometimes it takes a different approach, set up a meeting to imagine your future differently. with capella universities game changing flux path for matt gaetz support every step of the way to help you stay on track >> what are you doing? >> sound effects why are you doing that >> why aren't you i care is health care you deserve america's vast >> okay. ready to washington one second. i got to finish my
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easter vatican officials say the pope followed the stations of the cross service from his residence. but the last-minute change renews questions about the pope's health following recent bouts of bronchitis the pope did participate in some easter rituals seen in a wheelchair, washing the feet of women inmates at a prison earlier this week, in his easter message to the united kingdom king charles is stressing the importance of care and friendship during times of need in this country. >> we are >> blessed by all the different services that exist for our welfare. but over and above these organizations and those staff we need and benefit greatly from those who extend the hand of friendship to us, especially in a time of need his message was the first the king has made publicly since catherine princess of wales, announced that she was
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undergoing chemotherapy >> treatments for cancer diagnosis in a new cnn op-ed out this week one oncologist warns that princess kate health issue is just wanted a troubling trend of rising cancer among people under 50 joining us right now is the oncologist behind that op-ed, dr. jalal? vague works at the city of hope cancer center in chicago dr. great to see you so you cited a couple of studies showing how much cancer has risen in the last few years. what are those studies find? >> well, thank you for having me. i think i want to preface this by just making one important point cancer is still very much a disease of those that are older, 90% of cancers will be diagnosed and those over 50.50% of those will be found in those over 75 years of age. but kate middleton, catherine's diagnosis, i think makes an important point and sheds light on an interesting phenomenon. 2020, 2023 study
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from british medical journal found that from 1990 to 2019, there was an 80% rise all over the world in these early onset cancers or cancers in those that are less than 50 years of age and 30% increase in mortality or deaths for those same age group the cancers that have been highlighted are breast cancers gastrointestinal cancers, which are colon rectal pancreatic esophagus are starting respiratory cancers such as lung prostate cancer, and head and neck cancers. and it's important to note this is not only being observed in america or western europe, but we're also seeing this in central asia and eastern europe. so a complete global trend >> wow, so why don't we believe that is, i mean, you can't argue then just geographical or environmental when you're talking about all of these geographical locations that you just laid out, sharing these
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same commonalities why do you suppose this is right? >> and this is aggressively what's being investigated in research right now. >> the thought is he's >> ultraprocessed foods sugary drinks, sedentary lifestyle will be city, some environmental risks like pollution microplastics there's also work being done that's looking at the gut micro the gut microflora, which are microorganisms that are found throughout the gut that play a role in digestion and also in our immune systems this, these microbiota can be altered by antibiotics, foods, certain medicines, chronic dressed in these alterations can put us on a path to cancer potentially and we're also looking at risks, that risks exposures that can begin in a very early age. when we're children or even at birth. >> wow, i mean, everything you just described is just about everything that everyone experiences. so now it's it
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sounds like these statistical findings are nearly unavoidable >> yes. and we're seeing this in practice in my clinic at city of hope and chicago. there's a misperception that young people just can't get cancer, that there's so much shielded and protected from it. and i see two sides of this one is the patient side. patients that just sit on their symptoms for long periods of time and don't seek medical attention. or when they finally see doctors, they don't advocate as aggressively for their symptoms. i saw a case of this, unfortunately, just a few days ago, a 45 year-old gentleman who had left-sided abdominal pain for many, many months neglected it and finally, when he was seen, he was diagnosed with advanced pancreatic cancer. the other flip side of this is the darker side. primary care physicians and general practitioners. there's a general belief that young people again, just cannot be diagnosed with cancers are these doctors are not aware of this? going phenomenon and this
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data that we're talking about when they see young patients, but certain symptoms, they downplay them. they tell him the symptoms are benign just a couple of weeks ago, south 35 year-old female who had a mass and arrest and she continued to get reassurance for months from her dr. that this is nothing. it's probably benign finally the mass continued to grow and grow. a biopsy was done, and lo and behold be found in aggressive aggressive breast cancer. early detection is still very important earlier we detect these cancers and more we can deploy from our arsenal to intervene and still provide patients good outcomes. march, especially is highlighted because it's colorectal colorectal cancer awareness month and a lot of press has been spanked looking at younger and younger patients that are getting colon cancer there's a misconception sometimes here that this cancer might just be more aggressive and that's why these younger patients are getting in and doing worse. but time and time again, studies are finding you that it's
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really a long stretch of time and symptoms that passed before these patients are diagnosed. so it's not necessarily that there cancers. cancers are inherently aggressive or lethal, but it's more of the time delay in their diagnosis. that's causing poorer outcomes. >> wow, this is very fascinating, but bottom line, i think i heard you say both patients and doctors, everyone has to be more vigilant. don't ignore the sign and don't explain them away, that you could be too young to possibly have anything more serious. all right. dr. jalal? vague. >> thank you so much. >> thank you for having me >> all right. new video obtained by cnn showing a postal workers final moments before that deadly stabbing spree in illinois the latest on the rampage >> if you work in spaceflight, this is the worst possible thing can every >> my dad died doing what he loved
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>> space shuttle columbia. he final flight from your sunday, april seventh at nine on tax season is hunting season for identity thieves, which is why tax fraud was up 30% last year life lock alerts you and works to fix problems with a dedicated restoration agent. life flock, identity theft protection starts here why is everyone talking about no blockage? and nasal irrigation? >> i was dealing with some just bad nasal congestion, postnasal drip. >> nevada is simple. your nose is the body's air filter, but it's not perfect nevada as a drug-free way to help flush out allergens, mucus, and germ using powered suction, join nearly 4 million device users. so you can read that are snore less and feel healthier was 23 minutes my time and i'm right back to normal. i can breathe >> nevada is clean. knows healthy life >> you're finally mastering graham is 12 hours are. still talking about me 11 hours. luckily, american home shields is there to fix or replace covered appliances? i'm systems protect. we don't
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>> anderson cooper 360 weeknight today on cnn >> closed captioning brought to you by if you or a loved one have mesothelial not we'll send you a free book to answer questions you may have call now and we'll come to >> you 808 to 14000 new doorbell footage obtained by cnn shows an illinois postal worker moments before he was killed in a drug >> fueled stabbing rampage, 49 year-old dj larsen, a beloved mail carrier for 25 years, is seen right here delivering mail wednesday afternoon and then within an hour he would be brutally stabbed to death and run over twice. larson and three others were killed in the vicious attack which also injured seven others, believe, say, christian soto confessed to the attack, claiming that he became paranoid after smoking
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pot and that he believes it was laced with another narcotic. the 22-year-old is charged with murdering four people, attempting to murder seven others. so to will remain in custody until his detention hearing, which is scheduled for tuesday. he has not entered a plea all right. gusty winds created some terrifying turbulence on a flight from tel aviv to newark, new jersey, the boeing 780 seven flight with more than 300 people on board, had to be diverted friday to a regional airport about 75 miles also way and seven people were taken to the hospital >> multiple people on the plane complaining of nausea and chest pain from the turbulence just observation. nothing was serious snow, major injuries pretty scary in a statement, united airlines said the jet refueled and continued on to newark. the faa is investigating. >> all right. americans are doing their final shopping runs for easter baskets, chocolate
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bunnies, all things, chocolate. but this year, many can expect a sticker shock because of surging cocoa prices just in time for this weekend, cnn's ivan rodriguez is joining me now. oh boy, terrible timing either it's around valentine's at this, something like this happens and now it's just a holiday. yeah. so once going on, so what's so interesting is that cocoa futures themselves have more than doubled since january. it's even out gold. and bitcoin, which is crazy to think about. but part of the reason is the really the fact that it's poor climate and also crop disease in west africa, which you've never think is home to about 70% of the global product for cocoa itself so it's really that shortage in supply that's resulting in these rising costs. and we even got the chance to speak with a local chocolate shop here in atlanta and they're feeling it head on for chocolate tiers the last several months have been nonstop to get halloween, thanksgiving, christmas,
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valentine's day, a little bit of break, easter, and now things kinda slow it down a little bit. >> jocelyn to buick is the owner and chef of dirty chocolates she's tasked with making chocolate confections of different flavors, shapes, and colors but this year since the price of cocoa has got significantly more expensive she's rethinking the kind of treat she makes and how she makes them. like this marshmallow chocolate bunny. >> it's a chocolate cookie with a vanilla bean marshmallow, and then it's covered in milk chocolate. so for the you know, 30 grams that you're getting, only 18 grams of that is chocolate, which means it's a much lower ingredient cost for me, much lower labor for me as well, which means that i can pass along those there's lower costs in january of 2023, the buick was paying $13.50 a kilo for chocolate. this week, she's paid $15 well, there's and 71 sense of hello >> so that's 16% increase >> the white chocolate, like i said, has gone
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>> up 35% in less than a year with, no end in sight for when prices could normalize. the buccal have to contain finding creative ways to create delicious chocolate while keeping her business so and it's an uncomfortable situation sometimes for these chocolate tears because, for example, the sheriff here told us that sometimes a consumer may feel that they're the only ones feeling this price increase, right? i mean, everything's getting more expensive. eggs mill gas and our chocolate so it's uncomfortable, but she's also saying that she's very glad that our customers are understanding no sweet escape from paying higher prices for everything needs to all right, thanks so much. ivan rodriguez all right, buyer beware with all the excitement around the upcoming total solar eclipse. a fraudsters are trying to cash in by polluting the marketplace with fake eclipse glasses. of course, looking directly at a solar eclipse without proper protection can lead to severe
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it damage, even blindness regular sunglasses were they're not going to cut it either. the american astronomical society has a list of approved eclipse glasses and you can find it on here to help >> all right. >> and you can join cnn for special live coverage of the eclipse across america that starts monday, april 8. get ready at 01:00 p.m. eastern time you can also stream it on max and we'll be right back and it needs to save space >> you have a show. were right and left talk to cnn presents an encore presentation of hbo's real time with bill maher tonight at eight on cnn >> i consumer cellular, you get the same exact coverage as the largest carriers for up to half the price. >> that's amazing and great customer service based here in america >> that's amazing and no >> hidden fees, no contracts and free excavation hello.
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call now get your viewing glasses ready. eclipse across america on april did one on cnn >> after a wetter than winter, california's desert or swimming in wildflowers cnn's stephanie elam takes us there >> a flurry of flowers. >> i think it's amazing as brain begins to unfurl in california flower fans are hoping for another show stopper a phenomenon known as a superbloom. yes, >> superbloom is many, many flowers, millions billions of flowers blooming simultaneously. >> expanses of orange, yellow, and purple flowers. so densely cluster that they are visible from space, like in 2023, after one of the what is winters on record, the thing is super blooms aren't a guarantee. it takes the right conditions for that, right of hues to appear during california's devastating drought years there's no brilliant display. >> but when those conditions
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come together and you get a lot of rain and cool days, you're going to see tons of flowers and this year i think we're on track for that all of these beautiful blooms just draw people in. but this is nature so naturally. there are threats. and here in california that often is snakes, like 20 mail-in found out, what is the coolest thing you've seen and you've come out here a snake >> i got dog and i say r10 >> in 2017, some california parks were crushed with superbloom seekers. the town of lake elson are banned visitors to one canyon in 2019 there are hundreds of thousands of people trudged off trails, destroying precious petals and they're quest's to take the perfect picture. >> these are fragile ecosystems. they're wild ecosystems, and they can be damaged pretty easily by being stepped on sat on, driven on, >> yet experts say respectfully, viewing a superbloom is a great way to
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