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tv   CNN Newsroom  CNN  March 30, 2024 3:00pm-4:00pm PDT

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>> the trump >> campaign tried to explain >> it this way, saying >> quote, that picture >> on the back of the pickup >> truck was traveling down the >> highway. >> democrats and crazy >> lunatics have not >> only called for despicable >> violelence against president trump and his family, they are actually weaponizing the justice system against him cnn's priscilla alvarez joins us now from the white house, priscilla has president biden responded to this? >> well, the biden campaign is slamming this image and citing it as another example of how his republican rival donald trump is inciting political violence saying this in a statement by the biden campaign spokesman, this image from donald trump is the type of crop you post when you're calling for a bloodbath or when you tell the proud boys to quote, stand back and standby hi trump has regularly inciting political violence and it's time people take him seriously just ask the capitol police officers who were attacked protecting our democracy on january 6. we also asked the secret service about this. they
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would not confirm or comment on what they call matters of protective intelligence. of course, all of this comes as the biden campaign in is trying to attract supporters of nikki haley directly appealing to them in a 32nd ad that's going to be running in battleground states that add showing are highlighting moments in which trump's so that he didn't need haley voters and also calling the former republican presidential candidate, quote, a very angry person the biden campaign, hoping that they can pull and haley voters in their direction, especially those who are turned off by the former president's rhetoric and actions. and of course, trying to target those suburban areas where nikki haley did. well. now of course, this also comes as sources tell cnn that campaign officials have been in touch with some of nikki haley's donors. so clearly trying to rake in more money here. well, also try to bring on those haley voters, allison >> so priscilla, let's talk about this because tomorrow is easter of course. and this year
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it falls on march 31st. now, years ago, president biden declared that march 31st trans day of visibility, sort of awareness for transgender issues republicans do not like that this is happening on easter. so what is the white house saying >> well, this is another example of how transgender rights has become a contentious issue. now republicans, as you mentioned, have slam that this day is going to fall on easter, but we should note that this day he the transgender day of visibility always falls on march 31. it just so happens that this year, easter is going to be on the same day. easter, of course, as often changes year by year. now, in a statement, white house spokesperson andrew bates said the following quote as a christian who celebrates easter with family president biden stands for bringing people together and upholding the dignity and freedoms of every american sadly, it's unsurprising politicians are seeking to divine and weaken our country with cruel, hateful, and dishonest rhetoric president biden will never
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abuse his faith for political purposes or for profit of course, one of those politicians who slammed the move was house speaker mike johnson. but again, the transgender de, of visibility has always phone on march 31st, president biden recognized it in a proclamation for the first time in 2021 and has done so every year since then, easter again. so happens to also fall on march 31st this year okay priscilla, alvarez. thank you very much for joining me now to discuss this and so much more, we have democratic congressional candidate for new york's district one, someone named john avlon who of course is a former senior political analyst. john, i'm so thrilled to see you it's wonderful to be on your through my friend, how are you doing? >> i'm doing well, john, you've had a bit of a change since i last saw you. you are now running for office and i really can't wait to get to what you are seeing out on the stump. what people are saying to you, how it's going, why
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you want to get into that racket. and we're going to get to all of that in a moment. but first, because you and i were on the set so many times together talking about the direct line between violent rhetoric or imagery that has led to violence. i mean, there's just a host of examples that i could give you. everything from the hideous walmart shooting in 2019, where the shooter had a manifesto that echoed donald trump's rhetoric about immigrants to obviously january 6, so the fact that it's happening again and that he's sharing this image of president biden tied up i mean, what what next, what more, how, how many more times do we have to learn the lesson that it does lead to violence from some of his supporters >> we shouldn't have to keep learning this lesson, but when people show you who they are, believe them, donald trump, especially in the wake of january 6, none of his supporters this time around can conveniently claim ignorance if
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they're supporting him, they're supporting a man who for the first time in american history is a major party likely nominee running on an authoritarian platform, praising dictators and engaging in the politics of incitement constantly at a time when the atmosphere and our politic is suffused with violence, particularly in the wake of the january 6 attack on the capitol. so it's about trump, but it's also about those who would enable or empower his rise. the presidency again, they have to own this. they can't slip it off to the side. it's core to his appeal and it's dangerous to democracy in the most fundamental way. >> i mean, we were talking earlier in one of our political discussions, here's this appeal to a does he think that this is expanding the tent? why is this happen? i mean, what his campaign put out basically said, well democrats do this as though they really didn't like being on the receiving end of violent rhetoric, they didn't give any examples of times of democrats have done it. so i can't share those with you. but they acted as though they really didn't like it. so why
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are they doing it? >> i look, i think it's muscle memory and they're defending whatever their boss does, which is what trump flunky is due. but i think it's important to not buy into the whataboutism of it all. this is >> something different. it is something distinct, it is something characteristic to him and as you say, there is a long steady stream of incidents we can point to that have ultimately gone downstream and resulted in real violence. and so don't buy into the false moral equivalents, not even a little bit. i think in some ways, people are getting hip to the fact that one of the things about this election is i think it's about a war on normal people i think there have been a small number of folks who are trumpets, who are hardcore extremist and ideologues who hijack the republican party wholesale. but i think when, when, when normal people look at the way there in this sort of hermetically sealed extremist outfit, excusing whatever it is donald trump does, no matter the costs are
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democracy, they begin to see that this isn't normal. this is an assault on basic mainstream american values. and there's something palpably odd and a little dangerous about those folks, not in a way that's interesting, but in a way that we should keep them aside and say are you okay because what you're threatening to do and the people you're threatening to put in power don't seem to have the national interests at heart, not even a little bit. >> so john, is that your message when you're going door to door? i see you out there campaigning. so what what's the reaction that you're getting? what are voters telling you? >> it's been a fascinating process, ali? i mean, i decided i really needed to get in the arena because i wanted i felt was too much was a steak at this election. we've talked about this for a long time and sometimes it feels like talking isn't enough. you want to do something. and i think this is one of those times in american history where we all need to step up as citizens to defend our hamas pros. when i knock on doors across suffolk county, i here talking to democrats, the importance of defending our
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democracy against trump. but the number one issue, everybody brings up as affordability, and that cuts across partisan lines. the cost of housing, the cost of health care, the cost of food that's something that people feel and i do think that strengthening and fending the middle-class and make them feel like government, democracy works for them again, it is a key obligation people are concerned about abortion rights absolutely. they're concerned about climate change, particularly here on the island. >> but, but, but >> it's democracy and affordability. and a woman's reproductive freedom. those are the things i hear the most really interesting. and do they blame president biden for the affordability? do they think that former president trump could fix that >> no. no, it's interesting. i've had an increasing number of folks sort of say, they think there might be preska, price gouging involved while they're cutting coupons at the table that they know that the economy is starting to get better in ways that people feel but the middle-class still feels under understandably that they've been getting squeezed for decades. and the system seems to be working for the super-rich and and big corporations, but maybe not a
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little guy. and i think that's, that's something that president biden going back to the '80s, has been making the case. but i think democrats need to follow through on that. i'll tell you one other really interesting conversation i had, because it goes with this this theme of law and order, right? always saying he represents law and order. what of course, what you topped the segment with indicates anything but knocked on the door in smith town of a guy who was fbi agent. he is an independent voter and he knew right away that republicans were proposing to cut the fbi 6% and said that can hurt, that can hurt. so i do think there's this fundamental disconnect with the rhetoric of law and order and the reality of what's being pushed in the budgets, let alone the kind of rhetoric that's being floated by this president. it's the opposite of law and order. so we've got to flip the script. >> well, on that note, i mean, former president trump is also, going out after judges in his various criminal trials and as well as one of their daughters. and he hasn't he is under a gag order in the hush money
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payment for steroid downs, but it doesn't appear to be working on some level. what's the answer to stop this kind of? call it what you want harassment of judges and law enforcement >> look, there needs to be accountability. there needs to be equal justice under law. you can't let donald trump play the ref and play the victim, which is what he's done very effectively >> there >> is such a thing as objective facts. there's also thing is basic human decency and i think most folks realized that know of anybody else was attacking the child of a of a judge repeatedly with intentional cruelty, that that wouldn't stand >> again, this is >> what's wrong. >> this is the war on normal people, normal >> values, basic decency that america, americans, i think having and depend upon being violated by the guy at the top of the ticket who claims to be super patriotic. here we are in the middle of holy week on the verge of easter. and i think this is a time for that kind of reflection. this represents nothing resembling kindness or decency it's a fundamental
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lawlessness and an arrogance of power that is when ever, especially he feels like he's being held to account. the answer is to apply the jaw equal apply the law equally, and hold power to account >> i'm john, a lot of members of congress seemed to be wanting out. >> they are >> retiring at the end of their terms. you sure you want to get into this racket? >> look, i mean, i think this is one of those its darkest before the done moments. hopefully look, democracy requires citizens to step up. that's the thing, right? >> no one else. we don't wait for anyone else to come save us. it's up to us as citizens to step up and take part in our democracy for at least a time and to hopefully try to make things better, i get the joke that everyone's trying on to leave congress right now because it's so divided in dysfunctional. and i think that's that's a function of the fact that the american people should pay attention to that. nothing is getting done, right? this is what happens when ideologues and extremist captured the capture our democracy. they don't try to
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solve problems on behalf of the american people. they think bipartisanship is the problem we're, i think most of us know it's the solution that's how that's how we solve problems in our daily lives and our daily jobs across all are interesting differences i think that dysfunctional environment when, when president biden, nancy pelosi were speaker in the first year is the presidency over to 300 bipartisan bills got passed this is a do nothing congress, but with an added degree of dysfunction that's leading its own members to head for the hills we gotta, we gotta do something a little bit different and restore people who actually believe and bipartisan problem-solving again. and that'll restore faith in democracy. i hope and believe john avlon so great to talk to you as all >> next time. and while i congrats on your memoir, by the way, i love it. i'm proud of you. >> i really appreciate that, what i've been doing, radio tours and they go, hey, is anybody else's secret closet punk rocker at cnn? i go, oh yeah, john avlon, always mentioned you eye out, you
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yeah, i love it. thanks, john grade to talk to you. >> take care, ally. be well >> okay. still ahead. progress is being made to clear the baltimore harbor after that massive bridge collapse, we are seeing sparks from the psoas cutting through the metal but how long will it take to get ships moving? again, there plus a fishy mystery. fish are doing something strange lately, they're spiraling around in circles and flipping upside down why scientists think they may be doing this >> during the cnn newsroom >> space shuttle columbia final flight from your sunday, april 7 at nine on cnn is two things. >> a young man be >> cowboy, or gates? >> and against is out of staff >> i've got back to my roots we've come from a long now the calvin, my grandfather, my great grandfather, my aren't
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>> you have a show. were right and left talk to each other >> cnn presents an encore presentation of hbo's real time with bill maher tonight at eight on cnn massive cleanup effort is underway at the site of the collapsed francis scott key bridge in baltimore. >> you >> might be able to see here the power saws that are trying to cut through the metal into more manageable pieces. but of course it is slow going. today, the governor of maryland calling the efforts complicated and dangerous. crews will soon try to lift the first piece of the structure out of the water. >> cnn's >> gloria pazmino joins us live from the scene. so gloria, what are they saying about the timeline? >> yeah. allison, >> you know, we talk about them cutting those different parts of the structure that's left behind every time they cut something, whatever is underneath it and around it shifts around and they have to stop to think about how that's going to affect the overall
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process. just i want to step back and remember number the sheer scale and magnitude of what we're talking about here. you can see the wreckage in the distance behind us in terms of the timeline the governor made it clear today that they are trying to prioritize the reopening at least of a portion of the waterway so that they ving. d he believes 's k and going be at least few more weeks untithey cle enough wreckage sot the waterway can be clear and so veels anboats can start maki their way around the daey. the wreckage that's on top of the boa th's going to take much longer to clean up and that is another part that is critical to this mission because remember, the other priority that the responders here have is to get into the water so that they can continue the search for those bodies that have not yet been recovered. >> and what about that? >> where
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>> when can that happen >> well, look, alison, it's extremely dangerous, right? and officials here have made it clear that they want to make sure the divers go in when it's safe, they're not ready to do that right now, visibility is extremely limited and there's all this debris in the water that makes that mission extremely complicated. so that's part of the reason why i'm focusing on lifting the pieces out of the water, lifting the pieces that are on the boat, lifting what's left of the bridge so that they can clear as much area as possible so that divers can then go in and continue that mission. the governor knows that those families are waiting for a resolution that they want and they need disclosure. and he's made it clear he is committed to that. but there are many factors that are going to affect just how fact, how fast are can move, including the weather conditions, and just how fast they can move to make sure that the wreckage is removed yes. okay. gloria
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pazmino. thank you very much for reporting from the scene >> retired lieutenant >> general russell on array joins me now. general. great to see you. thank you for being here before we get to talking about the structure. let's talk about those victims. i mean, it's awful to think about their family members grieving, waiting for their bodies to be recovered. but as you heard, gloria say it's very dangerous for the divers. what could make it safer for divers? i mean, how long will it take for them to get in there? >> well, one thing to temperature of the water water, whether it will help, you won't have to fight with the heavy suits on >> and it >> is, it's going to have to move some of the debris as one might suspect, having worked a couple of these deep water, this is only 50 feet the good news is it's close to shore ellison, if did this couldn't happen as bad as this r is an the empathy is condolences. we have for the family if this has happened offshore, this would be a lot harder job so the
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industry will get in there, they will get this metal out of water and they have a good command structure to do it. would the governor overseeing this but president pin the rows on the core engineers? it's dead job to clear the waters and keep them clear it's the coast guard job to control the boats. and the actions of the boats on that water? so it will get done. but it's going to be should be days, not weeks we build the pentagon is 60 weeks. we need american industry to show up by engineers to show up. and work as a team and get this done and get the best and the brightest we got in terms of our skull water workers which by the way, we have a lot of them and louisiana up the gulf of mexico that are capable of come up and help. but the teamwork is that mouse admirable at this time but remember, corps engineers is your job. be clear that we're all watching. we understand
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unified command, but it's your job. let's get it done >> general, i have seen you mobilize the cavalry when you've had to obviously famously and katrina, but then we were also together after the hurricane in houston and i mean, i've just watched you working the walkie talkies and getting everybody together to work together to try to salvage what can be salvaged and save people so i've heard some people say that it will take six months to get this resolved. do you do you agree i mean, do you think it can happen faster >> oh, hell, no one has six weeks so heat is on again. >> we we we were commanded by committee, but there's one person. and i said lieutenant general, i'll leave the core engineers he needs to operate 24 hours a day. we shift, committed to but this is a problem, but it's it couldn't happen in i hate to say it this way. a better place with all resources we have b will get a lane close within days. then to
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get the cranes on the other side, what's the word start working from both sides, allison. this is going to be i'm sure they don't want to over promise and under deliver but if we have good weather and it warms up this should be done within a matter of weeks, not months. >> that's good to hear. i hope that that is what ends up happening. let's talk about haiti and the horrible situation that's happening there just yesterday. the interim prime minister extended the curfew in places like the capital port-au-prince through monday because of this continued you'd gang violence. you believe that president biden should get involved. why >> absolutely. we had a meeting yesterday led by president, lot more urban league and reverend al sharpton, others to discuss the situation in haiti from the perspective of that, he should diaspora for whom i volunteer and work with. the message to the president and to play with the president is a major
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haitian prime, haiti and a priority just says he's made gaza and ukraine that has not happened the president is also said no boots on the ground we are asking other countries to put boots on the ground. we need special forces and police assistance that work with dacian army. and the haitian police. the other thing we asked the president to do is to wave at a leaky allison which prevent the united states government providing arms and equipment to terms of ahmed cars, heavy machine guns and equipment and intelligence that the haitian army and ayesha police they lay act is. you can look it up. is it prevents us providing uipment to those who committed humanitarian for atrocities in asia police and the army is not the problem is the games but right now the games out number the police the other thing we ask president to do is to declare an emergency for humanitarian assistance, as well as security assistance of the 10 million people in at right now, the word i'm getting and i just finished a zoom call
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with 300 people supporting haiti. and in port-au-prince up to 2 billion people that are starving in haiti right now because the food is not flowing, we need the american involvement. we need france had counted a step-up. and we need to us abroad to heavy equipment, armored cars that the asian army needs retired lieutenant general russell honore, always great to talk to you. thank you for all of that we. >> used to god bless at godless ukrainian god bless gaza, the people who got it. thank you. >> thank you, general still ahead. thousands of israeli stage your major protests in tel families of hostages being held by hamas, locking themselves in pages, demanding their government to more to bring them home plus high-level talks between israel and the us on military operations in rafah are back on. we're talking with former defense secretary under dog trump, mark esper, rasing him. will he vote for his former boss in november you're in the cnn newsroom
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are or gratify risk-free with our 30-day fit guarantee at honey, are brazil alvarez at the white house. and this as cnn closed captioning brought to you by mesobook are firm only represents >> mesothelioma victims and their families. if you or a loved one has been diagnosed with mesothelial, call us now thousands of protesters took to the streets across israel today demanding the release of all hostages being held in gaza. families of hostages being held by hamas locking themselves in cages demanding their government do more to bring them home. high-level talks between washington and israel over potential military operations in rafah are back on. us official saying it could happen as soon as monday in washington, prime minister benjamin netanyahu abruptly called off this week's scheduled meeting as relations with the biden administration deteriorated even further more
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than 32,000 people have now died and more than 75,000 injured in gaza since october 7. this is according to gaza's ministry of health joining us now to talk about all this, we have cnn global affairs analyst and former defense secretary under donald trump, mark esper. mark great to see you. thanks so much for being here. when you look at well, let's look at the protests that you just saw in israel. does this sway prime minister netanyahu to do something differently? he does he survive this politically >> well, first of all, i don't think so because they've been protesting and demanding the return of the hostages since day one nearly. and it's been a persistent issue and for good reason that they should be returned. there's there should be far more pressure on hamas to return what is believed to be 100 or so. a hostages, maybe 30 or so bodies of those who were killed in captivity. so the pressure is there. but the other competing pressure on the
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netanyahu government is that they, the israeli people want to see hamas destroyed as as it's been roughly defined. d so those are two competing priorities at a timehen frankly, i don't believe that hamas wants to return the hostages because once that happens, of course, they lose all leverage are most leverage with israel and that's a problem for them. so that's why i think you see them dragging out these negotiations. >> and then of course there's a humanitarian crisis in gaza. the united nations says that israel denied 30% of its humanitarian aid missions into northern gaza this month, israel says that letting aid into gaza means that it could be used by hamas, or that the root could be used as an avenue to smuggle weapons into gaza. so what about this problem? what do you say to those clams >> yeah, look, i think both things can be true. there's a long history of hamas smuggling things into gaza, right? to conduct war against israel >> hamas >> is still launching rockets at times into israel from even
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though israel is occupied moos the gaza now so i think it's a very real concern. there's a lot of finger-pointing on both sides >> there. >> israel does need to move things through, inspect more quickly, get more truckloads going in before the war, it was estimated 500 trucks a day. were going into gaza. and now it's down to 100 or so. i don't know why the united states frankly, it doesn't step in here on the ground and officiate this a little bit more on the ground and sort the side to get aid flowing. that's the quickest way to provide humanitarian relief. it's not going to be three airdrops. it's not going to be through a ship to a mechanism that's being set up. the quickest, best, most effective way is through ground convoys >> okay, let's change topics. so what's going on domestically here? i'm imagining that you've seen donald trump's social media post of this photo video actually that shows president biden shows an image of president biden tied up in the back of a pickup truck what's your reaction to things like
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that when donald trump posts things like this >> look, it's bad when he or anybody from any side of this contest right now, from our political in the political space posts, things like this say things like this. it just lowers our civil discourse and it risks, which is the bigg can concern inciting people to violence or to take actions and we don't need this. we need to return to comedy in our politics. we need to return to where we treat each other with respect in our political realm and debate, debate policies and debate ideas, and aspire. americans to greater things and not to drag us down the mud or two, again, in this case possibly incite violence against one or another political candidate. >> yeah. >> you said return to comedy com. i-t-y, you i ty yeah. i get you. view however, made an appearance with comedy last night you were on bill mars show. let's walk i can flip
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>> so you vote for biden >> well, you know, with every i'm not there yet. >> i'm definitely not voting for trump, but yeah, i still have to explain to me, sir, i really respect you so much. thank you for your service. i mean, that's socially, but i just don't understand smart people who don't get binary binary look, you also have the option, can you not be there when i'm after what you just said there's no way i will vote for trump. but every day that trump does something crazy the door to open to voting for biden opens a little bit more okay, >> so now this morning, are you there >> well, like i said, every every day that something happened like that happens, the door opens up and look i like to feel many ways i represent the 70% of americans are really frustrated that this is a choice we have. there too bad
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choices, frankly and i've been arguing for some time, we need a new generation of leaders from both parties i asked some of my fellow panelist last night, is there any chance that biden might step aside the convention, who knows? i mean, we can only hope. >> but look it i'm definitely not voting for trump and now i'll take my time on this. i got we got seven months i figured this out. >> i understand. i guess. i guess that i think what bill maher was getting at is that it's wishful thinking. i mean, we we have what we have. so there's, you know, at some point voters need to accept that this is the choice and after you see things like threatening the judge, mentioning the judges daughter is showing the video. i mean what what or do you need to be pushed over to voting for president biden >> sure. look a look. things happen though too. i'll i'll pull that lever on november 5th. that's 67 months away. i'll make my decision then. but look, as i said, you didn't show that part of the clip. i actually believed that liz cheney got it right when she says, look, we we i
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disagree with many biden's policies. we can kind of walk through them, but we can survive bad policy at the end of the de i'm not sure we can survive another four years of donald trump and that's kinda where my head is. but look, i'm a dyed-in-the-wool republican. i'm on ronald reagan republican and given what i've seen the last three years with many of the failings of the biden policies, it takes people like me and there's other republicans out there who are sitting on the fence and/or who aren't going to vote for trump, who need some time to get their head around this. and like i said, i think that's there are many americans that are in the same position mark esper really appreciate talking to you. thanks so much for being here. thank you, allison will be right back >> he needs a safe space >> you've had a show were right and left talk to cnn presents an encore presentation of hbo's real time with bill maher tonight i did eight on cnn only at vanguard. you're
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hazard >> this is your invitation experience, the versatility of lexis line of suvs, and some of the best offers of the year on select models. at the to lexis sales event blue carbon a cnn films sunday, april 21 at nine in an upscale part of atlanta and historic cemetery with graves dating back to slavery is so overgrown that descendants of people buried there cannot even visit now, there's a legal fight over who should maintain these neglected graves. cnn's rafael romo went there >> this was cleared and it was you could walk up the hill at first sight. this looks like a forest, but look closer and you'll see the rocks here are engraved a. mbstone right there. look, this one acre plot of ld, this back in the heart of buckhead d upscale community in atlanta. >> can you
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>> tell us how many >> members of your family were buried here? >> my grandmother my grandfather. eat grandmother'unclesndtwo aunt >> pine grove cemetery, a historicfrican american graveyard that traces its roots to the 19th century, is now at the center of a legal batt between sterrun the jackson and audrey collins, descendants of people buried here and the bluffs atlantic's homeowners soociation, which now owns this land, we all this all this was ean. a few years ago in the lawsuit filed in january, the sisters claimed the hoa has failed to clean and maintain the cemetery, but also has interfered with plaintiff's rights under georgia law to care for and maintainhe cy but the hoa claims t cery was abandoned before the land andntil recently no one took responsibility fo maintaining it. >> the plaintiffs themselves
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had been to the cemetery when werchildr and had not been back in years and when i got back, it was overgrown and it was difficult to find grave mas and boundaries >> the tck vegation here has made it very difcult, not impossible for the surviving relativeof t their graves but we were able toet to the top of the hill and this is what we found. this is the grave of tamas, buried in 1987. he happens to be the grandfather of the two sisters who filed the lawsuit according to the georgia trust for historic preservation at pine grove, there are over 300 burial, some of which are believed to be burials for enslaved individuals and other people who came from thriving african american communities that were displaced over several decades. >> that's been going on since emancipation, where african-american communities are displaced through a measure of different tactics for the last few years that sisters and
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a small group of supporters have been fighting a losing battle against the vegetation that is so thick, they can no longer reach their grandmother's grave to treacherous going up the hill 71 years old, almost 72 with a bad hip, i guess i get emotional because on the very first cleanup, i promised my grandma when we cleaned her graves, i said, i promise you, this is not going to happen again. we're going to make sure that you are treated with respect after the first hearing on the case held in february, both parties made an agreement that among other things, gives the sisters access to the cemetery, which had been a >> problem before the agreement also allows the plaintiffs to take measures to clear vegetation including the use of goats, which was a source of disagreement in the past rafael ramos, cnn, atlanta >> and still ahead, what scientists think may be causing this strange behavior in fish
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paychecks no overdraft fees >> join me. it >> erin burnett, outfront week nights at seven odd cnn closed captioning brought to you by if you or. >> a loved one have nice with helium up, we'll send you a free book to answer questions you may have call now and we'll come to you 808 to 14000 an underwater mystery in the florida keys. fish are spinning in circles and flipping upside down. scientists are trying to figure out why cnn's bill, we're explains started diving when i was eight years old with my moms, so i've been in the water for a very long time. >> greg first and worth has seen a lot in his life spent
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underwater around the florida keys. but he'd never seen anything like this i noticed the fish were spending and so i started taking video of that that i really had no idea what i was looking at since last fall, he's seen >> stingrays moving upside down. goliath groupers, flailing on their sides and dozens of other species swimming and tortured flailing loops well, i mean, i've said that it's like i'm in the middle of a disaster movie and i'm that guy yelling from the mountain top trying to get people to pay attention, state fish >> and wildlife officials, and florida is bonefish and tarp and trust have logged nearly 200 incidents with over 30 species acting this way, mostly in the lower keys. but as far north as miami >> yeah, this is crazy. i was out on a six-hour charter. i had two people on the boat and we were down off a ligament by the bank and we've happened to see a fish flattering on the flats and then so we got close to him were wants to see if
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there was a problem and we could obviously tell that he was in distress >> it turned out to be a soft a critically endangered species that might lose four or five mature adults a year. but in just a few months, at least it's 27 half beach themselves or died after intense episodes of what anglers are calling the spins. >> so typically when we think of fish acting strangely are dying, we think of low oxygen conditions in the water or red tide and so we saw neither at the water school florida gulf coast university, my parsons team is part of a statewide effort to solve the mystery of the spinning fish. and while tests for most toxins have turned up empty the most promising suspect is found living off seaweed at the bottom. a tiny critter named gambia or discuss. >> this is the highest we've seen of the gamers to cells in the keys. we don't know if it's the main cause the single-cell algae can produce various neurotoxins and is showing up at record high levels but it's just one more stressor on marine life already
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reeling from pollution overfishing, and off the charts, ocean heat waves brought by climate change. >> so there's concern and curiosity, i guess on could the hot, hot temperatures in the summer cause some changes that may be led to the fish behavior. now and we just don't really have all the pieces together to try to link one to the other. >> they really have no idea what has happened i mean, there's no concrete conclusive proof of what is happening yet. and that is still to be determined, which is quite terrifying. >> it is scary, isn't it? >> it is because if it continues, it's going to be the end of this ecosystem. as we know it off the charts, ocean temperatures are of course just one of the massive stressors on marine life down here these days, there was a >> three-year study recently in which 100% of the bone fish that were tested in the keys turned up at least seven
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different pharmaceuticals from opioids to antidepressants. and so this behavior is not been seen before, but it is sort of an attack from 1,000 different angles for the creatures living down here. and maybe a warning for the rest of us >> know we are. thank you for that. >> all right. still ahead. after skipping good friday events at the last minute, we have an update on the pope's health heading into easter sunday we'll speak with father edouard back >> this is the big dam >> came through that door the day you get your clear choice, dental implants, changes, your struggle with missing teeth forever it changes how you eat, how you feel, and how you enjoy life it changes your smile and
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