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tv   CNN Newsroom Live  CNN  March 31, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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the apple app store or android >> o and welcome to all of you watching us here in the united states, canada, and around the world. i'm kimberly hoover. this is cnn newsroom christians around the world are marking easter today. you're looking at live celebrations at the vatican where the pope is presiding over easter mass and later the sound will live in windsor where some members of the royal family are expected to attend holiday services, plus donald trumping dining a wave of new criticism after sharing a new post to as followers on truth, social, look at how both presidential campaigns are sounding off about the controversy. and this all comes on the heels of a new quinnipiac poll showing third-party candidates might have an impact in november's presidential election live from atlanta >> this is cnn newsroom with kim brunhuber >> and we'd be again with celebrations of the vatican marking the holiest de, on the
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christian calendar when the faithful believe jesus rose from the dead of a look here, you're looking at live >> pictures of easter mass at st. peter's basilica in rome. what francis presiding over the service just days after canceling his participation in good friday events the vatican called that a bit bid to preserve his health ahead of other holy week events. later today, he'll deliver the orbi at orbi blessing from main balcony at the vatican i'll go live now. who are cnn vatican correspondent christopher lamb in london. so christopher obviously the plenty of concern over the pope's health take us through what we're seeing right now, what we know about how he's doing and his message that he's delivering today >> yes. good morning, kim. you what we're seeing now is the conclusion of the easter sunday mass. it's coming to an end. pope francis has been presiding out that service, which is attended by thousands from across the world. it's a day of great celebration and
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festivities and you can see that there are some fetuses decked out with greenery and flowers flowers that are transported in from holland each year to really give us celebrate tree field to the easter sunday mass francis has been taking part in virtually all of the holy week services apart from the good friday service at the colosseum, which he pulled out for the last minute in order to preserve his health. but last night he presided the liturgy, the easter vigil liturgy, in st. peter's basilica. and later today, he will give his urbi at all be easter message, whereas the expected to address the various conflicts that are going on in the world kim >> that's where i want to widen this out with so many people of different faiths, cell liberating at this time of the year, a recent gallup poll has found a decline in americans attending religious
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services only three in ten americans say that they attend religious services every week. what do you give us? >> well, i think this underlines the trend that we've seen towards the growth and what's called the nons, those who don't have a religious affiliation, particularly, we see that amongst gen z and millennials, of course it comes at a time at easter this research where the church receives new members and this is i think a moment when people obviously joined the church although there has been a decline in people going to services, those who do go are perhaps more committed. so i think we might see a smaller church, but one that has more committed members, pope francis has addressed this issue many times. he said that the church can't lament the fact that people don't go to church and the same way, but the church must go out to listen and the
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company those and to understand why and may not be going to church to run rebuild trust, obviously, the abuse scandals of had to major effect and some catholics don't attend church. so whilst this research does thank throw up certain challenge. there's also an opportunity there for the church to repurpose itself, and that's something that francis has tried to try to underline to repurpose. it's message and mission for the contemporary world came >> all right, thanks so much as we see the ending of the easter services at st. peter's basilica of her critic christopher lamb in london. thank you so much. appreciate it all right, here in the former president donald trump is facing criticism after he posted on social media a controversial video showing an image of president joe biden tied up in the back of a pickup truck biden's campaign has condemned the post saying,
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trump is inciting political violence cnn's steve contorno has more former president donald trump, once again drawing accusations that he is encouraging violence against a political opponents. this time for our social media post involving president joe biden. in this video that trump posted the truth social on friday, it shows two trucks driving online on islands decked out in pro-trump decals and flags and this image of president joe biden hogtied on the back of a truck trump posted that video to his social media site truth social on friday on saturday, his campaign defended it telling cnn in a statement quotes that picture was on the back of a pickup truck that was traveling down the highway. democrats and crazed lunatics have not only called for despicable violence against president trump and his his family, they are actually weaponizing the justice system against him. the biden campaign meanwhile, wasted little time
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responding to this. they told cnn in a statement, quotes this image from donald trump is the type of crap you post when you're calling for a bloodbath or when you tell the proud boys to stand back and standby, trump is regularly inciting political violence and it's time people take him seriously. just ask the capitol police officers who were attacked, protecting our democracy on january 6, these kinds of violent images are commonplace among some trump supporters and you can find them often at his rallies. certainly online. and yes, even on the back of vehicles. but it is still striking to see them coming from a former president and someone who is seeking the white house once again, of course, this has become common place for trump going all the way back to his 2016 campaign for president. and through this week when he has repeatedly attacked one of the judges who is overseeing his case in new york steve contorno cnn, st. petersburg, florida meanwhile, independent presidential candidate robert f. kennedy, jr. is downplaying suggestions
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that the fate of democracy is at stake in this year's election. speaking at a campaign event in los angeles, he said, the panic about threats to democracy as quote orchestrated to keep the voters and what he calls a state of fear. he urged voters to reject both president joe biden and donald trump areas >> if you want a change you need to vote for somebody who's actually capable of changing at an eye don't believe either man is capable though. i don't think either of them acknowledges that problem. and why is that? it's because they're both the products of a broken system a third parties don't wield much power in the political system. you'd have to go back to ross perot in 1992 to find a candidate pulling in more than a tiny percentage of the vote in a general election. but parts of the electorate are telling pollsters they're dissatisfied with their choices this year. and the new survey from quinnipiac university
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indicates third-party candidates might have an impact in november. it found that independent candidates peeled off support from a sizable chunk of respondents, robert f. kennedy jr. got 13%, cornell west, 3%. and jill stein, 4% for more on this, i'm joined by a bernard tamas, professor at valdosta state university. he's also an author of the book demise and rebirth of american third parties. thank you so much for being here with us so i just want to start with the first point i made when i was talking about third parties, there relative lack of influence. now these candidates, i mean, they know they're not going to win, right? but in many ways that's not really the point no, it's not really the point that it's it doesn't really matter actually if they're going to win because that's not really the purpose that they play in american politics. >> i mean, they're >> job actually is more to is not necessarily the spoil
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elections, but to threaten basically it's to disrupt with the prb that's the way that we usually look at it, is that that third parties and independent candidates, their strategy is something called sting like a bee so the idea is that they forced, they pushed through some sort of a galvanizing issue, something that appeals to a disaffected group that are unhappy with the major parties. and they use that to attack the party basically cause them pain then what would happen is when this is successful the major parties respond by actually co-opting those issues. and that's that's the other part of being a b is after you sting you die third parties in america have a bad tendency to die rapidly. but in the process that's how they actually have influence over over policy. >> interesting. so in that respect, i mean robert f. kennedy jr. a bit of an enigma.
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he doesn't seem to fit that mold in terms of having that galvanizing issue or that certain platform it's kind of all over the place that's right. i would say that that's exactly the problem and is really weakness of his candidacy, even though the numbers are high now he's basically running a campaign with themes that seem to be contradicting themselves. he seems to be saying, on the one hand that you can't trust scientists when it comes to vaccines. but on the other hand, you're supposed to trust scientists when they're telling you that climate change is a serious problem. on the one hand, he's, he's oh reproductive rights, which could help him in terms of attracting for far on the left, but on the other hand, he's, he's very pro israel in terms of the gaza conflict, which could actually persuade them
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against him. there's lack that really is lacking a clear theme from him. and while it might not be hurting him now, it seems like over time that's something that could really pull down his candidacy >> for the reasons that you outline, they're both parties have expressed worries that he might siphon critical voters who has more reasons isn't to be worried, biden or trump >> well, let's start with the reasons why there is any reason for them to be concerned about any of these candidates the biggest problem for them is that this election is expected to be extremely close. >> i mean >> americans have become very, very polarized and also with that, they'd become it's been something called negative partisanship, where republicans really trust democratic politicians, democrats really this trust republican politicians. and so nobody is really moving so there's this very small movement of the
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vote. and since 2000 that has been very close so that's your first issue. the second issue though, is that with rfk, its end with actually most of these other candidates, we don't know where those votes are going to come from. i mean, even though taking even a small percentage of votes could shift the election, it's really not clear which of the candidates that they would, would be pulling votes from. because a lot of people who support third parties wind-up being people who wouldn't vote it all in the first place. >> also, many americans are disappointed that we're getting a 2020 rematch. and they say they want something else, but do they really would they vote for the right third-party candidate >> well, here's the thing the, the support for third parties has actually been going up steadily over the last let's say, 50 years. and so we're seeing the both the
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libertarians and the green party gaining steady support. now, we're not talking about anywhere near the levels winds were third parties were maybe 100 years ago when teddy roosevelt completely crashed the political system in 1912. >> but we're still seeing them moving their way up. and what we're especially seeing is, is the republican party moving farther and farther to the right? and in many ways abandoning the traditional moderate conservatives. and so what you're seeing here as a gaping hole, a real problem that they're leaving for themselves but at this point there's no sign that the libertarians are actually going to grab hold of this or any other moderate party so in a sense, it's not an issue so much with the third party movement as a movement as it is a problem with the strategies right now that here is an ideal
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moment for, for third parties and independent candidates. but the strategies aren't really consistent with what actually works for. >> it's we'll have to see what influence these candidates might have, especially considering how razor-thin the margins might be brought. thomas, thank you so much for your expertise. really appreciate it. >> thank you >> voters and turkey are going to the polls today, casting ballots in the country's nationwide municipal elections, the election will determine who will lead, assemble, and other major cities. the vote is seen as a referendum on president erdogan in popularity after two decades in power? he's looking for his party to reclaim control of the city of assemble as a major rival, a imamoglu works to expand the power of the opposition five years after defeating erdogan's ak party in istanbul and uk are ankara are scott mclean joins us now from istanbul. so scott take us through where you are exactly right? now and what's at stake
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here >> it gave me good afternoon. good morning. >> from turkey here where it turks are going to the polls again of course, last year you had a presidential race. the presidential runoff, and then now you're later, you have these local elections taking place. all across the country. we are in the cultural and economic heart of turkey, and i'll just show you out the window just to set the scene. so this is the bayeux lu district picked of istanbul and it's significant because this is actually where president erdogan himself was born and grew up. and as you mentioned, this is very much a referendum on the state of affairs in turkey right now and on the president himself inside this polling station, there's no voting at the moment, but i'll just show you what will happen here at each voter is going and to get three of these very long ballots. one is blue ones gold, and one is white and the white one is the one that all eyes are on. this is the mayoral race or istanbul's. >> there >> are 49 names on that sum from parties, some from
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independent candidates. but really there are only two who are widely considered able to actually win. one from president erdogan is more religious conservative act party and one from the opposition, more secular leanings chp party, the party of the current combat mayor at, from emomali. you can see one person just stuffing their envelope with all the ballots into the box >> and >> this could be a water there shed election for turkey. obviously, you don't normally say that about normal, about local elections. but in this case, imamoglu is one of the few, maybe the only opposite position party politicians who has the strengthen the popularity to actually take on president erdogan in a head-to-head presidential race. and so that is here's why erdogan is boring so much energy and money and attention on this race. you see his face on banners everywhere. he has been around town at rally he's in the waning days of this election to try to rally his
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voters because if emomali wins, it means that erdogan, undoubtedly his grip on power will have loosened and he will have a strong challenger. if you lose his, it's really back to the drawing board for the opposition parties. there are some complicating factors in all of this. kim. one is the fact that technically under the institution erdogan isn't allowed to run for another term in office, but there are plenty of pundits who figured that there are enough loopholes that could allow him to run one more time. and there are also criminal the charges hanging over imamoglu that stem back from the last election, the last local election in 2019, where he had this upset victory over there hey, erdogan's party charges of insulting public officials widely viewed to be politically motivated, but could still come back to bite him down the road. oh, it as are still yet unresolved, kim, fascinating litmus tests will be falling. scott mclean in istanbul. thanks so much >> all right. after the break, heavy lifting in baltimore harbor, how engineers are
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planning to remove some 5,000 tons of wreckage from the bridge disaster and later in the hour, britain's king charles is expected to attend easter services. rare appearance for the monarch as he battles cancer. stay with us shingles. >> some describe it as an intense burning sensation or an unbearable edge. this painful, blistering rash could also disrupt your work and time with family shingles could also lead to long-term debilitating nerve pain that can last for months or even years. if you over pick de, the virus that so shingles is likely already inside of you and as you age, your risk of developing shingles increases don't wait. >> ask your dr. or pharmacist about shingles? today >> why jews asleep numbers, smart bad can keep me warm when i'm cold >> wait, no, i'm always hot. sleep number. does that can i make my side softer? >> i like my side farmers, please. >> number does that can help us
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would ask for only going to turning now to the baltimore bridge collapse site where a massive cleanup operation is underway engineers and divers are carefully examining the wreckage, although official say reopening the disruptive port could take weeks. cnn's gloria pazmino has more >> we're learning more about the first critical steps officials here we'll be taking in what is certain to be a long recovery process they are expecting that they'll be able to lift every part of the north side of the bridge that remains that is going to be a critical step because they are trying to reopen a part of the channel so that boats and ship traffic can begin to start flowing once again, at least a the wreckage of the dali, which is going to take a much longer time to be removed from where i've been sitting since the bridge
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collapsed earlier. this week, the governor has made it clear that this is going to be a multi-faceted and complicated, dangerous operation that they have to go detail by detail to make sure that they can get it exactly right. there. it is. several pieces of heavy equipment that have arrived in the area to help in that process. and there is more than 1,000 engineers spread out across the entire country looking at the wreckage, trying to come up with the best plan to start lifting those heavy pieces of matter at all that are resting on top of the boat in order to begin the cleanup process, all of those all of this is going to be essential to make sure that divers can get back into the water and help surge for the recovery of the bodies that have yet to be found. >> we >> spoke with the us army corps of engineers earlier trying to
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understand just how this process is going to play out. take a listen. >> that vessel looks small for where we're standing here on the shore. that vessel ways on your of 95,000 tons the bridge span. that's behind us that one i mentioned we're going to sever that piece ways. 5,000 times alone. so that's a lot of downward pressure on that vessel already the so you're you're, you're correct. >> we have one of the largest >> cranes here on the eastern seaboard, arrived 23:11 p.m. tonight's ago imagine we're going, to have. to cut those steel sections into much smaller components to live them out safely and efficiently. >> so safety is certainly the first priority the governor making it clear that he is committed to making sure that divers get back into the water as soon as it is safe. for them to do so. so the recovery mission can continue. there are four families that are waiting to hear and waiting to see if
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the bodies of their loved ones will be recovered. it's the last thing that they're hoping they can get so that they can hopefully get some some closure after distract 30 local officials here set that they are committed to making sure that happens in baltimore, maryland. gloria pazmino, cnn. ceasefire and hostage talks involving israel and hamas are expected to resume today. i had the latest on the effort to pause the war that's already killed more than 32,000 palestinians ukraine marks two years since the liberation of the town of bucha. and the discovery of horrific atrocities, we'll talk to a journalist who went there right after the russian troops pulled out, stay with us mooney's allergies don't have to be scary. it's great flown a sentiments daily for non drowsy, long-lasting relief. ethan ascent, free gentleness
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>> just slip in and they're on dry sketches. slip is welcome back to all you watching us here in the states, canada, and around the world. i'm kim brunhuber. this is cnn newsroom as israel fights hamas in gaza, thousands of protesters were on the streets of tel aviv on saturday he attended bring them home. now demanding that all hostages in gaza be released and that israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu be removed from office. >> today we declared the benjamin netanyahu. when he stood it in, you it's the obstacle between us and getting our hostages back? and we will relentlessly fight legally, of course, to have it removed from power and get someone else that can do the job. and worthy of the situation that can bring us
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bigg our beloved ones back until then been a minute and now is the main obstacle >> please say a large number of protesters set fires and blocked roads officers used water cannon on some of them, 16 people were arrested. protest organizers say that next weekend they plan to protest outside the knesset in jerusalem. egyptian state media are reporting that ceasefire and hostage chalks involving israel and hamas are due to resume in cairo today the last round of talks happened in doha earlier this month on saturday, jordan's foreign minister told reporters that israel must allow more aid into gaza to prevent famine he was in cairo meeting with the former when ministers of egypt and france and a short time ago, planes dropped more aid into gaza. this videos, you can see the pallets of aid with parachutes attached, falling to the ground several countries, including the us, have been flying airdropped missions earlier this week, hamas asked
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countries to stop airdrops, calling them offensive, useless, and not the best way to bring in aid nearly 400 tons of food is on its way right now to gaza by sea. the group world central kitchen, which provides meals in crisis zones, is organizing the shipment the aid should arrive in the coming days and the world health organization says, thousands of palestinians urgently need to be evacuated from gaza for medical reasons. cnn senior international correspondent melissa bell has more another day of violence across the gaza strip with fierce fighting around the shifa hospital. now, the subject of an israeli siege for the last 13 days. there has been fighting as well around the gaza strip elsewhere with huge medical needs according to who the world health organization who says that it is some 9,000 palestinians who are now in need of urgent evacuation from the strip in order to get the care they need, given that they're one now, ten minimally functional in hospitals across the
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territory. it comes as an israeli delegation prepares to head to washington. it's possible that could happen as early as monday in order to meet after the canceled trip last week with american officials what the united states is hoping to do is urged them to find ways of avoiding the full scale assault, the ground offensive on rafah, that israel has been threatening to carry out shortly we heard again from benjamin netanyahu this week explaining that it was necessary in order to flush out those last four hamas battalions that are believed to be holding out there it is the fate of the 1.2 million gazans currently huddled in and around the city in desperate conditions. intense and what their fate would be should such an assault went ahead that ways heavily on the minds of the outside world. it comes, of course, as there is a glimmer of hope for the hostage well, we understand that israel will be sending its negotiators back both to qatar and to cairo in
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order to pick up those negotiations where they left off the hope that her mask can be convinced to make concessions on a couple of the most outstanding points, the most difficult points in these negotiations the question of the return of civilians to the north of the gaza strip in the question of the continued presence of israeli soldiers. and of course, the question of the long-term fate of the territory beyond the six-week ceasefire at the heart of a potential deal i'm going to sub-l cnn jerusalem >> two years ago to the day the world began to see the most horrific episodes in russia's invasion of ukraine. that's when ukraine liberated the town of bucha discovering signs of gruesome atrocities believed to be committed by russian troops images showed dead bodies lying on the streets. official said they later found a mass grave and torture chambers. ukraine says 1,400 people were killed in the town and surrounding areas during a month long
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russian occupation the organization of security and cooperation in europe says evidence suggests the killings were targeted, an organized highest, and the amount to crimes against humanity. earlier, i spoke with glia ponomarev, nco, a ukrainian journalists who went to boot shot when those gruesome scenes just began to emerge. and he described part of that experience in the memoir, i will show you how it was i asked him where the town is now in its recovery from the pain and the evil that was done there. here he is >> there was this and really dark atmosphere of what had happened to their it was really hard psychologically to see and along with myself, many journalists bloomin for this, they had this feeling that bustos curves forever because of this crime. they'll always be this thing that pressures upon this name and above the city. but i would say that immediately following the liberation that was springtime, a beautiful spring, and i must say that it's coming on along
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of the war. >> and the spring >> came and mummies get back to the sega. lots of people got back to the city in the green grass and get back to the city. and gradually life can back the oldest activities. lots of houses being rebuilt, lots of local moles for us is building, rebuilt. and given a new life. so i would say that within even months out that in the life and the life prevailing was really something just see something two sets >> britain's king charles is expected to apply easter service very soon. it's a rare appearance for the sovereign as he battles cancer law, have that environments stay with us in check your nothing but spatially shuttle accident, it's usually not one thing, it's a series of events. >> is that part of the wing coming apart? >> space shuttle columbia final
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>> call now we are standing by waiting for britain's king charles to arrive at an easter service in width now, this will
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be his most significant appearance since he was diagnosed with cancer. those are life picture sure. that we're showing you. and he will be accompanied by his wife, queen camilla. >> now >> this appearance comes as the british royal family grapples with multiple illnesses so i want to go now while we wait here to cnn's max foster, who joins us live from winsor. and cnn, royal historian kate williams is in london, so we're seeing some cars now pull up. so we're going to wait and see who, who emerges from there. but max we'll start with you. it is the king's most significant public like appearance since his diagnosis. so take us through what we are seeing right now and whether this will be seen as an encouraging sign about his health while he's quite well publicized, this event is not a fully the public aren't in the castle, so i'm outside quite a >> crowd here. but within the call. so that's quite a closed
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off area is reduced service. the king has basically been told by his medical advisors not to do any public facing. what buck because of the treatment he undergoing, but at the same time they're trying to balance that privacy and to protect kim with having to be seen in public to show that the monarchy is still up and running and is still secure and safe. so cameras are allowed and we've got a camera in there are rigid his number of cameras. but it's an opportunity for him to show that he's well despite the fact he's receiving treatment. and then he's also the head of the church of england. so this is for many christian bins the key day of the year celebrating the rise of christ. and i think that he wants to show that he's running the church. he's running the country in a way away from government, but the representing the country and he's still active. so i think this is a reassurance exercise. i don't think we should
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overplay it. this is not out there in public it's like you normally would be, but it's certainly a message i think from the palace and the monarchy that continuity is still there. and the is still working. and we're not going to see the printing some princess of wales today. of course, the princess also has cancer but this is showing that the very top of the monarchy is still in place, still working. and still back here at windsor castle. >> yeah, and we were just seeing a few of the royals showing up there. we saw sarah, duchess of york. now on another car is pulling up and just while we wait for them to emerge, that might be the king emerging there sterile, bit blocked by the car, but i think we can we can make them out there. the king and the queen just emerging from the car as they go to the easter services, there so as he waves to the crowd and as the queen waves to the crowd, max, what's, what's the mood there? how close is the public would they be able to see what we're seeing now
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on, on our television pictures i can i see the king >> so we have been told who is actually allowed in the castle. usually it's staff that work in the castle and live in the castle the public aren't allowed beyond the cost of walls. where i am i understand that they are going to be separated from the rest of the congregation. we shouldn't read too much into that just the fact that they have separate seats as the most senior royals in the chapel. but they are being protected on doctor's advice. i think he is as well. he feels well. i certain two people around him recently and they telling me these incredibly frustrated isn't able to do his full duties of the moment, but on the advice of the people around him is he's just being held back from the public. this isn't a public facing events, but it is well is lots of cameras are allowed in their photographers are allowed in there. there are some reporters allowed in there. this is just showing two people at home on their tvs
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that everything still active >> i mean, he >> hasn't felt unwell as i understand it, he's just undergoing this treatment this cancer was discovered by chance really, when he was having a separate medical operations. so he'll be in the service. i think he'll be sharing an easter service with a public effectively on this sunday is a holiday here in the uk. and in other parts of a commonwealth. so i think it's an opportunity really for people to share an easter service with the case king. but they're not being allowed up close to him. >> and kate, so i want to turn to you. so as we heard a smaller services here with the princess of wales and their children, not attending as katherine continues her recovery for for, for king charles, a good sign to see him now, but i imagine this doesn't mark the start of a return to full public duties, right? >> yes. kevin, i mean, people out there are thrilled to see king charles. he's is obviously looking really great for me is
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walking. he's out there again, but we've been told that this isn't a return for public duties. what it is is of gentle return to the public eye, as max saying, this isn't a public-facing, he's not shaking and he would we understand be sitting separately in the actual church. >> so we are >> seeing charles out and about waving, seeing people, but he's not going back to the full duties of kinship and we don't yet have a timeline as to when that's going to be. we probably will be some time, i think maybe after late summer, but the pictures are showing their queen smiling away, charles smiling. he really does look in great form. and just as max for saying, this is a reassurance exercise, he's not doing the world of a monarch out there shaking hands, but is feeling good, getting good and hopefully at some point, returning to full public duties in the meantime, queen camilla, playing a greater role. we saw her in the maundy service for instance, the king expressed how sad he was that he wasn't
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able to be there for that, but she's certainly stepping up in his place yes, queen camilla was stepping up in his play. she really is and we have a very slim down royal family. and indeed with the king's mission was to make us saddam or family. but we don't have how william and kate are caters is recovering. william is looking after her so really a lot of the duties are falling on and she is the lead war that this point, and this is a big job for her, and it certainly i think charles's by pleased to leave the duties in her hand, but we do understand that charles is doing online duties. we've seen him meeting some ambassadors in personal meetings. so he's doing personal meetings. he's doing meetings at buckingham palace. but i don't think we are very near seeing him out and about shaking hands at hospitals and schools. that as you're showing these pictures here, that's what camila is doing >> exactly. i want to go to you max, i mean, building on what we heard there. what does this suggest about future key dates in the royal calendar like
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trooping the colour in june, i guess it's, it's hard to predict, right? >> yeah. so it's all based on doctor's advice. i mean, we have had a trooping of the colour within windsor castle before a slim down event it's currently the plan to central london. i don't think based on what we're seeing today, i don't think he's going to be allowed out amongst big crowds, which you'd expect to have in central london. but maybe he will print this out and they go in his position, for example, i think it's a real challenge. what kate was talking about, there was a slimmed-down monarchy with just seeing the press show really on the monarchy right now with the princess of wales out of duties, public duties, and also the king are public duties the other two senior roles, the queen prince william, are holding up the front line of the monarchy right now, and they have partners or spouses who have cancer. so having to care for them as well so i think the big challenge for the palace, right now is showing that the monarchy is strong, showing their active and
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reassuring public they are still able to carry out their roles even if no, not allowed out to meet the general public. but if you imagine that the monarchy is brand in many ways, they don't say that much. they don't communicate that much. but the way they do portray themselves is through public events like this. so they're going to try and do as much it's possible william and kate without putting too much pressure on camila and william without putting too much pressure on charles and kids all right. >> really appreciate having you both their max foster in windsor and kate williams in london. thank you both >> all right. so let head here on cnn newsroom, march madness is living up to its name with one team, making it to the final four for the first time ever. get in sports caroline menn joins me next as the final four take shape state with us >> lumify. >> it's kind of amazing wow,
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basketball. this is a new thing yeah, i guess so, you know, for alabama, it just keeps going and going and they do actually kim bosa nation's highest scoring offense. they are at their best when they're hot from three-point range and they've been pressed a lot of people this season, it didn't look like that was going to happen early against clemson crimson tide guard mark sears started out the game oh, for seven, including 044 from beyond the dark he scored his first point of the game with just over four minutes left in the first half but then in the second half, the floodgates really opened. sir, straining shot after shot, finishing with a game-high 23 points with seven threes clemson an ollie allowed 14 threes in its first three and cwa tournament games combined and bamako joe, nate oats cutting down the nets after the 89, 80 to when sending the tied to the final four for the very first time the hard work always pay off all kind of feed it just i wouldn't be here without the hall work. i live but i was born with this on march madness
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is about hi my three kids. so today, my journey definitely cancer today >> alabama facing uconn next, who's on a mission to become the first repeat national champs in college basketball. sons florida won back-to-back titles in 2,006.2 the top-seeded husky scored 30 strip great to power the way back to the final four steamrolling illinois 77, 52. and that sets a march madness record of ten straight double-digit wins. here is a confident head coach, dan hurley's after the game >> or defenses, aleve our offense is a lead. we rebound the ball these guys play every possession like it's the end of the world. and we've got mba level players that just willing to share and they've created unbelievable culture. we're you know, we're, we're going to be tough to beat you can get a face alabama in the first match up, the final for next saturday in glendale, arizona, two more tickets will be
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punched >> on sunday afternoon. the action gets underway was second-seeded tennessee taking on number one purdue at 02:20 eastern. and then it's a battle of conference rivals this year's cinderella team and north carolina state wolfpack facing number four, duke just after 05:00. now, in the women's tournament, caitlin clark and number one, iowa advancing to the elite eight after an 89, 68 win over colorado on saturday, clark finishing with a game-high 29 points and 15 assists. she was subbed out with less than two minutes to go in the game, received a rousing ovation from the crowd as the hawkeyes now gets set to face number three, lsu in a rematch of last year's national championship game clark says the team is really excited to play the tigers again after the loss last year so good for women's basketball and not to be honest, i've watched a lot lsu games and what they're doing for women's basketball on the way there fan support is tremendous and it's been >> fun to watch and they've had a great season. so i know it's gonna be a great game and both things are gonna be ready to go and just gonna be great for our
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game and we couldn't be more excited >> can that game as a catalyst for so much interests and women's basketball that is going to be must-see tv >> yeah, absolutely. right. caroline minnow in new york. thank you so much. >> all right. before we go 7.8, lives cold, >> open suse donald trump's sales pitch for bibles ahead of easter sunday. have a look how do you think that this is a bad look, imagine how weird it would be if i started selling bibles. well i'm selling bibles beautiful mind made from 100% bible sounds like a joke. and in many ways it is, but it's also very real >> as you know, i loved bible. it's my favorite book >> definitely read it my favorite part is probably the ending how it all wraps up. but this is a very special bible and it can be yours for the high, high price of $60
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>> but i'm not doing this for the money hi, i'm doing this for the glory of god for pandering and mostly for money. >> moses >> guess, continue to mock trump as he compared himself to jesus and it's portrayed in the bible. he's selling as adam in the garden of eden ending out the sketch, fake trump went onto remark that he even has his own judas ron desantis. and he is better than the messiah because he's a quote, self-made billionaire. and jesus as a quote, nepo, baby >> all >> right, that wraps this hour of cnn newsroom. i'm kimberly, who were cnn this morning, isn't it? >> get your viewing glasses, ready and experience so rare, it won't happen again for another two decades. joint cnn for live coverage around the country of the spec in this guy's eclipse across america,
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