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tv   CNN Newsroom  CNN  March 31, 2024 3:00pm-4:00pm PDT

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1808851177. call now how solomon in new york >> cnn the powerball jackpot climbs to nearly 1 billion after there was no grand prize winner in last night's >> drawing, it is the fifth largest jackpots so far this year with an estimated cash value of 471 million. now, despite there being no powerball winner, more than 2.3 million tickets, one cash prizes on saturday the next drawing is, and you're not have to be careful with this tomorrow on april fool's day. and remember, the overall odds of winning the jackpot are 1,292.2 million, but it's also an april fool's day. so heads up there and heads up on this with all the excitement around the upcoming totals. solar eclipse, people are trying to cash in by polluting the marketplace with fake eclipse glasses. of course, looking directly at a solar eclipse without problem
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don't cut it. the american astronomical society has a list of approved eclipse glasses. you can also find it on and join cnn for special live coverage o of the eclipse acros america monday, april 8, that 01:00 p.m. eastern or stream it on max >> all right. everybody >> welcome for another hour. you are in the cnn newsroom. i'm omar jimenez in new york. we're going to begin this sour in jerusalem, where israel's prime minister is underscoring a key message today that the idf is going into rafah, no matter what the us things benjamin netanyahu said earlier today, that no amount of american pressure will stop israel from going through with an operation that there's no other way for israel to defeat hamas those remarks come in the midst of widespread anti-government protests in jerusalem as demonstrators call for the release of hostages at least 16 people were arrested
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on saturday. cnn's melissa bell reports mr.. a fairly >> substantial protests here in jerusalem tonight, the first time the protest movement has come back to the streets of this city since the war began. and this has been a protest very much about the way the government has handled the war. urgent calls for elections to be held in benjamin netanyahu to go. anger express in fact that more than so 130 hostages, nearly six months songs should still be in the hands of hamas could also anger about what has been done to the palestinian people, refer load that tonight. angles. so the displacement of his rabies in the north of the country and what the protestors have done is they set up pens down there by the knesset. they intend to stay here for the next four days to keep keep up the pressure on benjamin netanyahu. now, we heard from the israeli prime minister just ahead of this process, he's getting surgery tonight, a hernia operation underway for which will undergo general anesthetic. but he told the people before going into that that he believed his policies were responsible for half the
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hostages having been brought home. and he doubled down on the idea that a ground operation in rafah will be necessary in order to flush out her mask logo madonna, not ramadan. and here is a fact. we operate during ramadan and schieffer khan yunis and other places, nor the american pressure. and i'm already telling you that there is no hesitation as a reason for the left hey it requires certain preparations. i won't go into them >> sudan's moos, abel reporting there in jerusalem and cnn analyst barak ravid joins us. now. so help us put these protests into context. we talked about 16 arrest yesterday, more demonstrations today. but where is israeli public opinion on the prime minister right now? now >> what i think what you saw yesterday last night until a viva and what we saw today in jerusalem >> i don't want to go too >> far and i want to be careful, but it could be a real turning point when it comes to israeli public opinion about
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the war and about benjamin because many political observers thought that those demonstrations will happen long ago. two months ago, three months ago after this shock seventh, but it didn't it didn't happen. it didn't happen because people felt that it wasn't the right time that the country was inward, that hundreds of thousands of israeli it's mainly reservist. were in the front >> and now you >> see how this sort of desperation that was the took place over the last few months turning to anger and exploded yesterday and today, it is still a question. where is it going to go? it's going to get bigger or is just going to stay as it is right now? but in any case, what we saw yesterday and today is unprecedented since october 7. >> yeah, it's a good point. we have seen anger and flashpoints of protests even going back to before october 7 with how the judicial system is being handled in israel. but of
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course, is this the beginning of a new point? we will have to see if it leads to any long-term change we've also been looking at netanyahu's message today in regards to the us, israel dynamic and his message today, of course, saying they're going into rafah, no matter essentially what the united states thinks about it. and i'm curious for you what do you think that says about the current dynamic between israel and the us right now >> well, then m is two between israel and the us is in one word, it's good in towards, it's not good >> and i think >> we saw that today and over the last few weeks and attorney out today, i think i don't want to treat the issue of rafah in a way it doesn't sound serious enough >> but >> let's go over the facts. this was the fourth time in the last two months than the netanyahu said that he approved the operation in rafah. >> okay >> if you >> want to go in an operation,
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you go in an operation. you don't say four times that you approve the operation, but it still hasn't happened. and i think it tells you a lot and it tells you a lot about netanyahu's domestic political problems and how he's trying to divert attention from a lot of other stuff with this shiny object of rafat. and he said, rafat were talking about rafat. but on the ground nothing is happening regarding the operation >> yeah yeah. >> look, while all of is happening at the center of all this, we've still been monitoring whether there is a potential for any type of ceasefire-hostages exchanges. it's been really the center point of a lot of the high level negotiations, including in cairo. and i'm curious from your perspective, what is your sense of the talks in cairo and any outlook on a potential deal at this point, at least the latest version of what one would be so these red negotiation team is dealing cairo is still hasn't come back
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to israel. the israeli war cabinet had a relatively short meeting, like an hour and-a-half or earlier. today and it is still the bottom line is that it is still unclear whether it will be possible to break the logjam. the main issue that is the main sticking point in those talks is the hamas demand that israel will basically we draw from this area in the middle of the gaza strip that divides the enclave into two parts. and prevents people from going from the south back the north. israel is willing to allow some gradual return from the south to the north, but it does not agree, at least at the moment, we draw from this coy door and the main thing the israeli cabinet needs to decide is whether it agrees to this demand by hamas because it seems that at the moment if israel does not agree and hamas takes to its position, which is the case, right now, there's not gonna be a deal. >> yeah. and look on any on any
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version of a deal, i think it's important to also remind folks it's not like they're negotiating for the end of the war at this point, it almost is really for what the next phase of any type of room between the two sides would be. and look, i'm going ask you what may be an impossible question here, but let's say you get to a deal here for any sort of ceasefire. what is the long prognosis here for any type of end at this point so i think that everything you said is true >> okay. but still, once he go into let's say there is a deal and you go into this six temporary ceasefire six weeks of ceasefire is not nothing. that's a lot of time >> the previous >> ceasefire was a week now we've talked about six weeks to go back from a six-week ceasefire to a full scale operation in rafah. that's a very, very, very complicated thing. and everybody knows it.
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nobody wants to say it. everybody knows that. therefore even though a hostage deal doesn't mean the war ends, it so it doesn't mean that the war continues after those six weeks of ceasefire >> yeah. and it could provide some >> real inroads for humanitarian aid as opposed to just a large portion of airdrops that we've been seeing to this point, which have merits on arguments for whether they're truly effective or not. i wanted to touch on this before before we go the wall street journal has a story out today on the us expanding its intelligence sharing with israel and the aftermath of october 7, with some officials reportedly concerned that american supplied information is contributing to civilian deaths what's your read on those concerns among us officials? is that dynamic that you've been hearing some of your reporting >> i haven't heard about such concerns, and i have to say at least from my knowledge, i
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don't think the israeli air force or the israeli military it's really dependent on us intelligence when it comes to its airstrikes in gaza with all due respect intelligence when it comes to gaza for the last 20 years or 30 years, israel took the lead in the intelligence relationship between the us and israel. israel the lead on gaza and the us capabilities are again, they're there are capabilities, but they're not advanced as the israelis have. therefore, i'm not so sure that us intelligence is what was driving israeli airstrikes in gaza yeah. >> well, brock ravid, thank you for coming on as always. always appreciate the conversation >> thank you >> of course >> still ahead. the house gop's razor thin majority is getting even smaller with another lawmaker set to leave congress when it tell you how that could impact speaker mike johnson job and what gets
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passed in congress. plus pope francis calls for a ceasefire in gaza during his easter address, we're going to have more on his health and his message. this holy holiday, you're on the cnn newsroom erin burnett outfront week nights at seven odd cnn. >> what's the greatest invention of all time, new hands-free sketcher slip ends. you just slip in and they're on. it's like they have an invisible building ten shoe horn. so your foot slides into place without bending down or touching your shoes, then the heel pillow technology keeps your foot coffee and secure andrey sketch your slip-ups >> it only takes a second for an every day item to become dangerous. tide pods, child guard pac helps keep your laundry pacs in a safe place, and your child safer to close twist until it clicks. tide pods, child guard packaging when i was diagnosed with hiv, i didn't know who i would be, but here i am being me. >> keep being you and ask her health care provider about the number one prescribed hiv treatment big tardy, because rv
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toll on innocent lives around the world, we renew our a commitment to work for peace, security, and dignity for all people. donald trump, on the other hand, is lashing out with dozens of angry posts in all caps on truth, social blasting his political opponents prosecutors and judges saying in part, happy should all including those many people i completely and totally despise because they want to destroy roy america. this of course, is just after a day after sharing an image of his political opponent, joe biden, tied up and bound in the back of a pickup truck, trump tonight appearing is also appearing to test the limits of his gag order and the new york hush money case, where he's going to face trial in two weeks trump is also ramping up attacks against judge juan merchan's daughter post missing a link to an article showing or picture just days after attacking her as a quote ravid trump haider. all right. that's a lot joining me now is cnn senior political commentator and former special assistant to president george w bush, scott jennings, and former clinton white house press secretary, joe lockhart,
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glad to have both the view. >> scott, i wanted let's start with you. obviously, we just went through a list of what appears to be on brand trump messaging in some respects. but what is your reaction? i mean, it does this, help trump in a general election sense politically, what are we looking at here? >> well, it's the same hole. i think his people like it, obviously. does it help him with regular people are independence, are folks who are trying to decide what to do in this election probably not, but he's never really cared all that much about that. most of what he communicates is fan service. and when you write things in all caps and when you share these kinds of things, it's fan service to his hardest core audience >> yeah >> and joe, i want to bring you in on this because i think the contrasting eastern message is in some ways, or themes of how both have tried to run the campaign. but i think the question from joe biden's perspective is, how do you counter some of what have been much more strong word at a much
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more emotional poles from the former president trump. that seemed to at least rile up a good portion of the current republican base. >> i agree with that. it has rile them up. i think you do exactly what he did today, calling for unity, talking about bringing people together. because this election will be decided on turnout and turn up particularly in the suburbs with independent voters and what were formerly republicans are now this little swale because of the former republican party, the non trumpers >> you look at an ad he did this week, which is now explicitly going after voters who voted for nikki haley in the primary. so that's what they need to do. and i think the other thing that it hurts trump is there is a lack of enthusiasm about president biden the monday democratic core voter, but this fires them up this fire them up into thousand 20, and we'll fire up again. so it's on-brand, but
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it's a bad strategy. >> yeah. and scott, obviously a portion of this is look, trump is facing a number of trials this year. some of them that which may go to trial this year, but we know at least one and a couple of weeks here and he has gone on offense against the judge, against the legal system even before this. in regards to describing merrick garland in the justice system. but but from your respective where where's he going with this? what is the point of attack in the judicial system and the way that he has done either politically or otherwise well i would say there's probably two things going on inside his head. number one is he's enraged that he thinks he's been indicted unfairly. and he's lashing out at the people he thinks are responsible. but number two, his whole brand is i'm going to fight the system. i'm going to fight the institutions. i'm going to fight back against the elites who are trying to take away your voice. that's his message to his core audience. and so all of this i think is
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in service to both, both of those things >> yeah. >> i want to ask you separate topic, but i want to ask you both about a controversy surrounding republican congressman from michigan, who in the town hall videos making the rounds online, appeared to suggest nuclear weapons should be used in gaza the michigan congressman isn't seen on the video, but you can hear him making the comments. we have a clip, but we wanna know the video appears to have been distributed online by a person affiliated with the democratic advocacy group. here it is. >> we shouldn't be spending a dying when you measure it shouldn't be like nike years wallberg office released the transcript of the video and reaction to his distribution and also issued a statement insisting he wasn't >> advocating for using nuclear weapons, saying and part quote, i used a metaphor to convey the need for both israel and ukraine to win their wars as swiftly as possible. joe, is
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that how you saw it >> well, i don't i don't think so. and i think any fair minded person would say that he was wrong to say its offensive on so many levels. it's not worth going through it >> but the fact of the matter is >> this is trump's party. this is how they speak this, is what they advocate, advocate. and their voters are very happy with this kind of rhetoric and that just says something about what trump has done to transform the party and scott, i'll ask you the same question, but also does appear or i'm curious if you think that there is a >> want for those in the republican side to end our aid to ukraine to end our involvement, whether through eight or otherwise in israel. so i'll to start with the first part do you see this as a metaphor is what the congressman said >> and >> we just lost scott there.
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and do we have joe or now? all right. joe and we have scott back >> all right. >> hey, i thought you were duck in me. i was like all right >> but what what would you want it we want to know. anything you want >> yeah. yeah. i was i just wanted you react action to the michigan congressmen sound and whether you think there is actually a real concern to end what's happening in ukraine and israel as quickly as possible among republican voters? >> i sound like >> a stupid flippant remark to me congressman, don't have their finger on the button, i guess in this case. thank goodness so it's not a it's not a serious comment and so in response to something joe said, though actually disagree a little bit with his point about how maga talks and how trump thing trump is actually in a lot of his supporters have actually moved the party in a
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lot more dovish direction. i mean, they they have in some ways become a lot of anti-war rhetoric and keep us out of wars. we didn't have wars when trump was in. now the world's in chaos so when you listen to trump supporters these days, you actually hear them talking about no war, no war and so that kind of >> commentary is actually a little bit in my opinion, out of step with what you hear from the people who are i would say the most ardent trump supporters out there joe, i'll give you a chance to respond to that if you'd like >> i mean, i don't disagree it so you know, it's been the aid has been held up to ukraine by republicans and they, i think the point i was trying to make is outrageous, is good. say anything that divides the american people. so it, because that's how trump thinks he can get elected and we saw the contrast today on easter sunday and i want to go to capitol hill real quick before before
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we go here, because republican congressman mike gallagher says he's going to resign in april that of course, shrinks the gop majority and after of course, colorado republican ken buck also made an early exit from coress this month. so we're down to a 217 to two-thirds teen majority republicans really can only lose one vote to pass legislation if everyone's there. >> scott how does >> this change the way johnson leads here? >> well, i mean, i would i would maybe tell you it changes it somewhat, but does it really i mean, the reality is taking one away from what he's already got, which is basically an ungovernable conference i mean, he's still on the same problem. the problem is there's a handful of people in his conference that want to wield their authority over the rest of the us house of representatives. they already throughout one speaker, one of them, marjorie taylor greene is threatening to try to get rid of johnson. and so he's in this situation where he's in charge
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of a majority. it's not actually a majority. i mean, effectively you have three parties in the house, two of them are loosely combined in a coalition government right now and one of them is constantly threatening to walk away. i mean, it i wouldn't wish it on anybody. it's a miserable kind of thing to try to lead. i think johnson's gotten some things done miraculously in some cases, his next big test is going to be putting the ukraine aid on the floor, which a lot which has bipartisan support. if you put it on the floor today, but get over 300 votes, he needs to get that done. but obviously this is going to enrage this sliver of his conference that the wants to be in constant rebellion >> we will >> see what happens, felt like we were just getting started, but i got to leave it there. scott jennings, joe la carte appreciate you both for being here. >> thank you all right. meanwhile, king >> charles is back in the public eye attending easter service and windsor for the first time since his cancer diagnosis, we have the latest on his health coming up and the untold story of that mish of the mission that changed
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spaceflight for ever the new cnn originals series, space shuttle columbia, the final flight premieres next sunday and 09:00 p.m. on cnn. we'll be right back we're, here to get your side of the store >> don't ms a single scandal, why do we keep ending up here? you can't write this stuff. >> united states of scandal with jake tapper marathon tonight at eight on cnn kim the riva support your brain health. >> married janet. hey eddie. know, fraser, franck. franck, bread. how are you >> fred, fuel up to seven brain health indicators, including your memory, joined the nar riva brain health challenge look at this. humans just walking past the chance to save nearly $750. >> you look here, look at this why that didn't turn out how you want it switch to progressive and you could save hundreds
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sunday mass >> in st. peter's, the pontiff has been battling with bouts of ill-health and on good friday, he pulled out of service out the last minute in order to preserve his health but on easter sunday, he was back in the vatican and you delivered a strong message for easter sunday from the balcony of some pizzas addressing various conflicts taking place around the world, including the israel hamas, when teachers in all three men pelo, i appeal once again, that acts just to humanitarian aid be ensured to gaza. and cool once more for the prompt release of the hostages seized on the seven october i'm for an immediate ceasefire in the strip >> francis also warned about the winds of war that he sees blowing across europe and the mediterranean. >> the >> pope has been presiding at a series of services during holy week and in the run-up to easter despite his age, he is 87 evan and his helped
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difficulties. francis has insisted he is not going to resign and his appearances on easter sunday suggest he wants to continue and post omar christopher lamb. thank you so much for that report. now, king charles made his, his most high-profile public appearance yet since his cancer diagnosis, the king went to the easter mass service at the chapel at windsor castle, and then went on a surprise walk about two greek people cnn royal correspondent max foster gives us an up-close look >> a lucky few royal well-wishers, given a surprise invite into windsor castle to see the king making his first major public appearance. since his cancer diagnosis. then an even bigger surprise when he went for a walk and a chance. >> you haven't gotten to a royal source telling cnn all future engagements remains subject to medical device near the time but this was an encouraging sign of how the treatment is progressing as we
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look towards summer and how the road ahead is looking positive, is obviously looking really great for me is walking. he's out there again, but we've been told that this isn't a return to public duties. what it is is it's of gentle return to the public eyes we are seeing charles out and about waving, seeing people. but he's not going back to the full duties of kingship and we don't yet have a timeline as to when that's going to be >> the service at windsor is a tradition for the royals, prince andrew, amongst those invited showing that he's part of the family, if not part of the firm? them anymore. >> the >> princess of wales didn't attend a she receives a role in treatment for cancer, but that was expected as she also spends time with their children during the school holidays. >> we hope that you will understand that as a family, we now need some time, space and privacy while i complete my treatment, it's an unprecedented time for the royal family with two senior
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royals sidelines due to serious illness, leaving only a handful of working royals to carry out public duties queen camilla has shouldered much of the load in charles's absence, prince william is expected to resume public engagements in mid-april, but it's been a strain on the system. >> king charles, i really wanted to have a slim down monarchy when he took, took on the throne, but he never could have anticipated it, slimming down to where it is now and there's, also a matter of trust. the statement by the princess of wales diffuse a frenzy of conspiracy theories about her health and whereabouts. but there are lingering questions about a digitally altered photo of catherine and the children and concerns that the palace isn't being transparent enough. media cameras were invited to film the events rather than in-house media teams behind the scenes, the king has been carrying out meetings and continuing his work has had a state as both he and catherine continue their cancer treatments o'mara most
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significant about today really is that the king was confident enough to go speak to members of the public and shake their hands up until now, his doctors have been advising him not to do that. so it's certainly shows his recovery is going pretty well. he looked in good spirits at least and so did the queen omar. >> all right. thank you. max foster. appreciate the reporting coming up next. a major phone carrier breach exposing the personal information of millions of americans. we're going to explain and coming up >> space shuttle columbia up the final flight premieres next sunday at nine and cnn this is not. just another e glass because it evolves with you and adapts is the first ii made just for you this is not just design because you're ii class, it adapt, it recognizes, understands you that power shoe energizes you feel it devolves
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>> it's time to paint, that. do tonight at and t is investigating how the personal data of more than 70 million of its current and former customers, that's >> one in four us adults ended up on the dark web. now the company says that includes personal information, like social security numbers, names, and mailing addresses. so joining us now to discuss is glen gastel, former general counsel at the national security agency, and now senior advisor for the center for strategic and international studies. all right. glen, good to see you. i just want to start with the obvious here. more than 70 million people. how concerned should they actually be here? >> absolutely should be concerned. this is a very significant haq, as you said, it's evolves over 70 million people. this is the nation's largest cellular carrier and the kind of information that was made available about two weeks ago on the dark web was
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really serious. it was the names, addresses, phone numbers, emails, social security information, and even date of birth for many of their at&t customers. so that's really serious because once a bad guy has that a criminal has that information perhaps they could pose, as you and call up one of your bank account that's her health accounts claimed you lost your password and you reset it by validating their identity using the stolen social security number or birth date or whatever. so this is quite a serious issue. >> yeah, a lot of that is definitely verification level data as opposed to just just a password that you might guess, which again, we've got those two-step verifications for a reason. now, look, telecom companies have been hacked before. is there something that makes them, especially good targets here? is it just the range of data that they operate with? >> exactly. it's like that old saying when the bank robber was asked, why do you rob banks? because that's where the money
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is. so any hacker who is both skilled enough and lucky enough to get inside a telecom company is going to find a digital treasure chest. the information that's available there will be large in numbers telecom companies handle tens of millions of people when t-mobile was hacked to last year they had a data breach affecting tens of millions of their customers. and the information is, of course, quite significant as we've said, it's all the kind of information used to verify your identity now, many of these companies to be sure, don't necessarily, necessarily have lax security practices. the at&t in this particular case, i think this is important to say hasn't said whether the data which they admit is at&t customer data came from at&t itself or whether it came from one of their vendors? that of course would be also of concern >> and look you touched one here because i think it's
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really important that all of these, all of these telecom companies, or at least a company at this scale. their defenses around this have to be essentially impeccable and erase where there are folks who are constantly trying to break air defenses, and they go back and forth until the end of time how delicate is that? is that race? is that balance for a company like at&t? i guess my question is, what is the magnitude of work that needs to be done to actually prevent something like this from happening. >> well, that of course is the question. i mean, there's some good news and bad news there. i mean, the reality is that for the past, what decade or two, we've been racing to put all of our lives and digital form. so it's all up in there in the cloud, or it's on a company's computers and there's tremendous benefits to be gained from having all that information be digitally we accessible on our cell phones or laptops. but the consequences that we haven't paid enough attention over the past decade or two to the
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vulnerabilities and risks that are created both by cybercriminals teenage hackers, as well as nation states like a china, north korea, russia, who are out to get this kind of information on americans. ultimately, we're going to have to move past passwords were going to have to move toward greater use of two-factor authentication. possibly some biometric identifications, and get to a system that's much, much more secure both for the individual user and the companies themselves. but that's expensive and that's a long way off >> yeah. and quickly before we go, if at&t has notified you that your information has been compromised, i mean, what is the first thing that you should be doing here? >> so just because if you are notified that is one key issue, if you're not notified, just don't assume automatically that you're safe. you need to investigate this. >> but if you >> are notified, the first thing i would do is change my passwords for any really
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serious important financial account or health account if i had a couple of credit cards or bank accounts or health or health account that was especially sensitive information or where a criminal could do mischief if they got into my account. i changed the password. it costs you nothing. there's no downside. it's a little bit of annoyance. the second thing i'd probably do is consider contacting the three credit report agencies. the equifax experian transunion. this is all available on the web for customers and asked to put a fraud alert on your account and possibly at&t will assist you with that. i'm not it's not at all clear yet what exactly what they're going to do in that regard. but you can put a fraud alert, give that to the credit information you can get a copy of your credit report once a year. if you're really concerned, you can put a credit freeze on your account which will prevent someone from opening up a credit card using your stolen social security number and birth date. that's a little more complicated, but there are steps you can take an ide, pay attention to the respectable news media and find
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out what are the right solutions to be backing >> well, langer cell. thank you so much. really appreciate your time and perspective. now, if basketball star caitlin clark wants to end her college career with a championship trophy, she's going to have to go through a road. she couldn't get through last year in deep last year champions lsu. we're going to have a preview of this huge elite eight match up coming up there's a new ally in the fight against climate change. this is bukhara business blue carbon. we just need to protect nature will do the breast in carbon >> and cnn film sunday, april 21 at nine >> your ancestry is so much more than names and dates it's the story of your family then and now >> a >> story that may your name means something a story you're
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life stage right today at you for >> it's been a giant weekend for college basketball and it's not over yet. the final four for the men's bracket will be set after tonight. and this afternoon is big win for purdue and the showdown happening right now between duke and nc state and the women's tournament has some big face offs tomorrow with four of its biggest names clashing in the elite eight. rachel nicolas is host of headliners on showtime and joins us now. caitlin clark, angel reese, page, becker's juju walk-ins. some would call that cinema is tomorrow one of the biggest nights for women's college hoops that we've ever had yeah, 100%. >> this is poised to capture the attention of the >> country and we have been able to say that time after time and women's basketball as a combination of a few different things, women's sports in general have just really reach terminal velocity over the past couple of years, you've had them breaking free out of more of a niche audience to just general sports fans, understanding how good these games can be see how talented these athletes are. you also have the fact that in college women's basketball, you've had
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this nil licensing money coming into players, which means for some players, not all, but for some players, it's been more economically beneficial. they make more money staying in school than they do go into the wnba. and that means that stars are around longer rivalries can form. teams can record better players to come in after them because you will get to play with caitlin clark. she's still gonna be here at iowa. so we've gotten these really complete full teams and then i said the rivalries, man, last year, caitlin clark's iowa team versus angel reese is lsu team that was theater in the final of the women's tournament last year. the fact that they're meeting this early in the draw has gotten people just all a flutter. am i hope for this game is that it is as competitive as we expect, and that people who are watching allow it to be as competitive as we expect. i think injuries got so much unfair criticism last year for just celebrating the fact that her team won in the way we've seen so many male athletes do show in the ring finger finger and making the john cena pose and all of that stuff. and there's this idea that women athletes still have to be more polite, that
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they have to be more sportsman like that. they can't be as competitive. get that dirt under their fingernails the way that men can. and at such a shame and i hope that we see something different this year. i think we're going to i think we're allowed this to be as competitive game as it should be. gonna be amazing for women's hoops >> and they don't even see it that way. like caitlin clark, even at the time, was saying, hey, i didn't even take offense to that combated all petition is competition and i think we see that across the board, but you're right from the outside in there is this expectation that for some reason they shouldn't be doing the same type of goodnight celebration since its steph curry. steph curry, exactly >> but look serious part of the women's game that we've found out about recently, a big blunder. it came to light, essentially that while both teams agreed to play the game, it was found out that the three-point are was not the same distance from the hoops on the two sides of the court. >> how does that even happen? >> yeah. this was the regional important when it was the case for five of the six games they played here this weekend. it
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was just that fifth one that they finally figured it out. someone took a tape measure out. it's just unbelievable that at this level that's allowed to happen and texas, which lost the game, the coach said afterward, he said, i'm sorry to have to say this, but a lot of my colleagues would tell you only and when yemen's hoops only and women's basketball, the ncw still has a long way to go and the way that they treat these women, especially as this tournament has become so popular, there is no excuse for the fact that the women playing it don't get the same benefits was only a few years ago that the women's tournament was able to use the term march madness i want you to let that sink in the ncw is own women's basketball tournament, wouldn't allow the women to use the term march madness because that was for the menn apparently making sure that the court is the proper dimensions is still for the menn two, and we hope that that changes. this should be incredibly embarrassing for the ncaa doublet and should never happen again. >> yeah. and especially when you consider a few years ago and now to now talk about the most anticipated game is on the women's side, happening on a monday night, just incredible how far it's come. i do want to talk about the men's side a
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little bit here because big story is the seemingly unbeatable uconn huskies, they went on a 300 run to put away illinois yesterday. i just want to point out that didn't happened against northwestern >> but is anyone >> just getting that in there? >> but is anyone >> stopping them at this point from going back to back? what do you see out there? >> i mean, it is hard to see it. they play alabama next alabama had a really fun when here in los angeles, they shot with felt like a million threes and their coach, coach oats is a former high school math teacher. he's very into that three-point at atlantic's. they've analytics team traveling with them. so they're going to come out against uconn. they're going to try to shoot the lights-out, hit all those threes and i got to tell you, omar, it is unlikely that it will matter this you team is so, so strong, they've been winning at a clip even surpasses last year's champions. and it is hard to see them going down and yet another reason why people are so interested in the competitiveness of the women's side. because so much of the
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men's tournament feels a little bit more and more predetermined every time you can't take the court >> yeah. yeah. we will see what happens. we will know very soon, just about a week's time, rachel nicholas. thank you. you so much for being with us. >> great to see you. >> all right. former president trump spends his easter sunday attacking the judges in charge of the legal cases against him. i'm going to talk to a former judge about how just how dangerous this it's can be as cnn newsroom continues get your viewing glasses ready and experience so rare, it won't happen again for another two decades. joint cnn for live coverage around the country of the spectacle in the skies. he clicks across america. april 8 did one on cnn or streaming on no, i'm adding downey unstoppable to my wash. >> now, i'll be smelling fresh all day long >> still fresh get six times longer lasting freshness plus odor protection. try for under $5 can sugar ray leonard you
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