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tv   United States of Scandal  CNN  March 31, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT

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>> i'm natasha bertrand at the pentagon. and this is cnn >> no figure embodies the american political process quite like the presidential candidate at their best candidates represent and ideal the overcoming of obstacles are hopes for a better future, protecting the people from the powerful. >> let's >> intoxicating stuff >> reality of course, is >> less glamorous, supporting that candidate as an army volunteers, donors political operatives, and lincoln sometimes get too wrapped up in the l4 the legend which brings us to the story of johnny read edwards and american success story crusading trial lawyer family man, the senator from north carolina was seen by
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millions of americans, has a future of the democratic party candidate john edwards was inspirational people seemed as if they would go to the ends of the earth for him and in some cases, he made them because in reality, john edwards, the person well, he was no savior >> i will give welcome back. you're >> who could ever forget this handsome face. john >> edwards, honest, had changing course in iraq is the first step in trying to restore america's moral leadership in the world. >> and we're just hot stuff. and within striking distance of the white house for years he
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had been john kerry's vice president the dental pick in 2004, and even though that didn't work out, it made him an early favorite entering the 2008 democratic presidential primer. >> he was a good talker. he ms good-looking. he had the right politics. >> yes. edwards was the dream candidate perhaps even the dreamy candidate, that beautiful head of hair just stole my heart john edwards was able to articulate the economic issues play this country, >> able to talk about the two americans that was his famous speech. we can build >> what america, where we no longer have i've to health care system >> edouard stated mission to bridge the gap between rich americans and poor americans still seems progressive, more than a decade later, he was young, smart, married to his law school sweetheart. though he'd made a fortune as a trial attorney, edwards proudly champion the working class andy was from a southern state they called him bill clinton without the baggage until the baggage
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arrived. china and words >> seemed too good to be >> true and was >> john edwards political career laws in shambles, his personal life and laws laid bare he lied about an extramarital affair when he ran for president this year, john edwards. now admitting he is the father of the child born campaign >> aide, real hunter andrew yang, a former aide to john edwards young, had initially taken the fall for edward saying he was the father of the baby. what about edwards? wife and 32 years? elizabeth, she's not only had to deal with her husband betrayal, she's dealing with a cancer that threatens to take her life. >> yes, it was as bad as it sounds. edwards cheated on his cancer stricken i had a baby with his secret girlfriend slash employee, and then tried to pass it off as a key campaign staffers kid for years, edwards followed the three simple rules bulls for unfaithful men deny, deny, deny. >> i have no idea what you're asking about. >> i don't
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>> respond to these labs. >> so when the truth came out, he looked like the most untrustworthy politician in the united states. >> here's the statement john edwards issued today. i am quinn's father it was wrong for me ever to deny she was my daughter and hopefully one day when she understand she'll forgive me >> the scandal torpedoed his career and with it, the dreams of so many people who had believed in him isn't very shocking, is a man i was willing to vote for us president. twi body to his name like that. >> why would he do that >> he had to know that it's personal failures would detonate his political career. yet he still seem to believe that he was destined to transform the united states and it wasn't just him so many smart people surrounding him accommodated his lies believing that the ends justify the means. this story is 15 years old, but it burns so many people, including many staffers who still work in politics and refused to talk about the scandal to this day john
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edwards isn't talking either. and his ex-wife, elizabeth, sadly died in 2010 thankfully, i was able to find answers and understanding in kentucky sitting and talking with someone who wants fairly or not was the most infamous woman in the united states. >> real hunter. >> the image of john edwards was this john grisham hero come to life, crusading southern lawyer had some difficulties in his life, wants to fight for you we held him responsible for not being the image that he had given us and held me responsible for that to >> we did in the media, yes. >> it's hard talking about it. and even 15 years later, i don't want her anybody or ham. i don't want to hurt john either. you know, we're here to get your side of the story by february 2006, real >> hunter had lived many lives
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she was an actress with bit roles in films such as ricocheting, where she played a reporter alongside denzel washington. >> mr. are you all right? >> a new york party girl and muse for her ex-boyfriend, j mac and ernie it's novel, story of my life. a self-described spiritual healer. and finally, an aspiring documentary filmmaker john edwards by contrast, was soft launching a presidential campaign in a leader of the democratic party. >> so let's just start with a very if you're gonna you're at the regency hotel >> god, >> in 2006 were you there to meet him being there was a fluke. >> what was he by himself? >> who he was in a business meeting. i was with my friend. or at a table and john edwards was behind her and he kept looking at me as though he knew me as well. and then we got up and left and when we were standing on the corner and john edwards turn the corner and saw me there and he literally like
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almost jumped into my arms and my response, what came out of my mouth was your so hot and what did he say back? >> well, i think yeah, i said i can help you. and he said, well, i want to hear. >> he >> said, could you walk, you know, can you come over so you want up to his room? i did. that. i didn't feel like it was sexual either. you didn't know? i did not because it sounds like there was an attraction. >> you said you're for so i know i know. i know. i would have sexual and i get it. yeah. >> did your intimate relationship with him begin that night? >> yes. >> i was in love very quickly, not because he was john edwards. no >> not at all >> made no mistake like all of that like added to the package, you know, like just like and human rights. so he's a good looking guy. he was very charismatic and he was like john edwards. he did all the
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boxes except it wasn't single that's a that's a box. >> it's a big one >> clearly, john's marital status was no barrier to pursuing real and the feeling was mutual. ironically, at the same time, the contrary seemed in with john edwards picture perfect marriage, and his wife, elizabeth edwards, a former attorney herself health care reform crusader, who was said to be edouard secret weapon on the campaign trail. >> my value is that people trust me. they trust me to say what's on my mind and to be direct the election was still two years away, but elizabeth and john seemed like they were everywhere pushing john as the next great democratic hope it was the beginnings of a 21st century presidential campaign which created a unique opportunity for real and john's relationship. >> at >> what point does he start talking about figuring out a way for you to come on board the campaign. >> i pitched him the idea i'm doing a webisodes aires because my entire thing about him was
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who he really is, did not translate onto the camera and i wanted to help him capture that because i thought it was pretty cool >> in hours of behind the scenes footage real captured, more than maybe even she imagined at the start. she showed who john edwards really was as a person for better or for worse, you think most people have any idea what we're doing. we're not off the stage. >> you're trained to be careful condition that saying what? say for condition to be political >> i actually walked >> the country to see the is who i really am hi they successful or unsuccessful based on who i really am, not based on some plastic ken doll that you put out up in front of audiences >> that's not me. >> be careful what you wish for
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john >> seven astronauts setting off on a scientific mission, columbia, houston check. >> i didn't know anything concerning it happened there were people that did though the space shuttle accident. it's usually not one thing. it's a series of events >> you follow the debris. what's it telling you >> it should have had that test on day one and we need to figure out what the hell happened >> space shuttle columbia, the final flight premieres next sunday at nine on cnn get your backyard ready for any occasion with the help of quality battery tools by still owe mute prove still dealers, right? now say $50 on select ak system battery tool sets, real still life diabetes. there's no slowing down. each day is a unique blend of people to see and things to do that's why you choose glissando to help manage blood sugar response uniquely designed with carbs steady glue, sirna, bring on the day
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go with you, talk to your health care provider today >> leaders are not baby at university of phoenix >> you could earn your stood for knossos degree for under 11 k in less than a year >> somethings are two avi is to be a coincidence, earn your competency-based masters at university of phoenix >> do thousand six john edwards was preparing for his presidential run it also brought his extramarital affair with real hunter on the road my hiring him as campaign documentarian. people were starting to notice >> they were pretty weird episodes, right? like the footage was like clearly you love this man, you're not even holding the camera steady. you guys are flirting here it's a
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great speech >> can you read it like an array? eat it? >> the webisodes did they suggest anything? >> maybe when he was like he was a little flurry, but he flirted with everybody. i wasn't that wasn't unique to me. but everyone read into it that oh, he's so florida, you know that recipe so glad to laika >> at the time real is larger than life presence on the campaign trail had some staffers and journalists talking, but it was just that talk and even though he had not officially announced he was running yet, there was so much heat behind an edwards candidacy. >> it was really about the sense of the failed george w bush administration and coming out of katrina, we are heading
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into an economic crisis the war in the middle east was so badly managed and prosecuted with so much at stake, elizabeth had the idea to target young voters as a break with politics as usual i was hired by the campaign because they were looking for bloggers. blogging was really knew and that was edwards campaign trying to stand out from the more traditional campaigns at the time? elizabeth had been out front, she had joined the blogosphere. she was writing about universal health care and progressive policy generally, for the first time in 15 years, we're actually so trying to fix a broken health care system and deal with the twin problems of the status quo, which are skyrocketing health care costs and made some americans living without health care coverage. i >> first met elizabeth edwards on the campaign trail and she was at the front of the bus working on something by the time we get to our campaign stop, elizabeth says, i have this for you. and it was a sketch of me and i was just so impressed and like what a nice
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gestures you'd have to do that for me. and she was good i knew then she was a phenomenon she was the brains of this mission. she knew how to make it look soft when it felt hard. she really was the all-american fabric >> part of what made the adwords campaign. so riveting and why so many people rooted for john and elizabeth was the story behind their relationship? tragedy had compelled them to get into politics >> now, listen way, died in an automobile accident seven years ago, and this is his outward bound pins. so i'll wait they began getting involved with the community in new and different ways when their son died as a way to try to have some good come out of his death >> good morning. i'm here in new >> orleans to announce that a candidate for the presidency of the united states in the election of 2008, by early 2000 hasn't seven. john had made
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his official announcement for the presidency. real's webisodes, which revealed a little more truth and edwards was perhaps ready to admit disappear from the internet. but their relationship continue. >> how often were you seen john at this point? every week. every couple of weeks, a lot. oh, more i went everywhere thank staffers knew who i was. so like for me to get into his hotel room was challenging >> genre was believed he could outsmart anyone, but someone has to be complicit here on this. >> the person real and john say enabled their affair was campaign staffer andrew young andrew denies that he would it's doing anything more than following john's orders. so keep in mind this is a story full of unreliable narrators and opinions differ. and of course, the only person cheating on his spouse and lying to voters about who he was was the candidate himself? >> they had a separate phone. they called the bat phone whenever john would want to talk to real, then start
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humming that theme from batman. and that was kind of the queue for andrew to flip him the phone to talk to real. so it was quite elaborate why would andrew young do that? well, in his book, he wrote quote, i joined in the deception and at the time, amazingly i believed it was the right thing to do. i did this for one primary reason. i believed in john edwards and all the things he said he stood for how much was he involved in helping this relationship to happen? >> oh, it wouldn't have happened without him every time we reach some sort of obstacle or hurdle andrew would clare. clare that remove it >> one of the things that's hard to get across to folks is how much it was really possible that john edwards was going to be the next president of the united states. >> and >> my personal opinion, i didn't thank he should run for president. >> you didn't think you should run for president because of the relationship? yeah. yeah
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>> did you tell him now? >> yeah >> you know, i was the only one everybody wanted them to run what did he think was gonna happen >> it >> it's all based on a lie, right? yeah, it was like how this is not going to end. well next sunday, new interviews with the return israeli hostages. >> what is the meaning of being hostage phrase no i didn't t. >> and the fight for the release of those still in captivity, the whole story with anderson cooper next sunday at eight on cnn, i met with the turbotax expert because i had two full-time jobs, lawyering and miami count on me, mia. >> i'll file your >> taxes for you with 100% accuracy guaranteed. let a turbotax full service expert do your taxes as soon as today, rsv is up there for those 60 years and older protect against rsv with a wreck sv a rx v is a vaccine used to prevent lower respiratory disease from rsv. and people 60 years and older, wreck speed is not protect
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>> not to the mainstream press >> i think many traditional journalists ended up in the tabloids putting together a story was the easy part getting the information that was the hard part, and that took a certain type of journalist very levine was executive editor of the national enquirer when a tip came in on john and rio previously the juiciest gossip about john had been the price of his haircuts >> it was right before the >> iowa caucuses. he was running right with obama and hillary clinton i thought, wow, if the story is true, the rug would really be pulled out from under him >> in march 2007, a few months after barry started looking into the affair, rumors, the edwards is received devastating news elizabeth, breast cancer, which had been in remission since 2004, was back. this time the dr. said it was not curable
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>> the candidate says he'll be there for his wife anytime any place, despite the presidential campaign. yet john edwards says that campaign will continue elizabeth was sec and elizabeth had found out about may at the same time, she called the cell phone that we had together. there was only one number on the cell phone and it was mine and she called it and i answered the phone and she hung up. >> he ended up confessing to her that he had had an affair with her, but it was over and he was never going to do it again. so she believed she actually believed that at this point, editors and executive producers in the mainstream press seemed to have no stomach for digging into rumors that john edwards was cheating on his dying wife. >> we had heard rumblings and we were all sort of thinking about how we would report on it. >> there just >> was no evidence of it >> tabloids in the play by
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different rules then mainstream reporters, they use checkbook journalism, paying for information for access for photographs the standards may seem lower, but in this case, the enquirer was going to do whatever it took to break the story. >> i went into my battle mode in the sense of organ to go full court press the first thing we're gonna do, try to find out a little bit more about who this woman is. we went to a home in new jersey where we believe that real hunter was living the national enquirer ended up on my doorstep so i bought a ticket and i flew and andrew pick me up at the airport and took me to his house in north carolina where cheri and the kids were. i stayed with him and then he rented me my own house but the enquirer was still circling >> and levine had >> enough to start publishing october 2007, when the first piece came out from the
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national enquirer and they didn't name me. >> he gets asked about this and he denies it on camera in front of everybody. he's on the campaign trail is still running for president not the national enquirer. >> sorry. i don't talk about these tabloids and tabloid trash is full allies. i'm here to talk about helping people. >> what was your response when you heard that? you got mad, you got you cried. >> i mean, it's just sad >> because he's denying your love cracked. so he's still he's still in the relationship? >> yeah. you're still in the relation? yes >> edwards campaign staffers all saw the articles and many of them knew or at least suspected the rumors, had married what's remarkable is no one inside the campaign blew the whistle at this point john's political machine kept going full throttle even as barry levine and the enquirer, we're getting ever closer to blowing it all up subsequently, we were able to develop the source. now closer to real
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hunter who says that not only is the affair true, but she's pregnant now with john's child and their freaking out. >> so when did you find out you were pregnant >> july 2007. >> how do you tell john the news that he's about to have a kid with your >> he knew before i knew he he just sensed it. yeah. >> he said this is your choice whatever you want to do with this, i support you >> i was 43 years old. i've never been pregnant in my life. i was like, i'm having this baby. this is my shot of being a mom through the source that we had developed. we found out that john edwards had moved her to a gated community in chapel hill, north carolina she's fiber six months pregnant. she has to be traveling to an obstetrician nearby.
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>> that's right. barry and the national enquirer staked out every ob-gyn in the area and waited for real to i'm in for an appointment. >> she left the doctor's office to a grocery store we attempted to question her than and said real weird, told through multiple sources that john edwards is the father of your child. >> what we have to remember is real hunter doesn't really exist until the national enquirer says she does. and when she does everything changes really fast >> that day changed my life suddenly, i had to become aware of my surroundings all the time cameras popping up out of weird vans parked down the street with their windows cracked. >> now, with physical proof of real's pregnancy, a plan was hatched to get the media off of john edwards, sent what happened after that, when into a scenario that i had never
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experienced. week again receiving phone calls from >> various lawyers saying this is a case of two campaign workers and john edwards campaign who are having a child together. andrew young is the baby daddy of real hunters, child >> now this is when the story it gets invented that it's actually andrew yang's baby. >> yes >> whose idea was andrew yaks >> and his wife was cool with it. >> he sold her on the idea. i'm not sure she was cool with it. nobody was cool with it. >> to be clear, andrew young flatly denies that he was the architect of the plan to pass off john and real's baby as his in his book, young recalls john edwards convincing him to lie by saying, quote it's going to be a one-day story, andrew, no offense, but the press doesn't give a about you. they want me but if we give them a story, they can understand a story about to staffers. they'll go away >> we'd publish a page one covers story. john edwards,
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love child scandal we reported edwards response. the story is false, ridiculous. >> at >> this point, the scandal almost starts to feel like watching a horror movie. i want to cry out the john edwards, just stop. don't go into the basement. don't layer a lie upon a bigger lie, just stop. go home, man but the potential to somehow get away with maybe even win the election kept john edwards and his enablers going diluted as it was. they went into the basement in the national enquirer was waiting there for them >> the privilege of serving you. i do not take lightly but you all need to be better >> when who know more. >> it feels like you're telling me that no, no and it makes me distrust all of you and wants you to be dead be better. being normal, good to go regime
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>> this is cnn >> the world's news network lesson and tail we have a president who's willing to stand up to these people. nothing will change. we will never have the america that all of us dream up >> in january 2008, rumors of edwards affair have been published and we're dogging the campaign in a surprise, upset barack obama won the iowa caucus. were john had been heavily favored previously, but at least outwardly, edwards remained hopeful what people want and new hampshire as they want to see change, they want to see something different than they say now but the political tides had turned a few days later edwards lost the new hampshire primary. >> john edwards have dustin third must be a disappointing 17% and a few weeks later, the south carolina primary, he's only winning two counties, including were here he was born seneca
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>> obama broke out as the party favorite, just as edwards began to implode. >> it's time for me to step aside. so the history in blaze its path >> john ever just still chasing his political career, even though he is not a candidate for president, he's looking for a role in the obama white house. he could still emerge as a vice presidential candidate or attorney general. but right at that moment still has real and the kid over there trying to keep this at bay. >> if you are involved in a heated political scandal best thing to do is admitted. confess and move on with your life john edwards didn't do that >> someone someday will have to explain to me how a man can cheat on his cancer stricken wife have a baby with his girlfriend, and somehow think he can still be vice president or attorney general a month after edwards dropped out of the race, real gave birth to their daughter in california
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without him john was still trying to keep his growing secret in hiding, but the enquirer was watching his every move big tip came in that john was going to meet real and their daughter at the beverly hilton we were subsequently able to obtain a spy photo of john holding his child and as john was leaving the hotel, are reporters sprang up to him and said, mr. edwards are from the national enquirer what are you doing here? visiting real hunter and her baby. we believe your baby that point it all caved in for john edwards. he was panic stricken. he ran into a bathroom and i'll reporters around the other side trying to get at and security came and john edwards was escorted out without making any comments. but we knew that we we wake up to the national choir interview. i was with abc news. >> and >> what i found out is that
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john edwards had brokered a deal to sit down with abc news. >> i worked at abc news at this time. and when edwards agreed to a sit down, it was a huge deal. everyone in the newsroom tuned in to watch our colleague bob woodruff hold edwards feet to the fire. he'd have to tell the truth now, he was on national tv but then this happen. >> let me ask you the question did you have an affair with ms hunter in 200062 years ago? >> i >> made a very serious mistake. mistake that i am responsible for. is this a fair completely over? >> oh, yes, it's been over a lot for a long path >> edwards, ever the skilled trial attorney was being very slippery with the truth here. but what came out next was an unbelievable outright lie and that picture is absolutely you and you are holding that baby. >> the picture in the tabloid? yes. i have no idea what that picture is. but you've seen that picture, right? i did
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>> say an ad. i cannot make any sense out of it. i don't know who that baby is. >> this is the part of john edwards that you have to really say, my god, turn it off already, just stop. >> he admits to the relationship. but not the fatherhood. yeah. >> i mean, i don't even >> understand the hair the hair splitting, the denied that interview, denying paternity really change things i had a really hard time without one at that juncture. why did he not do the right thing? >> why do i think that from a fear of elizabeth, probably multiple things fingers hurting as kids. elizabeth the embarrassment and the shame just fear. >> but i think you're being very charitable by not thinking that a good chunk of all of these bad decisions was i wanted to be president or i want to be vice president, or i want to be attorney general is his ambition. yes >> you're attributing his love and to protecting his family and i'm saying are more than
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ambition. i don't think he's that ambitious. i'm not so sure his political career was him 100%. >> you think elizabeth pushing i >> think that she wanted it more than he did it staff to know what to think about real's theory because elizabeth is not here to tell us her side of the story. what we do know is that just like the rest of his staffers, elizabeth edwards supported her husband's campaign unceasingly for him as well as for herself, even as his affair tore her apart the biggest explosion is when elizabeth edwards is waiting for john and airport hangar >> and she literally rips her shirt, and her broth, and she says don't you see me >> it is the hardest >> moment in her life an adwords responded by continuing
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to dig in on these lies which takes us back to the abc news interview. bob turn the topic to money and edwards just dug that hole even deeper >> there has been evidence we've been told that they're about $15,000 a month than paid to ms hunter. hunter >> so that >> she could actually live in california. in fact, that money was from fred barron, who was your national finance chair? is that correct? >> i don't know. >> this is when you can first see fear in edwards eyes, he seems to turn from a guy plausibly trying to protect his family into a lawyer, trying to cover his our tentacles began moving out into chasing down the money trail. john edwards was relying on at least two very wealthy donors that we were able to publicly identify one of those donors was eris, rachel mellon, known to friends, family, and those seeking political contributions
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as bunny. >> bunny mallon. >> she also found john >> edwards to be insanely attractive and a part of you thinks like, you know what john, you are no good, not you hitting on a nine-year-old wanted but it worked. they got nearly i think $750,000. what they were supporting ultimately was keeping real and their child under wraps. >> if red baron and beanie melons contributions were being used to keep real quiet. so the john edwards could win. that would make john edwards more than a philanderer. it would make him a federal criminal >> wow. >> this is this is big you ready? >> yeah. i can't wait >> somebody asked you, what are you to do glasgow sometimes say america i would imagine sought in these roles, know what they say, safety. third i'm a disabled person just like you're not a person with black nets i'm not trying to be
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occurred. tell your dr. if these happen or worsen or if you've had a vaccine or plan to start to get yourself back with benzoic asked your dermis so i'll just about biden's alex today. >> close captioning brought to you by are firm only represents mesothelioma victims and their families. if you or a loved one has been diagnosed with mezzofiore noma call us now by 2010, the walls were closing in on john edwards. thanks to the reporting of the national enquirer, a grand jury had started investigating whether edwards campaign funds had been used to hide his affair with real. and while those chips it's were already down for edwards came another blow andrew young announcing he was going public with a tail all book andrew young finally broke from john edwards. han wrote a book in which he came out and acknowledged the cover up more
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than that, he named john as the mastermind of it all. >> what is this politics is almost cult-like. i worked for john edwards for ten years and here we were on the verge of possible presidency. the senator call man said, my wife, samantha dei will you consider helping me cover this up? so this is not on the front page of every newspaper in the world. >> so as federal investigators circle john edwards was out of options except one john edwards now admitting he is the father of the child born to campaign aide real hunter. >> it's sort of maury povich for the upwardly mobile, you are the father for all those are disappointed and hurt. these words will never be enough. but i am truly sorry. >> and what about edwards, wife and 32 years elizabeth, she's not only had to deal with her husband betrayal, she's dealing with a cancer that threatens to take her life hi, john edwards, confession to elizabeth was reportedly done privately. she
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added an afterword to her memoir, resilience, we're calling the harsh she felt on learning the full depths of john's betrayal. writing quote, i simply wanted to be away from all of the things i had tried to accept. >> i >> wanted to take a long shower and be away from the lies. my husband had told me and the woman he told me about. and the awful couple who helped him live the lives elizabeth edwards separated from john in january 2010 the same month that he came clean in the press, john edwards finally confessed to being queens dad in 2010. >> he had wanted to come out for a very long time. the issues for internal family isha's trying to hide it from elizabeth >> try not to hurt anybody. you know, he didn't want to hurt elizabeth our his family it appeared edwards wanted his lie to outlive elizabeth and may have thought it would be better for everyone instead, as elizabeth cancer progressed,
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she was left with the knowledge that not only had her husband gaslit her for years, a team of people had known the truth and stayed silent or rationalized it as the right thing to do >> elizabeth edwards died on december 7, 2010 from breast cancer it was very cold and rainy day in raleigh john had his two youngest kids hands and just i remember i'm leaning down and saying, guys. all right yeah, it was it was a very heavy day when she could barely speak anymore my dad and i said at her bedside and held each of her hands and she just kept looking at us back-and-forth saying, i'm okay. i'm okay >> she was way >> more worried about us than we were about her elizabeth
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died and i'm wondering what you felt when that happened. did you think when she passed away and they finally you and john kirby together? >> i don't think so >> when did not certain i ever thought john and i would end up together. the thing about all of it. yeah. >> i never would have gone down this road. why? because i'm a parent. i'm a mom. i just would never have an affair. and do that to a family. so you may be understand elizabeth edwards a little better now? >> yes, absolutely. denials of the person you love going you. no. denying that, you know, like your real whole reality is turned on so i don yes, i get it as a woman, you can understand it intellectually been out of motion, correct? yeah >> by 2011, the ongoing federal investigation into the edward scandal came to a head >> john edwards, the onetime vice presidential nominee, the democratic party, is looking at the possibility of 30 years in prison prison
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>> prosecutors contended edwards used campaign donations to cover up an affair and pay his mistress. >> he's accused of conspiracy, making false statements and violating campaign finance laws. >> remember those two donors, fred and barney, by using their money to fund his cover-up edwards was now facing the big he gets trial of his life. what about all that money from like bunny melon and that i knew nothing about this money. >> i'm just my who paid for your groceries >> andrew young had claimed that he was paying for it out of his own pocket. right. and then fred reimbursed him their argument was this money was not going directly to tell people vote for john edwards. this was going to kind of support him. the family finally, it was sort of, you know, auxiliary from there the details just got cdr including the testimony that andrew young and his wife, sherri, had kept a very personal type of recording of john and real how did you end
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up with a sex tape of john edwards and real hunter? >> there was a sex tape that cheri young andrew's wife found in a pile of things that real had left behind in a house they had rented for her and they kept it as a kind of an insurance. >> you did though at one point, consider selling it with somebody comes up to you and says, here's millions of dollars. will you sell it >> i'd be lying i didn't say >> but do we ever seriously consider selling it? of course not >> it was it was crazy juicy trial for something about finance. >> there's no question that i've done raul. and i take full responsibility for having done wrong and i will regret for the rest of my life the pain and. the harm that i've calls but i did not break the law >> they ended up deliberating for nine days and it was like is the train going to crash be obtained bring the lame, the ct
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before go to slash shave to claim your $7 trial >> space shuttle columbia, the final flight premieres next sunday at night and see morning. morning. good morning. >> this four week trial. and then you had nine days of deliberation, just deadlocked. there were just a couple of hardcore people who didn't think that it was a campaign finance violations and thought the government menn to prove their case at the end of the day. they came back with a hung jury and the justice department, almost immediately realized they weren't going to retry the case so john edwards avoided prison. he walked free,
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but into a world that found him guilty of being a liar achieved. and in the end, a uniquely terrible presidential candidate i did an awful, awful lot that was wrong >> and there >> is no one else responsible for my saenz after the trial, edwards retreated from public life. he returned to his home in north carolina, where he declines media requests to this day, including mine he in real stayed together for awhile after the trial, but now maintain a relationship as co parents >> he liked the attention and need a lot of people pushing him in that direction to make a difference. and he was conflicted about it. and he did not want to hurt anybody and he loved elizabeth. he loved his kids. and he was also in love with me like this. humans are complicated people. it's just black and white. >> and you thought that if you didn't go along you'd lose it
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>> now, i don't want to felt like the i was forced to go along. the train was going in that direction and i just gave up one in every known reality of everything i believe in out the window we're going in this direction >> what belief systems where you throwing out oh my honesty and integrity and, you know, my morals because you're relying yes, to the country lying to the world line, going along with it on complicit >> whatever you think of real, >> it is fascinating >> that she is the one person in the story who was not invested in john politically her motivations for the deceit and the lines were purely personal. she wanted to make her own life better than honestly, she seems like the only person this worked out for well maybe not the only one in an historic first for any tabloid libyans coverage of edwards was deemed eligible for a surprise when i issued a
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public apology by that, i don't know nine people do what did you say? >> that was sorry. i heard anybody. i wasn't thinking about anybody else but myself and i'm sorry. >> your daughter is 14 now? >> yes. >> so he is part of her life now? >> yes, very much. >> and how i mean, that's okay. you and him and quinn like you've all moved on. it's now just a healthy situation. >> very healthy. qizan, so blessed and privileged and has great parents who lover both of you. you and john? yes and he's part of it all in yeah. >> he's a great dad door. >> so in a weird way there is a blessing from all of us. not a weird way. it's not >> aware she is >> she is the blessing. yeah >> even with the silver lining at the end, looking back, the edward saga can feel like a twisted soap opera. the stakes felt larger than just a sex
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scandal but what about the scandals political legacy >> we have this dream of who we want people to be >> but john >> edwards couldn't be that he was who he was for real hunter, who he was for elizabeth edwards and then it was who we was for the american public >> and that's the paradox inherent to politics by design individual human beings have to be the vessels for all our lofty ideals and yet to this day, we keep on investing and believing in these candidates for higher office, hoping that they do not break our hearts because maybe just maybe this one is different i do think a lot of his campaign staffers were die-hard, believe in the call spans and a lot of them do work in the white house right now that's his legacy. i think that puts a nice bow on a story that is a big old


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