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tv   United States of Scandal  CNN  March 31, 2024 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT

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i guess i just wonder, like, do you wanna show the world that you have changed? -yeah. you know, i believe in a god of second chances, and you can cross this threshold and get to a healthy place because i'm here with you. i'm arm in arm. i'm not going anywhere. so this story has a happy ending? -this story has a great ending. -yeah. ♪ jim mcgreevey's post-scandal life has been a lesson in walking the walk. he is a model example of a politician turning a political downfall into an opportunity for reinvention. so it seems like mcgreevey has learned a lesson. but have we? when he resigned, we focused on the gay affair, not the corruption allegations, and that obsession with sex scandals, with the private lives of our politicians over the public good, or over the harm they can cause, that is still alive and kicking, and when the next scandal arrives, the hot take might not be the right one.
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unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for. three-to-one, three-to-one today. >> i'm lauren fox on capitol hill, and this is cnn closed
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captioning brought to you by are firm only represents mesothelioma victims and >> their families. if you or a loved one who has been diagnosed with mesothelial elmo call us now >> there are many theories as to why bush wanted to invade iraq this topic potential threat to spread democracy in the middle east to end the reign of a leader who supported terrorism. to exact revenge for saddam, trying to kill his dad president george hw bush and on, and on >> and yet, >> even though trace elements were ultimately detecting, it was nothing on the scale of ready to use stockpiles of weapons of mass. two structure. >> at this point in the white house is trying to build consensus around the fact that a has weapons of mass destruction let us flash to 2002 after 911. there is this
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determination to not only go after al-qaeda but to make sure that any other potential threat is not able to hit the united states. >> that's right. i don't think the country had quite yet realized that we were already pivoting, poured iraq >> a >> younger junior analysts received a phone call from the office of the vice president and they wanted to know about this report that was circulating and the intelligence community at that time about this tremendous sale, 500 tons of yellow cake uranium, which is used in the process to make highly enriched uranium from niger to iraq so my boss at the time asked me to go home and ask my husband ambassador joe wilson did come into the cia headquarters we're they could talk with him about this report and see if he might be willing to go to niger to check it out. further. >> wilson had trusted connections with the political elites of niger and obviously
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if there was any truth to these radioactive allegations, wilson would want two alert the bush administration >> he flies back from new share. what happens? >> there's cia analysts there at the house to debrief them immediately because this information, it goes back to the office of the vice president they sit down in the living room. angel said, look, this report about yellowcake uranium, this could never have happened. this is a totally bogus report >> here's i spoke to here's what they know, and so forth. >> thank you very much, >> ambassador wilson, and they left and that was but the public. hurting different message dictated by the white house information group headed up by karl rove scooter, libby national >> security adviser, condoleezza rice, and vice president dick cheney. their mission was to market and sell the iraq war driving home the message of the president. and
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to some who bought the message as supporting details stood out in that march 2002 cia intelligence report, based on wilson's visit to niger mentioning that wilson learned of an inquiry iraq had made about expanding commercial relations with niger, who's leading export was uranium but since there was no active deal, what was reported was that there wasn't much to it >> the >> ways in which the news media and the white house interact can be very inside baseball, but it's crucial to understanding just how exactly the story unfolded. because i was not a member of the white house press corps at the time. i turned to my old friend, matthew cooper, who was on the beat for time hey, magazine in 2002. and ended up being caught in the eye of the storm. >> in some ways, i look back at >> the bush years and how there was not enough critical coverage of the case for war when the bush administration was making it. i don't think no press i think dropped the ball at times. right >> what is
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>> the gag of a white house correspondent other than reporting on what the president does and trying to break stories, the gig is to have relationships, but it's to never forget what those relationships are four their in service of getting information to the readers about you making friends. or it's not about you feeling importantly, i mean, luck people in the white house know that you're not there to be their friend but sometimes it serves their interests to leak certain things >> washington dc is a company town. everyone is here to participate in politics. knowing people in relationships is actually the key to journalism you can be at a table at brunch and someone very powerful is sitting next you, and you can get a scoop dc is just that kind of talent. it never shuts off the information is churning 24 hours >> and with a grief stricken nation fully supporting the after 911, the bush administration was headed towards war in iraq. and the further their case they planted intelligence with new york
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times reporter judith miller who along with matthew cooper from time magazine, was among the white house press corps, heavy hitters. scooter libby met with miller and september 2002 judy miller in writes an article in the new york times. it alleges that the iraqi government has quote, sought to buy thousands of specialty designed aluminum tubes, which american officials believe were intended as components of centrifuges to enrich uranium. now, we've later find out scooter libby, who is vice president cheney's chief of staff, told this to judith miller, right >> yes. so you're right. where, it's a total echo chamber, right? >> the echo chamber works like this. the white house would leak opinions and information to select friendly journalists those they had a strong relationship with those journalists would report that information sometimes without independently confirming it to be true. and then officials from the white house would go on tv and cite those
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journalists as proof of their claims. >> there's a story that new york times this morning that in fact, he has been seeking to acquire the kinds of tubes that are necessary to build a centrifuge centrifuges required to take low grade uranium and enhance it into highly enriched uranium, which is what you have to have in order to build a bomb. >> it works so well kept doing it. >> we don't want the smoking gun to be a mushroom cloud. >> you can't >> distinguish between al-qaeda and sadat when he talked about the war on terror and while they've been building their case for war through the news media pipeline, the qt grok came at the state of the union address when president >> bush read these 16 word it's that were absolutely chilling >> the british government has learned the >> saddam hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from africa as we prepare to go to combat in march 2003, i thought maybe the president and his inner circle
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has >> access to intelligence far beyond my pay grade. >> you were giving him the benefit of the doubt but joe wasn't necessarily know was just continuing to dig away at the state of the union address which you know, >> is the most heavily vetted each word his way and thought and argued, how did that get in? that doesn't make sense >> this is teres look of total relaxation. >> in >> this is his john direct 350 lawn tractor it does more than just cut grass >> he >> delivers peace of mind all year round just have to get in the seat >> when you bought hi or sell your car exactly how you want with car gurus, you might begin to wonder, what if he could do things your way all the time
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us invaded iraq partly using bushes, infamous 16 words as a final justification for war. and now with the war on terror raging in both iraq and afghanistan popular culture followed suit in favor of tobi keith aggressive brand of patriotism >> we have pulled up many reputations, ron, and so many americans watching the war unfold on tv seemed comforted to >> know that, yes, our troops were indeed kicking we're continuing to watch the skies over baghdad on a very active night. they're having what have been characterized as a relatively easy time of it >> disappointed that the bombs, the cruise two missiles fell before you got your orders to move forward? >> no, sir. >> it's post 911 america. and in the white house can ride that story line forever. and in some ways, the press to the whole world was watching. >> and then just six weeks into the invasion of iraq, a new made for tv spectacle. president bush hitching a ride
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on a fighter jets of the uss abraham lincoln, just off the coast of san diego to make what proved premature announcement george w bush puts on a flight suit >> yeah, a tight one. >> frankly, he's got the luck, doesn't a hotel and you that is the fighter pilots stratified, oversaw he's gotta go and i'm crude. >> and then he gives a speech about the end of combat operations with a huge banner behind him. it says mission accomplished the mission was not a communist >> no, not remote be accomplished in it'll go down as one of the great amen or presidential hubris of all time. >> in the battle of iraq the united states and our allies have prevailed the united states had not won a war in iraq nine states had started a war in iraq >> this moment encapsulated
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everything they predict so the iraq war, we're saying, which was that this was too much about marketing and not enough about solid intelligence >> and then the other thing that was not particularly covered here as aggressively as i think you would agree, it should have, which is where are the weapons of mass destruction? where are they exactly? >> i mean, we get there and there's no secret labs, there's no reactor, there's no centrifuges. the whole cost of war suddenly seems rather suspect >> there's an understatement because as soon as us troops landed in iraq, it quickly became apparent that americans were safe from wm these in iraq as the troops actively searching for them. >> oh, weapons of mass destruction were found at far from being a quick victory iraq went up in sectarian flames i remember this very well. i was writing for the website, and i was covering the way us service members were not finding weapons of mass destruction. most americans and
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journalists seemed to take it for granted that wmd would eventually be found. but of course that's because none of us knew what joe wilson had been up to and watching the war proceed was just too much for joe so what did joe due from the state of the union? 2003 >> he turn this over every moment joe was like look i know i went to new share. >> i investigated >> these reports. that wasn't true he spoke to his former colleagues and the state department. he spoke to people up on the hill that this isn't right. >> i became an obsession. >> yes. >> joe wilson was so upset that after months of stewing over bushes, false statement, he published an op-ed in the new york times refuting bush's state of the union address claim basically calling the president out as a liar, wilson accused the white house and manipulating the intelligence from niger to justify an invasion of iraq. >> new questions about the
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president's case against iraq with some of the based on bad intelligence. so tell me about when you >> first read joe wilson's op-ed. >> it was really like a lightning bolt galvanizing >> he had a >> lot of credit because he had been a bush one ambassador. then all of a sudden kind of wait where the hell are the nuclear? weapons? question was front and center >> all hell broke loose. did the administration mislead us on weapons of mass destruction? >> the? british government has learned to saddam hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from africa >> and wilson >> refuting those 16 words >> cause the white as to retreat from the statement faster than you could say freedom fries. >> no one. now what we did not know at the time of the state of the union and the president in retrospect, were not have included that remark in the state of the union speech, as you know, can expect the president to know every detail about every phrase and such a long, complex address unless of
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course, you go to the most, unlike if courses, the white house's own website, which displays a picture of the president, quote reviewing the state of the union address line by line and bored by word behind the scenes, vice president cheney strongly opposed the white house taking it back the british after all, were standing by their intelligence. >> your husband, he made his point the white house conceded his point. the don. >> that's right. >> except it wasn't the bush team could have dropped this right then and there but they didn't where were you when the robert novak column came out? >> the washington post the first time i read it in print was the morning of but you didn't know that he had done it. you knew i had no idea. no idea. we had no idea >> robert novak was a legendary conservative columnist with more than four 40 years of reporting in washington dc. >> i'm robert novak, but >> to many of his colleagues, he was known as the prince of darkness, who was a fixture on cable news. >> do you think democrats?
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arthur house in order after taking a pasting from the republicans last november, no way he >> was very tied into the bush administration. >> and he threw the paper on the bed and i snatched it up, read it there was a >> journalist out there who knows my name. >> i'm >> undercover. >> no bank was trying to discredit ambassador wilson with the leak of my name i just felt like i'd been sucker punched the son of a did it away in the ct given you
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weapons of mass destruction. >> you must have a theory about why they didn't >> i think that the white house was feeling pretty vulnerable and so they decided to make the story about joe wilson and valerie plane. >> were you worried about your babies? >> i was because there's a lot of people out there that don't think highly of the cia. >> but >> whatever happens to me happens to me, it's part of the deal, but my children and that was absolutely horrifying >> you are outed as a cia operative undercover and all sorts of countries can then go back and look at cia sources that are in their own governments, in their own countries. and potentially even imprison torture or kill them >> exactly. this is horrifying. it pains me to think that i, even inadvertently would put anyone in danger >> it is i really, truly despicable. i a public servant
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is wasting his time attacking my family with valerie being the talk of the town, wilson playing wanted justice. >> wilson says the leak was payback for his criticism of the administration's iraq policy. i would >> hope that an investigation would yield the information as to who was responsible for the precise sleet the cia was, in fact, very upset about what happened and they ultimately asked the justice department to do an investigation. but >> justice department has launched an inquiry into who gave a nationally syndicated columns the name of a cia age, if there's a leak out of my administration, i want to know who it is if the person has violated law, the personal be taken care of, >> the justice department began an investigation into the leak in september 2003 the first journalist who have reported her name was novak, obviously, so the prosecutor patrick fitzgerald, summon novak for a private meeting. >> the public did not >> learn about this for years, but it turns out that the late robert you back the all-powerful prince of darkness immediately revealed his confidential sources.
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>> edmund fitzgerald knew that army, which was the lake because in the first secret interrogation of me, if a sterile indicated he knew the identity of not only my primary source, but my secondary source of my tertiary very source. >> deputy secretary of state richard armitage had apparently inadvertently leaked to play games, identity, and karl rove, to his surprise became novak's second source based only on what he remembers telling novak, quote i heard that too. it came originally from the state department >> the league >> well, what we now know is that there were actually multiple points. >> there are multiple points of light. we know that it was richard armitage, two was the deputy secretary of state, correct? >> and with that much internal chatter about the op-ed, valerie planes named found its way to journalists, including judith miller and matthew cooper cooper published an article in time saying government officials had revealed to him valerie is name. miller didn't publish
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anything. the justice department subpoenaed them both to testify about but who they're sources were >> they want to know who your sources were. >> it was clear that that's what they were interested >> and you wouldn't tell them? >> i wouldn't tell them in judith miller was in jail? yeah. >> she was found in contempt and she did go to jail >> it is a sad time when to journalists faced the prospect of going to prison for keeping those confidences cooper narrowly avoided jail time when his source, karl rove, granted cooper permission to reveal his identity. if it's gerald's grand jury. and you heard valerie planes >> name from i heard from a couple of people created from karl rove did an inch form from scooter, libby, vice president's chief of staff here for called row and he's like wilson's weiss all cia and carlos like right. but you totally can't tell anyone. i told you that was all and
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carles, all you double secret. >> and that was >> totally super secret double steeper secret won't tell by this point so many bush officials said been identified as leakers. it seemed easier to ask who was not involved finger-pointing was everywhere. joe wilson earned iyer within the white house for what he was saying, such as at a forum in seattle. when he said, quote, wouldn't it be funny to see karl rove frog marched out of the white house in handcuffs. but as for who actually got in trouble for bleak only one member of the information task took the fall. >> luis, >> libby, the vice president's right-hand man to actually testified that he first heard the name from late nbc washington bureau chief, tim roster when he said did you know that a bachelor wilson's wife works at the vin i was a little taken aback by that and i said, no, i don't know that >> but roster disputed that and
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fitzgerald charged libby with perjury >> the indictment charges libby with one count of obstruction of justice, two counts of false statement let's do fbi agents and two counts of perjury. >> i wish fitzgerald had been able to convict more because clearly there was a conspiracy and there was a law that passed under reagan making it a crime to out intelligence operatives. >> that's correct. it's called the intelligence identities protection act. unfortunately, the bar is pretty high to be able to prove that someone did it knowingly and this is what special prosecutor fitzgerald was up against to try to prove that any them had my identity revealed four the far purposes >> for me, was when i found this out, i felt like they were passing out my name like candy. are you kidding me? whether you know, my covert status or not,
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you just don't do that. just don't do that an armitage should have known better >> what's weird is it armitage kind of escapes this whole thing with his reputation intact. do anything? yeah. you guys i'm sorry. i'm sorry. i did that. >> i feel terrible every day. i think i let down the president. i'll let down the secretary of state. i'll let down my department, my family and i also let down mr. mrs. wilson >> others should have been held accountable clearly, there was a conspiracy >> was there >> it all started after all, when robert novak ran into joe wilson in the nbc meet the press green room novak thought wilson was a quote asl then when novak talked to armitage a couple of days later, he asked why the cia would send wilson tunisia what's up with this guy? >> and that's when armitage told him, well, i >> think his wife sent him >> washington dc is more gossipy than a high school lunch room. >> as washington more like house of cards, or is it more like vip? and i'm here to tell you washington is more like vip
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stupidity is always the explanation in washington, dc, there was a sort of conspiracy to push out this certain narrative >> dick >> cheney had written in the margins of joe's op-ed, who's his wife, question mark >> what cheney had actually written, quote have they done this sort of thing before? send an ambassador to answer a question? do we ordinarily send people out pro bono to work for us? or did his wife sent him on a junkie moos, whitehouse supporters note that patrick fitzgerald never charged anyone, but living never proved to conspiracy and never proved that anyone new plane was covert. but it his closing arguments at libby sentencing, fitzgerald stated, quote there is a cloud over what the vice president did that week. we didn't put that cloud there that cloud remains because the defendant has obstruct justice lied about what happened rsv is
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today this is cnn. >> the world's news >> in the fall out from the plane investigation only scooter libby was sentenced to 30 months in prison, which george w bush later commuted jaime thought libby was guilty of nothing worse than a faulty memory and thought bushwood, pardon him. but at a private lunch, bush told cheney he would not mr. >> president. >> cheney told him >> you are leaving a good man wounded on the field of battle i was clearly not happy in we in effect life scooter sort of hanging in the wind >> beyond all of it. >> armitage, bush, cheney, rove, libby fitzgerald, was valerie plane a woman who had done nothing but surfer country and it was now left to pick up the pieces of her life and career you and joe separated before he passed away in 2019. i mean, did this tear you apart
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or was it caused a great deal of damage? because i couldn't speak out for some time. he was carrying the water for both of us and i think ultimately it just cut so deeply hoping to prevent future leaks, congress called a hearing on whether white house officials followed protocol for protecting valerie planes identity we in the cia always know that we might be exposed and threatened by foreign enemies. it was a terrible irony that administration officials were the ones who destroyed my cover. >> leaving her width. well, a lot of shock and all >> ultimately, we were sort of the template for what we see today in terms of distortion and disinformation. and the involvement in the media unwittingly or not >> as the wilson plane brahma ended on the domestic front, the cost on the international stage of the wmd issue was much
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harsher with an entire region paying a much deadlier price because of a war, many americans would come to view as a mistake this was a, war that ended up with tens, if not hundreds of thousands of dead innocent iraqis complete destabilization of iraq, thousands of american dead service members wounded service members, service members who went on to take their own lives. they thought they were doing good, but the result of it is hard to justify >> we're not just talking about an things kind of, you know, who, who was right, who is wrong because good, who is bad. this had real consequences and so this is the rare scandal that really mattered >> one year into the war. it was finally dawning on the bush administration. the gravity of its actions so tonight i'm going to do one of my slide
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shows those weapons of mass destruction got to be somewhere >> i'm kidding. obviously that didn't happen nope, no weapons over there >> i vividly remember sitting in that very room in credulous people were dead or wounded because of this hunt for wmd. this wasn't funny. >> it made me sick. >> and a whole room full of news media was all in on the so-called joke a joke that had a body count what is this about is it a bout media being to chummy? >> with politicians. is it about and administrations so blinded by their desire to go to war and justify it that they're willing to do anything, if the old adage show you the first casualty of war is the truth. it's really true here >> i mean, they did what to
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extend their prefabrication. they're lying however you want to put it about the war through another means, but it's also about a culture of the press that's not always responsible. bus on the administration side and the press side >> so many people in the media we're taking the bush administration's words at face value totally >> everybody has to do a hard look at themselves afterwards >> looking back at this scandal, i'm struck by the fact that the real source of the leak was dick armitage someone who seem to have just gotten caught up in gaza in an incestuous gab fast with a columnist with an agenda and then my focus, turns to us maybe in the plane affair we in the news media found it convenient narrative to go after the bush administration because we did not push back enough on its defense of faulty intelligence. the first time disinformation is rampant, trust in the media is the lowest. it's ever been.
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>> if we >> encounter an event that unites the country has feverish leah, september 11, 2001 did well that's when we'll see how much we've actually learned and what about president bush? recently he spoke against vladimir putin's barbaric invasion of ukraine, which putin justified by citing bushes, iraq war and while the comparison differs in many key ways putin was not the only one with iraq on his mind >> the result is an absence of checks and balances in russia and the decision of one man to launch a wholly unjustified and brutal invasion of iraq. i mean, ukraine all right. anyway one of the most uncomfortable freudian slips i've ever seen


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