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tv   CNN Newsroom Live  CNN  April 1, 2024 1:00am-2:01am PDT

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three-to-one. >> today >> this the bar or club is no victory without entering raw photo and there is no victory without eliminating hamas battalions we have talked, wrote up, we had flowered rise, we have got writing the next day >> failed to win back major cities in this country, but it appears that they are bradley also lose some areas that had been entered >> never did any defendants in my courtroom shows such for the courts some is what's shown by donald trump. he's literally thumbing his nose at the courts. and he's making a mockery of a legal system >> live from london >> this is cnn newsroom with
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max foster >> hello, and a warm welcome, dr. yunus joining us from around the world and the united states. i, max foster, it is monday, april the 1st, 09:00 a.m. here in london. i will get to those stories in just a moment. but first we get to baltimore where it's 04:00 a.m. and we have breaking news on the recovery from the bridge disaster. there. a big step being taken towards getting the shipping operating. once again in baltimore, crews are preparing to open an alternate channel for essential commercial vessels the coast guard captain in charge of the operation says, it marks an important first step towards reopening the port. it comes after the first pieces of the collapse bridge have been lifted from the water. sin as gloria pazmino is there with a closer look at the crash site and the magnitude of the task ahead. >> so you can see we have been able to get extremely up close to the wreckage of the dali and we're starting to really get an appreciation on a sense of
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just how match this drop is going to be. >> you're looking at for tons of steel and concrete that are sitting on top of that bow that is going to be the most complicated part of this operation moving all of that, the and taking it off the ship so that they can begin to as clean now process. >> and >> then there's everything that's laying below the surface, the part that we can't see, there is more metal, more concrete, more debris in the water, and that's going to be critical because they have to be able to make that safe for the divers whose mission is to get back in the water and continue searching to attempt to recover the bodies of those who were lost. but as we're sitting here now, finally being able to really see it and get up close to it, you really just get a sense of the enormity of the
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job at hand. but all the officials here have told us that they are confident that they're going to be able to get it done. they're working together, have all of the technology necessary and they're going step by step, taking them, it takes to make sure that they get it right and that eventually they can reopen the port. they go let's start rebuilding and that this important symbol for the city of baltimore in the city of baltimore on the state of maryland. can get cleaned up and the people here start getting back to normal. gloria pazmino, bianna >> were us official still sit in that high level talks? in the and israeli officials over israel's proposed ground offensive in rafah could take place in the coming hours. those talks originally scheduled for last week, they were abruptly called off by the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu, off to washington refused to block a un resolution calling for a
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ceasefire in gaza and the release it's of hostages. it comes as mr. netanyahu said on sunday, that pressure from the us will not stop his forces from going into raffa, the also once again claim the operation was necessary to defeat hamas i'm we will go into rafah and eliminate hamas battalions there for one simple reason, there is no victory without entering rafah and there is no victory >> without eliminating hamas battalions. there >> well, meanwhile, egyptian state media reports that negotiations over a ceasefire and hostage deal between israel and hamas resumed in cairo on sunday. talks had reached a stalemate in recent days, according to a source, a cnn analyst explains one key sticking points in the negotiations >> the main issue that is, the main sticking point in those talks is the hamas demand that israel will basic let me draw from this area in the middle of the gaza strip that divides the
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enclave into two parts and prevents people from going from the south back to the north israel is willing to allow some gradual return from the south to the north, but it does not agree, at least at the moment, we draw from this coy door the main thing the israeli cabinet needs to decide is whether it agrees to this demand by hamas because it seems that at the moment if israel does not agree and hamas stick straight position, which is the case, right now, does not gonna be a deal >> well, the israel defense forces says it has withdrawn from gaza's largest hospital for 14 day siege. the idf says, the troops have completed precise operational activity in the area of al-shifa hospital kill terrorists and located numerous weapons as well. but a spokesperson gaza's civil defense says a situation is very bad. and the injured and dead bodies so the hospital grounds, he also said more than 30 injured people had to be transported to another hospital
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east of gaza city. another as being monitoring this situation. what's the latest your hearing from al-shifa? >> well, this comes out to 14 days, of course, at the hospital being under siege and it has been difficult to get on the ground information from our shifa, but what we have i've been hearing from palestinians trapped inside and around the hospital complex has been numerous troubling accounts of what is actually going on inside. we heard today from the spokesperson for gaza civil defense saying that this can no longer be described as a hospital that many of the buildings on the complex are either been completely destroyed or burned down. we've seen those dramatic images of bill buildings covered in holes. we've been hearing over the last two weeks from eyewitnesses on the ground about the almost constant shelling of the hospital, airstrikes in and around the area. and of course, we have heard from health ministry officials in gaza who have said that some 400 people have been killed over the last two weeks. i'm more than 1,000 homes around the hospital complex. again, gaza's largest hospital, at least it once was gaza's largest functioning hospital. more than 1,000 homes
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have been destroyed. now, the israeli military has described this as a precise and targeted operation. they say they are targeting hamas militants who are operating within the hospital. we heard yesterday from prime minister benjamin netanyahu. he said but idf had killed more than 200 hamas militants operating in a hospital. they of course, cnn cannot independently verify those figures, but the idf has also said that what it has located weapons and intelligence documents, it has also worked to ensure that no harm has been caused to civilians or medical staff in the hospital but that really stands in contrast to the accounts that we've been hearing from palestinians trapped in the hospital, particularly for medical officials and doctors in the hospital over the last few weeks, we've been hearing repeatedly from doctors telling us that they've been unable to move in and around the hospital buildings because they fear that they would be targeted by snipers that they had seen. patients and family members attempting to leave the hospital so the being targeted by snipers. we've been hearing similar accounts from those who live nearby the hospital. and of course, we have also been hearing from some civilians who
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have managed to flee the hospital, who have been ordered to move southwards by the israeli military many of them described facing interrogations as they were evacuating. some including teenagers the same are they were stripped, forced to undress while they were being interrogated by the israeli military and open squares around the hospital. and of course, we've also been hearing about those situation being faced by those trapped inside. no water, no food. and of course, limited medical supplier. >> so this is an extremely dire situation, but we have had a limited picture of what is happening inside now that see just over will be waiting to hear more about what has been happening over the last two weeks. >> nada. thank you so much. so let's struggle to, get humanitarian aid into gaza. reuters captured this video of what appears to be an air drop of supplies on sunday, though is unknown where these specific supplies came from. jordan's armed forces say they made ten different airdrops of humanitarian aid into northern gaza on the same day the role of food programs executive director cindy mccain is
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calling for full access to deliver critical aid to the region >> we need access, we need full unfettered access. and right now, we don't have that we can occasionally get a few trucks in. we can occasionally get up all the way to the north but is not consistent and it is not to scale either. all of the other issues regarding maritime and air drops and all those are all good. we need any any way to be able to get food in any way we can. but they can't take it to scale. we really need access to the road and we need to be able to get up to the north all the way without being caught at checkpoints and turn it around on a ship carrying aid organized by the world central kitchen is on route to gaza after leaving a port in cyprus, it's the second voyage in weeks for the nongovernmental organization last month, they worked with the emirati government and others to deliver nearly 200 tons of aid represents if a world central kitchen explains what's
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heading into gaza right now >> we have kept wrote off. we are flour, rice. we are it will be arriving next >> gaza gross gas. >> we have and we think that we have always my land muscle. we're doing. and now because they it is not enough aid and right. you guys we did told me as many as possible >> what jesus was crucified with his tomb nearby. although more somber services were held in gaza, people offered prayers for peace instead of holding their usual celebrations. one woman said it was very different holiday from before, reduced to prayers and rituals
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a church director says not even houses of worship are safe from the effects of israel's war with hamas hi lubna, by the condition of the christians, is the same as that of other pelosi and your people. some people have been lost, some people have died some patients, the medications. there's new for food of course, there's a leaf for security because there's more there's a military operation strikes, shrapnel, you're all of these things have affected us, provide some areas so the church was have been hit thinking toiled large number of wounded people. there's pain >> pope francis recognize that pain, and once again called for an immediate ceasefire in gaza during his address on easter sunday. as soon as christopher lamb has details on the pope's own health struggles and his plans around the holiday following concerns about his health. pope francis has presided at easter sunday mass and given his easter sunday message from some peters in the vatican francis has been
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battling bouts of ill health recently and on good friday, pulled out of a service in order to what the vatican said was to preserve his health on the easter sunday message, pope francis addressed various conflicts going on in the world and reiterated his call for a ceasefire in israel, hamas war here's what he had to say because you live in a functional manteia pelo i appeal once again, the access to humanitarian aid be ensured to >> gaza and cool once more for the prompt release of the hostages seized on the seven october, and for an immediate ceasefire in the strip during holy week and in the run-up to easter, pope francis presided at five major liturgies on thursday, he went to a female prison in rome and washed the feet of 12 women prisoners on the saturday before easter he celebrated the easter vigil, a service of more than two hours long following the mass on
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easter sunday. >> he towards some peter's square on his pope mobile, greeting the pilgrims who had gathered many thousands who were there and seemed in good spirits pope francis, 87 years old. and despite his age and his health, has insisted that he will continue in the post of pope and his refusing to consider resignation christopher lamb, cnn >> there in the uk, king charles met with the public for the first time since his cancer diagnosis earlier this year, the 75 year-old monarch was all smiles as he grew to the crowd outside st. george's chapel in windsor castle on easter sunday they charles and queen camilla, attendees easter service with a few royal family members. the outing comes more than a week after the princess of wales revealed her own cancer fight the easter sunday holiday sparked two very different online messages shared by the front running us presidential
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candidates, president joe biden wished observers happy easter and said, quote, with wars and conflicts, taking a toll on innocent lives around the world, we renew our commitment to work for peace, security, and dignity for all. on the flip side, donald trump posted in part, co-wrote happy easter to all including those many people i completely and totally despise because they want to destroy america. it comes one day after sharing an image of his political opponent, joe biden, tied up and bound in the back of a pickup truck trump also ramped up attacks against the judge, overseeing his criminal case over alleged hush money payments, posting a link to an article showing his daughters picture, just days after attacking her as a quote, rabid trump hater, a retired california superior court judge, says, trump knows exactly what he's doing this is not normal attacks upon our legal system, attacks on judges, witnesses, jurors, court staff, lawyers, and their families. it's not normal. i presided over thousands of hearings and trials during my
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nearly 20 years as a trial judge, and never did any defendants in my courtroom shows such disrespect for the court system them is what's shown by donald trump, trump's words a clearly intended to intimidate, threatening, incite violence against the people he names in the words coming out of his mouth and on social media. what he's doing, he's literally thumbing his nose at the courts and he's making a mockery of the legal system a senior political analyst, ron brownstein, agrees that the language donald trump uses has a specific >> purpose and it's a tool he's been using since he stepped onto the political stage >> there are voters out, there, are americans out there who are going to hear this in a very specific way? the same way as when he told the proud boys in 2020 to stand back and standby, ultimately translated into january 6. there is nothing subtle about the way donald trump has encouraged violence
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as part of his political strategy, really, since his emergence in 2016, you know, you can go back and recall that he offered to pay the legal fees of people who beat up protestors at his rallies all the way back in his first presidential campaign, there is nothing subtle here. about what he is doing. and again, it continues to be striking how few republicans are willing to speak up. and warn and reflect on the obvious dangers of the leader of their party. the undisputed leader of their party, using this kind of language and sending these kinds of signals well, coming up ukraine is struggling to hold this ground on the battlefield, has billions of dollars of aid is being held up in congress. how some lawmakers are trying to help next and nine months after jury sentenced and idaho woman for murdering her own children, her husband will be in court and the same charges and later this hour controversy in women's
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riva brain health challenge some $60 billion in usa for ukraine has been stalled in congress for weeks thanks to >> deep dysfunction within the republican party will go a moderate republican lawmaker says that may soon be over representative mike lawler told cnn sunday that he is optimistic the issue will come up for a vote in the coming days >> i believe there will be a vote when we get back from the easter recess certainly, this is critically important for our allies. we are the leader of the free world and we cannot shirk on our responsibility to uphold and defend democracies across the globe. >> but there's no guarantee ukraine will ever see that aid far right, republican lawmakers are opposing any new money for kyiv. the even threatening to house the house speaker if he puts the funding up for a vote meanwhile, france says it will send hundreds of secondhand
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armored vehicles ukraine in an interview with the french media, the country's minister of armed forces says the vehicles will be old, but still functioning. he also says france is preparing to send service to ms rc ukraine, which will provide critical defense against russian airstrikes. russia is calling up hundred, 150,000 civilians or military service. the country's largest construction goal since the full-scale invasion of ukraine or russian men are required to serve in the military for a year from the age of 18 and twice a year russia calls up new conscripts or service in july 2023, russia lawmakers voted to raise the maximum conscription age from 27 to 30. military official say conscripts will not be involved in the war in ukraine us suggest state antony blinken sovereignty europe this week, he'll start in paris where he'll meet with french president emmanuel macron to discuss support for ukraine, the war in gaza, and the security crisis in haiti. blinken will later traveled to
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belgium for the nato foreign ministers meeting it's in an international diplomatic editor, nic robertson joins me now so is ukraine the top of the agenda for this trip? >> it seems to be, i mean, it's as we heard from one of the congressman speaking there that this is something that the united states needs to steady its allies because europe, the european union, which of course france is a member, has put up many tens of billions of dollars over a period of years to support ukraine, give ukraine the knowledge that this money is coming so it can build and planets defenses and in particular, the surface to air missiles, which can help protect it from some of the, some of the attacks from russia the blood, what blinken put likely do is tell macron that the us does the white house is still effort in getting that money to help what match what the europeans are doing. but these are sensitive political issues. i think we heard from the french armed forces ministry there you mentioned that those hundreds of armored vehicles, not old. i mean, not
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new, but old serviceable working but the cell for the french public on that, he said, look, this is more than 3 billion in money here. that's going to ukraine, but this is not a blank check when these old vehicles go. this is the amount of money will be given to the military industries to replace those products. so these are sensitive issues at home foot for the french, for the united states, other allies. but it's blinken actually going to have to sit across the table until macron? yes, our 60 billion for ukraine to match yours from the european union is coming. mother was not in a position to do that. so so this is going to be a difficult moment and macron has been outspoken as well, obviously about gaza. so what will be the talking point there? >> yeah, i think what the french can bring to the table here on what, the united states and secretary blinken will be looking for will be support perhaps to bring what influence france compare in lebanon
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because we know that the israeli government has been saying, look, there's a limited time window available to fix our northern border problem, but 100,000 people are vast, still evacuated from their homes along the northern border because of the escalation in attacks for from hezbollah across the border. so macron, earlier in the year has spoken about out best when, when israel struck at a hamas leader in and kill them inside beirut macron was very clear that israel must not escalate that problem. but what can the french do? were they do have some diplomatic influence inside lebanon and the us has negotiated air much pasta and there's been working to try but a de-escalate that tension. but the sense is people have been talking about the middle of april as a potential deadline whereby israel says this hezbollah problem, we have to go after it. well, if the french can bring leverage on the lebanese side to try to just tamp down the already existing high tensions and that
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can give them negotiators a little bit more time >> i also mentioned that haiti will probably come up. it just shows how much pressure there is on the to continue staying involved in all of these foreign issues and their resources being spread thin when there's so much opposition to that type of thinking, washington where the division politically is towards potentially if there's republican victory will be more isolationist the united states. so this is not some something that the democrats understand and have to respond to that level of public opinion as well, or do respond to that level of public opinion. so absolutely, the united states was scratching around to make sure that its allies are lined up. and of course, the biggest place that it may need its allies in the future will be any potential confrontation of escalation in tensions with china which if the united states can't put up the money to support ukraine and isn't able to tamp down tensions itself with between israel and hamas what will it expect its
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allies to do if allies don't think it's doing enough on those issues. what will expect its allies to do when the call goes out for help with an escalation of tensions with china. >> night. thank you so much i just five months after taking power, mike johnson's hold on. the us house of representatives is at serious risk who and what's behind the effort to oust him? >> and >> how ukraine aid could be the deciding factor there and a turkish opposition leader claims victory in istanbul's merrill race ahead how the heavy blows delta prison isn't node one's political party and nationwide elections could signal a big change for turkey's future
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>> mary janet, hey eddie, know, fraser, franck. franck, brad, how are you?
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code now and ask about the bosley guarantee >> close captioning brought to you by gilt visit today for up to 70% off designer brands has the designers that get your heart racing. had inside a prices new every day, hurry. there'll be gone in a flash design, a sales at up to 70% off shop today >> welcome about cnn newsroom. i, max foster, if you're just joining us here are our top stories today. the israel defense forces, as is withdrawing from gaza's largest hospital after two-week raid, the idf says that troops have completed precise operational activity in the area of al-shifa hospital. but a witness at the hospital says quote, it feels like a horror movie. this cannot be real a new palestinian authority government was sworn in on sunday. that's according to the palestinian news agency wafa.
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then you cabinet is led by prime minister mohammed mustafa, an ally of president mahmoud abbas a federal judge set to sentence alex murder today for the for nearly two dozen financial crimes, murder pleaded guilty last september to 22 federal charges that include conspiracy, fraud, and money laundering the former lawyer already is serving two life sentences for the murders of his wife and son us house speaker mike johnson says he expects lawmakers to move quickly on a package that includes aid for ukraine when the house returns from recess, johnson told fox news the measure will include some important innovations. aid to ukraine is a divisive issue though amongst house republicans. and how johnson handles it could help determine whether he remains power. manu raju has more >> mike johnson, the speaker of the house, could be the second house speaker ever to be ousted by his own colleagues. that's if marjorie taylor greene, the conservative congresswoman from
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georgia, does move ahead to call for a vote seeking his ouster. and if he doesn't have the votes, defended off, this so it was announced just before the house left town for a two-week easter recess, but behind the scenes, mike johnson has been strategizing, trying to figure out how to avoid this ultimate fate. he is allies think he can't avoid it, but there are some big decisions that are looming. one of them is how to deal with aid to ukraine. some democrats say if we move four with aid to ukraine, that will be actually enough for them to help them save his job. but mike johnson is baiting, debating, tried to move a narrower ukraine package and some hard-right members are pushing him to put offset that ukraine aid package with spending cuts loaded up with immigration measures, things like could put are democrats. how will that play out? and we'll that ultimately lead to his ouster. all those things have been discussed behind the scenes. new reporting from my colleagues, melanie zanona, annie grayer, and details all of that, and i put the question to some republicans, including one, matt gaetz who led the ouster of kevin mccarthy. if
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you do the same with my johnson, he made clear his on johnson side as he indicated that they've talked to but this issue, i would not support a motion to vacate. i gave the speaker some unsolicited advice that we've got to get into a fighting posture and i was very pleased with how they're to that advice. >> do you think this speaker needs to be voted out of office? >> i don't have a comment on that. i think that comment is a comment in other cells that don't have a comment on you may have oh, to vacate. mike johnson, would you support that? >> i mean, look, right now, we got to go back and get republicans united to point out what our radical progressive democrat colleagues you're doing. and present a actual competing vision that does not start with to be very clear, it does not start with putting a clean ukraine bell down on the floor competence in him as speaker right now >> look again >> we're all working together and trying to figure out what we're gonna do next. >> but as you can see there, a lot of members still have not made up their decision on what to do, including those far right. members. and with mike
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johnson having virtually no margin for error in the republican house, if this vote does come up, it would really threatened his speakership and it will be up to democrats, most likely to decide whether to save him. manu raju, cnn, washington >> the people of turkey delivered president erdogan and his political party their biggest ever electoral blow on sunday nationwide municipal elections. voters reinforced the power of istanbul nair cream mou and his opposition party as strengthening a strengthening political force with most of the votes counted imamoglu says, he is leading the election by 1 million votes is republican people's party gained merrill seats in 15 other cities. >> the tati massage, the nation itself gives the order and the instructions, not just one person. officials receive instructions from the nation period of one man rule is over as of today, it is done. the republican democracy to go full speed ahead from now on well,
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the outcome of the election marks is defeat for president erdogan and his ak party after two decades empower the longtime leader acknowledged the losses and said he'll respect the will of the turkish people nick, you very much. >> we will open heartedly analyze the results of the march 31st elections within our party and make our self-criticism boldly. although not finalized yet, the election results show us that we are experiencing think a lot of grilled in local administrations across the country. of course, we will discuss the reasons for this decline. we see on the local basis i'll scott mclean are following developments from istanbul for you >> logo >> he wore a referendum on read chapter vi of erdogan then voters have very clearly sent a message that they are not happy not only in erdogan okay party failed to win back major cities in this country, but it appears
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that they are own tract also lose some areas that had been entered and perhaps the biggest. but night is right here in limbo where people aren't have come to celebrate the weight of the incumbent mayor. he had a manual is widely considered to be one of the very few rows, the only opposition figure popularity in the spring, take on i don't know on a general election not only won the election, but it appears that in what and win a very comfortable margin district in its symbol where erdogan himself was born and raised and everyone personally injected himself into this race is based banners she'll horns, he's been here for rally as well, but also hanging over the country at the time the dire situation of the economy were inflation is out of control,
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interest rate 50 and people are really feeling it in their wallets now, president erdogan is constitutionally barred from running for another term in office. but there are some loopholes which could allow him the run one more climb it does. he will now surely have a very formidable opponent be elected mayor of it at emomali cnn. example are you hearing the if tall, call to >> prayer at the great when we add mole skin, syria, marking the end to the muslim holy month of ramadan. this is the first call to prayer. the historic mosque has seen since government forces we took control of the eastern, an old aleppo and the significant event marked day symbolic return to normalcy for the city's residents who've
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injured 13 years of conflict and destruction now, what was supposed to be a fun saturday out saturday night, our turned into a blood soaked and nightmare for some children in indianapolis will explain why >> if you work in spaceflight, this is the worst possible thing i can ever help my dad died doing what he loved. >> spatial columbia final flight premieres sunday at nine on cnn. bob, i >> call beta chest congestion. hello, 12 hours of relief mucinex dm gives you 12 hours of relief from chest congestion in any cough day you're not mucinex dm. its comeback season. now, tried to use the next instance, soucie or probe medicated drops allergies >> with allegro, they won't stop me. nothing beats allegro. it's the fastest non drowsy 24 hour alice could you relieve live your greatness
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are eternal okay. we've got to learn how to talk to each other. we've got to learn how to resolve conflict in different ways >> well, all the victims are in stable condition indianapolis police believe the i believe multiple firearms are used and are still working to identify a suspect. this marks the third weekend in a row that annapolis. police have been a by a mass shooting and saved tennessee. please have identified a suspect in connection with the deadly easter brunch shooting. one person was killed, and least seven others wounded at a nashville restaurant on sunday, please believe it happened after an argument between two men. the suspect has been identified as 46 year-old anton raka. please say he has passed convictions for aggravated assault and drug charges. they don't believe the suspect and victim knew each other it was case that captivated america capital murder because and claims of apocalyptic religious
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beliefs and the hours ahead, chad day bells or triple murder, trial gets underway in idaho. he's charged with conspiring with his wife, laurie value davao to kill her two children and his work us wife. as soon as camila bernal has more on that >> state of idaho versus chad guide de belt high-stakes trial with the death penalty on the table if convicted prosecutors say ced day bell killed two of his step children and his first wife motivated by power, sex, money, and apocalyptic religious beliefs >> not guilty murder, >> and conspiracy charges. >> not guilty. >> all of them are the same plea not guilty >> his wife, laurie value day belt, was convicted of the same murders in may of last year lt. answer guilty >> and on monday, it's chad tables turn to be tried.
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prosecutors say tyler, ryan, who was 16, and jj valla, who was seven, were last seen on different days in september of 2019? then in october, they alleged day bell killed his then wife, tammy, who was initially believed to have died in her sleep less than three weeks after her death, he married laurie value, >> the search continues for two missing children. >> the children's disappearance captured the nation's attention in late 2019, when david bell and value abruptly left idaho after police started asking questions, just tell us where your kids are. the couple was found in hawaii in january of 2020. that june a gruesome discovery. the remains of thailand jj were found on day bells property day balls, preliminary hearings have already given a preview of the evidence against him >> eventually, we uncovered the entire body that was wrapped in
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this black plastic bag with a lot of duct tape and invalid doubles trial. prosecutors said the two believed themselves to be religious figures who had a system of rating people as light or dark. and use their dooms day, religious beliefs to justify the killings. during her sentencing, validate belt doubled down on her religious beliefs >> jesus christ knows that no one was murdered in this case. accidental deaths happen. >> your justified all of this going down a bizarre religious rabbit hole. and clearly you are still down there. >> she was sentenced to spend her life in prison. but now the question is whether chad tables defense, we'll also include these beliefs if or if he will turn on his wife and chad tables attorneys spoke out
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saying his client is ready to tell his story, although it is unclear if he will testify in his own defense, what will also be interesting to see here is what the defense consists of, because in lorries case, they decided and to not call any witnesses to the stand. so it will be interesting to see what this defense attorney does camila bernal, cnn, los angeles cannabis now, legal for adult recreational use in germany, the country's federal council clear the way to decriminalize the substances late february under the new law, adults can possess up to 25 grams of cannabis. they're also allowed to grow up to three plants for private use production, and distribution of the drug are also permitted in license clubs. the law gives germany some of the most liberal cannabis rules in europe. after the break, college basketball's a men's final four is now set, will have all the details on who's still in the running for one shining
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moment. plus, is this the year for a wildflower superbloom in california? we'll look at why it could be possible parent knows when it's time to go into protect mode lysol laundry sanitizer kills nine the nine of illness causing bacteria detergents leave behind >> plaintiffs >> good sanitized is better >> i won't let my moderate to severe plaque psoriasis symptoms define me emerge as, you with trump via most people saw 90% clear skin. eye four months. and the majority stay clearer. i'd five years. cbs allergic reactions may occur, can fire, may increase your risk of infection it's a or your ability to fight them. tell your dr. if you have an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine, no plan to emerge as you emerge trim phi it, ask your dr. about from via time 60% live to ms guy and
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college basketball's of march madness, the men's final four is set the >> top ranked purdue boilermakers defeated number two tennessee 72 to 66 in the elite eight purdue is advancing to its first final four. since the 1980 and north carolina state continues is cinderella run after upsetting duke 706264. here's how the semifinals will be played on saturday. uconn an alabama going head-to-head and the boilermakers facing off with the wolfpack and c states and south carolina are through to the women's final four, but not without controversy. the three-point lines on the court where north carolina state beat texas weren't the same distance. the coaches abdullah to play the game without the delay. the texas coach says the players were unaware of the discrepancy, but it wasn't pleased >> well, i hate to say this but i have a lot of colleagues that would say only and women's basketball maintenance it's a
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shame >> really >> that it even happened but it is what it is >> the nc double a is investigating how that actually happened. it's an annual sine of spring in california, wildflowers blooming up and down the state. this year, thanks to while in part to a very wet winter, residents and visitors are hoping they're going to be more spectacular than normal? yes, definitely elan with more on that a flurry of flowers. >> i think it's amazing as brain begins to unfurl in california, flower fans are hoping for another show stopper, a phenomenon known as a superbloom. >> superbloom is many, many flowers, millions, if not billions of flowers blooming simultaneously. >> expanses of orange, yellow, and purple flowers. so densely cluster that there are visible from space, like in 2023, after one of the what is winters on
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record, the thing is super blooms aren't a guarantee. it takes the right conditions for that riot of hues to appear during california's devastating drought years. there's no brilliant display. >> but when those conditions come together and you get a lot of rain and cool days, you're going to see tons of flowers and this year i think we're on track for that. >> all of these beautiful blooms just draw people in. >> but >> this is nature so naturally there are threats and here in california that often is snakes, like 12-year-old mail-in found out what is the coolest thing you've seen when you've come out here a snake >> i got dog and i saw r10 in 2017, some california parks were crushed with superbloom seekers. the town of lake elson are banned visitors to one canyon in 2019 after hundreds of thousands of people trudged off trails, destroying precious petals and they're quest's to take the perfect picture. >> these are fragile
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ecosystems. they're wild ecosystems, and they can be damaged pretty easily by being stepped on sat on, driven on. >> yet experts say respectfully, viewing a superbloom is a great way to connect with nature. >> you'll just see you one of the most incredible things that happens in our natural world stephanie elam, cnn japan's cherry blossom season has officially began. tourists and locals in tokyo are flocking to see the famous flowers reach peak bloom this year, the celebrated tree started blossoming later than usual. the season can only begin when, according to state media, whether officials monitoring a specific tree in tokyo are able to spot 11 blossoms this story is no april fools joke, promise you the us in the, the powerball jackpot has grown to nearly 1 billion dollars. no ticket won the grand prize or saturday and monday is estimated jackpot is now $975 million. if someone were to win tonight, they could take the
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money in 30 annual payments or as a lump sum payment 471 million. good luck to you. >> thanks for joining me here on cnn newsroom. i might saucer london cnn this morning is up next after this quick break >> good morning, everyone in kasie hunt. just wonderful to be with you. this is a massive week in politics. i hate to kind of call you out right off the top. it is one you're four perceive these women athletes finally getting the recognition they deserve. you ever want to
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