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tv   CNN This Morning  CNN  April 1, 2024 3:00am-4:00am PDT

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including infections that can be fatal, slow heart rate, liver problems, increased blood pressure, macular edema, certain types of skin cancer, swelling and narrowing of the brain's blood vessels or shortness of breath tell your dr. if you are pregnant or plan to be if conventional therapy like five essays or steroids, aren't working for you, asked your gastroenterologists about they'll zippity. they'll zippity help calm the chaos of uc it's a new day. >> one. we're our shared values propel us towards a more secure future through august of partnership built upon cutting-edge american, australian, and british technologies will develop state-of-the-art next generation that we're ready build something stronger together security, decades of peace and prosperity for america and our lives. we are her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials.
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“the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for. alone. >> cnn central. today and seven easter >> it's monday, april 1, right
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now on cnn this morning, donald trump, ready to return to the campaign trail after releasing an easter sunday message? it was pretty dark. we'll bring it to you. the first pieces meanwhile, of the key bridge recovered from the water as workers race to reopen the critical baltimore ports and millions of americans facing the threat of tornadoes, hail, and flooding over the next several days, we'll bring you that >> right. 06:00 a.m. here in washington. a live look at capitol hill on this you're monday. good morning, everyone. i'm kasie hunt. it's great to be with you. don't forget today's april fool's day. so just turn up that skepticism meter just a little bit of our this weekend, we did have easter sunday in an election year today, president biden is preparing to host the annual easter egg roll at the white house. the current president posted this message or over the weekend writing to all those gathering and churches and
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homes around the world today, happy easter. may god bless and keep you >> then there was donald trump. he shared these sentiments with voters in all caps ahead of his return to the campaign trail tomorrow. happy easter to all including crooked and corrupt prosecutors and judges that are doing everything possible to interface here what the presidential election of 2024. and put me in prison, including those many people that i completely and totally despise because they want to destroy america and now failing nation which is what are we celebrating on easter, the rise, the resurrection >> anyway? >> this all played out days after trump started hawking bibles for 59, 99, which led to this >> is it chases >> basically, yeah. >> the time of year >> when i compare myself through jesus christ. that's just a thing i do now and people seem to be okay with that. i'm going to keep doing it out of you think that this
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is a bad look. imagine how weird it would be if i started selling bibles. well i'm selling bibles >> look >> at this beautiful bible made from 100% bible sounds like a joke. and in many ways it is, but it's also very real >> it's also very real are panels here. ron brownstein, senior editor the atlantic lands troves, former spokesman, north dakota governor doug burgum is 2024 presidential campaign and lulu garcia navarro of the new york times. ron brownstein, let me, let me kick this over to you because you've seen a presidential campaign or two in your day. and this has really reached the biblical language and approach of donald trump obviously it has led to what we saw there on snl. i think we should also refresh everyone's memory. this was a video that the former
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president posted in january to his truth social feed reposted this video. let's just remember what he seems to want everyone to think about him >> i need somebody who will be strong and courageous will not be afraid, are terrified when they attacked a man who cares for the flux sheppard to mankind who won ever leave you nor forsake them. so gone gave us trump >> so god gave us trump braun? >> yeah. well, you know, his core sport. i mean, the bedrock of his coalition are white conservative evangelical christians who view themselves by enlarge as besieged by changing america and in many ways trump explicitly, as someone said to me way back when and i think 2016 trump offers himself as a human wall. the human equivalent of the wall against all of the changes
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that they think threatened their, their position and their values in american life. and so you get this kind of conflation of trump as a messianic figure that strikes voters in kind of the center, not only politically, but in their, in their religious beliefs and practice as way over the top then vainglorious and all of that. but yet does speak to something that is driving his way, which is i believe that the core of the trunk coalition remains the voters who are the most uneasy about the way the country is changing and he presents himself in effect as their retribution against all of that >> so when it's true over one of the one piece of literature along these lines that i often recommend to people as the book by tim alberta called the kingdom, the power and the glory, and tim is someone who comes from the communities that ron was just talking about. he was raised as a white
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evangelical in michigan. his dad was a pastor and i think one of the things that sometimes people trip on and trying to explain this is donald trump does not live a christian life by the normal metrics that people think of in that sorry, a number of wives. and obviously his focus on money maureen dowd wrote in her column >> she >> she she pulled on that the metaphor of the golden calf right? the false worship metaphor. what is it about these communities, these voters that have them? approaching donald trump in a way that they, they, they don't approach mike pence, who is objectively more of a evangelical light is heart, than donald trump. >> well, let me first type by saying he has a two goals here and that's for us to be talking about him. and we were leaving the show talking about trump this. and he has great success of that. and i mean, you're right. he has an effect on people like none other, right. especially with the
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evangelical community. and that's why you saw him step out this weekend on this trans de that biden did, and obviously it's a that falls march 31st because he wanted to tell evangelical voters, i'm on your side. i have your back and that's what he does. and when it comes to the larger notion, he's succeeding all around, right? because a lot of voters are saying, we don't really love the rhetoric. we don't love the maybe the man himself, but they love the pollen all season. they hearken back to how their financial situation was four years ago. and you see that play out in the polls and that's why he's still viable today. >> lulu >> yeah. i mean, we spent a lot of time >> discussing what is the appeal of donald trump and how he manages to completely sort of in rapture the people who follow him i think it does come down to what ron brownstein was saying. but i also think there's something else that happens here, which is that he does manage to tap into this sort of apocalyptic view that some people have of this country. this idea that this country is falling apart, this idea that everything that we
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hold dear is being in taken away from us he is speaking to people who feel that, you know, and they respond to that rhetoric while some of us look at that and say, it doesn't correlate with how i live my life. what am my experiences are a lot of people do feel that this is actually what's happening in this country. and so when he talks like this, we might see it as the sort of like an exaggeration, but they see it as articulating. they're very real fears. and i think that that is really part of his appeal >> certainly. i mean, we're it's interesting because, i mean, certainly when i was learning initially about what kind of politics actually works, it's optimism in the city on the hill and ronald reagan, and we're obviously very far from that yes. all right. our panel sticks around, come up next here, warning signs for president biden. can he keep his coalition together and what's being done right now to get ships back into the port of baltimore after the catastrophic bridge collapse if
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>> the greatest stage they told about >> for all lifetime, where you round the champions have tbs >> president biden said friday that he would visit the site of the baltimore bridge collapse because like that bridge, biden is no longer connecting with black communities you've got to read the poll out >> okay, let's talk about the fresh wave of pulling out last month. >> it shows that the biden >> campaign is losing support from voters of color in a presidential race. that is going to be so, so close the panel rejoins run brownstein. i
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want to talk to you about this because you're new piece on, really digs into this question that the biden campaign has about how they are losing ground and how much ground they are losing with non-white voters. what have you who learned and what, what are they paying attention to? what, uh, we need to be paying attention to >> yeah. i mean, the racial dynamics in this race could be unprecedented and they are certainly fascinating. donald trump at this point, is polling not only better than he did in 2020 among both black and hispanic voters, his polling better kasie than any reports public in presidential nominees since the civil rights era in the routinely getting in the '20s now and bowls about nationalizing the key states among black voters. and around 45 among hispanic voters. and all of that is understandably received. a lot of attention. the other side of the racial ledger though, has received i think surprised it's only little attention, which is a joe biden at this point, is
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matching or even slightly exceeding his 2020 number among white voters in virtually all national and swing-state polls. and if biden can in fact maintain that support, it kind of flips the central issue in this campaign. i think it really becomes whether donald trump, all the way through november and defend these beach heads in black and hispanic communities while running on such a racially polarizing agenda with ideas like mass deportation in camps, unilateral military action against mexico so ending diversity and inclusion efforts and pardoning the white supremacist who attack the capitol on january 6. right now, he's getting the best of both worlds. he's energizing his socially conservative base. we were talking about in the last segment with a lot of these very racially tinge polarizing ideas. and he's winning and historic number of non-white voters primarily around other issues like inflation and the economy >> if he can maintain >> that tight rope all the way
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to november, very hard to beat if democrats can push them off that tight rope, the race could look very different given that biden, somewhat surprisingly, i think is basically where he was among white voters when he won in 2020 interesting, ron, for people who you've pointed out, all of the ways and places are many of them. why some people might kind of scratch their heads about why these voters >> might be willing to back trump. and i do think there's certainly some frustration when i talked to people in these communities who get lumped together as people have color mean, hispanic communities, there's all kinds of different groups of people across the country. obviously, black communities have something similar. then you've lumped those people together. we don't want to do that. but when you kind of pull these pieces apart, why is it that many hispanic voters seem to be willing to go with donald trump and then separately black voters like what, how do you explain why this is happening? >> well, there are long-term trends and there are short-term trends. there's no question that voters of color have been
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increasingly subject to the same realignment along educational lines. that is reshaped political allegiances in the white community for 50 years, at least for the last decade, we have and seeing that, especially among men with republicans gaining and trump gaining among non-college non-white men. obviously not the same degree that they do among non-college white men. but along the same trajectory. but i think the proximate cause of what we are talking about is inflation. and the sense among many voters living at or around the median income or below the median income that life is just more of a squeeze than it was from what they remember the early years of the trump presents me one democratic pollster said to me that the nightmare phrase that's his phrase that that he hears in focus groups. all time is i don't like donald trump. i don't like what he says. i think he's a racist, but if i'm being honest, i had more money in my pocket at the end
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of the week when he was president. that is a serious problem for democrats, but it is also true that there's very little awareness in the states that count in communities of color about the kind of things that i mentioned before. mass deportation, military against mexico ending all diversity and inclusion efforts and the question will be, i think trump is likely to run better than he did in 2020 among black and brown voters the question is, can he run as well as he is running today? and what's that kind of break that biden has to roll them back to in order to regain the initiative, particularly in those rust belt states. so i do think there is a question out there for trump, as democrats and their allies make these voters more aware of these polarizing idea is that he's putting forward and also try to draw an economic populist contrast with things like the tax bill and the affordable care act can sustain what he's doing because it's
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not a nice to have at this point, casey, because of what's happening among white voters, it's a nice to have for trump. i mean, he needs to run better than any republican evermong white voters. and w'll see if he can sustain that all the way thrgh november. there's reason to be optimistic issues with decrat believe tve an opportunity. >>ll right. ron brownstein for us. ro very grateful t ve you. thks very much for coming you soo he >> allight. coming up xt here. the third party epha the room. why the mpaign's a esidt biden and donald for some worrie abt rfk junior plus thclose call that man never sa ming with a runaway saw. this is just terrifying what are you doing >> sound effects why are you doing that >> why aren't you i care is health care you deserve america's past. the >> only go daddy arrow helps
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late night that sounds >> insane to be real i think he would have full thing >> the daily show tonight and 11 on comedy central >> make your first moos with battery power made by steel right now, save $50 on the fsa norman, bad news... i never graduated from med school. what? but the good news is... xfinity mobile just got even better! now, you can automatically connect to wifi speeds up to a gig on the go. plus, buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. i gotta get this deal... that's like $20 a month per unlimited line... i don't want to miss that. that's amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc?
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crews are carefully cutting and hauling pieces of the tangled mess away to try to clear the channel a willi close, oregon man, look at that, that giant metal blade from an industrial saw came loose at a construction site slammed into that wall just inches and seconds away from striking him >> lead is okay >> police said plenty of worst power chasing down a shoplifter in albuquerque. how's that for body camera footage, official say they found $230 worth of stolen items on him. after this john wayne style ticked down when i do the still happened in america a nascar drivetook road rage to the extreme when he threw a damaged bumper at a
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competitors car. joey gaze chucked the bumper after crashing into dawson crammed during the nascar xfinity race in richmond when virginia on saturday, unclear and he'll face any penalties from nascar >> emergency crews escorting drivers around. it collapsed >> section of highway one in california after an easy mr. storm, about 2000 motorists. were stranded when a twin chunks of one of the lanes fell down into the ocean all right. wide >> ranging storms bring >> tornado threats to the plains and the midwest as well as rain flooding, and snow to parts of the central and eastern us are meteorologists, elisa raffa joins us now with more elisa. good morning. good morning. it's going to be a pretty busy day for us. we've got the storm system that's developing. we've got some thunderstorms out in your omaha, but this will really start to crank into full gear as we go into the afternoon and we're looking at an enhanced or risk or that level 3.5 of severe weather there in the orange from st. louis to
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springfield down to dallas and oklahoma city. that's where we've got the rep. for 70 mile per hour damaging winds large hail up to two to three inches in diameter. that's to the size of tennis balls. and tornadoes. now we are concerned about the threat of some stronger tornadoes up to ef2 and strength or greater. so we'll really have to keep an eye on this as we go through the day today. and it extends into tomorrow, that risk of east from lexington down into nashville by tuesday for the continued throughout the damaging winds and the tornadoes, you can see the storm's really blowing up after 04:00 today across parts of missouri could also come with some flooding rains as well. then the storm's reignite east across parts of ohio and then tennessee going into tuesday again with the thread four the damaging winds, large hail and tornadoes and flooding rains. we've got that excessive rain risk from springfield to charleston, west virginia today. and then from knoxville if to charleston going into tomorrow all right elisa, raffa for us to lisa. thank you very much for that. coming up next
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to your donald trump shares of video of an image with president biden hogtied. now we've republican lawmaker says politicians need to tone down the rhetoric plus america's sweethearts versus dirty debutante, a column about the women's ncw tournament lands and newspaper in the hot seat let's see an infill. sunday, april 21 at nine >> when you're the leader, is asked to clean up and restoration how do you make like it never even happened? >> happened >> whatever comes your way. >> there's a pro for that. serve bro like it never even happened. >> we can carousel my tiny patches. she's improving the look of her fungus damage nail while she's only carousel
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in match roger, that robin hood goal goats you the biggest matchup any ira on the market >> hey, there, brenda. >> it's carroll >> exactly. >> so which like are we operating on? >> you mean arm? >> it's all connected, asking the right question can greatly impact your future. >> you share your an orthopedist. >> actually, i'm a sagittarius specially when it comes to your finances, give a question. >> are you a certified financial planner? >> yes. i'm a cfp professional >> cop professionals are cocommitted to acting in your best interest. that's why it's gotta be a cfb find your cfp professional, and let's make a plan doubt or i'm rafael romo, the georgia state capitol in atlanta. this is cnn >> welcome back. how did you spend your good friday if you celebrate on this easter monday, new controversy about how donald trump spent his, he posted this video to his truth social platform at the start. of a holiday weekend for the millions of americans who do
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celebrate easter this video, it shows a sticker of president biden on the back of this truck that's about to drive into the frame hogtied right? >> you >> can see it there. we're going to be very clear. this is not video. we're showing. this is something trump reposted trump indicated that the post was filmed on long island on thursday while he was attending the wake of nypd officer jonathan diller, republican congressman mike lawler was asked about this by our own, dana bash over the weekend. here's what he's i think everyone needs to tone down the rhetoric, the language, and, you know, obviously social media has become a vehicle by which to bludgeon people. i just think at the end of the day the former president, current president and on down l, all of us have a responsibility to check our language, to watch what we're saying >> are cnn chief political correspondent nick co-host of
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state of the union. dana bash joins me now. dana, it's wonderful to have you so lawler is response there. i mean, obviously this is a horrendous image, right? that the former president reposted. it does indicate increasing comfort with violence in our political rhetoric, you ask lawler about it. what was your view of how he answered that question realizing that these are tough questions for republicans across town to answer, they're not the ones that are posting these images, but they. are supporting this guy who was their nominee. >> yeah, he hasn't said that >> that he supporting him >> yet, which is enforcing he and i wasn't sure because i asked him at the end of the interview and he says, i'm not going there yet, but i mean kasie, how many hours did you spend on capitol hill when donald trump was president asking republicans your view on x, your reaction to why i mean, did you see the tweet? >> yeah. exactly. i mean, that was like you should put that on >> a pillow at that point at this point, but this is the frankly, the nightmare that a
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lot of republicans are reliving are starting to relive now. and that is especially true for republicans like mike lawler, who is in a true battleground district in new york he is a majority-maker and he has do not make angry. >> the >> trump's supporters in his base, but also not sort of push away the independent minded of voters who he needs in order to get re-elected. so because of that, you heard him do the both sides thing in the answer and you could see that he's uncomfortable and it's understandable that he doesn't want to talk about donald trump and this is the problem that republicans find themselves in. now every single time that donald trump says something, and i just want to add really quickly, kasie that image that they showed the president
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hogtied in the back of the truck that was one thing. the other thing that i mean, you could argue is perhaps more dangerous because she doesn't have secret service protection. is what the former president posted about the judge in new york. that's presiding over one of his cases. daughter hosted her picture poster, her name >> that is >> people out there who support him rapidly. so see that picture, see that name, and they might take that as a green light to do something and that is one of the other things i asked her about and that's frightening >> very much so and dan has been looking over here at atlanta >> it >> was a republican, sitting with us today. >> look glance you or you worked for doug burgum out midwestern politics. so well, on my family's from the midwest originally. i mean, typically there are plenty of
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people who vote republican, who are not down with this incredibly violent imagery that we are seeing and down with these tax that the former president is launching, we we should just say that but i am interested to know what kind of risk you see in the former president doing this, because he's clearly shown that he can galvanize people to take action in the real-world. we saw it on january 6, i'm also how republicans like lawlor should be dealing with these questions mean it's tough for them >> yeah. and i was gonna say it's a day that ends and why we're talking about a trump social media posts. this is not new. you were asking members of congress on the hill, right i think what i would say is, i think there are better ways to go at joe biden on there's plenty of issues that he can go hello, ataman, but it goes back to what we were discussing earlier a lot of the stuff he has been doing since 2016 that his rhetoric is a little heated. but you heard ron brownstein talk about it while ago, a democratic pollster said one of the worst things i hear is they people are in polling shows this people separate the
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man and the rhetoric from the policies out there. if you look at the polling heat is still tied neck and neck with joe biden in some cases, beating joe biden out there. so it is really we can have this discussion all day long, but voters right now, it is not seeping into them and they're still many of them are perfectly happy voting for donald. >> i mean, do you think that this kind of thing is in some ways, i mean, for the biden campaign, i mean, isn't this the trump that they want to run against this guy that seems this way. well, i think i think so. i think that's probably what they seek and what they want, but this is the donald trump that's been donald trump since 2016. i don't know if there's anything new with him. and again, this is this is where voters are going to have to decide on the policies. i think it's going to come down to the economic issue which we were discussing earlier is going come down to immigration and some of these other issues. he's going to agree though. i really do disagree. i think what's happened is that up until now, voters have tuned this out. he wasn't the presumptive nominee >> and now he is. and >> now, not only are members of congress going to have to face questions from the media about some of his statements, but
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also voters are going to have to decide if this is the america that they want. and up until now, i've not had to make that choice, but i think moving forward they will. and the more that they're presented with this rhetoric and the fact of the matter is, is that donald trump, who is he trying to activate here? who is he trying to motivate? because he is actually going to need independent voters. he is going to need nikki haley voters. he is going to need some of these latino and black voters who again, might like his policies, but not like a man. and the more that they're confronted with this, the more that their opinions may change. and so i don't know who this helps i do not believe it helps the trump campaign. >> it's just not worked its way into, if that's an that may be true, but it currently if you look at the recent round of polling that came out, if you look at the bloomberg poll last week, he's leading in some of these battleground states. i mean, there's some of the rhetoric has been out there for a long time, right? and the reality is that wasn't the case in 2020, you didn't see the polling kind of show, show what it's showing now dana, you had a fabulous interview with reverend senator at warnock who doesn't do a lot of these interviews. and you
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talked to him specifically about christian nationalism has become a theme underlying at the 2024 election. take a look at what at warnock had to say to dana at which she asked me about that i don't know if you've heard your friend reverend william barber, speak about this, but he says that christian nationalism >> attempts to sanctify oppression and not liberation. he calls it a form of heresy what do you think? i mean, is this concept which seems to be growing something that you see is dangerous >> well, again, i believe in the separation of church and state, and sadly, in our country, in this moment we're seeing religion being used again as one more proxy, as a tool in the culture wars. and very often, it is hidden in the language, in the clothing of religion but jesus said, you'll
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note, judge, a tree by the fruit it bears i judged the depth of people's piety, not based on their pronouncements not based on them using the bible as assemble but how did they treat the poor how do they treat the most marginalized? those are the people that jesus sent it >> and >> that is the faith that i embrace every single day. and it's something that is sorely needed in our country in his moment in which those who have no vision are trafficking in division so dana, i mean, i think very interesting to listen to reverend warnock i talk about this. he talks about the action of, you know, what it really means to have, to have faith here but the reality is the former president donald trump is very much i mean, if you, if you read the maureen dowd column from over the weekend, she takes through all the ways in which he is basically made the argument that he is like christ. he uses
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language like the one video talked about him as the shepherd. they go donald trump presenting himself as the man on the cross a tortured for our sins. i do recommend this more and more trump is swallowing and his messiah complex two corinthians trump. she calls him wouldn't know the difference between the old and new testaments what is going on here and what role is this do you think going to play in november at the end of the day? there is a very strong really strong base of support among a lot of evangelicals. we've established that which is, as you were talking about earlier, i mean, the idea that he has more support than a mike pence who is who lives and breathes it every single day is mind-boggling. >> but the >> broader question is about the conflating of christianity. and patriotism. and that was one of the other things that i
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talked about, which is christian nationalism. and that's one of the other things that i talked about with with reverend warnock, which is all of this sort of kerfuffle about the bible that he's selling. and just the notion of him talking a bible. the other part that is most disturbing to a lot of people of faith and even people who are not of faith, especially people who don't believe not that they're not out of faith, but they don't believe that there should be any kind of overlap between a and government. separation of church and state. >> the big yes, the beginning of the bible that he sold had the pledge of allegiance, the constitution, and that was a not so subtle nod many people believed to christian joe nationalism, which is what reverend warnock, who left our interview and went to preach easter morning services at ebenezer baptist church where he's a senior pastor, says, is extremely dangerous. all right. it's great interview guide. our panel comes back, coming up
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next, how rfk junior could hurt president biden or donald trump? in november, we'll dig in and march madness games played with mismatched three point lines. we're going to show you the floor you get the wide shot. you can see that side is way different than the other side >> they're thon nice to meet you. i'm running boston to make sure childbirth is safe for all moms everywhere i'm one of thousands of runners running to beat things bigger than the clock to help more kids outrun cancer, help amputees walk again and maybe even run thousands of runners thousands of reasons to run find a runner help a give if you can we just signed the lease on our third shop. my assistant menn, to get new uniforms with all the locations. he found great products uploaded new art, and
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the demolition set for october a federal judge who ordered the redesign of eight new jersey county line primary ballots. as his ruling only affects the democratic party, which includes the race to replace senator bob menendez. the controversial ballot has long been criticized for giving preference to party backed candidates. all right, now there's this robert f. kennedy jr. picking up steam he selected a running mate last week and polls show him potentially gaining support donald trump doesn't see that. he says as a threat to his campaign >> i've always liked him and i've known him actually for a long time. i'd like jim, he's a very liberal guys, probably the most liberal person in the race, including the green party. so i think he's probably going to hurt biden. i don't see him hurting me out. people solid >> all right. panel is back dana, this has been the big question, right? how does rfk impact the race as he hurt biden, does he hurt trump some
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of our polling shows that it's a little bit of an even split. there are some new q quinnipiac polling that i think we can put up on the screen green that shows they've got 48, to biden trump without rfk at rfk and you've got trump 39 by and 38. kennedy, 13%. and this, i have to say this seems to be the fundamental question for the biden campaign in the absence of third-party candidates, he deems to edge trump's inner trump has kind of a hard ceiling and a hard floor, right? but when you add these folks in, it becomes much more difficult for them. >> there's a reason why the democrats, the biden campaign, the dnc is, has established and assembled a group of people to deal with third party candidates, particularly rfk jr. junior of course, they're worried some democrats i talked to say they're not worried enough about cornell west, although it's a question about
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how many ballots he's going to get. because he truly will take away and he's not going to take away from he's not very many, very many trump voters right? >> but the fact that these two poles shows an even sort of an even split is very telling. and i think i'd love to know more about it, but there's one issue where historic trump's supporters are really mad at him. and that is covid. and the fact that he supported the to the vaccine and you know, what, what do we know about rfk junior? he is a rapid and rabid anti-vaxxer? yeah. no, for sure >> lance can i ask you about this >> because i'm curious what you think trump is doing here when he talks about rfk being liberal because i have to say the narrative i hear from my sources it's a little different that frankly the trump folks think that rfk is going to hurt biden. and a lot of this is is not what it may seem to be on the surface. i mean, it's trump actually
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worried about rfk et into a support or is he just trying to give rfk more attention so that more people know that rfk is running. >> when i heard that clip you played or reminds me of when political parties interfere with tv ads saying, oh, he's the most conservative, 0s the moos you heard him. that was basically a tv ad written, say, look, he's very liberal and so he's telegraphing, he wants to people on the left to hear that. oh, yeah. rfk is a liberal. he wants to go at joe biden's base and that was what he was saying. i agree with the dana said, when in doubt, look to what the political operatives are doing, if the dnc is setting up a communications and research shops solely faced dealing with rfk that tells you all you need to know that they considered a subject. >> i mean, i think rfk is a huge threat to the biden campaign. i also think there is a big part of the democratic party and the left who are also anti-vaccine who are also very skeptical that he speaks to and so those are the people that he is going to be pulling away from biden. i mean, it's a big issue on the left two not as big as on the right, but definitely there is a far-left
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group that is very, very anti-vax maxine. and who like rfk and what he selling >> yeah. i mean, it's i will say dana, it is a very strange like the anti-vaccine group to lula's point. i mean, it almost kind of meet in the middle. there are several issues where the political spectrum the line becomes a circle and the anti-vaccine movement is definitely one of them. yeah >> lance, if you're the biden campaign and you're trying to run against you, trying to protect against these threats. are they doing enough to do it? how would you i mean, if let's say the biden campaign was doing what the trump team was doing, their trying to get people to buy in or pull people from another place. how would you do it >> well, they're doing the first thing is there's the of communications that are research shop and they're going to have to go in and telegraph to folks. some of his positions that folks would find that they would not be happy with. i just
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think that at the end of the day, this is a real problem. what they should be doing doing, and i think what they are doing is trying to keep him off the ballot. and some of these states, if he gets on the ballot in just a few of these states, it could be absolutely devastating for the biden folks. >> yeah, the >> balance or the entire ball game, it's a really good point. all right, let's turn now to a headline from women's march madness after the lsu tigers sweet 16, win against ucla on saturday, head coach kim mulkey use the postgame press conference to draw attention to an la times article since revised that she said used sexist language to describe her players the column referred to ucla as players as america sweethearts and milk and cookies while calling lsu dirty debutant and louisiana hot sauce >> take your phone out right now and google dirty debutant and tell me what it says. dirty debutant are you kidding me i'll let you talk about 18 to
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21 year-old kids in tone. i can't sit up here as a mother and a grandmother and a liter of young people and allow somebody to say that the article has since been updated to remove the language. and this editor's note was attached. the original version of this commentary did not meet times editorial standards. it has been edited to remove language that was inappropriate and offensive. we apologize to the lsu basketball program. and to our readers i would hope so. yeah, in a bad i mean, listen. thank goodness. we're at a place in american society and culture where there is a woman who has a microphone. and i would even say a megaphone who is willing to call out stuff like that. obviously she's controversial to but on this issue good for her good for her >> i absolutely hundred
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percent. >> yeah. 100%. i mean, this is shocking language especially about young women as she pointed out. and i'm just so glad that actually this. is getting covered because this kind of language invades our society and it's good that we're calling it out because it makes us look at things slightly differently. we shouldn't be talking about athletes like this. >> so let's talk about why this column came to be in the first place. it was because mulkey has been out there. lance basically pushing back ahead of a story that came out over the weekend which was the washington post was a long profile of her and comes looking at her personality in a way that clearly mulkey thought she she ahead of time called it a hit piece attacks the journalist, the washington post. >> i >> think if you read the story i'm not sure that the things that she said might be in there ended up being in the story. it was kind of poor trade of how mulkey came to be. but i kinda go back and forth because on the one hand, it details her kind of pugnacious coaching, personality. would we talk
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about that with a male coach? i don't know. >> on the other >> hand, we are getting a massive profile in a national publication of a women's basketball coach. and i actually think that's pretty good. >> i completely agree with you on both counts. i some two eyes. i read it and i thought, man, what a man have gotten the same treatment. right. but at the same time, it's bringing attention to it. i also think this is a lesson pr one-on-one and 2024 get in front of a story that you think is coming that's bad, and if you don't like what's in it, get out there and talk about it, and look what happened. she got to i >> mean, it it's the trump possession of the way to approach. and i'm sure you think about this in your line of work all the time, but the way to approach something that's coming is just to get out there on owning frankly appropriated and to try to quash it in this case i just want to cosine as the kids say what you said about the fact that we're talking about women's basketball and women's sports in general. i mean this is really great, a freaking love. it it's really, it's really great. it's the
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caitlin clark of it. all. it's it's making money. they have fans. they have controversies is happening guess what? >> it's just like men's, but >> again, i mean, look lance, i'm sorry, you're the you're the man at this table for >> said, but >> landsat that you actually did, you really read that and think to yourself, would this be britain >> yes. yeah, absolutely. >> that is barry 2024. the fact that you did that, i mean, i want to be helpful to think that other men are as evolved as you are. but the fact that you did is pretty cool. >> yeah, no, for sure. props for that. i mean, i have to say we're going to do a straight here in a second about the floor of the ncw women's team, but to think about as well, dan, i mean there hasn't been money for women's sports either. and i think that has been one of the things that has really hammered some of this. you've seen it also in
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women's soccer, right? where people have insisted that will nobody actually wants to watch this this, you know, it's like if you start getting into the world cup questions, i mean, the commentary i've gotten on when i've ever done a story about the women's world cup team has been so nasty as i get in my career, talking about this kind of thing. so i do think for women to be able to compete at this level, the money has to be there and it's starting to be yep. yeah. it has to be there. and it's like the field of dreams question like if you build will it come at the answers? >> yes >> yeah, we're saying it's because women have taken stands though, about getting equal pay. i mean, this hasn't come out of nowhere. this is actually a movement that we've seen in women's sports demanding that actually they get the money shout out to billie jean king. yeah. >> why profiles and i learned a lot about this she and other people in her generation 50 years ago pushed really hard to get women where they are today. they're not there, but they're way better than they were. they're not there. but they are there absolutely getting there, which i mean, to your point, it has been a fight.
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they have had to fight every step of the way, but i think when you when you see the kind of attention that kim mulkey is getting, the kind of adoration that caitlin clark has seen. i mean, $500 tickets to a women's basketball game >> you know >> you obviously want a lot of people to be able to access it on the one hand, but on the other hand, i love seeing that for women's sports in a place. >> now if only people could come and watch the congressional press softball game the way that they watched the men's congressional baseball game game. >> what are you going to >> here? yes. yes. i'm playing this year. okay. and then on the field and a few years because i was just plug you like what i did there they play it now stadium, we do not >> well, i will say there has been a push in recent years to get the softball game on that field. it has so many to be just consider this the beginning of the public advocacy campaign to get the congratulate and softball gloves it on the field at nat stadium all right. with that, i'm going to leave you with
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this unbelievable story from the women's ncw basketball tournament that has a lot of people including me dumbfounde prr to the tip off of sterd's e eight game, ok at those three-point lines on the right and left sides of yo screen, the eliteig game between texas and n rolina sta coach for bothteams egon wre not drawn tanes at basket. the coaches decided to go ahead and play the game and see state 177 to 66, the ncw gave cnn the statement while the ncw is vendor has apologized for the the error, we will investigate how this happened in the first place, the ncw working now to ensure the accuracy of all court marc kinks for future games here was texas the texas head coach after the game, talked about this, the kicker. this was the fifth game that was played on that court this past weekend. the fifth game where the lines were wrong, how they got that far without anyone


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