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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  April 1, 2024 4:00am-5:00am PDT

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i'm going to leave you with this unbelievable story from the women's ncw basketball tournament that has a lot of people including me dumbfounde prr to the tip off of sterd's e eight game, ok at those three-point lines on the right and left sides of yo screen, the eliteig game between texas and n rolina sta coach for bothteams egon wre not drawn tanes at basket. the coaches decided to go ahead and play the game and see state 177 to 66, the ncw gave cnn the statement while the ncw is vendor has apologized for the the error, we will investigate how this happened in the first place, the ncw working now to ensure the accuracy of all court marc kinks for future games here was texas the texas head coach after the game, talked about this, the kicker. this was the fifth game that was played on that court this past weekend. the fifth game where the lines
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were wrong, how they got that far without anyone noticing is a mystery to me. thanks everyone for being with us this morning. i really appreciate it. i'm kasie hunt, don't go anywhere. cnn news starts right now >> what good corrupt deranged, evil, sick, happy easter. everyone. >> the >> dark holiday messages from donald trump that might push judges to crack down just as he begins his most important legal month. yeah >> sensitive data for more than 73 million people stolen from at&t and posted good on the dark web what you can do to protect yourself convicted of killing his wife and son, alec murdoch to be sentenced for possibly the last time kate is out. i'm john berman with sara sidner. this is cnn news central
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>> april fool's day today. and it is a critical month for donald trump ban and his numerous legal challenges. two weeks from today, his first criminal trial scheduled to start here in new york, and an angry trump lashing out using his easter message to attack prosecutors and judges in his multiple criminal cases, trump going after special counsel jack smith and an all caps post on truth social calling him evil and sick. he also attack manhattan da alvin bragg, claiming he was lazy on violent crime and accusing bragg of elian legally indicting him trump is also stepping up his attacks on the judge who will oversee his new york hush money case, which begins april 15th. cnn's alayna treene is joining us now what's he trying to do here? exactly because already there is a gag order in place. >> that's right. and it's something donald trump is trying to sidestep very careful and look, sarah, this is something we have seen it, donald trump, do repeatedly,
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not just in the campaign trail this year, but also in the lead up to 2016, when he was in the white house and also far beyond when i'm saying he's pulling from his plays well, i mean that quite literally this is the type of rhetoric we've seen donald trump and the language that he has used in the books that he's written in the past, like in his 2004 book, how to get rich, where he says you want to go after your enemies as harshly as you can and do it in a public way. this is exactly how donald trump thinks that he can succeed he'd and convincing the american people of his claims that everyone is out to get him that the election, that those who are prosecuting him or trying to interfere in the election. and i do want to just read for you some of what you mentioned about his truth, social post yesterday and it's something we actually saw him do on thanksgiving. i remember when he similarly when two now, after prosecutors who are going after him legally, this is what he wrote. he said, quote, happy easter to all, including crooked and corrupt prosecutors
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and judges that are doing everything possible to interfere with the presidential election of 2024 and put me in prison, including those many people that i completely the end totally despise because they want to destroy america and now failing nation, he went on to attack special counsel jack smith, as well as fani willis, the de in georgia, and others in that post. a very happy easter indeed. but luck i think again, this is how donald trump tries to sway his voters. he uses violent and incendiary rhetoric to do that. and it's exactly what we have seen him do in the past. remember in 2016 rather than try and paint and optimistic future for america, do something like reagan that him and other republicans praise often, he instead uses fear and fear mongering to play on those fears of voters. now, i do also just want to give you a sense of what we're going to see from donald trump this week tomorrow, we're actually going
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to see him hit the campaign trail for one of the first times actually since super tuesday, he's essentially been off the trail since officially clinching the republican nomination. he's going to be visiting battlegrounds states like michigan and wisconsin as he also simultaneously preps for that eighth april 15 trial. and i think we're going to continue to see this rhetoric play out as we get closer to his trial later this month, sara i want to treat one of the things people say as well. it's just trump being trump because he's done this before, but then you look back to january 6 and what some of the defendants have said that they were influenced by him. it is a big problem that the judges will be looking at laney tree and thank you so much for all that. john wright, >> president biden will host the easter egg roll at the white house today, cnn's let signs is there are let hey john and just a few hours, gates will open up here at the white house more than 40,000 people are expected to be here for this annual easter egg roll. it's tradition, tradition that goes back until the 1880s. and
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as you see in my hand right now, everybody walking in will get one of these commemorative eggs. but in just a few hours, people will be participating in this easter egg roll rolling eggs, these wooden eggs, a width, a wooden spoons. but this family-friendly event is also taking place against the backdrop of a bit of political controversy stemming from over the weekend on several fronts republicans have slammed to the white house for a proclamation that declared march 31st transgender day of visibility. this is a proclamation president biden first issued back in 2021. that just so happened this year. it's always on march 31st, but this year it fell on easter for that set off some frustration from republicans, including house speaker mike johnson, who tweeted, quote, the biden white house has betrayed the central tenet of easter. and he said the american people are taking notes. now the white house has pushed back on this a bit. we saw to post on social media yesterday from president biden
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won about easter saying that he and his wife send the warmest wishes to christians around the world celebrating the power of hope and the promise of christ's resurrection this easter sunday. he also tweeted about transgender day of visibility saying, quote, i have a simple message to all trans americans. i see you, you're made in the image of god and you're worthy of respect. it's indignity. so this is just some of the controversy that's been a brewing from over the weekend, the white house in several statements as well pushed back a bit. also, andrew bates, a spokesperson saying president biden stands for bringing people together and upholding the dignity and freedoms of every american. sadly, it's unsurprising. politicians are seeking to divide i'd and weaken our country with cruel, hateful, and dishonest rhetoric. but hopefully the families who are attending here today will be able to put some of that aside, participating in this annual event, which is always typically a family-friendly event and a time for kids to participate in these easter themed activities.
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and visit with the bunnies and other mascots who will be here for the family day >> what the calendar is the calendar, president biden can't control when the full moon is arlette, that egg is something. but if you go home with a balloon, one of those balloons behind you, i will be very impressed. we're counting on you are left sides at the white house. thank you. >> huge protests in israel against the government of benjamin netanyahu as a key meeting between the us and israel is back on for today. your personal data could be on the dark web, sensitive information from more than 73 million at&t customers has been stolen so what can you do about it? this morning, crews working to open a new channel for ships near the destroyed bridge in baltimore if you work in spaceflight >> this is the worst thing that can happen >> space shuttle columbia, the final flight premieres sunday at nine on cnn there's nothing better than a subway series
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kane who that do high-level talks between the us and israel on gaza are expected to resume today. axios is reporting officials will hold a virtual meeting to discuss the biden administration's alternative options to an israeli military ground offensive in rafah, where more than 1 million palestinians have taken shelter in one of the largest protest in israel since the war began israelis took to the streets over the weekend. and again this morning demanding prime minister benjamin netanyahu resign. netanyahu rejected the calls for early elections, insisting that would only benefit hamas and paralyze israel for months. cnn's nada bashir is following all of this for us. what can we expect them? today's meeting, there was certainly some contention between the biden administration and the israeli prime minister's office
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absolutely not seem something growing over the last few weeks we know of course, on the biden administration has continued to push for more to be >> done to guarantee the protection of civilians in in that southern city. but what we are hearing now from prime minister netanyahu is that the israeli government intends to push ahead with its plans for a full-scale ground operation in rafah. we heard from netanyahu's on sunday saying that there can be no victory in the eyes of the israeli government against hamas without a ground operation in rafah that they do plan to go ahead. the delays that we have seen around this ground offensive, this kind of operation have not been caused by any pressure from the united states or any other considerations, but rather that it is just taking time to plan. but the actual military moves have been approved by the israeli government. and of course, while there has been mounting pressure from the biden administration saying that they cannot support any sorts of ground operation without a credible plan for the
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protection of civilians. netanyahu has been clear they will not be influenced by that pressure from the biden administration. and do intend to push forward into rafah. of course, the israeli government has said it will evacuate civilians and will provide humanitarian aid. but again, no credible plans had been provided or released for the protection of civilians were talking about some 1.5 million people who have been displaced in the south. and of course, when it comes to humanitarian aid, you and officials have already accused the israeli government of intentionally starving the palestinian people in gaza. >> and the sum of the un agencies have said famine is certain if something isn't done, i do want to ask you about what we're hearing now from the israeli military, the idf saying that it's confirmed it's withdrawn from gaza's al-shifa hospital. what are you learning? there? >> well, the israeli military siege lasted 14 days around the al-shifa medical complex. of course, this is one of world's largest, gaza's largest
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hospital before the war, what we have seen over the last 14 days is an ongoing siege with civilians and medical officials and stuff trapped in and around the medical complex. and we are beginning to see video emerging as civilians and relief and emergency temur flocked to the hospital in the early hours of this morning following the end of that seed. and some of the video is simply too graphic to show bodies, corpses strewn around the medical complex building things have been almost entirely destroyed or burnt down. the israeli military says they were targeting hamas militants. they say they killed a number of hamas militants and found weapons and intelligence documents on the complex, but they also say that no harm was caused to civilians and that really stands in contrast to the testimonies we've been hearing from those civilians who managed to flee the al-shifa complex over the course of the last two weeks, it also medical staff who were trapped within the hospital. many of them telling us that they were running out of food, water, and other essential supplies that they were too
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afraid to move within the buildings of the hospital complex of fear of being targeted by israeli snipers. and now authorities in gaza saying they believe there are some 300 people who have been killed over the course of this siege that figure potentially expected to rise so, well, all right. nada bashir. thank you so much for all the reporting on that. all right. coming up, your full name, social security number, birthday, maybe being sold in the dark web after a major bridge at at&t, which affected 73 million people. what you need to know to protect yourself also, new reporting this morning, how the biden campaign is trying to fix a decade-long decline? in black voter turnout. and how wisconsin could be a test ground this week on whether their plans are working get your viewing glasses ready >> this is >> something you won't want to ms in experience. so real it
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paychex would no overdraft fees >> join me. it blue carbon a cnn fill sunday, april 21st, et nine part developing this morning a huge data breach that impacts 73 million at&t customer social >> security numbers, passwords, and more >> all stolen >> and leaked on the dark web this morning, the company is investigating how it hadn't seen as matt egan is here what's going on here? matt, you're john, this is a massive data breach and it's one that is exposed to sensitive information of many americans. and what's interesting is that it's mostly former at&t customers that have been impacted the company says that 7.6 million current customers have had their data explosion here but look at this ten times as many, 65.4 million former customers have been exposed and there may be a reason for that
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divide. i'll get back to that now. i know everyone's wondering how do i know if my information was exposed? while at&t says that they've already reached out to current customers and alerted them and reset their passcodes if they were caught up in this. so that means if you don't have an email or a letter from at&t in the coming days, you are likely in the clear if you're a current customer, at&t says they're going to reach out to former customers. now, as far as what information was taken here social security numbers may have been exposed according to at&t he as well as full names, dates of birth of phone numbers, email addresses home addresses, account numbers. and yes. passcodes. now, what's intriguing here is the timing because it was really three years ago that a well-known hacker claim to be selling off personal information on more than 70 million at&t customers. and at the time, at&t denied that its systems were breached now, at&t says that two weeks
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ago, they did find out that sensitive information was leaked on the dark web, but at&t says they don't know yet whether it was there homes or that of a vendor that was breached. but either way, john, there's a lot of people impacted here. >> yes. 7 million current 65 billion former customers. so soon asking for a friend, not really, asking for those who use att, what should we be doing? >> well first off, john >> at&t says, reset your pass code. that was something that may have been taken here. and if you use the same pass code with other companies, that could leave you in trouble. another thing they're saying is be vigilant, monitor your account activity, monitor your credit accounts also, you can set up fraud alerts at the big three credit bureaus for free and consumer watchdog says, another thing that you can do if you've been caught up in this is you can actually freeze your credit with the big three credit bureaus. you can do that for free, and that makes it a little bit harder for someone to try to steal your
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information. if your data was caught up in this. but john, listen, i think all of this is another reminder that these companies, they are under constant attack from hackers. and when those hackers succeed all of us are really exposed and can be, can be harmed here matt egan vigilance is needed, i think for a lot of at&t customers this morning. thank you so much for this report. keep us posted. >> thanks >> we'll go look at those credit reports. all right >> close. look at the enormous task of clearing the records from the baltimore bridge collapse what crews are doing right now to get other ships on their way. we're their life and calling all north carolina basketball fans, pull out your read the unexpected final for that upset, everybody's just about brackets >> this is the big dam it's.
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plus ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. don't wait- call today. or just that by granger for the ones who get it done >> if you work in spaceflight, this is the worst possible thing that can ever happen. >> my dad died doing what he loved space shuttle columbia, the final flight premieres sunday at nine on cnn all right happening now an important milestone in baltimore right there you could see live pictures of the taps go river, through the fog. what is there pping there now is very important. crews are getting ready to open a temporary alternate channel around that collapsed key bridge for essential traffic in an out of the port. that port, obviously one of the busiest in the country it has been closed to traffic for nearly a week now, seen as gabe cohen is on the shores of the punjab school river this morning gave want you to tell us what will be happening?
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>> yeah john that's a huge update that they're going to hopefully open that alternate channel pretty soon to get port traffic in and out. unfortunately, at this point, we really don't have a timeline and because cruisers still working to clear wreckage from the river and they're doing it very carefully and methodically, trying to figure out where to cut the steel and the congo they describe it essentially like a rubber band. this wreckage site, a rubber band that's been pulled the tight. and if you cut it in the wrong place, it could snap, which could be extremely dangerous for the crews that are out on the water. the divers doing their work, scanning and surveying the wreckage, trying to figure out a where's the right place to start pulling at the debris. and so again, they want to go at this the right way, knowing as well that the four missing can structure and workers are believed to potentially be buried under the rubble and they want to be able to recover those menn and offer closure to their families, john and so at this point, we don't know when they're going to have enough in the wreckage clear to be able to open that channel. we
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also don't know the size of the ship that's going to be able to actually access it, whether it's going to be able to handle, let's say, a container ship thousands of jobs at the port and around baltimore are at stake right now, millions of dollars in local impact in lost wages to port workers, as well as business operations and, we know that the federal government is assisting may have offered already to 60 million package, but it's really just a downpayment, john handling some of these early steps clearing wreckage. we've heard from transportation secretary pete buttigieg about his call to lawmakers to get a bigger package passed to take a listen well, the pitches your district could be next. and also, this has historically been bipartisan and i'm not just reaching back to bygone era has remember, the infrastructure package itself, president biden's infrastructure pre-planned, went through on a bipartisan basis. a lot of people didn't think that was possible when we got here in 2021, but the president never gave up on the idea. and sure enough, a lot of
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republicans were willing to cross the aisle work with president biden, worked with democrats to get this done >> and john, i don't know how well >> you can see the conditions around us, but the rain is really coming down it as gusty, it is cold again, just really top conditions for the workers out there trying to clear all of that wreckage from the patapsco river >> yeah. we can hear the rain gave it sounds like it's just pouring. they're in that will no doubt made the conditions difficult, not just for today, but for several days. there's a whole other issue with this storm system, how it will impact the entire northeast. we'll get to to that in a second. gabe cohen. thank you so much for being there. stay dry. we can >> all right. new reporting this morning on how president biden's campaign is focused on reaching out to black voters a vital block that could help decide the presidential election. black voter turnout, particularly among black men has dropped over the last decade. there is a big effort by democrats to reverse that trend ahead of the november election, cnn's isaac deavere is joining us now from washington. there is a primary
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that's coming up in wisconsin tomorrow. is not going to be a place where those sort of looked to see if some of the work they've been trying to do is actually having an impact yeah, it's a primary tomorrow. it's also local elections and spongy places around the state. and that is where they'd been road-tested. a lot of things in wisconsin to see about changing up this outreach to black voters. i was there a week ago looking at some of the things going on there. remember, wisconsin is a state that went to donald trump by, 21,000 votes in 2016 to buy 23,000 votes to joe biden in 2020, it is going to likely be a very close state and black voter turnout is a huge part of that especially in and around the walkie the biden campaign is looking at a lot of ways that they can try to reach out to black voters. again, as you mentioned, this is it's not just about getting people to vote for biden or trump. this is about getting people to vote at all. black voter turnout has been a real decline over the last couple of elections. and
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black men, especially a huge focus for the campaign to get them to show up for president biden connect with what he's been doing and to be there in november when they think that they will need those votes to win the state isaac to veer. thank you so much for your reporting. john. >> here's an interesting twist and all of that new this morning axios reports that if donald trump wins the election, there are plans to focus the justice department on what they call anti white racism as axios puts it, this would be an attempt to radically alter the government's interpretation of civil rights laws with me, the host of the big deal with errol louis on spectrum news, cnn contributor errol louis and senior politics reported for axios, eugene scott and you've seen, let's start with you. this is axios reporting this morning anti white racism will be a major focus of a new trump justice department. >> it will a number of organizations trump align >> organizations such as america first legal, headed by former trump aides stephen miller, that have gained traction over the last few
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years. be it quietly and trying to overturn a number of policies and programs that they believe discriminate against white people. this is, should be viewed as a continuation of the supreme court's overturning of affirmative action. and one of the things they really are hoping to do, its attack landmark legislation like the civil rights act of 1960 it's the four and just get it removed or at least make it prioritize white people who feel like they've been discriminated against. >> pretty interesting in the context of what isaac was just reporting. errol that president biden is trying to reach out to black voters who maybe leaning toward, maybe not voting. but here you go with a trump justice department focusing on whites. >> yeah. well, look the republican party, the republican candidate donald trump got 8% of the black vote for years ago, it sounds like they're writing the script for that to be repeated there are been a couple of outlier polls suggesting that trump might get 23% of the black vote. that's sort of a thing but i think some of your reporting and some of what we've seen in past
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elections suggests that they're going to revert to type, that they're going to be divisive, that they're going to try and polarize the electorate. organized white voters, and try and pull out but one more victory that way. it's a risky and in some ways, undignified strategy, but it sounds like that's what the trump folks are prepared to do. >> is this just a policy plan, eugene or does the trump campaign plan to highlight that this is something that they would do if he's elected again what i think they're going to be more vocal about it as the election moves on, as the campaign moves on, the reality is the main strategy that we've seen from the trump campaign right >> now is to lean in hope, hopefully turning out their base and the reality is that this is a concern of many of the voters in their bates. it's not obviously a huge concern of people outside of their bateson swing voters who they need to attract if they're going to be successful in a number of states. and so how they're going to figure out a way to communicate this. and keep the people they need to turn out without alienating the people who would be offended by
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this remains to be seen let's shift gears now to house speaker mike johnson, who will be down to a single vote majority shortly, which is just next to nothing. errol in both politico and punchbowl out this morning and johnson himself did an interview last night where he highlights this, basically say that speakers in a fight for his job, a new fight for his job, just five months in i want you to listen to what he said last night about this effort for marjorie taylor greene to basically have a new vote for house speaker. this is how he feels about it. >> how does this motion to vacate help went back the majority or when a bigger majority >> i don't think it does and i think all of my other republican colleagues recognize this as a distraction from our mission. again, the mission is to save the republic. and the only way we can do that is if we grow their majority, win the senate. and when white house, so we don't need any dissension, right now >> he's sort of saying that with a smile arrow, but i feel like he may not be smiley
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inside. >> well, that's right. but the thing is he's going to have to bear his fangs. he's going to have to snarl a little bit and really finally pushed back against this group that seems determined to wreck the republican majority. i mean, they've got everything they could but to show that they care more about their issues or their fundraising or whatever it is their personal agenda is, then in sort of supporting the team, supporting the party, and holding on to the majority. so they're down to one volt if they're going to wait until they're underwater, when democrats could in fact simply take control of house that would be extreme, but but that's really where they're heading mike johnson is going to have to face down marjorie taylor greene, matt gaetz, the rest of the radicals in his caucus, and tell them, we're not going to do this, or you're going to have to find another speaker >> url brings up a good point. he was sort of half smiling there, but that was more snarling that i feel like i've seen from i'm mike johnson. >> absolutely. i mean, he's incredibly frustrated. he's working with the party that is actually a little more diverse than people realize when it comes to purpose and washington there are people who get
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elected from republican districts who are sent to washington just to throw bombs and that's what they're doing. there are other people who realized that they are in districts where voters want to see them work with people on the other side of the party or the very least people within their party getting those two groups to get on the same page to move legislation forward. it's been incredibly difficult for johnson and quite frankly, every speaker that's come recently before him eugenie scott, errol, louis greatest. see both you. thanks so much for coming in. thanks. sarah >> all right. this morning, the men's final four is set one seed. purdue will take on 11 seed north carolina, the wolfpack took down duke and our shocker, rounding out the final four top overall seed, uconn, will face off against number four, alabama. cnn sport's course it's one of carolyn nano is joining us now wow, this was a nail-biter, but you've got the 11 seed in there. >> gonna >> be fine. >> no, hey, sarah, it just going to be fun. uconn has overwhelmed everybody that they face so far. a lot of people expect to produce to make it this far, but it is fun to see
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something of a syndrome rayleigh get this far, i'm not sure that they view themselves that way, but it's been a very tough road for the 11 nc state to get to this point, lead by a pair of super seniors and dj burns and dj horne pulling off yet another upset against burns, bullying his way to a team-high 29 points. torn, had 20 against the blue devils in this 76, 64, come back when remember the wolfpack needed to win five games and five days to win the sec tournament just to get invited to the dance. and now they have somehow managed to rattle off night in a row, heading to the final four for the first time in 41 years purdue me while final four bound for the first time in 44 years you had tennessee all american dalton connect? absolutely brilliantly leading the vault 37 points. but in the end, it was the boilermakers big-man zach edey, proving why he is the front runner in a win who's second straight national player of the year award. he came up so big the square a
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career-high 40 points. and then what the game on the line, he came up with this huge block to help seal the sixth point when and when you look at them after the game, it was so funny too, because do seven foot-4 did not need a ladder to cut down. the dads. >> and he >> said this was for the haters that a doubted him all season long. so you can watch saturday spawn four as well as next monday's national championship game on her sister channel tbs, and also streaming on macs. but it was such an exciting weekend and you've got the women's final four. there will be set later for today, page becker's and the uconn huskies taken on juju walk-ins. number one, usc first, allies going to be on this rematch of last year's blockbuster national title game featuring caitlin clark's iowa hawkeyes looking to avenge this loss to angel reese and lsu. this rivalry that has been well-documented, that i came year had a ton of trash talk, nearly 10 million people watched it, but both clark and reese do want to make it clear that when they're not playing, there is not a lot of bad blood between them so good for
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women's basketball and not to be honest, i've watched a lot lsu games and what they're doing for women's basketball on the way there fan support is tremendous >> and it's been fun to watch and they've had a great season. so i know it's gonna be a great game and both teams are gonna be ready to go. >> i don't think people realize like it's not personal vn caitlin clark, don't hate each other. like i want everybody to understand in it's just a super competitive game in like i just wish people realized that once i get between those lines is no friends >> sara, these 222 year-old women have done so much to elevate the games popularity. they both talk a lot of trash. they're both excellent teammates. millions are going to be watching seeing them to my and it's just gonna be it's gonna be fun. >> they're great ball players. and i might just say that the women's game is gonna be the most exciting of all the games off the sorry it is going to be an island and the font. yeah >> carolyn nano. thank you so much. appreciate it, john, i would agree it's good. >> a huge queue tonight >> all right. an intense storm
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working its way across the united states, tornadoes flooding more. remember, it's april this system could bring a foot of snow to the northeast and convicted murderer alex murdaugh, will face a judge this morning, how a failed polygraph test could make a huge difference? >> this is the big dam it's time to >> paint that cracked windshield schedule would say flight and will come to you to fix this customer was enjoying her morning walk. we texted her when we were on our way and she could track us and seeing exactly when we derive a few we came to her with service that fit are scared. he let's be pascal, nice to meet you. >> we >> got right to work with a replacement. she could trust. we come to you for free
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>> former detroit lions quarterback cameron sutton has turned himself into police and florida nearly a month after a warrant was issued for his arrest the nfl veteran faces domestic battery allegations please responded to his home in early march and had been searching for him since then. >> sutton >> was released by the detroit lions on march 21 in california are you this morning, half 1 million workers are getting a big pay. both the state's minimum wage for fast food employees jumped to $20 per hour. that's a 25% raise for many. the new law will compact big restaurant chains, including mcdonalds, starbucks, and subway. many business owners have already raised prices to accommodate the new law. they say, and some are cutting jobs and using audit maddock technology to replace workers happening now severe weather alerts in effect from texas to virginia, some areas could see hail, strong winds, tornadoes this is an intense systems already savage the west and it could eventually drop up to a foot of snow or more in some parts of the northeast
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cnn's elisa raffa is with us now. this is just hitting a ton of people >> it's going to keep us busy today and it's got multiple hazards that will pack it. this is what we've got right now to start this morning, a couple of showers in terms up towards towards omaha. you can see the snow starting to kick in the dakotas. this is a really start to flourish as we go through the day a today and ignite strong and severe storms, we have this level of three out of five enhanced risk in the orange from st. louis down through springfield oklahoma city, and dallas. this is this ball we're where we're going to be looking out for damaging winds up to 70 miles per hour large hail, very large hail up to the size of tennis balls or greater. and couple of tornadoes. now some of these tornadoes, we are afraid, cred, packed ef2 intensity or more there in that orange kind of hatched area we're worried about that ef2 strength of some of the very strong tornadoes. now, this risk is going to shift to the east as we go into tuesday from lexington to nashville, we are looking at that throws ship ding into the
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ohio river valley as the storms continue to progress, e. so here's a look at these storms kinda blowing up today could be looking at a flooding risk as well across missouri. any of these storms are organized into align can pack a punch with those ones, will find these storms working their way east as we go into tuesday and again, that will continue to pack that severe weather. now, we could have some flooding, rain means with this as well, maybe up to two to four inches of rain today, that risk is from springfield all the way to west virginia. and then tomorrow, which stretches even towards dc in philadelphia, where we could find some of the heaviest rain. now, we also have some dry air packing this from the side, from the south side, and that can pack some fire weather conditions in part of the country that already has some burn scars from previous fires. so something that we'll have to watch closely as we go through the day today, john, right? >> this will be hitting a lot of people all week long. lisa rafah. thank you so much for being with us this morning. sarah. >> all right. today, convicted murderer and disbarred attorney alex murdaugh will the entering a courtroom for another
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sentencing hearing this time for financial crimes, murdoch will be sentenced this morning in a federal court for stealing millions of dollars from clients and his own law firm. he's already serving two life sentences without parole for the murders of his wife and son murdock pleaded guilty to 22 federal counts and a plea deal with prosecutors. but now those prosecutors are asking a judge to revoke that deal after murdaugh failed a polygraph test, joining me now a cnn legal analyst and criminal defense attorney, joey jackson in my years of covering court and i know, you know, this ad nauseum polygraph testing is not admissible in court, generally speaking however it has been a part of this plea deal. how unusual is this in the first place? so >> sarah, good morning unusual and particularly unusual as it relates to this defendant, right. why? i do i say that you heard him testify in connection with the murder charges, different case, different time,
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but certainly the judge in that case, and i think the jury certainly rejected in all respects, anything he had to say. and so to place reliance upon someone and for prosecutors, even to condition the truth upon anything he may say is somewhat troubling. now, having said that, i think what prosecutors wanted to do, sarah, is they are trying to recoup money for these victims, right? you have two dozen victims, you got millions of dollars, or so, million dollars unaccounted for it? yes. and so what they're trying to do say, hey, look, dish to us about where this money is. who, if anyone helped you, and we will work with you at the end of the day though. what's the incentive as you noted at the outset, he serving to life sentences. he's got 27 years on top of that. right. and because of he pled guilty. let's remember last november to state federal crimes. and so yes, it's unusual polygraph, particularly unusual as to murdoch. i'm not surprised is an issue with the polygraph tests. >> i do want to ask you what happens if the judge looks at this. it looks at the fact that he failed a polygraph test and
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blows up the deal, the plea deal that is made. what happens there, right. so under normal circumstances, it would be very concerning plea deals or something that a person takes accountability for. you go in and you know what the expectations are, you know what the parameters are in this case, federal government saying, we'll run your sentence concurrent to the state time and will limit it to 22 years. in this case, again, what's the incentive? you have a person already serving these multiple life sentences? and so the judge could give him a harshest sentence. so what you're in already, the judge could delay the sentencing to lay get more information with respect to the polygraph. but at the end of the day, it doesn't have the gravity, sarah, the consequences that it would be on someone else because of his past history? >> i do want to ask you about what murdoch's attorneys are saying about this polygraph tests and hen failing it. they said, quote, it appears that the pilot palaeography designed the relevant question in such a way to ensure that murdoch would fail the final exam. what
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do you think of that has so the judge is by this >> perhaps not and maybe the judge in there also sara saying they being the defense attorneys that we want to underline. we want to evaluate the underlying issue choosing questions in a polygraph itself, what the defense is alleging that they trick their client. that is mr. murdoch by talking about drawn van does solute, right? you might remember him in connection with another case, natalee holloway talking to him about other things that is the polygrapher tricking the client to what extent did that influence a polygraph test at the end of the day if any other people are sought in connection with these financial crimes. and there's not corroboration other than murdoch prosecutors are in trouble. anyway, let's see what the judge does. and we'll know sue >> this case just keeps going and going and going so many crimes. so little time. thank you so much. joey jackson. i appreciate you coming on. thanks. >> john, write new exclusive reporting this morning about a stunning security breach in russia. hackers claimed to have
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stolen the information of more than 800 prisoners in russia, hopefully to find out what happened to alexey navalny the day after the opposition leader's death, the anti-kremlin hackers broke into a database and found the names and contact information russian of prisoners held to the same penal colony as navalny, but they did not stop there. let's get the very latest cnn's sean lyngaas has this exclusive reporting. shawn, tell us what happened john, this was a very interesting case. as you know, in the aftermath of navalny's death, there was condemnation from western leaders, leaders around the world various people reacting in different ways. the vigilante hackers that i talked to decided to act in the way that they knew they were capable of doing. and that is compromise. the security or the russian prison systems. computers, basically they hacked into a online food store that where prisoners and their families can buy food that they can't get in detention and in
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there they found data on some 800,000 people, including the prisoners themselves, including the penal colony where navalny was held in the arctic penal colony way up there north and russia. >> so >> this was a stunning breach and it was fairly trivial for the hackers to get into the system they provided compelling evidence to cnn that they are able to do that they plaster navalny's photo on the website of the prison system and said, this is our revenge. now, it's somewhat symbolic, however, as you alluded to there, they're sharing data with cnn and perhaps other journal journalists after this. in, i hope took to find out more about what happened to navalny. we parse through a lot of the data and we're able to confirm its authenticity. but it could be a while before we have more clarity on what the data holds exactly but this is the latest john and the long line of so-called hacktivism incidents the russia-ukraine war, where politically motivated hackers decide to make a statement and
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often have an impact on the discourse around the war around the time of the invasion shortly after the invasion two years ago, i interviewed or ukrainian man who leaked a lot of data on a russian cyber criminal gang in retaliation for their support for the kremlin. so this is the latest in a series of politically motivated hacking incidents. john, >> yet russia under attack >> in this case, john ligase. thank you very much for that reporting. is there? >> all right. a rare public appearance for king charles, who's undergoing treatment for an unknown type of cancer he led the royal family to easter church service at windsor castle on sunday. but two major senior royals were not there. prince williams and princess catherine of wales. ms the service both sticking close to home as they said, they would after she announced last month, she's undergoing chemotherapy after her own cancer diagnosis. let's get right to cnn's max foster who is in london for us there were a few surprises. this most significant outing that charles king charles made since his diagnosis, and he
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looked quite well as he's going along he really did. i met some of the sort of royal well-wishes he only gather outside these events in the hope of catch a glimpse of the king. but we weren't expecting to see him at all. it's meant to be a very restricted service because he's going through this treatment, they want to protect him in the end. clearly the doctor's advice has changed because a few members of the public were actually invited inside and you can see quite a group of them by the end there. so they're able to see him and then he came outside the church afterwards. and what over and shook hands with them noticeably without gloves and neither sounds very detailed, sarah, but he's being told by doctors he cannot expose themselves to potential illnesses and they clearly competent enough to let him do that. so it really does show that is recovering well as source actually said to me this was of course a very encouraging sign of how treatment is progressing as we head toward the summer and how the road ahead is looking very
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positive. so i think it was a very positive side to the royal family right now. and as you say, kate couldn't make it, but they're showing that the king is indeed strong. >> it is, it's nice to see this happening as someone going through chemotherapy. it is a heck of a lot on your system thing thank you so much, max foster, i really appreciate it. a new our of cnn news central starts right now house speaker mike johnson, his >> job on the line. will he last a month overnight? he went on the office for the the first time >> protesters flooding >> the streets of jerusalem this morning calling for the removal of israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu as key talks between israel and the bottom and administration back on for today and aza this morning, the number of measles cases have now surpassed of 2023. and it's only april barely. what you need to know about the rising health risks.


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