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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  April 1, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PDT

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patients. but their best my afford. it's
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>> doctors preferred better science, better results in carbon >> a cnn sunday, april 21 at nine closed captioning brought to you by >> if you or a loved one have mesothelial, will send you a free book to answer questions you may have call now and we'll come to you 800 a21, 4,000 >> completely story that is the description of the al-shifa hospital according to gaza's civil defense force, after israeli forces finished a two-week siege, there, this happening is the white house pressures israel not to launch a new offensive into rafah and donald trump's campaign tackling the midwest and two states crucial to his campaign for the white house. can he win wisconsin and michigan? he lost
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them in 2020, but his campaign may need wins there to beat president biden lost a march madness match-up for the pages iowa and lsu staging a rematch of last year's women's final, but the drama has been ratcheted up this time around. we're following these major developed bring stories and many more all coming in right here. >> the >> cnn news central >> in gaza today, utter destruction it all shifa hospital after two weeks of an israeli siege, their gaza official say they've discovered 300 bodies at the medical complex, which they describe as destroyed. cnn cannot verify those numbers because of a lack media access to gaza. israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu says that more than 200 militants were killed in the two-week operation. and he's in rafah next, netanyahu says, israel's victory hinges on a planned
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offensive into that southern corner of gaza, were more than 1 million palestinians have been forced to flee. today's senior white house officials are trying to convince israel against the move. the prime minister facing his biggest domestic backlash since the war began on october 7, over the weekend, huge protests calling on him to step down. we have cnn's melissa bell live from jerusalem for us, moos. let's start with the process. protests. are they affecting the netanyahu regime >> cool it down >> but is it a time as you say, a great international pressure, not least from the american administration on the question of rafah and what happens next, that he's seeing this huge domestic pressure as well. let me just show you what's happening all around me here. briana, we're here just not very far from the knesset and all the way down there. the protesters have gathered. they've got on that screen their hearing from the families of hostages. they have tense lined all the way up to the knesset. their plan to remain
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here for the next few days in order to keep the pressure up on benjamin netanyahu. and you have a remarkable collection of people that have come out here to protest and just to show you, briana how we're in here for the long haul or they've set up a little stands where they're selling they intend to go nowhere. what's interesting is that you've got people here who are gathered. some of them were in favor of many of them of that initial military intervention? but now they say six months on and we've been hearing from many different voices, including a lot of former soldiers who turned out his crowd to say the wages war has been brought to the way blood the fact that more than 130 hostages are still in the matter to them is assigned that the way benjamin netanyahu and his government have gone about trying to get the hostages out, has been completely misguided many of them extremely concerned about these signal and the image or israel now abroad. and what they're out
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here calling for these many different people, some from the left some further to the right he's just say that they want elections now, many of the placards that we've seen over the course of the last couple of days saying, look, this isn't even a tide for protests. it's time for elections. and this particular prime minister has to go until now what we've seen the anna, was remarkable national unity. in the days after october 7 left and right came together. >> that >> appears two 40 opponents are really walk us through melissa, the aftermath israel's siege of al-shifa hospital, two wildly different accounts of what happened there >> that's right. as we have seen, over and over again over the course of the last six months, briana very different accounts the very same reality women hearing from the idf saying, look, it is 900 terrorists, is that call them, there were arrested. they say 500 of those were found to belong either to the mask or to
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islamic jihad. read the idf says, number of them were senior commanders were hearing from the ground. and what we're seeing from the videos that emerged from shift for 2d apocalyptic scenes locals rushing to get in the civil defense, trying to get in to see who might still be rescued. >> and we're >> hearing many hundreds of dead with our own eyes. the scenes of devastation around what was al shifa hospital, the largest hospital in gaza before the war. and the idf claims are part of the country in the north where hamas had been recouping real >> melissa bell live force from jerusalem. thank you. >> boris >> let's get some perspective from the white house now with cnn's kayla tausche, she's therefore us live. kayla netanyahu has repeatedly said that this offensive into rafah is happening no matter what the white house says. but the white house seems to think that that position is malleable. they think they can persuade israeli officials
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>> boris, that continues to be the goal of the us in these conversations, us officials stress that the meeting today that is happening virtually to discuss rafah's specific civically at the principal level that the us wants to continue to highlight a turn alternatives to a new ground offensive in gaza, where more than 1 million civilians have sought refuge and where the us continues to warn that vast civilian casualties would occur if israel were to go in there. here's press secretary karine jean-pierre, just moments ago, asked what the goals are today >> if they're going to move forward with a military operations, we have to have this conversation. we have to understand how they're going to move forward. we and i'll say one more thing when jake sullivan was here at the podium, not too long ago, he believed and he said there are alternative alternative ways of doing this. alternative ways of going after hamas but those alternatives have been a subject of discussions for several weeks at this point, at
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various levels of the two governments. just last week, the defense secretary here in the shared with his counterpart the desire for a credible and implementable plan on the ground if they were to go in and we should note this meeting was expected to be in-person. it was delayed after being abruptly canceled last week, but the white house is still hopes to hold it in person at some point soon, but they've stressed the urgency of having a conversation in whatever format they can, as soon as possible, guys kayla tausche, life-force from the white house. thanks so much. kaitlan, brianna were >> joined now by cnn military analysts, retired air force colonel cedric leighton when you hear they're having these discussions about an alternative rafah, what could be on the table? >> well, briana, i think several things could be on the table. one of them maybe that they'll do it in circle monday rafah, and move things into position, but not go into the camp itself. that's one possibility. the other thing is that they might not do rafah at all. they may position their forces in a way that it looks
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like they might go into rafah, but they won't do it. and that might be because they want to set different conditions for the israeli defense forces. and of course for hamas. i could also be that the international community will exert so much pressure on israel that they won't move forward with something like this. >> that's the south. when you look at the north and the al-shifa hospital, this two-week siege that has ended and just the apocalyptic scene there it's interesting because back in mid-january, the idf was saying the high-intensity operation in northern gaza had ended. and yet here you hear, you hear them saying they're reconstituting here they tried to regroup. and i wonder what that says to you about the way they are prosecuting this war. israel and how effective it is or is not when it comes to sustainability of results. >> yeah, i think one of the key things you're pointing out something really important here, briana, because one of the key things was that the israeli said basically you're sure does back in january that they had really finished off
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everything in the north that has proven not to be the case. and what this means is that gaza is not going to be an easy thing for the israelis to move into and to control. it also means that they're not going to be able to really tell us exactly how successful they are until much, much later and they're going to have to revisit the basic areas, the basic targets that they had gone after before. so they're not done they're not going to be done as quickly as they want to be. >> when we look at how all of this speaks to the goal of the war as israel sees it, you have netanyahu saying there is no victory without entering rafah so considering though what you're seeing there in the north is there a victory possible in the way that netanyahu was describing it? >> i'm very skeptical that there is because of the way in which hamas is really integrated itself into gaza and society. the other thing is that in terms of military operations, they're really everywhere and that's what the israelis are finding. they're seeing themselves having going to go into hospitals like al
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shifa many times, not just once, but many times in order to get rid of intelligence cells, in order to get rid of weapons, occasion a caches in order to get rid of fighters and that's going to be a really difficult thing for them to do constantly. so there's not going to be a complete victory in the sense that netanyahu seems to be describing it. >> they can't hold what they're clearing, right in the north. so when you look at the south and all the civilians that are there, which we mentioned more than 1 million who have fled there. >> how do >> you, if there is a possibility of some kind of encirclement, as you mentioned, of rafah and said how does that play out with the civilians in the humanities? tyrian crisis? >> well, this is going to be a real problem because what the israeli is should be doing as they should be moving this civilians out of that area and just doing it in a way where they can actually go into the area in a military sense and then have the women and children and the older people move out. that would be the ideal. the reality of this is that they have no mechanism. it appears that they have no
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mechanism in place to do that kind of thing. so all of these 1 million, 1.5 million, whatever the actual number is, is they going to be there and that's going to complicate any military operation. >> all right, kernel, leighton, thank you so much. we really appreciate it a lot going on there in gaza. thank you. >> for us. >> we're also following some breaking news, state media, and iran says that an airstrike destroyed an iranian consoler building and the syrian city of damascus. cnn's nic robertson has been monitoring developments from london, nyc. what more do we know about this attack in syria? >> yeah, we've heard now from the iranian ambassador who was in the building next door to the console at embassy. when the controller was head, he says the six israeli missiles that he claims were fired from an israeli f35 fighter jet hit the cultural a building collapse lapsing it. he says five to seven people are injured in that attack. now,
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israel, as it usually does when there are reports of strikes against iranian targets inside serious as it's not going to comment on what the foreign media are reporting, meeting syrian and iranian media are reporting. but iranian media is also reporting that a senior irgc commander brigadier general mohammad reza as a hadi, was killed in the attack if that is correct, as his radium meet, as iranian media is saying that would be potentially the most senior iranian irgc commander killed since the united states killed qasem soleimani, the coulds force commander back at the beginning of 2020 so that would be very significant. and the fact that a diplomatic building was hit as well in this strike is also significant. if it is
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israel that that committed this attack, it would be the first time that we're aware of that israel has it iranian diplomatic facilities inside of syria, perhaps indicative of a high-value target. these specifically wanted to reach out and hit rs >> yeah, are also a bit of irony. i'm not sure if you could see it in a video that we've been showing, but there is a giant portrait of qasem soleimani, the former codes commander, outside the building next door that you pointed out, nic robertson, an important development to monitor in damascus. thank you so much. still to come on new central donald trump using his easter message to attack prosecutors and judges as he begins one of his most important months. legally speaking, yeah. >> plus crews are working around the clock to remove debris after the baltimore bridge collapse. we've got the latest on how they plan to get ships moving in and out of the port and keep port workers on the job two and king charles
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showing an image of president biden hogtied a trump also put out a scathing easter message berating judges and district attorney's over his many ongoing legal battles. let's get the latest now from cnn's steve contorno, steve from the courtroom to the campaign trail. what is trump's campaign trying to accomplish with these midwest visits? >> as you mentioned, boris, michigan and wisconsin are two key battlegrounds. president biden visited them in recent weeks. now, it's president's trump. president trump's term turned to go there and michigan, we're being told is a place for trump intends to deliver remarks focused on immigration obviously, michigan is about 2000 miles away from the us mexico border, but his campaign believes that this is a salient issue. no matter where he goes, especially among those independent voters in these battleground states from their who go to wisconsin for what will be his first rally in the badger state in almost two
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years? have to go all the way back to august of 2022 since he held a public event there. and part of the reason why trump has not been on the campaign trail so much lately is in part because of the fundraising crunchy is facing due to the mounting legal bills he has he's had to spend a lot of time trying to raise money to that end. we will hold a fundraiser on saturday that his campaign hopes will bring in upwards of $30 and also this hectic and increasingly aggressive campaign or excuse me, legal calendar is starting to really take up a lot of his time. let me go through some of the upcoming dates that we're going to see the president, former presidents legal issues really come to a head this thursday, for example, the deadline to secure his $175 million bond in new york is coming due in two weeks the trial that will determine whether or not he is oh, excuse
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me, whether or not he illegally made hush money payments to a former adult film star, stormy daniels, that begins with jury selection on april 15, and then at the end of the month on april 25th, scotus will hear arguments in that presidential immunity case, where trump is arguing they as he had blanket immunity for any action he did while he was president boris and steve, we should point out the last two weeks, a lot of those visits to court have been voluntary for trump. he hasn't actually had to be there. it was his choice two skip the pantry campaigns. you're on go to court steve contorno. thanks so much for the update. brianna >> coming up, crews are rushing to open a new channel for ships near the destroyed bridge in baltimore as cleanup crews begin moving debris from the water and convicted killer, alex murdock back in court today, we're a judge just handed down his final sentence. how much time you'll get for stealing from his clients and law firm >> get your viewing glasses
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closed captioning is brought to you by sokolov law mesothelial victims call now $30 billion in trust money has been set aside. you may be entitled to a portion of that money. all when 8085920400. that's when 8085920400 happening. now, >> crews working at the >> site of the francis scott key bridge collapse in baltimore are preparing an alternate route, a temporary channel to get brown the wreckage that would allow for essential vessels to get in and out of the harbor it could also help keep workers on the job. and one of the busiest ports in the country meantime, the bodies of four victims are believed to still be trapped beneath the tangle of steel and concrete at that site? >> let's >> get you an update on the effort now with acting labor secretary, julie su shi's near
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the wreckage site and has been meeting with local officials. secretary. thanks so much for being with us how long do you think this effort to open a temporary channel is going to take how long before it's open to traffic while we don't have that information yet, but thank you for having me here and you're right. this has a really big impact on workers. there's obviously the first category of workers, the the port that's needed for the families of the workers who tragically lost their lives. then there's the workers who are already out there and we'll be out there doing the cleanup, as well as doing the rebuild. we want to make sure that that is all done effectively on responsibly. and then there's the workers who are impacted because of things like the port not being able to operate fully until the channel is cleared and there's tremendous economic displacement and anxiety that comes from that i just met with some of those workers here today and pledged to them that this is the president is onboard and is
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telling us every single day that we need to do everything we can two both support them and to ensure that the port is reopened as quickly in responsibly as possible. >> yeah, we learned just a short time ago that president biden is going to be traveling to baltimore on friday, as you said, he's promised the full backing of the federal government for relief and recovery efforts i'm curious. will federal aid include relief for the 8,000 workers on the docks that have impacted by this closure >> well, so since this happened, right there has been $60 million of emergency funds from the department transportation that is helping to cover costs. we are a whole of government approach. the small business administration also declared a disaster, which is going to free up some loans for small businesses and we are looking at every everything we can do to make sure that workers also have the protections that they need immediately when the bridge collapse, the president's first
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thought was of the working men and women who keep this country going and recognizing the importance of the poor, which supports the directly over 15,000 workers and indirectly about 140,000 we saw during the pandemic know that our safety net for workers when they are put out of a job through no fault of their own, is inadequate for everything that we needed to do. and so we have to take the lessons from the pandemic and the needs that are here now and do everything we can to make sure that working people feel economic security when things like this happen, >> sure. it doesn't sound like there's a set figure of that 60 million that's been put aside for the workers that are temporarily on standby. i do want to ask you about something you mentioned regarding the families of the workers killed in the collapse. we've heard from local officials that they are the top priority governor wes moore, for example, specifically said that there should be additional safety legislation to protect workers like them in the future. do you
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agree should there be additional legislation to protect workers in similar situations and also what's being done to help their families well, every worker should come home safe and healthy at the end of a work shifts, right at the end of a workday, nobody >> says goodbye when they go to work and think that that's going to be the last time. and certainly one of the things that was revealed here is that too often workers who do difficult work, sometimes they do it at night where there both literally and figuratively invisible that those workers and too often are also immigrant workers don't, don't, don't know about something like this when they need to know. and so we are also going to look at the lessons here. to make sure that protections are as strong as they need to be. i also want to clarify your the $60 million was really from the department transportation emergency funds for the
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cleanup, for the rebuild, and we continue to look for every option and to work closely see what the governor who has made very strong statements also about the need to protect the working people of baltimore and maryland. >> understood, secretary, obviously, there's an investigation that has to play out led by the ntsb to figure out what exactly led to this collision and collapse right now, the federal government is helping to foot the bill. but if there is an indication that there was negligence or any kind of fault by whether the company or the folks that were running the ship who do you expect will ultimately be held accountable financially specifically? and how does that process work >> yeah so i don't want to get ahead of the national safety board, but the ntsb's investigation at all at this point, we are all laser-focused on the other recovery effort on
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looking at how quickly and responsibly we can do this, do this, rebuild, and making sure that during this time i'm the impacted workers have the supports that they need and will continue to work closely with our partners in maryland, the governor's team, but also turnover every rock and move heaven and earth to make sure that everything that is available that we unlock it and get it into the hands of of marylanders who need it secretary julie su appreciate the time you have to leave the conversation there. >> thanks >> ronna well, now, to some of the other headlines that we are watching this hour in south carolina today, a federal judge sentenced convicted murderer, alex murdoch to 40 fears in prison for financial crimes, including nearly two dozen charges of conspiracy, fraud, and money laundering. the disgraced former lawyer pleaded guilty. he to stealing millions for his clients and law firm. he was already serving two life
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sentences for the murder of his wife and 22 year-old son. >> also, as of today in >> california, fast food good workers are making $20 an hour. the minimum wage hike impacting some half-a-million california workers. and this amounts to a 25% ratings for them. california's minimum wage for jobs outside fast food remains at $16 an hour. >> and if >> you are planning on buying a special pair of glasses to view the eclipse when it swings across much of the us one week from today, be warned, fake glasses are popping up everywhere, especially online fine the american astronomical society says, make sure that your eclipse glasses are much darker, really dark people, much darker than regular sunglasses if they're not, they are fake. they're not going to protect your eyes. we don't endorse steering directly at the sun. any of us, right? >> and the quick programming note next monday, join >> us for for special live coverage of eclipse across america. >> it all >> begins at 1:00 p.m. eastern on cnn. you can also stream it on max and up next king
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you've got a to learn more. >> spatial colombia, the final flight premieres sunday at nine on cnn king charles made his most significant public appearance since his cancer diagnosis last month, attending the eastern church service at windsor >> castle, the 75 year-old monarch we did yesterday's crowd with queen camilla at his side. and this year celebration, it was quieter with fewer royals in attendance to minimize the king's contact with others during his treatment. noticeably absent were prince william and princess catherine, who have been lying low since catherine
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announced that she's undergoing chemotherapy following her own cancer diagnosis. let's turn now to cnn, royal historian kate williams to talk about this kd the king appear to be in pretty good spirits. he's walking. we see in the video is chatting with people shaking hands. we can see he is not wearing gloves. i wonder how encouraged you are seeing how he presented yes, briana, this was a reassurance exercise. we were told this wasn't saying that the king is back to public life, but back in the public eye. and certainly as you say, he looked in great spirits, smiling, waving, and shaking hands, which i think was pretty significant as well, because we have been told that he's been shot buildings, that he was able to shake some hands and he said to someone who wished him all the best, is it that i'm doing my best? so i think this was very encouraging and really this was the first time we've seen the king out in public since he left hospital in early february before he understood that there was cancer in some
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parts of his body. i think that people find is very encouraging and he was saying this is business as usual, but of course it wasn't business as usual as you were saying, because william and kate and their three children were not there, so it was a noticeably smaller royal family than this time last year >> not return >> exactly to public life clearly easter very important and important for him and his role to show up. but what does a signify about what he has ahead in terms of activities >> we are expecting to see the king this year, but we don't know when we don't have a timeline to where he would back out and about doing duties as king. there's a maundy thursday, the easter thursday service. the king normally has tens. in this case on thursday, the queen, queen camilla stood enough for him. we don't yet have a timeline which told that the trooping, the colour, the birthday parade in june, you might be in a carriage i personally, i mean, i don't know, but i'm not expecting i think not to see him until september and certainly we have a big year ahead of us in the united kingdom, likely united states, we have a big election
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coming up and the monarch as head of state, has a key role in the general election in perhaps a change of government that we're going getting to see. so maybe charles, are we doing it online by video conferencing call? maybe he'll be doing it in person, but at the moment, we do still despite this very reassuring great site of the king looking so hale and hearty, we still do have a very slim down royal family and we don't know who's taking on the major duties. we don't know for example, who's going to the olympics in the summer >> know, we're worried obviously about his health, about kate's health and the outcomes for them. how vulnerable is the royal family right now is you have to such high profile members of the family that are affected by significant health ailments >> rionda, the question, the slim down royal family was charles is mission charles is what he wants to do. and it was very well received. but this is
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the consequence when we have two members of the royal family, two senior members who are out because of health issues and also william is taken care of kate, so obviously we understand that kate wasn't attending these two service. you wouldn't be up to it, but william and the children didn't attend either. and william has been not attending many engagements over this period since kate has been held since january. so without those major boils, the world family is looking very sparse and i think that certainly after easter we are going to have to see william coming back to work in a much more full-time basis. i know him shot. you prefer to be at home, but there is this expectation that boils are out and about and to be seen. and so therefore, i think that the royal family, it's not even a year since the coronation, but it's looking very different. went to those days that we will watch with elizabeth the second huge amounts of worlds on the balcony is looking smaller and it is looking more fragile, more vulnerable. and i think there has to be some big questions going forward about how we deal with questions. if a royal is ill, then what do
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you do to other worlds? step in, it is uncharted waters because the queen was never l >> yeah, it really is. kate williams always great to have you. thank you so much for us >> a turbulent de for weather across a big chunk of the country, nearly 60 million people from texas to virginia are on alert facing potential threats, including thunderstorms, softball sized hail and possibly tornadoes cnn's chad myers joins us now with the details. chad, what's in the forecast for us, this will be the most significant severe weather event of the season so far we haven't had many, but most of them in indiana and illinois, ohio. but this is right smack dab in tornado ali, and this is what's going to set up today. very magee arron, the south, dry in cooler air to the west atypical spring type pattern. this is spring in the deep south and this is an area right through here. if you are yellow, orange, or red you need to take precautions right now
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you need to get the kids inside as soon as the storms you don't release, be ready for that, make sure that pets have a place for shelter because this hail is going to be baseball size. there will be some tornadoes and there will be some wind. but this is really to me a hail event of very large proportions. number four out of five, when you talk about that category big risk for hail today, especially over oklahoma city all the way even into tulsa. but if you are in this, what we call hatched area, that's where the hale could be coming down. it will be coming in from the west sun from the southwest. tomorrow would even moves farther to the east toward nashville. but today's the de if you have a trampoline outside and you can get it down on the ground so that the wind doesn't pick get up if you're in this area, this is the area i'm talking about for today here farther to the east for tomorrow. but the first real event of the year, and people don't get ready for i lived in oklahoma city a couple of three years and we just didn't have the time to get ready for it on the first time, the first big severe weather event of the year, whether it was now a rino or more or edmund where i live.
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there were big tornadoes possible today. you need to be prepared >> an >> important warning. chad myers, thanks so much for the update. >> you back so tonight >> isn't the final for women's college basketball, but it may be the most anticipated matchup of the ncw a tournament we'll explain and why it's must-see tv for fans >> when we come back >> the greatest age they told about >> throw lifetime regrow the tbs transfer your ira or your old 401 k to robert. goodbye. april 30th. and we'll give you a 3% boost with the biggest match of any ira on the market robin hood gold gets you the most for retirement >> what i look for in a contractor is someone who is reliable and skillful. >> that's where andy comes in
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rematch tonight between iowa and lsu is the two teams battle for a trip to the women's final four. >> the game >> once again, pitting caitlin clark against angel reese, their rivalry capture the nation's attention last year, as reese and the lsu tigers, one, the nc double a title. but tonight is also a big game because of lsu's coach, let's bring in cnn's brynn jin grass in albany, new york. site of this epic showdown in brynn. we know about last year, but why? i is tonight's games such a big deal >> i mean, just because of what happened last year, right? briana, i mean, this is a rivalry that has been going on since last year and these two star players, of course, going at it again, against each other this year igniting conversations, but also just incredible play by both of these teams. now, a lot of people did hope that this game was going to take place in the national championship again this year. but here we are. they are put it in the same region so this battle is out
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for a trip to the final four, which of course would mean that the careers or the games for some of these players is could end tonight. so there's a lot at stake here, as we know but this is why we love march madness. but let's remember what happened last year, right? there was a lot of controversy with the trash talking that would happen between lsu's angel reese and i was caitlin so in clark, but also again, the passion in which they played. i wanted you to hear from both players as they talk. this just it happens on the court, it stays on the court. take a listen to this >> so good for women's basketball and not to be honest, i've watched a lot lsu games and what they're doing for women's basketball on the way there fan support is tremendous and it's been fun to watch and they've had a great season. so i know it's gonna be a great game and both teams are gonna be ready to go. i don't think people realize like it's >> not personal vn caitlin clark, don't hate each other. like i want everybody to understand that it's just a super competitive game in like i would just wish people realized that once i get between those lines is no friends
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>> i love that from angel reese, listen, we don't hate each other. this is the game of basketball. this is why people love to watch it, just even the techniques that you see between these two players. the shots that caitlin clark can make from far away. i mean, he's going to be an exciting night. now, listen to a little quiet right now here in the arena, doors are going to open two, seven the teen five, fans are going to be packed in that arena. guys. and i got to tell you it was talking to some people who said that these gains were sold out even before they knew but teams we're going to be playing here in albany and we're seeing the same happen for the final four, right? final four hasn't even been set yet, and ticket prices are the cheapest ticket prices are 47% more expensive than the menn spinal for that is saying something when you talk about this in the larger picture about what these teams have done, what these plays here's have done for women's sports as extremely exciting. i'm pretty honored to be able to go >> yes. completely. i mean, what a game. i wonder what you were expecting and how do you think maybe the hawkeyes can try to get a little revenge
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perhaps against the tigers tonight >> yeah, i >> mean, listen, caitlin clark is the show, right? she and even angel reset that she's going to score which he's going to score. she is a shooter. >> and >> really what they have to do is get more help from the bench. we know the lsu they are great rebounding team that's what helped them actually clinch the national championship. last year. we also know they've got help from the bench. they had several players who had double digit scoring. so we'll have to see how this kicks out. iowa is favored to win if you're keeping track of all the bedding and all this you know, what's going on there, but certainly it's going to be a close game and it's gonna be funny to watch it brynn, you're not just there like covering this. i mean, you know, a thing or two about college basketball. we have some pictures to show it. you were actually a point a point guard at yale i, wonder is this one what a fun assignment for you, but this must be breed back sam about briana. yeah, i know it was, but look, we recognize you there. you are >> this must be bringing you back some really fond memories about your college years and
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playing >> yeah. i mean, isn't it brings back the competitiveness of like just yes, boards. i mean, i just love sports in general because it brings back that feeling that you would have i would have rather when you step on our core every time and i can tell you i've been i've been in touch with some of my former coaches from when i was 12 years old from college, who are going to be here at those games i'm excited to just sort of see those relationships again get kind of talk about this game from a different perspective. because again, that was a very long time ago that i but it is pretty exciting and it's just fund to be in this sort of atmosphere with all these fans. i mean, they're really going to be a ton of fans come into this game and that's what's most exciting. i think that everybody can enjoy it together i'm sure it actually feels like yesterday i have to say brynn, thank you so much. you're really bringing the spirit of the game will take me out there. no >> hey, yeah, that's we'll do. that's your next hit. we're going to have you do like a little one-on-one you so much for bringing your enthusiasm for the sport to this. we appreciate it all right.
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>> thanks brianna >> so coming up new reporting on how biden's 2024 reelection success could hinge on black voters learning about his campaign strategy to secure this key vote. and we have some breaking news that we're following. iran has accused israel of killing a top commander in its revolutionary guard in an area her strike on its consulate building in damascus, syria. we'll have more on that >> if you work in baseline, this is just the worst possible thing that could ever happen >> my dad died doing what he loved columbia final flight, premieres sunday at nine on cnn what's is the most obnoxious >> commercial erroring, right now?
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