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tv   Laura Coates Live  CNN  April 1, 2024 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT

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walmart on leisure potential with forced backer. >> laura coates, live next i'm cnn >> closed captioning brought to you by >> if you or a loved one have mesothelial mac will send you a free book to answer questions you may have call now and we'll come to you 808 to one 4,000 >> donald trump bailed out in the civil fraud case and hit with a new gag order in the criminal case. >> is it >> really on the frying pan lins the fire for trump? plus how the abortion law that ron desantis signed could now hurt trump come november night i'm laura coates live
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>> all right. thank back. remember when we asked you who wants to bail out a billionaire >> well tonight we got our answer. thanks for dramatic music. everyone >> donald trump >> posted their hundred and >> $75 bond. the new york civil fraud case. well not him exactly, but an insurance company. he did it and then providing that and promising to pay. let's just call it his knight in shining armor because her name night specialty insurance. remember the original judgment was supposed to be more than 450 million plus you got to add the interest. but trump got it, reduced, not the actual judgment, but the bhante had to pay to appeal and he had until thursday to pay up. so all the talk of the attorney general in new york, letitia james seizing potentially his assets sits on ice for a little while now, while trump appeals the actual
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cooling. now again, the ruling was that trump lied for years about his finances and overvalued as assets to secure favorable loan terms. now, in a moment, we're going to reaction from businessman kevin o'leary on this lifeline that trump just got but first, we got to talk about what happened in the criminal case. and you guessed the hush money, what yeah. i know you've got to have a flowchart to keep up with all these trials. i get it. >> that's why i'm here. so trump is now at risk of having to pay some well morphines if he's not very, very careful with what he says next why? because judge juan merchan tonight actually expanded the gag order against trump to now cover his family and family members of the court. judge merge, sean writing and i quote here the average observer must now, after hearing defendants recent attacks draw the conclusion that if they become involved in these proceedings, even tangentially, they should
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worry not only for themselves, but for their loved ones as well but you know, who it does not cover. and i want to be very clear on this point. it does not apply to the judge judge merge on or alvin bragg on the left side of your screen. that's the prosecutor and the da overseeing this case, trump is still free to attack them as he wishes but the new gag order just means he can take to just judge's daughter like he's been doing by the way, a daughter who again and by the way, has nothing to do with the legal proceedings at some point, i hope that starts to sink in for trump if i attacking the guy outside, runs the hot dogs outside the courthouse he also has nothing to do with the case but i digress >> and trump >> also can't say anything against one of the people that he used to cherish most spoil alerts on the screen right now, his former aide, who picks. >> now, why would >> he even consider saying anything against her? you ask well, it's because we've now
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learned that she's expected to testify in the hush money trial. remember who she is she was part of trump's 2016 campaign at the very same time that michael cohen was paying off toward daniels to keep quiet about their alleged affair with trump denies in other words, we got a lot to get to tonight. so time for some sidebar with two great lawyers. you didn't legal analyst norm eyes, it was author of the brand new book coming out called trying trump, along with the guy who has well defended trump, his former lawyer, tim parlatore, i'm so glad to have both of you here tonight. i'm looking forward to reading your book as well. norm eyes mimic game with you here, tim. >> so >> trump is arguing that he's got this first amendment right to defend himself and say what he wants to say. it's all tori campaign speech. so does the fact that he could no longer post these comments about the judge's daughter in his mind, he'll say. but is it really
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fringe on those rights to say what he wants first amendment wise >> well, i think that under the case law of the state of new york, the issue the order is overbroad i mean, they they are very disfavored towards prior restraints on free speech. and it has to be narrowly tailored under new york case are only two things that would substantially prejudice the trial rights of the defendant. and so when you get into these types of things, it does go outside of the scope of what new york law does permit. and what also a federal law would permit in gag orders >> game? >> yeah >> is it fair game then? does this say whatever he wants about everyone, but the judge and the da >> there's a difference between that which is legal and that which is advisable. i don't think that there'll be a situation where it would make sense to attack the daughter of the judge. it's about to sit in your criminal case so while i
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do think that, legally the orders overbroad practically, it's not a good idea anyway, i want to bring you in here for the practical legal right, inadvisable nor myosin because as one of the reasons trump is saying he is doing it is because he thinks that the judge is compromised. that's his word choice. because his daughter is a febrile consultant. there are instances when obviously witness tampering, trying to intimidate witnesses. that's all part of maybe language you could say that can't be fair game to attack that's right, laura and i agree with tim that it's inadvisable but i disagree >> that it's protected by the first amendment and the judge, on page three of his new order that came out tonight, provides a very clear rationale for that he says trump is sending a message that if you're a witness who participates in
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this proceeding if you are a member of the court's staff, if you're a juror and if trump finds out about you, you're for family is fair game. given donald trump's history, remember this is the individual who issued the tweet. be there about january 6 will be wild. his words on the ellipse that led to that violence has follower, riki schaefer, who attack the fbi in cincinnati after mar-a-lago and the stream of invective and the threats that follow when trump said trump attacks, you. i think the judge has an iron clad first amendment argument and he lays it out very clearly in his order. we can't have that kind of intimidation through family members. >> well, you know, somebody who's his family are not overstep. i don't know their relationship, tim, but whole picks and hand we're close and the sense of she used to work
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for him, right? she was the former campaign press secretary. we are hearing from our own reporting, kaitlan collins, that she is testifying in the hush money case the fbi officials believe there are alleged that she was involved in conversations about the formula. is of her silence and whatnot. i can ask you when you when you look at the statements being made and you know the track record of trump he hasn't liked people to testify against him. he's going after the judge's daughter and beyond should he be worried about her testimony >> we don't know what she's going to say >> that's part of the problem here is that without knowing what she's going to say, you have no way of knowing if if it is something to worry about, maybe she's just going to connect the dots on some minor ministerial issue does as to whether the order should extend to her. that's a little bit different because that is a witness in the case. and so certainly does seem to me to be
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something that under existing case law you should have some protection of don't intimidate the witnesses that are coming in. but as to what she's actually going to say, but who knows? >> i mean, luck i subscribed as a prosecutor the ad age that i never asked a question. i did not know the answer to, no matter how open-ended my questions appear to be when you think about this norm, the idea that the prosecution would call her as a witness, potentially, or even the defense, if the prosecution collinger as a witness it's not. can you think she doesn't think favorable about trump? it's because you want information that she actually has >> i was the lead counsel examining who picks in the impeachment proceedings. she came in. i found her to be careful who was truthful and she. answered the questions we had if the prosecution is calling her, it's because she did the same thing in our case. she cooperated. she respected privilege, but cooperated they
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have determined that she has information that will help convict donald trump you know, laura and it's the subject of my new book. i thought one of the most interesting parts of the judge's order today was he wrote right at the top to charges arise from allegations that defendant attempted to conceal an illegal scheme to influence the 2016 presidential election. he doesn't characterize it, then it's through the payment of hush money the prosecution must have determined that she can prove that scheme. we know that >> contribute to testimony that can do so that she can corroborate or prove it up directly. this is a very careful, very experts squad of prosecutors. they know what they're doing. there's a reason they tending to color it really quick. >> do you think that there's a chance that trump will try to get rid of his current legal team to delay the case
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>> new york law is very strong that while every defendant has the right to pick and choose their lawyers, if you're obviously doing it for the cause of delay, there's case after case in new york that's it says so it will not be allowed. all of these delay ploys have failed with judge immersion. that would be so transparent at this point. i don't think even the brazen and shameless donald trump and his lawyer todd blanche, was pretty brazen. i was there in court foreign. week ago sunday. i don't think even they would dare try it, but if they do the judge will slap it down and he's got strong precedent backing him up >> stranger things have happened. norm eisen, tim predatory. thank you both so much. i want to turn now to yet another huge development and yet another huge trump case, trump posting bond in his new york civil fraud case, enjoyment out to discuss shark tank. judge, kevin o'leary is
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off the chairman of o'leary ventures. gosh, it's been too long, kevin. i feel such peace, nice to see you how are you? >> i'm glad to be here with you. i've i've enjoyed this narrative with you. i must admit, and people have focused on it being some kind of a very partisan issue. you love trump, you hate trump. do like biden, you don't like him. i've never thought this case was about partisan politics. i thought it was about the law and the baseline by which we live in our economy. it's been so successful. i've always thought that was what was at stake and i'm glad we've maintained that narrative >> well, you know unfortunately or fortunately, people view the world through political lenses, especially 200 and days away from general election but when you look at what's happening right now he has avoided the seizure of his assets for now. he has been able to post a bond. it was not the high $454,000,000 fraud find ban that you said was too high.
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they gave them a lower threshold to meet what do you think about that lower threshold? wasn't truly a crisis averted for trump >> i'm elated by what's occurred here, not because it's supporting donald trump or it isn't. it's because the system is working. laura, you've got to think about what's so important here, about the american brand. hundred 75 years backing trillions of dollars number one economy on earth because of the transparencies of our laws the constitution which represents and discusses property rights over 25 times, and the appellate court system that allows you your second time in court. if you thought you've been done wrong? now, if you believed that the infraction did not match the penalty, which many people on a bipartisan basis thought was a little out of whack in that $500 million penalty, which made it very hard to get a bond in the first place, which did
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not allow the appellate system to kick in that was a big problem, but that's been alleviated and there's a big sigh of relief. and why did that happen? because the adults came in the room and realized it was bad for the american brand and bad for our system, and bad for new york. and this is just the best way to think about it is the analogy of a mother pearl well, that's what i like to think of. and our economy is the mother pearl and a little piece of sand god in at new york. and the mother pearl protected like creating a pearl around it. and now that irritant is gone and the system keeps working. thank goodness, laura. thank goodness. >> well, you obviously can't see my hands. i like dimens maybe and let me tell you about diamonds. >> at the >> idea that you have to go through some staff to ensure that everything cannot essentially be ruined and crumble. think about that. >> the >> market can work in such a way the laws can work in such a way he can rely upon the funding apparatuses and loans
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by virtue of having a solid system that punishes and deters to prevent thing for doing anything fraudulent. now, you and i are not going to convince one another about whether this is victimless are a problem. but i am curious about the idea that knight in shining armor, again, the diamond metaphoric contending with the shine night specialty insurance, they stepped in and basically that they're gonna be good for the money if he loses his appeal. there were many who turned down the shy claude, an opportunity for them to step in. why did they wasn't the lower amount or was it the cause? >> i think what matters here is that allows the appellate system to move forward. now what the final outcome is unknown, but at least the system work that the trust in the american system of fairness and transparency and the appellate system of appeal, all the way to supreme court is what allows me as an investor to get on a plane lean on wednesday night, fly all around the world to go raise 3.6 billion. tell these investors
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as they have for years trusted america, let me bring that 3.6 billion back here to do a real estate development in data centers. now, i have removed the slide that had new york in it because right now we don't want to talk about new york risk things are still a little funky chicken as you know, that people don't want to take any risks in new york and that's just i'm just one investor, but believe me that deck everybody running around the world raising money, i'm just one of them is not talking about new york right now. we're waiting to see how this plays out. why take new york risk? new york did that to themselves. i didn't do it to them. they did it to themselves. this money is going to one of seven other states where we've identified it's safe to deploy 3.6 billion not new york, but you do have homes counterintuitive to people. i mean i would granted i don't have those rich money problems about where to invest the money, but i do have concerns. i'd rather invest my money in
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a place where the laws would protect against somebody committing fraud against me, where what they tell me they have before i make an investment deal, how they evaluate their property is actually in line with the valuation, is that that would make me feel safer as an investor, but maybe that's been shown me and a gazillion air. it's making investments. i want to ask you this because while i have you truth social comes to mind. the truth social stock, specifically, it plunge today, it lost more than 21% after its owner disclosed the company lost more than 58 million bucks back in 2023. and i'm really curious from somebody like yourself, so focused on investments is that a stock you would invest in? >> i think all social media stocks are under tremendous scrutiny as a result with the process going on on tiktok right now, laura, you can't ignore this this bill that's going through congress. i mean, tiktok is under fire and under siege, but it's just another social media site and whatever
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happens, whether this bill passes or it doesn't, and it's highly likely to pass. it's put tremendous pressure on the social media industry. and i think one of the casualties is a new stock like this, which is going to be very, very volatile. it's not profitable yet, but we don't know the outcome of the tiktok situation. and so what will the laws look like on social media post tiktok, and whether it gets acquired by an american owner and it turns from tiktok, china, everybody knows it's basically spy where i mean, there's nobody is even debating that anymore. and they would never let us have a tiktok usa and china. so we're not going to let them have one here, but that is part of the problem with the volume until now, i hear you a lot of tiny kevin, but but but the tiktok scenario is quite different because one, it's a perspective band based on a potential divestment by chinese owner bytedance, or whether they will actually do that or not. also truth, social has a fraction of the users. it's being frankly panned and it's as a result of the losses that
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its head, it might ippei prospectively profitable, but it's not now would you now invest in it >> well, obviously it's another platform and it's got into the controversy around trump and it yes, his volatile and it's smaller, but it's not the only one that's lost you said 21% decline today in today's trading. i mean twitter. now x, it's down 66% and it's private from its 44 billion valuation these companies are volatile and that's no different than what trump's god and whether it's a good soccer or bad stock, you have to wait to see the outcome, but it is a viable platform. it's got millions of people following it. you may not like the fact that it's so tied to trump or maybe you do. it depends on the way you look at it. i'm kind of agnostic to all that stuff. i just look at it as a participant in a sector that is really taking over media tiktoks, one of the largest media companies >> buy tiktok though i'm
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talking about truth, social, i here you talking about the volatility and the profitability. i'm just curious. do you have stock and any of the other social media platforms? but if you do, why not this one? it is just about volatility and i don't know, i do not own it. i by indices, it's not an index, yes, it's just gone public. it will find its way into an index. that way, i don't have to be exposed to one large position, one stock i own i'm an etf guy. i buy indices, so i get the market trend and i don't get caught up in a narrative around one stock, but you know, when you talk to me about declines in social media stocks, i have to point out that there are others that have lost even more. so i don't think it's specific to the trump stock or it isn't. but the most important thing that you and i have been on this narrative for the last six weeks about is our system works and the american brand and is safe? yes, new york's in the penalty box for awhile. i've confident it'll come out. i'm not going to go sell new york right now, nor is anybody else
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with a lot of money are trying to raise money because it's still in a situation where waiting to see the outcome of this, but the appellate system is safe. the american brand is safe. and the adult's came in the room and i am proud of that. i know i know laura, are you happy for me on this one? i know you're happy for me. >> i'm thrilled that waiting for my mother of pearl necklace that will look wonderful on my next. >> thank you. kevin o'leary >> nice. it's okay. do you take care up next florida supreme court has issued quite the ruling. >> it >> puts a bortion on the ballot. this coming november. so the question now is, could it good actually put the state in play for president biden plus a new mystery around the havana syndrome that's that bizarre helped mitch, that's been impacting us officials, will the new evidence is pointing to russia and why it's dividing america's intelligence community. i'll explain next
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coastal communities that have a new ally in the fight against climate change. this is bukhara, this is blue carbon we just need to plant and we need to protect nature will do the rest in carbon cnn villa sunday, april 21st at nine >> the biden campaign is saying tonight that they think florida is in play. you heard me correctly. they think florida is in play. the state that trump won back in 2016 and then one again in 2020 by an even wider margin. the state where according to the standard fans in your reporter, harry enten, donald trump is currently ahead by seven points. yes that state the biden campaign's has florida is now winnable for biden, and that's in part because of abortion legislation just today, the florida supreme court allowing one of the country's strictest abortion bans let's to take effect.
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they decided states, constitution does not protect abortion rights. so this six-week abortion ban, that state lawmakers approved of will now take effect in 30 days, but hold that for a second because there's more in a separate ruling, the court also deciding abortion can be on the ballot this november. so voters will be able to choose whether an amendment to enshrine abortion rights should be added to the state's constitution or not. here's how planned parenthood is responding to florida supreme court they say, quote, this decision triggers a near-total abortion ban hindering access to care for floridians. it particularly in dangerous vulnerable communities, including those with low incomes and rural areas and facing discrimination i want to bring it in. karen fani, a cnn legal commentator and reyna shy, former senior gop congressional advisor, glad to have both of you guys here. thanks for joining karen. we begin with you here. >> because >> if this does become law that
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would mean that floridians would have to cross likely four states to be able to have access to a legal abortion. and i wonder a big part of this has always been about access and inequity and it is a refracted rights, of course. what do you say to that? inequality? it's going to result. >> well, it may all of this taken together is basically reducing women to the lesser sex, right? because it means it's another way to say, we don't have control of our own bodies. i mean i think what's important about this florida decision it's so important this affects women throughout the south because there were women who were traveling to florida to get abortions this six-week ban is the most one of the most extreme we've seen. >> i >> didn't really says a lot about the way that women's lives are. so devalued by this legislation. again, it's a reminder, but it's all a reminder for women. what's at stake in this election. that's part of why you are seeing the
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biden campaign. and frankly, i got emails quickly from several other candidates in this day who are now saying seeing there this as potentially winnable at least worth investing in an arena on that point. i mean abortion frankly has been on the ballot and several other states. and by the way, get nikki haley thought this was a problem because she knew that it was vying well, and other places. and the idea of a nationwide abortion ban couldn't happen to florida. republicans really want to face this on the ballot. it could really go the other direction >> is short. answer is no, they don't because they know how vulnerable, vulnerable they are. but i talked to a good friend of mine who's a brilliant lawyer and she's been anti-abortion for a long time, came up really in the pro-life movement and she's down there in florida and she said something to me that just stuck with me and we'll always she said the florida gop is the dog that caught the car. >> that's it. >> that's what happened here. they have overstepped and now
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you're going to have draconian punitive six-week band, which is so strict that you might as well be a total abortion ban. i myself have had for pregnancies and in only one about a four have i known at the six-week mark, it is ridiculous for these republican menn to want to control women's bodies this way, they're republican women in florida tonight who are insects who understand what this means. but now, putting all my political operative hat for a second, this is ridiculous on every level for republicans because they're going to spend the money honey, so much money is going to come with this. i'm every dollar spent in florida, which is a very expensive state to play in. that's $1 that could have been spent elsewhere on its weight state. so you've got districts within florida that are already swimming and getting get swing here. and now money that's going to pour into florida to fight all this. by the way, >> trump, who's the head of republican party, i want to play per second. have you respond carrying what he what he said when this was first raised? just wellness he thinks
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is a horrible idea. listen the sanctus willing to sign a five weekend, six-week bet. you support that. you think that what he did is a terrible thing and a terrible mistake. >> so is that flip it on its head. the ability for us to be winnable of trump, of course, is saying, no, no, this is not all i'm thinking about. >> no, because he's now talking about a 16-week ban and one of the things we've seen consistently in the states where these measures have been on the ballot, people understand a ban is a band is a band, and so as upset as people are today about the sixth month, the six week ban they are energized to be able to vote on this in november i want to talk about rfk junior because he was on with erin burnett outfront earlier today, was a great interview that she did by the way. we listen to this moment because while the fact checkers of the world are all over it, listen i can make the argument and biden as much worse threat to democracy and the reason for that is present >> biden is the first tenant eight in history, the first
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president history? that it has used the federal agencies to censor political speech. sensors, opponent i can say that because i just want to case federal court of appeals an app the supreme court it shows he started censoring not just made a 37 hours after he took office, he was censoring >> now, of course, annual dale whose or a fact check if there's no evidence that he's biden has been involved in censoring candidates by taking down their social media pages. there is a supreme court case about what misinformation can be regulated by the branch or otherwise, but that is false according daniel dale, how do, how should biden b. it going at this issue >> you don't want the party has to take it seriously. take him seriously as a candidate, biden should just not worried about him because here's the thing. it is. so intellectually dishonest for rfk junior to say what he said on the day that you have donald trump talking about undoing the civil rights
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legacy that his father are actually helped to put in place so don't it's too much disinformation. don't waste your time trying to fact check him >> oh, so many thoughts about are how do we even keep a tight because it but i do agree with you that biden does not need to engage bano we mano right now. i think tapping nicole shanahan was very interesting because one line from her announcement really stuck can it said, i used to be a democrat to write, but this is a pair that kind of traffics in lies. we get it already there, already crying victim to i see them taking that page out of trump's playbook. so at this point, he's not on enough ballots. i mean, look, we'll get there when we get there about how he's going to peel off electoral college votes but at this point, i think it is beneath the president to engage this guy who is, i believe, a laughing stock to even his family >> so harsh words, i do wonder that delicate dance between when to take account and when to ignore, especially in politics. karen funny, rena shot. thank you both so much.
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>> hey, up >> ahead, a new investigation that points to russia as the culprit of the havana syndrome mystery. but then why is the us government saying other? why >> the greatest stage >> the told about regrow tbs >> they were over 7 million us businesses on tiktok. >> my name is dana bell phi and my husband and i own the village bakery. our mission is to employ people with different abilities. tiktok is allowing us to show what acceptance looks like. >> this is a community of just complete and utter luck. >> it's the people that lift you up when you're her down, people on tiktok do that on a daily basis and i've never found a community like that ever >> keep tiktok
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>> go to deal right now and see how much you can save. >> your viewing glasses, ready, eclipse across america live next monday at one >> well, it's a mystery that has stumped diplomats the intel community, and journalists alike. frankly, the unexplained havana syndrome dating back to 2016, as when the first publicly reported cases emerged in cuba, diplomats reporting things like headaches and dizziness, nausea, and also ear pain. now several experts wondered if it was caused by some sort of basis sonic weapon.
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>> sounds a little >> like this, how it sounds, and don't worry, it's not gonna hurt you so since then there's been some 1,500 reported cases and 96 different countries. now, a five year, a new one a new five-year joint investigation carried out in part by 60 minutes is pointing the finger at russia are we being attacked >> my personal opinion, yes >> by whom >> russia. >> this was happening to our top five, 10% performing officers across the defense intelligence agency. >> and >> consistently, there was a russia nexus there was some angle we're they'd worked against russia, focused on russia and done extremely well. >> what has been the impact on american national security? the impact has been that the intelligence officers and our
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diplomats working abroad are being removed from their posts with traumatic brain injuries. they're being neutralized the investigation goes even further. shubi the attacks directly to a russian intelligence unit, the kremlin now for its part says the claims are baseless. but despite this new probe, big questions still remain. why? because us official said a year ago, it's unlikely if foreign adversary is to blame claim. it's department of state is still sticking to that today and leaded this report and on top of that, the nih published studies just last month that compared brain scans between reported havana syndrome suffers and healthy people. and guess what? they said that no significant differences were found during me now retired cia officer douglas london, glad you're here. so what is the disconnect now between the nih, the us government, and now this investigation you look at what assessments have been do you are redacted and put out. there
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seem to rely very heavily on a medical cause and effect are looking for some medical smoking gun. the investigation that the insider did was 60 minutes and spiegel looks more operational circumstances. you see them examining traditional analytic methods by taking a timeline, trying to look at associates, travel patterns there's and finding some rather disturbing coincidences and coincidences are rare in the intelligence world. >> bolton and to say, he at the time was the national security advisor, by the way, in 2016, he saw things a little bit definitely listen to this i did then and do now think that there's very likely some hostile adversary behavior >> here, whether it's russia, china, and maybe somebody else more than likely russia. some of the people who were affected actually were national security council staff when i was there. and the idea that these people had some kind kind of psychosomatic experience was not credible. may who's getting it wrong here? >> i've frankly thanks. the
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united states intelligence community is getting it wrong. i think it's very compelling when you look at the evidence, which operationally places members of this gru, military intelligence russian unit 29155. and happens it'd be the same places at the same time these incidents occurred in one case in tbilisi, was the son of the unit commander, a very on-off. that's a bit suspicious if you would, and you look at the ties between the targets that they went after the people generally had something to do with russia often with counterintelligence, as if it was directed effort to disrupt intelligence this collection against them. >> so if it were russia, why are we not seeing more attacks on their adversaries? >> i think it's fair to look at the whole wide scope, but again, the united states is always the principal enemy. this the united states intelligence community, particularly which is the leading element, which has the resources. and that has the most to hurt russia width. so would make the most sense. they would focus what finite resources they have against the united states. >> so when you're doing these words, an investigations, trying to identify the source of an issue such as this.
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obviously, the public wants to know and there's that timeline, then there's a time when it takes two fully investigate something which governs what's troubling is how quickly the abandon the investigation. it should be at least an ongoing the matter is intelligence is imperfect because it's a big jigsaw puzzle. you're always getting additional pieces. so why the heavy confidence that they could just terminate the investigation and just walk away and saying, we don't see foreign adversary, the russians for years have used directed energy to collect intelligence using technical efforts to collect are vibration sounds voice, which is why inside embassies we work in these cells, these gifts is what we call them to shield our power to shield or typing, to shoot a voices. the russians have also used substances such as mercury, which was carcinogenic. spy does is what people might remember from the 80s, which causes cancer in people and they used it to track our operations and our contacts. so you put this together with the movement of the gru personnel at the same time since same places it's
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it's awfully compelling and it makes you wonder why did the us intelligence community rush to their findings and why there is so quick to go ahead and say, okay, we're done. there's nothing left to see here. >> i wonder why they did my god, i got you. have an hour-and-a-half with you to pick your brain longer about these and it's like a living robert lead limb book. thank you so much, douglas london. thank you. >> that's the morning and it may series >> for those don't don't go glen sign. also a neck and neck game, everyone. lsu vs iowa, caitlin clark versus angel reese. only one came out on top guesses here next to mel hill has been trending all day because of her commentary about these two teams. they got to stick around to hear why and look at her. she's there when up next. >> if you work in spaceflight, this is the worst possible thing that can ever happen >> my dad i doing what he loved doing shuttle columbia final flight premiere sunday at nine on cnn hey, there, brenda.
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>> carbon, a >> cnn sunday, april 21 at nine >> survive and advance its march after all while actually now it's april we're still in the throes of march madness and tonight caitlin clark and the iowa hawkeyes got their revenge against the lsu tigers, two of the best in the biz, caitlin clark and angel reese. they faced off again and the highly anticipated rematch of the 2023 finals, the teams have a storied rivalry recently, you may remember that you can't see me hand motions remains of reese last year. well, tonight, we've got a crown on the lsu bench, but this time it's clark's term for celebrations. she had 41 points tonight, 41. now everyone wants it dramatize the rivalry but at the end of the day, we're just about to excellent competitors bring out
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the very best in each other. animated by memories of playoff history, it was a huge moment as well for women's sports, it was a big deal for sports in general, frankly, during me now is gml hill a contributing writer for the atlantic and the host of the podcast, jamil hill, is unbothered. jamil, i'm so glad that you are here to night. what again, it was neck and for most event, but then iowa got its revenge what this means both teams, given this history of rivalry now first, i mean, think about it is not often that the sequel can live up to the original. and in this case, i think the c-cl really did for both of these teams. lsu comes in as the defending national champion >> i >> would caitlin clark. they'd been close, obviously they were close last year, didn't quite get there. couldn't get through lsu and now they are able to take down the team that was defending the crown. and for caitlin clark, as we've seen, her break record after record and she broke even more
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tonight. this is just another step in her incredible journey to have 40 points on this stage. the way that she did it. i mean, she completely controlled the game and then we're just points in the gave where she was absolutely demoralizing lsu with the way that she was playing. so i think she made an even stronger statement that she's made as all-time great women's college basketball player. if for lsu, there's nothing for them to be ashamed of. angel reese >> she played our hearts out. i mean, she got hurt. and i think after she got hurt in dinged up a little bit, she wasn't quite the same. she carried the team as far as she could. it's been a bit of up and down season for them in some respects. and so they got as far as they were meant to go and they've got beat tonight by the better team and by a player, the likes of which the game hasn't seen before. >> no, jamil, i want to play for you because first of all, a lot is always discussed about caitlin clark. i want to talk about angel race for a second because she was emotionally tonight in the postgame interview because frankly, she has been scrutinized to no end
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as many of these players are including caitlin clark, but listen to what she had to say when she got emotional site reflecting a year it's been >> i just try to stand strong like i've been through so much. i've seen so much. i've been attack so many times death threats. i've been sexualized. i've been threatened, not been so many things, and i'm still showing every single time and i just tried to established on for my teammates because i don't want them to see me down and like not be there for them. so i just want an always just know like i'm still like all this has happened since i won the national championship and i said that the day i've been happy since then and it's tough >> shamil, i mean can you what's your response that is heartbreaking to hear not only the emotion or voice, but what she has endured since winning last year. and really, she
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reflects on what it's like to be a woman in the spotlight yeah. i mean, that was what was >> also sort of the backstory. i wouldn't even call it a backstory because it was right in front of our faces of this game. one of the things that i think people were really confronted with is just the level of vitriol in some cases, hatred. the lsu has faced for a number of reasons. they have a very polarizing coach and kim mulkey, who tends to start a lot of emotions in people. and then you have angel reese. and the way that she's may characterize a whole team is may characterize obviously one of the bigger story is surrounded. this game was la times columnist had to apologize for how he characterized lsu going into there next up against ucla calling them the dirty w. calling them villains you know, all these characterizations, because lsu, angel reese is a competent player, she's brash, she's bowl she talks, are trash as people saw in the championship game last year.
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and if you follow her career and there is this idea fictionalize idea, conditioned idea of how women are supposed to compete and by the way, who is allowed to show that competitive instinct and what way caitlin caitlin clark gets emotional. caitlin clark i mean, she she talks a little bit of trash two, she has all those elements that were made do it it's okay and a lot of times they tried to sort of put these pit these women against each other, be at the fans and certainly the media was also complicit in doing this these women, they compete and they compete hard and they're going for meaningful accolades that are putting stamps on their careers. of course, they're not going to be nice inside of the lines of basketball. and it seemed like angel reese was penalized more for that. i mean, certainly people have criticized how caitlin clark talks to the official and other demonstrative way she's she's shown her promotion. i don't think either one of them should
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be criticized because again, these are components when it comes to male athletes that we accept all the time. but yet when it comes to women, i guess there were expected to be more demure and less demonstrative. and because people are bringing these preconceived notions into their competitiveness you see what is the brunt of what she's been dealing with in addition to let's be honest, there's a racial element as well. and so she's had to shoulder all of this ever since they won the national championship anytime you summon her name, it is just evening. anytime i even tweet something about her, the level of reaction people calling her ghetto a thug like all those things. and these players are young. they're absorbing all of this. they're all social media to the people who have these things to say it can go right to their instagram page, a right to their twitter feed and say it directly to them. so what has a different impact on them cycle out psychologically. and i think in the wake the
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weight of all this, you saw who is also a student, who is also growing >> and maturing and the weight of a franchise essentially on their shoulders and i think people underestimate on a daily basis what that pressure is like and you add on the element of race, you add on the other scrutiny as well. luck from one non trunking flower to another. you walk ahead the roses. i'll be a thorn any day of the week, jamal hill. thank you so much. >> always a pleasure center thank you all for watching our coverage continues >> get your viewing glasses ready and experience so rare, it won't happen again for another two decades. joint cnn for live coverage around the country of the spectacle in this guy's eclipse across america, live next monday at one on cnn or streaming on
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