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tv   The Situation Room With Wolf Blitzer  CNN  April 2, 2024 12:00am-1:00am PDT

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am. >> i mean, we're the ones that are being entertained time grows faster >> keep tiktok weight, >> you can design a personalized weight loss plan for me. >> well again i have that. >> does >> no plans. brass news plans can be personalized for both your needs. >> home up dead, but get your personalized plan today at >> your yard sanctuary, where you should feel three new let's talk about the doug's. >> they need the loan back fast. a new >> scott's turf be the rapid grass. it's revolutionary max of seed and fertilizer that grows grass two times faster under see the loan, given you a stronger long, that east middle, that's what either way, i smell it. i'm still talking to the dogs. it's got mr. builder rapid grass today. it's guaranteed phi did law >> carbon. let's see an infill sunday, april 21 at nine
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six-week abortion ban to take effect in the state. but the court also is greenlighting a vote on a proposed state constitutional amendment protecting abortion rights for women and a new flashpoint in the middle east right now is around threatens retaliation for a deadly attack on its consulate building in syria, blaming israel for the airstrike. we're getting new reaction from a key member of congress this hour. welcome to our viewers here in the united states and around the world. i'm wolf blitzer, a urine the situation room the skis,
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>> cnn, breaking new a very busy night of breaking news. we begin this hour with the new request to expand donald trump's gag order in the hush-money criminal case. exactly two weeks before the trial is set to begin. that's going to see cnn's chief legal affairs correspondent, paula reid. paula give us the latest on this request by the manhattan district attorney and the trump team's response. >> so wolfe here, prosecutors are asking the judge to expand the gag order imposed on former president trump to include family members of people involved in the case. its last week, this gag order was imposed that prohibits trump from making statements about witnesses, jurors prosecutors, court staff, or the family members of prosecutors and court staff. >> but the >> gag order does not apply to the district attorney, alvin bragg, or the judge overseeing the case. and shortly after this gag order was imposed, trump fired off a series of social media posts attacking the judge and attacking his
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adult daughter, who works for a political consulting firm and will if there was some confusion about whether the gag order applied to that daughter because again, it does not apply to the judge. both sides have sought clarification today, the district attorney's office writing quote, the defendant knows what he he is doing, and everyone else does too. and we all know exactly what the defendant intends because he has said for decades that it is part of his life philosophy to go after his perceived opponents as viciously and violently as he can now, the trump team is also responded. they insist that they do not read this gag order as applying to the family members of the judge or the district attorney. and they oppose any suggestion that it should be expanded to include those group because they argue that this is a violation of trump's political speech. they wrote today, the court should good reject the people's invitations to expand the gag order, which is already an unlawful prior restraint, then properly restricts campaign
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advocacy by the presumptive republican nominee and leading candidate in the 2024 presidential election. now, wolf with just two weeks to go before this trial begins, are also asking for more time to file a motion to remove judge juan merchan from this case. now, they tried something similar last year that was rejected, but the trump legal team says they now have new evidence, so all of this now up to the judge sorry, paula. thank you very much, paula reid reporting for us while this dispute over trump's gag order plays out, the presumptive republican presidential nominee has been ramping up his inflammatory rhetoric on multiple fronts, even as he prepares to return to the campaign trail, cnn's kristen holmes is joining us now from green bay, wisconsin, where trump will campaign tomorrow. kristen, give us the latest of what trump is doing and saying as he begins a critical month in his legal battles well look donald trump has been railing against not only the judge, but the prosecutor and the judge's
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daughter. this has been a technique that we have seen him use time and time again and he has no plans of stopping anytime soon. >> donald >> trump is set to return to the campaign trail tuesday with visits to the critical battleground states of michigan and wisconsin. but his focus appears to be on his impending criminal trial in new york, which is all about election interference, pumping his combative rhetoric, trump spent the easter holiday attacking perceived enemies in a series of social media posts, writing, quote, happy easter to all, including crooked and corrupt prosecutors and judges, and going after the judge, overseeing his new york hush money case and his daughter by name, as he seeks to discredit the case against him. i have >> a trump-hating judge with the trump-hating wife and family, >> the remarks come as judges around the country. our voicing concern over trump's attacks on the men and women assigned to hear its cases. >> we do these jobs because we're committed to the rule of law and we believe in the rule of law and the rule of law can only function effectively when
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we have judges who are prepared to carry out their duties without the threat of potential physical harm. >> i've presided over thousands of hearings and trials during my nearly 20 years as a trial judge and never did any defendants in my courtroom show such disrespect for the court system as what's shown by donald trump. >> trump? but also sharing a video that featured an image of president joe biden tied up in the back of a pickup truck. the former president saying in the friday social media post that the video was filmed a day earlier on long island, where trump attended the wake of an nypd officer who was recently killed during a traffic stop. >> we have to get back to law and order. the biden campaign responding in a statement, quote, trump is regularly inciting political violence and it's time people take him seriously. just ask the capitol police officers who were attacked protecting our democracy on january 6, some republicans taking issue with trump's post. but falling short of condemning the former president wallace to raise the bar of civility and how we
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treat the other side of the aisle for sure. and i don't think he was a sighting violence, but it is representative of the political dialogue we have today at the end of the day >> the former >> president, current president and on down all of us have a responsibility to check our language to watch what we're saying and to focus on the issues at hand. >> the video marking another instance of trump using violent and grim imagery in his campaign messaging, via don't get elected. it's going to be a bloodbath to poisoning the blood of our country that's what they've done. the radical left thugs that live like vermin within the confines of our country president biden saying, today he believes his candidacy offers a clear contrast with trump's dark rhetoric. >> i just think people are so tired of a negativity that is propagated that they just, they just want to get engaged. they want it change things. and i'm optimistic. i really am
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>> and open donald trump is in michigan and wisconsin. it will be the first time we see him on the campaign campaign trail in a number of weeks, it's a reminder these are two very critical battleground states for both biden and trump. trump won them in 2016 but lost them to joe biden in 2020. trump himself has not been here in wisconsin since 2022, but i will tell you is campaign says that they are feeling confident. they say they've seen data that shows him in biden running neck and neck, but we'll see what happens when we talked to voters tomorrow. >> welfare shall cri kristen holmes was reporting for us. thank you very much. i want to bring in our legal law enforcement and political experts are right now and andrew mccabe, let me start with you. this hush money trial in manhattan. how significant is it that alvin bragg himself is now asking the judge to clarify this entire gag order. >> wolff, i'm afraid that the requests for clarification by dk bragg is a perfect example of how these gag orders create more of a distraction than they
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do a productive limitation of this. donald trump's speech. i think each time we've had a gag order, whether it's in the civil case or it's in this criminal case, or the gag order in the dc federal case. that's already been litigated >> each >> time the team takes advantage of the imposition of those orders to file appeals, to request clarification to make overheated statements. it all of that distracts the prosecutors and the prosecution team away from there. hey, role which is to stay focused on the case and put together the best-case they can i'm just not convinced that these gag orders are worth the effort that has to go behind. >> and i think trumping his attorneys know exactly what they're doing, which is trying to delay everything because you end up going down rabbit hole why do you do with the gag order? do you challenge the gag order? do you challenge that? the judge and one thing leads to another and you're delaying the trial. >> it's interesting and norm, do you think that this judge judge murcia is we'll expand
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the gag order especially in light of the fact that trump went after an attack is the judge just daughter. >> i think it's a closed question whether the judge desk expand the gag order wealth he would be on sound constitutional grounds to do it. you're not allowed to make these kinds of statements and misstatements that create a threat and risk to the family member of the judge trump included disinformation about lauren, the judge's daughter however, the judge may feel to andy's point that it be extends it further. he's taking trump's beit. he's making him self look like he's partial protecting his daughter. so he's wrestling with that. he hasn't ruled yet. i do think that the gag orders if andy will accept a friendly amendment, the gag orders are very important because of the
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risk to witnesses two members of the jury to court personnel that can disrupt an entire trial. we need those protections, but we'll see if the judge takes another step. >> what happens to trump if he continues to violate the gag order? well, we >> saw that trump is doing the same thing here, wealth as he did in the civil fraud case with jurors that and goren, where instead of attacking and adult daughter, he had attacked the judges adult law clerk, also a woman and there he hammered and hammered, hammered. he got sanctioned when he got sanctioned multiple times, he finally stopped it's amazing, gloria, despite what trump is doing attacking these people publicly going after family members of a judge or a district >> attorney for that matter, he still has this overwhelming support among the republicans. >> sure. because look, his whole point is that he's being persecuted and he's taking the hit for you you because if it
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could happen to him, it can happen to you. and he portrays himself as the victim here, as he reminds us. every day of justice system that doesn't work. that is, that is stock stacked against him. and his supporters believe that and that is one of the reasons he keeps doing this because he's playing to his base and again, as we were talking about before, he's very happy to go down this rabbit hole. he is really happy to go back and forth on these questions of whether a judge should be disqualified or whether you got to come up with another gaggle order because it delays the start of the trial, which is exactly what he wants. >> andrew use a former deputy director of the fbi. how concerned should law enforcement be right now that trump's extreme rhetoric going after these individuals could potentially, potentially lead to violence it could absolutely lead to violence. that's how
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concerned they should be. this is no longer a theoretical construct. we know that the former president's moos, die-hard supporters, some of them, those with the most extremist views, listen very closely to what he says and they take action based based upon the direction they believe he's giving them several thousand of them showed up at the capitol on january 6, 2021 for exactly that reason, you had individuals like riki shiffrin who attacked the fbi field office in cincinnati in 2022 because he was outraged by what he saw. >> law >> enforcement executing a search warrant at mar-a-lago and he was energized by the former president's statements about that search warrant. so these things have happened. they should absolutely be preparing for more of that. lots of stake right down. we'll watch it very, very closely, guys. thank you very, very much. just ahead, breaking news on new decisions by the florida supreme court clearing the way for a strict abortion ban and for a vote on abortion rights
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flash. designer sales that up to 70% off soap today >> rekey news, we're following florida is very restrictive six-week abortion ban has just been clear to take effect by the state supreme court. but the court also says voters will have a say on a pro-abortion rights ballot issue. this november let's bring a cnn's carlos suarez. he's joining us right now. so carlos, what are the two rulings mean >> well, a wolf in the short term that a six-week ban abortions and florida will take effect in about 30 days in the long-term voters here will decide whether they will be able to expand access to abortions. now the florida supreme court issued a ruling on two cases, both of them dealing with abortion rights. here in florida in the first case, the justice is really overturned. years of precedent in a ruling that a right to privacy in the state constitution doesn't protect the right to an abortion. that is a decision that clears the
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way for a six-week ban to take effect in about 30 days. now, the case before the court dealt with florida's current 15 week ban, which was challenged by a number of groups, including planned parenthood. and while that case played out in court, lawmakers and florida, they passed a stricter six-week ban, which does include food exceptions like rape and incest. now the ban was put on hold while the court decided all of these issues, a florida now joins a list of states across the southeast with serious restrictions, if not a ban on abortions. planned parenthood here in florida, so that the impact of this ruling is not just for women who live in florida, but women that live in other states that have been traveling to florida in an effort to get access to an abortion. the organization told me that they've been anticipating today's ruling. they said that they have a plan in place, four, to help women
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go to other states once this six-week ban takes effect, wolf and carlos at the same time, the florida supreme court allowed voters to go ahead and weigh in on this very sensitive issue, abortion rights for women. in the november election that's exactly right. a wolf. so the florida supreme court also ruled today that voters, they're the ones that will decide whether to expand access to abortions of the justices today approved the wording of a state constitutional amendment that would protect the right to an abortion in florida is constitution. now the ballot ten min would prohibit other restriction of an abortion before viability, which is around the 24 to 28 weeks of pregnancy. it is important to note here that 60% of voters in florida would have to approve it in november in order for it to pass a wolf earlier this year, the group that kind of organize this petition effort, they scored at just under 1 million signatures in order to get the item before voters. and
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so wolfe, we have two decisions here in florida that could no doubt impact how the presidential race plays out in november. >> good point. the carlos suarez, thank you very much. let's discuss with cnn political commentators alice stewart and kate bedingfield. cate. i want to play some the thing that the president of planned parenthood told me last hour, listen and watch watch this >> a million floridians have signed on, including some 200,000 republicans. i think that really pretends to create a lot of energy going into 2024. and we know that every three where we have seen reproductive freedom on the ballot, we have one >> so what do you think? do you expect this winning streak out abortion rights for women will in fact continue? >> i do. i >> mean, she's right. we've seen everywhere we've seen these kinds of measures on the ballot. people have overwhelmingly turned out in support of abortion rights and in support of democratic candidates who are protecting abortion rights. when we saw this in very red states, we saw it in ohio, obviously in 2023
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in kansas, even in 2022 while florida has trended redder over the last few presidential cycles, we've seen time and again that this is an issue that motivates not only democratic voters, but independent voters. and a lot of moderate republicans who don't want to see the government dictating the kinds of reproductive health care choices that women have. so i think this will probably be a significant motivator for people across the state of florida come november. >> that's a good point. alice stewart, the democrats did very well in the 2022 midterm elections. in part fueled by the dobbs decision, which are the supreme court decision banning abortion rights for women, given that, do you think republicans should be concerned going in towards the november reelection on this specific issue >> well, you just have to look at history, wolf and i agree with cate. they should be concerned because as she mentioned, every time abortion alone has been on the ballot it has gone in the favor of those
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that support abortion. but let's just say, first off on today's ruling by the florida supreme court from those in the pro-life community. this is a huge victory for unborn babies who have a heartbeat and can feel pain. and it's important to protect the sanctity of life, but those in the pull off community also recognize there's a huge battle ahead as this issue now will be up before voters on the next election. and as we said, when this is on the ballot, as turnout voters and it's important to shift the conversation from talking about abortion bans to abortion limits. and i think nikki haley hit this issue square on in terms of, let's stop talking about fans and limits and where most people agree. and if you look at poll after poll, people across this country and red states and blue states, nearly seven and pen opposed late term abortions. that's something we can all agree on. so let's talk about where we can put limits on abortions and do away with this language of bands. but so we can most importantly protect unborn children, but also mothers and make sure that we
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keep exceptions in place for rape, incest, and life of the mother because that is another issue that voters to agree on. >> a florida has traditionally, traditionally been a swing state, but it has leaned towards republicans and some of the recent elections you think this proposed amendment could put the state back in play for democrats come november yeah, i think it i think it absolutely could. i think we've seen that in other states that have even been redder than florida. and i think but we've also seen across the board since the fall of roe in the summer of 2022, this has been a universally motivating issue and the intensity that voters feel about this issue you're standardly has brought them out to the poles, even in unprecedented numbers. in some cases in the midterm elections. so i think when you have a combination of donald trump at the top of the republican ticket taking credit for eliminating row by putting three supreme court justices on the supreme court who struck it down. and also struggling to talk about ivf and what the
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republican party is doing in terms of limiting women's access to ivf. i mean, there was even reporting just as recently as today about efforts by the heritage foundation and other republican allied groups thinking about how to strategising, i should say on how to curtail women's access to ivf i think with donald trump at the top of the ticket combined with how intensely and personal this issue is for women and for men across the state of florida. i think it will absolutely moos florida into play >> now, let's listen to what donald trump said about florida's six-week abortion ban last year. listen to this i mean, the sanctus willing to sign a five-week and six-week bheki support that you think that what he did is a terrible thing and a terrible mistake. >> so what does that tell you about how potentially toxic this band could be for republicans? >> there's no denying that it's going to be challenging
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ahead and kate's right, it will certainly motivate those in the pro-abortion community, those that are, are democrats and is going to help democrat voters for the single issue voters if abortion is top of the list for them. and i think it's really important for donald trump and other republicans since to remain consistent to the pro-life of values that we have in terms of the sanctity of life. but also again, make sure that the conversation is put more squarely on abortion limits. and where is the reasonable limit that we can all agree on? and i think the florida attorney general challenging this ballot proposal to impose overturn the band. i think it was important as carlos mentioned, that the word viability, when a fetus viable, that's the question because the concern is that this can be interpreted in a very ambiguous way. in this could lead to late term abortions, which is not something that a majority of americans are concerned with. so this is a conversation that certainly needs to be had republicans need to recognize this is something that we need to make sure that we're
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speaking in a way that appeals to majority of americans, but also protects the sanctity of life. at the same time, alice stewart, >> kate bedingfield to both of you. thank you very much coming up the deadly strike on the iranian consulate in syria what israel is now saying and not saying about iran's claim that it's behind the attack >> greatest stage sick joke >> about lifetime >> we're used to from tried and true to try something new so many ways to save >> life ready wallet, happy. that's 3605 by whole foods market hey, you've seen this light, was the dish one. you're telling me you can get
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to shop to learn more >> get your viewing glasses ready eclipse across america, live next monday at one >> there's growing condemnation tonight from various middle eastern countries after a deadly attack on the iranian consulate building in syria iran and syria both accusing israel of being behind the airstrike. cnrs, the tasha upper trend is
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following this breaking story for us, natasha, what do we know? first of all, about the strike and the response for the region? >> well, if this appeared to be a very brazen attack, i'm what a ronna saying is its consulate in damascus, syria, according to iranian ambassador to syria, this console, it was hit with six missiles that he said were fired by idf warplanes, by israeli warplanes. and according to the iranians at least seven people were killed in these strikes. all seven one of the were part of ron's islamic revolutionary guard corps, which of course is a ron's military wing. and actually to irgc commanders were killed as part of the strike according to the iranians. now, these rayleigh's are neither confirming nor denying that they were, that they were behind this strike. and in fact, the spoken one spokesperson for the israel defense forces said they were not going to comment on this, but it is their position according to their intelligence. this was not an iranian consulate at all, but actually a headquarters or iran's islamic revolutionary guard-core that was being designed, that was being designed to the world and shown
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to the world as a civilian building. but in fact, it was being used used for military purposes. now, the state department at this point, they are not weighing in either. they're saying that they're still trying to get more information from regional partners and allies about just who was behind this, who the target actually was. but importantly, they do say that they do not want to see the conflict escalate any further. and it is worth noting here that the us military has not seen attacks in syria against us troops for about two months. now, attacks that were really happening on a near daily basis previously, the big question now is a ron is vowing, quote, decisive retaliation. does that include additional targeting and renewed targeting of us? its forces in the area that's certainly something that us officials are going to be watching with some concern. >> well, there's enormous concern right now. natasha bertrand. thank you very much for that background joining us now a key member of congress representative ro khanna, democrat of california congressman. thanks very much for coming in. what's your assessment? who is responsible
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for these airstrikes in damascus? >> well, we need to know and get the facts, but we need a clear answer from the israeli government. and where are they responsible or not? what do you think? >> i'm not going to speculate, but no comment doesn't cut it especially when we are shipping so many arms to them. look, we have to make it very clear. the american people do not want a war with iran. we do not want on israel to escalate a war with lebanon. we do not want them to go into rafah and kill civilians. and the shipments need to stop if they don't make the commitments to abide by what the president of the united shipments of us weapons, syzran shipments, shipments of us weapons. what you're talking about because it's it's going to escalate that it's not just about the civilian in palestine. this could be a regional war, and i'll tell you one thing wolf, republicans, democrats, independents are no one once america entangled in another war in the middle east. >> because as you know, iran has already said, they are going to retaliate a big time. i'm paraphrasing right now, but they're going to retaliate decisively as a result of this
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airstrike against this consular building in damascus, how concerned are you that what's going on right now could escalate into a major direct conflict between israel and iran. >> i'm very concerned and that's why we need to know who struck the iranian consulate and why. and i'm concerned about our troops and in syria yeah. and in the region that they don't face a retaliation, i'm concerned that we don't get drawn in to a conflict and i'm concerned that the conflict doesn't expand. the president was very clear, israel, no war in lebanon, no war with iran in netanyahu has defied this president time and again, despite this president offering so much support to the people of israel, cnn is now reporting congressman, i don't know if you know this, that the us is close to biden administration, very close to approving an 18 billion arms deal to israel, selling a lot more for example, at least 50 more f 15 fighter jets to israel that would all of that
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would require congressional authorization you should at appropriation because us taxpayer is going to pay for all of this. do you think congress would green that deal if the biden administration is pushing heavily i don't think so. they should not. i think this question should be asked if senator schumer, after his powerful speech on the senate floor, how can we green light giving being more arms to netanyahu when he's defined the president of the united states or secretary of defense at our secretary of state, when he may use those weapons, not just to go into rafah, but to go into lebanon to have a war with iran. it's putting america at risk if you're defined, your ally, the president of the united states and senator van hollen has already said no but i think my hope is senator schumer would say no. >> well, we'll see what happens. so the us's has been meeting today with israeli officials virtually not face-to-face, but virtually to discuss what's going on potentially in rafah in southern gaza right now, what's your message to the
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biden administration? >> well, my message actually is that the biden administration should make sure that netanyahu listens to them. i think that the biden administration has deep concern for palestinian lives, for civilian lives, that they'd been very clear that an invasion of rafah will mean too many civilians dying. they've been very clear that humanitarian aid needs to come in, but netanyahu it keeps disrespecting the president of united states who stood unconditionally with israel. we all did in the democratic party condemned the brutal hamas attacks, condemned the rapes, condemn the killing, called hamas a terrorist organization, and it reeks of in gratitude for netanyahu to define this president after what this president has done in standing with the people of israel, tanisha ro khanna of california, thanks for coming in. thank you. appreciate it. just ahead. there's breaking news. >> officials in >> atlanta are scrambling right now to find a motive after a suspect, ramdas car into the gate and an fbi field office in atlanta. we have details on the investigation, will share that with you right after that.
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better results >> carbon. >> cnn, sunday, april 21 at nine >> a suspect has been arrested after ramming is current to the gate and an fbi field office in atlanta, this afternoon. now officials are attempting to figure throughout a motive. cnn security correspondent josh campbell has joining us right now. josh, what do we know? first of all, about the incident and the suspect? >> yeah. well, if it was just after noon when this orange colored buick suv slammed into that barrier at the fbi's atlanta field office. now, a senior fbi official says that the driver was attempting to follow an employee who had entered and you can see just from that video, the security barrier stopping that vehicle. this is the so-called final denial barrier as part of this layer of security that are around fbi field offices and other government offices. again, thankfully, preventing this individual from making his way closer to that building. now spec then, got out, he was taken into custody by law
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enforcement, were told that he was now at a hospital for evaluation. interestingly, wolf, as he was being taken into custody, a law enforcement source tells cnn he didn't say anything, you didn't utter anything. and so at this hour, authority is trying to determine what the motive was of this individual. very serious the situation there, an atlanta wolf, josh, i know you're a former fbi supervisory special agent. walk us through what is likely happening right now behind the scenes to try to identify a motive. >> well, they know who the suspect is at this hour, although law enforcement has not yet publicly released his name. and so if they can they will attempt to interview the individual again, to try to determine what was at play here. what was the motive? was this some type of anti fbi action was an individual who was possibly facing some type of mental health episode. but if the individual doesn't speak to law enforcement, they then have to obviously work harder, try to identify the suspect, have any type of social media footprint interviewing witnesses, people who might know him again, to try to
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determine was this an attack and attempted attack on the fbi or was this something else entirely? but a lot of work going on behind the scenes, wolf, i'm sure there is this incident occurred as you >> know, joshua amid a period of unprecedented threats against fbi personnel around the country what does what has been done to protect fbi facilities? >> well, this is a precarious me for the fbi. speak to professial staff often daily across the country. and again, the last couple of years, we've seen this increase of threats against employees. we know the fbi actually established its own cell, a unit focus specifically on going through those types of threats that they're seeing against the bureau and a reminder back in 2022, there was an individual who attempted to breach the fbi field office in cincinnati. he died later after a standoff with law enforcement. as we've been reporting based on our law enforcement sources, authorities went back through his back brown, his social media history. this was a central casting believer of
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conspiracy theories, particularly surrounding the 2020 election, surrounding some of the vitriol that former president trump has been offering about the fbi. and so this is a big concern that we've seen across the country. we don't know the motive here, but from coast-to-coast fbi personnel are on allergic because the sheer number of threats they've seen wolff. >> yeah, it's very, very disturbing. josh campbell. thank you. we'll be right back >> great teammates, trust each other. we're going to do a trust >> stand up, you close your eyes >> for trust. >> what i'm dark i told you >> always dry scope before you run >> hot dog died, got me >> sure it's time. we listen to science one a day is formulated with key new tree. it's to support whole body health. what a day science that matters >> some people just know that
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one 3636 called now spatial colombia, the final flight premieres sunday at nine on cnn tonight, cruise at the baltimore bridge collapse have just cleared a temporary channel. cnn's pete muntean has are report it is the latest challenge caused by the disasterous collision and collapse of baltimore's key bridge crews are now scrambling to lift >> thousands of tons of steel and concrete mangled across the murky put tabs go river and the crippled mv dali, these girders are essentially tangled
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together intertwined, making it very difficult to figure out where you need to eventually cut. so that we can make that into more manageable sizes to lift them from the waterway. >> officials from maryland and the united states coast guard say they reached their 40s major milestone nearly a week after the port became blocked. crews have now cleared an alternate shipping channel for barges and tugs to move through, though it's 11 foot depth, will keep the port of baltimore still inaccessible to large cargo ships. >> these are stepping stones towards finishing a marathon we're not there yet. we are making those steps and strides and we're going to get there but it's going to take us some time and we're going to do it safely, but we're going to do it as soon as possible. >> the new focus of the salvage operation here has cruise cutting debris into smaller parts that can be moved, then lifting them out of the way the us navy says, three heavy-lift
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cranes are now in baltimore harbor. that includes the thousand ton capacity chesapeake of fourth heavy lift crane is expected to arrive next week, cruise lifted 200 tons of steel saturday with another 350 tonnes slated to be moved moved by the end of monday, the scale of this project to be clear, it is enormous and even the smallest are huge. >> still there is no definitive timeline on when this port will reach full steam for the 8,000 jobs here or when a replacement for baltimore's iconic bridge will be rebuilt, we cannot rebuild the bridge until we clear the wreckage but i'm telling you we are going to get this done. i just couldn't >> larry desantis says he drove across the key bridge just seconds before it came down. >> it's hard to believe that something like that could happen that quick. i mean, you see the video and it's like
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matter or less than a minute, the whole bridge was gone. it just happened so fast that we they would've it would've thought the coast guard says it's also working on opening up to more alternate shipping lanes here and we're also learning this wolf, the owners of the mv dali have now petitioned maryland court. they want to limit their liability as a result of this crash. two million. they insist this disaster was not their fault. both pete >> muntean reporting from baltimore. thank you, pete, very much coming up. israel's two weeks seizure of what was once gaza's largest hospital is over. we're going to bring you the latest that's next >> get your viewing glasses ready and experience so rare, it won't happen again for another two decades. joint cnn for live coverage around the country of the spectacle in the skies, eclipse across america live next monday at one on cnn for streaming on macs, >> have you or anyone you know,
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>> in gaza tonight, scenes of widespread destruction after the israeli military ended a 14 day siege of the al-shifa hospital a warning the video in this report by cnn's nada bashir is graphic this head that moves as dawn breaks of the gaza valuable, the full extent of this latest nightmare becomes clear buildings scorched some still ablaze are those riddled with bullet holes are completely destroyed below bodies play crushed and decomposing under torchlight. limbs are found tangled amid earth and rubble this is the aftermath of the israeli military's 14 day siege on what once was gaza's largest hospital please, god enough >> this womascreens how much more cana civilians be
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forced to endure medical crews moay morning to find huns of bodies attered around the complex others have been lef wounded starving, and desperate for help >> we spent days without >> food or water until the milita gave us a few food cans, but they were not enough to feed all the patients jenna says they would give each patient just a quarter of a water bottle each day. >> the >> bombardment and shooting was constant >> again, the scale of the destruction wrought by the israeli military here seems impossible to quantify in the surrounding area entire families were trapped in for two weeks >> on the near constant bombardment upon the israeli military's withdrawal >> arafat >> a lulu was finally able to return home only to find that
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his wife and seven children had been killed when the israeli military has described the siege on a shifa as a precise this operation targeting hamas militants. some 200 of which they say were killed there, cnn is unable to verify this figure. weapons and intelligence documents are also said to have been found on the complex, which had been housing hundreds of civilians when the siege began. >> the >> idf maintains the soldiers distinguish between militants and civilians but such claims stand in stark contrast to the troubling testimonies and videos cnn has received from countless civilians and medical staff who are trapped in and around the hospital so don't have them facade to odell. i'm going and we can estimate the number of medical staff who were targeted in what we can only call executions. this medical official says in earlier testimonies shared with
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cnn, civilians described being stripped bound, and blindfolded in the cold before facing interrogations by israeli soldiers reports of beatings are also widespread for days, medical staff within the hospital told cnn they couldn't even move between buildings on the complex if a fear of being targeted by israeli snipers >> on what not >> every day a patient would die. >> ness monster says >> the occupation soldiers used us as human shields inside more than 300 bodies have so far been recovered according to authorities in gaza. >> but that figure will >> likely only rise warnings that are shiver could soon be turned into a graveyard now, a gut wrenching reit another bashir, cnn, london >> thanks, thanks, nauta for that report and thanks to our viewers for watching the news continues on cnn right now.


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