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tv   CNN This Morning  CNN  April 2, 2024 3:00am-4:00am PDT

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nashville hot tenders and three mandarin orange tenders >> what about you? three classic tenders? >> four big butterfly shred for the current baby. i >> said, always a competition. you can't handle the shrimps, see >> about that. >> yeah, we will not flossing well then add the wo of listerine to your routine. new science shows listerine is five times more effective than floss ev, reducing flash above the gum line for a cleaner, health business. it's not a nine-to-five proposition. it's all day and into the night.
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it's the same kind of thing that happened when my father, which running and 1968 okay. >> rfk junior tells cnn why he thinks the country needs a particular kennedy back in the white house all. >> right 6:00 a.m. here in washington alive, looked at capitol hill on this tuesday morning. good morning, everyone. i'm kasie hunt. it's wonderful to have you with us. donald trump's properties safe for now. the former president posting a $175 million bond as he appeals a massive civil fraud judgment against him. that means that new york attorney general, letitia james james can't begin seizing trump's assets until at least september. state appellate court hears his appeal. >> the bond is >> 100% underwritten by a california based insurance company, even though trump vowed last month, to use his own money to cover it they have a lot of cash, but i would also like to be able to use some of my cash to get elected. i might
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spend a lot of money up on my campaign >> trump returns to the campaign trail today, he'll visit michigan and wisconsin, the so-called blue wall states that trump won in 2016 and then lost to president biden in 2020. joining us this morning, molly ball, senior political correspondent at the wall street journal, jonah goldberg, co-founder, editor in chief, the dispatch and kate bedingfield, former white house communications director. good morning. all. thank you so much for being here >> so jonah >> the former president, found someone to basically save him, right $175 million all or bond. it's underwritten by an insurance company owned by don hanky, who is the chairman. he is a subprime car loan dealer, basically >> what does it tell you that this is the kind of person that trump had to look >> to, to, to solve this problem for him. obviously, he he is lashing out on truth, social, et cetera. that's kind of par for the course, calling this all a witch hunt but here
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we are. we're going to not deal with this. so september currently. >> yeah. i'm looking with first >> of all, anyone willing to lend donald trump money should be allowed to because it's a risky proposition >> and the interest rate is yeah >> i mean, there's a reason why, long before he ran for president, he couldn't raise money on domestic capital markets because he was an untrustworthy credit risk. i mean, that's been long established but the thing i think it's kind of remarkable is he, he's done this in 20168. you always teases, i'm going to spend my own money on my campaign and never does. if you were inclined to spend as on monday on his campaign, he wouldn't be selling bibles for 60 bucks a piece, right? i mean, like you'd say. all right. but my own money on the >> campaign or >> bibles. right. and so clearly it's part of the graph and it works on the people, it works on. >> yeah. yeah. you also wouldn't have your rnc actively taking donor money and saying and you're going to dedicate it to your legal defense fund. i mean, this is another thing. >> right? like he's there are raising money from people who
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are nominally giving money to get donald trump elected president. and they've been very clear that they intend for some of that money to go to his his criminal defense. so yes, if he was going to spend his own money, that seems like a very odd thing to be doing. >> molly, do you think that this dense at all? i mean, one of the things that propelled donald trump to the presidency among not just what has become the maga base, but there were at some point and certainly in 2016, there were independent swing voters who were voting for him because honestly of the economy in many cases, and they knew him as a business guy from the apprentice let's write this rich guy. okay, well, maybe he can make enough money for himself. then maybe he can be trusted with mine, with the government's money. does this sort of dent that at all? or do people care at all? the fact that like, i mean, he's not putting up his own money. he clearly couldn't come up with $464 million before this ban was lowered. even though he claims to be a billionaire yeah. >> well, and i'm always surprised how many voters i still hear that from out on the
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campaign trail right? here's a guy who was president for four years and who has been making his, his main occupation, politics for nearly a decade now. and people will still tell you to this day, he's not a politician, he's a businessman. so to the extent that a view his financial success as they perceive it as a calling card potentially, they look at this and say, oh, maybe he's not so successful. on the other hand, obviously the narrative he has been pushing is that he would be successful were it not for the way he is being victimized by all of these terrible democrats, including the ag in new york, who had as, who has decided to seize all of his properties that he has painted this as a witch hunt from the beginning and so he's going to continue that narrative, >> but what >> what i think this highlights is the extent to which just every single day that is going to be the story of this campaign. for the next seven months until november. there's going to be some new trump legal development in the civil or the criminal cases. and this is what nikki haley and other
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anti-trump republicans were warning about that every day. that's the topic. everyday. that is what trump is having to defend himself against is a day that he's not making the case against joe biden. he's not talking about policy necessarily right now for sure. and one thing that is interesting to me to don hanky who gives these made his money in subprime car loans, told forbes that he was the one jonah that reached out to the trunk folks. it wasn't him and tamales point in terms of what we're talking about, donald trump is campaigning today is we're going to michigan and wisconsin, which is of course president biden's blue wall and we know that trump is polling better in these battleground states against biden. many was in 2020, what's going on? >> i think a enormous amount of the polling that has trumped up is really just anti-biden sentiment, right? in a binary is climate. it's also why there are a lot of voters who say that they don't like biden's handling on a whole
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slew of issues they all seem to be locked and track together because i think there's just generally a sense of wrong track and the country and for reasons that bothered me a great deal is conservative we've made the presidency this sort of avatar of the public mood it is a symbol of culture wars and what if you don't like the way things are going in the other teams president is in office, you blame that president for it, whether it translates into whether these poll numbers translate on election day, i'm still pretty skeptical of, but who knows? >> well, and i think, you know, you haven't going to michigan and wisconsin on a day when he is what i would imagine is going to be talking about how he's been aggrieved. he's gonna be talking about these cases four yes, for a maga base voter, is that an inspiring argument? it seems to be, it has proven to be throughout the republican primary process for a swing voter in michigan or wisconsin. >> we've >> seen time and again, it's not i mean, we see it in the data. we've seen in the polling. you see it in focus groups. >> people don't >> find that to be persuasive.
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they don't feel like it connects with they are lives. so he in theory has an opportunity today in these states to make a case and he is very likely not going to make a case that is going to resonate with people, with people's lives in a real meaningful way that is a missed opportunity for him. it is a huge opportunity for the biden campaign who can keep driving so biden cares about you, cares about what's happening around your kitchen table. donald trump doesn't. he cares about what's going on with his subprime loans, some five lender. who's backing is hundred and $35 million bond and is hush money case. just saying you're comfortable making sub-prime car loans, you know that's a subprime loan >> i don't know all right. donald trump losing a billion on paper yesterday's became him in his money. what's behind the slumping stock price of truth, social's parent company, plus world central kitchen says seven of their aid workers were killed in an israeli airstrike. how the idf has responding ahead and a man clingan to a cliff with just
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his hands i'm going to show you this incredibly dramatic rescue up next if you work in space, this is the worst thing that can happen. >> space shuttle columbia, the final flight premieres sunday at nine on cnn. >> look at all those snacks, must be a k. >> i did just pay 60% less for my ticket with the gametime app. it's the best place to get last-minute deals on tickets i guess i'm just a bitter fan than you i got to get the games time-out, download the gametime app to get great deals on last-minute tickets. >> our pharmacy has been in business for nearly 100 years. a wife and i have run it for the last 30 american technology is making this more efficient and customer-friendly we use online tools to fill prescriptions, process insurance claims, and make deliveries. but some and washington want to undermine the technology tools we rely on their misguided agenda will empower our foreign adversaries and hurt small businesses like ours our leaders need to
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in an israeli strike, excuse me, in central gaza the organization says that they had coordinated their movements with the idf and that they were in marked vehicles with their logo on them. world central kitchen is one of the few aid organizations providing desperately needed food to those in gaza. the organization now pausing operation since there the white house this morning calling this tragedy deeply troubling jose andres posted on the platform formerly known as twitter that he's heartbroken and implored the israeli government to stop restricting humanitarian aid stop killing civilians and aid workers, and stop using food as a weapon. >> the >> panel is back with me now kate bedingfield, i want to start with you because look, this the world central kitchen, jose andres is operation has become world renowned for showing up in the moments when humanity is having some of its toughest experiences and helping people. they are known throughout the country in this way it, it's clear from that
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video that we showed at the top right, the idf just put that out as this is unfolding, that they understand just how horrible this is. and certainly just how horrible also that it looks. oh yeah. >> what is the impact here for the biden administration? because the politics of this are already so tougher that yeah, well, i look, obviously this is a horrific tragedy, had a true humanitarian disaster. i think it's fair to say for the biden administration, obviously, this is an incredibly fraught issue. i think the more space they can continue to draw between themselves and bibi netanyahu. and then yahoo's government. the better for them politically from a policy perspective, i think they've been trying to drive toward a longstanding post-conflict plan. i think bbs own domestic politics have made it so that he is unwilling to engage in that in a serious way and so every instance of horror like this gives the biden administration we're opening to put clear contrast between
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what they're trying to do, what they would argue they're trying to do responsibly in the region. and what netanyahu has been unwilling to do. i personally think is good for them so i think they need to be clear that this was unacceptable. it was horrific. they need to move to support israel's investigation into what happened happen and to take a very tough line on this, and i think this is a moment for them to do that >> jonah, what is your view of the israelis on this question of food? because we know the americans, like whenever we're reporting on because the behind the scenes negotiations about what they're pushing netanyahu for more food aid into gaza is a big one. and i remain mystified root out hamas, okay, but starve a population. it is becoming, it is getting to the point where and a week or two ago the economist cover was israel alone, right? it is isolating them. even if you support israel in many ways, this seems to be undermining in the argument that they
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undermining their their standing >> what what is >> your view of this? >> yeah. >> luckily, just first of all, on the world central kitchen thing, it is a tragedy in this terrible and it's but on your point look. it's very difficult to feed a population that is being used as essentially human shields by a terrorist organization. it's just difficult when they tried to do with the trucks couple of months, about a month ago it turned into a free fire zone and it wasn't as what was immediately reported by a lot of the precedent as claimed by hamas it wasn't israel opening fire on aid trucks. it was the fact that these trucks were being seized by hamas whenever there's bombing, hamas runs into tunnels on hides and leaves the civilian population above. that makes it a very dangerous place for the civilian population. >> i i i think the >> part of the problem is is that it's just a terrible situation and the only solution is down the road. and this is
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urban warfare is incredibly ugly. siege warfare is incredibly ugly. there are cameras on it and ways that there weren't in mosul or any other sort of major urban warfare situation and the ways out of mosul for people, there's not i know, but egypt's not letting anybody out. hamas is open fire on people trying to get out of harm's way. i just think that there's this expectation that israel should be actually carrying more about palestinians than the supposed leadership of gaza. and that expectation puts israel in an impossible situation. >> now, we can >> certainly talk about the evils of hamas for quite some time. molly, quickly. >> well, i i think the problem for the biden administration as they seem to have lost any leverage that they had with netanyahu. he is no longer listening to them at the beginning of this conflict, we saw that biden was able to talk to netanyahu and to have some persuasive effect on him. and we did see effects from those conversations at this point. they're not talking much at
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all and netanyahu has aligned himself with the republican party who have invited him to come speak to congress. and so this has become a very, very partisan and conflict. and that means that the consequence i think for the administration is that they just don't have much juice here. so anything that they're trying to do to actually changed the way the war is being conducted is just sort of falling on deaf ears. >> it's a really interesting point >> all right, up next here, new images show the mangled mess that workers face as they clean up the wreckage of the baltimore bridge collapse. plus rfk junior explains how he thinks is the real danger. to democracy. he says it's not donald trump i can make the argument and biden as a much worse threat to democracy we just shipped are millionth monthly coffee subscription box. so we're sending custom thank you gifts to our team, our customer, and grab is just as excited as we are and knows what great quality products to get celebrate your milestones
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into the fbi's atlanta field office gate. police say he's a navy veteran from south carolina who was trying to follow an employee us navy releasing new underwater images of the baltimore bridge collapse. the 3d images show the wreckage at the bottom of the river and underscore the sheer magnitude of the salvage operation. >> oh, man. >> don't let go. dramatic video shows crews saving a man hanging from a cliff in california rescuers say he was 120 feet down and losing his grip when a helicopter landed and a worker pulled him to safety. >> lucky man >> horse in california also needed rescuing after being stuck in the santa ana river for nearly 24 hours the horse was so exhausted he couldn't move so they air lifted him to safety. that's awesome
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>> amazing major league baseball's first no hit or less than a week into the season. astros pitcher renelle blanco through the no-no, it just his eighth career start. a tenant win over the blue jays last night, i have to say that this is just a really, really amazing story. this guy not come into the big leagues till he was 28 years old, berliners injury gets him this shot and man, he does not waste it all. right i'm not for whether more than 75 million americans across the central us could face severe storms today with the possibility of tornadoes. let's get straight to our meteorologists to raffa. elisa >> good morning to you. what are people looking at today? >> good morning. it's been a busy overnight and it's going to be even busier as we go into the day today, we're looking at dangerous weather. here's a
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look at some of the reports from overnight. it had a couple of tornado reports and parts of oklahoma hail up to the size of softballs. this is the tornado watch that we've got continuing this morning across southern illinois going into kentucky we're not tornado threat continues until about 8:00 central time. we are starting to get some radar data back. you can see the glitches. it's not our system. we actually had an outage this morning and the radar data bad timing with some warnings for tornadoes around paducah, kentucky. you see this map looks much better than from what i showed you about an our many more green dots on here. so what are the data is coming back and we need it because this is the risk for today, we have a moderate level, four out of five severe risk from columbus and cincinnati, ohio. dana to louisville, kentucky. we're talking about strong tornadoes, long track on the ground for a long time ef2 or greater possible hail well, up to the size of ball baseball, softball as it can be very dangerous. day ahead, kasie. >> all right. and keep an eye on that, at least a wrapper for
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us. so lisa, thanks very much up next year, donald trump returns the campaign trail gag order in tow plus how dueling rulings on abortion could put florida and play and the november election get your viewing glasses ready. it clicks across america live monday. >> i'm certain it's level five. >> our >> years for imprints >> certainty matters for imprint is your home for provo gear to wow clients and inspire your team. jacob four imprint in brynn, for certain you got better things to do than clean out clog gutters, calling filter today. and never clean out clog gutters again, leaf filters technology keeps debris out of your gutters for good, guaranteed colleague three, three lee filter today, morphism, lee >> what's considered normal for your cat is interesting it's curious and it's, sweet
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>> cnn central >> today, donald trump hitting the campaign trail. he's holding events in michigan and wisconsin after the new york judge in his hush money trial expanded the gag order against him. that order now includes the judges, family members, after for trump attacked his daughter on truth, social, judge merchant write it wrote this in his order, crow, the average observer must now, after hearing defendants recent attacks draw the conclusion that if they become involved in these proceedings, even tangentially, they should not only worry for themselves, but for their loved ones as well. our panel is back and we're also joined by cnn national security reporter zach cohen zack, good morning to you. let's dig into why this is so problematic for any anyone to be able to have faith in the judicial system when these threats like this are present. i mean, >> look what we've heard from a sitting judge, just a couple of days ago who said that. >> look >> judges can't do their job
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threatens, the entire future of democracy. if judges are looking over their shoulder, they can't make rulings based on their view of the law and they are influenced essentially by these threads, by lottery security concerns and retired judges have also jumped in and said that's exactly right and prosecutors are now making that exact same argument. they're saying that this gag order needs to be expanded because the judge in this case can't do his his job unless he feels secure and safe and doing so. >> yeah. i think we need to be clear. again because people here at gag order and the former president is making this argument, i'm the presumptive republican nominee. they are gagging me there. this is not preventing political speech at all. by the president know this is preventing threading comments potentially or intimidation things taken as intimidation against tangental people and not even related to the case like family members, people, not associated with the case itself. the judge as basically welcomed any sort of criticism that trump can throw them. it's anybody else that's the prompt. >> fair. >> okay. >> so molly ball, we have a little bit of new information on the expected witnesses in this hush money trial. the one that really stood out to me was
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hope hicks is now expected to testify along with michael cohen stormy daniels david, and other interesting sort of player, karen mcdougal, i hadn't heard that name in a minute. and kellyanne conway what do you think mean hicks in particular is just this very interesting figure? when i got to know her, when she was with him, issues with them from the beginning, she's just kinda very poised presence in many ways, a contrast to the president himself in how she kind of conduct yourself and comes across how are you expecting this to play out? because it looks like we are actually going to get this to trial starting on the 15th. >> we'll see. right. i mean, it's keeps getting pushed back and and all of these trials do, but i think, yeah, i hope picks in particular, she was with trump from the beginning of that 2016 campaign, and then she disappeared after serving in the administration. she was always this sort of figure of fascination, right as she was, she always was sort of private and didn't talk a lot about herself and think people saw
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her as this sort of woman of mystery. and so the fact that she is going to be a part of these proceedings, as you said, it just it's like an a stallion act of the early trump years, right? it's just like a parade of figures that we all remember from our sort of ptsd, from covering the trump administration and 2017, 2018 and so it'll be interesting to see how the public responds to that, right? does it take them back to that time which felt like another era at least to me, we've seen a lot of trump nostalgia in the way that people are looking back on the trump administration and so maybe this will remind them also of those sort of soap opera years and how crazy it if anything, hope really stood out to me. because she was one of the least operatic figures in a soap opera, right? she always operated in a very professional way. and i think there were a lot of people who looked at kind of how she conducted herself in that maelstrom. and we're kind of like really, let's just doesn't match here. you're right. like she did ultimately leave jonah goldberg
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when you make the fact that this is the trial al that we are going to see start to unfold here as opposed to the other things that are facing donald trump. >> yeah, i think it's unfortunate. i think that this is the least. i think he's guilty. don't get me wrong, but i don't think the case should have been brought i certainly don't think it should go in first. i think that this is one of these cases that fuels the trump narrative that he is there they're prosecuting him for things that they wouldn't prosecute other people. four and i don't think that's necessarily a good thing. i also would say it's very strange how all trump surrogates bailey. no one >> denies the >> fundamental allegations under this, right? it's all this meta level stuff about this case shouldn't be brought. >> and i think that at the end of the day the ugliness and the mess of it is going to matter more than whatever the ultimate legal finding is >> yeah. >> yeah. i agree. this probably
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isn't the strongest out of the gate. i think those of us who are concerned about the threat that donald trump poses would have liked to see the jack smith case be the tip of the spear here terms of what matters to people in the threat that, that he really poses to our democracy but i will say, i do think there is an opportunity cost from a communications perspective anytime he's out talking about his legal troubles he's not talking about what he's going to do for american families. he's not talking about his visions and i'm talking about we want it to be politically king wants to complain about the trial, be seen as political speech. absolutely. when earlier? >> absolutely. absolutely. but at the end of the day, i am, it is hard for me to see a world where this is a good thing for donald trump. again, as we were talking about earlier, is a good with his most hardcore base. do they feel aggrieved? yes, absolutely. but those people are going to vote for donald trump, come hell or high water. they've made that a very clear. >> so i think anytime he's >> being forced to defend behavior like this and i would argue even the throwback to 2016 is probably a good thing for the biden campaign. writ large as people kind of think back and go. got it was a mess when he was president that was
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do i really want to live through that again every day? >> i think molly called a ptsd all right is. that cohen, zach, thank you. i really appreciate you being here >> there's also this today of the florida supreme court ruling will allow the states six-week abortion ban to become law next month. but a second ruling by that same court. what's the final say in the people's hands? the state supreme court on monday also approving language for a ballot measure that would prevent any restrictions on abortion before viability. the voters will have a chance to vote on that measure. this fall, abortion access has been largely losing issue for republicans since the fall of roe versus wade. here's what former president trump said last year, about a six-week ban people are starting to think of 15 weeks that seems to be a number that people are talking about right now, would you sign that? i would i would sit down with both sides and negotiate something and we'll end up with pizza in that issue for the
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first time in 52 years i'm not going to say i would or wouldn't i mean, does sanctus we're willing to sign a five-week and six-week bends. you support that you think that what he did is a terrible thing and a terrible mistake >> jonah goldberg, there's a lot there. >> yeah >> look at someone who thought row should have been overturned. i think it's also good that the voters of florida get to decide how they're going to do i'm against the national ban for the same reasons i was against roe are similar reasons i think that one of the under under appreciated things about this is i don't know i mean, like the idea that this puts florida in play for biden seems maybe a bridge too far to me. >> i don't disagree with that, but i wanted to just like anxious to jump. i'm sure. >> but but but it could cause the trump campaign to spend money there. >> and >> it could really be a prompt for rick scott, who is up for reelection and it's not more popular than abortion rights among democrats
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>> first of all, this donald trump answer on abortion like that dog and going to hunt. okay. he is the person who put three justices on the supreme court who overturned roe. he is bragged about it numerous times. you see, and we saw in september when he was fumbling around and he continues to fumble around. he obviously understands the political implications, but there we need to win election. yes. >> we talked there is no world where he is going to be able to weasel out of his record on this. so let's just let's just say that >> but on this on this issue, to florida, first of all, look, when these issues have been on the ballot statewide and states is read as kansas and ohio. people have turned out to vote for abortion rights. so i don't put that up on that. i don't think we should underestimate what a motivator this is for, not just for democrats, but for independence, nothing. it's impossible for republicans however, yes, however, i do agree with your point here that there's value in a head fake for the biden campaign to if the trump campaign feels like
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they have to spend money which by the way, they don't have that. they otherwise would've spent in florida because of this. that's a win for the biden campaign, regardless of what insulin is an expensive states by rambling extremely expensive just, point, out, we don't actually know how this interacts with a presidential election. this is the first presidential elections since roe was overturned so we have seen these ballot measures be successful in some very red states in isolation, the coattails for democrats have been somewhat limited and again, we don't know if there's any coattails. four presidential campaign, obviously both candidates, especially the democratic president, are going to be talking about this issue a lot and hoping that that affects the way that voters view this choice but do voters necessarily see this as related to their vote for president? i think that is the big question or are other issues more important to them when they cast that vote? are they are they going to separate the two to the extent that it turns out people who are more likely to vote for democrats. and that is what we saw to some extent in the midterms. obviously a good
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thing for democrats. but look, the biden campaign did not buy ads in florida and they're big recent ad buy. it's a tough state for them. it's a shape that's gotten very red state that rhonda santos won by nearly 20 points against charlie two and fairness >> but yes, i do take point. all right. up next here, how donald trump lost $1 on paper in a single day. >> plus >> rfk junior claims that president biden is a threat to democracy accuracy, and that somehow the cia is involved in trying to silence him. >> we will dig into that latest claim ahead >> it's time the time has come for a fresh approach to dog food every day. moore dog people are citing it's time to quit the kibble and feed their dogs fresh food from the farmers dog made by vets and delivered right to your door?
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>> so just to be clear, you're saying you could make an argument that president biden is a worst threat to democracy, then independent presidential candidate robert f. kennedy, jr. telling cnn's erin burnett last night, he doesn't think either president biden or former president trump would destroy american democracy. but if you had to choose who poses the biggest threat, this is his answer. >> the argument apprentice and biden as much worse threat to democracy and the reasons that is present, biden is the first candidate and the first president. history that it has used the federal agencies to censor political speech. so no president the country has ever done that. the greatest threat democracy is not somebody who questions election returns, but a president united states will use the power of his office to force the media companies, facebook instagram, twitter don't open a portal and give access to that portal to the
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fbi. cia, the irs, the size at the nih to censor his political critics so lucky for us, we employ daniel dale. he is our fact-checker and he was asked immediately after this interview, what was true about what you just heard from rfk, what was not. here's what dale said. >> he also claimed that president biden has been personally censoring him. we know there is a controversy about a white house communications with social media companies about what post should post an account should remain up or not. there is no evidence that biden has been involved whatsoever, and it's important to remember that he was posting a frequent cereal vaccine and other covid-19 misinformation. that's what we're talking about here, not political criticism >> all right, panels back over, joined by sara fischer of axios, cnn, senior media analyst so kate, let me start with you on this because there's a lot here with this, please basically making these claims of we've heard this
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sort of censorship free speech stuff coming from people like you on mosque and others on the right. but he's essentially arguing that is a bigger threat than what trump poses. and we can go through the litany of january 6, then a tendencies and dictator for, i mean, the list is very long but i think fundamentally why are we listening to them at all right? >> it's because he's going to have an >> impact likely on the election when you hear him say stuff like that, what do you what is your take on how that's going to impact the race as it is what the biden team should be doing about it. yeah. >> well, first of all, look, it's a ludicrous statement and it's important to recognize that the speech that he's complaining about having been stifled was debunked, misinformation about the covid vaccine in 2021, long before he was a presidential candidate, he obviously is making every effort here to try to conflate what he was doing and spreading frankly, very dangerous information, misinformation about the vaccine and about public health with his own political interests. now i've
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exploiting the, by the way, the trump administration >> that's one of the best things >> so the biden campaign has an interesting challenge here, because on the one hand, they don't want to elevate him to a place where they, you know, he's given more platform and more focus and more attention because really his currency right now is just attention that's it but given that we know this race is going to be very close, he is potentially going to have an impact on the outcome and i think that they need to be very clear in educating people about what a vote for robert kennedy means, because it is not actually a vote to put robert kennedy in the way white house, right? i mean, it is most likely a vote to put donald trump in the white house. and so i think they need to activate their allies, their surrogates, to go out there and clarify when he says things like this, make clear that he's talking about covid-19. he's not talking about political speech. i don't think the biden campaign should spend a lot of time sweeping into to correct him. but i do think that they you need to be doing a lot to
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educate people on the fact that robert kennedy is not going to win enough electoral votes to be present in the united states. >> he >> is potentially going to steal enough vote to give donald trump electoral votes to be present to you agree with it? >> i lie largely due. look kennedy has decided that he is going to go after biden not trump is the biggest donor to his super back, is also the biggest donor to the trump's super pac. that should tell you a lot, also, just want see it as a matter of political history the stuff he was saying about first president ever, even if what he's alleging were true is garbage, woodrow wilson censored ductile hundreds of newspapers he put up local opponent in jail, abraham lincoln closed down newspapers. i mean, like a thumb, let's grasp on history, but he but he says it was such confidence people think he's an intellectual when he's a buffoon. >> that point to the case that he's talking about are supreme court, which is a majority conservative judges, has already taken a look at this case, opening arguments. he's referencing i'm saying two republican attorneys general suing the biden administration alleging censorship. and they have largely sided with the
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biden administration saying that this likely wasn't censorship. yeah. >> well, sir, you've got to piece out looking at conservative media and how they're approaching rfk. what is your were talking about, how it's a threat to biden what are you seeing in your reported well, it's i'm just saying when he came out for his presidential bid as a democrat, you saw a ton of attention from fox news or the new york post, from conservative figures trying to boost him because they thought that it could pull the wind out of biden sales as soon as he turned independent. last year, that flipped, you saw much less coverage and conservative media around rfk because why suddenly now he's a threat to donald trump and he's a threat to his votes well, as a political strategy that is clearly what he is doing if he gets on the ballot in these states and is trying to mount a viable independent campaign. he can see all the polls that we can see and he sees that biden's support is a lot softer than trump's support. so that's how he's going to go after there are a lot of democratic leaning voters, democratic-leaning independents, who are probably curious about him. he was getting a lot of traction on
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the right largely because of this vaccine stuff, right? a lot of the vaccines skepticism is on the right and that's where a lot of people were interested in him initially. and so as a political strategy, he's trying to take those votes from the left now, but i think to kate's point, that it'll be interesting to see if if voters will process the information about rfk's actual positions and some of the crazy stuff that he believes in because part of the reason we saw him drop out of that democratic primary was initially he was pulling double-digit jets. a lot of democrats saying, i'm not thrilled with the current incumbent and look a kennedy name. kennedy. yeah. and then he did start to >> plummet in a lot of those early polls in places like new hampshire, as people learned more and more about his positions. so it is that it is a delicate balance. i think kate's totally right between elevating him and educating voters about who he really it, right? >> everyone i talked to democratic sources in people focused on trying to prevent rfk from rising in terms of his potential threat to biden your
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point about the softness of support for biden does seem like the most salient one, right? like people that are with trump are really, they're not going anywhere, right? well, do they tried to boost him on the right? that'll be interesting too. it's interesting as well. all right, it is 53 minutes past it's the hour. here's your morning roundup. a federal judge rejecting hunter biden's bid to get his tax charges dismissed. he is accused scheming to evade more than $1 million in taxes and will likely face trial in june an enid oklahoma city council member, judd be levene's facing a recall election tonight after residents discovered his affiliation with a white nationalist hate group oregon's governor re-criminalizing possession of small amounts of drugs for personal use. it's a reversal of a ballot measure that voters approved in 2020 that will do it welcome to the final
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>> caitlin clark leading her iowa hawkeyes to the final four scoring 41 points and 94, 87 victory over lsu i will avenging it's lost. lsu in last year's nfc doublet championship game. i have to say it. >> i freaking love caitlin clark. >> it's just like it's awesome to watch, right? like tickets to that more expensive in the men's game? yes. it will take it. yes >> all let's go now to this truth social, the company's stock is plunging after it was reported that last year it lost 58 million you have truth social stock tanks so fast to change the name to twitter. as a result of this stuff, tanking trump's net worth dropped $2 billion i'm trump's so panicked, he's now selling copies of the torah >> shares of trump media and technology group, the parent company of truth social plunged yesterday after a new sec filing revealed the company
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lost more than $58 million in 2023. that compared to a 50.5 million dollars profit in 2022, donald trump, who owns a majority of the newly public company. so his own net worth tumble by more than $1 billion on paper i don't think how many tours would you have to so a lot of t jewismarket alone. but ju put it that way. >> sarfischer cayou almo undersnd? i mean, what what the valuation is here and like, look, the stock market i'm not a business reporter, y know, a lot more about this than i do. i think for average ters, it's ear that setimes the rket will reward compaes that are losing money becae there's a promise of return in the future. they're making a bet at this is gonna be >> is that what's going onith >> tocl, or is mething else going on with uth social becse i guess i struled see howike th changes herexactly right? this is what we would call a meme stock, which is where its financials are completely divorced from its market valuation >> the way you know, it's a
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meme stock. >> when you look at other social media companies that have gone public, and we have a great proxy and read it, which went public just two weeks ago. you have a lot of a user base and that's what the promises. so even if they're not making money you think that eventually they will. because so many people use the product and look, it's not unusual for social media companies to go public and not make money. snapchat has still never posted a full profitable year in terms of ebitda, twitter in its nine years as being public, had only two profitable year. so this is not unusual, but what's unusual is that they're not revealing user metrics, right? normally tech companies are screaming to the mountain tops, to investors. look how many people love our product. >> nothing was revealed. >> their, and they're also not dealing much about their business strategy. and so i think right now you have a lot of momentum from what we call retail investors, right? fans who want to buy into the stock, but are institutional investors, big banks going to continue to back the stock absolutely not. and that's why when they did finally reveal these losses for 2023, a lot of wind was pulled out of the sales. >> can i ask you? why they made money in 2022
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>> okay. this all that's why would the white what's the difference? because i think we can shows they're made 50.5 million in 22 and they lost 58.2000023 because they borrow money and the interest on that debt added up. >> good. and so some of that >> loss is attributed to debt which by the way, is not a great position to be in your first few weeks very on the stock market. the other thing i want to note here, donald trump can't sell his stock right now. he's in what we call a lock-up, which means that for the next six months he's got to sit on those shares. >> there's a >> very real possibility that this stock tanks in that time, and that when he does go to buy, sell the shares, they're not worth anything. and so when all these people are saying all with donald trump's net worth is now billions of dollars well, let's see what happens in six months. now, what this company it looks like. >> yeah, i actually think the loss is to your point are kind of meaningless because all these places lose money. the question the damning number is the revenue there are literally yeah, they're literally supermarkets and i don't mean chains i mean individual, the average individual supermarket has greater revenue than truth social does. you wouldn't
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value that in the billions of dollars your corner of supermarket, i should be in the supermarket >> i mean, look, i this again. yes. all these incredibly salient and smart points about the financials and how tech companies lose money. social media companies lose money, absolutely. but there is something poetic and poignant about the fact that like once again, the emperor has no clothes. like this is such a donald trump thing where, you know, for a couple of weeks now it's been like, oh, you know, billions of dollars. and then when you actually like we're going to put your cards on the table, it's like, well, actually the infrastructure isn't there and that applies to so many things. and donald trump's universe i think it tells you what this company really is. it isn't a social media company, it's donald trump as a company literally the ticker sign is djt people are buying it because it represents donald trump, the personal brand, and they want to invest in that brand, whether it's because they want to give him money or if they just want to be associated with it. and so it's going to rise and fall with how people feel about trump. and it has nothing to do with any business business. i mean, i'm on truth social justice, see what trump says and i think most people
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probably are, they're not on there for the reason that people join social media companies to make friends and have conversations is just to see what trump says. and so it's all about trump and that's going to determine, i think the fate of this company isn't it always all about? >> all right. >> i'll leave you with this. the passing of a beloved pearl harbor hero, louk condor was the last known survivor of the battleship arizona. his daughter says he was surrounded by family at his california home as he passed peacefully. contra was just 20 years old. he was a quarter master when he helped rescue his fellow crewman during the japanese attack on the morning of december 7, 1941. he was one of the 335 uss arizona crew members who survived the attack. >> and he outlived them all >> while always striving to keep the legacy of pearl harbor alive. >> i think it's very important that we all say, remember pearl harbor, god bless america


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