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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  April 2, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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looking at a significant severe weather outbreak, likely also coming with some flooding rains. a flood watch and effect for the same areas well. so something that will have to keep watching as you look into the afternoon and evening here after about two or 3:00 storms really start fires bring up and you see these little freckled pieces here. these are some of the super cells that could dump some of these pretty strong tornadoes that will continue as we go into the afternoon. then cold air comes in behind this and look at the snow that comes in for the great lakes and parts of the northeast, like you mentioned, we've got some ice and snow there. could comment on the backside of this, we've got some winter storm warnings up in effect, up towards green bay where we could be looking at up to a foot of snow, winter storm watches for interior new england for seven inches or more so multiple hazards with this one key a lot so watch. thank you for dragging it all for the elisa. thank you very much. we are just one week away from the total solar eclipse on april 8, millions of people are
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going to be able to see the moon's shadow block the sun in parts of mexico through the united states and canada, >> the event is >> expected to not only be super cooled, to also be a huge boost for tourism in that line of what's being called the line of totality. texas has already projecting that they could see a boost of nearly 1.4 billion as people could be flocking to see this solar lunar event. and cnn hasn't covered for you, cnn special live coverage of the eclipse begins monday at 1:00 p.m. eastern. and you can also catch it streaming on macs and new our of cnn news central starts now minutes ago, >> president donald trump responding for the first times the expanded gag order put on him, the judge saying trump's rhetoric poses a very real threat. what really say it is rallies later today, plus florida supreme court clears the way for one of the most
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restrictive abortion bans in the nation. the biden campaign thinks that could mobilize voters and possibly help him win floor in november. also, outrage around the world after a strike in gaza kills seven members of the charitable group world central kitchen, the aid group says their convoy was hit by an israeli airstrike what the israeli military and the white house are saying this morning, i'm sarah sidner with kate bolduan in john berman. this is cnn news central >> break thinking moments ago. >> this just happened >> donald trump >> commented for the first time since a new expanded gag order was placed on him and the new york criminal trial, the order now includes family members of the judge and the prosecutor's. why because trump had been attacked being the daughter of judge juan merchan online. as we said, trump just released a
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new angry statement ranting about the judging. there's virtually never been a more conflicted judge than this one. but interestingly he did not mention the judges daughter seen as kara scannell, following this development is with us now carol, what else did he have to say? >> yeah, dan so trump with this new post today. and as you said, he toes the line here. he's continuing to attack the judge, but he does not go after the judge's daughter after the judge made clear that she was off limits or trump could face possible sanctions. so in this new post, trump, as you said, he talks about how conflicted the judges this he said they can talk about me, but i can't talk about them. that doesn't that sounds fair doesn't it? question marks. this judge should be recused in the case should be thrown out. there has virtually never been a more conflicted judge than this one. now, last night, the judge issued this order at the request of the manhattan prosecutors saying that trump could not speak up about family members that are related to him or the district attorney, alvin
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bragg. it is an expansion of the gag order that he put in place last week. and this is because as you said, trump began the day after this gag order was first put in place, attacking the judges daughter on social media. she works for a democratic consulting firm. trump has been trying to you that she is conflicted and therefore, the judge should be recused from the case. he moved to recuse the judge wants before he said he's going to file another motion to do that. that first one was denied, the judge finding here that these threats are real. he said it is no longer just a mere possibility or reasonable likelihood. that there exists a threat to the integrity of the judicial proceedings. the threat is very real admonitions are not enough, nor is reliance on self restraint. and the judge focusing on trump's lawyers argument saying that he needs to have the ability to respond and have political speech. the judge says he can respond, but he said there was no legitimate purpose to post photos of his daughter online as daughter is not related to this case and you also looks
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toward some of the arguments that prosecutors made where they said some potential witnesses are now concerned about testifying at this trial because of the possible threats not only facing them, but their family members. the judge saying that that is real and that is something that could in your if you're with the trials process, he said his number one job is to make sure that this trial goes. john. >> the threat is very real. that is something to hear from a sitting judge, kara scannell. thanks so much for this update. appreciate it you joining us now for more on this is cnn senior legal analyst, former assistant us attorney elie honig. so elleithee, this first response now from donald trump on the expanded gag order, not a violation of the gag order in this response, what do you what do you see in this one? >> i think donald trump's post just now is exhibit a as to why the gag order is perfectly fair and appropriate because in this statement that we just saw from donald trump, he goes so it was off. he goes off on the judge. she goes off on the charges against him. he says it's unfair. he says people are
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biased against him. and you know what, under the gag order, he's allowed to do all of that. he didn't have to hold anything back. he went on an angry rant and that's allowed under the gag order. what's not allowed, what is now off base and should be off base? is attacks on jurors, on witnesses, on court staff, and now, as of the expanded order on family members, so there are boundaries here. donald trump can say quite a bit as he just has done, but he can't step over those lines and i think it's a perfect example of why this hag order is both necessary, but also fair and respectful enough of donald trump's first amendment it >> and in fact, check this part for it. i cannot talk about the corruption and conflict taking place in this courtroom with respect to the co2e case that everyone and then he goes on yeah >> incorrect. because he just did it and he is allowed to do that. i mean, what donald trump is allowed to do under the gag order is to say essentially what he just said. he is perfectly within his rights to say this judge is biased against me. he's perfectly within his rights under the gag order to say this case is
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unfair, he can say the da hat as bad motives. what he cannot do is say things that endanger the process beyond that, he cannot attack jurors, can tack witnesses, can attack the daughters. judge so again, i think it's a nice example. the trick before the judge in any gag order is balancing the defendants first amendment rights. you do have broad first amendment rights with the need to run in order the trial and protect the process. and again, i think this posting as aggressive as it is. i think there's a very good example of why the gag order strikes the right balance >> realistically, what happens if he goes further, if he comes out of these campaign events today or anytime outside of corridor on social media and targets the judges. daughter, again, this is such an unprecedented everything is when it comes to what this judge is facing in terms of the former president and someone who's currently running for president, what realistically could happen if he violates it? >> yeah, if he does step over
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that line again, i think he's going to have a real price to pay, maybe literally. so what can the judge do? there's really sort of three levels of discipline here. if we think about progressive discipline, want a judge can excoriate the defendant, can give him a tongue lashing in court. now, for ordinary participants since that's enough of a deterrent, you never want to tick off the judge. he's the one who's going to run the trial. he's the one who's going to instruct the jury if there's a conviction he's the one who sentences the second thing a judge can do is start imposing monetary fines. we saw that in the other case, the civil case, but the fines were five and $10,000. that's not really going to make a dent. and then third, i think only theoretic william, this case, a judge can lock a person up for violating a gag order. i would not expect that to happen here, but in ordinary cases, yes, that is an option, but the judge is going to have a discipline issue on his hands throughout this trial. same way, a parent has to struggle. sometimes i know, you know, this gate with disciplining children, you have to set boundaries and you have to enforce them and then watch them. i mean, i can't send them to rikers, but that is one thing i know. i cannot send my
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children to rikers >> also. >> in this case, we know more now about the possible witnesses who could be called bold names from the trump white house days hope hicks and kellyanne conway. specifically when you look at hope hicks, what can her testimony provide, compare that to other witnesses that we know are likely to be called like michael collin so there are two things about who picks that i think make her a potentially a very powerful witness. first of all, she's the ultimate insider and most significantly for this case, she apparently is on some of those key phone calls that are happening between and among donald trump, michael cohen and others when they are first arranging for these payments to be made to stormy daniels in 26 16, keep in mind the payments themselves are not illegal. it's the falsification of records around those payments. so we don't know whether she has information about either of those things, but it appears she was part of crucial conversations. the other thing about hope to hope hicks is she is still more or less in the
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trump camp. she has not a defector who has publicly turned on donald trump and earned his ire like a michael cohen. she remains in relatively good graces with donald trump and so she's a better witness for prosecutors there because she can't be attacked as some sort of angry anti-trump ideolog. she's still someone who's fairly close with them. so i think she could be quite a powerful witness. >> me really interesting when this gets underway in just a couple of weeks, it's good to see you. well, thank you. >> sarah all right. >> this is just coming into west israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu. ease now responding to accusations and israeli military strike killed at least seven people working with the world central kitchen. we will have his response coming up. also, house speaker mike johnson is confident he'll survive threats to his speakership he's now fighting against congresswoman marjorie taylor greene's motion to oust him. and florida supreme court, paving the way for the state six abortion ban to take effect. but voters will have a say this november new details
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on how the biden campaign said that's going to seize the opportunity, tried to win the state november if you work in spaceflight, this is the worst >> possible thing that can ever happen. >> my dad died doing what he loved >> spiritual columbia final flight, premieres sunday at nine on the right age for neutrogena retina >> that's whenever you want it to be. >> it has durham proven retina that targets vital cell turnover even skin tone and smooth it's fine lines with visible results in just one week neutrogena retinol >> some people just know that the best rate for you is a rate based on you with all state because they are people out there who aren't you >> a lot of them >> and you don't drive like >> my child being braced by a robot drivers or not you?
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ealthier. with the oraa ring >> king charles tomorrow at ten on cnn all right, we, have breaking news. this just >> happened moments ago, >> israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu responded after seven aid workers from world central kitchen were killed in an israeli airstrike overnight. netanyahu said that israel quote unintentionally struck innocent people world central kitchen said the victims had just delivered food when they're convoy was hit traveling in a d conflicted zone, and that they had
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coordinated their movements with the idf sudan's melissa bell is in jerusalem. this morning, netanyahu called it a tragic accident. melissa >> that's right, john, no mention of world central kitchen specifically in his statement, but regret and what happened? in an assurance that this kind of thing will not happen again, that the idf will take greater care, that it shouldn't happen. remember also john, that the idf has launched. we've heard an investigation at the highest level to try and to figure out how this could have gone wrong. i think most damning for them is the fact that world central kitchen tells us and says in its statement that this was not only, uh, de convicted zone, but their movements of getting this hundred tons of aid into a warehouse and then moving out from there. and that's when the convoy was drunk had been coordinated with the idf. so we'll wait to hear what that probe has to us. in the meantime outrage being expressed by a number of different countries. of course, this was a group of humanitarian aid workers that were john from many different
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countries. there was an american canadian amongst them british national are polish national, an australian national, and i think i put, let's put a face to this tragedy is omi franklin was one of those killed in this strike, and she'd spoken to cnn last year at the time of the moroccan earthquake. this switch told us >> that's the moment while central kitchen that we have eyes in the sky. so we'd be doing aerial systems and feeding at the same time. and we have also teams who are going into the high atlas mountains on high clearance four-wheel-drive and so at the moment we're still let assessing what that need is, but we do know that is great >> semi frank, i'm one of those who was killed overnight, john. and as we were speaking about last hour, these are worked occurs that tend to get too many of these places before we do, i remember speaking to jose andres who has been speaking of his outrage, tweeting about it. this morning on the polish border, a couple
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of years ago, said, look, the eu un agencies do what they do. we just focus on getting food to those who are hungry in the most difficult places. and so it's been in gaza. this is an organization john that has managed to get around those substantial blocks. there aren't getting any a1 through lange by getting it it through sea. and in fact, they've been bringing in hundreds of tons evades from cyprus onto that makeshift jetty in northern gaza. and that was part of what was struck today, though workers had been getting some of that a, that's been brought in by the sea to that warehouse when they were killed, tragically leaving it, we've also been hearing outrage expressed for many of the international organizations that have been trying to get around this blockade to bring food to the hungry, including the head of the un's relief agency in the occupied territories there's pointed out that this is not tragically an isolated incident. he says there have been 196 deaths. with humanitarian workers in the occupied territories since
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the war began. again, in october 2023. and he points out that is three times the amount of aid workers killed in any single conflict in a year anywhere. john, so it gives you an idea of just how dangerous the situation is for these aid workers. john, >> the work is incredibly dangerous, as we said, incredibly selfless. and now we see the tragic consequences of what happened there. melissa bell. thank you so much >> so the new campaign message want this morning by the biden campaign and battleground states why the advice targets florida and shows the biden team sees abortion rights as such a winning issue for them right now. and a navy veteran is arrested after ramming his car to the front gates of an fbi office. the new details coming in on that man and why he didn't
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goal, a 700 credits for joining me at there's new ally in the fight against climate change. >> this is in car business, blue carbon. we >> just need to >> protect nature will do rest in carbon >> cnn film sunday, april 21 at nine. new this morning, house speaker mike johnson says, the he'll be able to survive threats to oust him from his post this is after fellow republican congresswoman marjorie taylor greene threatened to trigger a vote to remove him if he brings a ukrainian a bill to the floor, she has already filed a motion to vacate johnson is now talking about alternate options to support ukraine. see it in congressional correspondent lauren fox joins us now lorand, what is the speaker's plan to try and keep his position? >> yeah. i mean, he's obviously very
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>> confident and he's been going around doing these interviews and conservative media to boost what he believes is a path to keep the speakership. mike johnson saying yesterday he says frustrated as marjorie taylor greene when it comes to how limited their ability has been to get conservative wins. but here's what he says. >> the solution should be >> she's trying to send a message. i respect the message. i share her again, her her frustration about the process. but the way for us to fix that is to grow the house majority. and the way to do that is the stand united together on the agenda going forward speaker johnson has said repeatedly over the course of the last several days that he does plan to talk to marjorie taylor greene this week. but the next weeks ahead are going to be very difficult for the speaker to really thread that needle because he is staring down to issues that could give him problems with the right flank. one of them is renewing a security program known as fisa.
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the other is dealing with this ukraine aid, something that people like marjorie taylor greene are opposed to an any form. there are other chances and other opportunities, perhaps the johnson could convince some conservatives that he is doing it way that maybe they wouldn't vote for, but they wouldn't view as so problematic. but there are a handful of members like marjorie taylor greene, who don't want any more aid flowing to ukraine at all. sarah, and that is a difficult position that johnson is finding himself in. >> so much infighting so little time, lauren fox. thank you so much. john, are the >> florida supreme court clears the way for a ban on abortions there after six weeks before most women know they're pregnant. so what's the response from the most famous? residents of florida donald trump the answer might surprise you. and then the breaking news coming just moments ago, israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu says it was a tragic accident that a bombing led to the unintentional death of
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seven aid workers in gaza from world central kitchen we are waiting to get a response from that organization >> sunday new interviews with a return israeli hostages >> what is the meaning of being hostage? phrase, no certainty. >> and the fight for the release of those still in captivity the whole story with anderson cooper, sunday at eight on cnn, with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis, my skin was no longer mine. >> my active psoriatic arthritis joint symptoms held me back don't let symptoms to fine. you emerge as you withdrawn via most people saw 90% clear skin at four months and the majority 40 stay clearer. i'd five years from phi is proven to significantly reduce joint pain stiffness, and swelling. it's just six doses a year after to starter doses cbs allergic reactions may occur, can fire, may increase your risk of
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infections and lower your ability to fight them. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms for if you had a vaccine, are planning to emerge as you emerged trim fired ask your doctor about trump via so would you get to nashville hot tenders and three mandarin orange tenders i would by chew three classic tenders for better flash ram for the guy baby, i'll win. no is it always a competition? i am the shrimp bought >> which like are we operating asking the right question can greatly impact your future >> sure. you're an orthopedist, especially when it comes to your finances, are yes certified financial planner. >> i'm a cfp professional cop >> professionals are committed to acting in your best interest. that's why it's gotta be a cfb >> i love your dress
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>> they told us to follow our dreams >> ben >> said they were unrealistic because passions don't pay bills >> but what they didn't know >> is that dreamers make their own victory get your >> viewing glasses ready. it flips across america live monday at one >> president biden heading to baltimore on friday for a firsthand law of the record it's of the key bridge he will also meet with local officials about reopening the baltimore port as fast as possible. biden has said the federal government will pay to rebuild the bridge the mayor of uvalde, texas has resigned effective immediately. yesterday. cody smith analyses stepping down to focus on his health. smith did not reveal
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the nature of his mouth purple condition. smith was elected to office following the 2022 mass shooting at robb elementary school, where 19 students and two teachers were killed >> the left it's office just days before the uvalde police chief is set to leave office, the chief announce his resignation last month and the powerball jot point as risen to $1 billion, $1 so you still have a chance to win because nobody matched the six numbers last night, the next drawing tomorrow servers are just crazy. >> that still means i'm still going to buy a ticket >> a navy veteran is now under arrest after allegedly ramming his car into the entrance gate of an fbi field office, it atlanta and the fbi says that he was trying to follow an employee through that gate at the time cnn's ryan young is in atlanta, has got much more. there's just a ton of questions about what the heck really is going on here. well more are you learning about why he did this to investigators know yet? >> yeah, that's what
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investigators are keeping close to themselves right now. keda, of course, we're all trying to figure out that exact bit of information because you see how well that security system worked there at the fbi headquarters just outside of atlanta, that barricade can stop powerful vehicles from moving forward. you can see the damage to the front of the vehicle. a lot of folks talking about how he tried to tailgate someone going yet and then at some point to other agents who were in that parking lot, we're able to apprehend the menn now we know he was taken to a downtown hospital. that's where he was getting get an evaluation. he is not popped up in the jail records so far. so that evaluation can take anywhere from 24 to 36 hours. we didn't believe the local police did the cab county police will take him into custody and then move him to the sheriff's office. what we know yesterday, around 12 30. that's what he tried to tailgate someone popped out of that small car. the bomb squad responded, looked inside that vehicle and found no weapons and there was no weapons on the man, according to the fbi. so at this point, it's really trying to figure out what was the motivation. have there? but in an online postings toward
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the fbi was he trying to get some sort of attention? these are all questions we want to ask. i've already talked to the fbi about whether or not they'd released the video from that security camera that's just above that opening. they said they would probably do that and this will probably move to not only state and federal charges, but that newer fbi building is 40 certified in a way that a lot of other buildings around the area or not. so you can see all that came into place yesterday, stopping this man from gaining entry and following the other employee in sur i got you, ryan. thank you so much for that sir. >> all right. the biden campaign has just unveiled a new ad focusing on abortion rights after a florida state supreme court ruling effectively allow the state to ban abortion after six weeks of pregnancy when most women don't even know they're pregnant the court's decision has paved the way for one of the country's strictest and most far-reaching abortion bans to take effect. and in another ruling released the same time, the judges allowed florida voters sit aside this fall,
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whether to expand abortion access. cnn's carlos suarez is joining us now from miami it's morning. give us some sense of these rulings because on the one hand, the court has stuck with and the governor signing the six-week ban and on the other hand, floridians will have a chance to change that that's exactly right, sarah. so i'll good morning. top republicans in florida, as you can imagine, are trying to ban not only tout the court's decision in allowing for this six-week ban to take effect, that about 30 days. but according to some top officials here in florida, including the state speaker of the house, he said for is going to be an effort to try and defeat the abortion ballot amendment. now the court did away with years and years of precedent in that ruling yesterday, when they decided that the right to privacy in the florida constitution does not protect the right to an abortion. now, this decision again clears away for this sixth so week ban in
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florida to take effect in about 30 days of florida now joins a long list of states across the southeast that have some restrictions, if not an outright ban on abortions. now, planned parenthood of florida told me that the impact once this takes effect is really going to go beyond women that just live in florida, noting that in recent years, more and more women were coming to florida from some of these other states with some of these restrictions to try to access abortion services here in florida, a here now is a physician with planned parenthood talking about the impact that we're going to see in the short term for people that live in florida, the closest state they're going to be able to get 2s. virginia for people >> that are in tennessee, georgia, alabama. they're looking at places like illinois. they'll have to go to illinois would be the closest access points. so florida is
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according to state, not just for floridians, but for the southeast region of our country with all those people that need help and that are coming here all right. >> so the florida supreme court also ruled that voters will decide whether to expand access to abortion the justices yesterday also were proved the wording of a state constitutional amendment that would protect the right to an abortion in florida, the ballot amendment would prohibit the restriction of an abortion before viability which is around the 24 to 28 weeks of pregnancy. it is important to note here that 60% of voters would have to approve it in november in order for it's a pass now, in a statement on both of these decisions, planned parenthood at yesterday said in part, quote our health centers will continue to provide the high expert sexual and reproductive health care floridians have come to know and depend on and look forward to the day when access to abortion care isn't determined
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by where you live. you can expect the issue to come up later this morning when health and human services secretary javier becerra takes part in a visit to south florida. again, both of these decisions that no doubt will impact the presidential race in november of course, florida historically has been on the republican side of things. however, democrats believe that they can use this this issue to perhaps put the state in play sarah, >> the biden administration >> thinks it could be the winning formula to focus on this very issue. thank you so much, carlos suarez for your reporting. john >> all right. with us now, is national political reporter for the bulk work markup pluto, no exaggeration to say the pre-image rapporteur on florida politics that lives on planet earth. mark great to see you. surely, i'm one of your stature had been able to get a response from the most famous resident in florida, donald trump on this monumental move on abortion. what does donald trump and the trump campaign
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had to say about this? donald trump and the trump campaign's say look abortion is now a states rights issue. and i support the right of people to decide this so how does florida man donald trump, intend to vote on florida's abortion amendment? he's not saying what's his opinion about some of the language. he's not saying. in fact, it's sort of emblematic of trust overall approach to abortion, which is sort of a don't ask, don't tell policy worked for him in the primary. he got a lot of support from pro or better said, anti-abortion voters however, how long this can last into the general is anyone's guess as you just reported earlier joe biden's campaign is is not going to let this issue rest >> he's not saying and i was jesting about you getting a response from the trump campaign. exhibit terrific piece in the bulk work this morning explaining how reticent trump is and the trump campaign to say anything concrete about this? why, why are they being it's so murky on this will
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donald trump privately actually doesn't even like to say the word abortion. he actually uses the phrase the a word. he believes it is a toxic issue for republicans. he looks at the 2022 performance of republicans in the midterms and in addition to that, you see whenever abortion has been on the ballot, it has passed. now, florida is a little different. it's got 60% threshold. so who knows? >> but the reality is, when you >> have the issue tree of things that voters say is most important. when it comes to abortion. that is an issue that donald trump loses on. he wins on inflation over joe biden, according to polling, he wins on immigration also a top issue on voters minds. abortion is farther down, but on that issue he loses to biden. so obviously, biden wants to talk about it. donald trump doesn't. he'd rather talking about immigration and inflation so biden doesn't just want to talk about the biden campaign wants to air ads on it, including this one, which they just released this morning. let's play just a little piece of it >> because for 54 years they were trying to get roe v. wade terminated and i did it and
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i'm proud to have done it in 2016, donald trump ran two we're roe v. wade now in 2024, he's running to pass a national ban on a woman's right to choose. i'm running to make roe v. wade the the land again. so women have a federal guaranteed to the right to choose. donald trump doesn't trust women. >> i do. >> i'm >> joe biden and i approve this message it is worth noting that donald trump hasn't officially wade in yet, whether he would, back of 15 or 16 week abortion ban. but obviously the biden campaign looking for political gains here, and it does baig the question in florida, if abortion is on the ballot where abortion has been on the ballot, abortion rights has one, how much of an impact could that have in a presidential election in florida? mark >> it's a good question. florida has had a history of voting for liberal leaning or democratic sponsored amendments to the constitution, minimum wage medical marijuana, anti
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gerrymandering, and at the same time that they supported those left wing charitably speaking, are those democratic or liberal leaning ideas? florida voters at the same time voted in right-wing politicians, trump. rubio desantis, rick scott so if passed is prologue, it's hard to see how that's going to change. you also have to look at the past of florida and the present in the past in 2008, the registered florida democrats out numbered registered republicans and florida by about 655,000. 2008. now, republicans out number registered democrats in the state by 850,000 the state is become much more republican. there's also a small potential problem for the abortion rights supporters in ordered for this to pass, as we've said before, it takes 60%. that means they not only want a majority of a super majority of democrats, a super majority of independence. they're going to need at least a majority of republican begins
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if the race becomes too partisan, they run the risk of turning off republican voters and having them vote no, if they think it's a stalking horse for joe biden >> now, >> whether that happens or not, we're going to see this. this is why campaigns matter. but there is sort of an internal tension that can be at play here by turning this into much more of a partisan issue, than some of the sponsors would like >> mark bhutto. it is great to see you on this issue this morning. as i said, your piece would just up in the bulk oraa this morning is a terrific read get everyone should go look at it as soon as we go to commercial. thank you. >> all right. the breaking news just moments ago israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu just responded to the airstrike that killed seven workers from the world world central kitchen. he said, the idf unintentionally struck innocent people. we are standing by for a response now, from world central kitchen and the markets that to open shortly donald trump lost 1 billion yesterday on paper this morning, futures for his social media company he
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free, visit ai or download the app. >> this is the big dance. it's great to hear the music, the magic of madness. >> it's time to dance whether you need a while, you can >> who that do >> all right. it was a rematch for ages, caitlin clark and iowa in the final four after beating the 2023 champs lsu. cnn's own hoop star, brynn jin grass is with me now and breonna happened to say that the first half of this game, especially was one of the best hacer basketball i have ever seen. both teen just going at it yeah.
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>> i mean, john, i heard you say that earlier in the show. i mean, it's just shows you how much passion they had for playing this game. this entire game, as we know, was being hyped up as a repeat of the national championship between these two teams last year. and it did not disappoint, as you just said, it just had so how much grid? so many points were scored? i mean, so much action. and of course these two standout stars and their teams, everybody is talking about the 41 points that caitlin clark scored with also remember she had 12 assists. it was so clear watching her play, how much she elevates her teammates and that is what ultimately led to them winning against lsu. but it also guys, if when you compare it to last year, i had the same drama between those two standout players, angel reese from lsu and caitlin clark. we saw angel reese put a crown on the bench while caitlin clark was warming up at the beginning of the game when caitlin clark would hit a big three, she would point right at angel reese. i mean, it had all of this sort of drama that everybody was sort of expecting
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from those two big players. but ultimately it was iowa and the hawkeyes who were able to cut down those nets heading to the final four after beating ellis let's see you and i gotta say, i want you to hear from kim mulkey, the coach of lsu, and what she said to caitlin clark at the end of this game >> do you just a generational player and she just makes everybody around her better that's what the great ones do. i think they had a kid that scored 21 and 18. she had 12 assist clark's not going to beat you by herself. it's what she does to make those other teammates better. that helps her school points and them score points to beat you what did i say to her i said, i sure am glad you leaving yeah >> i mean, angel reese said to her and keep elevating the game. angel reese has done that too for young girls and john, that was my favorite part of
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being at this game last night. the seeing sort of everyone erupt in the stands when these girls were both women were just playing with their teams and having a good time and scoring and just loving what they do at the end of the game, i got to tell you how many young little girls and boys were waiting for caitlin clark signature. i mean, that just shows you how much these players have elevated the game adjacent to date games ted lasso himself was in the stands wearing a sweatshirt that said, everyone watches women's sports. i mean, that is just sort of the exclamation point of the night. and of course now iowa is going to be a facing you khan, who has their own standout stores in the final four as well as nc state in south carolina. so it's going to be an exciting final four there in cleveland. john billy is what a moment it was. i am so glad you've got to be there fringe and grass, great to see this morning. very much. thank you. >> could there be a higher compliment here from an via opposing coach? one of such statute of view, i'm just glad you're nothing else we can do, but what you out so good
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>> all right. let's dirt out of this the biden administration is >> expected to greenlight a major sale to israel of us fighter jets. sources say the deal includes up to 50 f 15 fighter jets and could be worth upwards of 18 billion. it'll be the biggest weapons sales to israel since the war with hamas began after the october 7 terror attack let's go over cnn's jennifer hansler. she's got much more on this different, what more you learning about this sale? >> okay. this is a really significant moment because we have heard from the biden administration that they are concerned. they have said they are concerned about the humanitarian civilian toll that this cell just goes to show that they are standing by israel militarily, even despite those concerns. now, what we know about the sale is that it includes upwards of 50 fighter jets as well as their engines, their gun systems that radars, and they're navigation systems, as well as the support that is needed to may and maintain those jets. we do not expect that this sale will be expedited is what a us official
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told me. so israel wouldn't get these jets for about five years, but the syl, the timing is very significant and likely to cause a lot of debate in congress. we have seen more and more democratic lawmakers call on the biden administration to enact restrictions or conditions on the military aid as the toll in gaza continues to grow, we have not seen the biden administration signal that they are willing to put any conditions on at this point, though, of course, that could change if israel goes into rafah. but at this point, we are hearing for administration officials rituals that they are standing by their longstanding commitment to israel's security and what they say israel's need for self-defense among a number of what they say are enemies and opponents that surround them now another key aspect of this cell k is we know they are about to give it the approval because they have taken the first step in this process. they have let both the top democrat and republic on a republican on the house foreign affairs committee and the
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senate foreign relations committee know about this sale. we know that the top republican cans on both of those committees have given there. go ahead to this sale, but the democrats on both of those committees could put a hold on. this will be waiting to see what the lawmakers do about this massive $18 billion sale. >> yeah. and if they really do move to put a hold on this or block this, so it would be huge moment to see that happen. but let's say it's great to see you, jennifer. thank you so much, sir >> all right. back to our breaking news. israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu saying now that israeli forces unintentionally struck innocent people in gaza that strike killed seven workers with world central kitchen and aid group that works around the globe, feeding people in war zones and disaster areas. netanyahu is calling this a tragic incident and saying it will be thoroughly investigated. joining me now, is evelyn farkas. she is a former deputy assistant secretary of defense. evelyn, let me start with this. jose andres, the chef who founded world central kitchen, said this before the admission
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by the prime minister because his organization believed it was an israeli airstrike that killed seven of their aid workers. he said the israeli government, in part needs to stop this indiscriminate killing. it needs to stop restricting humanitarian aid stop killing civilians and aid workers and stop using food as a weapon. no more innocent lives lost. piece starts with our shared humanity and needs to start. now now we have heard from netanyahu who has confirmed it was the israeli military could this be a catalyst to get israel to rethink its tactics specially since it's been in talks with the united states who has been warning them not to advance into rafah i think this is another pressure point, right now coming at a time when netanyahu is >> witnessing multiple days, i think running three or four or maybe a protest in israel itself where the families of the hostages being held by the hamas terrorists are demonstrating to try to get
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israel to accept a ceasefire with hamas. so that the hostages can be released. and so we can frankly go on a glide path to some diplomatic settlement. i think that jose andres is absolutely right, and i think our government has been trying increasingly to put more public pressure on the israeli government to do as a suggested, put the people, this civilians and the food needs first because there's an artificial starvation occurring right now, especially in the north of gaza, which is why the central kitchen was there. i do want to ask you about these pressure points because on the one hand, the biden administration is telling israel not to invade rafah, where there are 1 million plus palestinian to have taken refuge. and on the other hand, though, you just heard case report, the administration is set to sign off on the largest us foreign military sales to israel, including f 16 jets since the start of the war. i mean, how can they square this? >> i don't think it's contradictory, sarah, we stick with israel. israel is our
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ally. >> we defend the >> right of israel to its sovereignty and defend the right of israel to frankly go into gaza and take out those hamas fighters. it's the way that they're doing it that we are now objecting to we're trying to get them to change jets and everything that we do to give israel. but we call the qualitative edge against all of its enemies array there in the middle east is really important. so i think these are two separate things. it does mean that we're backing israel where your friend, we're giving you this weaponry that's a signal that we're still on israel side, but you have to listen to your ally who is giving you all this weaponry >> so far that has not been the case, and we'll have to see what happens. i do want to stay in the region speaking of enemies, there is an airstrike that destroyed and iranian consulate in syria leaving seven people dead that number i think is starting to rise, including top iranian commanders, iran and hezbollah
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both vowing revenge. and there are reports the us told iran that it had no involvement or advanced knowledge of this but there are reports that israel is behind the strike could this be an inflection point to escalate a wider conflict in the region >> the first era i think it's disputed whether this is really a conflict the israeli government has said that this is an iranian revolutionary guard posts. so these are the folks who are conducting attacks against israel and its allies all over the world, including the united states personnel. so i think we should make sure to be careful not to give the iranians the benefit of the doubt on what kind of building this was. second, israel has been conducting strikes inside of syria on iranian proxy. and even sometimes iranian installations like this one for years and
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frankly, russia, iran. we, the international community has sort of look the other way. i don't expect this to change anything radically, although i will say they did hit some high rank thanking military officers and iran does tend to respond to that. but again, it's usually a for tat, so they will probably try to target some high level military or some other kind of installation. iran is not interested in getting an a direct war with israel. for them, it's perfectly convenient to have their, their proxies, whether it's the hamas fighters, the hezbollah are the houthis fighting against israel, but they don't want to get an a direct war which they've been doing. >> i just >> want to quickly ask you about ukraine, secretary anthony blinken is in france discussing ukraine and the born gaza. you are in ukraine last week for the kyiv security forum and met with ukrainian officials, speaker johnson. mike johnson seems to be signaling a vote potentially on ukraine aid, but says he has some alternatives that he's
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looking at. nothing is guaranteed. what are you hear from the ukrainians? >> i mean, look there, the ukrainians are incredibly frustrated. they don't know what to make of the fact that very slim minority of one party in is hoing up the entire us foreign policy, which the vast majority of members of congress, and of course the allow for assistance to ukraine to the ukrainians are really frustrated and upset. having said that, i think we have tried to reassure them that speaker johnson it does intend to do something to help ukraine. and i think any of the options that he has put out recently alone frankly, tying it to lng facilities. i don't think the ukrainians differentiate and as far as those of us who understand what's at stake here, we just want the assistance to come through. you. i have an opinion piece and the hill running that says basically that


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