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tv   CNN Newsroom With Jim Acosta  CNN  April 2, 2024 7:00am-8:00am PDT

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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for. filter or visit leaf today, seven astronauts setting off on a scientific mission, columbia used in check. >> i didn't know anything concerning it happen there were people that did though >> the space shuttle accident, it's usually not one >> thing, it's a series of
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space shuttle columbia, >> the final >> flight premieres >> sunday at nine on >> cnn good morning. >> you were alive in the cnn newsroom. i'm jim acosta in washington. are right now, we are waiting remarks from secretary of state tony blinken there he is in paris with french officials is about to speak on the situation in the middle east. we will bring us some of that to you live as it happens. but first, former president donald trump is once again going after the judge overseeing the former president's upcoming hush money trial in new york, that judge has been moving in to rein in trump's rhetoric, expanding a gag order less than two weeks ahead of that hush money criminal trial. trump is now prohibited did from attacking court officials, families, including judge merchan's daughter who he described as quote, a rabid
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trump hater to his millions of followers so far trump has abided by the new terms, refraining from additional over attacks on the judge's family, but the judge himself, we should note, is not protected effect trump was quick to take advantage of this morning once again, alleging corruption without any evidence at all, has judge merchan's a warning that trump's words pose a quote, very real threat to those involved in the case and their families. cnn's kara scannell joins me now. kara, apologies if we have to break away to the secretary period of state, but what more can you tell us? it sounds as though trump is once again trying to dance right up to that line that the judges laid out saying you know, you can go this far, but no farther. >> yeah i mean, immediately after the just hours after the judge issued this gag order last night, donald trump is up again this time targeting the judge and the judge has made clear he is not part of this gag order. he is fair game and it's all the past gag orders that trump has faced is also
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kind of have that same contour and trump is taking advantage of that log which and more attacks today. but the judge expanded the gag order, which only protected prosecutors, witnesses, and jurors from being the subject of trump's attacks to now, including family members of his as well as the manhattan district attorney, alvin bragg's family, and he did this at the request of manhattan prosecutors who brought this to the judge's attention given the on slot of attacks about the judge and the judge's daughter who works for democratic political consulting firm, the judge in his order saying, as you pointed out there, that the threat is real and that is the potential intimidation of witnesses and the threat to the actual trial itself, to the integrity of this trial. and that is why the judge said he was imposing this extension of the gag order on trump. he also said that this in no way prevents trump from responding to political attacks or defending himself he is just drawing a new line here saying that trump can't interfere with a fair trial. jim even though the judge is allowing
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attacks on himself, essentially that does not remove the prospect that these threats obviously can >> evolve. it. >> were >> sinister things on the parts of trump's supporters and so on. if they decide to do something to lash out on behalf of the former president and kara, we're also learning about some of the high profile witnesses that may testify in the case. what are we talking about here? >> right. i mean, it is the usual suspects. if you've been following this story, this case is about the hush money payments that that trump helped make to stormy daniels to stop her from going public with allegations of an affair just days before the 2016 election. and the cover up of that. so prosecutors are expected to call michael cohen, stormy daniels, david who is the publisher of the national enquirer with a longtime friend of donald trump's and worked with him on orchestrating number of these catching killed deals, as well as hope hicks, who was a member of trump's campaign. this as the prosecutors tried to set the theory three of the case, which is that trump was trying to
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cover this up because he was afraid that after the access hollywood tape came out, more information about trump and women could dissuade female voters from voting for him. so prosecutors want to create the scene and the scramble within the campaign at this key moment before the 2016 election all right. >> bringing back some of the trump's soap opera, it sounds as though with some of those characters on that list of witnesses, kara scannell. thank you very much. let's discuss now with democratic strategist, former senior advisers, senator bernie sanders presidential campaign chuck raja, and former republican congressman joe walsh. check joe great to see both you. a great to see you here in the studio. joe, let me start with you first. i mean, we did mention a few moments ago in this latest opposed from trump, he's not going after the judge's daughter overtly, though he did refer to conflicts taking place in the courtroom and that's a pretty veiled knots veiled reference to the judge's daughter trump is playing a game here, isn't he? he dances up to the line, sometimes crosses it, wants to see what the judge does and
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reaction to it. and then if you can get a gag order or something like that, it sounds is that what he wants to do? is create a delay mechanism keep getting into these situations where a gag order comes in. he dances up to the line, may violate it, and that sets up another distraction that may delay the case further >> and you're right, you end he's never, ever held accountable. so he will keep dancing up to that line and crossing that line because no one holds them accountable. my god war three i have years removed from january 6, and he still hasn't been put on trial in he's the guy who incited january jim, his goal here besides delay is violence. everything he does is to incite violence. that image from a few days ago of the president of the united states, joe biden being kidnapped, and he posts this is all part of the same game plan he wants to incite violence and shock. i mean, that is where trump, i mean, in a twisted way, draws some of his strength because he can go after people in this fashion, the judges allowing it he's
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allowing trump to go after, after himself and, you know, it's a way to sort of sick his supporters on people when he gets into hot water. >> it's also waveform to raise money because every time the judge puts some kind of order on him, he uses that. he goes online and he tells his rabbit supporters, look what they're doing. they're silencing you they're silencing us we will not be sallust and he's never to joe's point, ever held accountable countable once it's got going to go to jail for doing something against the law. if miriam did that democrat or republican, we go to jail. they would come get us and put us in jail if we violated that. was the rule is not a plot of this guy that's what i want to know. >> yeah. >> i mean, in joe just to branch off from what kara scannell was saying a few moments ago about some of these upcoming witnesses. i mean, what is that going to say to the public when they see the likes of kellyanne conway and hope hicks being paraded into the courthouse i mean, it's going to refresh a lot of memories as to what was going on during those very four very tumultuous four years of trump had an office when he did whatever he could to suppress this from coming out. you're
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talking jim, about people who were in the room under oath testifying to what they saw that should scare him. everybody who it's because everybody in the country, jim will become aware of it, except for people who just watch fox news and they'll probably never learn it. >> you can't do alternative facts on the witness stand under under oath. yeah. i think that's the big difference here is you're going to >> have folks who people know. it's going to come out every day and might be questions always been, how do you do all this while running a campaign like it's campaign time now, like he's going starting to go to states and starting to have rallies. i don't see how he's gonna be able to run a campaign and being demo. >> this is his campuses good points >> that's how he raises the money for sure this is least with the money comes from just very quickly jot wanted to talk to you about what joe kennedy had to say last night. it's a lot of sound here, hopefully as kennedy says it faster but less listen to work. rfk junior said last night with ehrenberg the greatest threat democracy is not somebody who questions election returns, but a
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president united states will use the power of his office to force a social media companies, facebook, instagram, twitter, don't open a portal and give access portal to the fbi cia, the irs, the size at the nih, the censor his political critics >> joe rfk jr. you're trying to say last night that biden is more of a threat to democracy than donald trump. and that's obviously not true. >> and then he's >> getting into these conspiracy theories again to say something gym that's just wages to say that is to reveal yourself as a thoroughly dishonest person and look the jig is up. he is in this race to help donald trump, period. >> he made that clear last night. the one thing he made to the reason he got pulled off those platforms as he was telling people not to take a vaccine, he was harming people. and that's what we won't know. we won't people taken who are good and crazy people that, that in getting her, you shouldn't be running for president. >> yeah. all right. chuck joe, i have a feeling we're gonna be talking about rfk junior. plenty in this upcoming
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campaign because he is going to be a factor in some of these battleground states, guys. thank you very much. nauta, a major development that could reshape the 2024 election as abortion access we'll be on the ballot in florida this fall, while the state's conservative supreme court paved the way for a six-week abortion pan band passed last year to go into effect. the justices in a separate ruling said voters will be able to decide on a constitutional amendment protecting abortion access. this fall to discuss, we're joined by loren bronzeville. she is campaign director of yes. odd four, which helped coordinate support for an abortion access initiative to appear on the ballot in florida this fall lauren, what did you make of what the state supreme court had to say? i mean, obviously a big setback for abortion rights in florida in allowing this six-week abortion ban to go into effect >> yeah, it was a day for a ton of mixed emotions for us. >> we had confirmed what we >> always knew to be true,
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which was that our language was constitutional and deserve to go to the voters in november. >> but we >> also now have a six-week ban that's going to go into effect in florida the consequences of that band will be devastating and it makes it absolutely clear why voters need to vote yes, on amendment for it in november >> yeah. and lauren, what about this constitutional amendment? that's going to appear on the ballot in november tell us more about that. what would that do and how might that galvanize abortion rights of voters in florida as we've seen in other states around the country this past couple of years there's amendment is so simple what it does is removed politicians ability to interfere with her private medical decisions in florida already, we >> have 15 week abortion ban that has no exemptions for rape or incest. and now we're about to see this six-week ban go into effect the point of this initiative is to stop this intense critical interference that treats abortion as a wedge issue. instead of health care
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>> and i mean, what do you think? do you expect the same kind of outpouring of support for abortion rights that we've seen in some of these other states. >> we absolutely do. >> normal people, people who aren't politicians, >> they've abortion has health care. they think of it as a private decision between themselves and their doctors. it's only politicians who are making this issue political right now. >> and what about i mean, might this put florida and play >> i think that florida is always in play. we are the third largest state in the nation. you can't just deny an entire electorate. there's too many people here and there's so much at stake this cycle, especially with abortion now being directly on the ballot, going directly plead to the voters without any interference >> all right. lauren rozelle. thank you very much. and we wanna go straight out to the secretary of state, tony blinken. he has now commenting on that strike that resulted in the deaths that killed aid workers with world central
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kitchen. let's go to that right now. >> b also reiterate what's defense said about the attack on the world >> food kitchen >> members world central kitchen, excuse me first i can only say that for so many of us we, extend our condolences to the loved ones. >> so the families the friends, the colleagues of those who lost their lives as, well as those who were injured i spoke to joseon drops just about a week ago about the efforts that world central kitchen is engaged in in gaza as it is in many other conflict zones around the world, including in ukraine they had been doing extraordinary brave work. day in, day out. and critical work to try to make sure that people in need get what they need,
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starting with the most basic thing of all food to survive the victims of yesterday's strike >> join a record number of >> humanitarian workers have been killed in this particular conflict. these people are heroes >> they run into the fire not away from it they show the best of what humanity has to offer when the going gets tough they have to be protected we shouldn't have a situation where people who are simply trying to help their fellow human beings our themselves at grave risk >> we spoken directly to the israeli government about this particular incident. we've urged a swift, a thorough, and impartial investigation to understand exactly what happened as we have throughout
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this conflict, we've impressed upon the israelis, the absolute imperative of doing more to protect innocent civilian lives be they palestinian children, women and men or b, they aid workers as well as to get more humanitarian assistance to more people more effectively >> and i was secretary of state tony blinken. finally, in paris talking about the israeli strike on aid workers with the world central kitchen. that is the global organization run by a claim chef jose andres. i want to bring in our international diplomatic editor, nic robertson to weigh in on this on nick. i mean, obviously it's just devastating news to hear what took place in here about the deaths of those aid workers that mean we've talked to jose andres many times. these folks put their lives on the line, going to hotspots all over the world to try to help people in need that's exactly what they
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were doing in gaza. and seven of these aid workers lost their lives your sense of what the secretary of state had to say a few moments ago >> yeah. it was moving and he said he's spoken thea about it, the imperative and the need that this aid workers should be et, continue this important work. it was the best work that can be done in this situation. the humanitarian support necessary sorry work. we heard from the french foreign minister as well speaking, speaking about this strike as well commending the workers. very clear that both these both these menn here take this as one to take it to the highest levels that they can in israel and make sure that it doesn't happen. the need to be able to continue to feed the people of gaza, the desperate humanitarian situation there. so this was something the secretary of state dwelt on quite a bit. he was, of course, talking about francis support
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in ukraine. francis support to de-escalate the tension insurance in there in the middle east as well particularly in lebanon. and we heard of which is of course subject to discussion at the moment because of that strike on the iranian embassy, iranian consulate building killing senior irgc members in damascus yesterday, the french foreign minister saying that they do have diplomatic relations with with the lebanese, that they have reached out to them, that they do think that they're working on a sort of a compromise solution at the moment between the, between the lebanese and israel at the moment to de-escalate tensions, secretary state antony blinken echoed that. so but on the issue, i think of the aid workers here, this this is so important and both both men made it very central to their speeches here writer nick, i mean, the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu said that israeli forces quote unintentionally struck >> innocent people in the gaza
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strip. referring to the strike and he went on to say that it happens in war and we are thoroughly investigating it. i mean, i wonder how some of those comments are going to come across internationally because of there's so much respect for jose andres's organization and what they do. i mean, this yes, this thing happens in war, but it shouldn't write. and then war thousands of civilians shouldn't also die and i think the credibility of israeli officials will be put under the microscope again here, and the credibility will be judged deck credibility on this will be judged when they call the highest level investigation on the outcome of that investigation, we have international figures calling and you heard secretary of state antony blinken calling, calling for it. there independent investigation. this is what this is what the international community is asking of israel four here. and
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as well as not particularly in the past, obliged to the level that the international community wants to investigate some of the unfortunate as israel would term it consequences of the war inside of gaza. some of the unintended consequences as israel would say, of the war in gaza. so i think the judgment here is, of course, going to be on the thoroughness of the investigation and how independent it is viewed as being the vehicle appears to be clearly marked at the time of the attack, seems to be very precise strike on the vehicle all of these things here, we'll go into that will go into the investigation of why it came to be in the crosshairs of the missile that headed why these particular aid workers should find themselves victims in a conflict where they had gone just to give help to the innocent that's right. all
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right. nic robertson. thank you very much. and we'll be right back >> spatial colombia, the final flight, premieres sunday at 900 seek >> then necessary no. >> neither is missing your daughter's competition to do payroll with pay com employs do their own payroll. so you don't have to miss your daughter's big day >> time to shine get. pay calm, and make the unnecessary unnecessary >> feeling boxed in by restrictive weight loss plans, break out of the box with club advantage or new health and wellness service that fits your lifestyle and your approach to weight loss with get access to personalized meal plans developed by dieticians based on proven science that adapts to your goals, nutrition,
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hezbollah vowing revenge your thoughts on whether or not we could see this conflict that's already very, very intense, becoming a much wider conflict after this strike in damascus well, clearly it's a high-risk situation. we are very concerned about escalation of the conflict. it's a no one's interest escalate this conflict. we know that in regards certainly to israel, but also in regards to iran so, we hope that we will see com prevail from the point of view of escalation, we recognize that could be very dangerous situation. >> look, it's it's >> it's when iran is supporting so many proxies in the region >> you have >> serious challenges with hezbollah in lebanon, you have the militias in syria you have what's happening with the hoodies in the red sea. it's a very dangerous situation that's why it's urgent that we move forward and find a way
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to end this threat of hamas in the region and senator israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu is commenting on the strike that killed these seven world central kitchen, a workers who worked >> with jose andres, as you know, they, they do amazing work all over the world. they were in gaza, they were killed by an israeli airstrike. the prime minister saying this morning, quote, it happens in war. jose andres put out a tweet last night that says a lot of things he's obviously grieving for the people with his organization, but he also says the israeli government needs to stop this indiscriminate killing. oh, putting his tweet up on screen to our viewers. this does jose. there's a shaft have a point there. and what's your response to what the prime minister had to say xj andreas does incredible work his organization has provided such desperately needed nutrition around the world i am him
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greatly. it's very dangerous situation that was caused by hamas attack against israel. israel needs to comply with the laws of war they need to make sure that they respect the best possibility of avoiding civilian casualties >> and they need >> to cooperate great in regards to humanitarian assistance, we can all do better in that regard. but that's recognized the risk factor of a mosque in the region >> i didn't want to turn to this sources telling cnn that the biden administration is close to approving the sale of f 15 fighter jets to israel as positive, possibly as many as 50 of these jets, president biden has faced international pressure, even from some democrats to impose conditions on israel to limit civilian casualties in gaza. obviously, it's a critical issue. this warning, given this deadly strike on the world central kitchen aid workers what should the president do about that?
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>> jim recognize that this is these fft's won't be delivered for about five years. it takes a long time for them to be manufactured and produced and delivered. so it has nothing to do with the current conflict in gaza also recognize the fact that there is conditions on all us arms sales. so we already have requirements of complying with the laws of war and humanitarian assistance and things like that are already built into all of our arms sales to all of our allies so this is not an issue involving the current conflict. it's going through the normal review process. and i expect that we will continue to be a partner with visual in the region. >> senator, i don't have to tell you there are members of your own party who were very uncomfortable with the idea of sending more weapons to israel with all of this killing that is going on gaza right now, you have seven aid workers. this morning who have nothing to do with this conflict other than wanting to feed starving people
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who were, who were killed >> what about that? what about members of your own party who say? maybe netanyahu needs to be sent a message here >> well, first of all, it would not affect the current administration or the current circumstances and the lease. we're talking about modernization of forces, moving forward. but we all agree that israel needs to be engage with us in a way to avoid that the civilian losses we've seen. and we have been very direct about the rafah campaign, that it must not involve unnecessary risks to civilian populations. so i think we are directed to the current circumstances that is how do we deal with the remaining threat of hamas? and how do we protect the civilian population and how do we get more desperately humanitarian assistance to the palestinians? so we are very much want to do everything we possibly can to aid the humanitarian assistance
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and to protect civilian populations from this war senator, finally, i did want to ask you about the bridge collapse in baltimore. are you satisfied with the pace of getting things going there in the harbor? and what do you what do you thk about some of these republican members of congress who are talking about holding up funding to get that bridge up and going agn, what do you think jim has been one week. it's been a long week. i want to thank the biden administration. i went tha the coast guard, the army corps, and all of our federal partners working with governor more and the state of maryland our federal delegation center be in holland. congressman mfume, an eye we'll all been engaged on a daily basis with the mayor of baltimore, the county executive baltimore county and randall county. we're all working together. our top priority is to first deal with the recovery of the remains of the four casualties that had not yet been recovered has been six total deaths related to the incident but our
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first priority after that is to get this channel open. this channel is critically important, not just to our region, but to the entire country on supply chain issues so it's part of the commerce of the united states. >> we're going to >> the president biden made a commitment that he will cover the cost of not only the removal of the bridge opening of the channel, but the replacement of the bridge i am confident that my colleagues on both sides of the aisle will work with us as we have in the past to make sure that commitment is honored, we need to make sure that the channels opened as quickly as possible and that the bridge is replaced and the federal government needs to be a strong partner making that a reality. so i will work with our federal delegation to make that a reality >> yeah, i have to do everything you can do to get the great city of baltimore up and running again at full strength, center of ben cardin of maryland. thank you very much for your time this morning. we appreciate what you're right back get your viewing glasses ready.
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visit coventry i'm caitlin polglase in washington and this is cnn >> for the second consecutive season, the iowa hawkeyes advanced to the final four star caitlin clark letter team to 94 to 87 victory against the lsu tigers in a much dissipated repeat matchup of the title game last year. but this time, iowa came out on top. take a look at the pandemonium there in that arrhenius senior sports analyst and usa today columnist, christine brennan joins me now to discuss christine. i was watching this game last night and caitlin clark is just unbelievable. watch. she is almost automatic every time. she fires off a
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three >> yeah. jim, you notice four, as well as anyone. and when you see an athlete rise to the occasion like that, we know she's good. we know she said it's incredible record setting year a career. i mean, everyone knows her name. she is bringing people to women's basketball and eyeballs to women's basketball. we no one has. >> and then >> she raises her game to that level at the most important moment of her career, incredible absolutely incredible. >> there were >> nine three-pointers, nine point. yeah, she was unconscious. it was extraordinary and it was one of the greatest performances i've seen in sports. and it's, you know, i've seen a lot of sports over the years >> yeah, we have it on screen right there. most career three-pointers and men's and women's ncaa division one history tie for most three-pointers and a women's tournament game nine three-pointers and most three pointers in the city and ncaa women's tournament history. i mean, it really has elevated the game in terms of its visibility. that arena last
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night was packed and the fans were screaming. it was really, it was a lie. it was so much fun to watch. and there's also this rivalry that's been going on between clark an angel, reese, over at lsu >> oh, there isn't it started last year. as we know, of course that was the championship game last year, lsu, one defending national champs that katie today game last night. and angel reese gave caitlin clark a little a little smack, a little trash talk back. yeah. when caitlin, of course, is known for having fun on the court and doing some things. will angel did it back and it started a national conversation gym that frankly, i thought was great because we were talking about women's sports and women's basketball. my goodness, i was at the masters and i was still talking about caitlin clark and angel reese. and so that was good and last night, what we saw was measure of sportsmanship that i think both of women, obviously we're able to rise to the occasion and also give the nation, and that is class
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dignity. a big hug. and conversation afterwards and even before the game about how important each one is a to the other. and the respect and just everything about the game that they both love about each other. so i think that was a good ending even though certainly was not the ending that lsu wanted yeah, totally. >> and what about what is going on with the la times great newspaper i mean, what a dumb mistake. they publish this commentary piece on lsu coach kim mulkey. after the backlash to the newspaper had to add this editorial dough to it, saying the commentary did not meet the editorial standards of the newspaper. the piece referred to lsu as dirty debutantes. i mean what is this? i don't understand how this even got published >> you know, jim, i was moderating a panel or we could go at the university of maryland and i ask all the panelists if caitlin clark were black, would she be would we be looking at this in a different way? and let's be honest, the answer from everyone on the panel was yes. in some way or
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another. >> and race, >> of course, as part of our lives and i think the idea that what has happened with angel reese and some of the criticism she's taken about the white caitlin clark, it's a lot of criticism two, so there's certainly a lot of people, there's just want to criticize anyone on social commedia shock of all shocks. >> but i think >> what we saw there with it, i like times piece, which by the way, the report fell them. this has apologized and the paper, of course, as you said, has retracted some of it is just the worst of journalism and thankfully they realize that and apologize. but here we are. this is our world, unfortunately, in this in the 21st century, yeah, and the chauvinism, i mean, i mean, just it's just really unfair because, i mean, look at what these athletes have accomplished on the court. it's really remarkable christine brennan, a great to talk to you as always. thanks so much. >> jim. thank you very much. all right. thank you. are coming up. >> the >> importance of the
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evangelical vote. this don't remember as many in the church are turning to donald trump as he is in selling those bibles and so on. we'll talk about that >> spatial colombia, the final flight premieres sunday nine on cnn, when you're hungry, you definitely know when you want your attention, he makes it clear. when he wants to be left alone, he makes it obvious. but if your cat has ole pain, also known as osteoarthritis pain, he may be saying out in different ways it's a long-lasting condition that makes it painful for your cat to move like they once did, like when walking or climbing. red flags are everywhere, but cats are really good at hiding their pain. so you just need to know what to look for. or visit cat red to learn about the signs of oa pain and how your vet can help vice helping me get my money rights to achieve my ambitions. >> want to see like earning more money on my money as a
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after me thereafter. you i just happened to be standing in the way and i always will join us out a discusses npr national political correspondent serum a kammen. she is the author of the new book, the x van jello goals, loving living and leaving the white evangelical church derek congratulations to my old campaign trail buddy, on your bookmaking, the new york times bestseller list. that's a great accomplishment >> i >> did want to ask lots of different questions to cover here. one of them is why is the evangelical community so strongly behind donald trump this time? i'm around, i mean, here we are just a couple of weeks from this hush-money case in new york when if we were talking about any other political candidate, you would think the evangelical community would back away from that particular candidate, but not donald trump. >> i think there are a few reasons for a gym. i mean, years ago, a lot of evangelicals would talk about facing a binary choice in the general election in 2016
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between trump and clinton. >> but i think >> it's clear now if you look at exit polls from the last two general elections, as well as exit polls from the primary this year, evangelicals have consistently and overwhelmingly backed donald trump, i should say, white evangelicals specifically. and one reason is pragmatic. trump is seen as someone who will deliver on their policy goals. and he did that in his first term, the overturning of roe v. wade is the prime example. >> and also, as you noted, >> he taps into this idea of persecution and this idea of a decline finding influence of christianity in america. >> this has been a >> long-standing theme in american evangelicalism and white evangelical has been particular. and it's something that we hear from trump, including when he was selling those bibles the other day yeah. >> what did you think about that? somebody who was raised in evangelical church, seeing donald trump out there selling bibles it. >> was interesting. i mean, i remember, well, i was a teenager in the 1990s and i remember that the way the evangelical community responded
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to bill clinton's moral failings. and it's been noted, the striking difference, but the response to trump, of course. but i think if you look at data, white evangelicals understand that trump is not a particularly devout person. there's pulling that back get but again, they see him as, as understanding their concerns and tapping into again, this long-standing theme that i've been hearing my whole life, that christianity is on the decline, that it's central to american identity when he taught, when he holds up that bible and he talks about bringing the bible back, bringing christianity back, that resonates for many evangelicals regarding what's up. his personal behavior. and they see the legal, many of them see the legal troubles he's facing as a sign of persecution. and in many ways assign that he's on the right track. >> one of the things as i was making my way through your book, sarah, that i found to be very interesting as you talk about alternative facts, there's a chapter on alternatives the facts and you talk about that moment where kellyanne conway, the former trump adviser during the white house, it talked about
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alternative facts and that resonated with you as somebody who grew up in the evangelical community in your hometown or kansas city and sort of had a falling out with that community? >> what do you think? why did you make reference to that particular moment and what did that say to you >> yeah, one of the things i talk about is i moved away from an evangelical identity long before the trump campaign. but i think the last few years have been something that have catalyzed a lot of conversations for many people with ties to that community about what it means to be even dolichol and the thing that i remember so well is the emphasis on sort of building a narrative. and in many ways sticking to it, i write about an entire curriculum in my christian school that many evangelical kids grew up with in christian schools are homeschooled or even in their youth groups and churches centered around the idea yeah, that the earth was six to 10,000ears old and not all evangels believe that i should say. but the's, there's kind of an entire intellectual infrastructure
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that backs up a narrative and that's, that's what i might want to refer to alternative facts. >> yeah >> and even >> now, i mean, there is sort of a strain in that community judy, that's willing to believe anything that trump says. i mean if it's a conspiracy theory or just a bold-faced lie >> yeah, there's been some really fascinating research which i cite in the book over the last few years that suggests that people who identify as white evangelicals have, in some cases a higher uptake for conspiracy here's the theory is a higher susceptibility to misinformation. >> and >> there's a real skepticism. you hear it in much of the rhetoric of institutions, of secular institutions, of secular authority. and that many have argued can predispose people to accepting misinformation and being skeptical of science in tepic authorities, we thought that in some white evangelicals at some of the lowest acceptance of vaccines during the covid, pandemic and there's, there's
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fascinating research on this all right. >> was there a cayman love to have you back continued to talk about this, i think as you and i both know being out on the campaign trail these are forbidden donald trump supporters. so there's certainly going to be playing a role in this upcoming campaign. sarah, a great to talk to you and best of luck with the book. thanks so much. >> thank you. all right. we'll be right back >> sunday. >> new interviews with a return israeli hostages. >> what is the meaning of being hostage reasonable search in t and the flank for the release of those still in captivity. the whole story with anderson cooper, sunday at eight on cnn. when everything hurts, you need relief. that's deeper than ice. title, the cryotherapy spray that goes beyond cool take control of the pain. now, the best-selling pen release spray has gotten even better with an easy threats activator to get the perfect coverage and dose with no rubbing needed. it smells really good. it relieves
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questionable singing voice. don't make them inheritance final expense. tab two i'm evan perez federal court in washington, and this is cnn >> former president donald trump's net worth plunged 1 billion on paper prompted by tumbling shares of his media company scenes. cnn's matt egan joins us now matt, we should note that maybe it's not quite 1 billion, maybe it's
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fluctuating right around that point because right now the stock is up. i was just checking this a few moments. it looks like around 5% what's going on >> jim, look this stock is extremely volatile. it's been compared to a meme stock like game stop an amc during 20202021. and it is so volatile that when you went to break, the stock was up about two to 3%. and as you mentioned, now up 456 percent. so the games doubled just during the commercial break. you can see on that line chart, it's spiked when it went public, then lost almost a quarter of its value yesterday alone, wiping out about a billion of donald trump's net worth. but jim, listen, fasten your seat belts because this wild ride is likely just getting started yeah. >> no question about it. >> all right. matt egan, thank you very much. and i just want to take a note to our viewers, a quick programming. it's a phenomenon you won't see for another 20 years, a total solar
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redefining insurance let's i've are still alvarez at the white house. >> and this is cnn >> we're following breaking news out of gaza, several world central kitchen


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