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tv   CNN News Night With Abby Phillip  CNN  April 2, 2024 7:00pm-8:00pm PDT

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reagan's republicans. i was thinking, he judge walton has said a lot as he's been sentencing january 6, criminal defendants, he called trump a charlatan and one of them, he said he was worried that trump wouldn't go easy if he lost. and another election those are things that he's made wall sentencing people, but i haven't seen a complaint about until he decided to come on here on the source and talk about the threats to other members of the judiciary. john drawings want adventure >> 30 years and has been making up real quick he goes off on people when sentencing them to a point that you're afraid to appear in front of them and the idea that all of a sudden he's he appears on kaitlan collins is program and he's a threat to democracy in some way is nonsense. and so it's just, again, it's political silly season right now and i just don't see much merit to it. >> yeah. but it speaks to the bogus l8 williams always great to have you do the little reality check for us. thank you all so much for joining us. cnn news night with abby phillip starts right now no aid, no
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>> way out, and no safety no matter who you are. that's tonight on this side. good evening. i'm abby phillip in new york. and tonight, the president says that he is outraged and heartbroken after seven aid workers were killed while simply doing their jobs in gaza. he's demanding a full explanation from israel and he's also accusing the netanyahu government of not doing enough to protect civilians quote, this is not a standalone incident. the president is saying tonight, and he's right about that here is a number that too few people know. when hundred and 96 that is the number of aid workers that have been killed since israel and hamas went to war in gaza on october 7, that toll is
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a stain on humanity and on monday the shock that an attack left seven people, heroes literally blown apart it was not even the first time that workers with jose andres's organization were attacked by israeli firepower. tonight amid resounding outrage israel admits it made a mistake it was a mistake that followed a myth identification at night during a war in a >> very complex condition, we are thoroughly for the unintentional harm to the members of wck we sharing the grief of the families, as well as the entire world central kitchen organization from the bottom of our hearts unintentional harm, a mistake israel wants the world to see this as simply a fog of war,
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accident but even that raises all kinds of questions about whether they really know who they are targeting in real time we'll get into more detail about what we know about what happened in this particular incident in a moment, but simply put, this organization did everything right. their cars were marked, their movements were coordinated with the idf and yet there were multiple strikes, not just one the cost of feeding millions of people whose lives have been torn apart by war, should not be paid in blood and we say it too often here on the show and it is true. yet again tonight. but we are about to show you is extremely graphic. it is disturbing but it is the reality black body bags piled into the back of an ambulance foreign passports belonging to those men and women inside of
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them pictures showing what they looked like before the bombs mangled their bodies before. beyond recognition the worst of it we cannot show you in good conscience limbs burst open by shrapnel. the volunteers arrayed in a row, close turned black, and red from blood their faces cold and blank other faces that don't look like faces at all anymore we have to emphasize that these are not combatants. they were in gaza because they wanted to make sure that people didn't starve but they knew the risks. and yet they also knew that under international law, their work is supposed to be protected tonight crowds shepherding a palestinian volunteer for the group, made a makeshift resting place. you can see that world central kitchen emblem draped over the white trout as lines of mourners. there pray in the background right now, the
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israeli government has promised to throw an independent review of what went wrong and as you heard, a top military official says those strikes occurred because of a mistake that followed a miss identification what that misidentification was, we don't yet know but it's an account that will likely be met with extreme skepticism at this point so here's what we know tonight about what happened this week. on saturday close to 400 tons of food began to ship out from cyprus toward gaza. world central kitchen organized the shipment on vessels that they called open arms monday morning, the desperately needed aid has arrived in gaza and later that day, the workers begin to unload some of that food at this warehouse in central gaza. monday night, world central kitchen says it's aid workers were traveling down the aisle rashid coastal road and what is a
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deconflicted zone? they were in three vehicles, nearly 3.5 miles south. the first vehicle was struck >> you can >> see a whole completely ripping through the charity's logo that was on the roof of the armored car there were two other strikes that rain down in quick succession. one vehicle was hit about a half a mile further down the road and the third came to a stop another mile down the road. by the end of it, seven aid workers just trying to feed the hungry were killed. one of them, australian national zomi frankcom earlier today, jake tapper spoke to zomi, is close friend about her humanitarian work >> the children that she fed in palestine and the children that she had in haiti or the ukraine in oci view them and it's like part of her larger extended family. she met them with the smiles you met them with humanity and the world is this like a darker place without somebody like that today
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>> damian sobol was another victim of the strikes, the 35 had been a long time world central kitchen worker traveling to war-torn ukraine and morocco after last year's earthquake joining me now is damian is close friend and a fellow world central kitchen volunteer, aparna bronze aparna, thank you so much for joining us. first of all, i am so very sorry for the loss of your friend. you met damian when you were both volunteering in morocco and you called him one of the bright lights in those horrible months. what can you tell us all about him? >> well, i actually met damian for the first time when i joined world central kitchen in poland during the ukraine war i, met him in may of 2022 >> he was one of those people.
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he was one of the first people i met and he was one of those people that just, exuded goodness >> he was kind. >> he was smiling, he was joyful, he was helpful and there was i would not say there's a single person who he has not touched. that volunteered at world central kitchen in, in poland. i spent a month in may over there and then i was back again for a month july. and when you work with someone in such close quarters for so many days in a row you see a side of them that you don't get to see very often i left poland and damian and i kept an occasional contact but then when morocco had the earthquake and i chose
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to go there i was still a little confused about what was needed. and so i contacted a bunch of people and of course, damian was the first person to answer damian was the first person to tell me how to where to go, where to get transportation, where to stay, what to expect >> this was >> at a time when he was really busy trying to wrap his his time in morocco to go to egypt >> but >> it didn't stop him. >> i mean, if >> anybody needed help and you saw i saw that very much in poland when he man the kitchens he was kind and helpful to the volunteers that were working there, to the people that were coming off the refugees that were coming off the trains. he made sure everybody had what they needed. and you never realized how hard he worked
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behind the scenes because it was all always there as you were talking about him? i was watching the video that we have of him and you're describing him as just an optimistic, bright person. you can just see it in his face doing this really, really, really difficult work going to gaza. you hear it from so many aid workers is just on a different level of really destruction and difficulty. did you ever hear damien as he was doing this work, expressed concerns about his own safety and about the risks and the sacrifices that he was making to do this kind of work >> you know, i don't >> really think he ever thought of it as sacrifices. he was there to help people we the last time he and i communicated was on february 24 and he said
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this was an i don't quite understand what he meant by that, but he said this was his second more time in gaza and he just said the world is going crazy and that was really it. and he was just working hard to make sure he could help the people that needed to be fed, taken care off as much as he could. never once. never once did he talk of being afraid or concerned about where he was his focus really was on helping the people >> thank you for sharing that with us. i mean, it's so extraordinary to hear that when he felt like the world was going crazy, his first thought was to go right there. i think that says so much about him. thank you so much. aparna for joining us tonight and talking to us about your friend >> thank you for making his name known. >> and since that attack, a
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number of aid organizations not just world central kitchen, they've announced that they are pausing their humanitarian efforts in gaza. and that includes american near east refugee aid or an era in a statement meant the group wrote, delivering aid safely is no longer feasible. it's the first time in its 55 year history that this organization has needed to pause operations joining me now is rebecca abu should eat. she is a board member of an era. rebecca. thank you very much for joining us and i'm sorry, again, under the circumstances, i wonder what are you hearing tonight from your teams who are on the ground and gaza. and my understanding is so many of them are gazans. they are in that community. and this is not just about suspending aid in an oblique sense, it's about suspending aid for their own loved ones as well.
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>> yeah, abby, thank you our staff has been working every single day for the past six months in gaza they've delivered an on average 150,000 meals a day. they've been delivering health care, psychosocial services, hygiene products. we are all incredibly proud of everything that they've done and they've done it. they can't leave. they can't come, they can't they can't come and go they're under indiscriminate bombing every day. they've been displaced multiple times they are living under the same famine as the community that they are part of. that they're serving. so it was with a heavy heart that i think they made the decision that we needed to temporarily pause our operations in gaza. and as do you noted, this is the first time in our history that we've had to do that. it's also the first time in the history that we lost a team member almost a month ago, we lost mousa shawwa, and his six-year-old son, karim, a few weeks later from a missile strike can you tell us rebecca a little bit more about what happened there?
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i mean, i just want people to understand the work that goes into trying to protect the people doing this work my understanding is that you all made every effort to prevent this exact thing from happening. so why did it? >> that's right. i mean, that's a question for the israeli military and a question we've been asking every day since mousa was killed. as you noted, just like world central kitchen, we have experienced in this and we did everything right. there's something called deconfliction in these war zones where you let the military know where you're going to be the providing aid where you're staff is living, where there is sheltering and we did that and we reconfirmed the coordinates just a few days before the house that musah was living in was struck. and that is why with a heavy heart, we had to suspend operations today. as you see, mousa, he had been working for the day. he still had his inr for our vest on and he came home and he
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was struck by a missile and many of his family were also injured. so we can't keep people safe at home. we can't keep people safe when they're actually in the field delivering aid, like our colleagues were at world central kitchen, who also let the israelis know exactly when they're convoy would be traveling and so this is an unsustainable disaster. you know, we've spent a lot of time talking about getting aid into gaza by air, by land, by sea. but less time i think thinking about the fact that it's human beings that reliably distribute that aid it's a network that was built up by organizations like a neera over decades, we have over 20 staff and gaza, but we have over 450 volunteers who make sure that that aid is distributed in a calm, safe, reliable manner, and if that network falls apart, you can't deliver aid by remote control you can't recreate that overnight. and that's the red flag that we have been waving
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for weeks >> red flag indeed, rebecca, president biden, as i'm sure you've seen, he released a pretty strongly worded statement tonight he calls it a pattern. he says this is a major reason why distributing humanitarian aid in gaza has been so difficult because israel has not done enough to protect aid workers trying to deliver desperately needed civilian help to civilians that's mirror to what you just told us. but to hear it from the president of the united states what do you think he needs to do to change that? >> well, it is a pattern and so i mean, if you notice, what role central kitchen, one of their members staff members wasn't american citizen i think relying on an investigation by the israelis alone is not sufficient. i think the us government needs to do their own investigation we need an immediate ceasefire, a surgery of surge of humanitarian aid a cable from us aid that came out tonight
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said that there is flour that could feed 1.5 million people for five months, sitting. and ashdod that has not been allowed in its 25 miles from gaza, we need to surge of humanitarian aid and we need real credible, reliable assurances that we can keep our workers safe so that we can resume operations rebecca, a boucher deed with their narrow thank you very much for sharing with us and we do hope that you're able to resume the >> important work that you all have been doing over these last few months. thanks again. thank you. >> next, voters in multiple states, including wisconsin, are headed to the polls today advocates urged democrats not to vote for biden in protest over the administration's dance on israel's actions. in gaza. i will be speaking with one of them tonight and donald trump is back on the campaign trail, but his comments on abortion shin, content plus are you annoyed by the choices that
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you have this year at the ballot box? well, hillary clinton thinks you should get over it i'll explain you're watching news >> cnn news night with abby phillip. he's brought to you by. so tick to find you've so tip two is the treatment you've been looking for. >> smile. you found it, the feeling of binding thanks to can't filter out the real you. so go ahead, live unfiltered with the one and only so take to a once-daily pill for moderate to severe practice is this and the chance that clear or almost clear skin, it's like the feeling of finding you're so ready for your close-up or finding you don't have to hide your skin just your background once daily. so tick two was proven better getting more people clear skin than the leading pill. don't take if you're allergic to so take too serious reactions can occur. so tiktok lower your ability to fight infections, including tb, serious infections, cancers including
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shell. powering progress. start your design today, had custom we know who the nominees are going to this november, but the >> primaries are still going on through june. and tonight's some democratic wisconsin voters are using their ballots to send a message to president biden there point is that the president's support for israel is no longer okay, as the crisis and gaza grows worse by the de, joining me now is palestinian american layla elabed. she's the co-chair of the uncommitted national movement. she's also the sister of democratic congresswoman rashida tlaib of michigan leyla thanks for joining us again, you urged wisconsin voters ahead of today's primary to take a cue from your home state of michigan. michigan, where uncommitted got a pretty big vote, about 100,000 votes were just now starting to see some of the votes coming in and
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wisconsin, it's not quite at that level, about 9.5% little over half of the precincts reporting. >> but >> i wonder at this point past michigan and some of the states, minnesota, where this movement is likely to be the most prominent what are you hoping to accomplish ahead of november >> what we're hoping to accomplish is an opportunity to continue pressuring president biden and his administration that he needs to listen to his core constituency now, in order to save his presidency and the white house come november and we plan to take that pressure into the dnc with the delegates that we've won states, including michigan, minnesota, washington, state other states that the uncommitted movement did not have a direct didn't directly support. but including
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wisconsin when those numbers come out we did see i mean, to your point about pressure or the administration has shifted, they've called now for they're using the word ceasefire to begin with. they're calling for alternatives to a full ground invasion of rafah >> they >> are issuing pretty strongly worded statements even tonight, president biden making it clear that he holds israel responsible for failing to protect civilians. there do you see the pressure having an effect at this point >> i do feel that the uncommitted movement and the states that have had very strong protest votes have had a direct impact on the language shift and this has been a direct result of all of these campaigns. but words are not enough we need a policy change
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a lasting ceasefire, and an end to funding war and occupation against the palestinian people. and to me, this is not a messaging problem. this is a funding bombs problem. >> ella. thank you very much for joining us with that update and i want to bring in now a cnn political commentator and former white house communications director for the trump administration. alyssa farah griffin, also senior reporter for the root. jessica washington and editor at large for reason, as well as co-host of the fifth column, matt welch alyssa a couple of things have been happening tonight's but a pretty busy night. normally the white house will hold an iftar dinner at the white house actually, leyla in the past has been at that dinner. she was not there tonight >> they decided to >> hold just a smaller one for just staff and they had a meeting instead, but a doctor, a palestinian doctor who was in attendance. he walked out in protest. he said it was out of
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respect for his community does this give you an indication of how tough this problem is going to be for this white house to solve and how big of an issue it will be electorally. >> listen, biden hands down has an issue with regard to the ongoing war in gaza. but if i've made issue a warning to the arab american community as an arab american they're playing with fire. i understand that hearts are breaking overweight what's happening in palestine, that is reasonable. they should speak up, they should use their voice as they should encourage better policies. but this is very quickly becoming a binary choice between donald trump and joe biden. donald trump would, would not rule out leveling gaza if he thought that that was the politically savvy thing to do, that his supporters wanted to do he cut aid to the palestinian authority when he was the president. so this notion that you would gamble at such a critical time, i think is incredibly risky. but joe biden also needs to be messaging in these community communities. he needs to be speaking in michigan. it's a good place, frankly, to use the former president barack obama to try to reach this community >> i mean, it's, it's an important note that you're
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hearing from a lot of democrats. they're worried that this is it's going to have unintended consequences of basically ushering in another trump term, which would be their view, catastrophic for gazans? >> yeah. no, i mean, there are serious concerns about how >> this is going to play out politically. i think what you're seeing in part and her this for multiple sources, the administration was unprepared for the amount of ire over this issue. for the amount of people that would feel so strongly about this, i think up until pretty recently, i don't think they saw how big of a political problem this was, how passionately people were feeling about this issue. so i do think this is definitely not going away even if they had anticipated that earlier on. and we're going to see this continue to play out there. the election. >> so matt, >> meanwhile, trump is campaigning wisconsin and michigan. i want to play a little bit about what he's been saying might happen if biden were to win another election if we don't win or november 5th, i think our country is going to cease to exist. it could be the last election we ever have. i actually mean that i'm sorry.
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>> it's just been eight years >> at some point. >> i mean, what does that even mean >> i it doesn't mean anything. he literally has been saying this since 2016, like we can't have a country if we don't have what are there's no country. he says stuff like that all the time. this apocalyptic rhetoric if we allow democrats to have control, i think it'll be interesting to see what he says about israel and palestine, gaza. all right, now, because basically his message is he wants to get those disaffected voters, but he also wants to make sure to maintain the republican base, republic we can support this much more than democrats do in terms of israel's policy. so he will just say this wouldn't have happened if i was there. and we're going to be friends to israel, but maybe they going a little bit too far. he's not going to commit himself over much. what we have to remember is that in wisconsin and michigan, there's not going to be two names on the ballot. there's going to be six, there might be seven, there might be eight, and wisconsin, there's going it'd be jill stein and the green party if she wins the nomination she wasn't there last time. so there's a place for disaffected left-wing
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voters who are really mad about the war to go in michigan and wisconsin. so why predict, we're going to see a lot of bernie sanders trying to go up there and convince people that voted for jill stein is a bad idea. >> by the way, i would no, there was another protest vote tonight and the republican primary, you saw a number of folks come out about 13% for nikki haley's. so against donald trump's, she's not even in the race and she's no longer in the race. so there is this kind of challenge on both sides. and joe biden has reached out to try to get some of these nikki haley voters, but to matt's point, if he if he goes too far away from supporting israel, you risk alienating that's sort of soft moderate republican >> so i have to ask you this because, you know, trump as well as anybody. he tonight at the rally set up a podium and called for debates with joe biden. what are the chances that he actually does that >> well, he was smart is smart politics and be the first one to ask for it because he gets till that time it him though. i don't think he can get out of it. any which way and he's not an honest broker and he doesn't trust the conventions that send it up. we know last time he lied about his covid diagnosis ahead of the debate.
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so i think he wants to look like the tough guy who wants to debate, but he has a lot of flexibility to get out of it. >> just go do you think i mean two beats bring up this issue. there was a report that the white house wants more people to see trump rallies. the whole thing because they're so wild and in some cases, on a hinge the maybe they are having the opposite problems that people are not hearing trump quite enough. do you think that they want debates with trump to really put that center stage >> yeah. i mean, i >> think you're definitely right that biden benefits from having trump as his as his opponent and as his foil to say, there are plenty of democratic voters who are not
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>> abortion. he's been teasing all sides of this issue. where do you think he lands and what it's going to be the impact? >> i think that he's going >> to run far to the >> left of the republican >> party on abortion. >> you've already heard some >> signals to that the republic >> went too far, >> that some of this >> six-week stuff is >> crazy. you're going to lose >> elections because >> this is one of the biggest weaknesses i think of the republican in his candidacy right now is that this has been motivating democratic voters pretty reliably in swing districts for a while now and it's not that hard to re remind people that there's people out there doing ivf bills. there's always going to be someone who's going to show up and say something pretty draconian. trump's gonna be wearing that and it's gonna be pretty easy for democrats to remind him that he is one who appoints supreme court justice. >> yeah, i think that is exactly what they're going to be reminding people. i've come november at matt alyssa and jessica. thank you very much. all of you tonight's breaking news as 7.4 magnitude earthquake was just detected in taiwan, almost immediately followed by a 6.5 magnitude
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aftershock tsunami alerts are up across the pacific ocean and reports of devastating damage are still rolling in let's. go straight to cnn's conoco montgomery in tokyo with more on what's going on. what's happening so far >> yeah. i mean, a really shocking and alarming earthquake that shook taiwan this morning. so what we know so far is that this epicenter was very close to fallen county in eastern taiwan. this is known to be a very popular tourist destination. it's also a rural area and also where most of taiwan's earthquakes actually take place. we also know that this earthquake is the largest that taiwan is felt in 25 years. the last one was back in 1999 when an earthquake the magnitude of 7.7, killed more than 2,400 people. now, the taiwanese government hasn't officially reported any deaths so far for this earthquake that we've seen this
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morning, but they are getting preliminary reports about injuries. we're also seeing some partially destroyed roads, some homes and buildings also a partially collapsed rooves caved in and electric power outages across taiwan. now, in response to this disaster, the taiwanese defense ministry has dispatched military troops to assist local governments and get people to higher ground to safety. now this is a very common protocol that takes place in taiwan when you see a natural disaster of this magnitude. and now also in collin county, we've seen the government suspend all schools and work for the day because of these constant aftershocks that we've been seeing. and let me tell you, abby, as someone who lives in one of the most seismically active places in the world. these aftershocks can be just as alarming, just as terrifying, because you never know when they're going to start and you never know when they're going to end. now, we did see a tsunami warning issue to japan and the philippines. but in japan, in the southernmost part of the country in okinawa, we've seen
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that tsunami warning be downgraded to a tsunami advisory and we haven't seen any damages or injuries reported abby all right. >> we'll be keeping an eye on this. hanako montgomery. thank you very much up next, get over it. that's what hillary clinton is saying. she's cutting straight to the chase and a brand new interview about the choices facing voters. in november. >> that's next on news choices >> if you look closely around the bag, you'll find a clue as to where these delicious pistachios are from. well. done sure luck. you found it >> wonderful. pistachios are the pistachios that are wonderful. but the word wonderful on them >> asthma. >> it can make you miss out on those epic hikes with friends step back out there with sandra nra is an add-on treatment for, you? senate bill like asthma that is taken once every eight weeks because nra helps prevent
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your regret it i risk-free with 30 day fit guarantee at honey love >> get your viewing glasses ready. it flips across america live monday at one hillary clinton is getting a little candid. she sat down with the tonight's shows, jimmy fallon, and the former presidential candidate had a pretty blunt message for voters who are disappointed with a likely match up between donald trump and joe biden. this remember get over yourself. those are the two choices. yeah, i love that. and
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>> it's kind of like one, is old and effective and compassionate, has a heart and really cares about people. and what is old and has been charged with 91 felony people who blow that off or not paying attention because it's not like trump, his enablers has empowers is allies are not telling us what they want to do. i mean, they're pretty clear about what kind of country they want. yeah >> joining me now is steven a. smith? he's the host of espn's first take, and the stephen smith show on youtube steven great to have you onset. so what do you make of that? get over it? >> i don't think it was a very wise statement on her part. how did that work out for her in 2016? i think that's something that we have to recognize you as she won the popular vote. but at the end of the day, she wasn't present in united states. it was him. you can look at hard not campaigning and wisconsin in the last day is not campaigning in pennsylvania in the last days,
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you can look at some of the stuff that they were saying about her but it's sort of distracted things from where it should have been in terms of comey and his report from the fbi, you can bring up a whole bunch of things, but at the end of the de, the last thing you need to do is to do anything that could agitate a potential voted in this particular election. >> what do you make about the actual argument that she's made me she's basically saying to old people, yes. yes. but there's substantively different. i mean, absolutely. one was on counts against and almost nobody has brought that up more than me for four indictments, 91 counts impeached twice. i'm not voting for him. i've said that to a lot of people. i've said that to you. but at the end of the day, what i'm saying is that at some point in time you got to take into account what the voltage thinking about the voters. a lot of them out there, tens of millions of them out there, by the way, don't care what he's going through right now. they don't care about his guilt or innocence is perceived guilt or innocence. they don't care about the 91 counts that thinking about their lives and a lot of times we see politicians taken the positions that they're taking
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a while we can respect their candidate and their honesty. they do seem a bit detached at time from what the voters are actually feeling and what the voters are actually taking. nobody wants to hear that from hillary rotten clinton at this particular moment in time, because especially if you're joe biden, what are you really, really worried about right now? you worried about folks coming to the polls. you're very about them showing up to the polls to vote for you. you're not worried even about them voting for trump. you're worried about them not showing up to vote for you that doesn't exactly encourage them to get up out of their seats and go to the boat >> i mean, it enough to tell voters you should be afraid of what could happen if trump is elected. that was the other part of the point. >> well, normally i would say yes, the problem is is an age old moved by by both party in a binary system that we're living with, the republicans would tell you you've got so much to fear. i mean, look at the streets, look at the lack of safety, look at some of the things that are going on look at the immigration crisis, and they'll point to the left, the left, we'll look at the right
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and it will say look at all of this stuff that's going on. do you want to turn back the clock do you want to resort going back to a days that there are a lot of folks who support trump wish come across as wishing as if we were back in the 60s, 50s they'll say things like that. and so what happens is that ultimately if you say something enough, your with your whistling into the wind, it's nothing new that we're hearing now compared to what we've heard before us specifically as it pertains to trump that clearly is different. 91 counts, four indictments, twice and beach that is a diff animal. there is no doubt about that. but all in all what you hear the rhetoric coming from one side or another in the end, does it really, really sound that much different to you? the answer to the voters has been no. >> well, let me ask you this. i mean, trump literally is out on the campaign trails right now. he's talking about a border bloodbath. he's blaming immigrants for crime there is a difference in rhetoric. well, you say i mean, trump is every
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day using violent rhetoric on the campaign. >> yeah, because it works it works with tens of millions of voters. see that's what we have to get to it. we have to get down as we talked about in an election, you're talking about whatever it's going to take to when you have a whole bunch of american citizens who firmly believed that what he's saying is the reality in their eyes. they look at footage, they look at things that have transpired over the television airwaves, the kind of things that would be a disseminated to the masses. and they are literally scared. you have people talking about there's an immigration crisis and they're showing one piece of footage after another, after another. i can tell you as a black man from i was queens, new york city. i have never in my lifetime hurt black folks alluded to there being an immigration crisis more than now, evidently, it's working, you know, that it's working with an abundance of white americans. >> this is a message that actually right now, i know that it's intended to resonate with black voters i think it's actually working >> absolutely. and let me tell you something right now. i've got a lot of hispanic friends,
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brothers, assistance, and the latino community. there talking about it because they came over here legally dated and they didn't come across american slides illegally. and as a result, they're talking about it's an immigration crisis. they're talking about how people need to get get a lot. they're talking about how people need to come in here legally. >> they're saying that >> about, their, you know, their own folks. and so when you take that into consideration and then you're looking at black folks who have been speaking about it. and then you'd think about inflation and you think about immigration and you think about new york city and 53 million prepaid cards. and what have you, black folks are symbols thank saying, wait a minute, what about us? what about us? once again with the bottom of the food chain, whether it's xenophobia, it's homophobia, and transphobia. anything else? everything seems to be more important than black people in the eyes of a lot of black people. and when you've got somebody like trump everybody's, he's reminding everybody what he said years ago. what are you have to lose? excuse me, that kind of stuff resonates with some, maybe not me, maybe not you, but there's a whole bunch of people out
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there in the streets of america. >> that's >> hard work and is going to work everyday. that's trying to make ends meet, pay their bills and what have you that stuff resonates with them and they don't want to see anything distracting anybody from their problems. and when you go to the polls, what do you think? think about? you think about what affects you not what affects america far more often than not very >> interesting point that you're making their stephen a stick around for us because we've got more for you on the nba finals, the world series, the big ten championships, the orange bowl all of those are things that did not get the ratings of caitlin clark. we'll talk about that on the other side of the brain with stephen. and this is cracked windshield schedule would say flight and will come to you to fix it. this customer was enjoying her morning walk. we texted her when we were on our way she could track us and see exactly when we derive a few moments we came to her with service that fit her schedule. you must be pascal nice to meet you. >> we
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>> all your streaming. and one app with one password prime video. find your happy place i'm dr. sanjay gupta. >> and this is cnn >> tonight. it is the ladies of the nc doublet that are soaring to new heights more than 12 million people tuned in last night to the epic elite eight
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rematch between the iowa hawkeyes and lsu tigers, shattering the previous record for a woman's college basketball game nearly 10 million people during last year's national championship final. now, this is also the time when espn history was made. it was it's the most-watched college basketball game ever across all of its platforms espn host stephen smith is back here with us. this is such a major moment, not just for these young women, but also for women's sports just in general, it wasn't just the most-watched women's basketball game. it was the most-watched game of all kinds of different different categories. do you think that this is actually one of those moments where we'll look back and say this is the moment that things really started to shift for women's think so >> caitlin clark is a superstar. let's make no mistake about it. she's the steph curry of women's basketball. she she shoots from the parking lot. she pulls up from the logo. she says session
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or talent, and she has all the requisite tools that go along with issues incredibly marketable as a talent, she's incredibly marketable as a person. she's prideful, she's highly competitive, she's an ambassador for the game. and more importantly, she competes in an incredibly high level. she lost last year to lsu. that was in the national championship game prior to losing that game, she had one a game against an undefeated 36. no. university of south carolina team led by dawn staley, by dropping 41 points. and that's semi-final game. what does she do last night in an elite eight to avenge the national championship game lost to lsu. she drops another 41 in threes. she was just all over the place pulling up from the logo. she's a sensational talent, but there's also a lot of sensational talent within the world of women's basketball angel reese is an incredibly talented present, 20 rebounds last night, university of south carolina led by dawn staley, i just mentioned over the last two seasons that this 72 and one only loss was to caitlin
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clark last year in the semifinals back-to-back undefeated season's over the last three years, her record is like 105 and three. what a national title and three. i mean, this is what this is what dawn staley brings to the table last night, a young lady by the name of juju watkins, who's a freshman at usc, average do 27 points in a tournament, clearly is going to be the freshman of the year. she's a superstar in the making as well. and that's just college. let's not forget the wnba. would asia wilson becky hamm is coaching that team, then being back-to-back champions in the wnba and all the while, the market ability that they bring to the table table because unlike a lot of guys throughout history, these ladies don't seem to get themselves in trouble. >> what i'm >> that makes them more marketable on madison avenue, not to say most. all guys do that because there's a lot of great. do you >> think that there's something so interesting? i my personal thing about caitlin clark and i
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her star power is that there's a narrative here. there's a story line and it's not all rainbows and butterflies. these are competitive women and they want to win. that competition is showing up in the trash talk on the court that's part of it too. i to me, it seems like one of the reasons this is happening is because you're seeing women competing kinda like the guys do. >> well, that's a good point that you make. and i think that last last night when lsu lost we saw angel reese crying. we saw her teammates coming to her defense. she talked about how hard life had been and how she hadn't been happy since she had won the national to play it out, just so people can say, mr. last night, that's less death threats. i've been sexualized, i've been threatened, not been so many things, and i'm still strong every single time, i'm still like all this has happened since i want the national championship and i said that the day i'm happy since then
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>> first of all, i have to say, i mean, it is heartbreaking to watch that young woman feel that way and how to express that publicly. but at the same time viewers, sports fans, they want to connect. they want to connect with angel reese in that moment. >> well, i think that's true, but i think the one thing that angel reese should have a smile on her face about is that the proverbial villain that some people had her as that's what leads to elevating the level of attraction in a sport what does well, guess what, you wouldn't be a villain if you lose it, you wouldn't be a villain if you didn't matter, you wouldn't be a villain if you were relevant. she was a villain because she was a champion, because she was better than everybody else in the war, because lsu tigers went out and won a national championship. if she let you all know just how great her and her team were last year? then it come back this year and they went 29 games and they one game away from the final four. and the person that took them out happens to be the best college
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basketball player in women's basketball on the planet right now. and so when you look at it from that perspective, you have to appreciate the fact that anytime you're looking for somebody, are you looking for the popularity that element? there has to be somebody who plays the role of a villain would bird and magic in the early 80s. and what have you here was the interesting part, some people's eyes bird was the villain, as some people's eyes, magic was the villain. it depends on whether you preferred blue collar, you preferred show time. they understood that everybody is not going to like you. everybody is not going to love you. but that's what comes along with greatness or so where we see a jewrys year, it is heart-breaking the watch her go through an express our emotions the way that she did in terms of chronicling what she endured. but if you're angel reese understand that if you didn't mean anything, if you were not that special they would not be bothering you. they would've never bothered. they did it because you're great and they wish that they were great to it comes with the greatness. there's a lot of greatness in the future for both angel reese and for caitlin clark was red. what is
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the future hold real quick before we go for both of them? >> well, both of them are going to be in the wnba both of them ago have illustrious careers. but what i'm thinking about caitlin clark is this friday, she's gone against young lady by the name of paige bueckers from uconn. and she was out last year with a knee injury. what her freshman year she was then national player of the year. she is a sensational talent in and of itself, in which you solve at those ratings last night, over well, 0.3 million people let me encourage all the numb to watch espn is friday night, because we're knows to go out. >> want to watch cnn, you could tune into the ad, stephen smith, thank you for being here with us tonight. and thank you very much for watching news night. laura coates live starts next so would you give to nashville hot tenders and three mandarin orange tenders? i >> what about you? three classic tenders? >> four big butterfly, ash-red for the current baby. >> i said, always a
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