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tv   CNN This Morning  CNN  April 3, 2024 2:00am-3:01am PDT

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what he's saying? >> our >> last council meeting i looked out, i'm just like i'm looking at you and i said, man, do you realize it was a that put his blood and reputation out there on the line for you, frankly, pushing back on this anti-white hatred that is so common in media and entertainment. >> if someone's like that in their private life do they have any business serving in a government position? >> absolutely not. absolutely not because we gave an oath, we raised our right hand and we swore to the people that we serve everyone equally and rightfully so polls here are closing in just about two minutes. and so we expect to add the election results later this evening ironically, there's actually a city council meeting going on in the building behind me a judd blevins is not here tonight. aron >> absolutely fascinating and
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credit report. thank >> you so much, ed. >> thanks for joining us. the news continues >> now on cnn it's wednesday, april 3rd, right now on cnn this morning buildings collapsed, people trapped taiwan, rocked by the most powerful earthquake to hit the island in 25 years. powerful storms, triggering dangerous floods and tearing off rooftops in the heartland here in america and donald trump back on the trail predicting the end of elections in america. if he loses to joe biden again all right 5:00 a.m. here in washington live. look at capitol hill on this misty wednesday morning good morning, everyone on kasie hunt, it's wonderful to have you with us. we begin with breaking news taiwan rocked by a deadly 7.4 magnitude earthquake. it's the most powerful earthquake to hit the island nation in 25 years. here's what we know right now,
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rescue efforts are underway more than two dozen buildings have collapsed, and people are trapped. the epicenter of the quake located just south of the tourist city of hualien. there are already powerful aftershocks and more are expected over the next several days, possibly reaching a 7.0 magnitude well, just look at this dashcam video was reported as the earthquake hit those cars and buses shaking violently very scary the earthquake also triggering landslides. and at this hour, at least seven people are dead with dozens more injured. those numbers are expected to rise. let's get the latest from cnn's hanako montgomery. she is live up from tokyo et forest hanako. good morning to you. do you have a handle yet on how much destruction this earthquake has caused? and what are the possible it will ripple
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effects >> yeah. casey, good morning. >> really powerful are earthquakes felt in taiwan this morning, i really just shocking footage. but in terms of what we know about the effect of this earthquake and the shocking after shot fox are, were seen seven deaths and at least 700 people injured were also hearing reports about 77 people trapped in some of these tunnels in taiwan. now, we have to note that the epicenter of this earthquake was in qualia and county, which was located on the eastern side. of the island, quality and county is a really popular tourist destination. it's also a rural area. and coincidentally it's where most of taiwan's earthquakes take place. but because it was very close to the epicenter, we're actually seeing most of the damage happened in hualien county, actually, of the seven who died, all of them were killed in, again, hualien county, three of them were actually hiking in this very popular
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spot called taroko gorge so in terms of the people trapped still in the tunnel, again, 77 people are still trapped. we're human reports that some of the people trapped to include foreign national scholz to germans and to canadians authorities are desperately trying to get those people out and to safety. now, in 20 of the damage that we're seeing across the island, we're seeing more than 100 buildings damaged or destroyed, including seven hospitals in taipei, the capital, were also hearing that more than 91,000 homes homes were without power. some of these roads were also partially destroyed, which was affecting some of the rescue efforts. now, in terms of just how people are trying to help those who are still stuck underneath some of the rebels stuck in those tunnels. the taiwanese defense ministry has dispatched military personnel and they're working with local authorities and trying to secure those people. and this is very common protocol when you see a natural
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disaster of this magnitude, kasie all right, hanako montgomery for us live in tokyo. hanako, thank you very much for that. i'm sure we'll bring any new reporting as soon as we have that. let's go now go to politics. primary voters in the key battleground state of wisconsin sending a message to president biden and donald trump, both men sweeping their respective primary races last night but you can see some cracks for both men. trump failing to break 80% in wisconsin, almost 13% of the vote going to nikki haley. she of course dropped out of the race nearly a month ago president biden, meanwhile, winning roughly 87% of the vote with more than 40,000 democrats and wisconsin casting a ballot for uninstructed, essentially vote for none of the above. 47,000 votes, more than double the margin of biden's victory in wisconsin in 2020. joining me now, is axios senior politics reporter eugene scott. you the gene good morning to you this of course, has been something we've been watching closely. the protest vote for
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president biden. but the reality >> is, donald trump has trouble to this comes of course, as we're seeing some swing-state polling seeming to favor the former president over the current president. how do you read these numbers from the results last night? >> well, i mean reality that a month after she dropped out, nikki haley is still causing trouble for donald trump, is something that the biden campaign is going to lean into. we've seen very recently they have launched a bit of a strategy. maybe too late to some of his supporters trying to go after those voters, letting them know that if they don't like trump, perhaps, maybe they should but consider biden and they kinda have to do this because there's so many voters specifically young voters, who usually vote democrat, who have proven right now last night that biden still doesn't have their support. >> so eugene, we also saw the former president on the campaign trail in wisconsin yesterday. he talked about the ramifications for the future of free and fair elections in our country. he cast it in terms of president biden. let's watch
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what president trump had to say a vote for trump is a vote to save wisconsin, and it's a vote to save your country. this country is finished >> we don't when those and i heard somebody say it is, scholars say it. do three days ago said, if we don't win, this may be the last election our country ever has. and there could be so i just like to point out that it's donald trump who broke the tradition we have in this country of a peaceful transfer of power in the wake >> of a free and fair election. we saw that in 2020. he does this though repeatedly. we've got a couple other examples coming up later on in the show of taking something. it is criticism of him, basically we're trying to rewrite the truth. >> yeah. i've i've heard it said something along the lines of his he does a lot of projecting obviously on his political opponents to
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communicate what he might very well do. i think this is something that we might see more liberal saline into trying to communicate to these swing voters season voters that are going to determine the election that if you want to have an idea of what it is that trump could do if he gets to the white house, look at what he's accusing biden of perhaps doing >> there is one accusation he is throwing at the current president biden, and that is around debates that may turn out to actually be the case. i think there are some questions about whether president biden, whether his team wants him to host the usual debates in the fall donald trump brought in an empty podium to make this point, watch we have an empty podium right here to my right. you know what that is? that's for joe biden. i'm trying to get him to debate >> i'm calling let's look at joe to debate any time any place we'll do it anywhere you want, joe. >> so >> that we can discuss in a friendly manner the real
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problems who our country of which you're are many instead of trying to have corrupt prosecutors fight your battles for you, that what is though thinking in the white house about the debates potentially hosting debates in the fall and the potential risks to the current president right now, there seems to be no support, not significantly in the white house for moving forward or with a debate against trump because there's no real belief that it's going to give precedent any type of advantage. but if there's somehow changes, if there's polling or pressure from some of those demographics that biden i'm really needs to win. who want to hear more from him about the issues that are keeping them from backing him that could change all right >> eugene scott for us this morning, eugene, thanks so much for kicking us off. i really appreciate it >> coming up next. >> how nato is >> preparing to support ukraine if the united states won't plus global outrage as israel tries to explain the accidental killing of seven aid workers in gaza and a powerful storm ripping off rooftops and kentucky, there's more severe
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military aid to ukraine worth more than 1 billion, 100 billion. that would give nato a more direct role in providing support to kyiv without help from the united states. the proposal is expected to brought up at a meeting of nato foreign ministers today joining me now from london, cnn international correspondent max foster at max. good morning to you. i think what we heard there from the former president shows some of why this is necessary, but he's also, of course not representing an increasingly isolationist wing of people here in the united states who are currently holding up this aid in the congress that seems to try to be a way around it. what do you see here? >> i see if ambitious figure, i mean, they're trying to raise a huge amount of money from countries which trump has rightly pointed out, aren't always stumping up their fair share of what goes to nato. so will they be able to raise it? probably is the first question within this plan as we understand it would be quite
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move. the us leads on certain coordination work and nato would take over that work be interesting to see what trump and biden think of that. there'll be losing some control of that, but maybe there'll be happy to do that. but i think you think casey but trump has been calling for nato to be in nature moment to contribute more to nato if they do sort of a grievous, he might have the arguments say, look, they've done it, they've listened to what i've said. so now i don't have a problem and nato, i don't know if it's just down to the money for trump is one thing. but if he's got a principle against this alliance is quite another, of course yeah, i mean, i think the questions really swirl here. in particular, when you listen to the way that the former president talks about vladimir putin, they're almost seems to be oftentimes in admiration and in far-right corners of the party, you see that pretty openly and trump if there's
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anything he's good at, it's kind of putting his finger in the wind to see where his people are on these kinds of things. >> and then >> following through on that, i mean, i think the big question in terms of the ukraine war is whether he would go with that sentiment in the party. and i think you have people out there like john bolton, who of course worked for trump. but one point, but has now become a prominent critic raising real questions about that. and i think for europe and for nato this in many ways is aimed at tying trump's hands are at least going around him in the event that he's not willing at to put this money out there >> what is your >> sense of how europe is? i mean, this does take a lot of consensus, right? i mean, all these nations have to agree. is that an issue? do you think? >> yes, probably because it's costs a lot of money, frankly, and a lot of the countries here are under a lot of pressure. so
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who pays the most and how they carve it up and what can they deliver the money? i think what will be interesting is whether if they do approve it, it does show massive resolve to support ukraine in this war and try to beat russia. the other thing we'll be considering is what the reaction russia might be because it could be seen as an escalation it doesn't allow the putin to then say nato is gearing up for war with russia. there'll be aware of that, but i think there's a feeling within nato that they've actually provided the countries within native, provided quite a lot to ukraine and they haven't had a response from russia, so they may be to get away with this, but it shows resolved from nato. we have to wait to see how russia response to it because increased tensions. if it's approved, there won't be approved straight away. of course, i think we're looking more to the july summit in washington right? for sure. all right. maxwell's reforest live in london, max. thank you. i always appreciate you. >> thanks for coming up next. >> dangerous storms leaving a >> path of destruction in the midwest plus voters in
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>> it's been another busy night, 14 reported tornadoes across multiple states like tennessee, alabama, georgia, and then up towards kentucky, illinois, as well, also coming with some damaging wind gusts, some gust reported upwards of 90 to 100 miles per hour. this is what we have left this morning, still a tornado botch until about 8:00 for parts of south central georgia and then getting into south carolina where we have been watching still multiple tornado warnings right now. we do have a live severe thunderstorm warning there just to the south of making the storm those stretches up north, i mean, we've got some heavy rain towards new york and philadelphia. it gets you flash flood warning earnings there around atlanta. flood watch in effect for a lot of the mid-atlantic going into new england where we've got 123 inches of rain. that's possible from jersey back down into west virginia. the severe risk continues to move east as we go into the day-to-day, that's where we've got the threat of damaging winds, large hail in isolated tornadoes from norfolk virginia and write down
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towards orlando and tampa, we're looking at the spring side of this with a severe threat along the east coast. but look at what happens as cold air comes in from the top. we're looking at ice and snow from the great lakes and two interior new england, we even have some blizzard warnings and effect in the up where we could have wins with some of the snow to quite a lot of hazards >> indeed, happy spring to everyone. be careful out there, at least rafah, thanks very much for that all right. it's 24 minutes past the hour. here's your morning roundup. ukrainian president zelenskyy signing a law to lower the country's draft age from 27 to 25 as ukraine struggled close to free up manpower with russia's war entering year three the city commissioner of enid oklahoma, a man named judd blevins booted from office so over his ties to white supremacist groups, he lost last night three call election the former teacher, cheryl patterson and monday nights elite eight showdown between
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iowa and lsu to setting an all-time ratings record for a women's college basketball game more than 12 million people watched the hawkeyes advanced to their second street i don't four. >> it's awesome. >> all right. up next, donald trump back on the trail denigrating migrants, bashing president biden plus israel, admitting it made a grave mistake in gaza >> this situation with blitzer knighted six. >> once cnn, when you're home needs work, where do you go? and you angie? that's where engine you're gay man with angie find top rated certified pros in your area plus compare quotes and pricing to help you get all your jobs done well, find top rated certified pros in your area at sometimes the lows of bipolar depression feel darkest before dawn with cap later, there's a chance to let in the light kept lighter is proven to deliver significant relief across bipolar depression unlike some medicines that only treat
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send you the stove gop guard free to help you say goodbye to that hard to clean gunk between your stove and counter-top, just pay a separate processes. >> this is not available in stores. go to stoke right away, or scan the qr code on your screen order now 10,000. >> my next month. i don't >> we won't know unless we try right? how long have we waited for something like this will have to alert suppliers, coordinate shipments already alerted already coordinated, every supplier sees changes as they happen. >> since when can we just scale up mid cycle? >> since we brought in vdo people who know know vdo a live look. >> at capitol hill on this wednesday morning. good morning to you. thanks for being with us. i'm kasie hunt, former
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president donald trump, back on the campaign trail with stops in the key swing states of wisconsin and michigan. during an event with law enforcement in grand rapids, trump hammered president biden over his border policies using new ish catchphrase to make his point >> i stand before you today to declare the joe biden's border bloodbath, and that's what it is. it's a bloodbath. they tried to use that term incorrectly on me two weeks ago, but it's a border bloodbath and it's destroying our country the former president also invoked the death of laken riley, the 22 year-old georgia nursing student who's suspected killer is an undocumented immigrant from venezuela the democrats. so please don't call them animals or humans. i said no, they're not yemen's the not yemen's their animals nancy pelosi told me that she said, please don't use the word animals or when you're talking about these people, i said, i'll use the word animal because that's what they are all right, joining us now,
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margaret talev, she is the director of syracuse university's democracy >> journalism and citizenship institute, also joining us is rena shaw, margaret, let me start with you on this the former president there obviously really hammering on immigration and he was talking also about this woman, ruby garcia, who was allegedly killed. she was found dead on a highway and he talked about he talked about speaking with the family. the family has disputed that, but the politics of this this is an issue that really cuts across party lines >> no, >> it absolutely is kasie and we're just seeing this consistently. i watch a lot of focus groups, some swing voters, some with democratic and republican voters all over the country. and inflation continues to be a concern. the other concern that really unites people on issues where people are not united in
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america on a lot of issues. but this border issue is resonated with people and it's for different reasons for some, it is a jobs thing. the idea that migrants are taking their jobs away and depending on what field they're in there may or may not be closer to true on any level. but the other really is this idea of public safety or crime. and when he asked people like maybe you're very far away from the border, like two states were talking about. >> yeah, >> they will still talk about crime that's in their communities and say that they think that that's because of immigrants and it is really interesting trend that we're seeing. and one that the former president has obviously tapped into in this leaning into yeah, i mean, rena, let's do make a distinction here. i should have done this at the top. that varies on the one hand, the very real concerns we see the voters half, there's also very dehumanizing language, right around. and you heard the former president, their are call at migrants, animals >> is there >> when i when i talk to democrats, they will say that
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americans are not in the dehumanizing space when they, when they pull on this issue does just just trump >> how is >> it that, that democrats are trying to make an argument that he is too far on this issue, like that he is not where voters are and is it damaging or is it not? >> it's an argument that i don't think democrats have been able to make excessively that this dehumanizing language is a point against trump and not for him because look, every time republicans come out to linking the border to crime and public safety, they realize they don't have to provide empirical evidence of that. they realized the messaging works, that the fear works, even in this bourbon young mother, who has a distaste for trump's language, has a distaste for perhaps even the policies are seeing out of congress right now from republicans when it comes to the border, they don't want to dehumanizing yet that fear compels them to give trump another look. and we got to remember though, and wisconsin trump did when by such a razor
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thin origin 0.77%. and so what the trump team is essentially trying to do here is tip the scale on the one issue they believe resonates the most. >> so speaking of crime, margaret and this kind of connection that you're making a trump also, did that in his speech, he talked about he called them suburban housewives and why they like they like him, the former president watch what he said >> the suburban housewives is actually like donald trump, you know why? because i'm the one that's going to keep them safe. they don't like just say, well, the suburban housewives, i don't know. >> i >> think i do great with the suburban housewives because they want to remain safe okay, so let's set, a the fact that there is a massive gender gap here. so it's not necessarily like a truth, however, the point that he made about women being concerned about crime and saying they want to remain safe. margaret cylinder lake, who is a pollster for biden's campaign, was quoted in political yesterday as saying thing that voters are
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definitely feeling crime is increasing. i think you have a combination of increased shootings, increased media coverage of crime, increased petty crime, post-covid. that is really unnerving to voters particularly women voters. so it seems like both sides are saying the same thing >> you've got what you saw in that >> segment from the former president is some wishful thinking. he's got problems with a lot of suburban and women over reproductive rights. and what you can do with your own body and should the government be regulating abortion taken away, right what he's trying to do is say that is not many suburban women's priority. protecting their children, protecting their families. this it? i think when you look at the statistics you've then got a huge leap to tried to say violence in your community is because of undocumented migrants in some other place. but it is a messaging issue. and right now former president trump is more successful on this messaging issue, then president biden, to me, it's aiib, age economy border. there are front of mind for that suburban woman and
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age. it's because of the trust thing, right? binds not going in reverse. do they trust his successor who that might be? vp harris? again, economy looking strong on paper get the feeling at home, the feeling of the pocket book when they're balancing the checkbook well, who really does that anymore when they're looking at their bank accounts, right? and feeling like, can i get that house that i was supposed to get a few years ago. and then the border, like you said, it's the messaging that wins. and in these three areas, this is the door through which trump will enter with this segment. >> so margaret bottom line here in these two blue wall states, we do have polling that shows president trump ahead of biden. obviously it's early, a lot of this polling is registered voters is not necessarily a screen for people that are actually going to show up. >> but it does >> show things that we didn't see in 2021 and we had these two men originally running against each other what do you see as those numbers telling us right now, if anything numbers are certainly telling us that
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young people, arab american voters, african american voters like those pieces of biden's coalition, if they don't turn out, he's a huge trouble, especially in michigan, but both of the states and the other is that i think people blame or reward, but blaming the incumbent for the moment that they're in and last time around, it was donald trump as the incumbent joe biden as the rival. and this time around weirdly, because this is a moment we're in the roles are reversed. and so he, president biden has got the weight of all the current circumstances and ultimately people's frustration with inflation and unease about what's coming next. and if you can imagine that on these packaging itself in an imaginary figure whose transfers to a border it is a difficult sort of amoebas fear that he has to counter and his messaging has not caught up to this diverse add. >> this is the era of punitive politics, right? so turnout is
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essentially both sides, but who's going to punish who here and that's a real question. >> all right. margaret talev, rena thank you both very much for being with us this morning. i really appreciate it >> all right. so israel trying to answer for its strike in gaza that killed seven aid workers from the nonprofit world central kitchen. the deaths include one dual us canadian citizen a spokesperson for prime minister benjamin netanyahu was on cnn last night >> when we make mistakes when israel makes mistakes, even the most tragic wants to admit we take responsibility see you in senior correspondent melissa bell is in jerusalem for us. melissa, good morning. what more can you tell us about the victims and the way that israel has reacted and responded to this well, we've been hearing more from worth saying central kitchen kasie about who these aid workers were. a wide variety of backgrounds, not just the american, canadian but also british citizen polish citizen. there was a palestinian amongst them, an australian aid worker as well.
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and there was so much outrage expressed over the course of yesterday, not just by international aid organizations, united nations relief agencies it's but of course, by president biden himself saying that he was outraged and heartbroken by their deaths. and what you saw at the same time over the course of yesterday, where israeli officials scrambling to show how seriously they were taking as and how quickly they intended to investigate nonces, probe at kasie at the highest level by the end of the de, it culminated in this very fulsome apology in english from the chief of general staff, the idf was a mistake that followed a misidentification at night during a war in very complex conditions it shouldn't have happened is that the wo with hamas not with the people of gaza we are solely for the
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unintentional harm to the members of wck there had been so many questions over the course of the day about how at this convoy clearly identified >> coordinating its movements with the idf could have been struck. and so that announcement or late at night yesterday, with the added announcement that the idf is creating a special command center with which through which it will coordinate better with humanitarians on the ground. because of course, the problem for the idf is that at the heart of their message of the last few weeks? month has been kasie, that that is exactly what they're doing ensuring they're working with aid agencies that that much-needed aid can get through. kasie. >> all right. melissa bell for us in jerusalem, willis. so thanks very much. >> up next here, what >> president biden and chinese president xi discussed in there first conversation since november >> i went to experience, i mean, i trust them. on my phone. they showed me subscriptions. i'm paying for even the ones i don't remember,
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>> welcome back, president biden and chinese president xi speaking by phone for the first time since their historic in-person summit last november. there are tensions between the two countries on multiple fronts, including the wars in ukraine and gaza, as well as growing concerns about north korea's nuclear capabilities, not to mention biden's stressing the need for peace and stability in the taiwan strait. the white house says the call lasted an hour and 45 minutes. they called it candid and constructive china's foreign minister summing up the relationship between the two superpowers, as quote, beginning to stabilize and quote, joining me now is cnn political and national security analyst, david sanger. he is also the author of a new book, new cold war's china's rise, russia's invasion, and america's to defend the west. david, good morning. i'm thrilled to have you a warning congrats on the book. it's out in two weeks no one better to talk to then you about what is going on on kind under the surface for this call. this is a long time for these two
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liters to go without talking. or at least it seems that way what do you hear in those statements that the two sides are put out and what do you think was accomplished? >> but first, it's always fascinated, read kasie the american account, and the chinese account the americans say with the american said and say nothing about what the chinese did >> you >> say, what the chinese said and say very little about what the american said >> and >> so you just gave a pretty good summary of what the white house said the chinese version of it said, you know, the united states is once again trying to suppress our development by restricting the kind of computer chips we can get by restricting the kind of equipment we can get and the chief made it very clear to biden he would not put up with that and he would not put up with the us interfering in the south china sea and then of course there's taiwan, which is always the touchpoint >> where do things stand on
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taiwan right now? because it does seem like there is, as we've confront, widening conflict, it seems ukraine of, course, the war in gaza, another one, but this sort of this sense of general instability in the world >> how >> close are we do you think to something hot in the taiwan context? >> well, first of all, obviously the taiwanese right now we're dealing with this awful earthquakes. we choose quite tragic. and we'll also be an interesting test for all of us about how well the semiconductor industry there, which depend on and which may be taiwan's biggest defense against the chinese invasion survives the chinese need the semiconductors from there as much as we do i don't think we're any place close to a chinese invasion or even
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significant military action for a couple of reasons. first, the chinese economy is slowing down a lot or is pretty slow right now. this is a much riskier your thing for the chinese to do with all the sanctions and condemnation. we'll come about when their economy is not in great shape secondly, i don't think they're ready for a military confrontation. i argue in new cold war's that if this happens it's likely to be a much small, slower squeeze on the chinese, making sure on taiwan, making sure that goods can't get through without there being inspected by chinese forces and so forth. that they would not want to create a crisis that would lead us to immediately we intervene. they'd rather have a slow constriction. think hong kong >> very interesting, david, i'm curious. we spent a lot of time thinking about what are. foreign adversaries and other
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countries think about are looming presidential election. who they'd like to see in the white house. vladimir putin, obviously, we speak about him a lot. the chinese question of what the chinese would prefer to see in the american white house is a really interesting one to me. and i'm wondering what your assessment of that okay. >> so as you say, for putin, it's easy, right? i mean if president trump comes in, president trump has said he would solve the ukraine problem in 24 hours. the only way you do that is by sitting down with vladimir putin and saying, okay, which of these parts whose ukrainian you holding onto right? not exactly what the united states and its current leadership have in mind, right? for china, it is more complex on the one hand they object strongly to what biden has done and he has been much tougher on the export issues on almost every one of the security issues then trump has a little, he is built on trump policies at the same
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time, the chinese love the fact that donald trump is a chaos agent because it gives them the ability to go, try to garner support elsewhere and keeps the us distracted in its own politics while china goes about doing what it's doing, very >> interesting. david on another topic. there are still is incredibly difficult fallout from the attack in gaza. the israeli strike that killed seven workers. for jose andres, world central kitchen this is something that the israelis came out and said was that this terrible accident, benjamin netanyahu talked about at the words from the white house were very sharp. >> there were what, >> what did you hear in the white house response to this, and how big of a image problem is this? obviously it's an, it's a massive tracks the human implications are terrible. but for israel, they're trying to maintain some semblance of support for their effort. this seems to do
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some damage to that. what is your view? absolutely. first of all, this >> project is one thing that was working to get people fed in gaza second, they had told the israelis where their convoys would be moving. now, accidents happened in war zones. >> but this >> one was pretty unforgivable >> it is >> interesting when you look at that white house statement it is a sharply worded as any i have seen during the war. and you wonder whether that is because of the high profile nature of this. the fact that there were people who are not gazans who were killed. they were relief workers from many different countries that were killed along the way. and you also have to wonder at this point how the israelis make the case that their attacks have been targeted and careful and all that when they hit this convoy, not once, not twice, but it looks like three or four times. >> really remarkable. all right. david sanger, your new book, cold war is china as rise
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russia's invasion, the american struggle to defend the west. thank you. he'll be back at six. i really appreciate it >> all right. time now for sports, millions of people tuned in to see caitlin clark and angel reese go head-to-head on monday and make women's basketball a history. carolyn mano has this morning's bleacher report. carolyn, good morning. >> good morning. kasie. we knew that millions we're going to tune it, but this number is astounding. iowa and lsu playing in front of it a sold-out crowd, but the fans tuning in at home setting a ratings record for ncaa women's basketball espn is reporting 12.3 million people watch caitlin clark's hog guys go head-to-head with angel reese and the tigers, which is more than last year's world series clinching game by the way, as well as all but game five the nba finals, it as a massive viewership and what again, for those who did decide to tune in if they haven't been following these women all season long clark continuing this record-breaking run delivering when it matters the most. here's what are coach this a bluder had to say about
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her performance >> when the stage is the brightest, when the spot, why is it was the brightest she's at her very best she loves this some people with her in >> the moment she just gets stronger in the moment when it's her time. she's going to just shine credible year for island bluder's program in the nba. joel embiid, taking the floor for the first time since injuring his knee back in late january, the reigning mvp scored 24 and 30 minutes to lift the 76 years over the thunder, 1910 phi them might be off from the 35 points per game that he was averaging before his injury. but for now, phillies mvp big man is happy to be back on the court you. >> we don't want all your home move on to emerge walmart you know know to the next one. this one was a law who while the top margin arduous acre, we got a chance grenada level dot, dot
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map and i'm only going about a, we are this want whose father? >> being in a game with serious playoff implications, but steph curry and luka doncic still having a little bit of fun. this was an impromptu halfcourt shooting contest, pre-game really cool after tip up though it was all business from their doncic going up or as 30 point triple-double. but the warriors rallying around, andrew wiggins high 23 points and draymond green also came up with this really big resoundingly blocked to help seal the win as golden state is now three games clear for the final play in spot lebron put up 23 in a way in over the slumping raptors to help the lakers to their seventh when and eight games, the 20 time all-star shut ten for 12, had mimesis, several of those dimes go to anthony day davis who added 21 points and 12 boards in the 17 point when so la now with 43 wins in all which matches our total from all of last year. and they still have six games left to play. and finally, 40 it's
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morning. kasie in baseball bryce harper giving phillies fan something to cheer about or three things to cheer about the two-time mvp snack and three home runs, including a seventh inning grand slam to give the phillies and 924 win over the reds. but the story of the night was actually on the mound with the file's calling a picture, ricardo pinto, who was in rochester, new york with their aaa affiliate. he got caught in traffic on the way to the park it was a five drive, ended up arriving in the fourth inning, which was time enough to pitch the final four and earn the save. his first appearance in the major since 2019. and he get there just in time we loved this story because just think about him being stuck in traffic and then parking the car, getting out there, get the job done? >> yeah. that's good for him. i'm glad i've been in situations trying to come here, for example, traffic, but it really doesn't compare caroline. thank you very much. i really appreciate it. >> all right. coming up here, the search for survivors after a deadly earthquake off the
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