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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  April 3, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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antidepressant medications. however, there are questions among experts in the field about how great that benefit is. and that leads to questions about how widely prescribed this wil by doctors and whether wl covered by insurancthat has been an uphill battle for ese dital therapeutic tools that many companiebut 's ve tried to develop, we don't know the price.e do know the mpany says it should be available later this year. guys >> so interesting, mega, it's great to see you as always. thank you so much. >> the next hour >> of cnn news central starts right now >> happeng now >> he urgent search for >> survivors after a devastating earthquake, hundred still trapped under the rubble this morning the biggest names in music warning against artificial intelligence. they say, it could sabotage their creativity. sarah is out today. i'm john berman with kate bolduan. this this is cnn news
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central new >> street journal poll presidential poll out this morning shows donald trump, lean president biden, in six of seven swing states. the exception here is wisconsin. biden holding a tight lead. there at all it's also worth thousands of progressive voters used last night's presidential primary two protest biden's handling of israel's war against hamas or the 45,000 voters picked uninstructed on the ballot. and that is more than twice the margin that biden had when he won the state back in 2020. last night, president biden came out also with some of his harshest words yet toward israel criticizing israel over the deaths of seven world central kitchen aid workers. they were killed in israeli airstrike in gaza. he shared those frustrations also with a small group of muslim community leaders during a
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meeting at the white house last night. it wasn't enough to keep one palestinian american doctor from walking out in the middle of the meeting in protest arlette saenz, is that the white house back with us was much more on this. what more can you tell us about this meeting that happened last night or let >> yeah. kate, president biden hosted a small group of muslim leaders, leaders here at the meeting at the white house for a meeting last evening. now one of the attendees from that meeting told cnn the president did raise and discuss the deaths of those seven aid workers who are working for world central kitchen to distribute aid in gaza. and the president yesterday also issued some of his most forceful language. yet, when it comes to criticizing israel for the conflict in gaza, a senior administration official told cnn that's the deaths of these world central kitchen workers has really raised the frustration among president biden and his top advisers to a whole new level that was evidenced in the statement president biden released last night, the very first word
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saying, quote, i am outraged the word that he is rarely used in this conflict. the president also in his statement criticized israel for not doing more to protect civilians and humanitarian aid workers. he said this conflict has been one of the worst in recent memory in terms of how many aid workers have been killed. this is a major reason why distributing humanitarian aid in gaza has been so difficult. because israel has not done enough to protect aid workers trying to deliver desperately needed help to civilians. incidents like yesterday is simply should not happen. the president also spoke by phone with chef jose andres, the founder of world central kitchen, to express his condolences for the lives lost, including one dual us canadian and citizen. but really this incident highlights some of the tension points between the us and israel. the president has increasingly warned israel that they need to take greater care to protect tech civilians, and also to get more humanitarian aid into palestine. still civilians in gaza, but the president, as you noted, is also facing domestic pressures
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here at home in that small meeting last night with muslim leaders, some of the people in attendance were doctors who have been on the ground in gaza and see in the suffering firsthand and one of those doctors amad a told cnn that he walked out of that meeting in protest. take a listen to what he had to say >> we are not satisfied with what has taken place. there has been no concrete steps, but keep in mind were very concerned about the people that are over in the gaza strip that are in palestine right now, who are not just starving, but are facing the threat of a looming refer, invasion and so i was able to share that with the president and let him know that out of respect for my community, out of respect for all of the people who have suffered and what have been killed in the process. i need to walk out of the meeting so clearly there are a lot of raw emotions around this issue. a increasingly complicated dynamic for president biden, but one big question going forward is whether the deaths of these world central kitchen aid workers will alter the
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president strategy in any way when it comes to his approach to israel, his approach to netanyahu as this campaign in gaza to root out hamas continues are let great to have you there. thank >> you so much, john. >> right with us cnn's senior data reporter, harry et and harry, kate was talking about these new wall street journal polls from key swing states. what do they show? yeah, let's take a look at >> sort of will take a broad look here. and this is the aggregate, of course, across these seven swing states, right? and i want to keep an eye out on the kennedy factor. so what we see in the two-way is that joe biden is trailing donald trump 47, 44% when you include that third parties, both trump and biden go down. kennedy pops up with 11%, but that three point margin stays the same. kennedy is basically taking from both joe biden and donald trump a little bit more in some states, from buying a little bit more from trump. and the other swing states, but overall, not much of an impact on the top line and as kate was going out and we've been harping on all morning. look, this is the margin across these
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seven key swing states with kennedy, including the other third party candidates. look, there's just a lot of red on this board, only a little bit of blue down in wisconsin. but this basically matches what we've been seeing in other polling taken throughout this cycle. and that is that donald trump, as in inefficiently better shape at this point in the 2024 cycle than he was at this point in the 20, 2030, consistent with all the other polling, correct. each and every one of these states that we've seen part of the question is why when you look at the issues and things, yeah, why >> why? i like to dig down and look at the y what is going on or a trusted more again, this is across all of these key seven swing states. look down, trump is trusted more than joe biden and basically, all the important issues the economy, inflation, 20 point lead, immigration, border 20 point lead the israel-hamas war, 14 point lead the russia-ukraine war, nine point late protecting democracy well within the margin of error, which i think is something the nap should really worry that biden can't give him that. he has been harping and democrats been harping on this just a one-point advantage on an
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abortion, democrats and joe biden have a 12 point advantage. they would love this campaign to be about abortion, but at this particular point, it's about this. and it's about this with perhaps a little bit of this and all these issues favor donald trump. >> it looked and you the democrats in prison and biden been running on democracy, and that's a wash right now. it is a wash. and this is not the only poll that shows i was looking at quinnipiac university poll last month, last week, excuse me, that showed the exact same thing. and it's something that rfk junior said to our colleague, erin burnett saying, i'm not really quite sure joe biden may in fact where's that protecting democracy. it turns out a lot of voters really agree on that. one little last thing. i'll point out is the us on the right track or wrong track of presidential elections, right track, 25% average when the president parties loses since 1980, 25% it looks very much that type of campaign that we've seen before right now, area and great to see you. thank you >> let's talk about this joining us right now is more gillespie. she's the founder and principal of blue sack strategies and the former press secretary, press advisor to then speaker of the house, john benner. and more recently, adam
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kinzinger and cnn political commentator, former white house committee in cations director joe biden, kate bedingfield, it's great to see you guys. thanks for coming in. >> let me >> start with you. let's talk about the overall in this snapshot in time with this wall street journal poll, six of the seven donald trump has the lead exception is wisconsin that translate to what conversation should be, could be having about strategy right now in these critical states, in the biden team yeah well look i mean can't presidential campaigns are always about where you focus your resources. now, when one thing the biden campaign has going for it, they have a massive resource advantage over the trump campaign. and they have more money, which means they have more pathways, they have more states where they can play effectively i think what we've seen across the course of the last month since the state of the union as the biden campaign and president biden has been out blitzing the country. we have seen the polling averages come up. obviously this wall street journal poll today, not great for the button biden campaign. but we have seen the
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polling average come up in these battleground states. we've seen the trend lines moving in the right direction. obviously the election is not tomorrow. it is still seven months away. there's still a very long time to sharpen the case to draw this contrast, and to bring forward the issues you heard harry referencing this now for the biden campaign, they have to they have to think about how they can bring to the forefront the issues where biden has the advantage. abortion is obviously one how can they really ensure that this campaign is about what's at stake, what a donald trump second term would really mean on these issues. and how can they draw that clear contrast? they have seven months to do it. that's a very, very long time in politics. but there's a lot of work ahead of them. no question. >> no question at all. >> one thing that we also have come you can see it in the polling, but you also have some concrete interesting information, warning signs for donald trump coming out of the wisconsin primary last night more i wanted to ask you about because you've got republican
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voters voting for other republican candidates that are not trump. and the way they, the way they put it together is upwards of 100,000. if you add it all together when you're looking at the republican primary and wisconsin as they voted last night, upward of 100,000 wisconsin state republicans went to the polls it's tuesday and check the box for someone or thing other than donald trump. that translates to what going forward that he does not have the full support of the people he needs to actually get back to the white house. and he hasn't really really seem to grasp that concept yet because he's been playing to the base so heavily and using rhetoric that he knows will jin them up and speak to them. but he's not not speaking to those who were voting for anyone else that we're up there. the 14 that initially started out in this primary with republican gop field. he's not trying to speak to any of those people and he's certainly not trying
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to speak to people who were looking to nikki haley as their choice. so if he really wants to be back at the white house, which he has made very clear. he does he doesn't think that america can survive without him. well, then he needs to be talking a different tune to some people who he needs in order to get that white house job back >> i kinda added together. i'm curious, your thoughts on the approach or what it means in the future because you've got republicans kind of i don't know if it's protests voting against trump in wisconsin in this primer, you have the protest vote sending a message to biden on the democratic side, and wisconsin, which was not insignificant number of people, i think it was 8% of the people who turned out in this uninstructed on the ballot is what do you do with that as a campaign, do you think that those people who are voting for nikki haley on the ballot are good able for the biden campaign. do you how concerned is the biden campaign that the people who voted uninstructed
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that they will stay home or vote for donald trump >> yeah, well, look, i don't >> think there's any question that there is fatigue across the electorate. i mean, we see that in every poll. we see it in every focus group people feel tired of politics that you could, i think you could argue since donald trump really came on the scene in 2016, in politics is taken a turn for the even more negative people are tired of it, and they've got frustrations with both candidates. no question. i think strategically for the biden campaign, i think what they've gotta do is they have to cast as wide a net as possible. donald trump is not putting forward an inclusive message. he's not putting forward a message of optimism or hope, or really even a message that's focused on the future. i mean, really his messages a lot about his own personal grievances and in the past, so for the biden campaign strategically, i think in order to energize some of these people who feels sort of turned off by politics they have to put forward an optimistic message. they also have to be very clear about the stakes. i
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think they cannot be around the bush in terms of what a second trump term will look like in terms of threats to our democracy, in terms of just the overall sense of chaos that was something that people really disliked about the first trump term and the biden campaign has to from people what that felt like and what that kind of uncertainty felt like having donald trump in the white house. so i think the trunk, so far what we've seen from donald trump is giving joe biden a huge opening to do that. i think they have a pathway and they just have to keep adding that contrast for the next seven months. >> lots of openings, lots of uphill battles, and lots of time left. it's great to have you guys here. it's great to see you. thanks so much >> coming up for us more than 100 >> people are still trapped in the rubble. several buildings have collapsed we've seen terrifying videos coming out of that massive earthquake rocked taiwan overnight. we're going to bring you an update on what happened and how things are going. now, there's all also new video this morning of the powerful storm that brought damaging winds, dangerous hail
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and tornadoes reported touching down in parts. >> the >> ohio valley special counsel jack smith, confronting judge aileen cannon directly questioning her moves in trump's classified documents case next stop >> this stage and all those points dreams are made of >> they talk about for a lifetime. we will see you in phoenix >> it's a new day one. we're >> our shared values >> propel us towards a more secure future. through august of partnership built upon cutting-edge american australian, and british technologies will develop state-of-the-art next generation and build something stronger together. securing dickey, peace and prosperity for america and our allies. we are going ford and stenting for
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>> there are over 7 million us businesses on tiktok. >> i'm sarah as rich and the lipid-rich print director at independence village as senior living community and walkie, iowa, >> everybody here are really, really make you feel like family and that they love you. >> our >> goal with tiktok was to enrich the lives of our residents. i think i am a tiktok grandma. my kids think i am i mean, we're the ones that are being entertained. time grows faster >> keep tiktok >> i'm pete muntean. it reagan national airport. >> this is cnn all right. >> breaking overnight more than 100 people are trapped by the rubble after taiwan was hit with a strongest earthquake in 25 years, the epicenter of the 7.4 magnitude quake was in a mountainous area on the east coast of the island shaking brought the morning commute to a standstill. look at some of these pictures of what must been like driving their look at
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them, plus shaking back and forth there was a frightening moment inside a subway car as well. you can see people underground or aboveground at this case trying to hold on on that train is it shakes back and forth we have a stunning picture from a rooftop swimming pool. >> what do that? >> good, a huge waves in a >> small pool. it gives you a sense of how violent this shaking was in a newsroom about three hours away from the epicenter in the capital city of taipei. you can see the impact there of the earthquake again, three hours away from the epicenter let's go to see it as hanako montgomery tracking all of this for us. i imagine it is nighttime, it is dark there in these rescue efforts continue yes, john, these rescue efforts are continuing because we still know that >> 137 people are trapped in hualien county. now collin county is located on the eastern coast of taiwan, which
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was very close to the epicenter, like you mentioned. and where we're seeing a majority 40 of the significant devastation in taiwan now, for some context, hualien county is a tourist hotspot. it's also a rural area and also where most of taiwan's earthquakes actually take place. so of this 137 people still trapped taiwanese authorities have told us that a majority of them are actually in a mining area and they're trying to get to those people, trying to communicate with those who are still trapped, and they're trying to get those people out and to safer grounds by deploying military troops and working with local governments to get them there but of course, some of these rescue efforts were affected by just really collapsed roads that have been destroyed due to that really powerful earthquake. and those aftershocks. now, the taiwanese government has also warned residents in taiwan on that we could still see aftershocks
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continuing for the next several days. they've said that the earthquakes, the aftershocks could have a magnitude of 6.5 to 7.0, which is very, very significant. and as someone who lives in and very seismically active country, who has experienced a lot of aftershocks from various a powerful earthquakes. i can tell you, john, that these are not to be taken lightly. they can still be very traumatizing for people in taiwan. so we're just going to be monitoring the news here to see what exactly we can see with rescue operators, to see whether more lives were rescued because of this very, very powerful earthquake. john. >> yeah, against the pictures for senior, just stunning those huge clouds of dust that were kicked up. there are people trying to drive, you can see the violence of the seismic activity hundred go. thank you so much for being with us this morning >> and as you've mentioned before, the aftershocks, after a quick this earthquakes and aftershocks is almost like diminishes. >> so unnerving it's >> so scary and it's going to be coming and coming and coming. we're gonna keep close to this one, but also tracking whether back here in the united states, tens of thousands of
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people across the ohio valley are without power our after massive storms slam the region. i'm going to show you some video. take a look. it's pretty incredible view of wind sweeping university of kentucky student off his feet in middle of the storm, just looking poor guy this series of storms not only brought those wild wins, but also hail and tornadoes. two parts of the midwest, cnn's athena jones is in ohio for us, just joining us now a thena unconfirmed reports of tornadoes touching down. what are you seeing? >> hi, kate. that's right. as you mentioned, the ohio valley has been struck by two back storms starting tuesday morning, continuing into the night you can see here some of the wind damage. this is to a historic bridge. this bridge dates back to the 19th century and until before the storm, this bridge had a roof. you can see the extensive damage and the kind of repairs are going to need to be done on what is now a pedestrian bridge. you can see part of the roof here
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off to one side. there are broken treeline and other pieces of this structure scattered about. we also see broken trees over here and these creeks we've come across several of them have been there, weren't the rotter was very was quite high. it's begun to go down, but that is one of the other issues. i've been flooding. as you mentioned, there were two tornado warnings, but we're going to have national weather service teams out today assessing the damage. >> so we'll >> have to wait for official confirmation that tornadoes actually struck down here in adams county there are extensive power outages across the region. we were just in town some businesses have some power, others have none at all. and according to power outages,, there are more than about 19,000 people here in ohio that still without power, about 16,000 in kentucky, but more than 100,000 in west virginia. we also know that schools here in adams county are closed, so that families it's can deal with the damage. but so far we haven't gotten the full karmic confirmation that tornado struck touchdown,
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but we have seen damage, power outages, and luckily, no fatalities fatalities reported, you have to take that good news when you see some of those damage, it's good to see your thena. thank you. >> still had for us a federal appeals court set to hear arguments today about that controversial texas immigration law that would empower state judges to deport people. and also this more than 200 musical artists are joining forces and speaking out about the threats that base c of artificial intelligence on the usyk industry. they say it will sabotage creativity >> spatial colombia, the final flight premieres sunday at nine on the ups stores, not just the ship and store, where the shipping store the lead, the packing to watch the we understand this it's more than a package store with a packet
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the difference at moon >> this is the big daft >> payne who that do >> overnight special counsel jack smith, taking on the judge, overseeing the classified documents okay. it's really confronting judge aileen cannon over her requests for jury instructions that embrace donald trump's claims that he had broad authority to take the documents with him when he left the white house, smith pushing back really quite hard in this filing writing in part that the court should be aware at the outset that trump's entire effort to rely on the presidential run records act is not based on any facts. it is a post-hoc justification that was concocted more than a year after he left the white house and going on to say there is no basis in law or fact that legal presumption and the court
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should reject trump's effort to invent one as a vehicle to inject the presidential records for its act into this case. let's get to it, joining us right now is nick ackerman is a former assistant special watergate prosecutor and former assistant us attorney for the southern district of new york. nick, what do you think of this? >> jack smith is 100% right? there is absolutely no connection to the presidential records act to this case whatsoever. it does not allow president former president trump to have said that certain documents or personal, even the 11th circuit and considering the special master claim made it very clear that donald trump has no possessory interest in these documents and that they do not belonged to him. this is just completely off the wall completely off the wall >> as an argument. but if you read the subtext, i think the subject is completely off the wall that you are even considering this, that this is
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even an issue in that song, you, judge cannon absolutely i mean. jack smith makes it very clear that there is no connection to reality with the presidential records act. and the case that's before her. i mean, he does that by the law and also by the facts. i mean, there would be a factual issue here if donald trump could claim that he really thought that some of these doctors get since were personal and could raise that as an intent defense in his case. but the fact of the matter is jack smith points out that he never thought that these documents were covered by the presidential records act. he's on tape saying that these are classified me shouldn't have them said >> this filing that the cages read from, is this a type of filing? you would do if you thought things were going okay with the judge overseeing your case? of course not. >> i mean, he is >> basically setting up this judge for the fall before the 11th circuit. he made it quite clear that achieves totally absolutely wrong on the law.
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and to she's wrong on the facts that underlying any defense after receiving a filing like this from in your court, what are the options for how judge aileen cannon response to this? >> well, i would hope that she goes back to the law books and realizes she's just dead wrong. maybe that's a >> possibility she should say actually, i meant after further review, i meant i would like to see jury instructions that have nothing to do with the presidential records act. >> could that now, i can't have pi a possibly based on what she has said already. i mean, it was such a preposterous requirement that you gave both council on this because it wasn't based on anything in the law in the presidential records act so she's just got to come back and say, acknowledged. she's wrong. and if she doesn't, she's got to decide this so that jack smith can take this up to the 11th circuit. >> in either case what are the chances that this case goes before a jury, before the election? >> i would say it's pretty slight at this point because
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and getting slider, i would think so. yeah. because unless she does something pretty quickly and acknowledges that she made a mistake here, this case is going to just drag on and if it goes up to the 11th circuit, i'm sure they're going to act extremely quickly on this as they did with the special master issue. but still, it's going to make this case drag out a bit long. >> nick, karen friedman, agnifilo is on with us earlier and she said the way hey, this is written, what she sees in this the simmering frustration i think is how she described it. she sees this as suggesting jack smith has setting up to ask that aileen cannon be cuz i'm not sure if he would go that far, but he's certainly setting her up to take it to the 11th circuit when he gets the 11th circuit true are one option >> is to say that this judges inexperienced doesn't know what she's doing. this is the second time we've had to take her up to the 11th circuit on what is really basic elements of law for that reason, she should be recused sometimes appeals courts will do that. >> this is not a filing from a
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happy special counsel. >> that's clear, by no means. >> all right. what have you met? a happy especially that's a good. >> i'm >> only grumpy >> nick. thank you very much. >> this >> morning of federal appeals court will hear arguments over the controversial texas immigration law. this is the one that would allow texas law enforcement to arrest people suspected of crossing into the state of legally and allows state judges to deport them. the legal issue is, is this are they usurping the role of the federal government? cnn? it's rosa flores following this case this morning. good morning, rosa >> well, good morning, john, in about 30 minutes, there will be oral arguments that are gonna be heard in the fifth circuit appeals court. now, this case has gone in some court. ping pong. that's been going through multiple layers of the court system it's dumb and it is just going back to the appeals court after the same appeals court issued an order last week that blocked sb4 here's why this is significant, because it's the
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same justices. were going to be hearing the oral arguments today and each side is expected to have about 30 minutes. >> but >> if we glean from what the majority opinion that was issued last week and this was a two-to-one vote. the majority in the majority opinion, that chief justice made very clear that she had concerns about the constitutionality of this law and if you take a look at the history of this law, i want on a dial back because in the texas senate when this law was being argued and debated on the texas senate floor, there was a the texas republican senator who was also the prior author of this law, who stood on the senate floor and said that this law had been, this bill had been taken get away from him. there were clauses that were added that made this law unconstitutional. and he said he was very concerned about those measures and that he he
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was voting no for sb4. we of course know that sb4 is still went through, but here's what he said on the senate floor. take a listen >> and we are sitting a terrible precedent for the future by invalidating our obedience and faithfulness to our constitution now, these are some of the same concerns that the chief justice at the, at the appeals court raised. and this this senator went on to say that one of the concerns that he had is that the state of texas, in this law gives judges the power to deport migrants. and he says that under the us constitution, it's very clear that that is a federal power well, the appeals court judge said exactly that. i want to read a portion of her majority opinion. she said, quote, the texas removal provisions bestow powers upon itself that are likely reserved to the united states. and john, this is going to be the center of the oral arguments today. is this law constitutional or not?
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there are concerns both by the chief judge, as i've mentioned by democrats, by this republican was the prior author and many other civil rights organization since we're very concerned about this law potentially going into effect, john, i know you'll be there watching these arguments and we very interesting to see the questions that these judges is asked. maybe tip us off as to where they're headed. rosa flores. thank you very much >> kate, for right now, secretary of state tony blinken is meeting with his nato counterparts in brussels as the critical question over more money for ukraine weighs on both the us congress and very clearly international allies great teammates trust each other. we're going to do a trust falls, stand up, you close your eyes before trust >> what >> summary of dog >> i told you it was a dumb
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delicious gummies >> so would you give to nashville hot tenders and three menn or an orange tenders? >> what about you? three classic tenders? >> four big butterfly shred for the current baby. >> i said always a competition. you can't handle the shrimps. >> see about that. >> yeah, we will bomb on erasure on capitol hill so in this is cnn >> new reaction from world leaders after that is really airstrike killed seven aid workers from world central kitchen prime minister rishi sunak from the united kingdom told benjamin netanyahu, quote far too many aid workers and ordinary civilians have lost their lives in gaza in the situation is increasingly intolerable the polish prime minister donald tusk warrant is real quote, the vast majority of polls showed full solidarity with israel after the hamas attack >> today, you were >> putting this solidarity to a really hard test. well, it's now former us defense secretary and cia and global affairs analyst mark esper. mr. secretary, thanks so much for
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being with us. >> these >> leaders, prime minister tusk, rishi sunak of the uk, sending a message. it seems that the actions you are taking is real, are pushing you further away from success us what do you think >> first of all, good morning, john. >> look, i >> think that assessment is correct. what happened was a terrible tragedy. it should be completely avoidable. >> it appears that >> the world central kitchen personnel on the ground did everything possible, everything right to avoid such a calamity if for example, marking their vehicles, providing details on where they're traveling and when. >> and yet, the idf >> somehow got this wrong, screwed this up. i mean, you would think after six months of conflict, they would've figured out how to d conflict these types of things, how to do proper coordination. so look, it was good to see prime minister netanyahu on teeth tv yesterday, acknowledging the mistake was made, the israeli president apologize for the idf came out and noted that they made a mistake, are
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investigating, but i think we need to know what the results are from that investigation. who's gonna be held accountable, and what will happen going forward to make sure that this never happens again. >> i guess the question is is this symbolic of something larger? the idea that how israel is conducting this war is no longer something that certain countries and people around the world cancel four yeah, i think after six months of conflict, there's something bigger here that it's unclear which is why i think this really needs to be investigated thoroughly, not >> just the tactical incident itself, but the broader nature of things. so in other words, does this just poor coordination? was it somebody made a mistake or is it just a recklessness on the part of idf commanders that taken care and avoiding civilian casualties isn't as important as we think it is. so i think there's something more there again, after six months of conflict that would expected them to do a whole lot better than this. >> so what can you do about that? if you for the united
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states, mr. secretary, you been in rooms that most of us will never be in right. with israeli defense leaders, the people who are conducting this war how would you deliver this message to them again, not specifically about this incident, but the broader war conduct overall you're looking not just from my previous experience of secretary defense, but from my time as an army captain in the gulf war, i know what it means to d >> conflict fires and to manage these things. so look my view is first and foremost, we should offer to bring american officials generals, officers, in to assist them with the coordination and i think and to kind of, be there with them with looking over their shoulder, trying to help out trying to improve liaison on the ground. i think offering that type of expertise and assistance since we have a lot of practice and a good tracker with track record with it would be quite helpful well that's a carrot. what about the stick? i'm at what point do you tell israel if you believe that that the way you're doing this is
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leading you further away from success well, the biden administration has been saying that for months now and it looked there, right? we've said all along that you've got to make sure that in conflict for every terrorist or militant did you kill it? you don't create two or three more by being sloppy and how you conduct the operation or killing civilians. so i don't know what the stick is right now. you don't want to deny israel the arms. it needs to defend itself from, not just hamas, but really has blocked now, given what happened in syria the other day, the possibility of an are running conflict if things escalate, so i wouldn't put restraining or restricting arms and ammunition on the table but look, i do they get this needs to be continued to press the israeli government, the netanyahu government, to do better. and i think offering up the officers is one way to do it. whatever assistance we can give them or others in the international community from where you are sitting today, do you think israel is closer to a
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successful outcome, whatever that is, then they were say a month ago well they're not in a sense that they're losing ground on the international support front, which was thin to begin with. and i think this is a reason why hamas really isn't coming to the table and making the compromises that i think israel, egypt, qatar, the united states would want to see them make because they know that if they hamas gives up the middle, the i'm sorry, the hostages, then they lose their leverage. and why should they make those steps now, when it appears that events are trending against the israelis, that international support and against them is slackening and pressure on the netanyahu government continues to increase. so i think they're sitting back and saying, israel continues to dig a deeper hole when it comes to not letting civilian aid and humanitarian aid in and preventing civilian casualties >> former defense secretary mark esper, you've got a perspective. the few of us have, so thanks so much for being with us today. i really appreciate it. >> thank you, john.
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>> all right. we are standing by for updates on the ongoing rescue mission for well over 100 people still believe leave trapped by the rubble from a devastating earthquake and billie eilish, katy perry, and hundreds of other artists teaming up against a ai, they call the technology an assault on human creativity >> houston, check hello, your nothing. >> a space shuttle accidents usually not one thing. it's a series of events. >> is that part of the wing coming apart? >> space shuttle columbia final flight premieres sunday at nine on cnn >> what you doing, just buying a car on carbonic already got pre-qualified in two minutes >> i can customize my terms, say my car is getting delivered in a couple of days, delivered >> finance and buying your car with carbonic today, cracked windshield schedule would say flight and will come to you to fix it. this customer was joining her morning walk. we
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>> no. >> i don't get stressed. it's going katy perry, billie eilish, anthjonas >> jonas brothers were they i got really his brothers.his must be big deal. yeah. obviously a group of notable artists his brothers, jordy, says now in speaking out about the threat, they see an artificial intelligence. i need to get through it and just messing with me in an open letter to ai developers, more than 200 singers and songwriters there now, laying out their concerns about deep fakes and voice cloning, seen as elizabeth wagmeister is here to save me from john elizabeth. what are these artists asking for >> i'm so glad to know that john is a huge fan of the jonas
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brothers. this main my morning. the jonas brothers are among a group of many, a list artists who are calling all the threats of ai. this comes in a new letter that we obtained yesterday, and there's many artists, songwriters, and music companies saying that they understand that this technology is here and that there are many benefits of ai, but they are saying that they use and the misuse particularly of ai, can take away compensation for artists. there are no mince words in this letter. this comes from artists like billie eilish, john's favorite, the jonas brothers also the estates. frank sinatra and bob marley stevie wonder is another one who assign this and i want to read you part of this letter. they say, quote, this assault hold on, human creativity must be stopped. we must protect against the predatory use of ai to steal professional artists, voices, and likenesses violate creator's rights and destroy the music ecosystem. this goes
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on and no small terms to say that if ai continues to be unregulated, that many jobs are going to be lost across the music industry >> elizabeth, it's great to see you. thank you so much. it's an existential >> threat to a lot of different forms here and to deal with it like so many industries of how they're going to work with it or against it, they need to decide. >> you can see why they're dealing with this, okay? the total eclipse, it is coming, it is monday and eclipse mania. it's a big deal if it's a true thing, people trying to plan where they will be able to get the best view of the eclipse on monday. make the final travel plans you have to get safe glasses, checking the weather for cloudless skies. canada's niagara region has declared a state of emergency ahead of taurus arrival, i think that's just to prepare because they know so many people are going to show up. there are known vermont they're expecting so many people to show up there doing things like closing roads are telling people you can't
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