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tv   CNN Newsroom With Wolf Blitzer  CNN  April 3, 2024 8:00am-9:00am PDT

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singing voice. don't make them inherit your final expense tab to rafael romo, the georgia state capitol in atlanta. this is cnn right now. we're following breaking news >> searcanscue opetion are underwcross taiwanmid fears of aftershocks rely from
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taipei with the latest on the deadly earthquake. >> plus the fallout from the israeli airstrike that killed several aid workers with the world central kitchen. the group's founder, chef jose andres responding with an essay saying, and i'm quoting him now, you cannot win this war by starving an entire population meantime, family members of hamas hostag, storm the israeli knesset as anti-government protests grow morentense in jerusalem hello, i'm wolf blitzer in washinon and year and the cnn newsroom these cnn >> it's now 11:00 p.m. in eastern taiwan and search and rescue operationare stretching into the darkness of earthqua, nine people e confirmed dead and where ty, e most perful eauaked. this is strike the island 25 years
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the quake hit ring mning magnitude of sev this dash camera video captures the violent joke sharply rocking these cars and a busnd bringing traff to standstill and take a look at this video, the earthquake is triggered,andslides, likthe one you see redozens of people have been freed from off. dens more fading help. we're covering all the angles right? now seen as i' been watson is in taiwan's capital of type eight. i've been what's the latest what are you seeing as far as the rescue efforts are underway? >> right? well, as you pointed out, we'll if this was the most powerful earthquake to hit this island in a quarter century, people are used to earthquakes here, but even my kylie colleagues behind the camera, one of them shaken awake this morning, another one running to embrace and hold on to his his wife and children as
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things started falling off the walls, and taipei is a good hundred miles away from the epicenter in while again, county that is this rugged, mountainous region that is popular for tourists to try to go there and for hiking for the cliffs and very high mountains. and it's largely cut off from the north of the island because of avalanches and landslides. some of the people that have been killed there, they were killed by falling rocks. one person killed by iraq hitting hey, i'm on, on a highway. others, hikers who were hit on a hiking trail there had been rescued going out throughout the day up to 70 people that were trapped in different highway tunnels where they were blocked off by avalanches fortunately rescued, but the authorities are saying there's still perhaps around 140 people in different parts of that county that are still cut off and still requiring rescue and we don't really have any
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account from the authorities on what their situation is right now. take a listen to survivors of this earthquake if the wholuse was going felt to topple all the things. hello, improvthings damaged now, here in taipei even though the traffic is moving and it feels like life >> as usual, there's still one hospital that is reportedly not fully functional because of some damage it had. there were about 100 buildings that reported damage. they're still rescue efforts that are underway right now. we're the 900 people injured in this disaster and there are still aftershocks. the taiwanese authorities are predicting that you could still get aftershocks as powerful as 7.0 magnitude over the next three to four days. the us geological survey has repoed 40 more than two dozen aftershocks, some with a
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magnitude of five and six and that is hitting areas that have already been very much shaken up by the power of this historic earthquake. >> yeah, i'm really worried about those aftershocks. you stay safe over there, ivan. thank you very, very much. want to go to the cnn weather center right now? he urologist elisa raffa is joining us. elisa, why is this area seemingly so prone to earthquakes? >> they are so prone and we call it the ring of fire. this is where our tectonic plates that make up the earth, all kind of meet. and where they meet at that point, they can move. we've got live magma underneath and once they move, they can move, they collide, they can crash. and that's where we get the earthquakes and you can see southeast asia, eastern asia, all the way up to japan is really ground zero for where we get all this seismic activity that's where more than 450 of our volcanoes are, 90% of the world's earthquakes, all happened in this region because that's where the tectonic plates now, this seven plus point magnitude earthquake
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is kind where rare worldwide, we only see about 15 of them per year. you can see this more. we'll ones are much, much more common, but when you get the big one, the destruction is just incredible. we're looking at buildings that are crooked, toppled, upside down rescue missions needing to happen all day and like i mentioned, we're going into the night. so an incredibly massive seven point magnitude earthquake on the east coast, they're of taiwan. there actually were some tsunami alerts overnight. those have been cleared and we have had on 29 aftershocks that have been four point magnitude or higher. most of them have been on the order of five point magnitude food. so those aftershocks can really do even more damage, except especially for the structures that are already vulnerable. they're already cricket, an upside down as we go through the next couple of days, taiwan is looking at some showers so that could really hurt some of the rescue and some of the cleanup efforts there, wolff all right. >> we'll watch it together with you at least a rough at the cnn weather center. thank you very much meanwhile,
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president biden is expressing his anger and grief over the senseless deaths of aid workers in an israeli airstrike seven members of the non-profit organization world central kitchen were killed monday in gaza while delivering food to starving civilians. the organization has since paused its operations in gaza. in a statement, president biden said he was outraged and heartbroken. israel says the strike was a grave mistake and has vowed to investigate. meanwhile, world central kitchen has shared the names of those workers calling them beautiful soul and heroes and in an op-ed for the new york times, the organizations founder, chef jose andres rights. and i'm quoting him now israel is better than the way this war is being waged. it is better than blocking food and medicine to civilians. it is better than killing aid workers who had coordinated their movements with the israel defense forces are white house correspondent priscilla alvarez is with me here in the cnn
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newsroom. priscilla, we're hearing some fiery language also from the president of the united states. >> yes. and that term outrage, that is significant, that is one of the strongest terms that president biden has used. so far in discussing israel's war against it's hamas. and he said it in his statement overnight. now we know within the white house that for frustration has been raised among the president and his top aides as this continues to unfold, culminating in what was very blunt language in the statement last night, let me read you part of that. it says this is not a stand-alone incident. this conflict has been one of the worst in recent memory in terms of how many aid workers have been killed. this is a major reason why distributing humanitarian aid in gaza has been so difficult because israel has not done enough to protect aid workers trying to deliver desperately needed help to civilians incidents like yesterday's simply should not happen. now of course what this also has political ramifications for the president here at home. and on tuesday, the president met with muslim american community
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leaders to talk about the situation as a whole, but also the deaths of these world central kitchen employees. one of those participants did walk out just showing you that even in these most intimate settings, there are protests against the president and his policy. >> a palestinian american doctor walked out to protest the biden administration's policies towards israel during this entire war in gaza. as you know, priscilla, the us is planning to sell dozens of additional 15 fighter jets to israel. is the white house facing increased pressure right now to stop sending these weapons, including bombs to israel right now, they have continued to face pressure from members of their own party democrats who say that there should be restrictions on this type of aid that the us could provide to israel in the absence of humanitarian aid. going into gaza, or the release of hostages. now, this 18 billion f15 sale would require congressional notification. so there is still process that needs to unfold here, but
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there's no doubt that the white house continues to face questions and pressure from democratic lawmakers over whether this is the right thing to do, and whether there should be conditioned the shins or restrictions on the type of aid that's provided as the humanitarian crisis worsens and gaza and congress needs to authorize and approved appropriate the funds for these ffts as well. priscilla alvarez. thank you very much for that update that joining us now, cnn political and national security analysts, david sanger david israel knows everyone and then everything seemingly that goes in and out of gaza. they are watching it so closely. so how did this happen >> it's a remarkable set of events. wolf and he is rarely have said they're conducting an investigation which would be followed by what they call an independent investigation is not clear who would be be conducting that. but they have not given us a detailed account yet of what happened. and there are few interesting elements
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just based on what priscilla just mentioned to you about the white house response here the use of the word outrage was unusual, but the president did not say that he was going to do anything differently. in other words, he could put conditions on the sale of those 2000 pound bombs and say, you cannot use them in gaza just the way we put conditions. the united states puts conditions on arms and go to ukraine and they say, you cannot use them to launch a into russia but so far the white house has declined to do that. it has declined to say that it would affect its own investigation into whether us weapons were used in these killing so we've heard a much stronger words in the president. but so far we haven't seen much stronger action. >> i want you to listen, david, to what the chief of staff of the israeli military said about this strike, that killed these
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workers from the world central kitchen was a mistake that followed a misidentification at night during a war in a very complex conditions it shouldn't have happened is that the wo with hamas, not with the people of gaza. we are thoroughly for the unintentional harm to the members of wck the president of his drop president herzi, i did call chef for jose andres to apologize. israel as >> apologizing, taking responsibility for the strike, but david, will this change israel's military tactics in gaza moving forward? >> well, so far we haven't heard any indication of that. and i think it's a big step that they have immediately said this was a mistake, that it was them that they had no intention of doing this but there's an
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alternative possibility here. the president has been pressing and others have been pressing the israelis for some time to not only provide access into gaza, for the food and other supplies, but then they help assure that they could get distributed to civilian and this convoy clearly did not have the protection around it of israeli troops are israeli vehicles moving around it >> had the israelis been moving with them or near them? then clearly, they would've it would've been clear to the idf that this was a civilian relief effort, even though the car's were quite clearly mark. so i think one of the >> big questions is just do the israelis now have to actually escort the food in? so that the idf is invested and taking time and resources into this. and so
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far that has not happened. >> and as we pointed out, david, the president's statement was a pretty strong rebuke of this attack by israel, but it didn't come with any specific policy changes on the part of the united states so do you think this could represent potentially a turning point and president biden's approach to israel's war in gaza >> that's the big question. and it's a question that people in the white house will not answer. we just had a lengthy briefing from john kirby is spokesman for the national security council and he condemned this in the same language that the president and used but stopped short of saying that there would be any policy changes >> if in fact >> us weapons were involved in this when we don't know that for a fact that would give some leverage the provision of additional 2000 pound bombs is something that is raised a lot of questions. i've had members
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of congress, even today tell me they were questioning this because those bombs are exactly the kind that seemed to cause why the injury when used in dense civilian areas so i think the white house, which is sort of avoided these questions in public while they've been debating them in private. i suspect they're going to have to come up with some answers, but i could be wrong on that. >> we will find out sooner rather than later. david sanger, as usual. thank you very much. for your expertise. so before we go an important note to all of our viewers, david has a brand new and very important book coming out on april 16th. that's not very far away. april 16th. that's entitled new cold war's, china's rise, russia's invasion, and america struggled to defend the west. there you see the cover. be sure to check get out, and you'll have an opportunity very soon still to come new wall street journal polls show a razor-thin margin right now between donald trump
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and president biden and several key battleground states, we're going to break down the numbers. that's coming up next, plus in trump's classified documents, case the special counsel now goes after the judge over her requests for jury instructions. we're going to explain jack smith's stunning rebuke. and later, hundreds of musicians including katie riparian, jon bon jovi, slam, artificial intelligence developers. why they're not exactly singing the technologies praises stay with us urine the cnn newsroom check >> we hear nothing. >> a space shuttle accidents, usually not one thing. it's a seal dence >> is that part of the wing coming apart >> space shuttle columbia, final flight premieres sunday at nine on cnn, working with the experience that your credit is going to look so money from checking your fico score, it's a glamor did up with experian
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it's clinically proven to moisturized dry skin for 24 row of vina >> this source, but kaitlan collins, tonight at nine >> a new poll from the wall street journal suggests a very tight biden trump rematch in seven key battlegrounds former president donald trump leads president biden and two of them, while the other five are within the margin of error with no clear leader, cnn's senior data reporter, harry, who's joining us now to break down these latest numbers, harry what stands out to you and i know you studied this closely in this new poll yeah, i go deep into the cross tabs, dive deep and you mentioned the seven states, but i think it's important to sort of zone out and look at the seven states from an >> aggregate point of view because it does show, although it's close in the individual states that donald trump has an advantage overall. if we look in the two-way, what do we see? we see donald trump 47%, joe
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biden at 44%. if we add an third-party candidates, look, robert f. kennedy jr. is in an impressive 11%. but again, the trump margin over biden holds 39% for trump, 36% for biden, a close race, but one in which trump has the advantage. you mentioned those individual seven states. these are the margins in these seven states. when we include the third party candidates, again, it's it's a close race, no clear leader in georgia, michigan, wisconsin, pennsylvania, though more red on the screen, them blue. and in fact, in the only state where joe biden has even a nominal advantage within the margin of error is wisconsin and you'll also note that in michigan and pennsylvania, closer races than let's say, an arizona, nevada. so biden's doing better in the great lakes battleground states than he's doing in those sun belt battleground states. but again, a close race and the individual states and the aggregate though it does seem that donald trump does have the advantage. and remember, biden carried six of the seven states back in 2020. so trump's in a better position than he was four years ago. >> we still got a ways to go until november, so we'll see
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what's going on. harryette. and thank you very much. we'll stay in close touch with you meanwhile, donald trump has been campaigning in some of those key battleground states this week, i want you to listen to what he told people in michigan. what he thinks will happen if he actually loses the general election in november >> if we don't win on november 5th, i think our country is going to cease to exist. it could be the last election we ever have. i actually mean that i actually mean that he says, let's discuss with cnn senior political commentator, former special assistant to president george w bush, scott >> jennings, and cnn political commentator and former south carolina state representative bakari sellers of the curry. let me start with you. president biden has also painted this election as an existential moment for the american people. do you think the american people actually see it that way >> unfortunately not. and the reason wolf is because we hear this every single year. i think
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this would be the third election that we've had where donald trump's on the ballot and people are making the argument that is an existential threat i firmly believe this is election about what type of country you want to have. but i think most people are just desensitized to the rhetoric that comes out at both candidates. mouse and a worried about who's going to be the person best to improve my livelihood and work on most bread and butter issues. i don't think that although i agree with i guess both in this scenario that this race is about the future of our country. i think most people, at most voters, which is focused on what's happening in their household and how they make ends meet >> scott trump, once again, use brutal incendiary rhetoric to describe immigrants here's what he said yesterday. listen to border bloodbath and it's destroying our country, their country changing, country
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threatening and that country reckon, we're going to end up with the largest deportation in american history. they're not yemen tonight. yeah. is their animals. i'll use the word animal because that's what they are. we don't want them coming into our country with contagious diseases and they haven't do you feel the. american people are becoming desensitized to this brutal language >> well, i mean, look at the polling immigration has rocketed to the top of the list as one of the number one concerns that people have about problems we're having in the country the border is judged right now by the american people to be in total crisis. this is a failure for joe biden, so i don't think they're being desensitized to it. i think they're being woken up to the fact that this is a major problem and it's gotten much worse in the last three years. >> but when he says these are these immigrants, are animals, they're not humans. what does that suggest? i mean, isn't that brutal, shouldn't people be condemning that >> i listened to the entire tape. he was specifically talking about the person who
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murdered laken riley in georgia. and to be honest with you, a wolf, if somebody murders and other human being, i think they deserve to be called animals, and i don't think any american is really going to reject that kind of rhetoric that poor girl was murdered in cold blood. is that person who did it, not an animal. i think that's a term >> you think he was only referring to those murderers, not referring in general to illegal immigrants who are coming into the united states i listened to the tape. that's exactly what he was talking about in my opinion >> what do you think macquarie >> i think people are going desensitize. i mean, i think that even, even the father of ms riley stated that she didn't he didn't want her legacy to be politicized, but we know we've known donald trump so using a phobic and bigoted language and so at my heart goes out to that family, but i can also say that they'd donald trump is is a xenophobic big it, i mean, i can say that, but i don't think we've said
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that enough. that's my point. we've said that for the past ten, 15 years when describing who donald trump is and people are no longer hearing that message >> i want to get to another sensitive issue while i have you, but kuria i just wanted to point out that president biden face toward protest vote in wisconsin last night with nearly 50,000 democrats. democrats voting uninstructed he won the state by less than 2,100 votes back in 2020 if he doesn't convince these voters to actually turn out and vote for him in november. bakari, which he lose reelection yeah i mean he will i mean, that's that's a fact. i mean, i think kerry can go and do the math on the board, like i've i've echoed this many times before wolf, that i don't think the greatest threat to joe biden is donald trump. these voters aren't going to jump over joe biden to vote for donald trump because of all so the things we know to be true about about donald trump, they may stay home though that's the most
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important thing. i mean that these voters stay home and don't participate and listen donald trump has a really, really low ceiling and a high floor he is not going to do better than 44, 45% he's going to maintain that point and that margin right there at that very high ceiling let me excuse me. hi, floor. the problem with joe biden is that he has to be able to go out and wu many of these voters who were somewhat uninspired, who are looking for cessation of fire in the war in gaza it's a number of issues motivating young voters, making sure that black voters understand what your messages and how this is going to look, going forward. they have the time, they're doing the right things. the question is, will that is that going to be enough when november comes around >> makari sellers has jennings, thanks to both of you for joining us. and when we come back, why special counsel? jack smith is slamming judge aileen cannons request for jury
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visit today. keepsake app. we would love a chance to frame it for you >> this situation with wolf blitzer night at six point cnn >> this morning, an important to have remarkable development and donald trump's classified documents, case the justice department special counsel, jack smith blasted judge aileen cannon in a court filing saying her jury instruction request reflected in coating now, a
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fundamentally flawed understanding of the case that has no basis in law or fact. and quote cnn's chief legal affairs correspondent, paula reid is with the hearing. the cnn newsroom, apollo, this is a very strong statement from the special counsel. what is his argument >> oh, look, let's talk about judge aileen cannon first, right? she isn't the trump appointed federal judge here. she's only been on the bench for a couple of years. never handled a case like this wolf and even given the fact that this is the in precedence it prosecution of a former president related to classified documents. her approach has come under considerable scrutiny. now this is certainly the strongest reviewed from the special counsel, but of course, they still might need to try a case in front of us. they can only go so far, but she gave them an assignment a few weeks ago. she said, i want you to submit instructions for jury and an eventual trial about the presidential records act. now, this is a law that was passed after nixon resigned, that covers how government records are handled at the end of an administration, trump has tried to suggest that he was allowed to have this classified documents under the
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presidential records act. was special counsel rejects this on its face saying, look, he's not charged under this, he's charged with having classified documents after he left the white house. and it was interesting, they also revealed some new evidence. they have about how he never labeled any of these personal records when he was in the white house and he only came up with this defense months after these accusations surface. it came from a conservative lawyer, so they're just rejecting this idea outright >> trump's legal team responding to the special counsel's or motion. >> of course, they loved this idea that the judges sort of giving them an opening for this defense, that a lot of people have kinda laughed at. now, of course they say that they would tell a jury that he was authorized by the presidential records act to have these in a scenario where she says that yeah, he he he was entitled to hold these documents. they would argue that there shouldn't even be a jury, there shouldn't be a trial. and they also suggest that the special counsel is going to have difficulty proving their case when it comes to him knowing only retaining these documents,
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they say, quote medical science has not yet devised an instrument which can record what's on one's mind in the distant past. so they're being a little cheeky here, but of course there is a recording with the former president acknowledges that he has classified materials that he cannot and did not at that time have the power to declassify it. so i think the jack smith saw that one common interests, in a year, our chief legal affairs correspondent falerii. thank you very, very much. still ahead, president biden says, israel is not doing enough to protect civilian life in gaza after an israeli strike killed seven aid workers with the world central kitchen, a key member of the house foreign affairs committee, standing by to join us live. that's coming up next get your viewing glasses ready and experience so rare, it won't happen again for another two decades. joint cnn for live coverage around the country of the spectacle, endless guys, he clips across america live monday at one on cnn, or streaming on macs. >> everybody wants super
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close captioning brought to you by if you or a loved one have mesothelial, will send you a free book to answer questions you may have called now and we'll come to >> you 808 to one 4,000 let's get back to one of our top stories. president biden now says he is outraged and heartbroken after workers with the world central kitchen in gaza were killed monday in an israeli airstrike, joining us now to discuss this in more democratic congressman jared moscowitz or florida is a key member of the house house foreign affairs committee. congressman. thanks very much for joining us. how concerned are you by israel strikes on these aid workers? and does the evidence suggest to you that this was in fact a targeted attack? >> well thanks a lot. thanks for having me. i mean, i agree with president biden that it's a tragedy. these families now are broken. i've met with jose andres. i used the world food kitchen during covid when i was
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the director of emergency management. i mean, what they do amazing work around the world in extreme really tough areas. and so this is obviously a mistake by the israelis. it shouldn't have happened they're going to have to figure out how to double triple quadruple their efforts to make sure nothing like this happens. again. but also, let's be clear. this would not have happened had hamas excepted the ceasefire it is now been on the table that the us, the israelis as a guitar ease have proposed now, for the last month that hamas continues to say no to so i'm hoping we can get to a ceasefire. the six-week ceasefire in exchange for the hostages, attend to one swap is what israel is proposed for prisoners and yet hamas continues to say no, but this is something that unfortunately we've seen happen in war. it happened to austin, iraq and happen to austin afghanistan
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but these families are irrevocably broken, empty rooms in their house. empty chairs at the dinner table. there's nothing you could say for people who were doing humanitarian work, putting their lives on the line, there's nothing you can say to explain this away. >> our deepest >> condolences to those >> families and friends. congressman, while i have you, i quickly want to turn to some other important events unfolding here in the united states. as you know, the former president donald trump is talking about what he thinks will happen if he were to lose this year's presidential election in november. listen to what he says, listen to this if we don't win in november 5th, i think our country is going to cease to exist. it could be the last election we ever have. i actually mean that >> what's your reaction to that? >> well, listen, i don't i'm happy to break some news on your show to the american people, but we're still going to have elections, right? the sun is still going to rise and set, okay? it will probably
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still rain a lot, right? you'll still be able to buy doritos at your local grocery store and to look trump i'm sure grin will probably still have jails and so nothing is gonna change, right? the fear mongering all of this stuff needs to end like all the world is going to end if donald trump doesn't get reelected this is where he's at because he's got no, no positive vision for the country. he's got no policies for the country. and his poll numbers are now starting to go down. joe biden is doing better ever since the state of the union. and so there is no doubt wolf, this is not the end of this nonsense. we're going to see this all the way until november. and if donald trump is, if this were donald trump is an april, just wait till we get to september yeah. and october, november congressman, let me get your thoughts also on an issue very close to all floridians. this week's decision by the florida supreme court that allows voters to this side, this coming fall in
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november, whether to enshrine abortion protections in the state's constitution president biden's reelection campaign sees this potentially as an opening to drive people to the polls after losing a series of big races in florida, do you think your state is really in play for your party come this november and we'll look at the decision is a good news, bad news situation. the bad news is, is that the supreme court also said to six-week abortion ban in the state of florida is valid. so that's now the law of the land. six weeks >> a woman gets a right to >> choose and she doesn't even know that she's pregnant and almost all those cases. but the supreme court also said we're going to let the voters decide one time. we have its 60%. we don't hit 60% to put that in a constitutional woman's right to choose than the six-week abortion ban is here. to stay. and so yes, i think this is an opportunity for the biden administration as far as voter turnout. now republicans out number democrats in the state by over 800 drew thousand
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voters. that's been a change since covid, but this also expands the map, i think for joe biden, because i think now donald trump is going to have to spend time and money in florida that he wasn't anticipating to do. so that helps joe biden in georgia and north carolina and michigan, wisconsin, pennsylvania, arizona, and nevada. so yeah it helps us in florida, but i think it helps the president expand the map in other places because if you've seen the travel schedule, joe biden's on the road a lot more than donald trump and joe biden has more money to invest in these areas to turn out to vote. garners with jared moscowitz of florida. thank you very much for that update. appreciate it very much coming up the countdown it is on. we're just five days away from the total solar eclipse. just ahead. what you need to know to make sure you can enjoy the phenomenon without permits similarly damaging your eyes >> next stop this stage and all
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your policy qualifies or call 18006, 510200, coventry direct redefining insurance. money raj on capitol hill in this is sienna i'm randy, millions of americans will have a clear view of the moon >> completely blocking out the sun. it's expected to be a huge boost for tourism in the path of totality as it's close, as it's called, which stretches across the united states from mexico all the way up to canada, joining us now c and space and defense correspond to kristen fisher. so kristen, what makes this eclipse uni? >> well, first of all, the continental united states is not going to see another total solar eclipse like this one for 20 years. so see it while you can, but there's two things that make this one really unique for just the length of the moment of totality. typically it's only about a
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minute or two. this time it's going to be about four minutes long and that's when it turns completely to darkness. so dark, you can see the stars in the sky if you're in that path of totality, and then the other thing is that the sun is particularly active right now. and so when you do you have that moment of totality you can really see the coronal flares and ejections coming out the side of the sun. so it looks a bit cooler as well. but wolf, the big issue right now is the weather. there are so many people trying to see this. and right now the weather is not looking like it's going to cooperate in so many parts of the country. but if it does cooperate, and if you can, you're one of those lucky ones that actually get to see the eclipse in that path of totality. of course, you have to remember to bring your eclipse glasses unless you're in those four minutes, those four moments of totality, and that's when you can actually take your glasses off and look at the eclipse as it's happening. but only for those
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four minutes. and as you and i were just talking about, it sounds easy. everybody knows eclipse glasses got a dog wearing eclipse glasses. but if you have kids, you really do have to be careful. >> so dangerous. yeah. if you're looking without gold grass, is directly at that eclipse, you could lose some of your eyesight >> absolutely lose >> color, even have some like patchy holes in your vision. so you really have to prep blind? >> yeah, >> exactly. you have to prep kids ahead of time and say, you know, just explain to them the importance of why they really have to wear these glasses, not just kids. >> you have to prep adults. >> adults very potentially dangerous moment if you're not precise with those special guests here, right? you may not be cute those glasses, but they're really important, pretty styling fissure as usual, we rely. i knew. thank you very, very much. kristin fisher reporting and make sure to tune in for cnn's total coverage of the total solar eclipse. it starts monday, 1:00 p.m. eastern during right here on cnn. or you can stream it on max still ahead, some of the biggest names in music are sounding the alarm right now
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about artificial intelligence. why more than 200 artists say the quote, predatory use of ai sabotage is their work, stay with us urine the cnn newsroom >> make your first move with battery power, aapi still >> right now, say >> $50 on the rma five, ten battery mower plus get a free extra battery, real still find your when everything hurts, you need relief. that's deeper than ice. title, the cryotherapy spray that goes beyond cooling to take control of the pain. now, the best-selling pain relief spray has gotten even better with an easy pressed activator to get the perfect coverage, a dose with no webbing needed, it smells really good. it relieves the pain quickly please, so i can continue doing what i love. >> it's compact and travels easy. i can take it everywhere, get the >> all new cryotherapy spray, and the full line of tidal products online or at your favorite retailer? >> is your shower trying to
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get real deal speed, reliability and power with xfinity. she shoots from here? that's kinda my thing. and questionable singing voice. don't make them inherit your final expense tab to blue carbon of cnn fill. sunday, april 21 at nine >> close captioning brought to you by gilt visit today for up to 70% off designer brands has the designers that get your heart racing had inside a prices, you every day, hurry. there'll be gone in a flash designer sales at up to 70% or sop gilt today >> some of the biggest names of music are now sounding the alarm about artificial intelligence were than 200 artists including stevie wonder and katy perry signed an open letter calling for ai tech companies to quote. and according to our cease the use of artificial intelligence to infringe upon and d value the rights of human artists. see you in an entertainment corresponded elizabeth
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wagmeister is joining us right now, elizabeth. so what are the artists most concerned about? >> this is. the biggest show of support that we have seen from a lester's against ai, which of course is a growing concern in hollywood and beyond as you said, stars like katy perry, stevie wonder jon bon jovi, also the estates, a frank sinatra and bob marley are calling to stop ai from replacing human artists. they say that voice cloning will essentially take away work and take away compensation from singer songwriters, rights holders. now, this is not an issue that is going away anytime soon, right? the technology is here to stay. and now what's going to happen in hollywood is what do we do with it? how do you protect these artists? we do see some legislation happening. this is an issue that is going to congress. we just saw tennessee was the first state to pass an act to bring some rights and protections to the artist. but
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we also have artists who appreciate ai paul mccartney recently said that he actually loved the technology because last year the beatles were able to release what he says. is there last song by taking a track that was recorded by john lennon decades ago and using it for a new song. so again, very innovative technology, but kill can't take away from the work and the bottom line for all of these artists lizbeth wagmeister reporting for us, elizabeth. thank you very, very much into our viewers. thanks very much for joining me here in the cnn newsroom. i'm wolf blitzer in washington. >> i'll be back later. tonight's 6:00 p.m. eastern in the situation room right here back tomorrow morning, 11th am eastern in the cnn newsroom. stay with cnn inside politics with dana bash starts right no


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