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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  April 3, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PDT

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tunable singing boys don't make them inherited final expense.
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tab two, i'm evan perez, federal court in washington. and this is cnn closed captioning brought to you by mesobook if you or a loved one have mesothelial mac will send you a free book to answer questions you may have called now and we'll come to >> you 808 to one 4,000 rescue efforts are underway >> right now after a deadly earthquake in taiwan, toppling buildings and triggering landslides, the latest on the race to help those still trapped under rubble. plus, we've got new reaction for president biden after an israeli airstrike killed seven aid workers. biden standing behind israel, despite with sources say are private concerns and frustrations amid growing global outrage >> and a troubling outbreak or bird flu found at one of the biggest chicken egg manufacturers than the the i went egg prices are already
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pretty high. we're following these major developing stories and many more all coming in right here to cnn news central >> right now, an urgent app for it is underway to free dozens of people still trapped after the most powerful powerful earthquake to hit taiwan in a quarter of a century, officials say the 7.4 magnitude quake killed at least nine people injuring more than 900 others powerful aftershocks are still ongoing. they're expected to keep happening for days to come. we're getting new dramatic video into cnn. we want to share with you this one showing rescuers digging through the rubble of a collapsed building, scenes like this one playing out all over the island. the quake also triggered massive landslides. watch this this is dashcam video capture in clouds of rocks and dust cascading down a mountain dashcam video also caught this moment on a
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highway. you can see car is just starting to bounce on the road cnn's is hanako montgomery his life for us in tokyo, were not go what more or you're learning about what's happening and taiwan on right now >> yeah, boris, i mean, really, really shocking videos that you just saw there. so in terms of the scale of devastation, like you mentioned, we know that at least nine people have been confirmed dead and more than 900 were left injured as a result of this very powerful earthquake as subsequent aftershocks that have been shaking the island. we also know that that of the nine people who died, all of them were killed in hualien county on the eastern coast of taiwan, where actually most of the islands earthquakes take place. now quality and county was very close to the epicenter. so that's why we're seeing a significant out of damage in this part of taiwan. now a bit of context about quality and county, it's known to be very popular tourist hotspot. it's known for these gorgeous hikes
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in a very famous gorge were actually three out of the nine people who were killed, died by fallen rocks now, a taiwanese authorities are also telling us that of in hualien county 137 people are still trapped. a majority of them in mining areas. now, military troops have been deployed. they're also working alongside local governments to try to get those people out and to safety. they've been working since the morning when this earthquake first happened throughout the night, board boris had to go taiwanese authorities are also warning about aftershocks, right? what are they saying >> yeah boris aftershocks are a real, real problem whenever you see a very large earthquake. and as someone who lives in a very seismically active country, japan, i can tell you that these aftershocks can be just as terrifying, just as traumatizing as that first initial earthquake because you never know when the shaking is
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going going to stop. so taiwanese authorities have warned people in the island that we could be seeing several aftershocks in the coming days some measuring magnitudes of 6.5 to 7.0 is so very, very significant. also, we have to remember that this earthquake happened just a day before tomb sweeping day, which is it's a day in much of the chinese speaking part of the world when people visit their relatives tombs and pay their respects, say hello to their loved ones. but because we see these aftershocks take place across the island, boris many and taiwan have to cancel their plans. and it said shelter at home as they deal with the aftermath of a very powerful earthquake most powerful that the island has seen in a quarter of a century, boras, hanako montgomery. thank you so much for that update. brianna >> dangerous weather threatening communities across the country again today with blizzard warnings and parts of the midwest. this first week of april, a large part of the country is recovering from
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yesterday's destructive storm system, shredding the neighborhoods from georgia to illinois, it's bond at least three tornadoes and injured at least ten people in indiana. it disrupted power for several hundred thousand customers as well. and the winds were so strong, you can see right there in this video on a kentucky, it knocked a college student to the ground and then an indiana one driver recounting how nearly all of the windows of her car blew out moments after she received a tornado warning gravel in my head. there's glass in my head, you know, whatever and mud. there's still mud behind my ears. there's cotton in my car from somewhere like he just there. it's almost overstimulation of senses is everything so loud and powerful? it's like nothing i've ever experienced before >> cnn's athena jones isn't ohio with a look at the damage there >> pi there are the ohio valley has been struck by two strong storms back-to-back starting
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tuesday morning and continuing through the night. i want to show you some of the wind damage from these storms. this is the historic currchar bridge dates back to the 19th century. you can see extensive damage. a lot of repairs want to be needed before these storms, this bridge had a roof. you can see now there is no roof to be seen. in fact, some part of it is flung over to the side here in this creek bed, walking over here, we see some of the broken trees. this is what has led to some of the power outage which is in the region, thousands of people without power in ohio, kentucky, west virginia we've seen creeks like this one that with a water rising the water has begun to go down, but we know that there was also some flooding and now there were two reports are two tornado warnings in adams county where we are right now last night, national weather service teams are going to be on the ground found assessing the damage. and so we'll have to wait for any official confirmation from them that tornadoes struck down here. a thena jones, cnn, west union ohio thanks to athena for that force. >> so the latest on where this
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dangerous weather is headed, let's go out to cnn meteorologist chad myers. so chad, what's in the forecast? it appears the system is moving east. is that right? >> east and south? because that's where the cold front is right now. so yes, 23 tornadoes yesterday in that warm sector. now this is the cool sector where in fact, there are snowflakes coming down, but the two areas were concerned about today, really the delmarva and also parts of florida, including like kissimmee in tampa some of the big cities here around orlando, no warnings, at least not at this point. but we could see them because we do have tornado watches still in effect. they're a brand new tornado watch was just issued just east of dc. this would be eastern maryland, the eastern shore all the way down toward richmond can have to watch as that line of whether tries to make an impact there later on today. now i widen the view for you and yes. >> the white is snow. >> all the way into illinois, blizzard warnings for parts of the up of michigan, flood watches on the warm side where
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there's an awful lot of rainfall. and then obviously the wind event, seeing some slowdowns across the new york city airports because winds gusting over 45 miles it's per hour that won't go away anytime soon. i put you ahead here to 7:00 tonight. rain and snow kind of mixing in chicago. there goes the weather off the east coast still probably a little storming in new york city, but other than that, we start to wind this thing down and we work our way into the next storm. which could be next monday, which i don't know if you've heard or not, but there's an eclipse that i'd be going on next monday so we'll keep an eye on it. >> yeah, hopefully, it doesn't obscure the zone of totality were folks can most enjoy the eclipse chad myers, thank you so much. a quick reminder. you can also enjoy the eclipse coverage right here on cnn. it starts at about 1:00. brianna, hey, you see it there, eclipse across >> america on your screen. so the prosecution is laying into the judge in the trump classified documents case, any pointed new filings, special counsel, jack smith harshly
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rebukes trump appointee when a judge, aileen cannon, arguing that her understanding of the cases, quote, fundamentally flawed. he said her recent requests for jury instructions embraced trump's defense claims and would quote, distort the trial cnn's paula reid is on this for us. paula, pretty interesting to read with jack smith put in here, walk us through canvas it's requests for jury instructions and how the special counsel's responding >> it >> clearly, the special counsel >> not happy with judge cannon, right now. now, she is, of course, a trump appointee. she's only been on the bench for a few years now. she is an inexperienced judge in her approach has come under scrutiny not only for decisions that she has made, but also so for the decisions that she hasn't yet made, she has a backlog of over a dozen motions that she hasn't yet weighed in on. but here, she asked to both sides in this case to draw up jury instructions for potential jury in an eventual trial related to the presidential records act. now the presidential records act was passed after nixon resigned
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hind, and it lays out how government records should be handled at the end of an administration and trump has tried to argue, among his many explanations for why he had these documents down in mar-a-lago that these things were his to keep. now, in one of these versions, they were supposed to just lay out which documents could be personal here, which ones? the property of the government. but in another version of these instructions, can and ask the government what would happen if the jury is just instructed that he had the right to keep these and look, the special counsel, not having it. they said, quote, there is no basis in law or fact for that legal presumption. and the court should reject trump's effort to invent one as a vehicle to inject the presidential records act into this case, the court should be aware at the outset that trump's entire effort to rely on the pra is not based on any facts. now, we're still waiting for of course, a judge, aileen cannon to set a trial date here we were in court well over a month ago when she heard
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arguments from both sides on that issue. and again, just one of many decisions outstanding from judge aileen cannon. but here, special counsel did signal that if she were to give any of these instructions to the jury, that they would likely appeal, which of course would have the effect, but further delaying this case. >> yeah. talk about this. what would this mean for an appeal >> so >> if they're saying, look, if you're really going to try to inject the presidential records act into this case. we will likely move to appeal this. take it to an appellate court for review because they don't believe that this has any place in this case. it was interesting, they actually reveal two additional evidence that they've gathered in the course of this investigation. and they said, we have evidence of trump's record practices in the white house, and there's no indication that he believed that any of this was personal. so the thing is if they were to appeal and if her decisions here right, that would likely take months and that would delay this case. but look better as of right now, we're
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still waiting for her to set a firm trial date. this case was sort of penciled on the calendar for late may, were in court over a month ago or both sides weighed in on just how long they would like to see this delayed. of course, this special counsel wants to move quickly. trump's team wants to wait as long as possible in the hopes that he will be reelected. and then he can make both of his federal cases go away. what we're really seeing here right now is a lot of this is the product of inexperience. this backlog of decisions, even though in court when we're with aileen cannon, you can see she is making an effort to try to at least appear to be tough on both sides when you see the things that she is doing, the decisions that she is making, those that she has made, and the requests that she's making. the lawyers, there are a lot of questions about her handling of this case. >> all right. we know you're keeping an eye on them, paula reid, thank you for that report. >> coming up >> the white house is reiterating and support for israel after the deadly strike that killed seven aid workers with world central kitchen plus
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a city in oklahoma is putting ties with one of its council members over his ties to white supremacist groups and bird flu has halted production at the nation's largest producer, producer of fraud fresh eggs. what is this going to mean for your food prices in the check? >> your nothing. >> a space shuttle accidents usually not one thing it's a series of events is that part of the wing coming apart? >> space shuttle columbia, final flight, premieres sunday at nine on in three seconds. why this couple will share a perfect moment >> we got to sell our houses, >> don't worry, selling diane, one move when you start without the door closed matter of days, start with an all cash offer. at with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis, my skin was no longer mine. >> my active psoriatic arthritis joint symptoms held me back don't let symptoms define you emerge as you
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>> i'm the one for wins, >> birds when freedom calls, we're here to answer >> i'm for sure investments, we may look like other many managers, but were different. >> you can't be that different. >> we are we have a team of specialists, not only an investing, but also in financial and estate planning and more your clients rely on you for all that? yes. and as a fiduciary, we always put their interests first, but you still so commission-based products, right >> no, we have a simple management fee structured, so we do better when our clients do better, we're more different than i thought at fisher investments work clearly different >> melanie zanona on capitol hill and this is cnn anger is rising and israel is prime minister benjamin netanyahu faces mounting pressure for failing to reach a deal. to get the hostages held in gaza released >> have an agnes, have enough night said you see these
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pictures from earlier today. these are family members of hostages storming the gallery of the knesset, the israeli parliament. they were chanting is authorities tried to contain them. and yesterday in jerusalem anti-government protesters breached a security barrier near netanyahu's home. >> they have been >> demanding new two elections and are calling on netanyahu to resign. cnn senior correspondent melissa bell is live from jerusalem with more on this moos, a house the israeli government responding to all of this well, what we've seen is all that anger expressed and what we've heard over the course of the day in the >> wake of these four-day long protests, brianna, that have now come to an end culminating in those dramatic images that you just showed. of families of hostage members breaching the public gallery there inside the knesset a building what we have heard is from benny gantz, one of the wartime cabinet members, who is also, by the way,
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largely seen here in israel as a potential successor to benjamin netanyahu, calling not only for national unity, briana in the wake of those demonstrations that did a times get violin we saw last night some of those demonstrators, and specifically members of the families of some of the hostages still inside the gaza strip trying to get towards the house, the home, the residents have benjamin netanyahu one of those family members being wrestled to the ground by the police. what we've heard from benny gantz is not just a cool for unity at this crucial moment and bear in mind that we're coming up over this weekend to the six point month mark, a breon and addis of the war. but of course, of the hostage taking that led to it what benny gantz is suggesting is that the government give a clear indication that it is willing to consider elections being held in september in order to get everyone together for now. no indication on whether or not those calls will be heard. but certainly a cool for unity at this stage, even
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as we've seen that extraordinary unity that was a one gains in the days after october 7, really severely tested these last few days. >> melissa, on this is really striking gaza that killed these seven aid workers with world central kitchen outrageous, growing globally. we see that including here in the what are you learning about how israel plans to respond to this catastrophic blunder? >> well, we know that they took it extremely seriously that in the course of yesterday, as details emerged of who these aid workers were, how they'd been trying to travel through that part of dq a deconflicted part of gaza coordination with the idf more about who they were, what they'd managed to achieve and gaza so far, right? because remember that this is the charity that was responsible for getting the a1 through the sea. weed also heard in parallel from a number of different israeli officials, not just the prime minister, but first of all, defense minister and spokesman of the idf. and by the end of the day
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the general chief of staff of the idf announcing that that partial investigation had taken place where they'd found that it had been a misidentification, but vowing that the full investigation would be forthcoming we should here in the next few days much more about it. they've promised transparency because i think there's a clear understanding here in israel of the outrage of the world and the fact that it is linked not just to who these people were and what they were trying to do, but to the israeli government's repeated assurances that it was doing all it could to protect civilians and aid workers. briana. >> all right. melissa bell log from jerusalem. thank you. >> worth chef jose andres, the founder of world central kitchen, is responding to that israeli strike that. killed seven people working for his organization in an op-ed for the new york times titled, let people eat. he writes quote israelis there are heart of hearts know that food is not a weapon of war israel is better than the way this war is being waged. it's better than blocking food and medicine to civilians. it's better than
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killing aid workers who had coordinated their movements with the israeli defense forces the israeli government, he writes, needs to open more land routes for food and medicine. today, it needs to stop killing civilians and its workers today, it needs to start the long journey to peace. today, joining us now to discuss all of this is cnn global affairs analyst kim dozer. kim between this strike the global outrage over it, and the protests, he's facing internally, even members of his war cabinet calling for new elections is any of this going to change the way that benjamin netanyahu is approached the war. >> i don't think it will change the way netanyahu was approaching the war for his political survival. he thinks he needs to stay the course and that means being able to turn and tell his supporters those who voted for him and the more extreme members of his cabinet that he has done everything to wipe hamas out. however, the israeli defense forces have their own protocols, their own
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sense of honore and when you listen to what the spokes people were saying just before this strike, they were sure that everyone on their team was following the rules. and this incident has revealed to them in a way that sort of ribs away the illusions. the same way when the idf had one unit fire on hostages who were trying to give themselves up it's a wake-up call that their procedures aren't working for some of the aid workers. however, they're like, why did it take this? you've lost 177 un aid workers and there were three attacks on un aid convoys that also given their information in i was just on the phone with a un spokes the person about it. but in those cases, they didn't lose anyone the israeli army didn't seem to believe it until the world central kitchen was hit. >> yeah, it was interesting to me that yesterday you ought to launch was calling for the idf
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to essentially set up a situation relation room where they would have immediate and direct contact over what was happening on the ground. and i pose the question to a very well sourced analyst, barak ravid, as to why it took so long for that to happen, why it wasn't happening. he argued that there was a disconnect between the leadership and the idf that wants to sort of restrict what can happen on the battlefield, especially in these deconflicted zones. and the actual troops on the ground, the commanders that are far more aggressive with the rules of engagement. do you see it the same way that there's perhaps miscommunication over the rules of engagement that and certainly what is what this incident is pointing to because one arm of the israeli military was communicating and had that information from the aid workers on this convoy. and another arm was conducted ding on attack, apparently against one armed man that they thought was on the same route. so the deconfliction seems to need to happen inside the israeli
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military. the un was saying, we give them everything down to what type of vehicle will be traveling in the exact time, the exact road we give them the gps coordinates of where they're leaving from an exactly what they're carrying and who's gonna be in the vehicles. they've had all this information, but somewhere it's not getting through from commander two people on the ground, the troops on the ground, right? >> the other thing that officials promised including the defense minister gallant was a thorough investigation, a transparent look at what decisions were made, who made them, why this happened. do you think we're going to get a full reading of what happened and if we do what accountability looks like in a realistic sense, i think we in the public will get a partial reading. i think perhaps the white house, the pentagon, the british government, everyone who lost someone in that convoy is going to get more details about where the breakdown was. but i think it's going to raise real questions about how the us
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can keep supplying weapons without having someone in the room perhaps in the headquarters watching when these lethal calls are made. that's what they do with their own lethal well strikes and the israeli say they've got lawyers, et cetera. watching every strike. it certainly didn't seem to happen in this situation. >> so circling back to the first point about the approach to the war more broadly the united states and other players around the world can r& up the rhetoric and express their outrage over this. but if fundamentally the us doesn't change its posture when it's authorizing this $18,000,000,000 deal for 15s there's really no incentives or disincentive for things to change. >> well, the thing is netanyahu needs to keep his hard-right coalition together so that he can stay in office for the next three years members of his opposition, members who are part of his work cabinet, they can call for new elections. all they want. the only thing that's going to really trigger them is if his allies in actual
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government pull out of the coalition. so far he has managed keep that together. so he's going to keep doing whatever keeps them in office with him rather than doing the minimum to make the white house for other allies satisfied, kim, those are appreciate your perspective as always, thanks for joining us. thanks. >> still to come on. cnn news central city council getting a shakeup after an oklahoma official with ties to white nationalism is voted out of office. the latest from oklahoma and just moments >> this is the big dam >> kane who that do if you have wet amd, you never want to lose sight of the things you love some things should stand the
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you may have call now and we'll come to you >> 808 to one for one city in oklahoma is sending a big message. the voters of enid ousting their city commissioner, judge judd blevins, for taking part in the deadly white nationalists rally in charlottesville, virginia back in 2017, cnn is projecting that blevins will lose the special recall election. two republican cheryl patterson, who is a former teacher, blevins denies being a white supremacist. but when videos and photos surface shortly after he took office it's last year, activists and covered his past and work to recall him from office cnn's ed lavandera reports on their decisive victory >> activists who forced the special recall election of city commissioner judd blevins are celebrating today in enid, oklahoma. blevins was elected last year to the city council. he one just by 36 votes, despite a controversial
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pathway, which includes ties to white nationalist organizations, as well as having participated in the unite the right rallies in charlottesville, virginia in 2017 this group of activists sounded the alarm about blevins controversial past now, despite all of that, blevins did manage to get about 40% of the vote here in enid. but those activists say a win is a win and they are relieved the election turned out the way it as part of the mission of those really virulent ultra right-wing conservative movements. is to normalize these horrible beliefs. we can't normalize these fringe beliefs. we can't allow it to be tacitly accepted in the community because that's a starting point get that we can't let them take root >> voters here in enid elected cheryl patterson, who is also a conservative candidate to replace judd blevins the election will be officially certified until later this week, and that's after that is when paterson will take office. blevins has said in the weeks
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leading up to this selection that he will honor the results of what voters decide. >> back to you. >> all right. ed lavandera, thank you for that report and coming up, concerns growing after a bird flu outbreak hits america's largest producer of fresh eggs how this could impact the food supply >> next stop this stage and all those points dreams are made up. >> they talk about lifetime. >> we will >> see you in phoenix. >> were you worried the wedding would be too much? >> now? another >> destination, weddings >> why can't they here's my >> backyard within power, we get all our financial questions answered, so we don't have to worry, empower what's next attention? former marines and family members station to camp plus june, if you lived or work that can't lose you in north
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allergies and questionable singing voice. don't make them inherited final expense i have to know how solomon in new york cnn >> a bird flu outbreak in america's largest producer of fresh eggs has shut down the facility near amarillo, texas of kalman foods it says it had to destroy roughly 2 million birds in response late last week of texas dairy worker
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became the second person ever in the to test positive for avian flu. health officials say he'd been in direct contact with cows that were infected we're joined now by texas agriculture commissioner sid miller to talk a little bit more about this commissioner. thank you for taking the time with us today. you've said that this is devastating, not just for kalman, but for the entire texas panhandle region first, can you just talk about what this is going to mean for food production and farms. there sure we had a mysterious disease going through our dairy herd three weeks, we couldn't figure out what it was we've tested for every cattle disease that was and we noticed some bed burbs at the dairy, so we've tested for bird flu so first time ever we have bird flu in our, in our cattle herds are dairy herds lactating cow. so one of the workers there contracted it, we don't know if he got it from the cows or maybe he was in the area where the waterfowl was this is
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carried by waterfowl is migration seasons so the ducks and geese and other waterfowl are coming through, landing on ponds. >> so >> the good news is, we've dumped all the milk. it did not get into the food system even if it did, we pasteurized milk, so it wouldn't kill the pathogens the worker there was sick, they're, you know, if you work in deir, you're pretty healthy, so he only had one symptom. he kinda had pink guy. so he was oh, and three or four days. so i don't know if it would be worse on an elderly infirm person might not bounce back quite that quick and then yesterday i announced that we had a full blown case of avian influenza or bird flu, and in one of our laying farms. yeah, the big one. and we're going to have to do make its hundred thousand birds and 377,000 poets >> i want to ask, i want to ask me about that specifically because of what i mean, let's
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talk about risk to people and whether there is one, the fda says there's no evidence anyone's been affected with the avian flu by eating properly cooked eggs or poultry, which according to the fda is 100 and 60 degrees for eggs, one, for poultry in their book some people like the regs sunny side up or over easy. is that going to be a problem? what do you need to tell people? >> i don't i don't like to be a problem when we discovered this course, we've not only do we destroy all the poultry, but we also destroy all the eggs. cooking destroys the pathogen, pasteurizing milk destroys the pathogen. so i think we're totally safe and keep in mind this is one person out of 341 million people that contracted it so first part, we've only had to, we had another instance and 2022 in colorado, so the likelihood of catching it, i mean, this this person was actually in the dairy that had sick cow. so we're recommending to the dairies that their workers take precautions, protective equipment, respiratory equipment, goggles,
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and gloves things like that but you know, how sanitary disinfect the vehicles coming in and off the dairy try not to allow visitors keep cattle off of waterborne and waterfowl have been, et cetera. just some good common sense practices. >> some of those practices obviously are going to require those precautions will be a little bit cost. leave it obviously polling this many birds, this many chickens as well as going to be an issue when it comes to expense. what is this going to do to egg prices? >> well, this is our largest eight producer. may him 600,000 berges is a lot of eggs, but he's only, it's less than four of their production. so it sounds like a lot, but it's not going to drive up the cost of eggs or poultry meat or milk shouldn't, should all be stable. and it'll we say the consumers need to know that, that it's safe in prices will remain where they are. >> all right, that's good news. so as you mentioned, this is coming from wild birds migrating is there anything
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producers can do when it comes to protecting the animals? i know you mentioned some of the things they can do to disinfect vehicles coming in now to say dairies. but is there anything they can do to keep animals away from these birds >> well, the good news is they're not going to have to do much so i can say this is migration season. that'll be over in a week, two weeks tops, the birds will be out of here will be out of the danger areas so until the next migration so until that happens implement biosecurity measures on the farm. i just talked about most of those. we want to make sure that, you take take good good measure, disinfect, keep visitors off the farm make sure that you disinfect water trials and then all, all equation bettmann, not just the vehicles, just make sure that cattle or pen away from where waterfowl might have been feed
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bunks or water sources commissioner sid miller. thank you so much very informative and we appreciate it >> anytime my brand. thank you. >> thank you for us >> now to some of the other headlines were watching this hour a number of major, you us bridges appear to have some of the same vulnerabilities as the francis scott key bridge in baltimore which of course collapsed last week after a cargo ship slammed into it experts say that several bridges they reviewed, including the chesapeake bay bridge black significant impact offenses potentially putting them at risk. of course, we should point out the consensus is mixed on whether a bridge could realistically withstand a direct hit from a ship, like the one that destroyed the key bridge also, the man suspected in that deadly easter shooting brunch in nash shrill or rather the deadly easter brunch shooting in nashville is now in custody. police say 46 year-old anton rucker surrendered after
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they tracked him down to a home in kentucky bucky he's accused of killing one man, injuring at least five others after an argument escalated inside a restaurant. and the fda has given the green light to the chris digital treatment for depression. it's called rejoyn it's a smartphone app used alongside antidepressants for people 22 and older. >> the >> app, which would record why are a prescription to download is set to be available later this year. we're actually going to discuss this app with meg tirrell later in the show. so stay tuned for that >> also so we come millions of americans hoping to catch a glimpse of the solar eclipse, but could mother nature block your view? why weather could impact the spectrum? but when the skies get your viewing glasses ready, eclipse across america, live monday at one for moderate to severe crohn's disease. sky rosie is the first il-23 inhibitor that can deliver remission and visibly improved damage to the intestinal lining serious
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and the fight for the release of those still in captivity. the whole story with anderson cooper, sunday at eight on cnn closed captioning is brought to you by sokoloff law mesothelioma victims call now 30 billion in trust money has been set aside. you may be entitled to a portion of that money. all when 8085920400. that's when 8085920400 >> the future is quite bright because it's just five days. there's gonna be a solar eclipse, tens of millions in a people live in the path of totality and many more are expected to travel to see the eclipse in all its glory. but even the best laid plans may not pan out because there could be an obstacle in the way. i assure you i can see nothing. i can't see anybody now, we're actually cheating and reading down at our scripts here. so i shouldn't reveal imagine i can hardly, i can. it's like these are perfect. they're gonna be great for the eclipse. but right now as people want to see it, it's actually a little too early to know exactly where.
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but there is this potential for cloud cover along parts of the path. there's also the potential for severe weather along the texas, oklahoma border and southwestern arkansas. and we're here now with kristin fisher. you have glasses, but you're not wearing them. >> okay. fine. i'll put them on the one here. you briana is my question. >> i think people will be very interested in this. how worried is your dad about this? >> he's nervous, really nervous, but i just spoke to him on the phone and he said, you know, what? >> it is >> eclipse or bus for me, he's going to san antonio, carville, texas, no matter what no matter what the cloud is, i know he missed it. ms tube because of bad cloud cover and now it's not just it is across the country. this is not the forecast that people were hoping to see for this eclipse. i should point out it's still very early. things could change. but the national oc oceanic and atmospheric administration, noaa, has just put out a new forecast that
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just really digs into the cloud cover and it's cloud covers everything. it's notoriously difficult to predict, but there it is. and you can just see the clouds really go right along the line of path of totality. texas, arkansas looking really bad the one bright spot is like southern missouri, central indiana, and then farther up north in new england and upstate new york. >> but that huge >> patch in the southern portion of the united states, not looking great. and, it is just the difference between heavy cloud cover and none is huge, just like the difference between total totality and a partial eclipse i mean, the difference between those two things is massive, which is why so many people are traveling to try to see it. yeah. >> i'm going to pull back the curtain as you did revealing our trade secrets here. sorry, i'm a little bit worried because we have this eclipse special that you should all tune into our best shot of it
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the issue is, as we're prepping for this, really fun thing, we're gonna do. >> yeah, we may >> not see another eclipse for a while. yeah. >> it's going to be 20 years before there's another total solar eclipse like this one in the united states, and this one is supposed to be super cool in here here's why it is the moment of totality is supposed to last a full four minutes, if not longer in some places, that is a huge amount of time compared to what it was back during the last eclipse in 2017, almost double the amount of time of when it's going to be. so dark that you can even see the stars in the middle of the day that's what we're talking about here. and also the sun is much more active right now. so all the coronal l flares and those little wispy things that you see coming off the surface of the sun during those moments of total kalouti, it's supposed to be much more active and quite frankly cool looking. so this is an eclipse where we do not want cloud cover and the weather so far does not seem to be cooperating. >> the key might be these eclipse flights or above the cloud color. yes.
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>> that's the ticket people. and >> if you just have really cool eclipse glasses, i mean, then how could, how could clouds get in the way of these, right? all right. >> i mean, they will bumped bump into walls. >> but if the glasses don't wear these when you watch on monday, no, don't. all right. so kristin fisher. thank you so much. as always, we do appreciate it. >> and thank you for >> the oh, you're so welcome. >> and rain or shine. cnn is going to have all angles of the eclipse covered. we're going to see it. we know it, we feel but cnn special live coveragera beginning monday at 1:00 p.m. eastern. you can catch it streaming live on macs and ahead. special counsel, jack smith lashing out in question getting the judge in the trump classified documents case, why he's arguing that her jury instruction request is based on a fundamentally flawed legal premise. pointed words there. we have that ahead on cnn news central >> if you work in spaceflight, this is the worst possible thing i can never happen
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