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tv   CNN This Morning  CNN  April 4, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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to help donald trump out and believe in donald trump and believe in his vision, trump has gone to court trying to push out too early partners in this venture. former contestants from his reality show, the prentice, dandy. >> you're fired west. you're fired >> if he wins, that could increase his share of any dividends. but he'll still have to wait about a half year before he can lay his hands on any of the theoretical billions the company is currently worth. >> if you valued this business like a typical business, right now, you'd be looking closer to the 100 million figure, then you are any of these billion-dollar figures >> then you heard that, right? as this cools down, which almost every analyst says it has to do, it could be worth off a lot, lot less, meaning trump might make millions off but but as far less likely to make the billions everyone's been talking about aaron >> all right. tom. thank you very much. and thanks so much
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for joining us. the newest continues now on cnn it's thursday, april 4, right now on cnn this morning, >> an outrage president biden set to speak with israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu. the fall cloud growing after a strike kills aid workers in gaza. >> a race against >> time and taiwan rescuers rushed to save workers, struck, stuck in minds and people trapped in buildings after that deadly earthquake delayed, denied. a judge rejects donald trump's effort to stall his hush money trial all right >> 5:00 a.m. here in washington, alive. look at capitol hill >> good morning, everyone. i'm kasie hunt, it's >> wonderful to have you with us. just hours from now. president biden and israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu will talk on the phone for the first time. since
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an israeli airstrike killed seven world central kitchen aid workers in gaza, a senior administration official says biden is angry and will express his frustrations. but the white house says there's been no us shift in policy and support for the current israeli military operation remains unchanged. meanwhile, world central kitchen founder, the chef jose andres, is calling for an independent investigation accusing israel of systematically targeting his aid workers these was not used bad lag situation where, we dropped the bomb in the wrong >> place or, not. this was over 1.51, 0.8 kilometers with a very defined humanitarian convoy that had signs in the top in the roof a very colorful logo that we are obviously very proud of. that that's very clear who we are and what we do
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all right i just pulled a court reporter, stef kight joins us now, stuff. good morning. thank you very much for being here. this has become a very difficult position for joe biden to occupy as he faces increasing pressure from democrats, including waking up this morning to some former obama former obama, a john fav row tweeting about this. and of course, jose andres giving these emotional and reviews about the staff members who were lost, how is the white house? i mean, on the one hand, they're saying he's angry, he doesn't want this, but on the other hand, they're not changing the policy exactly. and >> that's the big question right now. right? we've we've seeing the rhetoric at least become more intense between us officials democrats, president biden himself, towards netanyahu, towards israel's actions, especially in gaza. and as they move in on rafah, as well as become a red line for the administration. but we haven't seen is any real concrete the us is still
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sending billions of dollars worth of weapons to israel. we are still a key supporter. >> we do not >> impose any kind of restrictions on how those arms are able to be used at something that some democrats have been calling for and congress in particular. and so this call today is going to be a big moment. we're certainly read chang a critical moment right now. when it comes to just the tensions there, it is becoming more personal. jose andres dress is a personal friend of the president. he is known in, in washington dc. so this is, this is really becoming more real for biden, but to your point, we still haven't seen any indication of what action biden is one willing to take at this point? >> let's hear a little bit more of what jose andres had to say in these interviews that he has been doing with international media watch >> are you spoke to president biden yesterday, and biden made that statement. seems ready. >> a harder stand, but >> it's very complicated to understand that we are going to
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be sending america is going to be sending is naibe on military to do humanitarian work when they send time weapons provided by america. not, not to defend israeli tells from missile attacks, but use weapons. a dark killing civilians in this moment >> so andres, of course, kind of laying out the contradiction in the a policy as he sees it. how is something like this when you mentioned that andres is a friend of biden's. i mean, how is this resonating? we know that the president is someone who's very impacted by personal interactions that he has even more than anything else. sometimes absolutely. >> i think we have already seen some of the impact from president biden's call with jose andres following the killing of these aid workers and we have seen the strongest statements yet from president biden when it comes to his frustration over what is going on he is much clearer in his
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desire. for israel to change course here. and of course, this call is going to be a significant moment. i think we old and hearing someone like andres who is i'm very happy to go on media and talk about what's going on and put pressure on biden there. but again, whether this actually turns into policy changes, it's still the key question here. yeah. >> what role does congress had to play here? i mean, i think it's also important to note that aid to israel is held up in that same logjam that is affected ukraine aid and while we've focused a lot on the challenges around ukraine aid for israel briefly, opposition has been building with democrats now it is true and it, and it could, it could complicate things depending on what the house decides to do. first, of course, there has been growing pressure from democrats in congress to limit
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how israel can use the aid that we send their, israel is really the exception when it comes to how freely we allow them to use the weapons and weapons we send their way without restriction. there. and so i think we will continue to see criticism coming from democrats in congress over this issue. of course democratic leader, senate leader chuck schumer has been critical of netanyahu, has called for elections, but he has not gone so far as to say there should be limits place on the weapons that we sent israel. >> all right. stef kight of axios steph. thank you very much for starting us off. i really appreciate it me >> and speaking of senate majority leader chuck schumer, he's doubling down on his calls for new elections in israel. this came after israeli war cabinet member benny gantz on wednesday also called for early elections to be held in september just before the one year anniversary of the hamas terror attack on israel cnn's paula hancocks is live in abu dhabi with more for us, paula. uh, good morning to you at what is the likelihood of new early
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elections taking place in israel? >> well, casey, if it was up to the main opposition leader than it would certainly be before september or by september, just before the anniversary of the october 7 attacks on israel. and we are hearing louder voices and more voices calling playing for the removal of the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu benny gantz, a key figure in the israeli war cabinet at this point, saying publicly that he believes the election should happen by september. it should be up to the israeli people who is leading the country to show that they they have confidence in what the country is undergoing at this point. and as you say, caesarea, does follow just last month chuck schumer saying that he believed that that was necessary as well. now he did face rather an onslaught from certainly from the republican side saying that he shouldn't have made those
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remarks, but he's now doubling in down saying the fact that even those in israel are calling for fresh elections shows that it is the way to go. of course, when it comes to benjamin netanyahu's party, the likud party. they are saying that it is simply not possible at this point. they are in the midst of a war also saying that he must stop engaging in petty politics. casey >> all right. paula hancocks >> for us this morning, paula, thank you very much for that coming up next here are donald trump's tactic of delay, delay, delay. it's a roadblock in his hush money trial. plus the danger after the deadly earthquake in taiwan, dozens of minors rescued overnight but hundreds still stranded and missing >> plus a >> possible strategic shift by the west and the war in ukraine, one liters move rattles nato allies brig this stage and all those. points
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securing decades of peace and prosperity before america and our allies, we are going forward and staying forward together >> spatial >> colombia, the final flight, premieres sunday at nine on cnn welcome back new reporting and the wall street journal says french president emmanuel macron has been pushing president >> biden and other world leaders behind the scenes for a much more confrontational approach to russia. >> and the war on ukraine >> and confidential calls with biden and german chancellor olaf scholz, the journal reports prone urged western allies to keep the kremlin guessing about possible red lines cnn's max foster joins me live now from london. max, good morning. always wonderful to see you. >> so >> let me show everyone what macron said at the end of the summit. back in february, where he kind of took his posture towards ukraine to a new place.
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watch >> yet, but constancy, there's no consensus today to officially send support and to take responsibility for troops on the ground. but as things develop, nothing should be off the table. we will do everything necessary. three, so that russia cannot win this war, >> begging you said gayle everything necessary. he seemed to suggest the possibility of western troops on the ground at raise a lot of eyebrows at the time. what's going on here with macron in his pressure on this, front? >> well, it's hard to know because he's obviously changed position completely. he did. if you remember going back some time, he i wouldn't describe as a close relationship with putin, but who's having contacts with putin with other countries weren't so you seem to be much closer to putin's not view of the world, but in terms of working with putin, their is seems so we've done a complete about face. so you mentioned the red lines that is broadening the policy, particularly the us, where
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there's a red line. and if you cross it, then this thing could escalate. so we don't want to do certain things that could provoke russia into a tag macron is talking about, is this idea of strategic ambiguity. so let's get rid of the red lines and show that we have our own strategy, but we're not sharing it. so that puts them on a war footing, doesn't it's more aggressive. but it's a really bold new because neither the us nor germany, two key allies think it's good there. but he seems to be pressing on with it and that clip you just sound play just there. we thought that could have been a one-off. he just made this statement, but actually it does seem to be much more of a wider strategy for him yeah it's really interesting and he, he started off when this war first started warning allies that they quote, must not humiliate russia. and quote so to your point that he seemed to be closer to putin, then but now the journal
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reports macron is calling attention to what many european officials fret over in private that decades of trans-atlantic security ties are at risk of unraveling and they of course talk about donald trump at securing the republican nomination and having a good chance of winning the presidency. in the fall. >> is that what this is about? is this macron trying to take kind of a new path? in a world where these ties may fray >> well, a lot of people saying it's realistic let's have some action rather than just prevention strategy. if you like. so there's lots of european voices and said we need to be on a war footing potentially, if russia does invade eastern europe. so i think macron has a huge amount of support in eastern europe, which want to go much closer towards some sort of action. and so they're just sitting there waiting to see what happens with these red lines cynics would argue, we've got european elections. this year, the far right is doing
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extremely well in france he's got key opposition there could potentially overtake him. these aren't french elections, but they are european elections that could undermine him. so he's just trying to look like a stronger leader more aggressive, perhaps taking on some of the far-right lines. >> i should have had those boxing photos of my produced for this segment which plays into that max foster for us in london, max, thanks very much. i'll see you tomorrow. >> all right. coming up next. here comes winter in april. powerful storm could drop more than a foot of snow on some people plus a medical breakthrough as a man receives the world's first pig kidney transplant >> the and turn it on >> for these teams, make it to the playoffs. they got to win get four so far mba play-in tournament begins april 16th,
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>> i'm dr. sanjay gupta. >> and this is cnn >> all right. 22 minutes past the hour. here's your morning round up. the nation's largest fresh egg producer, detecting bird flu at its texas facility kalman foods says they're initiating the killing of 1.6 million hens as required by the usda the first living recipient of a genetically edited pig kidney is being discharged from the hospital. the hospital says, rick slayman is recovering well and we'll continue to recruit parade at home >> the >> biden administration announcing $20 to expand clean energy access and climate solutions. they settle, emphasize climate projects in communities overburdened by pollution all right so. strong storm system that just ripped through the ohio and tennessee valleys. now evolving into a potent nor'easter. you're looking at live pictures from new hampshire as parts of the northeast could see up to more than two feet of snow, travel
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delays and power outages should be expected the next few days. let's get to our meteorologists, elisa raffa lisa. good morning to you. this is april >> we've got snowflakes flying around you know, typically pupil i feel like want to be done with the snow as we get into april, but it's still flying around in new england this morning. i mean, look at the radar, this storm has some lightning strikes off shore there where the center is and you've got this to know slinging into parts of maine, new hampshire, vermont, even upstate new york, and then swirling through the great lakes as well. >> we still in >> winter storm warnings and effect for an additional five to 12 inches of snow in the pink that you see there over parts of maine, some advisory fees over upstate new york where we've already gotten some decent totals already down. looks like about six to 12 inches or so, if not more in some of the higher elevations there, over main. now, this storm is also sloshing some of that ocean inland and you've
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got some coastal flooding concerns from maine down to new york and new jersey with some dangerous rip currents possible as well, hot i wind warnings from boston over to cape cod with some gusts up to 65 miles per hour. we've already seen some gusts up to 60 to 65 miles per hour through massachusetts, connecticut, and then down into new york, will continue to swirl with the gusty winds and the snow through the day today, up in new england, you can see some of these showers also on the back as we go into the day today. and it's been pretty wet up in new england where we've had rainfalls much above average so far this year all right, at least rafah for us, at least so thanks very much for that. >> coming up next here, we're going to dig into today's high >> call between president biden and benjamin netanyahu, global outrage growing over the deadly strike on aid workers in gaza. plus the judge in trump's classified documents case receiving a stinging rebuke from the special counsel the details on the fallout from jack smith's latest filing
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>> not flossing >> well, then add the wo of listerine to your routine. new science shows. listerine is five times more effective than plus at reducing class above the gum line for a cleaner, healthier your mouth >> this >> three, feel the world >> so would you give to nashville hot tenders and three mandarin orange tenders? about you, three classic tenders four big butterfly shred for the current baby. >> i said always a competition. you can't handle the shrimps. >> see about that. yeah, we will spatially in colombia the final flight premieres sunday at nine on cnn >> a live look at capitol hill on this thursday morning. good morning, tu thanks for viewing up with us. i'm kasie hunt president joe biden is expected to vent his quote, frustrations and quote, in a call with israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu today. it's gonna be the first combination between
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the two liters since seven aid workers from chef jose andres's world central kitchen were killed by and israeli airstrike in gaza. the president condemned the attack earlier this week, white house press secretary karine jean-pierre, reiterating his message in the briefing room yesterday. >> here's what she said. >> his outrage. he's heartbroken and we also laid out what we want to see in the conversations that we have been having. >> but it also lifts up >> the importance of having that hostage deal, getting that done, getting to a ceasefire, getting that humanitarian aid making sure that those hostages come home to their loved ones. >> so there's a lot >> of work to be done. we're going to continue to do that work, but i think that statement made it loud and clear, made it loud and clear where the president let's dance >> a senior administration official tells cnn, biden is angry about the aid convoy incident and we'll express his frustration to netanyahu during that phone call today, joining me now, bloomberg news white house correspondent, kayla gardner and dc correspondent for the nevada independent,
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gabby beer and bomb. ladies, thanks very much for being here this morning. i really appreciate it uh, kayla, let me start with you. and i want to kind of dig into the way that chef jose andres has been speaking about what happened to his people in public and how this really has driven a new level of outrage here among particularly the president's base progressive of voters, young people about what happened. let's watch at chef andres >> are you spoke gone to press him biden yesterday, and by then made the statement seems ready. a harder stand, but it's very complicated to understand that we are going to be sending america isn't are we sending his naibe and its military to do humanitarian work? when are the same time weapons provided by america, not, not to defend israeli tells from missile attacks >> use
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>> weapons, a dark killing civilians in this moment >> so he's talking there about the contradiction between what the president is saying and what the united states it's doing. what do you expect? what is your reporting about the pending call today and how the white house is trying to manage this. >> well, something that's been interesting particularly about jose on dresses. he's sort of implied that he believes that these attacks were systemic. he's called them a direct attack on aid workers. and i think biden particularly has been more critical, more outspoken, saying this is one of the worst complex in recent history for aid worker. so i certainly expect him to drive home that point. and also some of the things he talked about with jose andres in that call with netanyahu. but i think the thing that's still looming behind the scenes is the us is still facilitating conversations, backdoor conversations about the hostage deal, really trying to get that done, working with qatar to do that as well. so there's obviously a very complicated relationship here, and i think we're seeing them more publicly being critical. but
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for so many young voters, for arab americans, for muslim americans, it feels a little bit too late for people who are still frustrated, as we saw with that meeting earlier this week with that group you're seeing this gabby expand a little bit. this criticism of president biden, i mean on social media, i've seen call-outs from john fav row who worked for the president obama, sam kass, who was the white house chef in the obama years, starting to put pressure to call out biden directly, which may not seem like a big deal, but in the sort of insular world of politics really shows you, especially as we're heading towards a general election, just how high emotions are running on this. and i think it extends to capitol hill as well. and of course, aid to israel kind of tied up in the log jam over foreign aid generally speaking, let's listen to i think we've chris van hollen at the senator from maryland, pretty mild mannered guy talking about this a couple of days ago, watch
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president biden needs to be as serious about ensuring more humanitarian assistance gets into gaza >> as netanyahu has been in making his demands. i mean, we have this situation where the netanyahu government continues to rebuff the president. i'd states time and time again, ignores reasonable requests. and what do we do? we say we're going to send more bombs my view is that a partnership needs to be a two-way street, not a one-way blank check with american taxpayer dollars this it may sound relatively mild mannered. it is a significant shift for senators who are firmly in the mainstream of the democratic party to start talking that way about putting conditions on aid to israel. what do you hear there there ant are you hearing from members about this? >> yeah. i mean, i think it's important to note, it's not just bernie sanders here, right? i mean, this is a significant portion of particularly in the senate democrats who feel like
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israel's conduct has gone too far to the point that president biden needs to change course. and so you've seen senator van hollen, for example, talk about congress already has provided the authority for president biden to sort of condition aid the foreign assistance act right? says that if humanitarian aid from the us as being imperiled, that aid then has to be revoked or condition and so he's saying he's also interested in congress potentially blocking future arms transfers and weapons transfers. but he's saying the biden administration already has the authority to reevaluate that relationship with israel. and i think a lot of senate democrats feel that they agree that biden, he wants to limit civilian casualties. he wants humanitarian assistance in there. but if us policy doesn't reflect that something needs to change >> yeah. gabby, let's also talk about considering that israel and aid to israel, not the only contentious foreign aid on the table. one of ukraine has welcome. of course, this drama in that if it were put on the floor of the house, it would most certainly pass.
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right? it's popular, but it's being held up by the right wing, particularly marjorie taylor greene she said this earlier. she said, quote, i'm not saying i have a red line or a trigger. i'm not saying i don't have a red line or a trigger but i'm going to tell you right now, funding ukraine is one of the most egregious things he can do. the he in there of course, is how speaker mike johnson, who is under pressure from her motion to vacate >> he has >> indicated he has plans to put ukraine aid on the floor but he is trying to navigate this really tough situation with her or what is your latest reporting on how this plays out and how johnson's trying to manage it >> yeah, he is really walking a tight rope. i think he does seem to have real interest and ukraine aid. he has to do it in a way that, like you said, this would pass on the floor of the house. it would pass with way more democratic votes than republican votes. however, he conditions the aid or creates it, it needs to be not so offensive to democrats, right? and he's talked about involving anti-climate policies turning over the moratorium on liquefied natural gas,
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permitting for export facilities needs to do it in a way that democrats say, okay, we can accept this, but that's not so friendly to democrats that republicans say, we're gonna do to you but we did kevin mccarthy, and that's a tough, tight rope for anyone to walk, let alone a relative political rookie. >> how is the white house looking at this? uh, kayla? >> yeah, mike johnson field, this idea of pausing or lifting the pause on liquefied natural gas and tying that to ukraine aid over the weekend there was some curiosity whether the white house would be open to that to get ukraine aid done. they recently said that they would not be open to that, that pause is really in place so that the department of energy could quantify of whether it's climate impact, essentially. but they're just pushing that, they really just want this senate bipartisan bill to just pass. that's what they're going or falling back on here. but i think you're going to have to wonder if they're going to have these conversations. this is something that mike johnson raised with biden in a closed-door meeting. so if they really want to get this done, i think they're going to have to look out ways outside of border security to really see this happen for sure. all right.
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>> we've gardner, gabby birnbaum. thank you, guys both very much for being here. i really appreciate it. >> all right. right. now, rescue cues are racing to save hundreds of people stranded by the deadly earthquake in taiwan. at least nine people are dead and more than 1,000 injured after a massive magnitude magnitude earthquake rocked taiwan's east coast wednesday. >> it was the >> strongest earthquake to hit taiwan in 25 years, collapsing buildings and causing others to lean like this one. cnn's kristie lu stout is live in hong kong for us with more. kristie lu stout. good morning. how is the rescue effort going? >> yeah. the search and rescue goes on and taiwan, amid ongoing aftershocks a day after that huge 7.4 magnitude quake over 600 people are stranded, including groups of tours, including minors and hotel workers the death toll has sadly risen in the last hour. we have learned at least ten people have died. now this earthquake, it caused landslides, it caused collapse structures like there's tilted
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buildings you've been seeing out a fall in a more than 1,000 people are injured and rescuers are working around the clock to free people trapped by the debris and they're also working really hard just to get to them. now the epicenter again isn't hualien county on the east of taiwan? and many of this region are in remote areas that can be hard to reach. and i want to show you some drone footage that shows the 50 stranded hotel employees wan't for rescue. now there were on their way to work on wednesday and minibuses when the quake struck and the rescuers, they're just waiting for the rows to reopen and that's when they can reach these workers are waiting for help. now in another video been showing you is from another stretch of highway in the affected area first responders, they reach the scene of a major landslide and once they're there, they have to scramble through fallen rocks boulders debris, all blocking that highway to reach a survivors and they did reach a man. they found who is unconscious and he was later sent on a stretcher to the hospital for treatment. now, a
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day after the earthquake, residences, you can imagine are still very nervous very anxious. in fact, some how to sleep outdoors, intense last night as dozens of aftershocks hit the area and among those affected is is this elderly survivor take a listen to her hi balah was a sunday, it's too scary being alone. so i took three sleeping pills, but i still couldn't sleep she is scared many of the region on edge casein authority say more powerful aftershocks are expected in the next few days, casey >> all right. kristie lu stout for us in hong kong. kristi, thanks very much for that i really appreciate it >> coming up next. special counsel, jack smith files a strong response to the judge and trump's classified documents, case will he attempt to have a removed from the case? plus add another accomplishment to caitlin clark, the illustrious college basketball career spatial
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is full steam ahead, the florida classified documents case is less so in a filing late tuesday's special counsel, jack smith blasted judge aileen cannon for her hamlin a case. >> he >> says the judge's decision and tactics are ultimately stalling. here's the former white house lawyer, the trump white house lawyer, ty cobb i think the evidence of her biases pretty palpable at this stage of the game. i think the 11th circuit tried desperately to draw a line for her, but her delays here are extraordinary filing today makes it plain that she has to rule and if she doesn't rule under either under either scenario, there'll be in a position to take her up to the lens circuit. and i think 11th circuit will likely take her off the case all right. >> turning his now cnn legal analyst and criminal defense attorney joey jackson jelly. good morning. wonderful to see you >> let's start there with what ty cobb had to say about aileen cannon because this is increasingly becoming part of
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the conversation in terms of how she is handling this it's filing from jack smith was really a remarkable one. we don't hear a lot from him. and this that's really it took me by surprise. can can you help us understand me what stood out to you in the filing and what do you think happens next with judge cannon? >> yeah. casey, good morning to you. i think what stood out most was really a sense of frustration and a sense of impatience. judges have a myriad of decisions to make. but when those decisions are questionable and when in the past she's certainly as it relates to mr. trump, shown a willingness to really on his behalf and to make decisions dating back to 2022 in terms of whether the mare a lago search was appropriate certainly the appellate division thought so and overturned her in terms of 2023 of whether the appointment of a special master to delay the fbi's reviewing a special documents should happen 11th circuit overturning her again.
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i think what happens is especial council is saying enough and certainly as a lawyer that has to be done in a certain way, professional way, in a way that makes your point without yelling and screaming about it, which the special counsel essentially did >> so here you >> have casey brief typically a situation where the judges saying, listen, i want two sets of jury instructions. both those jury instructions really relating to irrelevant issues the issue in this case is not about the presidential records act, which really essentially presidential records are public. they're not personal. so when you have a disk where the judge is saying submit jury instructions that would demonstrate or at least suggests that these were the personal property 32 classified documents of the president it's frustrating, especially since it's not a case about that. presidential records act referring to when you're president, this is two years later. this is about the espionage act. and so i think the special counsel said enough in terms of what could happen in the future, i think is type
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have noted you could see a recusal motion being submitted to have her off the case, but even that casey is problematic because guess what, it leads to delay. and that's exactly what the trump team wants needs, and may very well get in is getting in fact yeah. could you >> just give us a little bit more on that? this idea that she could be taken off the case, is it plausible what's the mechanism i don't have my head around that so. >> all >> great questions, casey, i think it is plausible because obviously as a judge, you have to comport yourself in a way that >> demonstrates that you're impartial and that you cannot have the appearance of any type of improprieties. and so i think that in the event the judge continues to make questionable rulings, continues to stall, continues to frustrate the essence of the case moving forward to administer justice, then the mechanism would be a motion that seeks recusal by the special counsel. i think in essence, the appellate division could rule on that even and
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send the case back to a different judge. and so it has to come if there is any type of recusal motion, it has to come because they party moves for that to happen. that party would be the special counsel. it would be entertained by the court. and depending upon the nature of the motion, the factual essence of the motion, speaking about the judge's conduct and decision making. that's something you could very well see. but again, kc, it really leads to delay, delay, delay. and that's it's a tactic that fits right into the former president's strategy >> very interesting. so joy briefly on the hush money situation in new york. >> is this the last of >> these delay motions? i mean, is it even possible to answer that question? i mean, at what point can the trump team stop throwing up these types of hail mary's >> so never say never, right? you and i learned that right in the course of time as we all have been realities are is that i think there's judge also is
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frustrated, you know, when cases begin, casey, what happens is is that pretrial motions are set. what are those those emojis? portions that are previous to trial that really you alert the court that you're making certain, right. you want the court to make certain motions predicated decisions, excuse me, predicated upon arguments you're making that motion schedule was set last year. the motion submitted several months ago. the motion herge write a couple of months ago and so the fact is is that if you are serious about filing a motion about immunity, you would have made it or could have suggested it earlier. so it seems obvious to the court that this is another delay tactic, and so i think the courts not entertaining and i think the judge has the laid the trial already giving three weeks from the earlier march 25 date? what's the case was going to go forward to say that's it. and so i think we'll see when the case comes forward on april 15th is the selection of the jury, the moving to trial, and the adjudication in this case of
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guilt or innocence of the former president of the united states. so my view is anything could happen, but it's certainly it looks likely that this case is getting tried before a jury and that trial is going to happen at some point very soon, a couple of weeks, of course, maybe the only one that actually unfolds before the november elections, joey jackson, always a pleasure. thanks for being here. >> thanks. >> all right. time now for sports. caitlin clark continuing her record season. carolyn mano has this morning to report carolyn. good morning. good morning. she's a household name. what can you say after breaking the ncw division one's going record this season, she deserves it all not exactly a huge surprise that she was named the naismith women's college player of the year. the award announced yesterday and cleveland, where clark was onsite to accept she's the first player to receive the honore inconsistent you. have seasons since brand is stewart, one at three times between 2014 and 2016. so not that company to be in ahead of the upcoming wnba draft. >> clark >> looking at the bigger picture i think it's been especially are for women's
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basketball so to win this war is really special. but to be back here playing with my team, i couldn't script it any better. i know some of them are for here somewhere back there. i'm not really sure are right. there. thank you for being here. i love you guys. this is just as much or as is it as mine and i'm just very grateful and thankful and i'll the on friday night >> indeed, lsu star angel reese announced her decision to declare for the wnba draft in an article issued by vogue yesterday, the 21 year-old said that she's done everything she's wanted to in college, including winning last year's national title. she feels ready to go pro in the nba. the celtics locked up the best record of the nba season i just mentally the thunder crystals for zynga's at a team leading 27 points, as well as five blocks. but it wasn't all around team effort. jayson tatum had 24 on the night. jaylen brown had 20 he to give the celtics their 60s when of the season. here's what tatum had to say about his team's record after the games >> every year. now, we learn to for you the process all the
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while we want to hang a banner old exam, we can't skip because even though when is 60 plus games and signature the best recommend it's a big deal >> the pistons in atlanta where an unlikely star emerged, detroit's malachite flynn coming in off the bench, dropping 50 points, shattering his former career high of 27 and setting a franchise record for a reason deserve unfortunately, that was not enough. jalen johnson soared with 28 points, 14 boards, 11 assists for his first career triple, double, helping the hotspots to play in tournaments birth and shoheiohtani stepping up to the plate in the seventh inning of a tight one against the giants. and he unleashed sending the ball into orbit, knocking it an astounding 430 feet when all is said and done, dodger stadium surreptitious, watching their $700 man round the basis for the first time this season his first home run is at dodger would prove to be the game winner or a leggett and the best of sanford cisco
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five to four sweeping the series and ohtani called it a huge relief to get that first home run out of the way. kasie, as you know, it's been a challenging couple of months for him. the pressure of this enormous contract that transition to the dodgers, this betting scandal that led to the firing of his longtime interpreter and confidence. so dave roberts, the manager, said that there's a little bit of relief here for everyone. >> yes. takes takes the pressure off, probably probably be easier to hit. number two for i'm carolyn. thank you. i appreciate it >> coming up next president biden and benjamin netanyahu speak for the first time since the deadly airstrike on aid workers in gaza, plus new video gives us a glimpse of the raid at one of the homes of music mogul's sean diddy combs >> my fellow citizens need to be better for normal, normal, it makes me want you to be dead be better that's being normal >> good streaming exclusively on macs
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