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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  April 4, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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before, and the damage can unfortunately be permanent. what >> there, you also have seen some studies of there are other safety risks with eclipses. what are they? yeah, there was one recent study that just came out looking at traffic accidents and fatalities around the 2017 eclipse. and this is really sad. i mean, they actually did see that in the three days around the 2017 eclipse, the number of traffic fatalities went up let's. >> loong at th guy because it seems tbee becae people were traveling to tryo go whe they'd be able see theclipse. so they compared it to a traffic weekend like thanksgiving, 4 july memorial day. you should know a lot of people are gonna be driving to see this eclipse. and he just got to be more careful on the road i underestimated how dark these glasses actually are. that's really cool. thanks so much bag thing. i will keep them or not >> drill. thank you so much. the next hour of cnn newsroom will start in just a moment. but first, the best way you can get a view of the eclipse with your wonderful glasses that you can obtain is go, go get them and you can also watch the
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entire thing >> then >> the rare opportunity won't see it for decades to come join cnn special live coverage of the eclipse across america, coverage starts monday at 1:00 p.m. eastern, or you can stream it on max. now, the next hour of central begins we >> just learned minutes ago that a crucial call today between president biden, israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu. netanyahu was not originally on the schedule. so what does that tell us about the urgency of the president's message florida six-week abortion ban, turning up the heat on donald trump. he's a former resident how will he vote when it is on the ballot, their new reporting this morning about how his campaign is working behind the scenes to address it. >> and >> then 30 million in hash stolen new clues, and one of the biggest heist in history.
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i'm john berman was sarah sidner and kate baldwin. this is cnn. news central >> that's few hours. >> president biden is fully prepared to express his anger and frustrations two israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu in a crucial phone call today, a call people close to biden say it will be very important in the next step for us, israel relation. and we've just learned that this meeting was not previously on the books and was scheduled after an israeli airstrike killed seven world central kitchen aid workers this will be the first time the two allies will be speaking. since those deaths, a cnn analysis of the aftermath video found that the attack may have consisted of multiple precision strikes the team was traveling through a deconflicted zone they had coordinated their movements with the idf yes. and israel
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claims a strike was unintentional. cnn's arlette signed. does that the white house for us or let what is the biden strategy today? we know we've been hearing behind the scenes that he is outraged yes. >> era president biden is expected to convey that frustration and anger directly to israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu when the two men speak in the coming hours. now a source familiar with the call tells cnn that this was not initially on the calendar at the start of the week, but was added after this israeli strike that. killed its seven aid workers with world central kitchen on monday evening ended that moment really serves as the latest flashpoint in the increasingly tense relationship between biden and netanyahu. but a big question going forward is whether this could mark a turning point in the military support for israel as they wage there campaign against hamas in gaza. now, the president has increasingly increased his frustration level. sources have told cnn
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and he plans to make that quite clear in this phone call, he is expected to broaden out the conversation while it is expected to focus mainly on the death of those aid workers, he's also expected to talk a bit about the humanitarian protections that need to be in place for aid workers going forward. one thing that us officials have told cnn is that the biden administration has already started to convey to israeli officials that they need the change the way that they transmit information about where these aid workers are located as they're trying to to get more aid into gaza. there's also discussed expected to be discussions relating to a temporary ceasefire as the us has been pushing to get hostages out of gaza and more humanitarian aid into the enclave they likely could also discuss the israeli plans in intention to have a ground operation into rafah, something that us official both have been warning about for weeks now. now, ahead of this call, we know that defense secretary lloyd austin spoke with his israeli counterpart
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and a pentagon spokesperson said that in that phone call, he expressed outrage and also reinforced that this incident really heightens the stakes of this rafah operation as they've been trying to tell the israeli officials that they need to take great care to ensure the protection of civilians and also trying to get more humanitarian aid in. but even as we've seen, this increase in rhetoric, calling this us response and outrage, what we have not seen so far is any shift in us policies particularly when it comes to the us who is offering military support, israel without conditions. so many will be closely watching to see whether any shift in policy a could be coming down the road. but for the time being, officials have made clear that the us position and its support for israel has not changed and isn't going to be given at future her let signs. thank you so much. there from the white house stunk waste a new cnn reporting this morning after months of saying different things about abortion, the trump campaign claims is carefully crafting
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new messaging. now on tuesday, trump's upon surprised his own campaign when he promised to make a statement on abortion next week of course, people who follow them for years. now he has often promised to release something. he never does. his tax returns, for instance, over the last several months, trump has seemed to test different messages on abortion, hinting he would support a 15 week ban, other ties being more vague, cnn's alayna treene is with us now. so what exactly is the trump campaign doing now? >> right? well, john, it's really interesting because this is something that donald trump has struggled with for over a year and throughout his time on the campaign trail, and it's an issue that of course, donald trump and his campaign recognize is going to be a top vulnerability for both him and republicans overall as they look forward to november brian, you're totally right. donald trump hasn't been very clear on what his position is. he's really tried to have it both ways and tow the line to some people. he says, look i'm taking credit for the overturning of roe versus wade.
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it wouldn't have happened without nice stacking the supreme court with three conservative justices. but then in other times, he publicly and privately acknowledged glitches that the issue was a political loser, especially in a general election. and that's why we've really seen this waffling from him over the past several months now, my conversations with donald trump's team is that over that time period, they had been quietly working behind the scenes. his policy team to craft some sort of policy on it. however, they hadn't really had any plans to roll well, that out anytime soon and that's why when donald trump said earlier this week that he was going to be making a statement on abortion next week, it did catch some of his team off-guard. take a listen to how he's been putting it pretty, soon i'm going to be making a decision and i would like to see if we could do that or all how i would like to see if we could make both sides >> happy, mr. president, do you support the six-week abortion ban that the florida supreme court just upheld
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>> next, week abortion >> now, john, part of the reason that that statement just there from donald trump did catch some of his advisers off guard is because for awhile, especially during the primary head, but receiving a lot of pressure from outside allies, people like kelly land, conway, senator lindsey graham, marjorie dannenfelser, president of susan b. anthony, pro-life. all of them pressuring him to clarify his position on abortion. however, once he became the republican nominee and secured enough delegates for that, his team recognized there is some sort of vulnerability there. why don't you just keep continuing? can you to be vague on this issue? however, they also recognize that he can't avoid it forever and it's probably better to come out sooner with that specific language rather than later. >> we'll see, we'll see if they follow through one week from now in the meantime, who is he listening to? who was advising him on this subject? >> so there's a couple of people and i mentioned kellyanne conway, his former
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aide. they actually had dinner recently at mar-a-lago on the patio of donald trump's resort and they discussed it there. she's really been encouraging him to take a stance on a specific threshold, a specific amount of weeks for when abortion should no longer be allowed. and that's why you're hearing him run out these ideas may be 15 weeks, maybe 16 weeks. he's also been talking to lindsey graham. i spoke at the center yesterday over the phone and he was telling me, look, donald trump wants to reach a consensus. he wants both sides to be happy and he argues lindsey graham argues that that is around 15 or 16 weeks. he's also been i'm talking to a lot of pro-life leaders, anti-abortion groups of people like ralph read one of his close friends who heads up evangelical organization. a lot of these people, again, who helped get him elected in 2016. remember this was a key issue in 2016 that helped donald trump make it into the white house. these are the people who are saying you need to clarify this. but again, there's also his advisers internally who are
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telling him you need to be careful with this issue because it is such a vulnerable issue. >> john, again, what he says could put him at odds with the six-week ban in florida that he will get to vote on next november. thank you so much for being with so little entry let's talk about this joining us right now is democratic senator from massachusetts, elizabeth warren, senator. thanks so much for coming back in donald trump, we just heard that latest reporting from our team around donald trump's plans or not, or what is being considered in pressure behind the scenes on his stance on abortion rights, if done when trump comes out to support a 15 week federal abortion ban, is that a compromise considering, as john mentioned, what's happening in florida and other states who are going much further look, i understand that donald trump is trying to find a messaging solution here. but donald trump doesn't have a messaging problem. he's got a reality problem and the reality is that roe versus wade protected access to abortion for half a century. donald
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trump aggressively and deliberately put in place an extremist supreme court that denied roe versus wade after having sworn. they were going to follow through on precedent overturned roe versus wade, the first chance they got and what is happened since then? republican led legislatures governors all across the states where they're empower have tried to deny access to abortion. and this latest action in florida is just a reminder of what donald trump faces and that is, that he unleash this he is lifted by the extremist wing of his party. and what they're trying to do right now in florida is saying there's an abortion bans so early that many women would not even know they're pregnant yet when this abortion band goes into place, donald trump has to live with that reality because he created it.
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he has fostered it and he is running for president on it. abortion will be on the ballot in 2024. and the american people don't want what donald trump is trying to sell. >> center. i also want to ask you about the news that we're tracking out of israel. president biden will be speaking with benjamin net yahoo today. do you think the strike killing world central kitchen aid workers, do you think this is the moment that president biden needs to change course and use leverage to force netanyahu to do more this is just one more reminder of the kind of humanitarian disaster that benjamin netanyahu has created. here are these wonderful people who go in and out of the goodness of their hearts. they're trying to be helpful in the middle of a disaster and they lose their lives. and my heart goes out to their families on this look, american policy has actually been for a very long time, that
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we do not provide military aid to people or countries that are in violation of international law or domestic us law and our laws are clear that anyone engaged in combat has to be careful about civilian life and has to give access to humanitarian aid. prime minister netanyahu is clearly not doing that and people have tried to give him a lot of space he is not doing it and he must be held accountable. we need for things to happen and we need them to happen. now, a ceasefire the hostages need to be returned humanitarian aid has to be opened up america needs to be pushing the parties toward a two-state solution where everyone has the opportunity for self-determinat ion, for security, and living with dignity going forward. >> senator, you talk about
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netanyahu needing to be held accountable and things that need to happen now, last month, you joined a group of democratic senators basically asking joe biden to leverage weapon sales to israel to pressure netanyahu to change tactics in gaza. we know the administration is set to greenlight a huge sale worth upwards of $18 to israel, having to do with a slew of 15 fighter jets do you congress can take action now to have a say in that. do you want congress to move to block that sale? >> i think it is clear that congress has responsibility to act. we have legal tools here. and as i said, we cannot approve the sale of arms to a country that is in violation of our own laws on this. and that includes access to humanitarian relief this is a moral question. it is also a legal
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question congress has responsibility here and i'm willing to take that responsibility. >> talk to me more about that because there's i've heard a lot of conversations around possibly considering legislation to step in will are you considering or will you be putting forward legislation if that's the right term when it comes to this, to start this process of blocking the sale so actually, let's let's put this in a slightly different context. we already have an established us policy here >> and you enforcement, how do you make the president, not, not, not like this. that's i think the best we can do here is that we need to all be working together. and that's the president that's people in congress and i am hopeful that when the president talks with prime minister netanyahu, it will be making it clear that support for the actions of the prime minister are not. he's
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not helping israel, he is not keeping israel safe. and that he cannot cannot continue to follow a policy of trying to starve l. the people of gaza that he loses support all around the world prime minister netanyahu seems to be advancing the interests. not of israel, but only of prime minister netanyahu. and it's time for that to end. >> but what if i mean, chris said on the program shortly? short time ago this call is a very important moment in the next step of us relations with israel >> if this >> call ends and netanyahu continues without changing course, or there isn't something tangible that you perceive that you and others perceive as course-correct? what then >> well what we're trying to do right now is make clear both very publicly and to the white house, to everyone involved
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that prime minister netanyahu has to understand how little support he has for the actions that he is undertaken. that is unnecessary precedent to this call. and the president will now step up. he will have this call with prime minister netanyahu. and we will see what happens next. but we cannot continue down a path where prime minister netanyahu's policy is to try to starve hundreds of thousands of palestinians, women, and children in gaza as his way to advance his own personal interests that's just not going to work as i've said, what we've got to do as we've got to get a ceasefire in place. we've got to get those hostages back. we have got to get humanitarian relief into gaza, and we need to do it now, every day is crucial at this moment >> senator warren, thank you for coming on today. >> thank you >> coming up for us. >> delay.
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>> denied donald trump's latest move to push off the start of his trial not happening. why the judge said trump and what he's trying to do is straining credulity michigan prosecutors say the first parents in the country to be convicted for the deaths caused by their son and a school shooting but they showed a quote, chilling lack of remorse why they're pushing prosecutors are pushing for a lengthy prison sentence now the los angeles police department says, is one of the largest hash heist in the city's history. thieves making off with more than 30 million and help police are trying to figure out how they pulled it off if you work in spaceflight, this is the worst possible thing i could ever happen >> my dad died doing what he spatial colombia, the final flight premieres sunday at nine on cnn is your shower trying to tell you something is getting in and out of the >> bathtub becoming a safety concern are you worried about
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>> this morning, donald trump's new york criminal trials on the clock set to begin in two weeks, the judge rejected his last-ditch effort to postpone the trial running, quote, the fact that the defendant waited until amir 17 days prior to this game federal trial date of march 25, 2024, to file a motion raises real questions about the sincerity and actual purpose of the motion. the circumstances viewed as a whole test, this court's credulity with us. now, cnn senior legal analyst, former federal and state prosecutor, former mma tuczyn bureau elie honig, councillor. thank you for being with us. does this mark the end of donald trump trying to delay the new york criminal trial. no more requests you think from his attorneys? not at all, >> john, i expect to see >> almost daily request if we go by the pattern that's been established over the last few days, it is nothing all that unusual to see a defense lawyer in these last few days before a trial date, go to the judge and braise these sort of emergency motions. we need more time. we need a postponement. however,
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donald trump, as he is, want to do, seems to be pushing this two and beyond any extreme and there's a bit of a boy who cried wolf effect happening here where the judge has heard enough of these last emergency motions. there have been three or four just in last week or so that it seems to be costing trump in terms of credibility and the judge seems fed up and he's sort of whisking them away with the back of his hand at this point. >> yet, let's take one for instance, one is the trump team suggesting there's been so much negative pretrial publicity that he can't get a fair trial and you have to delay to that. the judge says yeah, that one's got no particular chance of succeeding. i mean, the response number one from the da is you, donald trump have been generating much of this publicity with your own public statements. and the other point that will be made is there's no reason to think that publicity around this trial is going to be any less if we push it back to june so until july to 2025, it's always going to be there. so i think that's
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one of the many motions that has been and will continue to be unsuccessful. >> there will be a hearing before the us supreme court on the issue of presidential immunity. while in theory, the new york criminal trial is going on. is there any interplay between the two >> yes. so that's interesting. there is a supreme court arguments scheduled for april 25, which will be a trial day, according to the current schedule. now, donald trump has said, we need to put this whole trial in manhattan. hush money case on hold until we get a ruling from the us supreme court on immunity. which will probably be in june or july. now, the first problem with that is it's not clear how donald trump would even really haven't immunity argument in the hush money case, because almost all of the conduct their the paying of the money to stormy daniels happened before donald trump was president. now, there were a couple of invoices paid in the first couple of weeks while he was president. so maybe there's some hook there. the other
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point though is this argument has already largely been raised by donald trump in this case, he tried to get his case moved over to federal court last summer. and as part of that, he said, i'm going to have an immunity argument and the federal court rejected it. so it's a slightly different procedural context. john trump may well try again, but i think that's a long shot, maybe a longshot is better than no shot for trump. >> elie honig, keeping new jersey, say thank you so much for being with us this morning. sarah. >> all right. coming up, we have some breaking news into cnn. we're learning the biden administration recently authorized even more heavy bombs to israel that's next. and we're just minutes away from the opening bell on wall street market futures are pointing higher this morning, the dow ending wednesday down for the third straight day of lawsuit as premarket trading swung higher after this morning's new weekly job got the labor department shows jobless claims higher than expected at 221,000 but still at an overall historic low.
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called now, sunday, new interviews with the return israeli hostages. >> what is the meaning of being hostage reasonable certainty and the fight for the release of those still in captivity. the whole story with anderson cooper, sunday at eight on cnn into cnn, we have some new
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reporting about us weapons transfers to israel. the biden administration very recently authorizing more than 1,500 pound bombs and more be sent over to israel. this is lawmakers like senator elizabeth warren, who we just spoke to our calling on president biden to use weapons transfers like this as leverage to get benjamin netanyahu to change course and biden and netanyahu are set to speak in a phone call today. okay. let's get more on this new reporting. cnn's natasha bertrand has this forest. tell us more natasha >> yeah. so we're told that the us in recent days did authorize a new transfer of two of two over 2000 munitions to the israelis, including over 1,500 pound bombs and another 1,000 plus small diameter palms. and these are notably munitions sales that had been notified to congress and approved. many years ago. and so they did not require new congressional notification. instead, once these orders essentially became
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fulfilled, that the state department was able to authorize that transfer to the israelis but we are told that this transfer authorization came before this latest strike on an aid convoy by these rayleigh's on world central kitchen, but still, it is likely to generate further questions over the administration's policy of continuing to provide these weapons this kinds of equipment to the israelis amid public condemnations by president biden, by senior administration officials of how they are carrying out this war in gaza. we are told by a former senior state department official that if they wanted to the us, could in fact choose to suspend these kinds of approvals. however, the administration so far showing no signs that they are willing to do that, saying that they're investing essentially in israel's long-term security here. and reiterating that israel has the right to defend itself against hamas and other threats. but obviously, this latest transfer authority is going to raise more questions about whether they should be using their authority and their
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leverage in a different way. >> the tasha. thank you so much for this new report and bringing it to us. sarah. >> all right >> this is all coming to light as accusations that israel purposely targeted the aid group world central kitchen, killing seven of its aid workers in gaza with me now as christine squires the president and ceo of america cares, a health focus relief and development organization that responds to people affected by poverty or disaster i just want to start with this. i want to start with what jose andres, the founder of world central kitchen, said about the attack on his people in gaza. let's listen >> but i know is that we were targeted deliberately, non-stop until everybody was dead in these convoy that cannot be that cannot be the role of an army, that cannot be the role of an army. the has hundreds of drawings above gaza in any single moment humanitarians and
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civilians should never be paying the consequences of war this is a basic principle of humanity at the other time, this looks like it's not a war against the regime anymore seems this it's a war against humanity itself >> when you hear those words and that he believes they were targeted, just looking at how they happened how is this attack affected your operations? are people on the ground that work with america >> thank you, sir. i first want to start by saying my deepest, deepest condolences going out to the loved ones that family and the colleagues of the world central kitchen staff who have been killed in this attack this is a devastating horrific situation. we are devastated as the humanitarian community. i also want to mention that this is about 200 aid workers who have died trying to deliver
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aid. and the consequences that people need help in gaza, there are millions of people displaced. they're living in unsanitary living conditions infectious diseases spreading. there is war, there's thousands of deaths and aid workers need to be able to move safely to deliver aid to those in need. we are focused on health, so we're looking at delivering medicines and medical supplies. we have some dod has gotten in, but this is devastating to the humanitarian community and devastating to those in gaza casa who need help >> is there any group that works with you because i know you work with partners who is in gaza who has decided that they have to stop for now because of the danger of being hit by a strike by an israeli strike yes. >> there are several organizations because of this who have paused their operations, their assessing their security situation. one of our partners and naira has done so and it will again affect the swift delivery of aid when you hear that and you
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know that civilians are starving, a famine is imminent according to the world health organization what's your message to israel's leaders as more and more agencies decide to stop or pause operations for fear of being endangered. there are messages that we need safe passage of aid to come through. not only getting it around inside gaza, there are trucks that are lined up at the rafah crossing and other crosses, crossings ready to go? just to give you some sense, before october 7, about 500 trucks a day were getting into gaza. port gazans and need >> and now it's 100 so all >> piled up together. we need measures to allow for the safe passage of aid, and that includes a ceasefire how does that work? you obviously a ceasefire has been spoken about quite a bit. we heard from kamala harris that she was
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calling for a ceasefire with the return of those who had been kidnapped by hamas. i do want to ask you how it actually works. is there a lot of contact between the aid agencies on the ground there and the idf as we heard from jose andres, there was contact they had given them a plan. is that how your organizations work >> well we work with partner organizations who are on the ground. >> i will >> tell you that when there is a pause in fighting at the end of november aid was able to get in. we were able to deliver six tons of medicines and medical supplies. so having a pause in fighting, having a ceasefire is a solution to be able to support gazans and need and save lives and absolutely make a difference. so there are solutions available. there's aid waiting to get in, and we just need that pause in fighting we need for safe passage today to come through there is a dire situation there for the civilians in gaza. christine's wires. thank you for the work you do and thank you for joining us this morning. i really appreciate it
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>> thank you >> donkey or the death toll from the earthquake in taiwan has grown with more than 600 people still stranded. we've got new reporting from the ground at a hospital alabama, halting ivf treatments out of fear of new lawsuits this is the big dam >> payne who that do >> wealth changing question. has your advisor create a portfolio based only on your age and risk tolerance? that's simply not good enough. your money deserves better and soda you a creative planning are private wealth managers learn about you first and then they create a customized plan and portfolio by partnering with our in-house money managers accountants, and attorneys
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care will cost and knowing your expenses makes planning your financial future easier. >> i'm glad my husband and i can use are savings to do the things we wanna do. i'm glad i don't have to shop for a new plan every year >> that's right. once you enroll, your coverage is guaranteed for as long as you keep this plan have questions, call unitedhealthcare now to talk with a licensed insurance agent or producer, they know a lot about what makes these plants smart now, and really smart later. or just asked for this free guide, benefits and rates in one place. so it's easy to compare options year-to-year, 94% of members renew their plan and medicare supplement plans with the aarp name are the only medicare supplement plans endorsed by aarp meeting their high standards of service and quality give unitedhealthcare call today and set yourself and your future self up with an aarp medicare supplement plan from unitedhealthcare >> look at joe. >> thanks again for looking out for me. we're in this
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moment, the huge earthquake hit taiwan nurses in a maternity ward and type pay gathered babies together. you can see them right there protecting them as the building shook we've also got video of drivers on a hillside road when the quake triggered a rock slide. they begin backing up. you can see that boulder smashing into one of the vehicles cnn has not independently verified the video and is unaware of how many people were inside or if any one was injured. >> the >> death toll and taiwan now stands at ten more than 1,000 have been injured, many more still unaccounted for cnn senior international correspondent ivan watson is near the epicenter they're ivan. what are you seeing there? >> well, john, if you wanted an example of the frightening power of wednesday mornings earthquake, just look at this you know, an entire apartment building careening on its side, the authorities or you're gonna be getting ready to demolish it
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as they have at least one other building in the city that was also bad the damaged firefighters, they brought residents out on ladders out of that after it nearly tumbled over >> and this has been >> a deadly disaster as you've mentioned, at least ten people killed more than 1,000 injured including the mayor of this but then take a look down this road, right? >> you >> see that most of the buildings here are not damaged in the least, they're lit up the restaurants down the road are operating. >> it is >> very active and i think that reveals just how experienced this community nearer located near a fault line is when it comes to earthquakes and how resilient taiwan is. as well >> there >> are people sheltering more than 100 and a gym nearby and that's where i met the mayor who was on crutches after some furniture fell on him, but he said part of why the death toll isn't much more, isn't much larger. is that the people here
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are a customer earthquakes they're taught as children how to deal with them and to respond to them. but also probably very strong building regulations after a devastating earthquake in 1999 killed more than 2000 people. this in the mountains is much more dire. take a listen to this survivor of one of those rock slides this typo >> there were too many rocks like bullets falling from above. we didn't know where to run. there were all scared it's. >> in the mountains where the authorities are still trying to rescue hundreds of people fortunately, in the last couple of hours, john, we've learned that 30 hotel workers who were trapped on a remote route mountain road, they have all been safely rescued john, ivan wants an amazing reporting. i have to say just seeing the building behind you in the background, what's your really close to you. i also have to say just leaning over there remarkable imagery, ivan,
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thanks for being there for us. appreciate it. >> okay >> so they've broken through the roof and left with $30 million in cash. now police are trying to figure out how these burglars really pulled off this wild heist? the new cnn original series space shuttle columbia, the final flight premieres this weekend, and you can watch the first two episodes this sunday at 9:00 p.m. eastern, 9:00 p.m. on cnn. here's a preview nasa has declared a state of emergency over texas there is something amiss. we are walking mission can hold bath, all have gone through this before 17 years ago with a shuttle challenger. you can see in their eyes, if you work in human spaceflight the, worst possible thing i can ever help >> there is no media personality. >> businesswomen celebrity chef leichhardt >> million lives of martha stewart. now streaming on macs
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>> go to i'm to learn >> i'm arlette saenz at the white house, and >> this is cnn on our radar in alabama hospital says it is halting ivf treatments at the end of the year citing litigation concerns this comes of course, after the state supreme court ruled that frozen embryos are children and anyone destroying them can be held liable for wrongful death. this is the same hospital by the way, there was the focus of the two lawsuits, who alleged a patient dropped and destroyed frozen embryos back in 2020. alabama's governor signed off on new laws to try to protect ivf ivf last month, but acknowledged more work doesn't need to be done an african safari turn deadly for an
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american tourists. this video captured shows a bull elephant charging a vehicle. oh, my goodness, during a game drive in zambia. according to a hospitality company overseeing the torque, the 80 year-old woman was one of six torres taking part in a regular excursion to view wildlife at the cu fe national park investigators are looking into this case la police are on the hunt for thieves who just pulled off the largest heist in california history, the la times reporting experienced crews through broke in through the roof of a money storage facility on easter sunday, they made off with $30 without ever triggering a security system some employees didn't even discover that the theft happened until they open the vault on monday. aerial footage of the storage facility wednesday showed a whole with debris, but it's unclear if that damage occurred during the burglary i have a question. there are storage facilities
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just for money. >> i did not realize >> that's my take. what why >> you can trip >> you know, i know about bags, but look at that thing. it's here. >> it >> is huge and >> i think physically wouldn't $30 million cash this will be huge this absolutely. there's lots of questions. it's a lot of question we're going to dive deep four days now until the total solar eclipse, a pretty big deal and even bigger deal, finding the clearest spot along the path of totality in the united states who will have the best view, and when and what should you do about the whole thing? >> let's go to cnn's time foreman. he's got much more on this. >> explain >> to us how many people are gonna be able to see this really tom a lot. i liked the term path of totality because path of totality sounds more like a philosophical concept, but it does make about my life.
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>> yeah, exactly. six >> you're on the path. i'm telling you 32 million people will be in the path of totality. but you really have to add about 20 million or more to that because the last time we had one of these eclipses at this level we had at least that many people traveling to the zone this time it's a little wider. so you'll have even more showing up and all of this to see something that's going to last for three-and-a-half to four minutes in terms of the part where you have to complete solar eclipse. if you look at the path that is going to follow, it's really lovely, it goes right to the heart of the country up here from starting in mexico, coming up through the us, up into buffalo, burlington, vermont, and then on up into a piece of canada up here nice, big, wide swath there, lots of people will get to see it in. people be traveling from the outside, weather you know, we don't know their possibility of big storms down here, possibility of clouds up here. check the forecast day to day to day. it can change, >> but remember through all of this, what we're seeing kate it's really miraculous because think about this. the sun is 400 times bigger than the moon
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and the moon is about a quarter as big across as the earth. so for this to block this, it only works because the sun is also 400 times as far away from us as the moon that is such a unique relationship that we don't have proof that this exist anywhere else in the universe. it probably does because universe is really big, but amazing, amazing few moments there to just get a glimpse of, unique relationship. >> i think that's what i'll say about all of us together. whatever you combine roman pastor so talented together forming thank you so much. >> the best way >> to see this solar eclipse is on cnn that special live coverage of the eclipse across america. coverage starts monday, 1:00 p.m. eastern or you can stream it on max in the zone of totality. it sounds so thank you for being put them
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on. this has been seeing a new central what can we say viewing cnn newsroom with jim acosta >> on your if you have this and you get this you could end up with this >> unexpected out-of-pocket costs which for those on medicare or soon to be, is a good reason to take charge of your health care >> so consider this >> an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan from unitedhealthcare. >> why? >> because medicare alone doesn't pay for everything and what it doesn't pay for, like deductibles and co-pays could really add up even thousands of dollars a year medicare supplement plans help by paying some of what medicare doesn't and making your out-of-pocket costs a lot more predictable call unitedhealthcare today and ask for your brij decision guy
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