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tv   The Lead With Jake Tapper  CNN  April 4, 2024 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT

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t. get fast. you want reliable. get reliable. you want powerful. get powerful. get real deal speed, reliability and power with xfinity. she shoots from here? that's kinda my thing. 15% on the latest flooring stuff i also visit ll >> i'm sunlen serfaty in washington in this is cnn >> welcome to the lead. i'm jake tapper. this hour we're going to bring you brand new audio from moments before that horrific bridge collapse and that bolton more port radio transmissions revealing confusion as that massive cargo ship hit the bridge and crews scramble to try to stop traffic across the bridge. plus a texas national guard member, is under arrest, accused of trying to smuggle migrants near the border. the police video, but high-speed chase that led to the arrest and leading this, our president biden trying to lay down the law today with
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israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu. biden making new demands, warning of consequences if israeli forces do not take concrete steps to try to protect civilian lives in gaza the 30-minute call was the first conversation between the leaders since israel strike monday in gaza. so that killed seven aid workers from the world central kitchen. the non-profit started by celebrity chef jose on dress the killings, touching off a new level of frustration from the president with the way israel is waging this campaign against hamas. later this hour, i'm going to talk to senator bernie sanders or critic of netanyahu, but let's start this hour at the white house with cnn's mj lee, mj, what are we learning about today's call between president biden and israeli prime minister well, jake, for now, we do appear to be at a bit of a turning point in this war, because for the first time since october 7, president biden >> has threatened that unless israel changes the way that it is conducting this war, the us has policies could change what it comes so the war, the white
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house, saying that israel must take specific concrete and measurable steps to alleviate the humanitarian crisis and the civilian suffering. and if not, the us would reconsider its policies but these are steps, jake, that we have heard the white house talking about for weeks and weeks. and sometimes a little effect. and what is not clear at all right. now is how the white house would actually measure the effectiveness of these changes that they're calling for. this is a little bit of my exchange with white house spokesman john kirby a little earlier this afternoon >> you're not specifying what conference israel must take if i gave you some so a broad sense that we want to see more crossings opened up. we want to see more trucks getting in, particularly from jordan we want to see tangible steps at the mitigation of civilian harm. >> that's language. we've heard for weeks now, you're not talking about sort of telling us how exactly you will measure sure the measurable
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steps >> right? >> what i said was we're going to we're going to examine our policy i'll see approaches based on our assessment of the way the israeli side modifies their behavior modifies their policy and decision-making processes >> and just as importantly, jake, the white house is not a elaborated at all on what kinds of us policy changes are potentially on the table. of course, up until today, the white house has been clear and has repeated that they are not considering the possibility of conditioning us aid to israel. now, one thing that the white house also says that they didn't get into the two leaders in this phone call. or details of these israeli strikes that resulted in the deaths of those seven aid workers that they are saying that they are still waiting on the full results of israel's
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investigation into the matter. how that aid convoy ended up being targeted in the first place >> there has been serious concern from some in the that the israeli military is going to press ahead with this ground incursion into rafah, despite pleas from the biden administration that they don't do it the and bring that up >> yeah. you know, actually i asked that question for sites lee too, john kirby as well, and he actually said that in this phone call today, that was not a main topic of discussion. this is of course something that israeli officials, as you said, i have been saying is basically inevitable despite us sufficient scholz repeatedly saying that that would be completely unacceptable without a plan to to protect civilians in the region. of course, this was a bag point of discussion in the virtual meeting that us officials had earlier this week with an israeli delegation but this does stand to be the next big test of the us. israel relationship as this war goes on, is whether israel decides to go ahead with this ground
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military operation into rafah despite those repeated warnings from us officials. >> all right. mj lee. thank you so much. let's bring in leon panetta. he served as the former defense secretary and former cia director during the obama administration. thanks so much for being here. appreciate it. both biden and netanyahu are facing considerable political pressure as the war continues what's your reaction to biden telling that's on yahoo that an immediate ceasefire is needed. >> well, i think it was very important to make that request that if anything is needed right now, it is an immediate ceasefire. it is an effort to try to exchange the hostages, and it is an effort to try to improve human and in a look, i think this war has gone on for almost six months. and i think to some extent, both president biden and netanyahu have been talking past each other when it comes to their concerns i think
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that's changed. i hope that's changed today as a result of what happened with these aid workers. and as a result of this conversation that they understand that things cannot continue the way they've been what is your response when you criticize how israel is conducting this war? >> and >> the end, you end, you >> hear from supporters of israel, as i do hamas is dedicated to the destruction of israel it's right in their charter hamas started this in october spends with their attack on civilians in their kidnapping, hamas could end this war today if they turned over the hostages and surrendered, which is traditionally what you do when you're losing and hamas doesn't care about the lives of the palestinian people. >> i don't i'm not >> disputing any of those claims but what's your response when people say that is if that means israel could conduct the war anyway, it wants well, i think that's
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that's the answer and it doesn't it doesn't give them a license to not pay attention to >> humanitarian needs, not pay attention to, not miss on innocent aid worker's. it doesn't give them a license to basically not pay attention to the larger issue here, which is you know, are you going to get a ceasefire? are you going to be able to get your hostages exchanged? and are you going to be able to establish real lines of communication for humanitarian aid? no one questions israel's right to defend themselves and no one questions their right to go after hamas. that that's understandable. we went after al-qaeda after nine 11 and nobody questioned the fact that we could go after them but we also went after them in a targeted way. it took a long time but we eventually got those that were responsible for
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nine, 11. the same thing can happen with israel if they use targeted efforts to go after hamas. and if they do it in a way that does realize that humanitarian aid is necessary here in order to save lives. >> today, secretary of state blinken said that if the us does not see changes by the israeli military, and the israeli government to take further steps to protect innocent civilians in gaza. there will be changes in our own policy that's the quote. there'll be changes in our on policy like what what do you think the us should do if netanyahu and the idf continued to wage the war in a way that biden disapproves of well look i don't think there's any question that that will have to apply conditions to the military aid >> that we're providing to israel. congress is already considering that possibility. so i think it's pretty clear
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that if they just continue as they are now and we see no change with regards to how they're dealing with humanitarian aid, how they're dealing with innocent victims there in gaza. then i think there is no question in my mind, but we're going to start having to apply condition and that will make it that much more difficult on israel to conduct this war but it is the sequence of not working with us to try to deal with what happened in that horrific attack to make sure that we are paying attention to innocent lives >> is there any way? that netanyahu will conduct this war in a way more pleasing to the president of the united states and the biden administration as long as netanyahu depends upon the participation in his government of these right-wing zealots ben-gvir and smoke trich these individual who
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wants palestinians to leave gaza, who want to take the west bank and make it >> part of israel, who are anti-arab racists. i mean, netanyahu depends on their participation in his government for his political survival. is there any way forward as long as he cares more about them, netanyahu carrying more about smotrich and ben gvir, then he cares about biden look, there's there's one thing that netanyahu will pay attention to which is whether or >> not he will survive he, is a survivor. i think the first time i met netanyahu, it was back in the clinton administration and throughout that period of time, somehow he's always been able to survive. i think his biggest concern his biggest concern is his political situation in israel. there are now 100,000 people who are demonstrating an
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israel because they want to cease fire and they want to see the hostages exchange. >> i think >> ultimately if netanyahu does not change the way he's dealing with the situation that it is going to end, his term as prime minister. so that is the one thing that i think is an incentive for netanyahu to change what i spoke with you near this the start of the israeli ground invasion in gaza, you said that you were confident it would be quote, a well-planned operation? not something that they pull out of their hat unquote, were now almost at the six month mark of this war, tens of thousands of innocent palestinians have been killed. the un is warming, warning of a catastrophic famine because not enough aid has been allowed into gaza. did you anticipate the scale of the humanitarian crisis that we're seeing? >> no, i >> i really thought >> that this war would move a lot faster than it did and what
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we've seen now is what almost 33,000 lives of innocent palestinians, so that have been lost but at the same time, a look, israel has made progress with regards to dealing with hamas hamas does not have the capability, at least at this point to conduct another october 7 attack what i never sensed was that there was a clear mission that had been established that it would be clear could be achieved by israel netanyahu keeps saying we're going to destroy hamas. look you're not going to destroy hamas. hamas is going to be around what you can't destroy is the leadership that was involved by hamas in the attack on october 7, and i don't think he's made that clear that ultimately, this is about killing the leadership of
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hamas, not just wiping out hamas if we had a better sense of mission here. i think we'd have a better sense of how this work could come to an end. >> we got banana, thank you so much as always for your time >> good to be with you. >> we're also going to be reaction to all of this from independent vermont senator bernie sanders, who will join me soon. plus we're learning of an incredible close call, a southwest airlines flight mid-air with passengers flying dangerously close to air traffic control at new york's laguardia airport. how in the world that happened? that's next, bless the language used in an email from independent candidate robert f. kennedy, jr. who's running for president that his campaign is now trying to walk back, stay with us if you work in spaceflight, this is the worst possible thing i could ever happen >> my dad died doing what he loved >> spiritual columbia, the final flight premieres sunday at nine on cnn, i guess i'm not
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new york's laguardia airport. cnn's pete muntean is with me, pete, this wasn't a close call on a runway. it wasn't a close call between two planes. it was between a plane in an air traffic control tower which is fairly stationary as i recall how did this happen? this could have been a lot >> worse and this flight was coming from nashville, landing at laguardia. the visibility and the weather was pretty poor at the time, only about three-quarters of a mile visibility. that we're doing something called the ils, which called an instrument landing system that's essentially a radio beam that glides a plane down on the glide path gets you lined up on the runway. this white had to go around once before because they had a bit of a tailwind. they said the approach wasn't like what they wanted, something they came back around and tried to land again and i just want you to listen now to the soundbite from it captured the how do from the air traffic control tower clearly this plane was about to hit it here's what they said >> wow, i don't know heading climbing, tasting thousand,
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2000, 2000. continue climbing so this whole 47 and when a reason possible, you were like not on the plane clearly was not lined up with the runway. instead, lined up a little bit east of the path that they were supposed to be lined up with. this is the graphic from flight rate are 24, the tracking site that gets all of the open source data from these airplanes that put out the radio beam. >> you can see in the >> photo there that you hello strip that's the path of the plane. the tower is a little bit to the right of it. flight rate are 24 says this plane's wing tip came, the plane itself came within tutored 50 feet of the tower. but when you factor in the position of the antenna is may have been closer to about 65 feet away horizontally from the wingtips. so this one there's a very, very close call and the fda says it's now looking into this to see if this plane ultimately did come that close to the control tower, the ntsb, which typically investigates only the most serious and fractions and
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this guy, they say they're gathering data right now to see what the deal wod. this was th flighultimately did divert because the weather was so bad there at laguardia, want to bwi instead? >> all rht repeat. i also wanto get into your reporting since last week, bridge collapse were learning a maryland advisory group is calling for added protections to the bridge. you told us about yesterday that people are worried about the chesapeake bay bridge your reporting yesterday about concerns about that. tell us about that. >> well, this is really interesting because they've actually cited the reporting that i did along with cnn's investigation the team that said that the bay bridge was essentially vulnerable to the same type of ship collision that took down theey brie in baltire. interestingly, bothf those bridges are the same shipping chanl used by thenvy delhi 55illion tons of o go uer the chesapeakeay bridge as wel chnd eve year. >> a so >> whadoes aisory group? said is that we're esstially a sitting duck and they said fothe record, somebo needs to lk at that en it comes to the bay bridge, is maybe go timing though, because there has been a committee that's looked at ing a w
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bridge in different places across the chesapeake bay. they are puttg a third span and eventually at the chesapeake bay bridge. so maybe ty could in her seat here and ultimately get some protections on the bridge. notice dolphins to defend from a ship. cool, yeah and credit to them for acknowledging your reporti d acknowledging at it's real and serious problem because a lot of times government officials are like, oh, no, nothing to see her so good gun on him for that, ast there'also new audio out today that you're bringing us providing a clearer picture of what the workers as poor workers on the francis scott key bridge might have known in the minutes before that horrific collapse. so what does the audio suggests? this essentially points to may be some of the communications issues that were taking place on the key bridge at the time. it's on the audio is a little like garbled. but i want you to listen now, this is from a maintenance radio frequency where folks on the bridge were essentially hearing what the dispatch was saying about that there was a ship coming in that could be aaron. listen well, as
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you >> what did you say still, are xander body slowdowns i think you guys are just voting dr. shin was steering. that's well so a bit of a window into the early response there we know that the actions of first responders and the radio call from the bridge of the ship and the dali ultimately did get the bridge, the key bridge cleared relatively quickly when it came to vehicular traffic? no real smoking gun here and it's not totally clear if these six construction workers who were on the key bridge doing pothole repairs who perished from this? not totally clear if they heard this message. >> all right. pete muntean. thank you so much for that excellent reporting of texas national guard member is accused of trying to smuggle a migrants near the border dash cam video, justin shows the
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that's amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc? >> grow your business easily with freelancers, fiber >> sunday, noon i'm interviews with a return israeli hostages >> what is the meaning of being hostage? reasonable certainty, and a blank for the release of those still in captivity. whole story with anderson cooper, sunday at eight on cnn >> and tapping today's lawn justice league, donald trump added again, once again, inaccurately using the word hostages to describe those criminals charged and convicted for their actions during the january 6 capitol attack. here's trump, just last night posting on truth social quo, january 6 hostages with president donald j. trump. the video attached is apparently his new thing. it's the song called justice for all it's mixed with the national anthem and trump reciting the pledge of allegiance. this was
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trump's walkouts on at a rally last month, but let's get back to the caption there. january 6, hostages, because they're not hostages, they're almost all convicted criminals. handful are still awaiting trial, but trump the presumptive republican presidential nominee continues to call them hostages were telling you who they are because there are caused celebs for donald trump here's another one of these, quote, unquote hostages, curtis logan t, curtis-led contagious from jeffersonville, indiana, just across the kentucky state line. he pleaded guilty just last month to three felony offenses for assaulting, resisting are impeding certain law enforcement officers with a deadly or dangerous weapon prosecutor specifically say that brought a metal baton with them to the capital on january 6 and use that baton to hit a dc police officer that de that got him pepper sprayed, but that didn't stop one, curtis logan, take prosecutors say he then use that same metal baton to assault a different officer? tate posted video of himself
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online yelling, quote, and apologize for the language. but this is what he said, quote, we're tearing this down. his words, not mine, and he's describing the united states capital with that curse. images go on to show curtis logan in a capital entrance known as the tunnel, where some of the most violent acts of january 6 place and that's where prosecutors say then picked up a black speaker box and through it, you damaged in office window. he threw a speaker box again hitting a dc police officer. they say he also through a broken table leg and a floor lamp at police officers. the fbi arrested, take more than two years after the capitol attack, he pleaded guilty on march 7 of this year. uh, judges scheduled to sentence curtis logan tate in july yet another one of donald trump's january 6 hostages, who is again, not a hostage? he is a violent criminal and he is behind bars where he belongs, turning to our 2024 lead, robert f. kennedy jr. his campaign for president is now
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playing another game of cleanup after it's sent out multiple fundraising emails that called january 6 defendants, not hostages, but he called them activists who had been stripped of their constitutional liberty, liberties again, not true. cnn's eva mckend joins us now, eva, how is the kennedy campaign trying to walk this back? >> well, jake, they are saying that this is an error and oversight that this was done by marketing contractors and that this language does not reflect the view of the candidate, but it certainly raises eyebrows because in that appeal it says, we must free assange now. and of course, kennedy has routinely advocated for what he characterizes as justice four assange. but this appeal says from ed snowden to julian assange to the j six activists sitting in a washington dc jail stripped of their constitutional liberties. so it tries to equate all of those
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struggles. and that, of course, is going to raise concerns. but listen at kennedy has made sort of a cornerstone of his campaign, questioning the government stoking fears of government overreach and arguing that assange in this effort is a political prisoner but obviously j6, the defendants are not activists and the campaign telling us tonight that that wasn't oversight though that email was sent down twice. >> so i mean, one could make an argument that edward snowden was leaking secrets at the public should know and julian assange was a publisher and he should have free speech rights that's one thing calling e violent thugs attack the capito pting them in the same group. >> i again, thanks much, senator beie sanrs is here.'m gonna get his reaction to president biden's call today with israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu, stay with us get your viewing glasses
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redefining insurance laura coates live tonight at 11 eastern on cnn >> and we're back with our world lead president biden today making a previously unscheduled phone call to israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu. this after an israeli strike killed seven aid workers in gaza on monday, the white house says, biden told netanyahu that israel needs to implement quotes specific concrete, measurable, unquote steps to protect civilians and aid workers in gaza, with us now, independent senator bernie sanders of vermont, he's been voting against new aid for israel as the humanitarian crisis in gaza has worsened. and senator secretary state blinken today said that if the us does not see changes to protect civilians in gaza, there will be changes in our own policy, unquote. do you believe them? i mean, i feel like we've been hearing this for awhile. >> well, i think you can make a good point. jake a look. the bottom line is, we are looking at one of the worst human on a tyrion disasters that we have seen in a very, very long time. we'd literally at this moment
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looking at hundreds of thousands of children starving to death because israel is not allowing the humanitarian trucks into gaza. and his into the areas uh, where people are in most desperate condition to my mind israel should not be getting another nickel in military aid until these policies are fundamentally changed. so if my view is no more military aid to israel when children in gaza us are starving. >> so the realities for the political realities for netanyahu, i'll get to the political reality for biden a second, but the political reality for netanyahu is he depends, is prime minister ship depends on the far right wing zealots, ben gvir and smoked rich who were anti-arab racists. he depends on them. he needs it's them to stay in power. he needs to appease them >> as aerobe and palestinian rights and lives are discarded, both in gaza and in the west bank and in israel, is there
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any way towards a satisfactory into this conflict? as long as the prime minister of israel is trying to appeal he's the likes of ben-gvir and smoke trich. was the answer is no and our drop is not to worry about netanyahu's political future. that's not our job. our job is to make sure that american taxpayer dollars is not complicit and allowing netanyahu's military machine to kill innocent people and to result in mass starvation. and i think what the people of israel must understand. and i am pro israel. i support israel but they cannot continue to wage this immoral war against innocent people and expect taxpayers, the united states, to support them. that has got to end. we've got to move to a two-state solution. the brutality in the west bank is
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you just indicated illegal activity on the part of the settlers must end if they want support from the people of the united states hopefully hopefully, that will give support to people in israel who understand that this right-wing extremism is bad for them and bad for that place in the world. >> what do you say to the people? i asked this of general hurtling in the last hour, i get asked this. i wonder what you say because you are supportive israel, you worked on a key boots when you are younger man and you've always been pro-israel, that doesn't mean pro netanyahu what do you say to people who say this is not fair, it's a double-standard hamas started this in october 7. hamas wants to destroy israel. hamas wants to kill jews. hamas hides behind their own people. hamas doesn't care how many palestinian civilians die, all of which in my opinion is true. what's your response when people say, well, i would agree with you. >> have moscow hamas is a
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terrible, terrible terrorist organization that started this war. and what i have said from the beginning, jake eight, israel has a right to defend itself and go to war against hamas. that's what i believe i think most people believe but you do not have a right to damage or destroy 70% of the housing units in gaza. you don't have a right to displace 80% of the population, throw them out of their homes, put them into this area permanent barrier deny them food, water, medical supplies, and fuel. fact, you don't have a right to do so the answer is of course, kamaz began this, what they are terrorist organization but the united states is not funding hamas. we have funding israel. and what has gotta be made clear to israel. you can go to war against hamas, but you cannot continue these horrific actions which are causing literally the worst humanitarian disaster we have seen in a very long time
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>> what do you say to people who say the reason that so many innocent people are dying in gaza is because hamas embeds with the palestinian people. they build tunnels under their homes, they hide under people. they want all the civilian death toll they consider them martyrs. and it makes israel look bad >> that is perhaps a part of the problem, but it's not the real problem. the real problem right now is we are looking, as i mentioned a moment ago a massive starvation that is not caused by hamas, or that is simply caused by israel not allowing the hundreds and hundreds of trucks that are lined up at the border to get in and go to the areas that are just needed. that is israel's responsibility, not come muscles i know you want to talk about your bill lowering prescription drug costs, but before i do quick, last question on biden in the middle east, what is biden need to do in order to >> make this right politically in the united states for all the progressives and arab americans and muslim americans and others, not proof to me,
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jake, this is not a progressive is issue and arab or medical issues, some moral issue we our taxpayer dollars of funding, a military which is creating a situation where there is mass suffering. i don't think the american people feel good about it. in fact, the last polls that i, i've seen because i believe 52% of the american people are supposed to 3091 to n military aid to israel. and that number is growing and growing. so i think from a moral position and from a political position, you know, president biden needless to say, wants to win this election. i want them to win this election. but it is very hard to go out. and again, it's not just the arab-americans, it's the young people, it's the people in general who was seeing these terrible things on the tv screen. they do not want biden to continue to do it. i think he's got to tell nefise and yaro, sorry, no more money from american taxpayers. so a nice day. let's talk about domestic issues because i'm lowering prescription drug costs has been an initiative of years literally for decades yesterday, you teamed up with
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the president to tout these efforts. biden gave you a lot of credit. what do you want voters to know about the efforts being made by you and the president to take on big pharma we are beginning beginning to make some significant progress for the first time we are going to be seeing a cap on with seniors can pay no more than $2,000 for prescription drugs. for seniors. are you're going to be able to get insulin at $35 a month, maximum maybe most importantly, we have taken on the very powerful pharmaceutical industry that has endless amounts of money that made over 100 billion in profits last year, pay their ceos exorbitant salaries. we are beginning now through medicare to start negotiating the prices of some of the most widely used drugs in america. we gotta do more. it's a start. we've got to do more. and what i want to see happen. and i want to work with the president on this is no body in america pays one and $2,000 a
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year out of expense no matter how many drugs you use. and we do that by expanding medicare's ability to negotiate prescription drug prices are all across the board. >> you also let investigation into the manufacturers of inhalers for people who have asthma the cost of an inhaler ranges from $200 to $600, even though they only cost $5 to produce last month, three of the four major manufacturers, inhalers. so they're going to camp the monthly cost of 35 bucks for those who have private insurance. that's a massive price cut. where are you surprised >> i was very happy to see that. look, we did an invest my committee that an investigation on this issue. i talked to the ceos of all of the major produces and explain to them the american people are sick and tired a paying ten times, 20 times for the same product that people in other countries. i think i got the message. and i'll june 1, two out of the
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three companies will be lowering their costs through $135, max out-of-pocket at the drugstore, and a few months later, another company will do the same. so we're making progress right now where next week i look forward to be talking ahead of novo notice that makes ozempic. and this is, you know, the drug widely used for diabetes. and weight loss again we are paying in this country about $1,000 a month in the united kingdom is $59 a month in canada, it's $155 a month. this is absurd and this is going to be a huge cost not only to individuals, but to taxpayers through medicare and medicaid. so the message going out to novo nordisk, the manufacturers as product, you got to start lowering your prices vary substantially senator bernie sanders, independent vermont, always good to have you, sir. thank you so much >> thank you, jake. we're back in a moment >> see idp disrupts the idp
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us-mexico border is not really anything new except for the fact that it does, in fact, a us soldier, which raises security concerns. and as cnn's ed lavandera notes, this is not the first time a us service members has been caught doing this. >> the final moments of what texas authorities say was a high-speed chase that ended sunday near the town of bracket ville, about 30 miles from the us mexico border. the kinney county sheriff says a texas national guard soldier was approaching a checkpoint and turned around to avoid authorities the soldier has been identified as save you on johnson. he was taken into custody and is now facing criminal charges, including smuggling of persons with a firearm of aiding arrest, and unlawful carrying of a weapon. >> the >> sheriff says johnson spit off it was pursued by deputies and troopers. the car stopped briefly at one point as an unidentified migrant got out and fled on foot. authorities were finally able to stop johnson along highway 90, cnn has not been able to contact
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johnson or his attorney the texas military department would not comment on the soldiers arrest in the last three years, texas governor greg abbott has deployed thousands of texas national guard soldiers to the border region as part of a security program known as operation lone star. >> the efforts of the national guard, they're working. there is a reduced number of people crossing the border. a spokesman for the governor said, if the smuggling accusations are true that johnson is a quote, trader and a criminal for months texas national guard soldiers have installed miles of razor wire fencing along several areas of the border that work was captured by saving johnson, who works as a public affairs officer in the texas national guard. these are some of the photos the army specialist has captured in recent months. >> this is something that we have to face as a constant reality. >> howard campbell is an anthropologist at the university of texas and el paso in several books he's documented the historically gritty world that exists along
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the border. a lot of your work has taken you in to meet a lot of these people in these criminal organizations along along the border. how do they operate? >> inevitably, there's an opportunity for people that are parts of criminal organizations in mexico or in the united states to have contact informally or even in a formal context with law enforcement officials. and so it's just a question of figuring out who is maybe a weak link in the chain? us law enforcement, the >> arrest of savi on johnson is at least the third time in the last three years that a us service member has been charged with smuggling migrants and jake, we are told that savy on johnson remains in custody in south texas jail state authorities say they are still investigating this alleged smuggling case, and the governor's office says, if there's soldier is convicted of smuggling, he could face at least ten years in prison. >> jake, remarkable stuff. 11 darren dallas. thank you so much coming up next a heads up. if you're sharing a password for disney plus, you're going
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committed to acting in you best interest. that's why it's got to be a cfb bind, your cfp professional, and let's make a plan doubt or anderson cooper 360 tonight at eight on cnn top and some leads around the world. now, disney's about the crackdown on on password sharing for its disney plus streaming service. ceo bob iger says the crack down, we'll start in june and some countries and then more broadly in september, hulu, which disney owns began limiting password sharing last month netflix reported a spike. a new customer signups once it cracked down on password sharing last year, hurricane season in the is not even begun yet, but it is already shaping up to be one for the history books, a new forecast from the university of colorado predicts this year, we will see more hurricanes and more named storms than any other year before while any forecast this early as partly is far from final researchers say they have quote, above, normal confidence in their predictions. and are out of this broadly, there is
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no question that this year is solar eclipse will be a sensational spectacle worth seeing. but what mysteries of the solar system might we learn well nasa is launching rockets, right into the eclipse let's his path to find out. and cnn's bill weird joins us now to discuss bill >> why would >> eclipses be important to us understanding the universe this way >> well we can study the sky much better when the sun is bloated, just for those few minutes, did you know that albert einstein's theory of relativity was proven three years after for he floated it during the 1919 eclipse because there they could see that the fabric of the universe is bent by gravity and stars weren't where they were supposed to be this year. the mystery is about the corona of the sun that's the outer atmosphere. it's millions of degrees hotter than the surface of the sun, even as the sun goes through these 11 years swings between active and non-active, we are at maximum solar for maximum, it's the most active. and so these planes that can go up to 60,000 feet, nasa is wb-57 while we'll
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watch those, lucky enough to see it on ground. and we'll see it for four minutes. they will fly through the eclipse, through totality there for six hours, measuring the corona and then there is the ionosphere. this is the hi skye, 5,300 miles high, full of super charged particles by solar activity as the sun comes up wherever you are on the world, the ionosphere, soda the lights up and then dims down as the sun sets well now, with this eclipse, you're going to shoot rockets up, which will shoot out these sort of sounding devices. this is to measure the ionosphere before, during and after the eclipse. and that has huge impact on communication on earth, both with satellites, with terrestrial communications even ham radio operators are getting in on this, doing a test during the eclipse to see if their transmission signals time-out differently as a result of the ionise fear of being scrambled in this way. it is exciting time for scientists
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who study the skies. a lot of this information jake was just discovered region recently in the most recent solar eclipse. so this is a huge new opportunity to gather more data about the mysteries of our galaxy and communication down and here on our little blue marble, it's all right. >> bill, where in new york. thank you so much. cnn is calling this one eclipse across america and special coverage starts monday afternoon at 1:00 p.m. eastern. you can watch it here on cnn or streaming on macs until tomorrow. you can follow me on facebook, instagram x, formerly known as twitter, and on the tiktok, all of them under jake tapper, you can follow the show on x at the lead cnn, if you ever miss an episode of the lead, you can listen to the show once you get your podcasts all two hours, just sitting there like a big, big, big, big potato. let's call it that. the news continues on cnn. i'll see you tomorrow >> happening now >> breaking neit