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tv   The Situation Room With Wolf Blitzer  CNN  April 4, 2024 11:00pm-12:00am PDT

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>> mattresses made affordable >> get your viewing glasses ready, eclipse across america, live monday at one night. what is being billed as a once in a lifetime experience. this is the solar eclipse coming across north america. if you're traveling to try to see it and you haven't already booked a place to stay. it's just too late >> sorry. sorry to be so negative, but you'll be hard-pressed to find one. what you see here is the eclipse path on monday right? so you look at that from dallas, texas all the way up to lancaster, new hampshire millions though are now flocking to cities and towns along that path. so when you look at the map here, it's exact same line, right? but this is not an artistic aversion of it. these red dots actually represent where airbnbs are 100% booked it's really amazing to look at it right? in new york state alone searches for airbnbs this weekend are up 900% from the same time last year. and hotels, well, there's a super eight motel in illinois. now advertising rooms for $949 the
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normal rate is $95.10 times >> wow. well, are special >> coverage of the eclipse for those of you who were too late to get off the couch starts on monday afternoon. >> and thanks for joining us. the news continues now on cnn happening now, breaking news amid growing anger over the deaths of aid workers in gaza, >> president biden gives israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu and ultimatum. take concrete steps to protect civilians or face consequences. how serious is this us threat? to change its israel policy? i'll ask key white house official john kirby. he studied by live also breaking donald trump loses his bid to dismiss the criminal charges he faces for retaining classified documents. the judge's ruling included a heated response to the special counsel's scathing criticism of how she he's handling the case and troubling
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new details emerge about the chaotic us withdrawal from afghanistan cnn as exclusively obtained transcripts of interviews with state department officials that were kept under wraps until now welcome to our viewers here in the united states and around the world. i'm wolf blitzer a year in the situation room the skis cnn breaking >> news because that's good right to the brick he do is i'm biden making new demands of israel. the deadly strikes on aid workers in gaza apparently a tipping point for the biden administration ha speak with the key white house official john kirby in just a few minutes. these standing by. but first, that's going to see in a senior white house correspondent kayla tausche, she's following all these developments for us. kayla, update our viewers at the very the latest well for the first time since october 7 when hamas attacked israel, the white house appears ready and willing
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to place >> conditions on israel let's policy on its policy toward israel. that is, if israel is not willing to make specific changes that the white house laid out in some detail today. but we expect were laid out in more detail behind the scenes. president biden and israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu in their first live conversation. since an attack on a world central kitchen convoy that killed seven people, including one american citizen, president biden has expressed outrage and heartbreak over that attack. and in recent weeks and months as frustration has been mounting, as the civilian death toll rises. and it becomes an increasingly challenging political question for him here at home with pro-palestinian protests erupting nationwide and many questions for him and his administration about why there haven't been consequences for israel so far, there were high stakes for the
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conversation that took place today. it lasted about 30 minutes during the middle of the day and certainly there were high expectations to especially after israel had said that this is the type of attack that happens in war calling get unintentional and launching its own preliminary investigation which concluded this week and a full investigation that will follow the us so far had said that it would resume reserve judgment on exactly how this happened until that full investigation took place. but here's how events unfolded in washington and in brussels today if we lose that reverence for human life we risk becoming indistinguishable from those we confront >> tonight, a market shift in the biden administration's policy on israel secretary of state antony blinken warning, israel must protect civilians in gaza or face a change in us policy. >> this week, horrific attack on the world central kitchen
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was not the first such incident it must be the last president biden in a 30 minute phone call with israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu, demanding an immediate ceasefire, making clear there his administration' 's frustrations are mounting alongside the civilian death toll. and he urged the >> prime minister to empower his negotiators to conclude a deal without delay, the two liters speaking for the first time since biden expressed public outrage over the deadly strike on a world central kitchen convoy in gaza netanyahu has said, it happens in war. the white house says biden and netanyahu didn't discuss the strikes in great detail, but biden told him the darkening humanitarian picture was unacceptable and israel needed to take concrete and measurable steps. or the us good reconsider its position that we want to see more crossings opened up. we want to see more trucks getting in the mitigation of civilian harm, particularly to humanitarian aid workers problem let's see all civilians,
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>> national security spokesman john kirby said, the us needs to see results soon or pursue a policy change, though without providing specifics. >> if we don't see changes from their side, they'll have to be changes from precise. we would hope to see some announcements of changes here and coming hours and days, >> longtime biden allies senator chris, who serves on the senate foreign relations committee, says this strike is different, and that biden's democratic supporting congress is starting to wane over israel. >> this particular targeted killing which is hard to explain or understand, i would vote to condition aid to israel joining a faction of lawmakers calling for biden to take a tougher line on the mideast ally, even as cnn learns the white house is still greenlighting new arms sales, we cannot approve the sale of arms to a country that is in violation of our own laws >> israel now on guard for retaliation from iran days after striking and iranian government building and syria killing top irgc officials.
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>> they did talk about a very public and very viable real threat by iran. >> and despite its outrage and in the face of those continued threats, the biden administration making clear, it stands with its closest minis ally president biden reaffirmed the united states strong support for israel in the face of these threats and our commitment to israel's security >> this evening, reporters shouted questions that president biden at a public event here at the white house, trying to get more detail about exactly what checks changes he is considering to israel policy that the president didn't answer >> wolf, kayla tausche, you had the white house for us, kala thank you, very much as israel faces this growing pressure from the united states we're getting new information about the investigation into the strike that killed those seven world central kitchen aid workers in gaza, cnn's jeremy diamond is joining us live right now. he's in jerusalem. jeremy, world central kitchen founder, chef jose andres
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accuses israel of systematically targeting his aid workers israel says the deaths were unintentional when do we expect to get results from israel's investigation >> well, wolf, over the course of the last several days, the israeli military has been conducting an investigation into the exact circumstances that led to what the israeli military has described as a grave mistake misidentifying this convoy of humanitarian aid vehicles as a threat and targeting them with several what appear to be precision drone strikes. these israeli military, i'm told isn't now expected to release the findings of that investigation tomorrow morning. they have already begun briefing relevant parties on this, but i do think it is important to know just how significant and how different this investigation is into the deaths of these aid workers than anything else that we have seen since the beginning of this war. we have seen tens of thousands of civilians, palestinian civilians killed in this war since october. and yet this is
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the first time we have seen such a thorough, comprehensive pensive, and public accounting of the deaths of civilians. there's no question that the fact that six out of the seven of these aid workers were foreigners is playing a factor not only in these response, but also of course, and the international uproar jeremy diamond reporting for his jeremy. thank you very much. let's get some more. all of these major developments joining us. now the white house, national security communications adviser, retired admiral john kirby. john, thanks very much. for joining us first, you outlined earlier today the steps the united states wants to see from israel to better protect civilians in gaza. how exactly will you determine if israel is in fact taking enough action to do so? >> well, i think the proof will be in the pudding woven, not just what they announced, they're going to do, but our assessment over time watching how they act on those announcements and those decisions making. sure that we have to see a measurable increase, for instance of trucks of aid getting in, we want to see additional crossings opened up and the ones that are already opened up
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increase facing the flow. and we want to make sure that we can see real civilian harm mitigation measures put in place by the idf so that we can have a measure of security. and frankly, aid organizations can have a measure of security that they can operate it on the ground safely and they won't be targeted or they won't be accidentally struck. and then lastly, and i talked about this earlier, we need to see a pause in the fighting. we want to see a ceasefire tied to getting the hostages doubt so that not only can there be a relaxation on the ground of combat, but that aid can flow much more unhindered than it already is. >> if israel john does not do enough to protect palestinian civilians in gaza in the coming days, what specific changes is the biden administration in the willing to make? to move its policies forward. >> well, i'm not in a position to preview the policy decisions that the president might make going forward. but he was very clear and very direct with the prime minister that if we don't see changes on their
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side, there's going to have to be some changes in our own policy towards gaza on our side. but i don't want to close down his decision space and and hopefully it won't come to that, that there'll be able to execute and implement on these things that we've asked for, these things that they've committed to doing. and we can make it safer for aid workers on the ground and and frankly, we can help start to make life better for, for innocent gazans. >> as you know, john tens of thousands of palestinian civilians have gaza more than 200 aid workers there 95 journalists have already been killed in this war, dozens of hostages as you know, there are still being held in gaza at the same time adjusted a israel struck a referee could you camp in central gaza? why has it taken the president this long to get to this point of considering a major change in us policy well, i think what you're seeing certainly today is obviously what happened to the world central kitchen that that event certainly was a catalyst for the call today
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certainly you saw his outrage in his statement shortly after that strike, but i think it's important to remind that his frustration has been growing over recent weeks and months over the dangerous to the civilian population in gaza and to aid workers. this was the, this was if you will, culminating event i think but it but it really reflects a growing frustration by the president as you remember, the president, the referenced what he called a come to jesus moment with the tiny hour his state of the union address last month >> is that moment happening right now? >> all i can tell you is that the discussion today was very direct and it was very candid and the president was was sure footed in straight and stressing his concerns. are deep concern over what happened to the world central kitchen, but even broader to the humanitarian and situation in gaza. and he was very, very clear with the prime minister about what we need to see short of making policy decisions and
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changes on our own president biden says he's outraged by this attack. but why is it d expressing that on camera directly to the american people >> well, here he has opportunities to talk to the press hello, time, and he'll continue to do that. i think you'll continue to hear directly from the president and various forms and vehicles about what's going on and gaza and what we're trying to do. again get a ceasefire in place, get those hostages home, get that humanitarian assistance in an increased volume, but you'll continue to hear from the president. >> but as you know, the president's still hasn't spoken about this latest israeli strike. he hasn't done that on camera. he has said very little in fact, about his own frustrations with prime minister netanyahu in public when do you think the president will start to speak in front of the american people about these concerns. >> well, i don't have anything on the calendar to speak to in terms of a press conference or or an interview specifically about these events? but you will continue to hear from the president, i think his statement the other night about the world central kitchen
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strike was very, very clear, very, very strident and you could see the frustration in that statement. you're going to again, continue to hear from him about this. >> all right. i want to play for you. what senator bernie sanders told are jake tapper just a few moments ago, listen to this israel should not be getting another nickel in military aid untold these policies are fundamentally changed. so if my view is no more military aid to israel when children in gaza are starving >> so if the status quo continues, do you think president biden would be willing to condition military aid to israel? >> well, again, i don't want to get ahead of the president or closed down this decision space on national tv his statement today, the readout from his conversation with prime minister netanyahu was very clear that we will make decisions about our policy in gaza based on our assessment of how they meet their commitments
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and changes that they're willing to make in the way they're prosecuting operations and protecting innocent civilians, including aid workers. so we're going to watch and see what they announced and what and how they act on those announcements that changes they make will monitor it very closely. we're going to judge it by what they do, not just by one but they say i just don't want to get ahead of the president on this. >> you heard the secretary blinken earlier today. i suggest he warned that there's a real risk. the way israel is waging its war in gaza. reich's right now is making it indistinguishable from hamas us, how close as israel to that point >> well, it's difficult to say on a scale like that. i mean, we have to remember hamas, there was a ceasefire in place on the october. hamas broke mr. sinwar, chose to start this war. mr. sinwar and moss fighters choose to bury themselves under hospitals and civilian infrastructure, use the innocent people of gaza as human shields. they are increasingly placing innocent passage palestinians at greater risk as well. i think we can equate what they did on the
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october to the kinds of operations that israel is conducting. that said, and we we've been clear about this too it's not just the right and responsibility of the idf to go after hamas. it's the way they do it that matters and it's the way they've been doing it in recent weeks and months that have caused increasing frustration by us in terms of the civilian casualties, the damage to civilian infrastructure and now the potential impact on humanitarian organizations being fearful of moving into gaza. so you maybe have all these crossings open. wolf, but if you don't have truck drivers who are brave and courageous enough to move that stuff into gaza because they're worried about being struck, then it doesn't matter. so everything has to be done in synchronization and that's what we want to see. >> the israeli magazine plus 972 is reporting that israel has been using arnold official intelligence to help identify bombing targets in gaza. sometimes with only 20 seconds or less of human oversight. at the white house briefing earlier today, you said you weren't aware of this israeli
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magazine? seen report, but that would have you would study it. so i want to ask you for your reaction down. >> yeah, we're still looking at this reporting, not in a position to verify or or give it credibility. i'm certainly not shooting it down. we just gotta learn more about this and i just don't have any additional context for you, but separate and distinct from that. as we know from our own experience in places like iraq and afghanistan and the targeting process does require multiple layers in requires a fine network of communications and control up and down the chain of command so that you can try to avoid civilian arm and you can actually go after what you're going after. it's not about the precisions of the precision of the weapons it's about the decision-making process, the human loop that actually gets after those targets it makes the proper analysis and so if you're introducing artificial means two into that decision-making louk bullets at something you're going to have to seriously look at in terms of the potential for mistakes. i'm not seeing guessing that that was the case here. we just don't know the investigation
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is still ongoing. but obviously, what we're going to be looking for out of the israeli side is proof that they are learning from this mistake and won't make those mistakes again are making the proper changes in the targeting analysis and decision-making loop >> before i let you go, i don't want to get your reaction cnn contributor, he tweeted this just a few moments ago. i'll read it the israeli security cabinet prove the opening of the erez crossing with the gaza strip for the first time since october 7. in order to allow more humanitarian aid to go in, that according to an israeli official what's your reaction to that? >> well, if it's true, that's welcome. i hadn't seen baraka tweet. he's a great reporter, so i'm not certainly not questioning the veracity of it but if it's true that certainly in keeping with what we heard from the prime minister today, in terms of announcements, they would be making in coming hours and days about opening up crossings, making it more accessible for humanitarian aid
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organizations to get food, water, medicine and fuel into the people of gaza. so again, if it's true that's certainly a welcome step and it is absolutely in keeping with what we heard from the prime minister earlier today before i let you go very quickly, i want to get your reaction to these latest threats from iran to retaliate against israel for the israeli airstrike against the consular building in damascus, killing some iranian iranian a military types what's your reaction to that and how concerned is the us right now, but a possible god forbid, full-scale war between iran and israel were very concerned. >> in fact, one of the things that the prime >> minister and the president talked about today was very public, very real threat by iran to the state of israel. no question about it. we're all taking this very, very seriously. nobody wants to see this conflict escalate clearly. but justice critically, we don't want to see israel attacked from iran directly. i think back to one of the questions we talked about earlier in terms of aid in security assistance, i think it's important to remember that the security systems we provide israel is not just for
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gaza. i mean, this is a small country that has many enemies in the region and lots of threats. and this public threat by iran is just another example that underscores the threatened the israeli people in the state of israel. and one of the points the president made today in his call to prime minister netanyahu, specifically with this iranian threat is the united states will stand with you. we will continue to help you defend your herself against these multiple threats. >> today, the israeli military stopped all leaves for israeli active duty military personnel as a result of their concern that arise i'm just going to live some missiles and start this retaliatory strike against israel. this could explode. as i said, god forbid into a full-scale war. john kirby, as usual, thanks so much for joining us yes, sir. just ahead, the political impact of president biden's tougher stance towards israel will it ease the election year pushback within his own democratic party? and donald trump's new legal laws as the judge refuses to dismiss the classified documents case against him we're breaking down the ruling and what it could mean for the
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netanyahu take concrete steps to protect civilians in gaza after the killing of seven aid workers there, if not, the president is threatening to make dramatic changes to us policy toward israel. how will this ultimatum play here at home? let's talk a little bit with our political experts, audie cornish. where do you think anything short of an immediate ceasefire that potentially could help ease some of the problems, potentially the president biden's having from within his own democratic coalition. >> i mean, another way to think of it is that what but the concern is about how israel is prosecuting its war has now gone way past any people here and there in the coalition. the most recent gallup research shows that 55% of americans, they polled now believe that israel, it disapprove of how israel is going after the war. and so i think the question now is there's a wider swath of people who are concerned. >> and i'm >> kind of curious from kate and sarah what that means for policymakers. do they actually have more room to discuss
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things? that's not in the binary of complete ceasefire or unconditional support at any cost. >> i think the >> biden administration has tried to be in that space from the outset, and that's part of what has been politically challenging for them. them. this is obviously a nuanced and complicated situation. i think they have tried to navigate that in-between space of putting forth policy. there's going to contain this and not allow this to spy i roll into a bigger crisis that is going to threaten american interests and potentially america >> and they really are failing. >> and this is, i think what do you mean by that? >> his >> he has said in the past, say, okay, i'm going to talking to israel. we're going to do a ceasefire. we're going to drive hour. nothing has happened. and i really think this is going to come down in his presence. so does he get reelected in november or not? and the younger generation of really upset with you, it's one of the things that was interesting thinking about the gallup poll is it was millennials, right? it's not gen z. they are looking at wide swaths of the population and
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independents who have moved since october. and this came out just a few weeks ago. it was before the aid workers. so the idea that there is a wide fred concern, i think is going to become a more mainstream concept and you have even trump talking about that. >> but that's i was just going to say. but what's the alternative here are the alternative for these? voters is donald trump, who is not exactly somebody who has been, i don't agree >> the alternative at is huge problem, or they n't. differencin the policies. well, but i think what you have done wtrump out ying things like the idf needs to ginto gaza and finish the problem. i mean, this is he's nosomebo who's articulating concern for palestinian citizens, r gazans. so for people who are what they're seeing in terms innocent loss of life, donald trump is not a viable option now, of course, you're right. is there the potential is there? central fans to stay home issue of course. >> i'm a good base. it's going to turn out. >> so i think well, yes, but the maga base is not enough to get donald trump re-elected pressure that you're speaking
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of trump, he said earlier today, he said, israel needs to finish what they started because israel is losing support the longer this war goes on, why do you think he's saying that? >> because he's first one is close to that day who i went that's been obvious for the beginning and they do need to end this. i mean, we need to get this over with so we can move on so i'm not surprised the trump said that frankly, >> well, but so again, there's a very practical choice here for voters in november. and so i think yes. is there widespread frustration and outrage about what we're seeing on the ground? is there was there outrage over the attack this week on the world central kitchen aid workers, of course of course. but i also think that people want to see majority of people in this country do support israel want to see the united states continue to support israel. and so i think for the biden administration, they have to chart a course here that maintain that contains the conflict in a way that doesn't have it spiraling out of control. and if we put it in a political contacts in the
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middle, out of are not support. and whether it's unconditional and we had senator bernie sanders speaking to jake tapper today and he very much made it clear. he also supports is it's real, but that he was also talking about the idea of conditions and also benchmarks. what is success in a scenario with this much civilian loss of life? well, and i think you heard the white house signal today that they may be open to conditions. i made my own head >> well, because they are trying to make >> rational policy decisions and not not box themselves into a corner on what to do here. but i think yes, there's certainly going to be continued pressure here. i think it is going to be tricky for the white house to navigate this for the coming. >> let me get your thoughts on another the important issue, no labels announced today that they're documented field a third party ticket, essentially admitting in the statement that they couldn't get anyone serious to be their candidate for a third party. no labels, ticket. what does that say about the stakes of this election now? >> well, this is a great thing for the biden campaign over there's no question that no
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labels were they able to field a significant candidate that that would have been a threat to the biden campaign. and i campaign that is going to be very close, is going to be won and lost in the margins and battleground states but i think it also shows that there is support for biden's candidacy. it shows that, yes. have we seen in the polls that there's fatigue across the board with both leading candidates. yes, we've seen that, but i think at the end of the day, you had a lot of very ambitious people. take a look at trying to do this third-party run and come away with the belief that it was not going to do anything but potentially throw the election to donald trump. they didn't want to be a part of that. >> i assume, you, sir, to jump in because she's been following the law this is good news for the biden campaign that no labels is not going to feel it's good news for the trump campaign, but really did we ever think that they were going to have >> legitimate candidate? no. >> i mean, this has been months. they've raised a lot of money leon it, but the reality is a third party that doesn't work. you cannot win a third party even though the country's doesn't want biden
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or trump are pretty canada can take why do they do? >> they can say, what, what do they do with the money now, that will be interesting. they've >> got a lot of good discussion. thank you to everyone right now. we're coming up. the judge, had donald trump's classified documents case hits back at a special counsel what their dispute could mean for the prosecution of the former president's standby >> that's how you make like it never even happened serve for your millions of people have lost weight with personalized plans from noon, like evan, who lost 50 pounds. >> i've never really was a salad guy. that's just not who i am even through the pickiness jim taught me that building better habits, built a healthier lifestyle. >> get started today and lose 15 pounds and 15 weeks you found it the >> feeling of bindings, psoriasis can't filter out the real you. so go live unfiltered with the one and only so tick
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has been claiming gave him the authority to possess these documents, to take these documents when he left the white house? that that is not relevant. at least at this stage, she is, however, allowing him to continue to continue to present this, perhaps even a trial. and so that is something that is a bit of a conflict with what the special counsel jack smith is pushing her to do. i'll read you just a part of her ruling which was a very short just over two pages, in which she said to the extent that the special counsel demands an anticipatory final final is finalization of jury instructions prior to trial, prior to a charged conference and prior to the presentation of trial defenses and evidence, the court declines that demand as unprecedented and unjust. you see her there pushing back on jack smith, who who was really trying to force the judge to make a decision on whether trump will be able to use the presidential records act as part of his defense wall >> evan perez, with the latest
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in this frog, very important information. thanks very much. i want to break it all down with our legal experts and ankush khardori is with us, your former federal prosecutor. what do you make of judge aileen cannon's decision to push back so strenuously against the special counsel, jack smith calling his latest filing as we just heard unprecedented and unjust. >> well, she appears to be somewhat buckling under the pressure. i think i think she's not enjoying all the attention that her orders are getting an a negative reaction that they're getting. and i think this is probably a symptom of that. i would just say on the merits that calling jack smith's requests on precedent and unjust, it's very strange. she is the one who started this process of a finalizing our drafting jury instructions before even setting a trial date. the whole thing is bizarre to begin with, but she lacks experience to manage a case like this at this level of complexity, insignificance, and it's been and showing for awhile. >> yeah, that's a lot of experts are suggesting. what do you think, andrew? >> no, i totally agree. i think what we're seeing here is a combination of a lack of
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experience. i think a lack of confidence many of her orders in this case, there's only been a few there's a lot of outstanding motions that could he's orders and decisions, but we haven't seen those yet, but many of them do indicate a sort lack of a inclination to issued decisive final no orders. she usually takes a solid monic split the baby approach. i'll deny it now, but you can bring it up later, which paints the prosecution in a very, very tough horner because when those issues come up later, it could be beyond the point at which the prosecutors could take any sort of an appearance of jack smith is the special counsel is going to try to get her dismissed from this case and how difficult would that be? >> it's exceedingly difficult if he's going to do it. i think this latest response to her the respondent let's the file two days ago is maybe the first step down that path, but there's a much longer path to go through to actually get the get a get an issue up in front of the appellate court that would compel the court to essentially assign the case to a different judge. very rare,
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and i wouldn't count on on it in this case. >> what do you think? >> i shared the same analysis that they won't be a very heavy lift, be hard to succeed. but we are seeing frustration. in other prosecutors filings here and they have suggested that this is a route that they might take. and i think part of that quote that we just read is a response to that, right? i think she understands that there's a little light threat being thrown at her direction, not unreasonably in my estimation. but it would be hard for them to do it. >> let me get your thoughts on another legal issue. the new york civil fraud case, as you know, the judge is now set to a hearing to discuss the underwriter for trump's hundred and 75 bond, walk us through what this all means. >> yeah. this is a new one for me to say. i mean, trump generates these interesting like league cool controversies. so evidently the attorney general's office has raised some questions about the company that is backing this bond. it's based in an outside of new york, the attorney general's office has said well, we can't do the ordinary financial background checking
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that we might do with the new york state-based company will check with our department of financial services all that they don't have that information. so they've asked the judge let's to insist on full-out fully degree of transparency to understand if this company can actually back the bond. so i imagine it, we're going to see some filings potentially in that the hearing the judge is going to ask some questions about it, but i don't think he's going to be particularly well positioned to do much to sort undo this or question at beyond legal stuff going on on chris khardori. thank you very much. andrew mccabe. thanks to you as well. just add will have the latest that the urgent effort right now to free hundreds of people still stranded in taiwan fine after a very powerful earthquake, glove a live report from the epicenter that's coming up >> everyone sees meanwhile at a vrbo when other >> vacation rentals are just for likes. try one, you'll actually like the day you get your clear choice dental
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11:44 pm >> four, 30 >> i'm not touching bertrand at the pentagon. and this is cnn >> in taiwan, the death toll from the island's most powerful earthquake in 25 years is on the rise, at least ten people now confirmed dead as crews raced please, to find victims in the rubble before it's too late. are senior international correspondent, ivan watson has bore a daring mountain rescue one day after taiwanese pummeled by a powerful earthquake, emergency
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workers struggle climbing over treacherous landslides trying to bring victim's home among those initially stranded dozens of minors and to remote quarries on thursday, authorities announced the're succsful rescue some chopper to safety there were t many rocks falling like bts fm above. thiminor says, we didn't ow where to run the aftermath of some landslides visible from a moving train >> many >> paved roads to the disaster zone are still blocked, but on thursday, the railways resumed service. it has only been a day nce is powerful, deadly earthquake rked iwan and already this trao the epicenteis rni on time in the small city of hualien, residents still coming to grips with the earthquakes damage though there are some scenes of real destruction it also feels
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like this earthquake prone community is quickly bouncing back the city government set up this temporary shelter in an elementary school. >> this is your home leaving room. >> there's a hole in the wall along mei fen is camping out here with her husband and mother. do you feel safe staying in hualien? >> i'm now afraid. i was born here >> among those here, the mayor of hualien, who was injured in the quake. what happened quite a cabinet fell on me dead. >> he attributes the >> relatively low death toll in his city to advanced preparation for months, almost altai of fabienne here holly yan, we grew up with earthquakes our teachers and relatives always taught us how to react when earthquake strike. so if known about this, since we were kids, this ruined building is a terrifying example of the power of wednesday mornings, 7.4 magnitude earthquake. but looked down the road here and you see that most of hualien is
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not damaged. >> it is >> lit up intact and very active amid these scars an impressive display of community resilience now we'll taiwan's national fire association. it says that one of its priorities today will be to search for a missing family of five to adults and three children. their last known location was won. one of these hiking trails in the national park that's about an hour dry hours drive from here. there are a total of 15 people still missing now, some almost 48 hours after the earthquake that brought this building down. >> there are still plenty of concern about aftershocks. i haven't watson on the scene for us. thank you very much coming up exclusive new cnn reporting, shedding new details on the us is chaotic withdrawal from it. if dana stan, why some senior us officials are saying they created the plan from
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with our new grocery outlet app, you can see the store's inventory. so you guys really have mangoes and stuff? yup. mattress >> nato, a cnn exclusive report, us officials telling congressional investigators
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that plans to withdraw americans from afghanistan had to be created from scratch. as the taliban swept across the country and returned to power cnn's kylie atwood has details new transcripts exclusively obtained by cnn show the chaos on the ground as the us withdrawal from afghanistan i'm a stan, mirror the chaos behind the scenes at the state department. the department had no working emergency evacuation plan that is the stork testimony from three state department officials the house foreign affairs committee, and those three officials were rushed into kabul in the days surrounding the taliban takeover with virtually no time to prepare the biden administration's failure to plan for their withdrawal threaten the safety and security of us personnel in country the interviews are part of an ongoing investigation led by the committee's republican chairman, mike mecole, into the chaotic evacuation that >> resulted in the deaths of 13 us service members in a
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terrorist attack outside of the kabul airport one official testifying quote, we had to create from scratch tactical operations that would get our priority people into the airport. he added, we were roughly as effective as we could be under the circumstances. another saying, he was never briefed on an established evacuation plan because quote, we were already in the midst of executing an evacuation that substantially exceeded the scope and scale of what had been contemplated. the top us military general suggested that the damage could have been mitigated if the state department had called for an earlier noncombat and evacuation it is my assessment that that decision came too late. >> we struggled to gain access to that plan and work with them over the months of july until we finally got a decision to execute those accusations have been disputed by the state department. >> the us did not want to publicly announce planning for
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or the start of a neo so as to not weekend the position of the then afghan government potentially signaling a potential lack of faith. >> another state official testified to the setbacks on the ground due to a bleak reality, the taliban would largely in control, >> quote, it was >> what will the taliban allow? >> will they >> let people move through and how will they do it? and as someone who's worked in afghanistan for 19 years, it's a little bit while to tell people that you can trust the taliban, hold up your american passport, but it did kind of work those descriptions a far cry from what the department said at the time, my understanding is that things are moving quite efficiently at this hour at the airport, at the airport now >> now, wolff, the committee investigators tell us that they're working to put together a fulsome report of all of the interviews that they have carried out later this year. of course, these voices of state department officials are critical for the public to
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be able to see. but there is also a political motive here. this is the top row publican on the house foreign affairs committee, who is leading this investigation. you talked to biden administration officials. they believe that the committee wants put this report out around the time of the elections to focus on this damning aspect of biden's foreign policy legacy. >> will kylie atwood reporting? thank you. coming up. why a potential financial boon for donald trump is now looking more like a bust. the truth about truth, social, that's next >> erin burnett outfront week nights at seven odd cnn values are in blue. this spring and bob's with everyday low prices, like my best-selling place game sectional, genuine marble, el-medina in my diva bedroom set. when the look she loved go for less, there's only one thing to say >> it's so important to have that good night sleep because of injuries over the years, especially after i retired, it
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technology is making this more efficient and customer-friendly . we use online tools to fill prescriptions, process insurance claims, and make deliveries. but some in washington wanted undermine the technology tools we rely on. their misguided agenda. we'll power our foreign adversaries and hurt small businesses like ours are leaders need to strengthen, not weaken american technology >> get your viewing glasses ready. eclipse across america. live monday at one tonight. another one of donald trump's business enterprises is in deep trouble. brian todd is taking a closer look >> truth, social which is hot, donald trump defending his embattled social media company, the former president posted on truth social today that the platform is quote very solid, having over $200 million in cash and zero debt. very good for a startup and growing fast on truth, i have 7 million followers, but for tiny audience compared to what he
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had on twitter, almost 90 million followers this s trump media and technology group, the parent company of truth social, has lost all of its gains on wall street since going public last week in just one day, >> its stock price plummeted more than 21%, causing trump himself to lose more than $1 billion of personal wealth just on that day the stock price of trump media and technology group had soared on the day it went public initially propelling trump's net worth to more than 7 billion. he owns more than half the stock. analysts say the problem is that the valuation of trump media and technology group is more than 1,000 times higher than its annual revenue both the advertising revenue and the number of some paying subscribers are basically flat, which really >> difficult to come up with a $6 billion valuation for a tiny money losing company that's not growing. >> i mean, it's just not a business, it's a billboard of some sort, i guess that's a billboard for him, but it's a
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very expensive one >> then there are the legal entanglements, trump media and technology group filed a lawsuit against two of the companies co-founders, demanding that they hand over their shares in the company. andy litinsky and wes moss had been failed contestants on trump's nbc show, the apprentice, when they botched several challenges, including a redesign of the pepsi bottle, who came up with the overall concept of this. >> and i said, we did that conversation a fire. wes, you're fired. awesome >> litinsky and moss had previously filed a lawsuit of their own against trump. there are also concerns tonight that if trump gets elected president and still holds onto his ownership of that media company, there would be a serious conflict of interest he'd be vulnerable to influence peddlers, black mailers, and when his government has to actually regulate other social media companies he's expected to deal with laws and regulations and government policies on social media we'll always


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