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tv   CNN This Morning  CNN  April 5, 2024 2:00am-3:01am PDT

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being billed as a once in a lifetime experience. this is the solar eclipse coming across north america. if you're traveling to try to see it and you haven't already booked a place to stay. it's just too late. sorry. sorry to be so negative, but you'll be hard-pressed to find one. what you see here is the eclipse path on monday, right? you look at that from dallas, texas all the way up to lancaster, new hampshire, millions though we're now flocking to cities and towns along that path. so when you look at the map here, it's exact same line, right? but this is not an artistic aversion of it. these red dots actually represent where airbnbs are 100% booked it's really amazing to look at it right? in new york state alone searches for airbnbs this weekend are up 900% from the same time last year. and hotels, well, there's a super eight motel in illinois now advertising rooms for $949 the normal rate is $95.10 times >> wow. >> well, are special coverage of the eclipse for those of you who were too late to get off
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the couch starts on monday afternoon. and thanks for joining us. the news continues now on cnn it's friday, april 5, right now on cnn this morning to legal setbacks for donald trump >> attempts by the former prime president to have to criminal cases thrown out. both rejected by the judges israel approving measures to increase aid entering gaza after president biden's warning two prime minister netanyahu. and counting down to the solar eclipse, what you need to do to get the very best view all >> 5:00 a.m. here in washington. a live look at capitol hill on this friday morning. good morning, everyone. we made it. >> i'm casey. it's wonderful to be with you. >> first. we are following a developing story out of israel. the idf is expected to release the funds findings of its initial investigation into the israeli strike on a world
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central kitchen convoy that strike killed seven aid workers and prompted international outrage, including a stark warning from president biden to prime minister benjamin netanyahu about israel's tactics in gaza we'll bring you the latest on that report as soon as it is released >> in the >> meantime, two big legal setbacks for donald trump, a judge in georgia rejecting trump's claim that his role in attempting to overturn the 2020 election was protected under free speech, right? in quote, the defense has not presented nor is the chord able to find hi and any authority that the speech and conduct alleged is protected political speech the defendants motions based on first amendment grounds are denied in florida, a trump-appointed judge aileen cannon ruling against the former president's request to dismiss the classified documents case she writes the motions denied because quote, the presidential records act does not provide a pretrial basis to dismiss. and trump also facing charges in a criminal hush money case in new
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york that begins later on this month joining me now axios national politics reporters, sophia cai, sophia, good morning to you. thanks so much for being here on this friday. >> let's sort of dig in to these two motions here setting a trump on a course to be facing trial for sure in the new york case, it is much less clear in the florida case how this is going to go, but there has been increasing pressure on the judge. their aileen cannon from special counsel jack smith to keep this moving when she hasn't yet. >> so i mean, the trump lawyers have this tactic. it's a delay tactic. they have a lot of unusual motions to dismiss. and yesterday was assigned that the judges in both cases have started to move through them in georgia, we have the judge saying the motion to dismiss was denied because first amendment defense doesn't work when it is about speech that is in furtherance of a crime and in the second case, you have
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the judge saying, look, this argument about the presidential records act that could be something that it can be brought up by trump at trial, but not pretrial and so you have two losses for trump on one day and to your point, there could still be a trial in motion before and we don't know if it will be before, but before or after. >> and i should've been more clear that the cases where we have changes here are the georgia case and the florida case, the new york case just happens to be the one that's most likely to go to trial before the election. this is how donald trump somewhat predictably has been reacting to this on his platform, truth, social, he writes deranged special counsel, jack smith since he has a long record of failure as a prosecutor, including a unanimous decision against him in the supreme court. if we could show this. yeah, that will be great. >> he says, of course, he ties this to biden by the end. he also notes that judge aileen cannon, he calls her highly
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respected. he of course, let's you clear appointed aileen cannon. meanwhile, he calls smith a lowlife who is nasty, rude, and condescending >> so >> this of course is pretty par for the course for trump. now we should note he is attacking jack smith, who there's no current gag order that would prevent anything along those lines what do you see here in this statement for trump? obviously politicizing the judge in each of these instances. >> yes. so the judge judge cannon is a judge that he appointed and so we saw him they're calling her highly respected. that's also in some ways putting pressure on her. we know that she's left open her her interpretation of the presidential records act. she's telling jack smith no, i don't have to tell you what i think about the presidential records act as it applies to this case, right now. and so we have trump really weighing in on both judges personally in a very political manner >> sophia, let's touch on
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president biden what we're learning this developing story. we have this morning about possibly learning more from the israelis about what happened with the world central kitchen attack and the death of those seven aid workers. >> we have >> we've been talking about yesterday about how the president was personally outrage. we hadn't seen policy changes from the us government. it does seem like he at least convinced netanyahu to open crossings to allow more humanitarian aid into gaza. how significant is that? >> it's pretty significant. it's the first time that we've seen president biden come anything close to a red line telling netanyahu that something needs to be done. otherwise, there will be consequences this now remember yesterday, biden didn't say what those consequences would be. he just made clear that us policy would be determined on if we saw any kind of immediate action. and that's why you saw a couple hours later at the israelis that they would be opening that port for humanitarian aid and that was
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followed up by another state pittman by the biden nsc saying, look, we will see if what will happen with the poor and other immediate actions securing the safety of humanitarian workers. and again reiterating that us policy on the us, israel gaza war would be based on whether or not there would be immediate actions >> the impact of personal conversations on president biden. we've we've discussed at some length. >> he revealed >> according to reporting to a group of muslim americans and others that joe biden, his wife, has been telling him to and this war he is coming under increasing pressure from former obama aides, for example, on twitter >> how is that? do you >> think impacting the policy that we are seeing the us government put out because the one hand you have the presence saying, i personally feel this way. on the other hand, if
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people like john kirby and jake sullivan basically saying and others in the national security establishment putting out anonymously like look, our policy hasn't changed the key is how biden feels, he can send people like kamala harris, kfar aza, right? he finally called for himself. that is what matters. i think the opinion of joe biden and other family members is something that's very important to him. so that weighs heavily, but even politically domestically, you have a lot of people close to him, people who are concerned about >> his political feature telling him that there are americans who were very concerned that what's happening in pell and palestine but ultimately right. i mean, he likes to say the bug stock stops with him. people can be telling him all of these other things, but it really is up to him how he handles it and it really begs the question, what would have happened if biden
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had been more forceful as he was yesterday and did it have to take us aid workers dying for biden get to that position. >> all right. so if you're cai for us this morning, sophia, thank you. i really appreciate it. >> or just ahead here, a massive snowstorm cutting power to thousands from wisconsin, two main plus president biden warning prime minister benjamin netanyahu to end the suffering of civilians in gaza. and this developing story that we are following the idf just minutes away from telling the world world what went wrong when world central kitchen workers were killed in gaza >> if you work in spaceflight, this is the worst possible thing that could ever happen >> my dad died doing what he loved. >> insurer columbia final flight premieres sunday at nine on 10,000. >> my next month, i don't we won't know unless we try right
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separate processing fee. this item is not available in stores, so scan the qr code on your screen or go to stoke bar today >> we decided to put it in an in-ground pool >> i literally went on angie and typed in pool, getting to talk to different contractors, see different bids he wanted something beautiful. we wanted something that our children would feel happy swimming in, and we love it. >> it's today at with so many choices on, there are so many tina hey, is i could be hired body doubles to help me out >> splurging. tina loves a hotel near road day you drive tina tina walked or farm stay to ride this horse >> glenn close was millions of possibilities. >> you can book whoever you want to be my line booking dot yeah. >> i melanie zanona, on capitol hill. >> and this is cnn >> all right. a developing
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story this morning, we are apparently just minutes away from the idf releasing its initial report. on the israeli airstrikes that killed seven aid workers from the world central kitchen. let's get to cnn's max foster, who's live for us in london at max. good morning. always wonderful to have you so this report has been promised a by the israelis. it's just days after the strike. what does it say to you about the investigation and how it's being handled that this is happening. so quickly that they are putting such a focus on it. it seems like there is a clear recognition that they need to answer for this yeah. i think >> that's the right interpretation. isn't it? they have accepted the failures here and they're acting on it and they've come up with this report and obviously, a lot of the families in bold here, would desperately like to know more detail. some of them have actually accused the. idf of targeting the convoy, which of course the israelis have
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utterly denied, but they point to the way they were marked these vehicles, the way they were apart from each other, and that also informed the israelis that they were actually going to take that route. so lots of questions they may be able to clear up. but as the americans have been calling for they want to independent report. so to the families. so does the charity. they want an independent report, so don't think this is going to conclude anything for them. they're going to look on this as tinge from an israeli perspective. and they weren't independent investigation into this. they also want some accountability someone needs to take responsibility for this. this is perhaps where the idf can suggest some names, but who was responsible for what was a massive failure from all points of view. >> yeah. so max, we've learned from our reporting that netanyahu acknowledged in his phone call with biden yesterday that they what are responsible the israelis are responsible for, what happened and so much of this of course, is is
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sharpening everyone's attention because of jose andres and kind of the figure that he cuts on the international stage as someone who has done so much good for so many people. and it has crystallized in many ways the ongoing devastation, of course but in this particular tragedy, it's really focused world attention. i just want to show you, just remind everyone how jose andres has been talking about this in an international media. here's what we heard from him this week. watch these was not used bad lag situation where, oops, we dropped the bomb in the wrong place or, not. this was over 1.51, 0.8 kilometers with a very defined humanitarian convoy that had signs in the top in the rope very colorful logo that we are obviously very proud of. that that's very clear who we are and bubble a logo that we are very proud of
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>> he says, >> at what impact has andres, the man had on this, and how has it snowballed internationally >> well, we've learned a lot more about the work they've been doing, which has been crucial and heroic and they can't do that work right now. and then we're seeing these pictures of famine and non math aid is getting in. and he speaks very eloquently. and he's very frank and he's been through an otter tragedy. so certainly his interviews of really resonated. i think one of the other elements has come out of this is israeli allies supplying weapons and whether or not they are complicit in a lot of this. because here in the uk, for example three former supreme court justices and 600 other legal experts have written to the prime minister saying britain needs to stop supplying arms to israel because there's a suggestion that this could be seen as genocide under international law. then we also
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had this call, didn't we, between biden and netanyahu yesterday, where you get the sense that biden was suggesting that support for the war could be reduced and less israel changes its strategy. and of course, the primary former support away from the diplomatic that the us offers israel is the weaponry. so i think lots of being questioned, the questions being asked and pressure on capitals now about how they are supplying weapons to israel when instance like this can happen so max, we have this justin to cnn, antony blinken, the secretary of state, who's in brussels, just making comments, calling for an >> independent investigation into the world central kitchen attack by the israelis. this of course comes as we are awaiting the idf, the israeli investigation the initial findings to be released here in just minutes. watch what secretary blinken said >> it's also critical that we see an independent thoreau and
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fully publicized investigation into the killing of the world central kitchen >> team who were performing heroic work under the most difficult circumstances and tried to get assistance to people who so desperately needed. so we're looking to see that investigated patient. we're looking to see a public accounting and we're looking to see accountability in its wake. >> pretty strong statement there, max >> yeah, so accountability is who's responsible for this that might come out the idf report, but he's also laying the groundwork for this, not not being enough, is he saying we want a full independent report you're gonna get that from the idf so really sort of couching misreport when it comes out that there are some caveats here this has been investigated by the people accused of carrying out what happened on monday, right? >> it's of course important for us to understand who the israelis think and how they, the israelis think that this happened i mean, that's an important part of making sure
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something like this doesn't happen again. but also, as you say, very important to underscore that's very different from an independent investigation into what actually happened. max foster force in london. max always grateful to have you have a great weekend >> thank you. >> all right. up next counting down to the eclipse, where you need to be for your perfect view. plus the popular streaming service that won't let you share passwords anymore. if you watch bluey, you're going to want to see this get your viewing glasses ready, and experience so rare, it won't happen again for another two decades. joint cnn for live coverage around the country of the spectrum in this guy's eclipse across america, live monday at one on cnn for streaming on macs >> so would you give to nashville hot tenders and three mandarin orange tenders >> would by chew three classic tenders for big butterfly shred, four of a kind baby. >> i said, always competition. you can't handle the shrimps. >> see about that >> yeah, we will use only 47
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we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for. >> hello blue carbon a cnn fill. sunday, april 21 at nine >> all right. 23 minutes past the hour. here's your morning round up. the army corps of engineers says they plan to reopen the port of baltimore by the end of may, arco ships have
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been forced to reroute since the deadly francis scott key bridge collapsed last month a federal judge ruling us customers stems in border protection can no longer hold migrant children in open-air camps. the order says they need to be moved to safer and more sanitary facilities >> disney plus cracking down >> on password sharing the company's streaming service will begin enforcing the ban in june in some countries and more broadly in september bid to boost their sign-ups all right, now whether cleanup is underway after a spring nor'easter slam new england yesterday, more than 350,000 customers and maine and new hampshire experiencing power outages after high winds and heavy snow blasted the region. let's get straight to our meteorologists, at least a rafah lisa good morning. what are these folks dealing with >> there's still waking up in the dark with more than 400,000 customers without power, most of them up in maine and new hampshire, 350,000 people they
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are waking up in the dark this morning and they've lost power yesterday because we have this gusty wind that's been whipping around with the snow its east snow showers are still lingering there. this morning. couple of snow showers in boston toronto, even cleveland there as well. most of the winter storm warnings have been allowed to expire because they're not going to get that much more snow. but there's already a lot of snow on the ground and we were looking at feet of snow that's already on the ground from yesterday and parts of maine, new hampshire, and vermont, some of these totals have been 24 inches up in some communities in vermont 20 inches new hampshire, massachusetts eight inches. so it's been pretty snowy start to april up there. you could see the gusty winds could still work their way through new england as we go through the day today, though they should be less than yesterday all of this is swirling in some colder air behind it. >> so we're >> actually also waking up to some fries alerts from missouri over into kentucky. >> all right. elisa raffa for us. lisa, thank you very much.
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>> are coming up here. donald trump's strike it out twice and his bids to get two of his cases tossed plus the latest on our developing story, israel expected to release the findings of its own investigation into the idf strike that. killed seven aid workers in gaza were live in jerusalem with the latest there is no media personality, >> business woman >> celebrity chef, light many lives of martha stewart now streaming on macs >> i see hot i just works makes it last contrast so you can rice from pain. i see >> my store, my design business, or exploding, but my old internet was not letting me run the show. so we switched to verizon business internet. they had business great internet nationwide. make the switch. it's your business. it's your
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alive, look at the national mall in >> the washington monument on this friday morning. >> good morning. thanks for being with us. happy friday. i'm kasie hunt. >> let's get back to a developing story. we have this morning. the ivf expected to release its initial report on the israeli airstrike that killed seven aid workers from the world central kitchen. let's get straight to cnn's nic robertson in jerusalem, nick, good morning to you. what are we learning about the israeli investigation here and how does this play into everything else that we are seeing this morning with the israeli saying they're going to open additional crossings for aid yeah. >> we've been expecting the initial perhaps limited report on the global central kitchen aid workers killings to drop any moment now as yet, it hasn't happened the reports have gone back and forth about how quickly could happen, could it happen in days? could put it take even weeks to get the full
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investigation underway, but the initial impression that was created that it would the initial report would be happening now, that hasn't happened so far, potentially in the coming hours. but what we do know is as a result of killing of those aid workers, that phone conversation between president biden and prime minister netanyahu last night, did appear to have some effect, the israeli government announcing that they would open the erez crossing in the north of gaza for aid shipments this is something they've been under a huge amount of pressure from the united states to do and also allow the port of ashdod to which has close to the arrows crossing to take direct import of humanitarian aid for gaza. the intention appears to be, although the details on what the israeli government has said so far very limited. it appears to be that potentially that aid could arrive at ashdod, drive the 20 miles and be inside of gaza. secretary blinken, like the
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white house class night, saying that today while he's in is in europe, saying that we should be cautious and judges well, on the results we welcome the steps that have been announced by israel opening eriz's a new crossing point, >> having >> shipments go directly from the ashdod port maximizing the route from jordan >> these are positive developments, but >> the real test is results. and that's what we're looking to >> the vague that come from jordan back then, it didn't happen you can open ashdod. ashdod port for food supplies coming in. >> and then what happened? protesters in israel block
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those food supply is getting wider distribution, are making their way to gaza. there's no guaranteeing that what the israeli government has said will actually bear fruit on the ground in a substantial, a meaningful way to alleviate the humanitarian situation in the north of gaza were all long way from that position right now. and i think this is why we're hearing these very cautious. whereas from the white house and from secretary lincoln as well so nick we also know secretary blinking called for an independent investigation into this incident at when he made that appearance in >> brussels earlier. today, what do you expect to be different in the context of an independent investigation than what we may learn from the idf and from the israelis here, as we, as this sort of developing story unfolds today >> yeah, i think it is also interesting that his cold for an independent investigation because just a couple of days ago, he was calling for an
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immediate investigation the language seems to be getting stronger independent means in something potentially taken out of the hands of the idf, taken out of the hands of the israeli government, given to some an independent body. this is not something that israel has given to do easily or readily if a tool in the past and it seems highly unlikely that they would allow outsiders to scrutinize the military the voice and data traffic surrounding the strikes on these three separate vehicles that family members of the aid workers who were killed, say was direct intentional targeting of those vehicles, even though the israeli government has called it unfortunate, something that happens inside of war. so getting more details i think to think that it would be done independently from outside is a stretch at the moment. >> all right. nic robertson forest in jerusalem. nick, stay close. i'm sure we'll be back with you if we learn more about what they're telling us here. thank you very much
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>> let's now go to the story. donald trump's suffering setbacks and his georgia election subversion case. and the florida classified documents case. the judge's presiding over both of these criminal trials rejected separate motions by trump's lawyers to have those cases dismissed in the classified documents case, judge, aileen cannon did hand trump a victory of sorts. she is allowing his attorneys to use the presidential records act as an argument of defense, something that the special counsel says is simply not relevant to the case. try to me now, jackie kucinich washington bureau chief with boston globe, and julian manchester, national political reporter for the hill. >> good morning, tivo. thank you so much for being here jackie, let me start with you. aileen cannon has come under intense scrutiny the special counsel has basically came out and issued this filing that was pretty surprising going after her for not moving this case along. >> on the one >> hand, we got her to say, okay this this specific motion is denied >> however, >> as noted, she did kind of
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acquiesce too big chunk of the president attorney's arguments. what do you see here in you'll also seen, as you mentioned the jackson that's really pressuring her to move forward, listen in both of these cases, what we're seeing is what the former president does best when it comes to legal situations. he's delaying it trying to push it, trying to delay it with aileen cannon. this is a federal case. this is something that should he become president, he could potentially dismiss georgia is a very different situation because that is state-based. so really, but it's still just trying to kick these down the road, get them past the election, not have to be in court in multiple jurisdictions. that's what we're that's what we're looking at. here. that's what he's trying to do >> know absolutely. it's the delay. delay. delay tactic and he doesn't want this to have to have these trials before the election because that could potentially impact the election, how he's viewed, how he seen not only by his base, but by other independent voters. and i guess after this, if this were to happen after
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the life section, like jackie said, in those federal cases, he has more control over that, but in general, either way, i don't think this is a good look for donald trump. i mean, he has the setbacks. it weakens him and we're seeing him really start to go off on these judges, off on those going against him. these legal cases on truth, social, and that's an issue for him. >> well, jackie, he on truth social, praised aileen cannon, who of course is the judge that he appointed. this comes a few days after he attacked the daughter of the judge in his new york hush money case in a way that's got federal judges speaking out in a pretty rare way to say, hey, this is, this is creating violence will, right? i mean, you had >> this writer's report at the end of december that says are excuse me, end of february, that said that this is it has up ticked quite a bit. these threats against federal judges. since i think 20 you've seen quite the increase according to you, a us marshals serve as and
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he's not i mean, they had to increase the gag order this is a feature. it is not a bug when it comes to the former president. it's part of intimidation it's part of trying to get his way. and bright now you have a bunch of judges that aren't, that aren't taking it. they're pushing back and they're using some cases, these guides the orders, legal mechanisms to do so. he doesn't want to pay any fines. that's what's going to happen if this keeps pushing. >> so speaking of payments fundraising is something where is an area where donald trump has been running behind joe biden, president biden, in ways that big and small and significant and petty in some way ways the former president at his aides say axios reports that they're on track to raise 43 million at a fundraiser in palm beach, which would be more than the was at 23 million or so that president biden said that they raised at that gold let's see, one in new york
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that you're reporting suggests that former president trump was jealous of that wanted to really make a show with this mar-a-lago fundraiser personally was making calls according to this report, he obviously, in many ways needs more money than president biden he's got less, but he needs more because he not only has to run a campaign, he also has to defend himself on all these legal friends and he's got to pay those legal bills. >> absolutely. and it comes at a time when you've heard people at the rnc talking about how that money is going to be distributed, whether it's going to be for campaign such stuff and legal bills, but it's a big risk for donald trump and i would argue down-ballot republicans i'm normally you have these committees in the presidential campaign, which is at the top of the committee essentially raising money down the ticket. it's harder for donald trump and republicans to do that. >> all right? jackie kucinich, truly manchester. thank you guys both very much for being here this morning. have a great weekend. happy friday to friday >> special glasses jack, viewing, location, check,
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coming up, everything you should know to be properly prepared for monday's solar eclipse. >> plus we're just >> hours from tip in the women's final four bleacher report up next the situation with both blitzer knighted six >> once cnn. >> so would you get to nashville hot tenders and three mandarin orange tenders what about you? three classic tenders for better flash ram for the counter i know >> it always a competition. i am the shrimp bought back pain when you've got, it you. know, it introducing the eggs back from copper fit our >> groundbreaking technology designed for compression support of your lower back in gore, like you've never experienced before, engineered with our most innovative patent pending advanced x compression system, the ex-pat evenly distributes the support across a broader surface area of your back for relief of lower back aches and pains, the new
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total solar eclipse in the until 2044. and people are scrambling to make last-minute decisions about where to set up to see it joining me now is adam frank? he's professor of astrophysics at the university of rochester adam. good morning. i'm so happy to have you here. i really enjoyed your piece in the atlantic gave us not only an accounting of how to watch this eclipse, but why it is that we have such a special place in the history in time and space of the universe that we get to see these events tell us about it. >> yes so an eclipse occurs in the universe anytime a moon passes in front of its planet, are between the planet and the sun. >> so >> eclipses in general are not rare cosmetically, but the earth has this very, very weird accidental arrangement where the moon is 400 times smaller than the sun. but it's 400 times closer and so that means it's almost a near perfect alignment on the sky of how big
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the sun and how big the moon or the moon when it gets in front of the sun perfectly hides its disk and then allows the outer atmosphere of the shimmering corona to show up really freaked people out quite a bit throughout history. now we can predict exactly when it's gonna happen but that perfect alignment is so stunning that empires would fall basically when there was an eclipse. so it's quite a cosmic accident yeah, i was fascinated by that, that this was something that could derail the rule of kings and queens. because people were so alarmed, kind of in their, in their town squares. just really, really, i had never thought about it that way. and it's really fascinating to me in terms of people planning to see this one. have you looked at the weather reports because it seems like there were a lot of people who plan to go see it in texas because they thought, well, it's spring, the weather is going to be the best they're the northeast might still be cloudy, but perhaps that's
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reversing itself. what should people be thinking about in terms? the best way to see this >> well, first of all, the glasses you got to have the glasses do not look at the sun without those glasses. you could do real damage >> and then i have friends of mine. i'm in rochester, new york where? rochester in april >> it could be >> pretty cloudy. >> button right now the weather says maybe 50% chance that we're gonna get a partially sunny day. so i think what people might want to do is even the night beforehand consult, the weather, and then perhaps dr. plan on driving to their best bet. >> and then you'll even >> unless it's super cloudy and reigning dark rain, even if it's cloudy skies is going to go dark. it's going to suddenly get night-time for a little bit. so even if you don't get to see this on it, i hope we all get to see that amazing total eclipse. but it'll still be a really remarkable event to have this guy go dark. >> yeah, it really absolutely remarkable. >> adam can explain professor, i should say, i'm sorry. can you explain what it is that you
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are actually see when you look at the solar eclipse three or glasses, as we should point out, that ring, what is it and why can we not normally see it >> well, what happens is, is the sun is a giant ball of superheated plasma and the out it's got an atmosphere, it's got an extended region of like million degree gas, which normally is too faint for uba to be able to see during the day. so that corona is invisible. but when the moon passes in front of the sun, now it's dark enough that that outer halo, the light from that outer halo, which is constantly shimmering and changing, can show up. so that's what makes the but so just to be able to see both the corona and sometimes you can see these red blotches, which are fiery explosions on the surface of the sun, called prominences. you can see those as well. so it's one of the things that makes an eclipse. so a total eclipse. so stunning.
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>> yeah, for real. >> so do you know how long this one is going to last? is it possible to understand that? and what is it that affects how long these go >> yeah. so with this one i think is gonna be on the order of about three minutes and 20 seconds. i think somewhere around there. and it all depends on how far away the moon is in its orbit. because the moon actually is not a perfectly circular orbit. so that chain which when, when we're catching the eclipse, when the shadow is passing. so there's a number of things and you can predict exactly science was born in some sense because of eclipses, because people needed to make these predictions. and it's that accuracy that you find that we can predict exactly when the eclipse is going to happen? is why science is so powerful for predicting like climate change or what's going to happen in a surgery or this is really the cool thing about an eclipse. it's the, it's the birthplace for human beings of science and that ability to predict the universe yeah, i will say i did not fully understand that some of our earliest understanding
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of the heavens and the patterns of the heavens was generated by people governments who are >> afraid of being thrown out of power because they couldn't predict. the next solar eclipse. really remarkable stuff. again, in the atlantic, i highly commended you are also professor adam frank, the author of the little book of aliens. thank you so much for being with us, sir. i really appreciate it >> and >> cnn's special live coverage of the eclipse across america starts monday at 1:00 p.m. don't miss it >> all right. time now for sports, the women's final four tips off tonight with a showdown between two of the most exciting players in the country, caroline mano has a preview and this morning's bleacher report. carolyn, good morning. good morning. it's kinda like sports his version of the solar eclipse i mean, interests in college basketball is just on this upward trajectory. we haven't seen anything like it. thanks in large part to caitlin clark, who's really one of a handful of elite women in sport right now that are showing what they're capable. 11th, tonight's he faces uconn. another one of college basketball's generational
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talent in page becker's for the birth and the national championship game on the line, this will be only the second time that they will meet in their collegiate careers. but this rivalry goes back to when they were teammates on stacked junior team usa spots since i've known her since she was in middle school, she's always work that same way. she's always had that fire. she's always been a great leader and i really honestly couldn't be happier for her in the year that she's had and the way she's loved this team back to the final four when they've been dealt a tough hand as a program and they never made excuses. and to me, i think that's something you just really admire as a competitor more than anything. so i think it's really cool. >> she just a competitor. she wants to win. she has just intangibles of the game. she knows how to play a great iq but i think the biggest thing about her, she competes and she's just a warning now she wants to win at all costs and so i know going into that it'll be a great matchup. but i'm excited. it's great for the game and to be at this level on
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this hiv stakes, to see where we were in au, competing against each other this is really cool to see >> island uconn tipping off at 9:30 eastern after that number three, nc state taken on top seed is undefeated, south carolina at 7:00. the top seeded uconn men's team set to take on alabama in their final format of tomorrow, but their schedule has been thrown off by some brutal travel issues of reigning national champion huskies, didn't arrive in arizona til three 12 in the morning on thursday, head coach dan hurley says, his team won't let those vose be an excuse >> once that edge war office lucky to be here. we're lucky to get an opportunity to complain to final four and then who doesn't deal with problems with the airlines i mean, people deal with that third holidays and it's just it's something that you just got to get through, but it's and you can catch the men's final four on her sister channel tbs
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tomorrow. nc state taken on purdue, just after 6:00 eastern, followed by alabama uconn. the winter is going to play for the national title on monday night. style, but you're doing real quick and watch one of the best goals you will ever see this as blue jackets forward correll more chienco banking one off of islanders goaltender elisa wrote chins and mask and into the back of the net social media saying this is the most disrespectful goal of the nhl season that tied the game as two incredible, but new york had the last laugh going on to win we're two. meantime, the new york mets finally have a notch in the win column and it took until the bottom of the ninth against the tigers to do it. pete alonzo lead off the ending with a home run over the left center field wall. the tie, it at one seen that movie before, and then three batters later, it was bred baby who would end up scoring the winning run on a walk-off single via tire on taylor, the mezzeh voyage bond to o and six for the first time since 1963, which was their second year of existence. since so hopefully permit span starting to turn things around. the yankees delaying monday's
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game against some orleans for four hours because of these celestial event that case he was just talking about this game supposed to start at 2:05 eastern, which would be during the solar eclipse. so instead, first pitches, now going to be just after 6:00 in the first 50,000 fans is going to get a yankees solar eclipse t-shirt. so everybody is jumping into this, casey, i was fascinated to learn because i also was wondering what is this? how does it work? so your last guess was interesting to me and sports fans will be paid attention to on monday. >> yeah, apparently because no one let's be real. it's gonna be watching the game as that goes, as that goes on so smart move proof by the yankees. i don't normally say nice things about the anki is just for the record. >> all right, carolyn, thank you very much. have a good weekend. >> all right. coming up next part of a construction crane crashing down on a busy florida bridge. plus, we're standing by for israel to release the first findings from their own investigation into the idf strike that. killed seven aid workers in gaza used in check
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