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tv   CNN This Morning  CNN  April 5, 2024 3:00am-4:00am PDT

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get started for $49.99 a month plus ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. don't wait- call today. i'm taylor available now on the apple app store, android >> in >> washington. in >> this is >> cnn it's friday, april 5th, right now on cnn this morning, we're waiting for the release of a highly anticipated report from the israeli >> military on the killing of seven aid workers in gaza, plus motion denied twice, two judges rejecting donald trump's attempts to have his trials thrown out and the important lesson that donald trump says he learned from richard nixon right? >> 6:00 a.m. here in washington and in new york as the sunrises here on the east coast, beautiful sunrise in new york city this morning hey good morning to you. >> i'm >> kasie hunt. it's wonderful to have you with us happy
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friday. we made it. this story this morning, president biden demanded it and israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu appears to be responding this morning, the israelis agreeing to open the erez crossing to allow aid into northern gaza from jordan, as well as israel's southern port of ashdod on thursday, the president told the israeli prime minister, there will be consequences if he doesn't come up with a concrete plan for protecting civilians in gaza. here's what white house special john kirby told cnn about that thursday phone call we have to see a measurable increase, for instance, of trucks of aid getting in, we want to see additional crossings opened up >> and the ones that are already opened up, increasing the flow. and we want to make sure that we can see real civilian harm mitigation measures put in place by the idf so that we can have a measure of security. and frankly, aid organizations can have a measure of security that they can operate it on the ground safely and they won't be targeted or they won't be accidentally struck. and then lastly, and i talked about this
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earlier, we need to see a pause in the fighting. we want to see a ceasefire tied to getting the hostages out. >> a senior administration official telling cnn, netanyahu admitted to biden that the idf was to blame for the deaths of seven aid workers in gaza. >> the >> prime minister also commented, committed to improving the tracking of non-profit workers. also this morning, the idf is expected to release its initial report on the strike that killed seven aid workers from the world central kitchen secretary fair state antony blinken, a short time ago, calling for an independent investigation. our panelists here, let's bring an ev and osmo staff writer for the new yorker and biden's biographer, republican strategist sarah longwell is here. and cnn political commentator karen finney joins us as well. >> thank >> you guys for being here on a friday morning. i want to start with you because this has been very every much about biden, the man in his decision making around how to try and influence the israeli prime minister to do more especially in the wake of the killing of these seven
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aid workers. the world central kitchen workers. and we are of course, waiting for this report. we expect this morning from the idf. >> how do you see what and how do you understand biden's personal feelings us policy and what we've seen as a result of this phone call, which is this claim that they are going to open more avenues for getting humanitarian aid in. >> yeah, it's been a pretty remarkable week. i mean, really on monday, the attack on world central kitchen on the conway has had a galvanizing effect on the politics of this war in a way that really almost nothing has before over the last six months, there are people who are concerned about that. they say, why is it that we have 32,000 deaths in gaza? gaza, but it was ultimately the death of seven aid workers. the change things. but that's the nature of moral sympathy is a fickle and sometimes cruel thing. and the truth is, joe biden responded to this moment in a way that was different than what had happened before.
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and he responded, i think partly because he sensed that this moment was ultimately different. this was a time now, when benjamin netanyahu would acknowledge that it was so clearly the idf's fault in this case that this was a mistake. this was wrong, and that that was an indisputable opportunity to change the nature of how the united states was pressuring is where you'll for a long time he hasn't been willing to do it he believes there is a moment and you take it, then you strike and that's what it >> now, karen, funny, what's your view of this hit a couple of things. >> number one, it also >> matters that it was jose andres and someone who has a real platform and was able to not just speak about the pain of losing seven people, but his own perspective, first of all, he we're supposed to be in that convoy. he's talked about that and second of all, his own the measures that they thought they had gone to. imagine if there are people on boy, i can't write. i mean, think about the conversation we will be having today. >> the lives that we're, were
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actually lost, but correct? correct. but also, he talked >> about the measures that they thought they had gone through to keep their people safe. i think that revealed some of the once again, we've heard some of these criticisms before from aid organizations. but again, when you have someone like cassandra, they are saying it it has a much broader audience who's actually tuning in. and the second thing i'll just say briefly is i want to give credit to those americans who had been voting administration may not like this, but who'd been voting uncommitted because i think it also says their voices are being heard. netanyahu is a political animal. he understands that the politics here in the united states are shifting for president biden. and i'm sure that's part of what president biden conveyed to him yesterday, and understanding that his own leverage and ability to kind of just let this go is very much diminishing. >> i just want to say with voters, the things with our international wars like those are very abstract to voters. it's something that happens far away. jose andres is a
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thing that americans understand and feels personal to them. and so while it shouldn't, we don't want to diminish the lives that were lost by saying this is about him. but the fact is when americans have an attachment to something, it changes the politics very quickly because it's suddenly hits people where they are in a different way. well, in speaking of, let's show a little bit of how of jose andres who spoke to international media earlier on this week. and i think it helps underscore the point, sir, is making much >> these was not use bad lag situation where, oops, we dropped the bomb in the wrong place or not. this was over 1.51, 0.8 kilometers with a very defined human italian convoy that had signs in the top in the roof a very colorful logo that we are obviously very proud of, that that's very clear who we are and what we do i mean, he is clearly just very skilled at, at talking to
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directly to people support is that i'm sure he knows >> he hasn't been sara. >> i >> am curious. so the lead wall street journal editorial this morning is critical. biden. it says biden exploits a tragic israeli mistake they say that what the pressure they've been putting on is the worst thing the president could do to free the hostages for example, they describe it as biden taking on, taking this opportunity to address his own kind of political challenges here in the i'm really interested in how you understand this in terms of now republicans support for israel has been very unwavering and frankly democratic support has been two until this war has started to unfold. but now you have president trump. there's been some reporting that he thinks that this war should be over because there is this kind of isolation wing inside the republican party that really, they're very focused on not having eriksson's be involved in overseas conflicts the journal editorial pages kind of like the old school
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conservative way of looking at the world, right? how is that intention and what does it mean for us policy toward israel? >> oh, yes, this is such >> a big question. yeah, thanks >> you are right. that that is the old school weighing of there republican party that still sounds like people that i remember. however, what they have done is basically taken every opportunity to attack joe biden, even though joe biden has been much more like the editorial page of the wall street journal in terms of his foreign policy, much more. and because it's not just an isolation is winning in the republican party now, more than and half of the republican party doesn't support aid to ukraine. they absolutely do if it required american involvement in israel beyond what we were doing now, they'd be absolutely against it. and so yeah, look, i just i think that joe biden i think he's in a really tough situation because he's not going to get support from republicans begins for standing by israel, and he's losing his progressive
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flank and with things like this, with the jose andres sps, part of what happens is the way to your larger question how it impacts american foreign policy is, is that americans are sort of like, yes, we stand with israel. there's a broad sense of that. they were attacked by terrorists and it it was brutal and israel has the right to prosecute a war or try to root out hamas at some point though american start to lose confidence in the way that israel is prosecuting this war, especially when it's making a mistake that is so big as to attack an aid convoy who has somebody who is they are attached to as like an angel of philanthropy and taken care of people who is so very clearly good, good yes, right? yes. just it's impossible to miss. all right. >> up next >> here are two judges denying donald trump's attempts to have his cases thrown out, plus a deadly crane collapse on a busy bridge in fort lauderdale will tell you about this lucky driver and congresswoman lauren bowlby at face seeing a tough reelection campaign after the resignation of a republican colleague
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dam time to kane who that do >> welcome back now to some new cnn reporting. congresswoman lauren bowl berth the firebrand, representing colorado's third congressional district, is now facing a tough race in november thanks to a series of personal controversies, also an undersell, an unexpected retirement, and a new redistricting maps cnn, capitol hill reporter, melanie zanona is here. she joins our panel. >> mel, great to have you >> this is a rich topic
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>> walk us through why or in buber, who has become one of these sort of maga faces, although not entirely, i mean, some of this is just personal controversy. it's not even around her politics necessarily. why she potentially may not be returning to congress. she definitely >> is in the fight of her >> political life right now. remember she almost lost to a democrat last cycle. so she has opted to run in a new district which is more conservative leaning. but she has still got to prevail in a primary and this is a very rural district made up with ranchers and farmers who care about agriculture policy. and she has been facing really pointed questions about for personal behavior and her conduct. but there are signs that she has not changed or tried to tone down her behavior, at least behind closed doors. i'm told that she attended a december gala in new york city. it was a republican event. donald trump was headlining, and that the server who is coming to bring alcohol refused to bring her anymore alcohol because they thought that she was overserved. she also was trying to take pictures with donald
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trump and eventually donald trump security detail stepped in and asked her to stop doing that, according to this is who witnessed it. and that i spoke to. now, donald trump still did endorser, so clearly it wasn't maybe that bothered by this incident. but a trump endorsement alone is not going to be enough to put her over the finish line. so she is facing a very tough challenge in that june primary. so much just to be clear basically, she went to a fundraiser in new york city with donald trump i got so drunk. they had to cut her off and then tried to take repeated pictures with trump, and then they had to tell her, hey lady like tone it down according to the witnesses. >> this is how it went down and remind viewers here that this came a few months after that she got in trouble and had to apologize for her conduct at a denver theater where she was watching a performance, a musical performance of beetle juice she got kicked out for vaping and being loud. and there's security footage of it. and so this is just an example much more than vaping being led, although i do appreciate your attempting of mourning, sick bird 40. >> yes. there was a lot more
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going on, like people don't do that. it was a family theater. i will say there's also some undertones here with those it's who have been working to undermine lauren barbara. i talked to tim burchett, congressman burchett, a little while ago. he's tight with ken buck, who is leaving congress in possibly no small part to prevent bohbot from winning. here's what burchett told me so you think he is retiring or leaving congress earlier specifically to prevent lauren boivert from being a congress >> i don't know if that's tension, but there's a lot of talk of that. this is a mate movie, ma'am >> may for is not wrong because basically buck piecing out here denied her an opportunity to use a kind of a different mechanism to get get this right? well, bogut herself believes that buck did this move on purpose to try to kneecap kneecap are now i will say that last week there was a development that was a big boost for her because instead of selecting one of her primary opponents to fill out the rest of that term. they did select
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someone who's gonna be more of a caretaker roles. that person is not going to be running in the fall. so that was a big boost. verjee, she got a big break in that development. but like i said, she's still got a go up against these other very pro trump republican candidates in this district who are actually from the district and who don't have as much baggage. yeah. let's remember, she is actually a carpet bagger here. somebody her opponents are leveling at her, but it's very obvious. melanie zanona love having you write reporting. thank you. >> coming up next. no labels abandons its bid to mount a third party presidential ticket. the panel will discuss karen finneas over there making a yes, we did it. >> a sign plus a high-speed chase along the border results in maddock arrest, which show you that dashcam footage ahead the lead with jake tapper to the it four on cnn >> so i went to experian. they actually helped lower my monthly bills, phone internet experience at the work also subscriptions i forgot about experian canceled them for me,
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telling you they're stressed to help them feel more calm, try feel away. optimum all right. 23 minutes past the >> hour, five things you have to see this morning, a construction worker is dead and three other people injured after part of a crane collapsed on a bridge in fort lauderdale yesterday three injury victims are expected to recover new dashcam video shows a high-speed chase near the us-mexico border on sunday, the kinney county sheriff's office as a texas national guard member was arrested and charged with human smuggling search and rescue operations continue this morning at a scenic tunnel in taiwan after wednesday's devastating earthquake, at least ten people have died rescuers are planning to airlift a killer whale calf that's been stranded for more than two, for two weeks at a remote lagoon. often qvar island, how they're actually going to capture the path still being worked out. and parts of ohio and west virginia facing the threat of more rain after the ohio river flooded thursday, sending water rushing
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into neighboring communities speaking, whether we got a big chill in the forecast today that could impact millions in the upper midwest and the northeast. let's get to meteorologist elisa raffa. elisa, good morning. what are we seeing? >> good morning. we're seeing the after effects of that nor'easter and that yes, we'll bring in that colder air, prompting some of those phrasal worth still have more than 400,000 customers without power this morning in new england, 350,000 of those customers are in maine and new hampshire this morning because we still have this storm swirling now it's got much less snow. you've got some lighter snow showers around main getting into boston, even cleveland and toronto. most of the warnings have been dropped are left with just a few more inches of snow left, but we'll still find some of these wind gusts still coming around as snow totals have been upwards of a foot or across parts of maine, new hampshire month and upstate new york there, some of these totals up to two feet in some
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communities in vermont, 20 inches and new hampshire, eight inches in massachusetts. so we'll keep the snow swirling with some wind gusts, not as hefty as yesterday, but still on the order of 20 to 30 miles per hour, that will start to unleash some cool cooler air that will slide in. and that's where we've got these phrasal words for this morning. and then going into tomorrow morning as well, where the growing season has started. >> and then he cold sensitive >> vegetation or sensitive vegetation could be at risk to frost or freeze damage i keep saying this happy spring to all of us know elisa rafah. thank you very much for that. i appreciate it. have a good weekend. >> all right. president biden heading the baltimore today to visit the site of the key bridge collapse, plus former president trump taking life lessons from richard nixon i'm arlette saenz at the white house. and this is cnn >> either brenda, it's carroll actually, which like are we operating on?
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while she sleeps, only carousel patches work for up to eight hours to reduce this coloration and thickness >> now, that's what i called udp sleep, kherson nighttime patches. we've got you covered. >> blue carbon a see an infill sunday, april 21 at nine >> welcome back, donald trump handed to setbacks yesterday in his efforts to derail the criminal cases against him with judges in the georgia election subversion case and the florida classified documents case, both rejecting his bids to have those cases thrown out. enjoy georgia, judge shot down trump's arguments that his efforts to overturn the election were protected political speech, while in florida, judge aileen cannon rejected his claim to personal records under the presidential records act, cnn senior crime and justice reported katelyn polantz joins our panel. caitlin. good morning to you >> just kind of big picture what stands? >> it out to you about what we saw >> yesterday, what would have this should we be focused on >> so we're we're talking a lot about trump is losing these motions as he's going to trial. these are all of the attempts
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his attorneys are trying to get the case dismissed or set the terms for the trial when it actually takes place. but you have to remember that's not the only game that they have to play. they also have to try and make sure as defense lawyers that trump has the best ground. he can have when there's a jury in the room it's quite clear. he's going to trial in this hush money case in new york and very potentially in one of the other one, one of the other criminal cases against him, maybe even this year. and so we have to start shifting our thinking about what the approaches from his team. this is not just about delay the trials now, they're making sure that they can do things that they want to do before the jury. and what they're presenting to the jury might not look like what trump is presenting publicly on the political campaigns. so an example of this, there's two examples actually recently, won in the hush money case. they lost a motion before the judge
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there to be able to talk about presidential immunity. they wanted to delay things. they wanted presidential immunity to give him a leg up. in that case. >> and the judge said, no, but if the prosecutors want to bring in anything you said while you were president, you can try and cut that out during trials. so we're going to see that happen during that hush money trial once it starts. same thing is happening with judge aileen cannon in florida. she's currently not dismissing the case on this claim that trump says these mar-a-lago documents where his personal records and not white house records, but she's saying we come back to this later. that might be something that you see talked about when there is the reality of a jury in the room? yeah. very, very interesting points. all we're going to dig into this a little bit more in a second, but first, we have to go to this breaking news. the israeli military releasing a report on the deadly striking gaza that killed seven aid workers who were with the world central kitchen. nic robertson is live from four us from
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jerusalem. nick, what are we learning >> yeah, this is the initial report from the idf and they say that this is what happened. they say that their forces identified a gunman and i stress a gunman on an aid truck and a truck and then they believe the false has been believed that they identified another gunman, one other gunman on an aid truck now, the what the army says happen next is a miss identification by the forces of the vehicles involved and miss classification of the event after the aid vehicles carrying the seven world central kitchen workers left the warehouse. the idf says they did not recognize those vehicles as world central kitchen vehicles. the idf say that they believe that those gunman, who they say, they believed were hamas we're in those vehicles, not aid trucks,
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but the vehicles the vehicles they suvs, the three different suvs the idf is outlining a situation where they believe that there were spotted two hamas gunmen and they believe that they were in these three vehicles. and then they targeted the three vehicles. now, the idf says this should not have happened. that it was in violation of the standard operating procedure of the idf. they say that they've taken action they're firing the major directly involved in the incident that they're firing the brigade chief of staff who has the rank of a reserve kernel those two people have been fired the world central kitchen have released the statement they are saying that the acknowledgment of responsibility by the idf and the fact that they've taken action against some of those involved is a step forward, but
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they are saying this out, these outrageous killings this statement is cold comfort in the face of those outrageous killings so this really hasn't gone a long way as yet for the world central kitchen. and perhaps for many other observers there's a lot of detail. we don't have here that the idf could say that they didn't know that these three vehicles leaving this designated and recognize warehouse, these three vehicles that the world central kitchen said, we're known to the idf. we're known through liaison channel knows that the troops involved in firing on those vehicles can say that they didn't know that they were world central kitchen vehicles. there's a lot of detail here that really isn't explained. and the world central kitchen as well says that the video so far that's been released by the idf to support their investigation. so far, does not for the world central kitchen show for them satisfactorily
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these alleged or the two alleged gunman who were seeing on the aid trucks. and again, i stress trucks because aid trucks are trucks that carry large amounts of aid the suv vehicles a different vehicles, entirely. the idf said they had seen the gunman on the aid trucks. so we're even talking about different vehicles. so there's so much that isn't really explained in detail here. >> yeah, i think it's safe to say this is most definitely not the last of this. nic robertson forest live in jerusalem, neck. thank you very much for that reporting. and evan asked nose at we want to show you a little bit of what we saw from secretary state blinken, who's traveling in europe earlier on on this morning, just as we were coming on the air, he said this watch >> it's also critical that we see an independent thorough and fully publicized investigation into the killing of the world central kitchen team who were
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performing heroic work under the most difficult circumstances i'm trying to get assistance to people who so desperately needed so we're looking to see that investigation. we're looking to see a public accounting and we're looking to see accountability in its wake. >> so two words stand out to me. they're independent and publicized investigation. >> what, a year. >> well, we're just starting to now see some of the details of what was clearly a catastrophic breakdown in the way that the idf made the decision it was a breakdown of communications, but it was also a breakdown of the rules of engagement themselves about how the people on the ground understand, interpret, and act on what are the rules of war in a case like this. and i think the inevitable question that is going on within the biden administration and will be more broadly is how much was this an isolated incident and how much does this tell us about broader dysfunction right now within the war effort? because as long it's going to be attached temptation to say this was a terrible case. let's put it
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behind us. biden and his aides are going to say, well, let's make sure that this doesn't happen again and we want to hear a lot more detail about how this happened. yeah, for sure. all right. >> up next here, the valuable lesson that donald trump says he learned for me, former, impeached president, plus rock and roll in all night partying every day, kiss the latest ban to cash in on their catalog >> i went to experience i mean, i trust them. and on my phone, they showed me subscriptions. i'm paying for even the ones i don't remember then any i don't want experienced cancers from forming easy seal. you can do >> it slash safe. >> now well, changing question. are you keeping as much of your investment gains as possible? my taxes can erode returns quickly, so you need attacks optimized portfolio i creative planning. our money managers and specialist's work together to make sure your portfolio and wealth are managed in a tax efficient manner. it's what you keep that really matters. why
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legislature debates a proposal that would award the state's electoral votes through a winner take all system. that measure is supported by former president trump why nebraska currently splits electoral votes between in statewide and congressional district winners, which often hands one electoral college vote to democrats. >> vision of taking kiss to a company lately, different level beyond being just a music band. and we've always thought of ourselves as more than just a music manson, kiss is cashing in the legendary rock band has sold their catalog brand name, and ip, to a swedish company, the api is reporting the deal is estimated to be worth more than $300 million >> all right. now this no labels will not be fielding a third party ticket in november, the group tried to find a unity candidate, someone who would be an alternative to trump and biden but in a major setback, its founding chairman, joe
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lieberman, passed away last month. here's what lieberman said about the groups efforts shortly before his passing this whole movement and no labels to run a third choice bipartisan unity ticket >> started because our members saw another trump biden race coming and thought the country could do better. and every polis they can shows that most of the people in our country think that we can do better than those two choices and they want something other than trump and biden >> here is what the no labels spokesperson said on thursday, quote, no labels has always said we would only offer are ballot line to a ticket if we could identify candidates with a credible path to winning the white house, no such candidates emerged. so the responsible course of action is for us to stand down, joining me now to discuss is cnn's michael smerconish, who has become our friday regular for which i am so grateful. michael. good morning to you
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>> what what happened here? i mean, this was sort of an disaster, honestly, for them, was there any chance, every chance they would actually find someone there are so many people who looked at this and said this is a terrible idea >> so you remember that line from field of dreams. if you build it, will they come we're never going to know because they were building it, but then they stopped short of getting to the finish line. >> and >> in the end to your point, it seems as if they really did approach a whole slew of candidates, both in the public arena for politics, even the rock dwayne johnson was apparently offered some type of an overture to see whether he was interested. so it was the ultimate rorschach test. you had a number of people meet he included who said if there were ever a cycle that seems perfectly suited because of the polling for someone to get into this race it would be 2024. but then there were other people who said any other cycle. this was former congressman gephardt. this was david brooks from the new york times individuals who said in any
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other scenario, we'd be open to it, but not this year because the risk of donald trump being elected is just too great >> so michael what where is this energy do you think going to go? i mean, to the extent that no labels had an argument, right. it was that people are unhappy with a trump-biden rematch. we can see that in the polling and in the numbers. now, they will not have this no labels option. >> what >> happens in your view at this point to those voters? i mean, are they going to robert f. kennedy jr. and what is the biden campaign imperative here >> i'm sure the biden campaign is thrilled with this news because the perception is that that donald trump has a ceiling. is it 44, is it 45 is at 46% of the vote. and therefore that any gain by a no labels candidate would have been to the detriment meant of president biden. so i'm sure the biden campaign is ecstatic with this. i would also think to your point that robert f. kennedy jr. sees this as
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opportunity, where will the so-called kasie double-haters go in the end? do they said at home, do they break either for biden or for trump? do they go to bobby kennedy? i mean, that's really x the unknown. and with so many intangibles still to play out, not the least of which is the april 15 first trump trial. will there be more thereafter we don't know, but you've got to really be able to see around corners to know which way this whole thing is going to break and i for one have been proven incorrect too many times >> i don't predictions have become dangerous in this business michael, i actually, i'm not sure i've had the chance to ask you what your view is of bobby kennedy, jr. or the campaign that he's running the type of voter that he appeals to because while we've obviously talked at length about how it's clear he could eat into biden's support. there are things about him that our trumpian quite honestly, and it seemed to speak to people that may consider themselves part of trump's maga base. how do you look at this
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>> yes is the answer to that question? there's a populist appeal to him. i think there's a tendency for many to see robert f. kennedy immediately associate him with his vax position. and in many instances, write him off. i made the observation having watched his entire announcement speech many months ago in boston, and then having witnessed his switch to run as an independent, which was in philadelphia, that if you read the transcripts for each of those speeches and forget who the speaker is and just focus on the message. there's mass appeal and he addresses issues that no other candidates are speaking about in this campaign. so if he can get individuals to focus not so much on personality and some of the more controversial aspects of his candidacy. and i know that's a reach for many. there is appeal that i think that he will have among some who don't normally come out and vote and to look at the crowd of people that he attracts to go to some of those live events is really to see a cross-section that i
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think you'd done don't find at biden and trump events really, really interesting. michael, i it's, it's it's quite a phenomenon to get your head around before i let you go, i'm actually interested in this. i maybe throwing you a curve ball, so i apologize for that, but i know that you have mr. hate, professor haidt on your show coming up over the weekend? he is, of course, the nyu professor that he's got a new book out looking at social media. he's basically telling people don't give your kids phones until they're 16 years old and he's become a lightning rod for controversy. i have to say is the mom of two young kids? >> i really like what he's >> had to say about this. that this is something we shouldn't be doing with our kids at what are you going to talk to him about and what do you think we should know about what he's got out there? >> i'm so glad that you brought this up. johnathan height has the number one book in the country according to the new york times, it's called the anxious generation and he speaks of what's taken place in the last several decades
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where you go from my childhood, which was one of neighborhood backyard play-based to the current childhoods of so many of our adolescents since that is totally dependent on smartphones and technology. and he sees a causal connection between that and a rise of mental health issues, particularly among our youth. i see it as part of a larger societal disconnect. all this connectivity is actually making us more disconnected from one another i think it has relevance in the political arena because it's driving polarization and partisanship to new heights. and his is a book i've read them all. there have been so many in the span of the last two decades, but this is the book that ties it all together. yes, it's controversial. some try and attack the causation argument i think both he and jeanne twinkie, who wrote i can have it all buttoned up and every parent every grandparent, every honore or uncle, needs to read this book and appreciate what's going on.
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>> i mean, i think it's also something you can just test in your own life. and i'm an adult. i i one of the few people that i came of age, bright. my childhood was before the internet, then i learned how to do it as a native aol shows up when i'm 11 12 years old. now as an adult, i can tell i'm way happier when i put down my phone. so how can we not expect kids who are learning, you know, who are growing in their brains are developing anyway, it makes a lot of sense. michael smerconish, thank you very much for being with us. smerconish saturday, 9:00 a.m. i. will be watching. see you next week. i hope >> all right. let us turn >> now to this but are you suggesting president biden's using cocaine >> i don't know what he's using, but that was not he was higher than a tight >> now, joe biden is doing cocaine, makes said >> if anything, he's not doing cookies do sas barilla, the man
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is 145 years old but by all means, do a drug test, let the whole country watched a both up into a cup >> that was jimmy kimmel talking about an interview that will trump did with hugh hewitt? let's in fact, i think we should play the full exchange. this is the full thing that trump had to say before you heard queue it. there are asked whether trump was insinuating that president biden takes cocaine. let's watch the whole thing >> the firings were mistakes. you notice the way i kept people that i couldn't stand that from nixon. and i said, let me just live with that. white stuff that they happened to find which happen to be cocaine and the white as i don't know, i think i think shab was going on there because i watched his state of the union and he was all jacked up at the beginning by the end, he was fading fast there's something going on there. i want to debate, and i take debates with him at least should be drug tested. >> i want
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>> are you suggesting president biden's using cocaine >> i don't know what >> he's using, but that was >> not hey, he was higher than a kite here we are >> american politics. april 2024. >> karen, funny, like i said, it's only april and we're talking cocaine, guess we're will be by october and november. right. it's the same thought i had when he came down and they talked about in 2016 and mexicans are rapists and murderers. and i thought, wow, is that the floor, the ceiling so yeah, he'll say anything. >> i mean sure. let's go look on your face. >> a lot of things >> i'm just trying like i don't know. it's probably not the worst thing he could say about biden, like in terms of first of trump, right? he's been saying like biden is like a corpse. biden has dementia. >> i don't know. maybe this i don't know. >> it's >> all just very stupid and it would be so funny if the stakes
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weren't so high six, so high. agreed. yeah. i mean, the idea that he's going to accuse biden of using performance enhancing drugs are now we're getting into like studio 54 drugs. i mean, the whole idea is hold on. i think americans have other things that they actually want to hear from their presidential candidates about. so let's hear it, donald. well, it's future evidence, further evidence of him living in this media ecosystem of conspiracy know that is said by conspiracy theories. >> i mean, it's a tactic right? to just throw as much crazy stuff out there so that your opponent has to decide are we going to respond to that? and we're going to leave that. but he just throws it out there. >> it'll stick with somebody in a serious it's dangerous, and it's really are responsible. and ridiculous >> no one's going to take the idea that joe biden is doing cocaine seriously, except trump's base, who will think it's funny, right? but it's swing voters are not going to take to that. all right, fair enough. let's also show what trump had to say in this interview about lessons he
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learned perhaps from richard nixon. watch the firings were a mistake. you notice the way i kept people that i couldn't stand that from nixon. i said, let me just live with these people for a little while before i get rid of them. in many ways, he was his own worst enemy. >> and he did >> things that were >> he didn't treat people. some people well and those people ended up coming back to get them >> haven't asked us this is not don't trump's not a guy we necessarily think of as having sort of a historic of considering the arcs of history are learning from history >> but i will say roger ellsworth worked for richard at roger sto, a lot of the way that trump came through in politics is rooted in a lot of but that was pret >> sorof laying it out there in interesti way. what do you make of what you said? well, >> i mean the idea that he's think the notion that he .
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somehow s renounced his peop is a stretch. this is a guy who came into political life by saying that he would, your anybody around me. you're fired >> but >> look, it is clearly he is a man who is running for president as he has told us in the name of retribution. in some ways, there is a knicks one and character very much among us. and i think he's saying it out loud >> before we get to the story that i know we're all desperate to talk about, which is women's basketball. i'd like to touch on no labels with two of you because sarah in particular you have really made a career looking at the republican party and disaffected voters in the republican party, that consequences of another trump presidency at what that means in terms of biden. this isn't an effort that i mean, clearly lot of people looked at it, a lot of serious people looked at it what ultimately do you think caused the collapse and do you think it's good for the country that they're not putting any, they're not fielding a ticket.
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>> absolutely. because they were going to be nothing but a spoiler for joe biden. i'm sorry. a spoiler for donald trump >> and it came from the group was always very >> clumsy and had a certain element of political illiteracy about them. they had this idea that if they put forward a candidate who was a republican, right, like larry hogan, or a chris christie, that that would be at know that's going to pull from donald trump that makes no sense. okay. you haven't had that is not who these people were going to pull from, right? it was going to pull the critical swing six to 8% of right-leaning independents, soft gop voters who have been willing to vote for joe biden that are part of the broader anti-trump coalition. and so all we're gonna do with split that anti-trump coalition and hand this election to biden. and i think that the fact that everybody looked at it and said, oh, no, i'm just going to spoil it for donald trump is the reason that but the whole thing collapsed. but it was, it was silly from the beginning. it was poorly run, poorly executed, and i hope what they do now is take all of those resources that they accumulated by telling donors that they
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were going to have this fantasy idea. i hope they use it to join the anti-trump coalition and try to defeat donald trump one of the things that was interesting are the first meeting i attended where you have everyone from folks from the lincoln project, they'll kristol, who's actually become a friend. and you had ron claim, not to mention third way and move on. i mean, talk about people who rarely agree on anything. so they didn't unify quite a bit of the political universe who recognized very early on. yes, what they were saying was deming their math, didn't even work, but they were very dangerous because they had over $70 to get on the ballot. and what they are promising >> people >> they were promising that they could win states like texas. and again, it was totally illogical, but it was a very rural threat that myself and others worked very hard to not just undermine, but to make sure that the people they were talking to understood that their rhetoric just did not work and their math did not
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work all right. fair enough. >> all right. i'll leave you with this. >> the >> women are the hot ticket. this final four weekend. thanks to iowa hawkeyes superstar caitlin clark, ticket prices for the women's and a final four. now, more expensive than the men's. the average ticket price, 726 dollars, slightly higher than the men's matchups, which are sitting at 710 resale tickets for the women's games are selling twice the price of the men's double. a lot of the frenzy, of course, due to clark becoming the all-time scoring leader in men's and women's. ncw division one history again, leading scorer from in the men and in women. and tonight she and her top-seeded hawkeyes will play the number three uconn huskies, sarah longwell. >> this is awesome. it's the best oh, my these funds to watch. i've been having the best time i'm with it and it's not just about the prices being more than like these women, like people are suddenly like, oh, you know, what's angel reese gonna do is you're gonna get drafted to the wnba's. you're go


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