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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  April 5, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PDT

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get better. with specialized treatment. go to know cd to learn more >> i'm evan perez, federal court in washington. and this is cnn we're following burning news and extremely rare
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>> 4.8 magnitude earthquake hitting the northeast was shaking, felt across several states travel is now being impacted in an around new york city was mistaken identification and errors in decision-making that from the israel defense forces, newly released initial findings into the airstrikes that killed seven aid workers in gaza. we're going to tell you how the idf is responding and the biden administration's reaction to the report. numbers from from the new jobs report and come in way higher than expected. there are they so high that the federal reserve might scrap planned interest rate cuts were following these major developing stories and many more all coming in right here to cnn news central >> we're following breaking news out of the northeast are rare, 4.8 magnitude earthquake shaking the tri-state area today, the epicenter was in new
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jersey, but people felt shaking as far north as main all the way down to the washington, dc area? >> yeah. the good news is the right now at least there appears to be a little damage and officials in new york say the quake posed no threat to life so far, but we are learning that the quake may significant we can lead impact travel that may really be the thing that we're seeing here. we have seen an aviation correspondent pete muntean standing by in washington, dc on that first though, let's go to cnn's polo sandoval for the very latest in new york. hello hey briana. >> take a walk through times square. you would know that it was four pointed magnitude earthquake that shook america's largest city just a few hours ago, and not just a york is do point out really all throughout the northeast, we heard from new york city officials in the last hour really emphasizing that thus far they have received no reports of any sort of structural damage in and around new york city he certainly no injuries as well though they are still conducting their assessments. of course, the infrastructure, it's always a key question here. the bridge's the tunnel well, officials assuring today than fact the tunnels are meant to
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sort of move with the earth during seismic events and the roughly seven bridges in an iv york city that operated by the mass transit authority. >> there >> built to withstand a seismic event even greater than what we experienced earlier this morning. so really a reason assuring tone from officials here in new york, encouraging people to go about their de, but also to remain vigilant. we also heard from zach is called one of the emergency officials here in new york saying that the risk of any aftershocks that is low, though encouraging people to remain vigilant and also should that take place to take those precautions, to take care of themselves and their families. but again, that is really the key line right now. no major impacts. and as officials described, no major safety events report after this truly historic and highly unusual event, the people on the streets of new york, breon and boar's, it depends on who you ask some people certainly felt it if you're like myself, he didn't feel it on your way in this morning >> polo sandoval, life force in time square. thank you so much. let's bring in sin and aviation correspondent people
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muntean, pete on the richter scale, 4.8 in the grand scheme of things is not really a huge earthquake like polo said, a lot of people didn't even notice it was happening, but it can impact travel, especially in an area that doesn't frequently see this kind of event it was so big that they had to evacuate the tower, the control tower, 320 feet high at newark liberty international airport. and there are still delays going into and out of newark. in fact, the ground stop was canceled only at the top of the hour, but there is a ground delay program in place for flights going into neural for 77 minutes long. that is the average delay. so an average delay of about an hour and 17 minutes. and the faa says that will remain in place until about 10:00 p.m. eastern daylight time. so we're just at the start of that story. the only good news here right now, at least when it comes to air travel, is that the ground stomp? sent places like jfk and laguardia at bwi at philly international all of those have
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been canceled. it seems luck flights are getting into and out of those airports. and that the cancellations remain low, although the delays have gone up, just check flightaware about 1,900 delays in the right now, although cancellations remain in the double digits, the jangling chad right now is the impact on ground-based travel, especially rail, amtrak says it is slowing the speed of some trends as it does track inspections up and down the northeast corridor, the trends will remain slow and the delays his will remain in place until those inspections are clear. this is such a manual job really requires a visual inspection. the use of a mark one eyeball to make sure that things are okay. remember, new york is a place that is heavily bridged, heavily tunnels. you'd hold top polo, talk about the fact that a lot of the tunnels are okay right now now the port authority of new york and new jersey, they say that the lincoln tunnel and the holland tunnel both had been inspected. those are okay. mta would jump right to the subway
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system. they say service is normal right now new jersey transit, which operates a lot of the regional rails into and out of new york they say that trends are still delayed right now, about 20 minutes on average because of these issues, it's a city on the move. lot of people come in and out every day about 1,000,000.5 people commute into and out of new york city each and everyday bores yeah, fortunate that it doesn't appear that anyone was hurt. still got to be cautious though, pete, you got a dangling chat reference in there. >> i >> appreciate that pal pete muntean, thanks. >> briana the israeli military fired two of its commanders involved in the killing of seven aid workers in gaza earlier this week, the israel >> defense forces releasing there preliminary report, which highlights a series of mistakes behind the three airstrikes that took out three world central kitchen vehicles over the course of a mile and a half. >> the >> idf says soldiers involved in the drone strike, misidentifying a shoulder bag that one of the passengers was holding as a weapon, the idf
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says the surveillance drones did not capture the large world central kitchen decals on the vehicles because it was nighttime israel released the report just hours after president biden held a tense phone call with prime minister benjamin netanyahu and public warnings from multiple administration officials that us policy toward israel's gaza war will change if israel doesn't take inefficient steps to protect civilians, and particularly aid workers in gaza. cnn's jeremy diamond is live for us and israel jeremy tell us more about the report well, briana, this is without question the most thorough and public admission of wrongdoing for killing >> civilians in gaza by the israeli military. since the start of this war, the israeli military says that commanders violated the military's protocols, made errors in decision-making, in ordering these airstrikes which resulted in the deaths of these seven world central kitchen workers, three missiles fired at these
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vehicles, three vehicles by the world central kitchen over the course of four minutes killing all seven of those workers, the israeli military says that they their forces identified a gunman aboard an an aid truck at the beginning of this journey after receiving the aid that was loaded onto these trucks and they subsequently the military commander subsequently made a very deadly and very incorrect assumption that hamas militants were inside these three vehicles once they left. this warehouse where these aid workers were unloading pallets of aid. they also miss identified what was likely a the bag slung over the shoulders of one of these workers as a weapon. and as you also noted, they the israeli military says that they were not able to see the logo on the world central kitchen vehicles because it was night time. now as a result of this, the
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israeli military has dismissed two of the officers involved in this strike kernel noche mendel, the brigade chief of staff involved in this, as well as an unidentified major who is serving as the brigades fire support officer. the israeli military's chief of staff also reprimanding three other seeds in your officers, including the head of israel's southern commands. there are still questions of course, about exactly what kinds of changes the israeli military will institute following this review, they say that they will take the lessons learned from this report and apply them going forward. but it's not clear exactly what specific policy changes this it will result in the we'll be watching very carefully for those jeremy, what's the latest with the hostage talks >> well, earlier this week, these are really government submitted. its latest counterproposal, and we are now learning according to a diplomat familiar with the conversations that a hamas has turned down, that latest
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proposal asserting that it does not reply to any of their demands particularly as we know, one of the key he is sticking points here is the return of palestinians who have been displaced from northern gaza to allow them to return back to their homes. hamas has been demanding unfiltered access for people to return north. the israeli government has been insisting on security checks and limiting the number of people who can return per day. we know that there are other sticking points as well, but this certainly puts talks in a very difficult position. we do know that there are still going to be talk's going forward. in fact, this weekend, the head of the mossad is set to meet with the cia director bill burns and other mediators in egypt over the weekend. so there are still discussions happening, but this is a key moment with hamas refusing this latest counterproposal, which i know from speaking to israeli officials, they viewed as taking significantly more steps in the direction of some of the demands that hamas has been making. and so questions about whether or not a deal can be
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reached. we know that the israeli government has said that they will move into rafah especially if there is no deal. and so we really are facing a ticking time bomb here in terms of the amount of time that remains for these negotiators to try and forge a deal before the israeli government chooses to move in with that offensive >> all right. jeremy diamond, live for us and israel. thank you for us >> let's discuss now with a member of the house foreign affairs committee, democratic congresswoman madeline dean of wisconsin, or rather of pennsylvania. congresswoman. i apologize for mixing up the state. i do appreciate you being with us this afternoon i was distracted for a moment because we just heard from president biden, a reporters were able to shout questions as he was deporting the white house. he's on the way to baltimore to speak to folks there about the bridge collapsed last week, he was asked if he was happy with the response from israel thus far with the us, asking them to do
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more to get aid into gaza and to protect the lives of civilians and aid workers the president said, and i quote, i asked them to do what they are doing would you agree with that assessment from president biden >> well bores it's, good to be with you and you're right, i'm from suburban philadelphia, pennsylvania and i can report we felt the earthquake here to i'm proud of the president. i know we are less than 24 hours since his i believe very direct. stern coal with prime minister netanyahu where he told the prime minister that he must not stand in the way of humanitarian aid, that he was outraged. i can presume he said he was outraged by the death of the seven world kitchen central workers who were so precisely taken out in their aid vehicles. it's a haar but he also said, as the readout shows us that mr. netanyahu must
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allow an empower his negotiators to get the hostages out in addition, more aid must come in. opening of other passageways, whether george border or not so i'm not sure what the president meant, but certainly we are seeing some evidence that mr. netanyahu and his coalition are taking this seriously. but i have to tell you, we are 32,000 civilians dead in in gaza in addition to those seven angels, as the chef cold them that were killed in a very targeted accidental, i hope, but very targeted strike on their vehicles 200 other aid workers are dead >> i had the chance >> when i was in israel twice now, since the beginning at this war, to meet with unrwa officials in fact, unrwa officials in the ground on the ground in israel, but also the director in rafah, they have lost 200 of their aid workers.
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and he says somehow the remaining ones come in faithfully day after day to do the impossible so i praised the president and i like all of this at the feet of prime minister netanyahu congresswoman, something that you said stuck out to me about the strike against the world central kitchen aid workers you said accidental. >> i hope there has been a lot of speculation that perhaps because this happened in a deconflicted zone, that it wasn't a mix-up. i have not seen any evidence that has given credence to that theory, but i do want to ask you about the investigation itself. we know that us officials received the initial our results of an investigation by the israelis. do you believe that is going to be transparent and thorough enough to give you peace of mind that whatever steps israel takes toward accountability actually meet the moment i don't know and i'll reserve
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judgment on that, but i hope that the world will come around and say we actually need an >> independent investigation because we have lost too many lives. and these were lives of aid workers in what was apparently a deconflicted zone literally a street that was deconflicted good so i do hope it is accidental, but man oh man, these accidents with a military that boasts and the prime minister literally in my meeting with him on november the 11th boasted of their superior intelligence and their superior ability to pinpoint and target well, it looks here like terrible intelligence. and the ability to pinpoint and target. we need a full investigation. we need full transparency. >> and i'm >> remembering we had three hostages who came out shirts off, who were shot and killed by the idf there's just way too much of this going on >> congresswoman you are describing an investigation that is independent something that the secretary of state,
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antony blinken initially called for, but the white house has since walk that backer or tried to clarify it, saying that he was referring to the idf probe that's already underway world central kitchen wants an independent review, not one conducted by the idf or the israeli military. it sounds like you agree that you want someone outside of israel to take a look at what happened more thoroughly? >> i do i agree with that. and i believe the administration will take a look at the investigation that is provided by israel by idf and will decide whether or not they think it is a full investigation. and i would urge administration to have that followed up with an independent investigation. >> congressman i want to ask you about some recent polling from the wall street journal, specifically in your state or there was a question asked of folks whether they preferred donald trump to joe biden on handling the war between israel
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and hamas. and the former president came out on top beating biden by double digits. it was 43 trump, 29 biden. i'm sure you've heard from constituents who are frustrated about what they're seeing in gaza. what's your message to voters ahead of an important election in a state like yours that could be critical to a path to the white house >> well, thanks for sharing that poll. but when we're talking about this very critical subject, i can't think of anything more starkly clear. mr. netanyahu, i believe, is waiting his days out because he would like to have the return of what i believe is a useful idiot to people like mr. netanyahu. mr. netanyahu, after all, let's think about this he was not honest about how he was going to prosecute this war. he told us they could be more targeted and strip for instead,
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he's dropped 2000 pound dumb bombs and taken out whole villages, whole buildings and neighbourhoods. mr. netanyahu does not want a two-state solution. neither doesn't mr. trump we are better off. the world is better off, and the palestinian people the, israeli people will be better off if mr. netanyahu is ultimately decided in a new vote, whether or not he should continue but mr. trump would be a useful idiot to mr. netanyahu's. i think failed ways, the failure of the prosecution of this war israel had the right, has the right and obligation to defend itself. it's security, its borders. >> jews >> around the world have the right to this homeland. but at the same time, we have to lift up the homeland of the palestinian people. mr. trump would not be anywhere near that, just as mr. netanyahu isn't mr. biden is the world leader who can lead us toward a two-state solution toward the
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region living in a more peaceful place >> congresswoman madeleine dean, we very much appreciate your perspective. glad to see you. you've made it through the earthquake. i hope nothing fell off the shelf not at all. thanks so much for us. >> thank you so much, congressman >> so the >> jobs market is still red hot, blowing past expectations what does this mean for the fed's war on inflation? a complicated picture will break down. and speaking of the economy, the total solar eclipse already bringing big business to cities in its path up next, how those five minutes of totality in several states are going to boost the us by more than 1 billion >> laura coates live tonight at 11 eastern on cnn >> dan made progress with his mental health but his medication caused unintentional movements in his face, hands, and feet called tara where did dyskinesia or td? so his doctor prescribed us dead oh, xr a
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>> the jobs market is still red hot, new numbers out today from the labor department showing the us blowing past expectations with a whopping 303,000 jobs added in march, while the unemployment rate fell ulta 3.8%. we have cnn's matt egan with more on this. all right, matter economists were way off in their predictions here, what are the numbers telling us >> we'll round it. this report was shockingly strong. it was the proverbial earthquake this morning before the actual earthquake, 303,000 jobs added in march alone. 50% more than the consensus from economists. they were baffled by just how strong this is. one economist said that he's quoted borderline speechless, bank of america described this as exceptionally strong and i just heard from mark zandi over moody's, he called it picture perfect. look, this is another reminder that this jobs market
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continues to defy expectations both in the short-term and also in the long run, because a lot of people thought that the fed's war on i was going to cause unemployment to go up or even cause a recession, right. but that has not happened. people thought the jobs market would cool off >> instead, it heated up. and one of the >> reasons is because the supply of workers continues to rebound from covid and that's in part because of strong immigration. so when you look at these numbers hur's historically they are really, really strong. the unemployment rate now down to 3.8%. that's 26 consecutive months of sob 4%. you can see on the left side of that chart is the spike during covid up to almost 15% were miles away from that, miles away from a recession. and this is now the law longest period of time below 4% unemployment since the late 1960s and early 1970s. under lbj and richard nixon, if anything, there could be some
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concerns that maybe the fed is going to think twice before it starts cutting interest rates. but what's interesting is that markets are actually responded running very positively to today's report, the dow is up by 1%, almost 400 points nearly regaining all the points lost yesterday. and i think the message from the market is yes, the jobs market is hot, but no, it's not overheating. and so in this case it does look like good news for main street is being viewed as good news for wall street breonna. >> all right. matt egan. >> thank you for taking us through. that. what a big day horse or red hot jobs market and some brands are working over time because of monday's solar eclipse. it means big bucks for businesses and many major companies are cashing in with celestially inspired foods and deals along the path of totality. some businesses are gearing up for a surge as millions of people are gonna be traveling in that shadowy area. to witness this celestial event airbnb says the cytosine, a
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1,000% spike in searches for listings sweeping from texas to maine. cnn, stephanie elam joins us now with more on this. so stephanie how are companies preparing >> they've been preparing the ones who realized maybe they missed out and 2017 bores to ones who are just like, you know what this is just too great of an opportunity and you're talking about an economic impact of up to one-and-a-half billion dollars from this eclipse, helping small and large businesses across united states. and if you take a look at the map of airbnb, they say, oh yeah, there fully booked. and if you look at the map it's very clear where that path of totality, as you can see, they're all booked up in that area. you've got airlines offering special flights for the path like deltas doing that southwest is doing that. united's giving away special glasses if you're on one of the flights that will go through the path of totality. i also spoke to one small business owner, roger, sorry. parkinson, his wife, alyssa. >> it's just the two of them. they started up a glasses usa. they are still selling glasses
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through their amazon site. take a listen to what he told hold me >> and so we've been spending hours in our garage folding and sending them are amazon store is we're on track to sell on amazon as well, but we are it's just my wife and i right now. and so does sitting out there sending stuff going back and forth to the post office ups, you name it, it's been awhile, but interestingly enough, we actually actually sold out of our original inventory in february. so i bought more inventory and i think we're on track to sell 500,000 pairs >> and he said that is way beyond what they thought that they can do it at all. they're also collecting these, use glasses to send them to latin america so that they can use them for there are upcoming smaller eclipse. so you look at how businesses are responding. it's a lot of food to i mean, sunchips is going to have solar chips that are only going to be available for four minutes and 27 seconds during the time on monday that you can get for free. so people are looking at
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the branding here. moonpies, they missed out last time, this time, there playing into it again, a small family owned company but bores i'm kinda surprised because there's one company that i thought would totally be into it and maybe they'll email me and tell me that i'm wrong, but eclipse gum seems like a no-brainer. can't find it, cannot find anything about like that just seemed to be so easy. but we can say companies all over the place and it doesn't just have to be in the path of totality because i should tell people most of the contiguous 48 states will be able to see some of the eclipse even if it's cloudy, you'll see some changes. >> boris, i'm shocked about the eclipse gum thing. it's so obvious, so obvious. >> look forward to those crystal donuts though stephanie elam live from los angeles for us. thank you so much. and you can join cnn for the eclipse, eclipse across america are special live coverage starts monday, april 8 noon eastern, right here on cnn, brianna and i are gonna be out. there enjoying the eclipse with
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thousands, perhaps millions of others across the country. you can join in. it's going to be fun. it could get a little weird. but you should join him and the screen says 1:00 p.m. the special coverage starts at noon. don't miss out. >> still ahead. >> lawyers for several >> defendants in the georgia election subversion case are weighing whether depressant for a gag order against district attorney fani willis. we'll explain why and the goats, caitlin clark, back on the court today with a spot in the national championship on the line, standing in her way. the most dominant team of the decade, a huge head to head match. >> we have a live preview and just moments if you work, in spaceflight, this is the worst possible thing. i can never happen >> my dad died doing what keith magee, spatial columbia final flight premiere sunday at nine on cnn. >> i'm starting to think those bad it out and find a backup on
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>> you or, a, loved one have mesothelial, will send you a free book to answer questions you may have call now and we'll come to you 808 to one 4,000 there's a new angle in the multiple trials of former president trump. could there be a gag order coming not for defendant trump, but for prosecutor fani willis. she's the fulton county da accusing him of 2020 election subversion and racketeering and sources say lawyers for several of trump's co-defendants in the investigation are mulling over whether to seek a gag order against willis, who has continued to speak publicly about the case. we have cnn legal analyst and former deputy assistant than attorney general, elliott williams here to talk about this. we'll talk a little bit in a second about some of the comments that she's made here recently, but first, i just wonder if you think this would be a smart move for trump and other defendants to pursue or is this something that could actually kinda backfire me, swing swing right back at them, right back
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out. i'm turnabout is fair play and there's a couple of reasons why it's probably not a great idea for trump and his team. number one, they are trying to get her removed from the case on account of some of her behavior and statements and so on. >> if >> in fact they get gag order, that silence is heard that takes away all there are a big part of the reason for getting your off the case in the first place. that's number one. >> number two is you open the door to a gag order against former president trump as well, because all the parties here, including the judge who is himself running for office, they're all out speaking about this case. so if they put a gaggle are in place on her, they ought to put one on donald trump as well. and i just think if you're a defense attorney, there really weighing this and it's probably not a great idea. >> let's talk about something that mcafee is ruling said at a recent awards event. >> she's >> or pardon me, this is what fani willis said. recent or sorry, this is what the judge is reasonably they tell me this is what willis said. i'm so sorry. i'm going to do this whole cycle myself without letting away in apparently.
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okay. so recently they tell me they don't like me to talk about race base. and this is what she told a crowd. well, i'm gonna talk about it anyway, and i wonder how you think the judge sees that because most recently in his ruling, he basically said, hey, a gag order isn't what is before the court right now. however, it might be time for one. >> she's allowed to talk about race. now if the question is, is she calling, calling a party to the proceedings racist as she calling something does her do her comments in some way touch on the substance of the proceeding? and i think people hear the word race sort of their ears up and think that she is inherently saying something problematic. the rule is, and when we're talking about gag orders and things that are permissible is the judge saying something that will impede a party's administration? ability to get the fair administration of justice. and we start talking about race. that's a little bit of a gray area. now, look, i'll be the first to say that every one in this case including that problem prosecutor, is guilty of probably going too far and saying things they shouldn't have about the other parties
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and about the judge in the court and so on. but i just think all this sensitivity around talking about race, i think is a little bit much here. >> the judge has also spoken publicly, let's let's remind people he's spoken publicly multiple times. and i know a lot of legal phil observers look and say, i really wonder if you would have done that, if he weren't facing an election because he is she is as well. >> i think that's the dark side. this is my personal view. as it says in the dark side of judges being elected in racist, they are running for office just like district attorneys. and frankly, presidents are. they? they're accountable to voters to, in a way that appointed judges are not. and he is going to be out on the campaign trail talking and speaking, and he has an interest in being seen as certain way by the public let's trial as well. >> so far he's been seen as pretty good. but i think speaking publicly has raised some eyebrows >> all of this >> talking that is going on. what does it do to the politicisation of there? trial and to the legitimacy with which people are going to view
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the outcome. >> a great challenges rionda, that one we in america enjoy the right to speak candidate it's enjoy the right to speak. it comes many people think from god as written into our constitution, and that's frankly a good thing. we also have an open court system and those two things come in conflict. conflict and they really are here. judges and law professors have struggled with these issues quite a bit. they need to be allowed to speak and speak their minds about other candidates. and frank play about the system but not at the cost of messing up somebody's trial. even a former president that many people take some issue with so if i had the answer today, it'd be a much richer man. i don't think anybody does, but it's a very, very narrow wine that both judge mcafee and frankly higher courts that review those are going to have to sort out. >> we'll have to see what happens with this potential gap. i've order or not. elliott always great to have you. thank you >> eclipse watchers will be looking toward the skies on monday, but what about those who are visually impaired up next the new technology that will allow them to experience
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that's 1871230800 >> melanie zanona on capitol hill. and this is the for many visually impaired or blind americans. this could be the first time that they get to experience a solar eclipse. how you say, well, it is all thanks to a new technology developed by researchers at harvard it's called the light sound device, which translates light into sound, allowing people to actually hear the eclipse. >> this is fascinating, joining us now is kiki smith. she works for a community development organization and new york there's going to be a other going to be hosting a free eclipse watch party using the device does kiki you yourself
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are, are blind can you demonstrate how this device works >> absolutely. thank you so much for having us on today we receive these light sound devices from allison by rayleigh and her team at harvard and the device plugs into by the audio jack to a set of speakers or set of headphones for private listening. but when you turn the device on and you turn the unit over, it is sensitive to light so that we'll use cell phone flashlight for example. the high pitch of a flu will represent the sound of light. >> pre >> eclipse, or hopefully at 2:00 here in rochester, new york. you'll hear this high pitch derrida >> and as the light waves those
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tones will decrease until the deepening of a clarinet sound. and eventually >> the sound of crickets, which represents totality for the three minutes and 38 seconds we'll have that silence. >> and at 3:20, 3.5 the clarinet will begin again and the light will wax. and we will begin to hear those notes ascend >> kiki, that is a main thing that is so cool and i didn't design it >> to use it. you get to use it in your >> years are very good model to show it, i will tell you to demonstrate it tell us a little bit about i mean, it's not just that that you will hear. they're also going to be other
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sensations you will share in with everyone, which is it gets a little cooler as the eclipse happens. so you're going to be experiencing that in tandem with the sound. and i wonder what you're anticipating well, i'm helping to feel a shift toward winter and then we'll have our beautiful spring bloom at three but also i'm really looking forward during the totality to hearing the silence to noticing the hush of the birds hopefully the traffic which is anticipated to be extraordinary here in town, will come to a halt. and so we'll actually just be experiencing together the silence of nature and of course, the oing and i1 of the gathered crowd >> yeah absolutely >> i'm wondering what this means >> for young kids, especially who are part of the visually
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impaired and blind community it has to be a unique sensation to experience something like this >> well, it is, it's certainly opportunity for us to belong to the rest of the world and all of their excitement and celebration that we can be part of that and not marginalized. but it also represents hope and possibility. i have told the story about how in fourth grade i was determined to become the next, the first woman astronaut at the time that was a long time ago >> but as my vision deteriorated, those dreams sort of disappeared. they got fuzzier and fuzzier as my ability to perceive those scientific materials and methods wasn't memorize able anymore and they were more conceptual. so i think that the development of these types of instruments and devices like
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the light sound box, give folks who are living with vision loss hope that they'll be able to participate in the careers and the technologies and the educational opportunities that we thought once upon a time, we're out of our reach, out of our time anyone >> yeah. and you've spoken about how you felt like you didn't belong and you mentioned that word belonging. i think it's so important as we have we've talked a psychologists about this clips. there's this collective event that is going to be very important to a lot of people. and this does allow you to belong. how important is that for? for the site and paired community >> i think it's really special we often feel marginalized because the world is so vizio centric, we watch all the time. it's all about what things look like and now particularly post-covid, i think the world
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really at-large came to understand this sense of isolation and marginalization. and it's bringing that into our everyday lives where we're trying to think more inclusively about belonging and value so that when we have these opportunities to be part integrated, it's not, this is not an event for the blind. it's an event with everybody, so we can participate alongside folks who see who don't see who here, who don't here. and together we can have these opportunities to participate in what would have been an only visual experience. we have some really neat tools this in fact is a device. this is another light sound device that was just built in prototype by our rochester institute of technology students. they're starting to get involved and how they can add that
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institution get involved in shifting this paradigm and thinking outside of our typical contexts. but we have a really neat here's florida representation, representations of the path of totality. back in 2017 that rough surface that takes those swath across from the northwest to the southeast, versus this path of totality that reaches up from texas. and eventually there we are, there we are with our sticker in rochester, new york. >> but this is back in 2017. i thought we all thought this was the biggest thing to hit rochester. but look how far away we were from that path of totality. here we are right in the center fine. >> and i had no idea >> until i got my fingers on this map what that meant for how this side of the map shows just how that corona is going
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to be just between those two little tangent lines. but sliver of light that provides the corona at totality. and how that tiny little moon is going to cast that huge shadow over that surface so that we can experience this together. >> kiki, it is amazing. i'll tell you i was frightened back tears there a second. i did not expect that with this segment that we are having with you, but this is amazing. thank you so much for spending time with us and showing us how you and so many people are going to be able to experience this. we really appreciate you being with us oh, we're so glad and we hope that this is just the beginning, that this is the kind of event that everybody walks away from and thanks. how can i make my next meeting? our next event? >> yeah. >> my business more all the time. yeah >> yeah. such a good point. kiki. thank you. and enjoy the eclipse we'll be right back >> such a pleasure. i'm trying >> he asked no matter where you
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spatially in colombia, the final flight premiere sunday at nine on cnn, >> closed captioning is brought to you by sokoloff law mesothelial mv victims call now $30 billion in trust money has been set aside. you may be entitled to a portion of that money all when 8085920400. that's when 8085920400. >> it is a big weekend ahead for college basketball. we're now down to a final four teams. in both the men's and women's march madness tournament the women's games tip off tonight. the men's games tip off tomorrow. coy wire is right now on the practice court putting up some free throws. in glendale, arizona, coy tickets through the weekend yeah, >> well, putting up bricks, first of all, boris better. yes, we are here on the court where uconn and dan hurley's huskies going to look to do something that hadn't been done and his 17 years. repeat as champions, they are on an historic run, ten straight games, winning by double digits has never been done before. they'll face alabama. and then the other there again, you have
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purdue facing nc state, who in the final four for the first time in 41 years, they'd lost four games to end the regular season, but have gone on another in game tear undefeated to make it to the final four, their head coach, kevin keys calls it a miracle run, but there's star big man dj burns, the 275 pounds i'm force of nature. he has believed all along, listen >> yeah, i definitely could have imagined this, you know, that's why i worked so hard every day to get to this point so i'm not going to act like it's something that was that i thought was unachievable, but you need a team to do it. so i'm just glad that god bless me with the team that we're allowed us to be here >> now, boris, tonight, another huge moment for women's sports. last at elite eight match-up between iowa and lsu drew 12.3 million again, viewers. that's more than every mlb game last season, every nhl game, every npa game, except for one, you're going to have the undefeated south carolina gamecocks of dawn staley. they
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are an abdominal forest. they're gonna be facing nc state, but the other match up tonight, iowa and caitlin clark facing the uconn huskies. we know the caitlin clark effect. she's shattered records packed arenas tickets to get in are more at the women men's final four than at the men's. currently, it's going to be an incredible match up because she's facing page becker's aka page buckets. the head goes for uconn geno auriemma already mean as likening this to the 1979 men's national championship game between magic and burn. this kind of be all guys a fireworks and a whole bunch of awesome on the women's final four tip and off tonight. >> a huge moment for women's basketball. this tournament has really raised the bar coy wire. look forward to seeing what you build with all those bricks. my man still to come on. >> cnn news central president biden about to speak after taking an aerial tour of the baltimore bridge collapse this is one day after a tense phone call between the white house and israeli prime minister
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benjamin netanyahu. days after that deadly strike on a world central kitchen convoy that left seven aid workers dead. we're going to bring you the president's remarks live >> band ammonium is brought to you by hi xfinity stream sports from the best seat in the house with xfinity, because it's only live once >> not all caitlin clark's are the same. >> caitlin clark >> city planner just like not all internet providers are the same. built settle get real deal speed reliable 30, and power with xfinity shoots from here, that's kinda my thing. >> get the real deal with xfinity internet today and get fast speeds and reliable connection to all your devices in the home even when everyone is online one aleve works all day. i can keep working to check just one 12 hours of
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