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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  April 5, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm PDT

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>> president biden arriving in baltimore meeting with officials over the bridge collapse and also family members of victims who were killed in the accident were standing by for remarks from him and a rear earthquake hitting the northeast, shaking people from maine to dc, snarling traffic on the ground and in the air as well, plus chasing the eclipse. how special nasa flights are going to follow the path of totality monday as it runs across the united states we're following these major developing stories and many more all coming in right here to cnn news central >> any moment now president biden will arrive in baltimore, will he will soon speak as the city is recovering from the francis scott key bridge disaster. biden will receive an aerial tour of the site to get a first-hand look at the destruction that was left behind. and then later he's expected to meet with officials
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and first responders. the president will also spend time with the face families of the six construction workers who were killed when the bridge came crashing down after a massive container ship hit one of its columns last week's incident effectively shut down operations at baltimore's port and biden has pledged the full support of the federal government with recovery efforts. >> his >> administration is asking congress to approve paying the entire cost of rebuilding the bridge. cnn senior white house correspondent kayla tausche is live from baltimore. kayla, what's the message that we're expecting to hear from president biden well, president biden, brianna is expected once again to pledge the full support of the federal government to the state of maryland into the city >> of baltimore. as they worked together for what is expected to be a multi-year multi-billion-dollar recovery effort >> just a few moments >> ago, president biden, a board marine one it was joined by governor wes moore of maryland, members of the coast
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guard as well as the lieutenant general who is part of the team of the army corps of engineers that is really leading the charge here and the potassium river with salvaging some of the destruction or recovering some evidence. and then of course it's going to be a very long road to covering later this hour, we're expecting president biden to deliver remarks here on the banks of the potassium go river >> echoing that >> complete support of the federal government has pledged to pay for the recovery and the rebuild of this bridge, which he has said to many local officials, is important to him personally because he commuted over that bridge for many years when he was serving in the senate. you will also be meeting with families of the six victims who were working on the bridge and died when it collapsed early last last week, those families have been working with the government led by tom perez, who is the white house. is head of intergovernmental affairs to get some closure on the situation asking for it, things like humanitarian parole so that they can come from other
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countries, from their home countries to the united states. and in one case, perez tells cnn, he's been asked to repatriate the body. he says he's working with four different countries on those efforts and working with us citizenship and immigration services all in all, it is all hands on deck, very robust multi-pronged effort so far, the department of transportation has greenlit $60 which cnn has told is just the initial tranche of what this is going to cost. but that they're trying to remove red tape and remove regulatory barriers to get that money in the hands of the officials who need it. as soon as possible, guys. >> all right. kayla tausche live from baltimore. thank you. boris. >> today, president biden is also navigating the fallout from israel's deadly strike on an aid convoy earlier this week just after he demanded that prime minister benjamin netanyahu drastically improve israel's efforts to protect civilians aid workers, the israeli military shared its damning preliminary report on that killing of seven world
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central kitchen aid workers. the idf says that a quote, serious violation of protocols contributed. and that a shoulder bag mistaken for a weapon, was central to what happened two idf personnel have since been dismissed as a result of the investigation. cnn's jeremy diamond has been following this for us from jerusalem. so jeremy walk us through the answers that this preliminary investigation provides and what questions still remain? >> well bores in six months of war, we have seen thousands of civilians killed in gaza. we have seen a convoy struck before, hunt nearly 200 aid workers have died in gaza since the beginning of this war. but we have never seen the israeli military carry out such a thorough and public accounting of its actions. and this report is quite damning the israeli military acknowledging that commanders involved in these strikes on this world central kitchen convoy violated military protocols and made
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errors in decision-making, fatal errors that led to the deaths of the seven aid workers, the israeli military gives a timeline of what happened. they say that in this all started when a humanitarian aid trucks left the pier where aid has been coming in by c shortly after that, the identified a gunman on one of these aid trucks and subsequently as these vehicles, civilian vehicles belonging to the world central kitchen joined this convoy israeli commanders made a grave mistake miss identifying the vehicles as carrying militants, believing that these militants were inside these vehicles, which of course was very much not the case. they also miss identified a bag that one of these aid workers was carrying as a weapon all of this led to the decision by commanders to carry out these airstrikes on three vehicles in the course of four minutes, three of these world central kitchen vehicles were struck resulting in the
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deaths of the seven aid workers. now, in terms of consequences, the israeli military's chief of staff has decided to dismiss two of the the officers involved in this. the chief of staff of the nahal brigade, kernel noche mendell, as well as an unidentified major who was serving as the brigade fire support officer. three other senior officers, the brigade commander, the division commander, and the head of southern commands, have been reprimanded by the chief of staff in this instance jeremy, we're also learning more about the next phase of negotiations to release hostages from gaza. we've learned that hamas is just rejected another proposal yeah, that's right. >> the israeli government submitted a counterproposal of sorts earlier this week, which we now understand that hamas has rejected. this is not the first counter proposal that israel has put on the table over the course of the last couple of weeks. but once again, it has been rejected by hamas, which appears to be sticking to its demands. one of
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the key sticking points in these talks is that hamas is calling for totally unrestricted access for palestinians to go from the southern part of the gaza strip back to northern gaza. the israeli government and its counterproposal, as i understand it, has proposed limiting the return, but has started to move its negotiation position to know palestinians returning to northern gaza to saying now that some can return with security checks with the limit on the number of palestinians per day. but hamas appears to be rejecting that this doesn't mean the end of talks altogether though. as we understand it, the cia director bill burns burns as well as the director of the mousavi. they are set to meet with mediators in cairo over the weekend. so these negotiations will indeed continue. but this is certainly a fraught moment for these talks as the israeli government has threatened to move into rafah, what the israeli prime minister has described as hamas's last bastion. if indeed a heel is not reached
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>> jeremy diamond, life for us from jerusalem. thank you so much, jeremy, brianna >> we're joined now by democratic congressman gerry connolly of virginia. he is a member of the house foreign affairs committee, a congressman, thanks for taking time to be with us. what is your reaction to this idf initial report? >> i continue to be horrified by what happened >> and while i am glad that the idf has found this attack on aid workers who were providing humanitarian assistance to be unjustified and a terrible breach of protocol. >> it's not the >> only breach of protocol in this war by the israeli defense forces they killed three of their own hostages who were speaking hebrew and waving white flags. they've killed this and people seeking shelter in a christian church in
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mosques, in hospitals, in civilian refugee shelters the idf has proved to be undisciplined in many cases, and trigger-happy and the accountability. now that it's begun with this tragedy has to be tended to the entire course of the war >> we heard secretary blinken initially calling for an impartial investigation that was the word he used in partial event earlier today, he called for an independent investigation, which the white house notably walked back. what do you think that this tragedy calls for an impartial investigation which could mean a range of things or an independent investigation which would mean by an entity that is outside of and separate independent from the idf well, i believe israel historically has been capable of examining >> itself and coming to hard
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truths. i think there's a record of doing that, but i do believe israeli credibility in this war has been so damaged especially by its prime minister during his government, prime minister netanyahu that an independent inquiry into what happened. it's probably warranted. >> and as the only kind >> of inquiry that's going to have international credibility the term independent is fraught in 2015, when the us military struck a doctors without borders hospital in kunduz >> afghanistan, where as you're well aware, they killed more than 40 people >> they >> didn't conduct an independent investigation. the ericanilitary did it trying to be impartial, but nonetheless, it wasn't independent. how does that inform what the us can reasonably request of israelher >> well maybe we should ha had an independentnquiry then too. but ctainly given the course of th war andhe issues that's raised, and the fact that 33,000 palestinian
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lives have been lost i believe israel has to move swiftly and comprehensively to try to restore its credibility in the international community that has been very badly damaged yeah. >> and i know that you've seen this reporting congressman about ai and how israel is using it. and the fact that it appears in many cases, according to some reporting you had human involvement in it. not really sifting adequately through it that they were kind of just rubber stamping what ai was finding about targets do you have any questions about whether ai may have been used in the strike? did you get any answers about that from this initial report? >> i haven't seen that report in any detail. >> i would >> caution that, you ai is still in its sort of adolescent stages of development. so
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putting a lot of beit than the algorithms generated by ai is a very dicey way to run a war. >> and >> ultimately, it's about the guidance, the policy guidance given to the military forces in gaza that i'm going to matter which is it seems to me protect civilians at all cost when in doubt hold back make sure double-check that the time is we're looking at are in fact the targets we want to go after. and that we have minimized collateral damage in property and lives, especially and i think that's really what's been missing throughout the urse of this war. >> i wonder coressn have you haanconversations with chairman meeks about f 15 approval if there's any consideration of holding that up >> i have not. i think it is important to distinguish ffts from other kinds of munitions.
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the ff things will have to be constructed and it's going to take about five years for any delivery of the 15's, as i understand it. so the ff things are not part of the immediate situation what is of more concern certainly for me and i think for a lot of other people is more weaponry that can be used on the battlefield right now what are the conditions? since what are the guidelines around that kind of offensive weaponry to ensure that the concerns president biden raised very forcefully with prime minister that you just yesterday are met all >> congressman gerry connolly, we do appreciate your time as we are trying to get answers. so many of which we can't from this initial report. thank you so much. >> thank you. briana >> ahead this hour on cnn news central, 4.8 earthquake, 4.8 magnitude earthquake in the
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northeast. but just how rare are these tremors plus a critical meeting today between house speaker mike johnson and the colleague who is it's trying to expel him. the 101 could be the difference in whether ukraine gets much needed aid and a new sexual assault lawsuit naming sean diddy combs and his son as co-defendants will have the allegations coming with jake tapper today. it four and cnn with moderate to >> severe plaque psoriasis, my skin was no longer mine. >> my active psoriatic arthritis joint symptoms held me back don't let symptoms define you emerge as you withdrawn via most people saw 90% clear skin at four months and the majority stayed clearer at five years >> from phi is proven to significantly reduce joint pain, stiffness, and swelling. it's just six doses a year after to starter doses, cbs
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at nine on cnn. >> some developing news out of the northeast, a rare 4.8 magnitude earthquake shaking up the tri-state area today, the epicenter was in new jersey, but people say they felt shaking as far north as main all the way down to hear the nation's capital in washington dc. so far, fortunately, there appears to be no serious damage. let's go straight to cnn's chad myers. chad 4.8 on the richter scale grand scheme of things, not a huge earthquake, but it is rare to get them in the northeast absolutely. it was the strongest earthquake in new jersey since new jersey became a state so that's where we are and the old ones were 5.1 before they became a state. and i'm not sure what kind of equipment they're using to get the 5.1, but it was a shallow quake and it was like just like ringing a bell, the whole place just rang and moved away from the epicenter unlike a western shake, where we could be hundreds of miles deep, we're just kinda sways back and forth. but there are the two bigger ones, five-point ones,
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but look at 17:55. i mean, come on so about 100,000 people felt some pretty strong shaking, but we'll go somewhere in the middle here, moderate to strong, about a quarter of 1 million picked up that shape thinking and 165,000 people reported it to the usgs normally, we see like 20 reports, but everybody was reporting this one because they obviously did feel it shaking, felt in new york city, philadelphia, dc, the seismic waves go farther in the east because there are fewer cracks in the soil, cracks it's in the bedrock. so when it rings, it just goes for miles and miles and miles and there you go. we probably will get one aftershocks somewhere in the ballpark of about 3.8 or so. it was a shallow quake right there just about three or four miles below the surface. that was part of the problem. i saw some pictures. boris online where they showed cracks in the city streets of new york i kind of chuckled and i said, well, you are a tourist because that crack has been there for a
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very, very very californian has had some thoughts that she has kept to herself, chad. i will say that's not an earthquake. this isn't earthquake is feeling >> no, no. i mean, you >> have to be careful. you do there could be damaged. it's true, but it's just it's the novelty of it were sort of like we know that chad myers thanks so much for the perspective. >> you bet >> so now to some of the other headlines that we're watching this hour, the yankees are pushing back the start of monday's game. after realizing players would be on the field during the eclipse, what's the matter with that? i don't know what they were originally set to take on the miami marlins 2:00 p.m. so now the game is going to start at six. the team says the first 15,000 fans to show up, we'll get a free yankee solar eclipse shirt. maybe they thought they couldn't compete with the sun. >> yeah, i shock. they didn't see that on the calendar, perhaps not surprising for the miami marlins. nevertheless, also the fbi, along with the lapd, there's still looking
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for burglars who managed to pull off one of the biggest cash heists in la's history >> investigators believe the suspects were sophisticated we're told me focused on whether the thieves had inside knowledge of the money storage facility they rob you're looking at aerial footage of it now. they were able to steal some 30 million without setting off a single alarm meantime, the us coast guard is searching for a man who went overboard during a cruise in the bahamas. officials say the 20 year-old victim fell into the water about 50, 57 miles from the great in agua island proves have been looking for him since 6:00 a.m. thursday morning still a come on news >> central. will ukraine aid be the price that mike johnson has to pay in order to keep his speakership he's set to meet with far-right party member marjorie taylor greene today and she is threatening to oust him. and humans have been looking toward this guy since the dawn of time and making all
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sorts of determinations about what is happening here on earth based on the stars, we're going to talk to an astrologer about the solar eclipse when we come back next stop >> the >> stage >> and dreams are made up they talk about for a lifetime, we will see you in phoenix with car gurus. >> you can start your financing from home only. you could do things your way all the time >> maybe someday get it with gurus >> have an excellent warren g warranty, blurring ci >> okay, got it go. >> you must have american home shield. that, you know, i can tell you a appliances in home
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she shoots from here? that's kinda my thing. try three. at fubotv >> i'm sunlen serfaty in washington and this is cnn the fate of usa. do ukraine could be on the line today is to have maga, world's most high-profile names who are at odds over the issue are expected to speak last month. congresswoman marjorie taylor greene took the first step to
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remove mike johnson as house speaker after he cut a deal with democrats to a a government shutdown this week she warned him she may move one step closer to ousting him if johnson uses democratic votes to pass billions and aid for ukraine's war against russia. cnn's melanie zanona is here with the latest on this. melas is going to be some kind of conversation. >> yeah, indeed, the goal for this speaker here is to really take down the temperature because the two some have not spoken since marjorie taylor greene initially filed that motion to vacate the speaker's chair before the recess, and she has been publicly bashing him over this two-week break. so the best scenario here for johnson is that he is able to convince her to back off of her threat to follow through with that motion to vacate. and i do know one argument that at least other republicans have made to her hi, this is that if she follows through with this step there was a risk that this can hand the speaker's gavel to democrats, just given the razor-thin majority in the house, but it's unclear if johnson can say anything on this phone call to convince her
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to back down, and that is because she is warning that he cannot move ahead with ukraine aid. and at this point, he's given every indication that he does plan and to move ahead with some sort of ukraine package, even though he's not detailed what that is exactly going to look like. he is vowing to press ahead with that in the weeks ahead. so he has some very big decisions to make. really, he's just trying to find a way to fund ukraine without losing his speakership. >> what did she call him publicly? >> bashing him as just a liar and saying he's a quote, fool you know, normally in the house of representatives, normal stuff in the house of representatives, indeed, melanie zanona appreciated for us millions of americans are expected to travel to get the best possible view of monday's solar eclipse for just a few minutes, but for a couple of nasa flight >> crews, the travel and the view is going to be especially spectacular. they get to follow the path of totality or total darkness. a board, some specialized jets they're going to be chasing the eclipse from 50,000 feet in the sky, joining
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us now is one of those lucky crew members, tony casey is the nasa sensor equipment operator chosen for the rare total eclipse mission. sir, thanks so much for sharing your afternoon with us that tell us more about this mission and where you're gonna be during the eclipse thank you very much. appreciate you having me on. >> yes. we're very happy to be a part of this team. we got to jets and pilot that seo for each one. and to be part of this is really great. we're going to be traveling down to mazatlan, mexico big enough, totality. there and should get about seven minutes as the gold made, maybe a little less than that >> so what is nasa going to be looking for during this mission? >> so that's it is operating the jets that in order to accomplish science, so science was kinda determined ahead of time what we're going to do. so we partner with research institutes and other organizations. so university of hawaii build up a couple of unique payloads are going to be making there second test flight today, and then their first
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mission flight on monday spectrometry spectrometer or type instruments that are going to be studying the corona that way. and then i'm operating one that science is being sponsored by southwest research institute. we're going to be collecting data for them simply studying the corona, trying to understand this corona is like 100 times hotter than the surface. the surface gets blocked out, so you can really see it there in these eclipse moments and every second of data is so valuable to them. so we're happy to be able to go up, try to get the instrument settings just the way they want them and get them. everything we can get them is there anything different about flying during an eclipse because i know the temperatures a little bit lower and obviously it's going to be darker, >> but is there anything that you do differently in this kind of scenario? >> well, the temperature is always called it 50,000 feet. so the temperature is not a big thing, but the thing that i've been warned about, the flight crews that flew in 2017 for that eclipse is you've got to sit, your cockpit up as if you're gonna be flying at night
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because very suddenly you're gonna go from flying in a datetime a twilight two, it's dark in the middle of that shadow. so all your instrumentation has got to be set up to have backlighting and enough lighting and then deming's say, my screen, i'm gonna be monitoring the system so that's the big adjustment that has to be made will also be splitting the solar screens on our standard flight visor. so we'll be able to look at the sign before the totality >> what do you think that view is going to be like at 50,000 feet? >> stellar. i mean, absolutely phenomenal. i'm so excited, i'm so happy i can't believe i'm part of this, but i've been strived is you're you're in the middle darkness for that amount of time. it just runs an overtake you and then it's twilight all around one. of the, one of. the pilots is actually going to be taking a camera and i think livestreaming just a shot around once he's in totality. i think to nasa tv, nasa youtube during the event. so maybe one of the first views you get from 50,000 feet would be from him.
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>> justin jones, i'm gonna look for i'm going to look for that and look forward to it as well the big question that's on the minds of millions of americans that are traveling toward the path of totality is about the weather. and i know that the potential for inclement weather has already affected your plans. tell us about that. >> that's correct yeah. we're expecting some pretty rough weather here at ellington on monday, at least enough to do it put are take-off at risk and permission. this important and central rare opportunity, we just really couldn't have that. so we decided on sunday regulate and relocate the jets to el paso will fly over there, stayed the night and do our mission operating out of it paso and hopefully the weather will cooperate. we can come back home on monday >> yeah. you mentioned just how critical and rare this opportunity is. it's gonna be a while before we see another eclipse like this. how important is it to get this mission right do you feel any kind of pressure? >> i always feel pressure with these big missions. i've gotten the chance to do the first sls
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rocket launch, certain improve. one came back from the iss and even though cyrus recognition, so they're all they're all high pressure and they all kind of weigh on. you. >> interrupt your >> sleep the night before you'll have not marist about showing >> up blade or something like that. this one i'm not so much worried about finding the sun. i just want to make sure i've got all the settings, dialed in and i got the sense are optimized for getting executable be worn that's one caesarea, is a fascinating mission and we really appreciate you sharing your journey with us. i'm looking forward to seeing some snapshots of that view. >> we look forward to being able to provide it to you in for just getting science some data so they can continue to study the sun or atmosphere down here and how it affects our world down here. so we're proud to be able to bring that back down to the earth into the guys, they can really do some good work with it yeah, interesting stuff. >> a tony. thank you again >> thank you, sir >> so if you're not going to be
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50,000 feet and this sky, you should be with cnn, join us for eclipse across america, are special live coverage starts monday, april 8 at 1:00 p.m. eastern right here on cnn then you could also stream it on macs. stay with new central were back in just a few minutes >> get your viewing glasses ready and experience so rare, it won't happen again for another two decades. joint cnn for live coverage around the country of the spectacle in the skies, eclipse across america live monday good one on cnn we're streaming on macs >> i have lots of monthly subscriptions, streaming music, news sites. then i want to experience, now i can see them in one place and the ones i forgot about, experian, you cancel them for me. >> she >> all you can do it >> slash safe. >> now, the future is not just going to happen you have to make it if you want a successful business, all it takes is an idea. and now becomes the future. a future where you grew a dream into a
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in the suit, but only christian combs accused of assault. let's go down to cnn's elizabeth wagmeister, who has been following this story. elizabeth tell us what you're learning >> high, briana. yes. so this is the first suit that is against christian columns. he is the 26 year-old son of sean diddy combs. he is a wrapper and he is a model. now, the accuser who goes by the name of grace. oh, mercator. she was a crew member and a bartender on a luxury yacht and pr this suit, this all went down in december of 2022 when diddy and his family were aboard this yep. now, she claims that she was sexually assaulted by christian columns. there we see them on the red carpet with his father, diddy at the vmas last year, and this is from the lawsuit. i want to read you an allegation. it says, quote, defendant sean combs, turn what was sold as a wholesome family excursion into a hedonistic environment according to plaintiff, it resulted in an
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unexpected increase in workload for her and her colleagues, as well as unwanted exposure to unlawful drug use, sex work and general chaos now, more of the allegations as we get into some of the details from this complaint, briana grace alleges that christian homes had tequila that she says he brought on the yacht and she believes that it could have been laced with drugs. she said that he forced her to take many shots of tequila and after she doesn't have any exact clear memory of what happened, but that's when she says that she was physically assaulted now, in this complaint, there are photos that are alleged to be of her arm with bruises and also there is an audio recording that is referenced in this suit. now, we have not obtained or listen to this audio recording it. cnn, but per the complaint, there is a transcript from this audio that says that she was asking christian combs if he was
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drugging her and she was asking him to stop touching her in appropriately. now i have heard back from an attorney for christian columns and here is what he tells us. he says quote, we have not seen this woman's claim, but i'm sure we can expect the same kind of manufactured lies. we've come to expect from tyrone's from blackburn and his clients. now, tyrone blackburn is the attorney who is representing this accuser. he's also representing two other accusers. so as you see from that statement attorneys for christian columns and diddy, they're not responding to the specific allegations, but they are instead aiming to discredit he attorney for the accuser. >> very interesting. elizabeth wagmeister. thank you. we know you'll continue to follow the story. horus >> six months after the october 7 hamas attack on israel 134 israelis remained captive inside gaza about half of the original hostages have made it home. >> among them,
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>> yard in roman god cnn's bianna golodryga spoke with her for an one-hour special airing this weekend on cnn. here's a preview eventually, i got to house like seville have most of the time i was there. >> no other hostages were held with her and with someone with you, a terrorist with you every day >> every second? all the time. >> recounting her experience is not easy >> it's very difficult feeling to explain >> okay. let's stop for a look. i'm sorry >> what. is the meaning of being hostage who cannot pick out there is no certainty you have to be alert all of the time very deep aspects of
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humanity that are taking away it is a powerful, our be on his report errors this sunday at 8:00 p.m. eastern on the whole story with anderson cooper. >> stay >> would cnn we'll be right back. >> next stage dreams are made up. >> they talk about lifetime >> we will see you in phoenix >> there's always a first deal on a subway out. how about boko 50% off foot-long, like the irresistible phillies. once you got to fake play, there's nothing better than, sorry, buddy. this deal is so big we had to cut you screen down to fill it all in water now and assault way out. >> you got better things to do than clean out cloud gutters call lee filter today, and never clean out clog gutters again, leaf filters technology keeps debris out of your
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florida, every step covered >> i'm pete muntean. it reagan national airport. this is cnn >> throughout eons, cultures have turned to the stars and astrology for some four answers. and as the solar eclipse approaches, the study of how stars and planets influencing people's lives is now part of the conversation. >> once that's right, it's very relevant, which is why i pitched this next guess that
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we're having on this heightened interest includes people posting videos on social media. they've been buying tarot cards birth charts, doing readings. >> but why? >> let's talk about it with astrologer jessica lanyue, do she's the host of ghost of a podcast. jessica. thank you so much for being with us. we've been looking forward to this segment and we should note that this eclipse is happening in aries march 21, 1st through april 20, april 19th you aries folks out there. what >> is this going to >> mean for those who are areas like by the way, are floor director pablo, whose birthday is on the eve of the eclipse well, first of all, thank you so much for having me and the solar eclipse is huge news in astrology. it's a time where things really come to the surface and demand to be dealt with. and in particular, big areas like emotions so a lot of
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people, but especially areas are feeling a great sense of urgency with this eclipse >> yeah, i'm wondering you mentioned that eclipses, their effects can last about six months. this is in some of the research we did about statements he made before what are some of those effects? are certain star signs more affected by eclipse's than others >> so with astrology, what we understand is that the effects of an eclipse always lasts about six months. so what that means is that whatever it is that is coming up for for a person or situation during the eclipse on april 8 will take about six months to have its effects fully felt. >> so it's a really big deal >> in terms of the zodiac signs that are going to be most affected. honestly, all 12 of the zodiac signs are going to be deeply affected. goodbye, this solar eclipse but in
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particular, because this is a very aires time, we have a lot of planets in areas and we are coincidentally going through a mercury retrograde in areas. at the same time, the cardinal signs are going to be most affected and the cardinal signs and astrology are eriz, libra capricorn, and cancer. >> so interesting, and we noticed that you had been, you've been talking to people about the importance of being present during an eclipse, which really stood out to us because we also spoke with a psychologist who said, just the nature of something like an eclipse who's worried about the past, were worried about the future. but when you are looking at an eclipse, you're really drawn to the present. tell us a little bit about what you've been telling people yeah, absolutely. >> so whenever we go through moon transits, any eclipses are moon transits the primary lesson is to become more
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emotionally self-aware and to evolve emotionally and the only way to do that is by being present four 1s emotions the thrust of my work around the eclipse this eclipse season. but every season is to help people to identify tools for staying present with emotions and coping with whatever comes up and the nature of this particular eclipse is bringing up air, emotions that are like frustration, anger, ambition passion and urgency. as i mentioned, and these are emotions that a lot of people have a hard time sitting with and staying with. most people were promised them or act out in a reactionary way around them. and so this is a time for cultivating greater emotional skills. so that we basically have healthier, better lives. >> just to go, briana really wants me to ask the following question that she just scribbled on this page node,
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asked this eclipse wait what does this mean? being for any babies born in the zone of totality during the eclipse if you're born on an eclipse, is freight question. >> yeah it is a powerful sign being born on an eclipse or for the person who's giving birth, giving birth on any clips it >> indicates that this is a really big emotional experience for the person giving birth on an eclipse. it can be pretty intensity, can be a very emotional and very especially athletic experience, but for a baby born during an eclipse, we have a person who will grow into a strong having a strong nature, you want to keep in mind in astrology, the sun represents your identity and your vitality and your sense of self and the moon is their feelings and your wants and
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your needs. and during a solar eclipse, the sun and moon are meeting up in a way that both strength strengthens both of those things, but also changes them. it makes a person a bit unusual, but in a really good way >> so i hope you very others just like us and >> look, people >> who have a due date are going to go into labor on monday. they need to know this. yes. jessica, that was fantastic. thank you so much for being with thank you so much for having me. >> and thanks for asking that question >> i wanted to ask about lottery numbers and the miami dolphins are ever going to win a super bowl, but alas, i'm out here for all my sisters due on monday join cnn four eclipse across america are special live coverage with us is going to start monday, april 8, 1:00 p.m. eastern right here on cnn. or you can stream it on max and the head on cnn news central. we're watching baltimore where president biden is visiting the
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site of that bridge collapse. he's going going to be speaking here shortly and we're going to bring that to sunday. >> new interviews with the return israeli hostages. >> what is the meaning of being hostage raise no certainty, and the fight for the release of those still in captivity. the whole story with anderson cooper, sunday at eight on cnn >> thinking i'm thinking about her honeymoon? >> about africa so far hot air balloon rice when with elephants, weight three, four, safari. >> great question. like everything takes a little planning or with a mind towards a down payment on a ranch in montana with horses. >> let's take a look at those scenarios. >> jpmorgan wealth management has advisors and chase branches and tools like wealth plan to help keep you on track when you're planning for it. all the answer is jp morgan wealth management not flossing well >> then add the >> bow of listerine to your routine. new science shows. listerine is five times more
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