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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  April 5, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT

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mesothelial more victims call now $30 billion in trust money has been set aside. you may be entitled to a portion of that money call when 8085920400. that's when 8085920400 president biden surveying the collapsed >> francis scott key bridge from the sky and meeting with the families of victims, the president's have to speak at any moment now, we're in baltimore with more on his visit, plus mistaken identification and errors. major developments after aid workers were killed gaza, what a new report from the israeli military says went wrong. >> and >> who is being held accountable. >> plus, did you feel the earth move under your feet? hey, 4.8 magnitude quake rattling several of america's major cities. the strongest to hit new jersey since it became a state. we have reaction, including the muted reaction shin of some californians and it's known as the cowboy
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capital of the united states. how one texas town is going all out for the eclipse. >> we're >> following these major developing stories and many more all coming in, right here to cnn newsome >> right now. >> we are waiting to hear from president biden, who is in baltimore serving the damage from last week's devastating britain the last last hour he was given an aerial tour of the side to get a first-hand look at the destruction left behind. he is also set to meet with officials during a briefing to discuss the salvage and recovery efforts. after that massive container ship collided with the francis scott key bridge later the president will spend time with the families of the six construction workers that were killed when the bridge came crashing down. cnn senior white house correspondent kayla tausche is live for us in baltimore. kayla, the president is expected to speak behind you at any moment now what's the
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message we should expect to hear? >> leadership of governor wes who we have been working laborious ahead of him in the program right now, is secretary of transportation pete buttigieg speaking then it will be maryland governor wes moore. but when the president takes the podium, he's expected to talk about a few things. first, pledge, once again, the full spectrum of federal government resources in this recovery effort >> he has always ready, said that the federal government will be paying for the full rebuild. this bridge. and he's expected to call on congress to authorize that to be the case so far the federal government has provided 60 million for this initial stage of recovery. and there's expected to be potentially billions more to come. he's also expected to praise the coordinated response thus far, the work that the federal government agencies and local officials here in what's more having worked together from the wee hours early last week as the dali container ship collided with the key bridge and brought it crashing down since then, there has been a
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very regular case didn't of communication between officials at the federal, state, and local level to get the recovery to this point, we expect president biden to talk about the importance of this court to win personally, but also to the national economy in the briefing that he just received from local officials, he learns that it's the number one port for automobile exports and imports. there's also a lot of farm equipment that comes through here, as well as a lot of metals that come through here. certainly the army corps of engineers has been working day and night to figure out when it can read open the channel to the port of baltimore to interstate commerce. once again, and they've now set that timeline for the end of mason. certainly that is quite a bit of progress local officials have said that they have 50 divers here and 12 cranes to assist with getting the bridge off of the dali ship. one official said, there's a lot of bridge on that that's one until they can get all of the metal and steel off of that boat. >> they >> can't move it out of the way and they really can't get on with the rest of their work.
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>> so it's clearly a >> very multi-pronged effort. but we expect that president biden is going to praise the work done so far while still talking about the long road to a full recovery guys, for example, you will be monitoring those remarks live from president biden, kayla tausche. thanks so much from baltimore, brianna, in the wake of an israeli drone strike that killed seven aid workers in gaza this week, president biden and top white house officials are demanding that israel take concrete steps to protect civilians or face the consequences of a shift in us policy toward the war. now, one day later, israel has unveiled some new action to idf officers had been fired as a result of the israeli military's preliminary report on the deadly attack on the world central kitchen convoy and israel is opening to entry points for gaza aid deliveries. secretary of state antony blinken says about move that the real test will be the results. cnn's jeremy diamond is tracking all of this from jerusalem. jeremy tell us about this initial report from israel
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and the steps that are being taken well, briana and six months of war, we have never seen the israeli military carry out such a thorough and public >> accounting of its actions, of its killing of civilians in the gaza strip, as we are now over the killing of these seven aid workers, six of whom were foreigners. in this israeli military terry strike earlier this week, the israeli military in its report today on its findings of its investigation, saying that commanders involved in these strikes violated military protocols and made errors in decision-making. they lay out a timeline of how this all unfolded, saying that it started when an israeli drone picked up what they say is a gunman on top of one of these aid trucks that was part of this convoy. once the convoy alongside three vehicles with these seven staffers arrived at a warehouse from there, the israeli military commanders began making very wrong and
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very deadly assumptions. believing that the gunman was actually in one of these vehicles that rather than humanitarian aid staffers, they believed that hamas militants were inside these vehicles. that of course is despite the fact that the world central kitchen logo was plastered on two of these vehicles, the israeli military saying that it's drones did not pick that up at nighttime. they also miss identified a bag that one of these aid workers was carrying, believing that it was a weapon. and so what happened next over the course of four minutes, three israeli drone strikes carried out on these three separate vehicles, killing all seven of these workers. these really military for its part, has now dismissed two of the office sources involved reprimanded. three more questions now about how they will take the lessons learned from this and apply them in the future as they say they will, they have yet to actually provide details on any substantive policy changes, brown. >> all right. jeremy diamond. thank you for that report. >> horace, we want to discuss these developments with someone who resigned from the state department last fall and
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protest of the administration' s ongoing arms transfers to israel. josh paul joins us now. josh, thanks so much for being with us. what do you make of the idf response? so far the firing of those two commanders, the opening of a couple of more paths pathways to get aid in. do those steps gives you, give you confidence that the administration is persuading netanyahu to alter his course >> i think they demonstrate that the united states has immense leverage here. i only wish they had used it earlier the opening of humanitarian crossings is vital. this investigation is a step forward, but the issue is systematic and intentional. where are the investigation of the strikes that killed over 200 other aid workers where are the investigations of the strikes that killed 100 journalists? where are the investigations of the slide provider has killed children. where are the investigations within executions of doctors or patients that are three balls, but where are the investigations of the torture of prisoners under israeli
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custody where are the investigations? the destruction of universities whether the investigations of the pillaging of private ohms. where are the investigations of the attacks on churches and mosques? and i could go on >> josh in response to the announcement about the opening of those border crossings, the secretary of state, antony blinken said that the real test would be how much actual aid reaches people in gaza. i'm wondering, given your view from having been in the state state department, whether you think the administration has a real mechanism in place to accurately measure the difference that these new steps would make well it's, very difficult and let's be clear that is one issue to get the get the actual humanitarian assistance, the food, the medicine into gaza. it has another to distributed and charities like an era, the second largest distributor of aid in gaza, the recently suspended operations has been very clear that it is impossible to distribute food and medicine appropriately when there is fighting going on, when there is still conflict.
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so it is not enough to admit humanitarian assistance to gaza. there needs to be an immediate ceasefire >> in response to criticism over the issue that you resigned over the arms transfers, the arms sales nsc spokesperson john kirby, argue that many of those deals have been in the works for a long time, deals for fighter jets. the 2000 pound bombs. they're years in the making, they've been in motion since well before the war started. what do you make of that argument >> so the us has the authority under the law to suspend or delay any deal for any reason at any time prior to delivery. >> and >> given that the us continues to approve arms transfers of various types, the israel on an almost daily basis knowing what is going on on the ground right now in gaza, there is no reason that these cannot be stopped or suspended, or used as leverage. but of course, there are also laws that apply here for example, we are not allowed to
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provide military assistance to a country that is restricting us funded humanitarian assistance with israel's admission that it is going to open these two new crossings. that is essentially commission that they have been restricting humanitarian assistance. so there is much more that the us could be doing even if a deal was signed many years ago >> when you say there's a lot more that the us could be doing if congress or the white house were to implement conditions on military aid to restrict military aid. what would you like to see them put in place? that would be effective, but that would still allow israel to fight hamas well before we even talk about conditioning military assistance, we need to talk about following our own laws. laws like the one i just mentioned that we can provide assistance where humanitarian assistance is being restricted we can't provide assistance to units that are credibly alleged to be involved in gross violations of human rights once we have done that, i think there are clearly sets of arms that are being used in gaza, such as 2000 pound bombs, which are inherently indiscriminate.
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these are bonds that destroy entire city blocks. we also know that the idf is using firearms in ways that are deeply inappropriate to, for example, as the guardian as reported in the last few days sniper for attacks against children so there are certainly a whole range of lethal weapon systems for the us could be using both as leverage over israel. >> and >> anyway, should be restricting given israel's use of those weapons in the current conflict >> josh paul, thanks for sharing your perspective. >> thank you for having me. >> of course, brown developing news out of the northeast are rare, 4.8 magnitude earthquake rattling the tri-state area today, the epicenter was in new jersey, but people felt shaking as far north as main all the way down to the washington, dc the area so far there appears to be no serious damage. let's go straight to cnn's polo sandoval in new york. polo, tell us, tell us about this so briana, if you take a circle through times square, it'd be
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hard to believe that it was just a few hours ago that one of the most iconic >> parts of the city was rocked by that four point nick magnitude earthquake. it is very much business as usual in new york, city officials have been asking that to the public to go about their de being that so far preliminary reports indicate that there were no damages no, at least on noticeable damages, and also no injuries. so at this point where the assessment stage of this really quite historic incident from earlier this morning when four, magnitude earthquake was registered. now in terms of what the city has also said, they are encouraging people to certainly remain vigilant because of the possibility, albeit very low possible ability of any potential aftershocks. so so far we haven't noticed that in terms of what we're hearing from new yorkers and tourists alike some people noticed that this morning, you're like me >> you're on the subway, so didn't really feel that earlier this morning, but it's certainly something that people are talking about today now, brianna's we get rid, send things back to you that just gives you a general sense of this. savannah. it really isn't so much a destructive one, but more potentially disruptive one as they continue
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their assessment of some of the bridge's and roadways in and around new york city all right, we'll stay tuned to see what they find polo. thank you for that still ahead burglary, tourists entering the us, how they're getting in and y1 couple says the thieves really hit the jackpot plus a bill in one state would give workers the right to do disconnect how the proposal could improve work-life balance. and bill nye, the science guy joins us live to break down the science of the eclipse. love those stories and many more coming up on cnn news central the lead with jake tapper today at 4:00 a.m. cnn >> this is a futurama go daddy aroh creates a logo website even social posts in minutes >> ai, ai, like it who wants to come see the future, get your business online and minutes with go daddy aroh >> it's better outside with ninja cook outs, with master
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go now to baltimore where governor wes moore is speaking and is about to introduce >> president biden. there at the bridge collapse business sports teams community champions have committed a combined 15 million thus >> far to support our workers and our neighbors in this moment >> the >> alliance is over 50 members strong and we are only getting stronger maryland is building a table that is large enough to include everybody from our federal partners to our non-profit leaders, to our entrepreneurs, to our port workers and this morning i signed an executive order to provide $60 million in financial relief for workers and businesses that have been impacted by the key bridge collapse now i know are
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state's largest city is being tested right now >> but >> baltimore has been tested before. we get knocked down, we stand back up and we dust ourselves off and we move forward. that is what we do and the people and the people of maryland are grateful to have a full partner in this work, like president biden our see my first call from the white house. at around 3:00 a.m. on the day of the collapse and every hour since we've worked hand in hand with this administration president biden might not be a maryland or by birth but i tell you he's proven what it means to be maryland tough and baltimore sean >> the president's stood with us less than the first 100 days
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of our administration to announce historic funding for the frederick douglass tunnel any stands with us today to help the families clear the channel lift our people, and rebuild this bridge with the support of president biden and his team i know that marylanders of this generation and the next we'll look up and once again they will see the francis scott key bridge and they will see it standing tall the state of maryland is honored to welcome the president of the united states to one of the most important cities in the united states he doesn't gentlemen >> 46 presidents of the united states of america president joe biden
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>> thank you. thank you. thank you. >> please. please. thank you >> either way folks i say to my dad. dad their mispronouncing warmer >> my >> dad and the biden, please sit down biden family goes all the way back to be waterman and this bay for a long, long time back in the mid 1800s and my father was born and raised here in baltimore and there's a strong, strong connection. still have family in the region as well >> governor more senator carden >> senator van hollen congress, mfume maire scott county executive johnny you i like that founder you owe military
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members and first responders? most importantly, that people maryland i'm here to say, your nation has your back and i mean, it your nation has your back you got without exaggeration on the fighters delegations and the congress of any state in the union. and then know how to get things done now we're gonna get this paid for. >> aren't we yes. >> yes. yes. all right. >> always just brief by the united unit unified command about the ongoing impact of this tragic collapse. but francis scott key bridge last tuesday the damage is devastated and our hearts are still breaking. eight eight construction workers, right of the water. when the bridge fell, >> six, >> whilst their lives moos were immigrants, but all or marylanders hard workings, strong and selfless. after pulling a night shift, fixing potholes there were on a break
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with the ship struck just seconds before one of the men named carlos, who was only 24, left a message for his girlfriend. here's what it said. >> we >> just poured cement. we're waiting for it to dry. >> he said well, to all the families and loved ones or grieving i've come here to grieve with you. we all are >> it's not the same, but i know a little bit >> about what it's like to lose pc or soul to get that phone call little night. i say found numbers of god, i've been there it's, fairly like having a black hole and your chest like khamenei sucked in, unable to breathe. the anger the pain the depth of the loss is so profound and we know it's hard to believe that there not going to believe me, but it can tell you now for personal experience today is going to come when the memory of your loved one as you walked by that park or the church or something that you share together is going to bring a smile to list before it
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brings a tear to your eye. going to happen it's going to take a while, but i promise you it will happen. and that's when you know, you're gonna be able to make it i promise you it will come our prayers for you. is that the time it comes sooner rather than later but it will come also never forget the contribution of these man-made to this city. we're going to keep working hard to recover each of them. and you know my vow is that we will not rest as carlos said until the cement has dried and the entirety of a new bridge, a new brief earlier this afternoon. we took an aerial >> tours survey the wreckage >> from the air. i saw the bridge. has been ripped apart but here on the ground i see community that has been pulled together. i want to thank you all the first responders, the port workers, state, local officials we spraying it
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actually before dawn who been here ever since, and we did talk that go two or three in the morning. you were out here. you are here within minutes of the collapse. us coast guard arrived on the scene within hours. i ordered personnel from the army corps of engineers, the naibe, the department of transportation to assist in every way possible. within a day we stood up a unified command and the weeks to come, i want you to know, we're going to continue to have your back every step of the way. i guarantee you. i guarantee first. our first is our priority to reopen the port as one of the nation's largest shipping hubs it's a top port in america, both an important next porting of cars and light trucks. they number one, simply put, the impact here has a significant impact everywhere up and down to coast and around the country thousands of tons of mangles still remain lodged in the water blocking shifts, moving in and out of the harbor
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i've just i've directed the coast guard, the navy, the army corps of engineers, who are by the way, the finest engineers in the world. and the state officials to work together to help remove this still as quickly as possible and as safely as possible. so far our team has been able to clear too small channels for a central ships, helping clear the wreckage and yesterday, the army corps announced that by the end of april, there'll be able to open the third channel for some commercial traffic, including car carriers by the end of may, will open the full channel. a full channel >> my past >> four, it's not supply chain disruption has been able to engage you with union rail trucking, shipping state, local leaders to minimize the impact on our supply chains. and i'm proud rounds with the federal government will ride over $8 million in grant funds to make
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the infrastructure improvements that sparrows point as the only port on affected by this collapse, which will allow sparrows point to take on more ships and happening now will happen shortly second, or focus on protecting the workers and businesses. folks 20,000 jobs depend on this port 20,000 families dependent is port to buy groceries, to make rent hey, their bills. today by administration's. and honestly, the first tranche of dislocated worker grants, fancy phrase to which his dimes all it is there to make sure it helps create jobs for workers involved in the cleanup of this incident. additional job my small business administration, it was also issued a disaster declaration which will allow the sba offer low interest loans for small businesses impacted by the collapse in order to keep things moving the state, city, the county are also stepping up an impressive ways to help workers and businesses who have been
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affected by this disaster. but folks we all need to step up amazon home depot domino sugar, and many other companies all rely on this port and they have committed to keep workers in payrolls on the aisle and their businesses and baltimore and move as quickly and clearly as possible i'll call on every company ad and around the port to do the same thing, the same exact thing, commit to stay. and the customers who use this port we're coming back we're coming back soon >> folks. >> finally >> we're going to move heaven and earth to rebuild this bridge as rapidly as humanly possible and we're going to do so with union labor and american steel for simple reason, the best workers in the world i not hyperbole every
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day. over 30,000 vehicles travel across this bridge. and i was one of those people i committed every day from delaware for 36 years to washington, dc back and forth. and about one-fourth of that time by automobile i've been every part of this port. folks. we now face a question. no american should ever have to ask how will i get to work? how i go to school hall, i get to a hospital response and response. everyone including congress, should be asking only one question and they're going to be asked a question by your delegation. how can we help? how can we solve that problem? my administration is committed. absolutely committed to ensuring that the parties responsible for this strategy pay to repair the damage and be held accountable the fullest extent the law will allow. but also want to be clear we will support maryland at baltimore every step of the way to help you rebuild and maintain all
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the business and commerce that's here now as a governor >> the governor can tell you when an hour's american recorded in maryland requests we approved $60 in emergency federal funding. i fully intend i fully intend as a governor knows that the federal government cover the cost of building this entire bridge. all of it, all >> as we've done in other parts of the country in similar circumstances i stand here, i call on congress to authorize this effort as soon as possible let me close with this >> this >> port is over 300 years old as a matter of fact, as i said, my great, great grandfather worked here as a waterman in this bay, this port is old and then our republic i spent through tough tough times before during the war of 18, 12 young merrill are name's
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francis scott key to home. the bridge is named after saddened a boat and is very harbour. and he wants he wants the british troops launched an attack after attack on american forces but as a dawn broke we saw the american flag still flying baltimore was still standing, and our nation, as he wrote, the star-spangled banner, had made it through a perilous fight. folks. just going to take time for governor more senator card and senator van hollen, cars mfume scott county executive johnny you and others are going to rebuild this bridge as rapidly as possible. folks. >> we're determined to come back even stronger, were the only nation has come through every crisis that we've had. we come out stronger than we went in and we're gonna do it here as well. one spore to make its perilous challenge perilous challenge you know because we're the united states, america, there's nothing
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nothing, nothing. we our capacity. when we do it together think about that. >> remember, we are. we're the united states of america. nothing is beyond our capacity may god bless you all and may god protect our troops. our first responders, and all those who gave their so thank you. thank you. thank >> that, was president biden speaking in baltimore, talng about the ng road to rebuilding the fra g key bridge and helping theity to heal after t tgedy. the president started by noting a meage that was sent by one of thconstrucon workers on the bridge to a girlfriend shortly before it collapsehe president connecting that grief and ss that families are feeling two loss that he has d in his own personal li saying, i've been there e profound deaths of loss, but you repeated a refrain that we've heard from the president before when he's had to connect with folks who arerieving
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saying that a day will come when a smile will co to your mouth before tiers come to your eyes. the president also thked officials on the ground there and said he'd looked forward ford to thentire channel being reopened by the end of neck and some pressure that he's putting on congress. if he's expecting them to pick up the tab, sort of maybe in the interim as they do expect to recoup some sum payment from whoever is deemed responsible for this but at the same time, he's saying congress really needs to step up and he's sending them a message. and next, you mentioned the family members and those who who died. the president is going to be meeting with the families of those loved ones who passed away when the bridge collapse are going to keep an eye on the president it's visit there to baltimore. we'll be right back >> if you work in spaceflight, this is the worst possible thing that could ever happen >> my dad died doing what he loved spiritual columbia final
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it's a commentary >> carbon, cnn, sunday, april 21 at nine >> there are still no arrests in one of the biggest burglaries in a history of plus angeles for the last four days, the fbi and lapd had been looking for the thieves who broke into a cache storage facility and ran off with $30 in cash. investigators believed the suspects were sophisticated and could have had some inside knowledge of this side considering they didn't set off a single alarm though, this is not the only high-dollar highest that's baffling. police authorities are seeing a new trend in so-called burglary tourism, where thieves enter
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the us on visa waivers and head out with millions josh campbell has more home burglaries, hit the jackpot from coast to coast. >> i can see that the entire place had been trashed, but these aren't your typical thieves. >> we've heard now they used >> drones and their alleged crimes even have nations pointing fingers. >> i got a letter of apology from the chilean ambassador, but it all starts much closer to home with lives changed forever. >> you don't feel safe in your own home >> carol and jeff starr thought their jewelry was secure, locked up in a safe in their orange county, california home. >> my mother wanted to leave a legacy through jewelry and she the bought some beautiful antique jewelry museum-quality jewelry. >> but the leaves are believed to have stock the neighborhood waited for the family to leave and got away with $8 million at heirloom jewelry and other items.
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>> they broke through a window in the upper bedroom and came through that window and then immediately started working. once i found the safe, start working on the safe, >> police say the break-in is part of a sophisticated ring of thieves who arrived from south america, often from chile. prosecutors say where it's easy to get a tourist visa waiver to the us, then joined with others in a coordinated effort to scout and break into home they lie in wait in these ghillie suits, so they remain camouflaged while they're watching the behaviors of the homeowners >> when they come and go they have wifi jammers to stop the alarm company from being notified >> hundreds of wealthy homes targeted authority say, from scottsdale hello, arizona to raleigh, north carolina, and nassau county, new york. recent arrests have highlighted a nationwide issue. so we have to be willing to start asking some >> hard questions. >> of our >> federal government. >> the so-called burglary tourists have law enforcement demanding change to the electronic system for travel
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authorization or esta, which allows up to 90 day visits to the us from certain countries, including chile, which spitzer says is not providing the required background checks on its citizens. >> so we don't know the criminal background of these individuals then we can't tell the judge anything or represent anything about the background which means the person's released on no bail and they never come back again to answer for the charges. >> spitzer claims another chilean suspect was out on bail when he broke into this dana point, california home in july. >> this is the window the burglar came through, the sundar family, built their dream home. now rebuilding their peace of mind, we want to move away from here and >> i don't feel secure it off. >> they say for a problem so well-known to public officials, it's time to put an end to these crimes. >> i want to know what these politicians are doing up there. they're supposed but help us because i want a politician to go through this experience. and he may feel exactly as i feel
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>> are thanks to josh campbell for that report. now, julian officials did not respond to cnn's request for comment, but we did receive a statement from expressed the urgency of this issue with the chilean government. here's part of that statement. dhs says, quote, chilean officials have responded by improving operational cooperation with dhs offices and efforts to detect, deter, and prevent travel to the united states by known criminal actors. dhs adds that once new changes are fully implemented, the us will have to access better access rather to traveler background information still ahead, the big day is almost here. we've been talking about it almost for weeks now. monday's total solar eclipse will be a wonder to witness and up next bill nye, the science guy will join us live to talk about the excitement ahead of the eclipse, the cool science of it all. >> and a >> recent photo shoot here he
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had, it's gonna get steamy and cnn news central and just moments >> get your viewing glasses ready and experience so rare, it won't happen again for another two decades joint cnn for live coverage around the country of the spectacle in the skies eclipse across america, live monday at one on cnn for streaming on explore the world, the viking way, from the quiet comfort of elegance, small ships with no children and no casinos we actually have reinvented ocean voyages designing all inclusive experiences for the thinking person viking voted the world's best by both travel and leisure, and condi nast traveler learn more at >> oh, here comes the bad guy. come on. if you saved nearly $750 like this, imagine what we could go oh, like blackberries, cranberries, exactly how he
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our next guest who you know, he is the ceo of the planetary society you know him likely as bill nye, the science guy are a bill to those who say they don't have the time, maybe the thinking of skipping this phenomenon, you have a message. what do you say? >> don't skip it >> and yes, you have the time first of all, if you're in the path of totality and urine indianapolis, you're talking about three minutes could probably squeeze that in but it goes on for some time before and after that, you watched the moon come in front of the sun. and what makes it spectacular is it's a total eclipse. in october, we had an annular eclipse and yours, whetten for ring there was a ring of light around the moon because the moon's orbit isn't quite round. a little bit elliptical and so this time the moon will be close enough to indianapolis to make it completely dark
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>> even if it's >> cloudy, it will be completely dark. and it will turn tonight like that. >> so we understand you're gonna >> be watching from texas where there will be totality we also know that there are going to be rockets and all kinds of science experiments unfolding as the eclipse is happening. what would you say are the biggest? science lessons we can learn from a total eclipse >> well, the biggest science wasn't for me, is the extraordinary accuracy with which astronomers are able to predict these events. and where it's going to get dark and where it's going to be in a shadow and not quite dark. and so on. it's remarkable if you had a a psychic or a tarot card reader or somebody who could make predictions with this kind of accuracy, i would presume that she or he would be rich, but that is not the case. but astronomers understand the
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movement of the earth and sun with such precision that we can determine the path of totality within 100th of a second. recently there was decided that some of the calculations on the diameter of the sun we're off a little, little, little bit. >> and so if >> you're on the very edge of the path of totality, be sure to get all the way in, be sure to get all the way those calculations. if the map you're looking at turns out to be off by kilometer are couple of thousand feet. then that's how accurately they can determine it you know, between you and a freeway exit, they can determine how dark it's going to be. >> it's really something. >> yeah. no, it's amazing. and what do you think people should be? i don't you tell me. i mean, maybe is there going into this experience, should they have something in mind or do you think they should just go in without any sort of expectation? is it more a
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spiritual experience? is it a scientific experience? how can they how can they go forward with it? >> so for many of us are science experience in a spiritual experience are closer related that humans can understand the motion of these objects and see this remarkable effect is fantastic but i will say two things to everybody about this >> first of all, >> getting, getting into totality is worth it. if you have to drive an hour or two, you know, most of us live in the eastern time zone and so this will go right to the eastern time zone. you can get in the path of totality. it's worth. and the other thing human nature being what it is >> we just want to stare >> at the sun even if it's cloudy, you just want to stare up there. there'll be sure to have these glasses >> now. >> these are eclipse glasses. you can look straight at the
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summer them, even though their paper and mylar plastic, they are about 100 times darker than sunglasses sunglasses will not do it, but it's not the thing you got to have the real deal. these are available from our website at of course, everyone watching is a member. of course you are planetary slash eclipse and also i was in hardware store yesterday and they were selling them in a hardware store? >> yes. >> smart. so yeah. bars. >> we've got ours iso compliant. i hope quickly bill. i said he did it because so for time-out matters yeah. i saw you did the cover of time out magazine. i had asked for these pictures to get put on, but apparently it would cost cnn like thousands of dollars and we could get sued if we don't pay the photographer who took them, so we don't wanna get in trouble. but these are some pictures menn, you look outstanding and i know last time we had you on, we talked about doing a calendar. i'm wondering if i get the pieces
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in place. >> what >> kind of cut would you give brianna and i to put out a bill, night calendar with steamy images like the ones you did for time, our magazine so i don't know. >> i sure. sure. i don't want to promise you royalties, but i'm sure with the success of my calendar your careers all the tide raises all ships. am i right? people? so you will work in the kellyn. everybody was one time-out contacted me about doing these things in they show up with these extraordinary outfits with the young people call street where yeah, i got into it. >> i went as >> i had to chip on my shoulder i got an attitude about people who are not into signs like i got a problem with them because i'll give you do you want a problem? there's a problem. all right. no, sir. absolutely. no. was like that. i no,
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because you must have done that but it was fine. then. don't miss the eclipse on monday. it's the next one's not for 20.5 years or so. and i hope to be here for that one, but there's no guarantee and it's just a fantastic event your here, it'll be night birds will chirp cricket swirl, crick and generally there's a little bit of a breeze created by the cool air next to the warm air. and it's, it's fantastic. >> it's gonna be great, bill. and we cannot wait to experience it and check in with you after. and we thank you for your time today. thank you so so much. we're out of time, unfortunately, we're going to be right back >> thank you, boris. >> of course >> vinyl windows seem to be a typical choice here in the local area. some companies, even advertise high-quality vinyl and romer here before you invest in vinyl windows, listened to what? michael smith of renewal by anderson has to
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coventry direct redefining insurance get your viewing glasses ready. >> it >> flips across america, live monday at one >> for those flocking to the path of totality, monday's eclipse will be a once-in-a-lifetime experience. and as a memento, a test who studio it's been studio near cleveland, ohio, is offering customers several dozen eclipse-themed designs to commemorate the celestial event. yeah, lorraine counties sits in >> the center of the zone of totality and the studio's owner says she just wanted something to commemorate joan, something to do there to commemorate the event. she said because it's something positive that we can all be a part of, you can be a part of a two will be in indianapolis in the path for eclipse across america, starting at one. and also see it on max. maybe we'll get


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