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tv   Anderson Cooper 360  CNN  April 5, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT

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a lot of that fund >> happens with a hat. some people are worried about the whether aaron perhaps some cloud cover, not here embed tara, people are coming to have a good time and if i can give you my tin hat theory, i think it's good to be a good day, eric, back to you. >> all right. rosa, thank you very much. it's going to be i really incredible, incredible de, and maybe uplifting in a way that so many in this country need. we will have special coverage of the solar eclipse on monday. it'll be another two decades before you can see one in the united states. so tune in starting at 1:1:00 p.m. eastern on monday t watch it live here on cnn also streaming on macs and have a od weekend. thanks so much for joining us. we appreciate it. ac30 60 begins now tonight on three >> 60 aftershocks ongoing after a rare earthquake disrupts the northeast this morning will show you the moment it happened
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and the aftershocks that continue also with the former prisoners hush money trial days away. he's trying get again to get them judge, in the case to recuse himself the latest on that plus the total solar eclipse is monday. i hope we get ready tonight. good evening. thanks for joining us. are short time ago we experienced the 12th and latest aftershock from magnitude 4.8 earthquake in new jersey that rattled nerves and windows across the northeast this morning it was the strongest quake to hit the state since america officially secured its independence from great britain no deaths are significant levels of damage, but delays at several the nation's busiest airports, as well as rail travel, disrupted lives and one of the most densely populated areas of the country in a moment, we'll look at why smaller earthquakes on the east coast may potentially have a greater impact than similar ones in the west. the first polo sandoval joins us from times square. so there was this 4.0 magnitude aftershock right before 6:00. i didn't even feel that one. did you feel it in times square? >> at least i personally didn't feel it here in times
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square anderson is very much business as usual tonight. you can hear the sirens. >> meanwhile, though it's the board also remind viewers that officials here in new york have confirmed the total of 11 aftershocks, as you mentioned, the strongest and the most noticeable one. only a couple of hours ago, over eight hours course. since the main quake >> a typical morning in >> middlesex, new jersey suddenly interrupted by a rare earthquake that rocked much of the eastern us on friday second angle capture the rattling of the walls violent enough to knock items to the ground >> your my house was shaking >> it's one of many videos shared online, capturing stunned, and scared residents during and after the 4.8 magnitude quake the epicenter
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was some 50 miles west of new york city in northern new jersey, according to the us geological survey, which estimates at least 23 million people felt some degree of shaking from dc to new england ned tanner was working at a manhattan high-rise. >> my chair started kind of bouncing a little bit and as soon as i looked around, i immediately realized that i wasn't alone. everybody else in the building definitely felt something and so it was a feeling i haven't experienced before. it was quite interesting and yeah. there's a little unnerving. the new >> jersey quake is the largest to strike that state and over 240 years, according to the usgs in new york city, let's security council meeting on the war in the middle east forced to pause as the un manhattan headquarters shook yeah. >> you're you're making the ground shake >> critical infrastructure like bridges and the transit system fared well. any built to withstand seismic events stronger than friday's assured city officials, we do not have any reports of major impacts to
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our infrastructure or injuries but of course we are still assessing the situation >> so polo has a full damage assessment across the region been completed well the air eric adams anderson said that they are going to continue to keep engineers on the shifts, especially into the weekend as >> those that assessment continue so far, their buildings, departments have received no reports of but any buildings any of the close to 1 million buildings here in the city that were structurally compromise. so they continue to remind the public to certainly be on alert, especially with the potential for after shocks. we mentioned 11 year a little while ago that last insignificant one that was the 12th one to be felt. and there is still a real possibility that there could be more, there also reminding people all of that advice. it's important to keep in mind should one of those sort they be rattled by one of these aftershocks potentially dropped to the floor, cover their heads. their next also to seek shelter your heavy piece of furniture advice that officials certainly hope that won't be needed anymore
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for the rest of tonight >> yeah. polo sandoval. thanks very much. i'm joined now by tom foreman add the magic wall. so tom, i'm going for quick of of relatively limited power. i mean, it's certainly had a very big effect. why is that? >> yeah, this isn't a really huge one. if you look at the epicenter over here, new jersey, every one of these dots represents somebody who felt it's only pull mentioned there all the way up to new england, down to dc. the reason they felt it so far is the nature of the area. this wasn't a very deep quake, so it would resonate out more in the east. you have very old rock strata out here. it's very densely packed to can carry that vibration, that signal very, very far. and frankly, anderson has a really big population here. there are a lot of people to sense it. >> doing a more rural >> area, it may not be noticed as much should people be worried about aftershocks or even a stronger quaking coming days they're hardly noticeable. >> well, they are hardly noticeable and there have been a fair number of them since this happened this morning. none of them have made it up to that 4.8. this one came the
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closest down here, generally, because this isn't that strong, not so much of a worry. however, one of the worries is that the east, unlike other parts of the country, has not so much been retrofitted with buildings that are earthquake resistant. many of the buildings are very old. >> so >> if you've got hit with a big bump, it could be an issue, but generally geologists say no real worry here. >> how does this one today compared to some of the ones felt out west in the past? >> yeah. if you look at and i know you've covered these as i have as you move west, boy, does this map change? this is the area up here, not a lot of seismic activity, of course, alaskan why? but and he moved the midwest area here down to illinois, missouri a lot. but then california out here, that's where you get the big swath of tremendous numbers of earthquakes in the damage can be extraordinary. loma prieta and san francisco, 1989 94.8. today, look at this 6.9 remember, this goes up exponentially, not just by a little bit, that's a big, big difference northridge quake,
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1994, i remember covering this one six and the really the granddaddy of them all thing that is out west. the thing nobody can believe anchorage back in 1964, look at that 9.2. the biggest earthquake in the history of this country, one of the biggest in the world. and my wife was a little girl living in this town when that happened. she still remembers every moment of it that went for 4.5 minutes out four-and-a-half minutes of shaking, unbelievable. >> i'm forming. thanks so much perspection now from stephen hall or associate professor of physics at fordham university, and also susan hough a seismologist and the us geological survey steven, thanks for being with us. i loved that you didn't actually even feel it. you're driving on the road? >> i was driving up. >> you miss the giant events? i missed it. i live five years in california. didn't it never experienced an earthquake out there too. >> so why explain why this happened today here in the coast. i mean, does it we have
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why would it happen? >> i think it was the anki is home opener >> now, it's >> it's >> it's a random event that can happen. i mean, we've there are faults out here and there are there's pressure that's built up and it and these are essentially tectonic plates shifting. yeah, they're they're moving against each other. they're slipping and their they're giving up some of the energy that they have stored in it. >> and there's not there's not really any way to predict, is there? i some people's animals like seemed to free catalyst, yeah, the animals have seemed to know ahead of time, but there's there's no real way to predict the quake's. i don't think anybody would bet money on on predicting earthquakes and >> susan, what do you make the 4.8 magnitude aftershock that happened right before 6:00 p.m. i. mean, is that is that just typical? and how many more aftershocks kid their b. oh, there can be quite a few. it's in keeping with we make forecasts based on average statistics of aftershocks that we've seen in the past. and
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there's actually a forecast on the usgs webpage for a sequence that could continue for months or even years at a low rate. and if you look right now, there is a chance of aftershocks and even another earthquake, magnitude five or greater than chances statistically of a five or greater are actually one in about 15 over the next year. so that's a low chance, but one and 15 is not zero. once you've had the earthquake activity that definitely it's increasing the chances of more events >> and that the increase chances, i mean, how long does that last four? >> it can last for quite awhile and a months or years for an event is largest 4.8 >> interesting. >> so it's something that the usgs will continue to monitor and the aftershock forecast on the webpage will continue to be updated. >> and steven, would this have anything to do? i mean, taiwan just had an earthquake anyway. i mean does one followed the other? and does this have
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anything to do with i know i got people asked me this had anything to do with the solar eclipse. >> no. noted it. did both of those the taiwan quake yeah, it was it was much larger, right? it was it was there was three orders of magnitude larger, right >> because it's some 0.8 magnitude this one was a 4.8 the numbers are confusing. what does that mean in terms of how much stronger was the taiwan? taiwan about 1,000 times stronger, thousand times stronger okay. >> so if you can imagine, if you were feeling that shake in your house that i imagine that amplified by 1,000 times. >> that's >> it would be it's a much more intense event >> and susan, how are the earthquakes on the west coast different than those experienced here on the east or are they well as your listeners heard there, they felt more strongly the waves once they're released, travel much more efficiently in the east because of the nature of the crust. and so you see these large these
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large felt extents ads, it's a different geologic setting in the west, you have two plates that are moving relative to each other. the pacific plate versus the north american plate. on the east the north american continent is pretty much glued to the oceanic crust that's next to it. there's no plate boundary hungry that's moving. so you don't have a california style earthquake zone along the east, but you do have these broad stresses. you're getting earthquakes that are spread out along the atlantic seaboard. we've had large earthquakes in the past in charleston, south carolina close to magnitude seven and 18, 86. another event over magnitude seven offshore of grand banks in 1929 so these infrequent but large earthquakes are possible along a broad zone that we really don't understand very well because we don't have as much data as for california i said watching susan. >> thank you so much. stephen haller as well. appreciate it, still
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>> becomes tonight the former president once again tries to get the judge in his criminal hush money trial to recuse himself, will examine his latest argument to delay the trial that comes days before it scheduled to begin. also tonight, almost as rare as an east east coast earthquake, melania trump said to make an appearance it's details ahead >> this source with kaitlan collins tonight at nine >> the day you get your clear choice dental plants makes every day let's dig in day a chow down day a tick, a big bite. day a perfectly delicious day love my new teeth de, because you're clear choice day is the day everything is back on the menu. a clear choice day changes every day schedule, a free consultation >> a widely filter. >> it's well-designed, efficient. >> i appreciate that. we filtered technology keeps
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the difference at moon pod >> seven astronauts setting off on a scientific mission, columbia, houston check. >> i didn't know anything concerned printing it happened. there were people that did though >> the space shuttle accident. it's usually not one thing, it's a series of events you follow the debris. what's it telling you >> should have had that test on day one? >> community do figure out what the hell happened >> space shuttle color some via the final flight premieres sunday at nine on cnn. >> there's ten days before his new york hush money trial is set to begin. we're now learning more about a filing this week where the former president once again demands the new york judge overseeing his trial, recuse himself. the apparent delay tactics sites the former president is presumptive status as the republican nominee for president and need to campaign as a new justification for the request. the form present also cites a comment, judge juan
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juan merchan made to the associated press last month. the judge declined to discuss the case, but said the preparation for the trial was quote, intense. and once again, the former president takes a swipe at the judge's daughter and her alleged political connections. this comes days he's after the judge expanded the gag order against the former president to include all family members of court staff, including the judge's daughter former president, is apparently already flouted that order on more than one occasion. now, the manhattan da's office has previously said that trump offers no evidence for recusal other than a quote, daisy chain of innuendos i'm gonna get some legal perspective now from former federal chief judge john jones, the third and former federal prosecutor, elie honig. joe jones. what do you make of this filing from the trump team is there any evidence your mind that the judge should recuse himself? >> well, it anderson, first of all, it's good to be back with you. i don't see anything in the motion that's new they indicate that the predicate for this motion as opposed to so the one that they filed last
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year is that he's now the nominee instead of the presumptive nominee or he's going to be the nominee i don't think that that changes anything in particular in terms of a factual basis and you just mentioned that the judge made some statements to the press. i frankly don't see anything there that would disqualify i'll fight him. of course, preparation is intense some people would argue that judges shouldn't talk to the press at all. i guess you could make a case for that, but there was nothing that he said that was in my view, a basis to recuse elie. you wrote a piece last year calling for the judge to recuse himself. why is that? and do you still believe it? >> i do still believe that anderson he will not recuse himself to be clear, i agree with what judge jones joe said. i don't think the new statement that the judge made require his recusal, but here's the biggest problem judge. mark sean in july of 2020, made a very small donation, $35, but he went on
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the internet, logged into a site called the act blue, and he donated $35 to, first of all joe biden for president 20 22nd of all, to a group dedicated to stopping donald trump and his radical right-wing legacy. now it's a very small amount, but the reason we have recusal anderson is to protect the process because the rule say if a person could read is there a look at the judge's activities and question whether that judge was truly impartial then the judge should step aside. judges do this all the time. let the next judge handle it and i think if the tables were turned, if this judge had donated $35 in 2022 reelect donald trump and to defeat joe biden and his radical left-wing lexi. i think you'd see the case, so i think this judge should have stepped off and let any of the other of dozens of judges in the courthouse handle the case with no issues. >> joe jones, do you think prior donation is an issue? >> elie wrote a very thoughtful piece and i can't disagree at
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all with ellie's logic. in this case, looking at it from the perspective that he did, the fact of the matter though, is that the judge has to make a determination. can his impartiality be reasonably questioned? in this case? it was $115 donation to joe biden. now, what i have made a political donation, no, i would not have done so, but he got an advisory opinion. i think it's de minimis the donation. he's got to try to figure out in his mind and his heart that is judged metron whether he can sit fairly a judgment. and as elie well knows, he's not the finder of fact in this case. ellie's point, i believe having read his very good piece is is that this gives an appearance of a conflict. it doesn't look right to the public. well, that's a call, judge. mark sean is making. i agree with la. he's not going to recuse at this point. he's going to hang in the risk, of course, is that he presides and creates an appellate issue. and the case ends up being reversed
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based on the fact that it appellate court believes that judge russia and should have recused. but i think we've crossed the rubicon. now, he's not going to leave ella. do you think it is a big issue for an appeal >> i think it will be raised on appeal and i think there's a possibility. i think i agree with judge jones, say a fairly remote possibility that a court of appeals will disagree with this. but as judge jones properly notes, what judge martian did was he went to a an ethics panel and all of other judges and he asked them for an opinion. this is last year when the issue was first raised. >> and that >> ethics panel said, you're okay, you can stay on the case if you want to i still think the right move for judge more sean would have been to step off because we can debate $35 is not a lot of money, i think by any calculation. but the
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problem is, the man took the time to go on the internet to click over to app blue. he entered his credit card information and he gave money to an effort to defeat donald trump and to promote joe biden. and i do think a reasonable person can question that. i will tell you there are tens of millions of reasonable people in this country who questioned that and that courthouse is packed with very competent judges, by the way, i think judge mershid has done an exceptional job thus far in this case. but why not handed down the hall? there's dozens of other judges. why even have these questions lingering over the case at all? >> judge, would something i mean, if you were to decide to recuse himself would that delay the trial significantly? would that be a big process of bringing in a new judge? >> well, it depends. there are some other motions i think that app to be filed. i think he swatting down the motions one by one as they come in. certainly, there would be a delay. anderson, i think ellie knows that as well. it's not going to go to trial on schedule if he hands it off. but as elisa so there's very capable judges there. i think they could get up to speed pretty rapidly if they had to. i can't imagine it would be a lengthy delay. if he actually recused and do you think i'm a joke, jones, do you think this filing is primarily about
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trying to delay the trial >> well nothing focuses the mind like a date certain for a trial as ellie knows. and everybody everybody knows that this case is going to get convenient it's quite clear that they don't want the case to go to trial probably before the election. so this is one more tool in the toolbox that they could file to perhaps impede the process. i don't blame them necessarily for doing it. it's not a frivolous motion but i just don't think it's emotion that's going to stick at this point, though jones, elie honig. thank you so much. appreciate it. meanwhile, former first lady melania trump, largely absent from her husband's campaign trail, is set to make a rare appearance this month. is source tells cnn she'll attend the april 20th fundraiser for a log cabin republicans and conservative lgbt groups. she wouldn't have to travel very far. the event is being held at mar-a-lago, cnn's randi kaye as morton >> last month when former
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president donald trump cast his ballot in florida's primary, melania trump was at his side. >> a >> reporter asked about her plans to campaign for her husband, and this was her response. >> with your husband state to stay tuned. she said, now, the >> former first lady is set to return to the political arena, not at a campaign event for her husband, but at a fundraiser for the log cabin republicans being held at mar-lago later this month the former president has been teasing her return for months now, she's a private person, a great person, very confident person and she loves our country very much. she'll be, she'll be at the appropriate time. she'll be out there while also trying to explain away her absence as he did on megyn kelly's podcast. >> she's introspective and she's confident she doesn't need to be out there. >> and the only person who decides if and when millennia gets out there is millennia herself. a source close to the former president tells cnn that
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melania dictates her involvement. she is very selective and methodical in what she wants to do and how she presents herself i think part of the beauty is that mystery. >> when donald trump announced his 2024 presidential campaign at mar-a-lago last year melania was there, but since then has mostly stayed out of the public eye leading up to the iowa caucuses, her absence inspire to sarcastic, where's millennia campaign? as her husband's legal troubles mounted, and trump traveled the country entering not guilty pleas last year. melannie wasn't at his side even on super tuesday, millennia was mia while her husband celebrated at their mar-a-lago estate i want to thank my family for being here >> millennia has been dealing with some personal matters such as her mother's illness. she passed away in january. a source who worked with the former first lady told cnn during the 2020 campaign that melania had never been comfortable in the public eye and campaign travel was not
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something she readily enjoys that you preferred to be home with their son, barron more recently melania has been focused on getting baer and ready for college according to the former president the new york times reports that melania made a handful of appearances in 2022 that earned her about half $1 from both the log cabin republicans and a group called fixed california last november, melania attended a memorial service in atlanta for former first lady, rosalynn carter and just last month, you made an appearance at a formal dinner reception for hungarian prime minister viktor orban at mar-a-lago it's been nearly a year since melannie is last television interview on fox despite her pursuit of privacy, she happily teased a possible return to the white house. >> never say never. >> randi kaye, cnn, palm beach, florida i've been actually if more breaking news as senior administration official warning, the us is preparing for a significant attack by
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iran on us are israeli assets, the middle east. this after the israeli strike in damascus that killed top iranian commanders, we'll have more on that next. and also look at the dire humanitarian crisis on the ground in gaza and the situation aid workers face after the strike that killed workers from world central kitchen. i'll speak with a former cnn correspondent or would damon is now on the ground in gaza? there with her own aid organization >> it's a new day. >> one were shared values propel us towards a more secure future through august, a partnership built upon cutting-edge american, australian, and british technologies will develop state-of-the-art next generations that we're built something stronger together. securing decades of peace and prosperity for america and our allies we're going forward and staying for together >> my daughter is mla she is 19 months old she is a little riaa
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to 50% over real stone this. >> is the big dam time to kane who that do >> sunday >> new interviews with the return israeli hostages. >> what is the meaning of being hostage? reasonable certainty, and the flight for the release of those still in captivity. the whole story with anderson cooper, sunday at eight on cnn. >> more breaking news tonight, a senior administration official tells cnn the us is actively preparing for quote, significant iranian attack on us are israeli assets. it could come as soon as next week, cnn's mj leaves the white house with more. so what are you hearing? >> anderson, we are learning tonight that the us is on high alert and preparing for a significant attack by iran. that could call them as soon as
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within the next week, this attack, of course, would be in response to an israeli airstrike this week in damascus that ended up killing at top iranian commanders i'm, told that us and israeli officials see this attack by iran as is basically inevitable, and that the two governments right now are furiously working together to prepare for what is to come. but that even as of today that these officials do not know exactly how and when iran plans to attack. >> of >> course, anderson so in a direct attack on israel would be one of the worst-case scenarios at the us administration and the biden administration would like to avoid seeing, given that this could lead to a real deterioration in an already explosive situation in the middle east and a broadening of this regional conflict that again, the biden white house has so much wanted to avoid >> there had been communications at times between the us and iran and in very critical situations. how do we know has there been
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communication about this? >> there has been and obviously remarkable given that the two countries do not have any formal diplomatic relations. but what i'm learning along with my colleague jenny hansler, is that when this damascus attack verse happen, that iran reached out to the us and sent a message basically blaming the us for this attack. and that the us then responded and said one, we didn't have any warnings about this attack. we didn't have any involvement in it. and second, sent a warning to the iranians saying, don't use this as a pretext to attack us personnel and facilities. a senior official telling me that this was a kin to them saying, don't think about coming after us. so you can tell just by this exchange, just how volatile this is, even just given the fact that there was formal communication between the two countries. >> and just to be clear, this weather terming the sources, terming a significant possible
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attack, it would be they believe believe in the middle east, in the region >> that's right. we should be very clear about that. we are talking about the potential targeting of us are israeli assets in the region. we're not talking about something that involves an american soil. >> all right. mj lee. thanks so much. tonight we are seeing more fallout from these really strike that. killed seven aid workers from across central kitchen. the idf released a report into the killings today, saying that it violated its own protocols and the attacker should not have happened. they also dismissed two officers and reprimanded others for their involvement in the strike even with that report, secretary of state antony blinken called for an independent thoreau and fully publicized investigation. that's how he grabbed it into the deadly attack joining me from inside gaza's are with damon and former seen in correspondent and founder of a nara, the international network for aid relief and assistance. are your aid organization was in gaza and the strikes on the world central kitchen convoy occurred. i think you got in a day or two after or what is it
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like being there? what is the impact on your organization and others like i mean, look, first of all, everyone who works for you, not a form my organization, they're gazan. so this is their life and these are their people. and obviously this strike on the world central kitchen was extraordinarily jarring. i mean, i came in with a number of other people working for different humanitarian organizations and we were all ordinarily jittery >> and >> it's strange because obviously i've spent years as a journalist and more zones and now i'm here as a humanitarian and i would have maybe thought that perhaps i would feel as if there was a bit less of a risk given the nature of humanitarian work but that's not really the case here and when it comes to staff on the ground, obviously they're extremely anxious, but they also have this feeling of these are our people. and if we don't help them, then who is going to and especially now with the world central kitchen
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suspending its it's services i mean, that's having a huge impact. people are hungry or now because of that >> for people don't know mean, you're not just a form journalist, you when you were a journalist, you were in the most dangerous, the most intense places risking your life repeatedly with your crew who's how does rafah compared to what you have seen >> you know, it's really hard to compare war zones, especially when it comes to the pain that is caused because that is the same no matter where you go. >> but >> there's something about this that is very, very different. the speed with which it all happened, the speed with which this crush of humanity found itself in raffa. and the fact that it's so impossibly difficult to access those who are in need and to get the aid and it's just even the most
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simple things anderson wanting to get people diapers, wanting to get women sanitary products, wanting to get food, wanting to do anything, you run into so many different layers of challenges what are those challenges? >> because spout because israel is saying look more aid is getting in. there'll be the new crossings opening up. the erez crossing what is one stuff, even once it gets in what, what are the bottlenecks >> so it's quite interesting because i had an idea of what the bottlenecks were when i was on the outside. and now that i'm here, i actually have a much deeper understanding of what they are. so first of all, it takes around two to three weeks for a truckload to get and then once it gets in, it needs to be all floated and transported. that's not as straightforward as it might seem, because there's extreme fuel shortages. people can't move around very easily from
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one neighborhood to another and the routes that one can actually use do tend to change. and then when you actually get to these areas to try to disk tribute, whatever it is that you have, it's complete and total, chaotic and sanity to a certain degree because there is so little people are panicked. >> what is your organization or we're doing on the ground or what are you trying to do there? >> so we're working in 13 shelters that aren't really being all that access by other organizations ron sort of a mental health program for children. we're also doing hot meals. were distributing diapers and women's rewardable sanitary underwear. and then earlier today we were out trying to do a basic medical assessments and some of these areas so that we can start setting up our medical points. and we were completely swarm there with women throwing babies into it our faces because they have been gaining weight, malnutrition obviously is a huge and massive problem. and then once people realize that we were also focused on
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children's mental health as we were leaving a woman came up to me and grabbed me and she was saying, can you please try to help my son because he has been screaming and going into convulsions every single night ever since he saw his sister's head blown off by a bomb that hit our house >> damon, thank you can we have an x the gathering of survivors of the nova music festival here in the united states is this weekend we approach the six anniversary of the attack on his israel >> making the switch to battery with one of the best decisions that we made, the company built for you bill for work right now, get a free battery with the purchase of select professional steel tools. >> we'll still find your, the right age for neutrogena retina that's whenever you want it to be. it has germ proven retina that targets vital cell turnover, even skin tone and smooths fine lines with visible results in just one week,
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dog. gets got her >> build a rapid grass today. it's guaranteed fee. did law welcome to the waiver hood with wave finding your style is fine >> the music stops grabbing. it, doesn't matter if you're outdoors i'm sorry, carl, this is me and chair form >> i don't see you come. it's perfect for you, >> but you love it. >> i told you we should have done opinion data i explained, it, so many times. >> they're not >> send you need to sit down, >> every >> style, every home >> space shuttle, colombia, the final flight premieres sunday at nine on cnn. >> every night, you're going straight to the source. we begin with the breaking news tonight. >> inside >> the biggest stories, where is the common ground between you and the senate and the white house sharing test with you, the source with kaitlan collins next this sunday will mark six months since the october 7 attacks by hamas inside israel. when partygoers at the nova music
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festival were attacked, an estimated 364 people were killed. their 40 of them people, others were taken hostages, were taken hostage. those attacks, of course, led to the war in gaza were more than 130 hostages are still believed to be in captivity and were tens of thousands of palestinians have been killed over these last six months. we reported extensively on the suffering, the lives lost in gaza and israel. well, we don't often talk about is those who survived and the wounds they carry from this terrible war recently group has survivors who were at the nova festival came to the us for very unique gathering. take a look >> in california's ohio valley for the next week, this jewish sleep-wake camp is home to many survivors of the november music festival massacre hundred and 20 in all. >> it's the first time a group this size has >> gathered since october 7, every day asked myself, why am i live what's the purpose?
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>> well, moos her from israel daniel and li sazzy are from california, the cousins were visiting family and went to the festival with eight relatives, including daniels 65 year-old father avi this video was shot moments before rockets began falling a race to one of the fortified bus stops that serve as bomb shelters along the road by the festival >> blond kid comes in, is shot up in the leg full of blood. he just walks in and sits in the corner and at that very moment, i knew my dad said, if i want to get home to my son, the stand in this corner, my dad yelled all the guys up to the front. we won't let the terrorists in and then it, all started 1 million bullets everyone was screaming. no, no,
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no. and then in hebrew we hear a claim one only one is a grenade when it exploded, you just feel like you are flying away from the impact of the bomb. and then they throw another grenade and there's again then they walked in and started shooting everyone and they shot me in the leg. they threw a molotov cocktail bomb shelter and. because there was so many bodies dead and alive inside, there was no floor, for it to land on the ground and shatter so they basically through it and it created a lot of dark suffocating smoke that choked you today. >> my husband was he just kept screaming that they're going to kill us and i just kinda shocking i guess stem >> i >> going to go look for my dad and about bodies on top of me. he went to my dad >> he
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>> marked with his hands like a heart sign, say he's gone >> and then i went numb >> out of their group of eight only four survived my dad died a hero for sure >> any promised me that i'll make it home to my son. so kept his word everyone hear carries >> with them the terror of that day >> when you see deaf, each state's who's in your eyes i can see it i can see deeper suffered let's get budweiser once the about demands of show, i nor cognito was a photographer at the festival. this is him moments after the attack began. >> welcome to your freedom and
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forms of gunshots at could recognize this is terrible is because that's the data that i've he initially also drove to a bomb shelter by the road >> i remember getting says a shelter akin can see like 50 people like sending like that. i make the decisions that probably saif my life. i took my car and went away. i took with me i think five hi, of sussex six mold people inside the car >> he ended up at a kibbutz where hundreds of others had fled >> soazig citizens have of the kibbutz have shifts. so you kinda doing patrols. so it was civilians with serving us four in front of the terrorist on the boat. i was a kibbutz another idea solid because they needed a lot to hours to come >> after eight hours, he was able to escape there's a great quote that said, every man have
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two lives. the second one's begin when he understands he have only one we all understand that on the seven october so we got to have a new life organizers hope this retreat will help people >> begin that you lied >> there's equine therapy a therapy dog named shani, with his sidekick junie and there's time and space to talk with each other about what happened everyone has ptsd and it's real. so it's just nice to be around them knowing that you're not alone in it. i was the happiest person in the world from before >> just >> waiting for some sunny days
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the next day afternoon storms create a >> rainbow on the horizon >> they have been through unimaginable tragic harm horrible things. i feel like they forgot what it feels like to feel safe. but if they can be reminded that who they were before if one of these people can come here and reclaim not dream, then we've succeeded >> as the week goes on, they do confidence-building exercises seeing >> once again, the survivors of the nova music festival join together in dance reminder you
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can catch more on the anniversary of the october 7 attack on this sunday is the whole story cnn's bianna golodryga sits down with family members of those taken captive and speaks directly with some of the released hostages and what they went through. that error this sunday at 8:00 p.m. here on cnn prison biden toward the collapsed key bridge in maryland today as salvage dive teams recovered a third person at the site of the bridge collapse. during his remarks today, president biden said of the six total who lost their lives, that quote, moos, were immigrants, but all were marylanders hardworking, strong, and selfless the person also said that he's committed to rebuilding the bridge with federal money, quoting the president. now, we're going to move heaven and earth to rebuild this bridge as rapidly as humanly possible. the bridge collapse as you know, after being rammed by massive cargo ship just last week, the incident effectively shut down operations of baltimore's port court, which is a key economic engine, and halted the flow of ships next, countdown to eclipse de will get a live report from cnn's harry enten at niagara falls is the area prepares to catch the eclipse
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smell as good as humanly possible. >> the source with kaitlan collins next to the world with my music now, i want to focus on what's happening to our planet i'm going to visit coastal communities that have a new ally in the fight against climate change this is blue car business, blue carbon >> we just >> need to plant and we need to protect nature will do the rest cnn sunday, april 21 at nine >> so we're all counting down the hours until the total solar eclipse will pass over large areas of the country on monday, including right over niagara falls, which is preparing to see a big influx of torres ready to see the celestial phenomenon. so course our favorite senior data reporter, harry enten, traveled up there he rarely gets out of the building, so we're excited to see him out in the field. how is the town gearing up and how
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does the expected crowd compared to the rest of the country? >> yeah. >> anderson, the coldest winter i ever spelled ever spent was a spring and niagara falls, it's freakin freezing here. look at the other side up in canada that niagara falls has in fact declared a state of emergency. here they haven't done such a thing, but they're making sure the cops are ready. the national guard, i saw some extra port-a-potty is out there, so they are expecting a large crowd, perhaps $1 being pumped into the local economy. now, interestingly enough, this has not where we're expecting the most tourists to cover the eclipse. we're actually expecting them down in texas were expecting them in indiana. we're expecting them and ohio and then the fourth state, which we're expecting the most tourist has in fact new york, but in fact, you could go anywhere basically in western new york up to northern new york, you know, you could spend in rochester, you can b. and you could be up in like plastic where i hope to be actually the day after the eclipse. so the fact is you can find in a lot
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of different places, but the most popular place at this particular point to watch the eclipse looks to be down in texas. we're of course, dallas, a very large city is supposed to be in the path i took we spoke on wednesday, you mentioned there may be bad weather for the eclipse viewing and some cities in the path of totality as a graduate of whether camp i know you're going to top this >> has the forecasts gotten any better since then? >> i was looking, i >> broke out my old whether camp your book. i was looking at it and i remember to look at my model outputs statistic data, and i put in a bunch of cities along the path of totality i break out the acronyms for you, anderson, and i was looking at that model up output statistic data, look at dallas at this particular point, although texas is because respecting the most amount of people, the whether there is quite iffy mostly cloudy, maybe a thunderstorm, probably not so i, would, probably go a little bit further north, maybe an oklahoma arkansas if you're thinking about going to texas
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indianapolis could in fact have a pretty good whether we're looking at partly sunny there here in the buffalo niagara falls area partly sunny. there may be a warm front. there's still a big question mark. i'm going to be typing in the entire time trying to figure out what's going on. but in fact, the best whether if you're looking for the best weather, anderson, if you want to make a last second trip, perhaps we can run de bu up in burlington, vermont okay. rolling ten, vermont is a pretty good there it is so hairy. i understand you took the boat trip to see the falls. the what is it? the mater the midst of the is that it? it looked miserable. i got to say, i've seen the video we're playing the video now you look you're wearing a garbage bag and you just look it was the earthquake also striking you at this moment? >> when i i you know, the last time i wanted a boat ride anywhere in the water in the state of new york it was as cold whenever you're go on a boat ride, new york, it is freaking freezing as i said, it
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was even colder down there is about ten degrees colder misery of sort of getting near the false, you >> i looked absolutely mr. oboe, but the fact is i wanted to take in all of the scenery and more than that anderson, i can report. now, i have visited a new country because the mate of the missed, in fact, very short while goes into canada. i have never been canada before today. so i was able to check that box off my list and i know you've never tried twice back in no, i'd never been a candidate. i ended his sword instead of a driver's license. i wanted to go to canada twice in the early odds, but there was playing problems both the times. and maybe i want to use victorious in the early the early 2000s. yeah. i mean, look, it's 2024 and there's sandwich, the early odds now, it's almost we're is far when i was born, it would've been like the 1950s. >> all right. area enten with your early ots. we gotta go. thank you very much. i hope you have a great eclipse, so we'll probably chat about on monday