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tv   CNN Newsroom  CNN  April 6, 2024 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT

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>> living being should ever eat processed food for every single meal of their life. >> it's amazing to me how many people write in about their dogs changing for the better the farmers dog is just, are way to help people take care o her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for.
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free, visit ai or download the app >> i'm melanie zanona. on capitol hill, and this is cnn >> you are in the cnn newsroom. hi everyone. i'm jessica dean in new york. we have breaking news out of northern gaza tonight where israel's prepared to reopen the erez border crossing. and to use its port of ashdod to get humanitarian aid into gaza. just hours before the israel-hamas war reaches the sixth month mark. this is the un humanitarian aid chief calls the situation in gaza a quote, betrayal of humanity with 33,000 people killed there. and many stars just this week, a
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deadly israeli strike killed seven humanitarian aid workers from world central kitchen. cnn's nic robertson is in jerusalem for us tonight and it gunfire and explosion since we're here today at the erez border crossing what does this tell us and what are you learning >> yeah, we went down to the border crossing today to see what the premise variations. werther would be going on for the expected aid convoys to go through the erez crossing. we didn't see any preparations. there was a meeting between the idf and the world food program. they're friday, but we didn't see anything. but what we did here was heavy gunfire could hear heavy explosions in the distance this immediately tells you that for any humanitarian convoy going in it's going to be dangerous? no surprise. but it is also an indicative of the fact that the many hurdles that convoy is going through there will face like erez crossing principally a pedestrian crossing. it was where workers to gaza would come into israel
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every day and back out at the end of the day or at the end of the week. so it not really constructed for heavy goods vehicles, aid trucks to go through, but it can do it but the road structures, road networks beyond the erez border crossing many of those have been hit by a, by bombs, by missiles, by artillery. some of them were seen on satellite imagery. those roads completely impassable the tarmac is completely blown apart. >> so >> it's not clear how the aid convoy and trucks would be at a getting we don't have any details from the israeli government yet about how many trucks about what could be on those trucks? it's about how they'll screen the trucks, make sure that the goods on board meet with their requirements. so there are a huge number of unknowns. what is very clear is that the commitment when it's been made by the israeli government to go ahead and open it. the expectation from the white house says that the government will make good on that promise. it's something the, the white house has been asking the israeli government to do for months, every state anthony blinken here in february as the government, the israeli
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government to open erez crossing because it's in the north of gaza. and that's where the worst humanitarian suffering is the un says about 300,000 people people living there and many of them on the verge of starvation soon need is huge. precisely how it's going to play out sunday here really isn't clear to it. this yet >> nick, we also learned the body of one israeli hostage was returned to his family in israel last night. tell us more about this yeah >> a lot cat csia from nir oz, a kibbutz is very close to the gaza border. i spent a lot of time with families to matt kibbutz and this is a kibbutz where i think more than in 70 people were kidnapped. a very high number of people were kidnapped. and his family, a distraught because they say that the government missed opportunities to bring him back. they say that while he
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was in gaza, he was pictured at least twice alive as a hostage as recently as early this year and the fact that the government won't prioritize a so many hostage families are demanding that they do prioritize bringing hostages back home, whatever price it is to get a truce with hamas these families want the government to do that and they say, this is a case of an absolutely missed opportunity. they said a government might portray him as a victim of the war, but they feel that as a victim of the government mishandling this war. and this is why you have protests on the streets of tel aviv of haifa versus area this evening and alone on the coast in israel people coming out and calling for this government to step down that netanyahu is responsible and they want him to step down. they want another government in place. base. and this is obviously a huge pain for for god's family today. >> of course, of course in our hearts go out hi to them, just
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an unimaginable grief. they must be going through as those hostages. they still remain in gaza. all right. nic robertson for us. thanks so much for that. our tonight. also tonight, vowing revenge, new threats of retaliation from iran, highest ranking commander after israeli warplanes bombed neurons, embassy in syria this week, the remarks coming at the funeral for seven military officers, members of iran's revolutionary guard who were killed in that strike. and now america is on high alert for great quote significant attack by iran in the middle east that could target israelis or americans. >> cnn, white house correspond. >> priscilla alvarez joining us now, live from washington, dc for scylla. how is the white house reacting to these threats from iran? >> well, the white house is in close touch with israeli counterparts as they both track what potential attack i ran could launch, but they both describe this as inevitable. now we should make clear here that the us has conveyed to iran that they were not involved in that israeli
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airstrike that you just mentioned that killed several top iranian commanders and that they did not have advanced knowledge of that airstrike and warned i rather they should not use this as a pretext to attack us personnel and facilities. so all the same though, this is something that the us and israel are on high alert they expect that there could be an attack as soon as this next week, this could target us or is really assets in the middle east since is specific to that region. still, it's unclear when this would happen how it would unfold. >> we >> could happen in multiple parts or in multiple different ways. so the us staying and very close touch with israel as they track all of this. of course, the big concern here is if i ran directly a attacks israel, because that could threaten a much broader regional conflict. and that is something that the us has been trying to avoid. of course, the
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white house has tried to navigate all of this quite delicately because they do not want there to be a wider regional conflict. so how exactly this unfolds is really going to be the key here in trying to contain this. but all the same as of tonight as of today, the us and israel still very much tracking this something that could happen as soon as next week in the middle east. >> and priscilla biden ministration is also warned iran >> against attacking any american assets. do you know if there's any plan to reposition us forces at this time? hi our understanding is that is not the case, but again, as i mentioned, this is something that the us is tracking very closely, but they did issue those stark warnings to our ran two again, not use this. it rayleigh airstrike on a consulate in damascus as a pretext to go after the us. in fact, they've made it quite clear that iran should not come after the us. now of course, whether i ran heats, those warnings unclear, but for now, it's very much a wait-and-see
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mode. and also preparing to getting a position for whatever could happen on the horizon. all right. all right. white house correspondent priscilla alvarez with that update for us. thanks so much. >> and >> joining us now is the former israeli ambassador to the united states, michael oren, a great to have you on. thanks so much. for being with us on this saturday evening. i want to ask you first, how concerned you are about these threats from iran and what you think it might mean for israel's war on hamas as the us now prepares to protect its own assets, they're in the middle east dwell it's always good to be with you. >> we assume that in striking at iran, iran both threatened to strike back in the past. that hasn't always strike back when the united states eliminated a qassem soleimani the heads of the basket, the highest ranking military figure in iran back in 2020 funny, iran threatened to retaliate and never retaliated and have them to this day. but we can't afford to be that certain cavalier about it and so a
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forces are on high alert leaves were trapped where four canceled for soldiers over the weekend. typically, those involved in ground to air defense so were prepared, but that doesn't mean israel won't that won't continue to defend itself against iranian aggression iranian proxies like his bowl in the north have been firing dozens of rockets at israel. our entire northern part of the country, northern galilee is rendered uninhabitable by hizballah missiles, which are made and sponsored paid for by iran. so israel has to defend itself against iran, not just against his butler. >> and we're set to mark the six months of the israel-hamas war tomorrow >> i'm curious >> what you think the chances are that any progress can be made in these talks that are going on in cairo this weekend, the cia director is there but to get these hostages home and also potentially come to terms on a ceasefire of sorts.
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>> well, i'm not a spokesman for the israeli government. i want to be very clear about that. so this is my personal opinion. that personal thing is that the chances are very weak the united states washington, the europeans have been signaling to the hamas that all they have to do is hold on for another week or to create situations where israel is killing more palestinians because hamas is using those policies as human shields. and eventually the world will impose a ceasefire, permanent ceasefire. and that's what hamas wants house was a ceasefire. they'll naval look to emerge from the tunnels and declare victory and prepare the onslaught against israel because that's precisely what it's, what it's leaders say they're going to do this. we'll do it 1 million times over until they destroy israel. that's what hamas wants. and the signal they've been getting from much of the west is just hold on for another week or two why then would hamas want to agree to a temporary ceasefire and give up what they regard as assets, those assets being the hostages themselves. i think good. wouldn't be prepared to agree to a temporary ceasefire as
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long as six weeks and return for a number of hostages. maybe 40, maybe the women hostages, maybe the ill and the elderly hostages. it's been suggested and perhaps even released security prisoners, prisoners from israeli prisons but i don't think hamas is there any commas understands that time is on its side at this point, and without an israeli invasion into the southern part of gaza, the rafah area that hamas will not be pressure in any way to give up all the hostages >> and israel, is reopening is nic robertson, my colleague was just explaining to us the erez crossing to allow more aid into gaza >> what do >> you make of that move? and what does it mean that it's coming on the heels of president biden's call with benjamin netanyahu, in which biden said the administration' s policy on the war could change unless israel increased aid flow and protections for civilians and aid workers. what are you? think about that in its totality
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>> good question. there's an i certainly welcoming since the beginning of this war, six months ago, i've been an advocate of expanding aid to the palestinian civilians in gaza for moral reasons, but also for strategic reasons. hamas has an interest in having palestinians suffer the greater number of palestinians who die in this war who are, starved and displacements word that works in hamas's favorite because hamas wants a ceasefire. and the ceasefire, hamas kalisa, it'll get through international pressure on israel. and the pressure mounts with every day of palestinian suffering so it's an israel's interests, not just morally but strategically to reduce that suffering. now, it's not, it's not an easy position and israel, many israelis field and this is across the political spectrum, right, left, centre. believe that by holding eight is the only way that israel has to assert pressure on hamas to at least let the red cross visit the hostages least know which hostages, let us know which houses are living in. we who are dead. much less release the hostages. but i think that's kind of a faulty logic because that assumes that hamas
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actually cares about the palestinians it actually doesn't their wants to see more palisades and suffer and die. therefore, it's in israel's interest to increase that aid. and i certainly welcome that. i think that president biden's recent conversation with the prime minister and apparently a very hard conversation gave president minister netanyahu a certain amount of leverage to go back to the far-right members of his own coalition and say, hey, what can i do? the president is pressuring me sometimes that works like that and diplomacy, you understand, if that's the outcome, it's a good outcome and i hope more if it continues >> and when it comes to that strike on world central kitchen aid workers in gaza earlier this week we had former cia director leon panetta on with cnn's jen sciutto talking about the idf standards and tactics. i just want to play a clip of what leon panetta said and then i want to get your reaction >> sometimes if you're going to do it and you want to make sure
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that you're hitting the right to target you have to be able to verify to take time to make sure that the information that you're getting is accurate. with regards to targets and i have to tell you that in the past, at least in my experience, the israelis usually fire and then ask questions >> what do you, what do you make of those comments from leon panetta? there? >> i have to react to my my friend and former colleague beyond panetta have a high regard for him, but take issue with it >> it >> was a terrible, terrible tragedy. there were violations of israeli standing protocol and two senior officers now have been removed from their positions as a result of that. but these really news tonight has been reporting about the many instance that incurred in your herd in afghanistan during the tenure, among other secretary of defense's leon panetta, wary american forces killed large numbers of aid workers and the reaction in the
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world has not been remotely the same. and this is not in any way to excuse the mistakes that happened with the murder of these the death of these seven workers, not in any way. it was a terrible, terrible tragedy, unforgivable unexplainable. but it happens in a war and israel is engaged in a densely populated, very, very complex combat environment where the distinction between terrorists and civilians cannot always be ascertained and the israeli army goes to a very long process, detailed process of approving every bombing raid mistakes happen again, no explanations, no excuses. but the united states experienced very similar mistakes during his terms, during his time there. it's wars in iraq and afghanistan all right. >> former israeli ambassador to the us, michael oren. thanks so much. >> we really appreciate you coming on. we appreciate your time >> thank you >> still the. com the countdown to the total solar eclipse is
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on how small towns in the path of totality or preparing for their big moment plus the searches on furman, who is believed to have set part of senator bernie sanders office on fire we have details on that incident. >> you're watching cnn newsroom >> check. >> we hear nothing the space shuttle accident, it's usually not one thing. it's a series of events is >> that part of the wing coming apart >> space shuttle columbia, the final flight premieres tomorrow at nine on cnn. >> to me, harlem is all. >> but >> home, is also your body. last one i asked myself, why does it pilates exist in harlem? so i started my own studio, get an a brick-and-mortar in new york is not easy >> chases. inke supported us from studio one to studio three. when you start small, you need some big help and j. think with that for me, earn up to 5% cash bacot business essentials what the chasing business cash make more of what's yours.
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days until a rare total solar eclipse is seen across a large swath of america millions are traveling into communities all along the route of the eclipse, hoping to get a great view cnn's miguel marquez is in cleveland, which is right in the center of the path of totality. miguel health, cleveland preparing >> well, it's hoping for sun, it's begging for a perfectly crystal clear day like today. and look, cleveland rocks on a good day. it is >> going to >> totally rock on monday if it's all clear, we're at the rock and roll hall of fame, if you know cleveland science center is right next door. the sun will be just up there when totality hits >> and they expect >> about 30,000 people. but here the rock and roll hall of fame, they have the glasses, they have the solar fest. it's like we had their backstage pass here. they even have t-shirts that looked like concert shirts for the path of totality tour. >> and then on >> the backside you can see all the cities where they where the total or the eclipse is meant
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to hit but it all now depends on the weather people from all around the world are expected and look, it's not just the eclipse here. the final for the women's final four is here this weekend international film festivals, festivals here in cleveland cleveland is rock and people from around the world coming to see the eclipse. we spoke to a few earlier >> we have decided that we're going to meet at all the eclipse's from this point forward >> very important to get to this one because >> i am going to click good man. >> so if i got to see the total one in 2017 went down in tennessee and i've been telling them all morning, i'm like, it's such a surreal experience. you can't even explain what it's like to be in a total eclipse. you think you're going to know then you're like, oh i wasn't expecting that. >> let me see your son we are to have sun no clout or no clouds, no rain dance >> i have no idea so the
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weather right now for cleveland is looking >> partly sunny. we are going to do are no cloud dance and make sure it is fully sunny on monday. but just tens of thousands of people, not only here across the cleveland area, but millions across the zone of totality i'm going to be the zona totality from now on but i also >> think for the dance, i think it's in the risks based on what the women when we're doing there to get the get the clouds out of the way. so do that for your no rain dance. >> exactly. >> minguella marquez in cleveland, big weaken their thanks so much. appreciate it. >> well you've heard about people traveling from all over the country to experience that eclipse firsthand. but now we're going to actually hear from one kate rousseau is an eclipse chaser. she's currently in leakey, texas and she joins us now kate great to have you on. i'm told this will be your 14th total solar eclipse. tell us what it's like to experience and why do you love it so much
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>> there's nothing like the experience of totality and just listening to that report, people coming together. so it's not just about being in the path of totality and experiencing something so beautiful and unique. >> it's >> everyone coming together and all at the same time looking up and experiencing something out of this world. it's such a wonderful experience, very difficult to explain to people who haven't actually experienced it before and it's really an all inspiring event and people will talk about the all they have when they watch this. and it can actually affect our brains. what have you, have you learned about the psychological impacts of watching something? like this being a part of something like this >> yes. >> because not only am in eclipse chaser, i'm a clinical psychologist and i've been researching the eclipse experience for over a decade now. and initially i was using people's words to be able to describe the ineffable. what happens to us, how do we, how do we put words to something
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that's so powerful? but more recently, i've turned to the idea that we can capture the embodied experience of totality by looking at changes in our brain waves. so back in october, we had annular eclipse. and i was able to get five volunteers and myself a brainwaves were measured during the annular eclipse and it's really interesting because there were changes in our brain waves that were noticed during the moments of angularity. and also when the clouds part is as well, it must be said. so that's the first time we've been able to really identify during an eclipse that we can actually capture some of if the physical responses that we have to it >> and when >> we experienced totality, we are in such all of the world around us and the universe we feel so connected and we feel so insignificant that part of something greater and so it's really great that what we store in the field in october matches up with the psychological good research that's already out there that shows that when we
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experience or we do have changes in our brain. and it actually leads to people becoming more altruistic and more pro-social. so it's really exciting times at the moment. >> it is, it's really, really fascinating stuff. and we know that people have also been kind of changing their plans because of the weather forecasts or my colleague miguel mark has they're talking about the cloud cover. we know there's a chance of severe storms homes in central and eastern texas. and along that eclipse path to arkansas >> what are you concerned? you have a backup plan. will you move if you need to to make sure you can see it properly? >> yeah this is why we call it eclipse chasing because people often don't think about this element of it. now, i'm in texas and i pitch texas because out of all the areas in the in the path of totality historically, texas had the best chances of clear skies in april, not as good as mexico, but it was the best across the us. and here we are. look, there are other places along the path and how lucky for them
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that they're going to have a really great experience. >> but here we >> are in texas now having to make our plan a, plan b, and fled from c. >> so a lot of my chase or >> colleagues and friends, actually a lot of them relocated a few days ago and i moved further along the coast, along the path of totality. i am here on my plan was to view on in or near garner state park my plan b or c? i don't know how i need to initiate that at this point of time. but what we are looking at here in this part of town texas, is cloud cover for sure, but we will have pockets of clear skies at during that. so we have to expect cloud >> and so now i'm >> just looking at the final weather forecast, trying to chase those pockets. and i tell you it is so stressful because you just it's so important to see it. it's so important not to be stuck under really thick cloud this is a bit of a nightmare situation for those of us in texas. but if it's your first time, you will still
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have an amazing experience that you will, it will be a really amazing experience it's that we know what else can happen if we're not under those clouds were wishing you clear skies and a smooth path to seeing it all >> eclipse >> chaser, kate, ruth, thanks so much for being with us. we appreciate it and enjoy thank you. thank you. >> and be sure to catch scene in special coverage of the eclipse across america. it starts monday at 1:00 p.m. eastern. you can also stream it on max we'll be right back >> let's see an infill. sunday, april 20, first at nine. >> they told us to follow our dreams ben said they were unrealistic because passions don't pay bills but what they didn't know it said dreamers make their own victory >> one aleve works all day. so
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police say a bar fight turned deadly when someone pulled out a weapon at the martini bar and drought, florida, that's just outside miami. doral police say a security guard and a suspect? are now dead. six bystanders and a police officer were wounded in this cnn's ryan young has been following everything. what more are you learning, ryan? >> you're early morning shooting is situation? there was some sort of disagreement inside that bar. the security guard tries to step in, someone produces a gun, shoots and kills that security guard. the officers get there very quickly, try to stop things and then a shootout occurs inside that bar. >> we're >> told six other people hit two women for their men one officer is also hit. he actually use a tourniquet to save himself, listen to the police chief, talk about this situation that they are still investigating. >> yeah. especially here in doral. we just moved in here because they are so safe. i still feel safe here >> but yeah, it is pretty shocked for this to happen right here in this block. yeah,
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we're, we're pretty pretty shocked >> yeah, we flipped that from the police chief. you can hear that resonance. talk about how safe that areas it is known as a very safe area yeah. the police chief had talked about earlier how one of his officers had to apply attorney get to himself to save his own life. there's so many questions about this, but this happened early in the morning. what we're hoping for is another update to try to figure out the motive or some circumstances that we're all behind this. but a very troubling situation in an area that's not known for this kind of violence. jessica. all right. ryan young with the update for us. thanks so much police in vermont are asking for the public's help after senator bernie sanders office was targeted. and what appears to be a deliberate act of arson, police releasing these images of the suspect who they say sprite accelerant on the entry doors and then set them on fire while staff members were still one side, but thankfully, no injuries were reported. cnn's polo sandoval has the latest though on this investigation, a polo where to things stand now. >> so jessica police in burlington, vermont, they released that pretty clear photo hoping to generate some
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leaves so hopefully track down this suspected arsonist, what they know is that he is believed to walked into that burlington building that houses the what are the offices of senator bernie sanders and then sprayed the entrance to that office with some sort of accelerant according to investigators, he then lit it on fire with staffers inside. now, fortunately, the building's fire suppression system, the sprinklers, they kicked in, they were to eliminate, they were able to eliminate most of the flame. so as you mentioned, there were no injuries reported. the sadow actually was not in the office at the time hi, i'm but this building, as you see there, it is a multistory, multi office building so as we heard from one of the local fire battalion chiefs who actually spoke to my colleague maria campinoti. there is still some questions about how he was able to access this area that we're told is not open to the general public. but the other question too, about a possible motive in all of this, jessica, as we send things back to you, this is worth noting in 2023 alone, the us capitol police recorded about 8,000 threats directed against lawmakers. so that's
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certainly alarming here, and that was an increase over the year before in terms of this particular case. again, there's no clear motive yet, but there is the us capitol police, as well as the senate the senate sergeant at arms that are currently working with local go investigators to try to piece this together and get a clear picture as this man hunt continues >> yeah, that's curious situation there. police and naval. thanks so much for that update. >> and still had this afternoon, caitlin clark and the hawkeyes escaped with a narrow victory against uconn in the final four. but to win at all, they're going to have to beat their toughest opponent, yet you're in sun tomorrow morning. >> former israeli prime minister naftali bennett joints for read as the israel-gaza war entered there's a sixth month plus finland's newly elected president, alexander stuff for weed, zakaria gps tomorrow morning at ten
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>> wow, it's marked out >> erin burnett out front week nights at seven months, cnn it's now down to just two teams facing off for the national championship in women's college basketball. caitlin clark and the iowa hawkeyes, the clenching their spot in the game after a dramatic victory over you got a lot that's night. >> and now >> they'll face their toughest test yet against the undefeated south carolina gamecocks. >> cnn's coy >> wire is joining us now from arizona as the men's final four a set to begin soon >> but coy >> back to caitlin clark, this is a really emotional win for her and for her entire team last night yeah >> in one of the most highly anticipated women's games ever, right. jessica, i mean, the stakes were high. the game lived up to the hype, but it did not come without, as you mentioned, some controversy, caitlin clark in the first half, held to just six points,
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stifling defense by uconn, but clark and the hawkeyes kickstart a surge in this seconds, she would finish with 20 one on the night, but it came down to those final seconds of this game when uconn was down one and aaliyah edwards gets called for an illegal screen in and this is how it would end. >> lebron james and >> many others posting that they did not like that call at that moment in the game, but that's how it ended up. and so i will get a chance now to move on. as you mentioned, to face south carolina and dawn staley's gamecocks are on an incredible run. there and defeated this season after beating nc state last night, 7082 this is a team whose only lost three games in the last three years. jessica, caitlin clark says, she knows what's about to come next in the final and she's looking forward at a chance and make it more history. listen i think being in this moment before i think
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gives are group a good understanding of what to expect we know what south here on it brings to the table. we know we're gonna have our hands full the way they played tonight was incredible. but it's the national championship, it's last game on my career. it's last game per five people on this team. so i don't think motivation will be hard to come by >> all right. iowa was the last team to beat south carolina and last year's final force of his rematch is going to be incredible. now tonight, tipping off in just minutes, the men's final four we have four incredible leaders of these teams produce matt painter and nc state's kevin keatts. they are leading their teams here for the first time in more than 40 years, alabama's name hey oats, for the first time ever you condo they are looking to become the first team to repeat as champs since 2007 in their head man, dan hurley, he's a centric, he is firing any superstitious. he wears the same lucky red dragon underwear. every game we caught up with coach his wife, andrea, and the three other coaches to
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ask about their superstitions. listen he's a 51 year-old man. why did you buy them for him in the first place >> because he's a 12-year-old boy at heart >> i got my same sign let me proud of shoes that i were 49 games. >> i'm >> not superstitious. i >> do not really have anything. i take a nap before the game. >> i love superheroes, i love hello animals, and i've got a pair for any occasion. >> i certainly don't want are the same clothes. >> they're comfortable. i've had a fall while what the referees think that i'm with them because i got shot so just a little stitches right now just a little stitches >> all right. jessica, you can watch the shiny shoes and the red dragon underwear inaction, just minutes from now, trutv tb as tnt and streaming on max is going to be at awesome final four. and i'm going to go in there with this crowds making their way to the stadium >> yeah. you and it looks like thousands of your closest friends coy. all right. thanks so much. we'll see you soon.
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18085 1177. call now central weekdays. seven eastern >> it has been almost six months since the deadly october 7 terror attack on israel. and now the father of two hostages still being held by hamas is speaking out about what his family is enduring telling cnn's melissa bell, he still has hope. he'll be reunited with his children.
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>> for ye plu, who'd time stopped on october 7 >> he shows >> us into his orange orchard normally at the scene isn't his joy >> this time i can enjoy the smell of the blosum from the formula please. yeah. like i can enjoy of nothing >> it's so strong now >> yes. but nothing this year >> has been normal for yet yell on october 7 two of his three children seen here at their home and kibbutz nir were kidnapped by hamas six months i didn't touch them or didn't smell them. i didn't talk with them i didn't have them it's not six months. it's one long day this he says is now his
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mission room where he and his wife, uil, worked for their children's >> return and try to stay sane partly, he says by not watching the news at all to what keeps us alive, that was kept us in our mission of life get belt for the second time for our children without this hop here we can do nothing. his >> 30 five-year-old dollars was last seen leaving the shelter where his pregnant wife and their three children were cowering to see if the coast was clear for six months now, he's been without his medication in these bills. >> one pill without these pills the body. good week from day to day. a live danger if they didn't kill him, why they took him or in the prison? i don't know how we will come back to us but it is his fear for his
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28 year-old daughter are bell, who was also taken from the kibbutz that day along with her boyfriend, avl, >> that take an even darker turn when i'm thinking about our bell my soul, birth, what kind of sexual >> abuses past how fears she's met. every minutes with men's around her from time to time. >> i >> heard in my minds >> a-b-a, father come >> to release me. where are you >> some of the accounts of former hostages, like i need to santa who recently spoke publicly of the conditions and the sexual abuse stewart, which hamas has denied, have only added to your heels fears he
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records them in a journal at night because it's always on my mind while i'm talking with you now i'm thinking about our bell >> if she could >> hear me talking with you like that and now she's hugging me from behind and give me power to continue to talk with you to stay calm. calm that he says he also finds hi the tree his son was named for. the plain trees or dollar tree in hebrew, in its shade, his waited for six months at once fruitful and fearful of news melissa bell, cnn, risch on let's john >> and tonight, more than 130 hostages are still being held captive in gaza. that's according to israeli authorities cnn's bianna golodryga spoke with one former hostage who was freed after more than 50 days in hamas captivity, yarden roman gut
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>> eventually i got to house several house. most of the time i was there. >> no >> other hostages were held with her and with someone with you, a terrorist with you every day ever >> second all the time recounting her experience is not easy. it's >> very difficult feeling to explain >> okay top for a while. look, i'm sorry >> what is the meaning of being hostage >> you cannot >> pick out there is no certainty. you have to be alert all of the time it's very deep aspects of humanity that are taking awabeyond as full
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report hostages, the road home airs tomorrow on the whole story with anderson cooper it's at 8:00 p.m. eastern only here on cnn stay with us. we'll have more news ahead for you in the next hour >> next stage, and all those points what are they talking about we will see you in phoenix sail through the heart of historic cities, an unforgettable scenery with faking unpack once and get closer to iconic landmarks local life, and cultural treasures because when you experienced europe on a viking long ship, you will spend less time getting there and more time being that viking exploring the world in comfort
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>> i'm paula reid in washington and this is cnn you are in the cnn newsroom. hi everyone. i'm jessica dean in new york and all across americ