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tv   CNN Newsroom Live  CNN  April 7, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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her son as a carrot in front they told him repeatedly, call your mom, do this and we will go help you here are some steven later retracted his identification of his mother heather's father has primary custody of baby carson in >> a biting piece of irony, joanna can have no contact with the grandson she was willing to kill for carson has the laugh that very much reminds me of heather. when we lost heather, was just a hole in my heart that's there's never going to heal joanna haze almost pulled off the perfect crime closer to commit and the perfect front of anybody i ever saw of all the murders i've prosecuted very seldom do i see the a planned calculated, cold hearted cold blooded murderer, like this one this one was different. what made it different? was doing a hayes. she's just the most
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evil defendant i've ever convicted of >> hello and welcome to our viewers in the united states it's and around the world, i'm anna coren, live from on-call head on cnn newsroom hamas unleashed a deadly assault six months ago, igniting the war between israel so and gaza. i'll speak to the brother of one of the hostages taken by hamas on october 7. and the nova music festival >> plus one mysterious black squirrel trying to eat the sun and the community rallying, just scared away. >> we'll look at >> the legend and indigenous american nation has the monday's total solar eclipse and we're hours away from the nc doublet women's basketball tournament final. >> cnn sport's andy shows joins me live to see if iowa
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superstar caitlin clark has what it takes to win it all well, today is a milestone in the israel hamas for its being six months since the hamas attack that led to the war in tel aviv. today, these family members of hostages taken by hamas staged a performance to mark the anniversary well, meanwhile, hamas says it sending a delegation to cairo on sunday for ceasefire and hostage talks. sources tell cnn that directors of the cia and israeli intelligence services will also be there six, months ago today, he must stage a surprise attack in israel, including at the nova music festival. a musk killed more than 1,000 people and took more than 200 hostages israel then ordered a complete siege of gaza on this map, you can see
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just how much of gaza, the israeli military has covered. it's led to more than 30,000 palestinian deaths. that's according to gaza's health ministry, including 12,000 children as well as a humanitarian crisis and fuse of famine >> there's also been severe >> destruction to gaza's infrastructure. this is what's left of the al-shifa hospital once gaza's largest, it was destroyed during a two-week idf siege >> in >> a statement, the united nations humanitarian chief says, we have a wrong at a terrible milestone. rarely has there been such global outrage at the toll of conflict with seemingly so little done to end it. and instead, so much impunity. >> he called >> it a betrayal of humanity well, meanwhile, israeli opposition leader yair lapid will meet next week. we're seeing us government officials in washington. lipids offers posted on social media that he
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will meet with us national security adviser and secretary of state is offers says he's also going to meet with senior us senators, netanyahu rival benny gantz visited washington last month in israel, anti netanyahu protesters called for new elections and for hamas to release it's hostages these protesters were in haifa, israel. they were calling netanyahu guilty and chanting criminal government. and evil government it's a sarah protest is changed his legacy is disgrace and the government is a failure. they calling for israel's government to put all efforts into bringing home hostages held in gaza will cnn, senior international correspondent ben wedeman joins us live from beirut let's start with those anti-government protests. this
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groundswell against netanyahu and his right-wing governments certainly appears to be growing till a small certainly what we're seeing for instance, in tel aviv levs night, there's many as 100 of protesters they're worse some injuries, as many as ten according to israeli authorities, three people were injured when a 71, 71 year-old driver rammed into a crowd of people. but certainly what we're seeing is that these demonstrations are growing in size and intensity. it's important to point out however, these are demonstrations calling for new elections. they are denouncing prime minister benjamin netanyahu, but these are not don't be under any missing dissent illusion these are not anti-war protests. the majority of israelis continue to
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support. these war effort in gaza. and whether they're is a downfall of the benjamin yahoo government and the war for many israelis should continue >> anna ben, we know talks resumed in egypt today for a hostage release and ceasefire. certainly more pressure i want to israel to do a deal particularly now we're at that six month mark >> pressure, not just on israel, but for instance, the biden administration has asked egypt and qatar, which are in direct contact with hamas, the united states is not to ease up. it's it's demands and come to some sort of agreement at the moment. hamas is calling for a complete ceasefire and israel fairly withdrawal from
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gaza. and what they're calling a serious exchange of palestinian detainees and prisoners in israeli jails >> four all right. those israeli hostages. so there's pressure on both sides. and certainly as referring back to those protests in israel, there's pressure on benjamin netanyahu to change his position for, for months. he was saying that his priority the first priority was to destroy hamas is second priority was to get the release of the hostages and now what we've seen in the past for instance, that in late november of last year, the only time when a significant number of israeli hostages were released. it wasn't the reason salt of military pressure, but it was the result of negotiations and a brief truce between hamas and israel and what we've seen is
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for instance, there's this news of this latest israeli hostage who is believed to have been killed somehow in january his body was found yesterday. this underscores that perhaps the military option for the resolution of the hostage situation is not working. and that negotiations is really the only way to bring those who are still alive ben you mentioned this laundry list of demands from hamas. >> you >> would have to assume that israelis is not going to agree to a lot of it. both sides will have to compromise egypt and qatar. what sort of influence do they have over hamas? >> a lot of qatar, for instance prior to the war, was providing financing to hamas with the
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agreement of the israeli government, it should be stressed and it also hosts many of the leaders of hamas who are in exile in qatar, egypt, of course, also is in direct contact with hamas. the relationship between egypt and hamas is a little more delicate given hamas is essentially a wing or an offshoot of the muslim brotherhood, which was crushed by the regime of the egyptian president as cc. nonetheless, because egypt shares a land border with gaza essentially can control who comes in and who comes out of gaza it has a lot of leverage as well. so both sides have leveraged the question is to what extent do they want to help? the united states in that regard at the end of the de, the decision is up to hamas and israel, whether going they're going to come to some sort of agreement. but what we've seen is clearly there is growing
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pressure on both of them to come to some sort of agreement to at least temporarily halted the bloodshed. and make some progress and then wait a min in beirut, we always appreciate your expertise and joel reporting. thank you so much. israel defense forces say they have recovered the body of a hostage from the city of khan yunis in gaza. they say he lured katzir was likely killed in january. he was kidnapped on october 7 from kibbutz nir oz and held captive by palestinian islamic jihad his body has now been returned to his family, speaking at a rally on saturday because he assistance says he may have been saved if a deal had happened in time israeli authorities believed 19, nine israeli hostages are still alive in gaza. their family members are mourning katzir's death and demanding the return
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of their loved ones today, we got very bad message about dell add conceal >> it was >> it was hashes for free months he, could handle three months. and then they killed him we don't know what about older rest? >> this is the >> time, not a day more this is just time to bring them back. all of them as soon as possible. we have to bring them back home >> what eli david joins us now from tel aviv, his brother is being held hostage by hamas. eli. thank you so much for joining us. i can't begin to imagine how difficult it must be to talk about your brother and the nightmare that you are still living. how would you describe the past six months for you and your family? >> as you said, it's the answer is in your question. if
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it is a nightmare, it is a nightmare everything is so much tougher slipped to eat even just doing i didn't celebrate it my best day i don't do go through any other any kind of events >> all i do all my family is doing is only fighting for the life of my bottle life. >> tell us about your brother were looking at images of him right now? >> my father is a younger man is 23 years old. the mochte is when he birthday in captivity it's very gentle, is very modest he loves people, he
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loves music, he plays the guitar we love to play together and sing together. i played the piano, plays the guitar, and we have a tradition every week, we see play together and here's my younger brother, and he's also an older brother two are relative sister. >> and he's an amazing brother. >> and amazing son and he just he went to a festival just to have fun and celebrate celebrate peace and freedom and brotherhood >> and i think he got the most difficult unfair punishment that exists right now. >> he >> he surviving or six months in the hamas dungeons underground barely sleeps,
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rarely. it's i don't know what, what is thinking. i mean, it's it's must be soaked up for him >> we cannot know for sure what kinds of 30 they're going through i can only imagine what must go through, through your mind in the recovery of ylide >> katzir, his body >> has certainly fueled anger among hostage families. >> he reportedly appears >> twice and videos during his captivity. but according to the idf, he has died at the hands ands of his capitals this must have been sickening news to you all >> yeah >> yes, it is sickening that is horrible. >> that >> we have zero insurance you know, what, what what is the future of our loved ones? they can die at any moment by the hands of the captives and it's
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it's it's unbelievable >> the >> try and understand a lot sister wrote and let me read it to you. he could have been saved if there had been a deal in time. but i'll leadership a coward motivated by political considerations and thus, it did not happen. >> i know you've >> maintained faith in the government and its negotiations for the release of hostages. but six months on this nightmare is still going. do you still believe the government has your interests front and center and is doing everything possible to bring the hostages home? >> actually, i do. >> i do believe >> but after six months, the past all the families cannot remain silent anymore >> though. i think that every
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everything is legitimate right now the family are desperate, right to do everything they can and it's it makes me furious. actually, you know, that if there was an opportunity to save him and we didn't do it it said many believe that prime minister netanyahu is prolonging >> these negotiations with hamas that he's dragging this out as a matter of self-preservation to stay in power do you feel the same >> i have no idea. >> actually i'm not a politician and >> i know nothing about strategy and military and politics and but i did i have met with lots of ministers if there's and the old de in the same story, the old telling
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that they're doing everything. they can i'm including prime minister and i think that as human beings and with western values, i think stronger than politics and i truly believe them. and you know that i still have hope and i think one of the. reasons is that i believe by little brother is listening, right now. what is your message to him? >> if you're listening know that you have to survive and the whole hold on and eventually, you'll be you'll be all right to come back home and we love you eli we, hope
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that you will be reunited with your brother very, very soon as all the >> hostage families will be reunited with their loved ones, we are thinking of you, our thoughts and prayers are with you thank, you so much for your time >> thank you so much >> stay with cnn. >> we'll be right >> back after this >> i was so excited to buy my first home, but i needed a lot of work done on it. i went on to angie. jaime was the first person to call these resurface my fluorine. he's done plumbing work, he's refinished this beautiful table here, find top rated certified pros in your area at angie dot >> i can't wait for this family get away. >> shingles. does sen. care shingles is a painful, blistering rash that can last for weeks. >> there's nothing like a day out with friends that's nice, but she doesn't care. >> 99% of adults 50 years >> or older already had the virus that causes shingles inside them and it can
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home. so if you've been stationed or visiting the marine corps base camp of june and have cancer or parkinson's visit camp lu june morgan and morgan for the veterans closed captioning is brought to you by skechers. go walk pants >> skechers go walk pants are breathable and flexible with a comfy soft field plus they have front and rear pockets, including a hidden zip security dirty bucket, try sketches affordable, go walk pants >> that rendition of bonnie tyler's timeless hits it comes courtesy of the in-house tribute band that cleveland, ohio's rock and roll hall of fame, which has big plans for monday's eclipse it's miguel marquez reports
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>> i'm not sure if you knew that cleveland rocks on a good day, but during an eclipse, it will totally rock. it is in the path of totality. >> this is >> the rock and roll hall of fame that is in cleveland, famous for the rock and roll hall of fame here basically it's like a concert. they have their themed eclipse glasses. it's a little like a consequence. we have our backstage pass to solar fest. they even have a t-shirts like a grok tee shirt. tour t-shirt for the path of totality tour with all the cities on the backside. >> now, this >> is downtown cleveland, the science center, which is right next door in the sun. if it is a cloudless day like it is today, we'll be right up there and it should be a perfect day. if we get a beautiful day like this one of the cool thing that the rock and roll hall of fame is doing. they're going to have speakers set up throughout the city. and there will be a special playlist to go along
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with the eclipse itself >> when it happens, we're all out here. we're gonna have music blasting and it's going to blast on our plaza in all through downtown cleveland. we play speakers we're all going to have the same soundtrack. as this happens. and we're playing celestial music >> you are deejaying the eclipse. >> yes, we are deejaying the eclipse for everybody. that's in town and you're going to hear david bowie, elton john, rocket donovan, you'll hear probably some taylor swift thrown in, but then pink floyd eclipse this is gonna be our penultimate moment >> dude. >> rock and roll. >> now, during totality, pink floyd's song, it clips should be playing if all the timing works out we just now need a cloudless sky, the weather for monday, it's partly sunny, partly cloudy depending on which way you look at it. we are hoping for the partly sunny bit back to you let's hope so. well
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>> as miguel mentioned there, monday's weather could throw a curve ball as clouds seem to be in the cards for much of the south and ohio valley as it stands, the best seats in the house as far as the path of totality in the is concerned are in the northeast switches looking sunnier with mainly clear skies around the eclipse time. and a warning to the eclipse chasers making their way to the southern plains states. there is a slight risk for severe storms with the main threats being damaging winds and large hail slight silver lining, though. >> the >> severe weather will mostly light, will most likely come after the eclipse, but could cause a hazard for travelers. >> well, there's a lot of excitement >> about the eclipse and it's not just about buying special glasses to stare at the sun and eclipse is special meaning to native americans just like the diversity among indigenous peoples. there is diversity in teaching is about the eclipse and how they commemorate it passed down over generations
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well join me now, is shai homer degas director of development and membership for the choctaw cultural center, shen i'm a great to have you with us. tell us about the importance of this total solar eclipse. the, choctaw people >> this is such a unique opportunity for the choctaw nation. >> the >> solar eclipse is such a special event in itself, but it brings us the opportunity to highlight culture in such a unique way by telling our rules stories sharing no, sharing how we pass knowledge and stories from generation to generation. and we have a story specific about the solar eclipse. so we're getting to share that with our communities, but with people traveling from all over the us and even internationally . so such a, such a special opportunity and tell us about
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that story because we were looking at images right now of that legend >> yeah. so it's the story of funny loose said a black squirrels. so the story goes that funny mousa was hungry one day and he decided to begin nibbling at the sun. so he nibbled away at it and the choctaw people began to notice this. they noticed that getting darker and darker and this, this frighten them so they decided they had to scare funny llosa away so essentially they did anything they could to make noise. they yelled they picked up, kept sim pots and pans and bring them together. people were even throwing sticks and shooting arrows they did this until the sun started to reappear then they said, funny, lisa is frightened, scared away. so this noise to scare away, funny, less i became a celebration
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>> i believe either bell and broken bow in the direct path of the total solar eclipse. these towns in choctaw nation tell us how you will celebrate >> sure, >> we have events going on all throughout the shock tone. it reservation during the solar eclipse. so they talked to a cultural center. we are going to be telling the story of funny, looser, bringing the community. again, people from all over to hear these stories. dehuai oral stories are so important to us. we're going to go outside and of course few, the story together. we're going to make some noise together, maybe throw some sticks, who knows >> yeah, absolutely. you have to continue with those traditions. sonoma leave that choked nation. it's preparing for many visitors like up to 100,000 people will descend. what are you hoping that people
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will experience? but by seeing the total solar eclipse on your land it's special opportunity for people to, who might not typically visit the choctaw reservation to be there. so we hope that they're intrigued by culture and that they want to experience more of it, learn more than ask questions we're going to have different historic sites available are cultural center will be open and available during that day as well for people to experience before the eclipse hits and even after we're really hoping that people just embrace choctaw culture while they're within our reservation, regardless of which city genoma >> this is obviously a spiritual n celestial moment for, for so many, many people >> how will you be >> experiencing the total solar eclipse? and i guess what does this mean for you personally? >> sure. again, it's it's so unique and significant and
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it's hitting here for the first time in an aisle such a long time and it'll be years again before it hits so grateful that i get to take advantage of it, that it's right here at home more we are and the opportunity to see people embrace choctaw culture during the eclipse is going to be so spectacular. so i'm going to be right there among my community and among our guest and listening to the stories, talking about the story, making those noises until, until the sun reappears. >> amazing. it's going to be an incredible full plus minutes. shania, dug. >> we really >> appreciate you joining us and enjoy the the total solar eclipse jaco keith, thank you >> join us monday for the total solar eclipses, its path travels from mexico across the eastern united states into canada. >> i'll
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>> special coverage starts at 12:00 p.m. eastern in the that's 5:00 p.m. in line will >> blazon, vermont are asking for the public's help in identifying an arson suspect to started a fire. the office so senator bernie sanders, those details. next one seen it >> if you work in spaceflight the worst thing that can happen space shuttle columbia, the final flight premieres tonight at nine on cnn >> okay, everyone, our mission is to provide complete balanced nutrition. for strength and energy >> ensure with 20 seven vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein >> sail through the heart of historic cities and unforgettable scenery with faking, unpack once, and get closer to iconic landmarks local life, and cultural treasures
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checkout for imprint or certain >> and rosa flores and bandera, texas for the eclipse. and this is cnn welcome back to alveolars in the united states >> and around the world. i'm anna coren in hong kong. this is cnn newsroom, >> us president joe biden >> raised more than 19 million in march for his reelection campaign. significantly more well, then he's republican rival donald trump. mr. biden's campaign says he now
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has a whopping when million in cash on hand the campaign says that makes it quote the highest total amassed by any democratic candidate in history at this point? in the election cycle was trump's campaign meanwhile, raised more than $65 million. last month and had 93 million in cash on hand. >> but he's campaigns, there's >> trump raised a staggering 50 million at a fundraiser in florida on saturday. they say that was a record for a single fundraising event trump says it constructed the commitment of his supporters >> people are just wanting james rich people want people want everybody wants change he is really doing poorly were laughing stock all over the world and we're gonna get that change very quickly and this has been some incredibly even before it even starts, because people wanted to contribute to a cause of making america great again, and that's what's happened. we're gonna make
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america great again >> but lake's in vermont are asking the public to help identify a suspect wanted in connection with a fire at the office of senator bernie sanders. it happened early friday morning in the town of burlington. police say the man sprayed an accelerant on the door to the office, littered and then took off cnn's polo sandoval has the details but believes in burlington, vermont. so working to track down who they believe is their arson suspect. in fact, they released a fairly clear picture hoping to generate some leads. police say that they're suspect entered the burlington, vermont building on friday morning. they say that he allegedly sprayed some sort of accelerant at the entrance to senator sanders, his office and then lit the fire with staffers inside? now unfortunately, the building fire suppression system and the sprinklers were able to kick in and extinguished most of those flames fortunately, no injuries reported damage, reportedly fairly minimal, and also senator sanders was not in the
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office at the time. the service office is actually located a multistory multi office building, the burlington fire department battalion chief telling my colleague, maria campinoti that there's still unsure how the suspect was actually able to access its space. the battalion chief adding that the building is supposed to be secured, not generally open to the public. so there's still some questions about that. the united states capitol police, along with the senate senate sergeant at arms, working with local authorities as they investigate, though they still have not been able to determine a motive. it's important to point out the us capitol police investigated more than 8,000 threats against lawmakers in 2023. and that is a figure that is up from the previous year. so though threats against lawmakers are certainly not new it is certainly an alarming incident. polo sandoval, cnn new york >> able flights just outside of miami, florida turn deadly saturday when a gunman opened fire during a late night altercation killing the security guard who tried to
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intervene, nine people, including a police officer and the bars owner, suffered gunshot wounds of the six bystanders, shot. two are in critical condition. the other four are in stable condition. the injured officer is expected to be okay. that's according to the police chief >> it's been 30 years since the genocide in rwanda shocked the world, will bring you the latest the country remembers with ceremonies and vigils plus russian missiles rained down on multiple cities in ukraine and leave behind a trail of death and destruction >> i've been touring the world with my music and now i want to focus on what i think 12 planet in carbon, a cnn films sunday, april 21 at life diabetes. there's no slowing down. each day is a unique blend of people to see and things to do >> that's >> why you choose lucerne. to help manage blood sugar
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one on britbox. watch with the free trial at >> have your anyone you know, ever been stationed at marine corps base campbell june campbell of jeunes water was contaminated by fuel leaks. if you add any water contact while it camp on june had been diagnosed with cancer, or parkinson's? disease, you may be entitled to compensation as a marine who was stationed at campo jim myself for four years, this cause hits close to home so if you've been stationed or visited the marine corps base camp june and have cancer or parkinson's visit of
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the step counter, the sport matt and wireless remote call. now, >> get your viewing glasses ready. eclipse across america, live tomorrow one >> rwanda is mocking that 30 years since the 1994 genocide when estimated 800,000 members of the tutsi ethnic minority was slaughtered we. are currently looking at live
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pictures out of kigali, rwanda and president's pulled could gummy is expected to give an address soon earlier wreaths were laid at the mass graves by dynatrace, among the other events, the lighting of a flame of a rimmer, remembrance, the capital kigali, and national commemoration ceremony, and a vigil. former us president bill clinton is leading the american delegation. he was in office during the 100 days spray of motors, beheadings, and rapes by members of the hutu ethnic majority that horrified people everywhere. and lead allegations the world failed to act as the carnage unfolded. ukraine is reeling from a barrage of russian strikes that hit at least three cities officials say harkey was struck
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saturday afternoon. on the heels of a similar attack hours earlier at least seven people were killed in those strikes and 14 others injured. the city of odesa to myself fire as well on saturday, which left one person dead. well, russian missiles also took aim at zaporizhzhia for a second straight day, but didn't cause any casualty these this time well, president volodymyr zelenskyy is calling for ukraine's allies to help it strengthen air defenses around hockey as ukraine takes a pounding from airstrikes, it's also concerned about possible russian moves on the ground. president zelenskyy is chief of staff, said how kyiv is the likely target of russia's spring during the offensive, which would happen as ukrainian troops are running short of ammunition. earlier, i spoke with mc ryan, a retired general of the australian army about russia's buildup of its offensive forces they were able to recruit around 30,000 people per month are at the moment
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according to british intelligence, it's possible >> though undertake another mobilization of around 300,000 people. but this will set them up for some form of large-scale offensive in the back half of the, which will comprise a room so dangerous time for the ukrainians >> ukraine, as we know, desperately needs weapons, munitions, air defense systems. russia is reportedly firing at least five times as many artillery rounds as ukraine knowing this and the recent losses on the battlefield, what is ukraine hoping to achieve in the months ahead? is it holding ground or is there a ukrainian counter offensive in the works? >> well, ukraine at the moment is planning on getting through 2024 wellspring, constituting its military, the president, when he appointed general syrskyi is a new commander-in-chief not a directed a military strategy for this year, but also a
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transformation of the ukrainian forces. but passing you're fired and bill building the ability to go on the offensive in 2025. so really this is a bit getting through 2024, sustaining western support getting this big package of aid through the us congress and build the ability to go on the offensive next year ukraine at times is hitting back. it's striking targets inside russia such as oil refineries from a military standpoint, what is the value of these sorts of assaults on russian territory? >> you're crying is fighting a couple of fights here. obviously doing the ground thought the close bet all but this is long distance fight through this maturing and very sophisticated, a strategic strike complex. they've developed these designed to hurt russia economically. russia has been under taking economic warfare against ukraine since the beginning of the war trying who is not able to make big gains on the battlefield and moment is
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seeking to hurt russia economically at long distance major general mc ryan speaking with me early on. well, there's growing condemnation following a raid on mexico's embassy in ecuador to arrest former ecuadorian vice president the united nations secretary general says, he's alarmed leaders from latin american countries condemned the raid expressing solidarity with mexico nicaragua said it would break all diplomatic ties with ecuador >> ecuadorian >> police entered mexico's embassy on friday to arrest jorge glas. he had been sheltering this since december and was granted political asylum on friday glass is being convicted twice on corruption charges, which he says are politically motivated well, mexico has denounced the raid, calling it a barbaric and an outrage against international law ecuador says the raid was carried out because there was a real risk that glass could have escaped you can see, so then
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write plus one, but decision of the president of the republic was taken in the face of a real risk of imminent escape of the >> citizen wanted by justice limbo halem. >> he >> ghana, the mexican embassy by receiving mr. glas espinel contributed to the failure to comply with the obligation to appear weekly before the judicial authority. thus affecting ecuador's democratic institutions, clearly contravening the fundamental principle of non-intervention in the internal affairs of other states well, climate activist grid thunberg was arrested twice on saturday during a protest in the hague. dutch police detained her along with other extinction rebellion protesters who were trying to block a major highway into the city the 21 year-old was released after a short time and then rejoined the demonstration at a different road. >> she >> was detained again and held for several hours we are here because we are facing an existential crisis. we are in a planetary emergency and we are
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not going to stand by and let people lose their lives and livelihood. and before to become climate refugees when we can do something we'll still to come. >> swedish band abba is like chronic waterloo marks 50 years. this weekend, just ahead, our fans across europe pank trips >> wow day one we're our shared >> values propel us towards a more secure future through august a partnership built upon cutting-edge american australian and british technologies will develop state of next generation submarines build something stronger together. securing decades of peace and prosperity for america and our allies we are going forward and together
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night, they pulled away in the second half to beat alabama at six to 72. this was there are 11 straight when now in the tournament by double digits and the clinging versus at matchup in tomorrow's game, it's going to be the first between seven foot starting centers since ewing versus elijah won back in 1983. and is the first one ever between two guys, seven foot two, or taller? >> and clinging is certainly pumped up for it >> i'm really you play at this level is point b time matchups be timed games. and i got a lot of respect for zach edey is a great player me and my team, we're gonna get ready to battle and give everything we got on monday >> they're at with another great game leading purdue to as 63, 50 win over nc state, getting them to their first title game since 1969 at at 20 points, 12 rebounds have come in. the first player ever to go for 20 and ten and six straight tournament games. and what a
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turnaround for purdue. they lost to a 16th seed last year in the first round. but at, he didn't want his college career to end that way. he came back for a senior season to avenge that laws. and when a tidal now hi is a game away >> the standards what we were talking about all year the reason i came back as playing games like these really the reason i'm playing calls baffle four years, like if you talk with this every year to finally get to this game it is big time and then we already obviously keep going and keep playing. but yes, it gives the games you can come back for his the games that you play for your work you practice every day for >> all right, so the stage is set. you've got uconn vs per due tomorrow night at 9:20 eastern. you can watch the game. our sister network, tbs, or stream it on max. i women's college basketball's. meanwhile, just keeps on setting new tv ratings records during the ncw a tournament friday night its final four game between caitlin clark's iowa hawkeyes, and uconn with
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paige bueckers, that average 14 million viewers, making it the most viewed women's basketball game of all time. the previous women's hoops mark was 12.3 million for last monday's iowa-lsu game in the elite eight and the caitlin clark effects in full force. and i always open practice ahead of the national title game to look at this, a sellout crowd of some 17,000 bands pack the arena in cleveland on saturday afternoon just to get a glimpse of clark before she plays r hawkeyes star spoke about what winning a chpionship would mean to end her legendary career >> i think that would be the cherry on top. that would be the top of the list. the thing that you're most proud of. that's something you get to share with your teammates. if caitlin was championship she's pretty good. like, yeah, she's a gop i mean, she pretty good regardless. but winning a championship was sealed. the deal hope to the dear lord, she
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doesn't >> god still is undefeated gamecocks going to take on caitlin clark and iowa for the national sidled later this afternoon, three eastern gamecocks, six and a half-point favorites over the hawkeyes and south carolina looking for a little revenge, it was caitlin clark and iowa who knock the amount of the final four last year. so hopefully we get a good one >> thank you. >> well, it's been 50 years since about took the world by storm or the eurovision song contest in 1974 with their iconic it, waterloo fans around europe celebrated the anniversary on saturday. so i'm traveling through london's waterloo station. they were surprised with a flash mob performance the song
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>> and are recorded >> rendition was performed by itself playing grand piano simultaneously every hour in major european cities meantime, the band has thanked the fans saying it's deeply humbling well, that wraps up this. our of a newsroom. i'm at a coren viewers in north america, cnn this morning is next for the rest of the world. it's connecting african police. service, cnn >> if you work in spaceflight this is the worst thing that can happen >> space shuttle columbia, the final flight premium here's tonight at nine on cnn. i brought in a job, max protein
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