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tv   State of the Union With Jake Tapper and Dana Bash  CNN  April 7, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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the ones who get it done >> space shuttle >> columbia, the final flight premieres tonight at nine on cnn on notice six months after the hamas terrorist attacks, the >> us ramps up pressure on israel over a near famine in gaza, an immediate ceasefire there's a central israel any closer to a deal to free the hostages or end the war, world food program director cindy mccain on the crisis in gaza, and the parents of high hostage omer neutra are here ahead and on alert as israel and the united states prep for a significant attack by iran in the middle east. congress debates sending more aid to allies without speaker mike johnson's job on the line. can he pass it? house intelligence committee chairman mike turner is next, plus the chain donald trump caches in with big donors to try to catch up to president biden's money hall april it
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just wanting rich people want people want but with warning signs for each candidate who will struggle more with swing voters this fall our political panel is coming up hello i'm tig tapper in washington, dc, where the state of our union is frankly heart sick news this morning out of israel this is the region marked six months since those brutal hamas terrorist attacks. on october 7 against israel killing 1,200 and taking more than 250 people hostages, the israeli military now says it is withdrawn forces from the southern gaza strip. though quote, significant force remains in other areas of gaza that as an israeli official told we'll see you in this morning, that an israeli delegation is expected to join hostage release and ceasefire negotiations in cairo, egypt. all of that as is really as anger over the roughly 100 hostages still in captivity spilled onto the streets of israel last night, demonstrators demanding the resignation of prime minister
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benjamin netanyahu over his hand handling of the war and his failure and their view to sufficiently focused on bringing those hostages home meanwhile, in gaza, the brutal toll continues in the israel defense forces war against hamas, which embeds within the populace israeli attacks have resulted in the deaths and injuries of tens of thousands of innocent palestinians and aid organizations say all 2.2 million people in gaza do not have enough to eat with half the population on the brink of starvation. here in the united states, the desperate conditions in gaza and president biden support for israel in the wake of the hamas attacks of damaged his standing with his progressive coalition and this week president biden raise the pressure on the israeli government to allow more aid to enter gaza. joining us now is the chairman of the house committee on intelligence congressman mike turner of ohio congressman. thanks for joining us, mr. chairman, i want to start on the news this morning. these israeli military says it has withdrawn some ground
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forces from khan younis in southern gaza, though is force remains in other parts of gaza, how significant is this move? >> well, i think you're just really seeing some efforts to respond to the white house's vocal criticism of the operations of israel in gaza. do indicated, jake, this is the sixth month, a demarcation of the horrific attack that occurred. okay? over seventh and then the subsequent declaration by israel that they would enter gaza for the purposes of eliminating hamas today. the palestinians in gaza remain a hostages to hamas and hamas has not been eliminated we've seen, i think in over-confidence of israel on its intelligence, both win it failed to see october 7 and when it went into gaza to eliminate hamas, that has been i think part of the out come that we've seen of the both has hep hazardous and dangerous military operations that
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resulted in unaccepted couple civilian deaths and certainly the food crisis. so you described, this comes as more negotiations for a ceasefire and release of the hostages are beginning does this move by israel to withdraw some troops from gaza? does it make you more optimistic the news that israelis sending a delegation to cairo? and what's your position on the urgency of a ceasefire with the return of hostages >> well the cia director, director burns has done an excellent job in my shuttle diplomacy and trying to bring all of the parties together to get the hostages released and to get a ceasefire fire quite frankly, it seems that almost president biden has been asleep at the the wheel as he has not responded to the crisis as it's unfolded. and now making public statements criticizing netanyahu, criticizing israel. when this has been going on for some times, director burns has tried desperately to. get a ceasefire and to get the hostages release. i think he's done an excellent job,
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certainly in the last ceasefire and hostage, just that were released where a result of his efforts. i think i put a great deal of faith in the work that he's doing, and i'm certainly hopeful that that will result in both hostages release as ceasefire. so additional humanitarian aid it can get to the palestinians. >> meanwhile, the us is actively preparing for iran to strike after israel killed a high-ranking iranian military officials who were out a diplomatic facility in damascus, syria. can you be any more specific about the nature of the threat from iran? are americans is in >> well, i think handle americans in the area, right? remain it endanger. remember by iranian proxies have continued to attack us troops in the area. again, with the biden administration being slow to respond and ultimately responding to those attacks and of course, united states has moved additional capabilities and assets in the area to deter i ran from entering into this conflict directly with israel, although their proxies, moos
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which the conflict is directly with, and hezbollah continues to be a threat to israel in lebanon. but i think what we're seeing here is certainly the consulate in syria was a legitimate target from for israel because i ran certainly as the source of which all this is coming at the same time. it's still is very unwise as we were, we were trying to put pressure on iran to keep them out of this conflict. both with us his presence and with our response, they tax on her on trips this certainly does escalate the issue throughout the entire region. >> let's turn to a ukraine, an issue that's important to you and your fellow republican chairman, michael mccaul, who runs the form refers committee. congressman mecole made a comment this week about what he says sounds like russian propaganda from some conservative media. and why it's so difficult to explain to republican voters why supporting ukraine is important. he told julia yahi, quote, i think russian propaganda has made its way into the united states, unfortunately, and it's infected a good chunk of my
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party's base. he singled out primetime shows on conservative channels. do you agree with him and how big is this problem >> is absolutely a true we see directly coming from russia attempts to mask communications that are anti ukraine and pro russia messages, some of which we even here being added on the house floor. i mean, there are members of congress to day who still incorrectly say that this conflict between russia and ukraine is over nato, which of course it is not vladimir putin having made it very clear, both publicly and to his own population that his, his view is that this is a conflict of a much broader claim of russia to eastern europe putting claiming all of ukraine territory is as russia's now, to the extent that this propaganda takes hold, it makes it more difficult for us to really see this as an authoritarian versus democracy battle, which is what it is present. xi of china, vladimir putin himself have identified as such, we need to stand up for democracy. we need to make certain that that we
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know that authoritarian regimes never stopped when they, when they start in aggression ukraine needs are helping assistance now and this is a very critical time for the us congress to step up and provide that aid. >> speaker johnson's leadership is in trouble if he puts a bill funding ukraine providing aid to ukraine on the floor, according to marjorie taylor greene or your colleague from georgia who's already threatened a motion to vacate, how worried should speaker johnson be? >> i don't think he's at any risk. i think that what what people have been referring to as the chaos caucus, those individuals who are seeking attention for themselves and trying to stop all of the important work in congress are now seen as merely disruptive hakeem jeffries, minority leader on the democratic side has made it clear that the democrats will not join with efforts to unseat johnson as we this year approaching the election, undertake the most important work of congress which of course is making
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certainly fund the government, makes certain that these national security package is passed. and of course, that are foreign surveillance reauthorization act passes. >> yeah. let's talk about that because speaker johnson announced this weekend that the house is going to vote on that for for surveillance bill the reform and extend authority for spy agencies for them to be able to conduct surveillance of foreign intelligence on domestic soil. it's known as fisa. there have been abuses in the past. i know this has been a contentious issue between you and house judiciary committee chairman jim jordan, who have different views on this. are you going to vote for this latest version of the fisa bill? and do you think it will have the votes to pass >> absolutely. you know, it was the intelligence committee was instrumental in drafting the build. it's going to the house floor. jake, i appreciate you raising this issue because this is surveillance surveillance of foreigners who are abroad they were not surveilling foreigners in the united states were not surveilling americans. united
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sates, those individuals who say that this is a warrantless search of americans data are just not telling the truth. these are foreigners abroad there a select group of individuals who are national security threat if you're an american and your corresponding with isis? yes, if we're if we're spying on isis your communications are going to be captured you would want us to do that. all americans would want us to try to make certain that we keep ourselves safe from these terrorists outside terrorist groups, organizations we're not spying on americans is not a warrantless surveillance program. this is foreigners who are abroad only, and this needs to pass. >> and do you think it has the votes it will >> i think it does. i think it will. i think that the those who mischaracterized this are small compared to those who understand that this goes to the heart of our ability to get intelligence that allows us to be able to keep americans safe. this is not a warrantless surveillance of americans >> all right. chairman of the house intelligence committee, congressman mike turner of ohio. thank you so much, sir. i appreciate your time
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>> thanks for having me in the wake of the >> world central kitchen attack, how much aid is getting into gaza is more going to be able to come in director of the world food program. cindy mccain joins me next and later, what can history teach us about the rise of trump? that's coming up >> if you work in spaceflight, this is the worst possible thing i can ever help >> my dad died doing what he loved. >> space shuttle columbia the final flight premieres tonight at nine and add simply save. >> we designed the number one rated >> home security system powered by 24/7 professional monitoring for half the cost of traditional home security. so you stay safe for less than $1 a day. there's no safe like simply safe >> constant contacts, advanced automation lets you send the right message at the right time
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of holocaust survivors, born on long island. he decided to take a gap year and join the israeli army joining me now are o'mara parents ronen and orna neutra, and there are other son, daniel thank you. again feel like i've known you guys now for six months and it's horrible. i can't imagine how your feeling on the six-month anniversary, what's going through your mind? >> i can do with sitting here? object six months later and having to experience the terror every day, every day that will wake up. we're seeing what are we doing to bring our sun back home. and we feel that we are failing day-by-day and its six month mark we can't believe that. >> well, you're not failing. you guys are doing everything you can. i don't i can't even count how many times i've interviewed you. but but certainly our leaders are failing and there are people in the streets of israel critical of netanyahu and his government for not being focused enough on the mission of getting the
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hostages back however comfortable you are. do you agree with them >> bringing the hostages back to be the top priority? it should be a world top priority. everyone looking for de-escalation in the region should be opening the sentencing, release, the hostages you know, any any sentence of any demand of ceasefire without release of hostages is a death sentence to them as far as what's going on in israel, there's broad range. everyone feels that more needs to be done everyone is demanding more from the government you know, people and found a different families have different perspectives on how to achieve that. and that's what we're seeing. >> daniel, what do you want people at home watching right now? what do you want them to know about your brother? well, >> my brother is a strong, friendly, amazing guy. he's really funny guy and so many people have reached out to me from his youth group, from
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school, from so many different places, hundreds of people just, reaching out to us to tell him to tell us how much he needs to them and he's really a person who builds communities around him. and without him, these communities are lost. we don't know what to do without him prime minister netanyahu has come under a lot of criticism for how he's conducting the war on gaza >> do you see this? >> eye? it's not political for you. it's not theoretical. your son is in gaza do you what do you have thoughts on the war, the pressure from biden on netanyahu it stuff. >> you're not went up political people and we are putting a difficult spot. we met prime minister netanyahu about ten days ago. >> is that the first time you met him? >> not my first time on his first time. and we feel that the priority is aware, not sure
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the pair it is. all right there's no question the war must be one and hamas bonds be eradicated. but the hostages are running out of time and six months e1 yesterday was just announced that one additional hostage was announced dead >> and his body was brought back to israel yeah. >> it just we are constantly under that fear. and the urgency. it's not clear whether the israeli administration has the priority, right? >> yeah >> how do you maintain hope? >> two that's what he needs from us. you know, we we have to imagine that he is holding up that he's waiting to be rescued but time is of essence every day it's a death sentence to them. it's really daniel. >> this is your older brother. your brother. >> i have a brother. i know how
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close brothers can get tell me something about ohmar that our viewers around the world will remember when they hear his name. give me a detail. is that a brother would know well, i guess i could tell you that in the past few years, he's been really busy. i mean he was always super involved with like sports and youth groups and all that. so it wasn't at home all the time. >> and of >> course, especially after you drafted into the army i didn't get to see him all that often, but as soon as i did, he would always come home. and first thing he would do is just completely smother me and ben wouldn't let me sleep, just fall asleep on top of me. and that's how he is. he's this really big and strong guy. but at the same time he has this really soft core and it's just this big bear like hugging guy and that's i mean, we really need them >> omer neutra, we hope that he comes back soon. we hope that the priority is put on getting the hostages out. the priority by biden, it's in yahoo qatar,
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egypt and even the people are hamas. i hope that they bring him home soon. thank you so >> much for joining and we have to >> remember that everything can end if hamas gives back the hostages and puts it the weapon yeah, his whole work can end so all the pressure on israel. yes. qatar, of course, egypt but end of the day, hamas needs to put the war would end today if they gave the hostages back and lay down their arms, a great thanks so much for being here. next time with omer. okay. it's time with israel is set to open a new humanitarian passage? agenda gaza, after that horrific attack that killed seven aid workers from world central kitchen to move that has threatened to slow the already meager flow of aid into the devastated region and joining us now is the executive director of the world food program, cindy mccain hey, cindy ambassador mccain, good to see you. thank you for joining us. israel has already also approved opening the aerates crossing from israel into northern gaza to get this desperately needed aid. and how important is opening that
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crossing for you and your workers with the world food programme. will that help? hold off this famine that you've said is imminent >> when they are two entrances, this era board and all of that is very good food at scale of nor but with that said we continue to get not trucks. justin up the defense road, but up the beach road that also through the various entrances. we need more though. this just isn't enough. and as you know, we're literally on the brink of going over the edge, over the cliff with fans feminin not being able to recover from it. >> so secretary blinken praise the move by netanyahu to open erez crossing, but he said, quote, the real test has results when do you expect your trucks will be able to move through the erez crossing. have you seen any tangible evidence yet on the ground that more aid is going to get in well, there
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are certainly meetings that have been had and i'm aware of some of them and i know that there's plenty more going on right now please remember this though. and so our viewers understand wfp stands ready, we have right now amassed outside on the border food for one million people, four three months, we just need to get it in. that's why these crossings are so important. and more crossings are needed as you know you've been sounding the alarm about this crisis, especially in northern gaza for months now. why do you think there has been such a hold-up getting the aid into gaza, is it because of security concerns that weapon it's might be smuggled in is a punitive because the october 7 attacks were so horrific, the hostages still remain in gaza what is the reason for the blockade as it's been? >> well, from our experience, we've just had difficulties getting through the checkpoints. the israeli dq it
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when the israeli take a look at the trucks and x-ray them, that's done in a very efficient and effective manner it's just once we get in and it many times either the right foot's on talking to the left foot or it just it just depends. and of course, you've seen the examples of when we were alluded very heavily, people are desperate and you and i both know you would do anything to feed your children. so we have to remember this. this is an insane thing that's going on and it's something that we because humanitarians must be able to get in with our humanitarian principles and deliver aid in such a way >> accesses is also to gaza, also extremely limited for journalists. so can you paint a picture based on what you've seen are based on what you're aid workers have told you about just how dire the crosses because this has become what is the impact of the food shortage, especially for children >> well, children, children are dying as we speak, and those
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that are not dying or haven't died yet are so emaciated and lacking so much in the way of important nutrients at this particular time in their life cycles. they if they do live, they'll never recover from it so it's much more than just getting food in is about the kind of foods that we get and making sure that we get certainly foods for adults at most importantly, those for younger children who really are in desperate need of nutrients right now there's this news this morning that the israeli military says that they're withdrawing some ground forces from khan younis in southern gaza. would this mean anything significant for the world food program or other aid workers? would it make it easier to get food to people who need a i really don't know. i don't know. i don't understand the implications of the withdrawal yet, and i'm not obviously i'm not privy to those to those decisions in those discussions at all. what i do know is that without the ability to gain access and to be able to get our food and get it in its
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scale. more importantly, people are more, people are going to die and died at much faster rate >> you have just reached the one year mark as the executive director of the world food program. i know you've been doing a lot of other important work in other places around the world, such as sudan in haiti. what are your hopes for what needs to be accomplished in those places during yourself? second-year on this job >> i'm hoping that the world does not lose track of track of these countries that are in such desperate need. right now, gaza's getting all the attention and understandably, we cannot forget sudan, drc, congo somalia, yemen, haiti, as you mentioned these are parts of the world that are literally on the brink of causing some even larger food crisis than are already, already happening right now. and i speak specifically to sudan on that cindy mccain. thank you so much for being here and thank you as always for the work you do >> thank you. >> donald trump has a new line
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of attack to try to provoke president biden showed you take the bait. my panel joins me next get your viewing glasses ready. >> eclipse across >> america live tomorrow at one at fisher investments, we may look like other money managers, but we are different. how so? >> we're a fiduciary, obligated to act in our client's best interests so we don't sell any commission-base d products, then how do you make money? we have a simple management fee structured, so we do better when our clients do better, the clients really come first, then yes we make them a top priority by getting to know their finances, family, health, lifestyle, and more >> well, maybe we are different at fisher investments were clearly different. >> my moderate to severe plaque psoriasis held me back now with sky rizzi, i'm all in the clear skin thanksgiving this
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visit coventry redirect >> the plan. turn it on for these teams, make it to the playoffs. they got to win four so five mpa play in tournament begins. interesting, steve on tnt we have an empty podium right here to my right. you know what that is? that's for joe biden. i'm trying to get him to debate. >> i'm >> calling on crooked joe to debate any time any place we'll do it anywhere. you want, joe >> so that >> we can discuss in a friendly manner the real problems of our country >> in a friendly manner. welcome back to state of the union. donald trump, pledging to debate, quote, crooked joe, anytime, anywhere, anyplace my panel joins me now, congressman, if you were
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advising president biden, should he take the bait, this is obviously going to be a campaign tactic they even printed out little signs trying to make him look strong and biden look afraid to debate them. >> the first all the person who is usually challenging for debates is the one who's losing just didn't politics. it's true. it shows that trump is not as confidence. a second thing is biden won those two debates the last time, i you remember the first debate, trump was so over the top, he didn't come off as likable. so i say short debate them in the proper time in the fall. and i think the president would do very well. >> what do you think you know for a president who talks about democracy and how important democracy is. i think he should absolutely debate him. the american people deserve to see our two presidents who are running for president debate on the world stage. that's democracy in action. and so absolutely he should debate him. but at this point, biden has not committed to debating him. he has said, i mean noting the performance in the first debate, last time, go ahead.
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level set to go ahead and go level set this >> a. >> the likely republican nominee who refuse to debate in the entire primary process why does a >> calculated decision he didn't need to wait. >> it wasn't necessary for the former president to debate against people 20%, grade, but it makes all the world other ones. >> but also this >> president, this former president? yes, it has refused to debate in the typical presidential commission debate system he has pulled out of that. >> so what >> exactly is the asking for? we know that this is just a campaign tactic. the congressman congressmen is right when somebody is doing this, we've all been on campaigns where this atactic typically means you're losing. we know what he's doing doing i don't think president biden is afraid of debating him, but there'll be a time for that. typically post conventions in the fall where people are really focused and tuning into the election. i don't think the
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president is scared of anything. he just sees what donald trump is doing and it's a gimmick. >> stephanie is right though. generally speaking picking you can tell campaigns behind when they say they're calling for 400 debates against congressman x, right? i mean, that is normal, but trump isn't behind his head and every national poll is headed. most battleground states that if the election were held today, despite 91 indictments for federal trials, he's still ahead. >> that >> says a lot in the fact is that president biden is him june support among african americans, among young voters, among other voters of color. they're not excited about him. and then when you throw into slew of independent candidates, rfk cornell west, jill stein, it doesn't look great for the president in terms of his path of winning the election. >> so let's just have a consensus. yes, half or moderates the debate president biden isn't the only presidential candidate getting votes, though, right now, there >> are there, as you noted, there are these third party. candidate. is robert kennedy jr. cornell west, jill stein, others that threatened biden,
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but we should know voters in the republican primaries are also turning out to vote for people that are not named trump a washington post analysis found that nearly one in five republican primary voters across four contest tuesday voted for an option other than mr. trump's since nikki haley dropped out of the campaign after super tuesday on march 5, and average of 17% of those voting and republican contests of voted against trump compared to 11% voting against biden. if you exclude low turnout caucuses in deep-red southern states, trump is seeding an average of 20% since super tuesday, there are still a lot of yes, there are dissatisfied democrats out there and we see the protest vote. but there are even more dissatisfied republicans. >> well, it gets early in the process, so i sure michael and i were talking earlier and these people will absolutely come home for donald trump. donald trump just had his largest biggest small dollar donations in march grassroots small dollar donations, the american people are waking up to the fact in there, they're seeing and feeling. they
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believed that our judicial system is rigged, right? against donald trump. do you mean by the like, lawfare abs will for example, the judge, juan merchan in the hush money case >> dawn will >> his daughter his daughter for crying out loud, raises money for adam shift and kamala harris using deploy. that, we will lock up donald trump go ahead. >> luck. i don't trouble breathing >> small dollar money on that. absolute that just needs to recuse himself from that case. >> here's the thing that the republicans haven't come to terms with abortion rights. the right to choose matters that's why they underperformed in 2022. that's what you're going to lose a lot of suburban women and suburban man. and this, the florida that decision where you've got a six-week ban that the judges have upheld, and you're going to have valid initiatives. i think the polling is overestimating the support again, what do you think is going to matter more? i mean, let me let me let me rephrase that. >> how
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>> much do you think that the idea of these investigations is actually going to help trump not just with his base, but maybe with swing voters were independents who i don't think it's going to help no swing voters. i mean, the polling shows if he is actually found guilty in any of these cases, the election move significantly to president biden. i mean, nobody is really questioning whether the former president used hush money to cover something up in the in 2016 election, because your name, stormy daniels thank you. so everything. >> i >> actually wasn't sure which one there were a couple there were a couple voters don't have an open question on that. he did do that. now he's being held accountable for it, but that's not the only thing he's being held accountable for. if he is found guilty in any of these cases. he is going to lose votes in these people probably wouldn't be with him anyway, his deep maga base don't care about these court cases. they do think the justice system is weaponized against him. those aren't biden
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voters, and those aren't, those aren't technically trump voters either. >> they say might be robert kennedy jr. voters. and as you're michael, i want to get your position on this because we had a focus group runner the other day on our show about somebody who runs focus groups saying that she's actually she actually thinks that maybe he's going to hurt or rfk juniors kinesis might hurt trump more than it hurts biden and then just on friday, rfk junior raised the possibility that the attack on the capitol on january 6, 2021 was not a true insurrection. he said, quote, it's quite clear that many of the january 6 protesters broke the law. and what may have started as a protest, but turn into a riot. i have not examined the evidence in detail, but reasonable people, including trump opponents, telling me there is little evidence of it true insurrection. i'm concerned about the possibility that political objectives motivated the vigor of the prosecution of the january 6 defendants, their long sentences and their hearts treatment, one can, as i do a post, donald trump stands for and still be disturbed by the weaponization of government against him, which sounds like
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tiffany >> i mean, people believe that, but rfk juniors, a democrat, he's not a conservative. trump's. i don't know what he is, frankly, trump supporters are not going to abandon their guy. they'd walk off a cliff if it meant getting donald trump back into the white house. now here's a bit of math here. so in 2016, donald trump won the electron 88% national live republican support in 2020 receive 94% to president binds 96%. if president biden sees a decrease below 94% of democrats support nationally and trump can maintain that 94% from 2020, he absolutely gets back into the white house and the current math today showcase at that path does exist. so i'm not worried about rfk so the only reason president trump won in 2016 is because of third-party candidates. and he himself has admitted that rfk helps his candidacy this time. because as of now, the only way he will win is if a third party is taking votes away from president biden because let's be real present, former
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president trump's base is not going to grow. it is what it is. he has no he's hit his ceiling for rfk >> you know, i mean yes i guess in the past he has been a democrat. i don't know what he is now other than a conspiratorially just a liar >> no concern. >> i mean, i think he's trying to have it very good on the policies are someone who was there on january 6, for rfk, talk about that as protests when people are vandalizing the capital, when they're hitting police officers, i mean, there should just be consensus that's wrong. it's sad that certain of happened in all of our cities across the country as well >> thanks all for being here. he is loneliness. the key to donald trump success fareed zakaria joints, meaning let's take after this quick break the greatest stage they
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i paid before go to slash shave to claim your $7 trial. >> space shuttle columbia, the final flight premieres tonight at nine on cnn >> welcome back. the state of the union. i'm jake tapper, politicians always like to set hey, that whatever race there, right running at that moment is the most important election of our lifetimes. >> but >> this election could that actually be true joining us now to talk about bound to cnn anchor for reads decartes off author the also the author of a great brand new book called age of revolutions, progress, and backlash from 1,600 grid to the present, which debuted this week on the new york tim bestseller lisat numtwo. all right, for you, let's t you up to mber one in your book. you ll this time quote perhaps the most revolutionary period in human history. i want
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to ask you about that because this us slice of that is really interesting. recent polls show donald trump and joe biden in a neck-and-neck race in battle around states, i think in the wake of the january 6, 2021 attack on the capital, a lot of people would have been surprised back then that we are at this point today how do you explain it? >> we're living through one of the biggest cultural backlashes that we've seen in history. it's a backlash against 30 years of accelerating globalization, accelerating technological change, a huge identity revolution. and it's left a lot of people feeling deeply unnerved. what i what i show in my book is that the form this takes now is this broad cultural backlash which says stop this world. i want to get off. and donald trump is riding that wave. what the biden people don't seem to recognize is that this is fundamentally a new cultural war they're still waiting for the economy to improve and
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hoping that that will lift biden aza as it has traditionally but the problem is we're in a revolutionary period. it's a break from history. it's all, it's all these cultural issues. now, wall street journal poll last week, jake said, number one issue on people's minds immigration, immigration is the core of this new cultural war. >> so we got this new economic numbers this week. the chair the economy is definitely strong even if a lot of americans don't feel that way. although polling suggests a lot of them feel like their personal economic situations good, but they're worried about the economy writ large why? >> our >> voters more focused on immigration than it's the economy stupid, which used to be what people said about politics. it really all depends on how well pocketbook issues are going it's a great question. >> it isn't just >> biden by the way, this break between how people felt about the economy and what the president's approval ratings were. bigger began with obama
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the economy boomed under obama, his approval ratings never really went up. donald trump until before covid presided over pretty good economy. his approval ratings never budged much. and the reason, as i tried to show in the book is that what you've had over the last 30 or 40 years is a decline in the core importance of economics, partly maybe because we become a kind of mass middle-class society. and the rise of all these what social scientists call post materialistic issues. it used to be, you could predict where somebody would would be polling will be voting based on how rich they wore their place in the economy. today, it's, it's your views on what i call the three gs god guns and gays. that is the strongest predictor of how you will vote so today, obviously, mark six months since hamas attacked israel and now in the retaliation for that, in the effort to eliminate hamas, there's this humanitarian crisis mounting and gaza, gaza, israel's vowing to open this new aid
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route after pressure from president biden what do you expect the next six months to look like? do you think this war will end in that period >> i think it has to end at some point. >> the really crucial >> issue is whether israel is thinking about what the political structure is going to look like after that. and is there strategy right now helping to create in a stable political structure that has no hamas in it, but it's still stable enough that israel does not after engage in another decades long occupation of gaza, fighting insurgencies, fighting militants and i worry that they're not thinking enough about that. there's, there's an emphasis totally understandable too. destroy hamas. but while you do that, you have to be thinking about the day after we learned that in iraq and afghanistan to our detriment and as president biden, as i think correctly said, israel should learn some of the lessons from the united states. his mistakes fareed zakaria. the book is age of
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revolutions. it's fantastic, critically acclaimed. we'll see you next hour on gps. thank you so much >> thanks so much, jake. >> you'll be 20 years older. >> you next time the moon blocks >> out the sun-like this in the united states, we're counting down to tomorrow paros eclipse more on that coming up >> carbon see an infill sunday, april 21, nine. >> our pharmacy has been in business for nearly 100 years. a wife and i have run it for the last 30 american technology is making this more efficient. and customer funds currently, we use online tools to fill prescriptions, process insurance claims, and mike deliveries. but some in washington want to undermine the technology tools we rely on. there misguided agenda will empower our foreign adversaries and hurt small businesses like ours are leaders need to strengthen, not weaken american technology we can carousel my time patches. she's improving the look of her fungus damage
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states, at least for the next 20 years. so get your protective sunglasses ready and tune into cnn's special coverage from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. eastern tomorrow tonight, we're kicking off a new cnn original series on the space shuttle columbia tragedy. the series pays tribute to the men and women onboard and uncovers the details so that ultimately whatley led to disaster tune into space shuttle columbia, the final flight tonight at 9:00 p.m. eastern only on cnn. thank you for spending your sunday morning with us for a zakaria gps starts next next former israeli prime minister naftali vinograd joints buried as the israel-gaza >> war enters six months. plus finland's newly elected president, alexander stuff for weed, zakaria gps next >> here >> you can expect to find crystal clear audio expensive display space and more comfort for everyone but we still left
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