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tv   CNN Newsroom Live  CNN  April 8, 2024 1:00am-2:00am PDT

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fellow vii to three 21321. today >> these are our people and we can't stand another day without them coming home. >> you'll see my holds off the troops pulled out to prepare for their future missions >> it sure. >> if congress does not help ukraine, ukraine, we lose the war. >> mike johnson, as speaker of the house, is facing a daunting foad ahead as he tries to navigate competing politics within his own conference >> it is the final countdown to solar eclipse monday, we're i can those clouds so closely on the path of totality >> live from london. >> this is >> cnn newsroom with mac foster
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>> hello, and a warm ochres draw viewers joining us in the and around the world. i'm max foster, it's monday, april the eighth, 9:00 a.m. here in london, 10:00 a.m. in cairo, egypt and state media is reporting significant progress in talks between israel and hamas over ceasefire and hostage deal, but no details on what, if anything, has been accomplished amid the ongoing talks, thousands took to the streets in jerusalem on sunday to demand the release of the remaining hostages held in gaza. >> these are our people and we can't stand another day without them coming home. and it's above politics, it's above religion, it's a humanitarian issue and that's what we're here to shout. >> meanwhile, in gaza, the israeli military says it has withdrawn ground forces from the southern city of khan yunis. israel says a significant force still remains in gaza. and the departing troops are leaving to recuperate and prepare for future operations. >> the troops pulled out to
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prepare for their future missions. we saw examples of such missions in the operations at shifa hospital and also for their future mission in the rafah region nada has been following developments for us. the question, the big question is whether the troops are being withdrawn. so they can then get ready to go into raffa. >> and it does >> sound from that soundbite as if that is the plan. >> we >> sadly seen that in the past with the withdrawal of israeli troops from other parts of northern and central gaza. of course, what we have seen now following the withdrawal of troops from khan yunis is complete and utter destruction left in the wake of that latest military version. this is an operation which has been ongoing for months and we've heard from israeli military official senate, they have concluded their targets in the khan younis area, but that their troops have been withdrawn to recuperate, to prepare for another operation. unclear where that operation will be. but of course, we've been hearing those warnings about a ground operation in an alpha for some time now, although israel continues to come under international
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pressure to protect civilian lives, we know of course, there are some 1.5 million civilians currently sheltering in the southern city. and what we've seen just in the last few hours is civilians returning now to khan yunis, many of them have been unable to return for months. and what they have been returning to is complete destruction. absolutely nothing left to take a look >> it is a shock. a shock. >> what happened was not small really are coming on the way in the car. i saw things the destruction is unbearable >> and it's unclear how many troops have exactly withdrawn, how many remain in gaza, typically israeli everglades would have a few thousand troops within them. again, there's no details as to how many are actually being withdrawn or redeployed at this current point in time, israeli media reported on sunday at some truth it's would remain around the netzarim crossing,
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which is essentially a division line that has been established by the israeli military splitting gaza in two. and of course, as we've heard from the israeli military, they have said that while they are withdrawing from khan yunis, they maintain a significant presence in other parts of gaza. >> they have promised the israelis to allow more aid in through the land borders, but more issues there. >> yeah. i mean, there's been mounting pressure on israel to open up more of those borders, not just that i've border crossing. we did hear from israeli authorities said they would open up the erez crossing. we were expecting to see the first crossing of aid trucks coming in on sunday, but that hasn't happened. authority saying that they are looking into logistical preparations now, no clear date as to when trucks will be actually able to pass through the erez crossing. and of course, we were hearing those warnings before from aid agencies, the destruction that we have seen in northern and central gaza means it is a huge logistical challenge for these aid folks to move around to transport aid through this water crossing into parts of northern and central gaza. and of course, this delay is only
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going to add to the dayyah shortages and need of those in gaza. we've heard from aid agencies saying that they have a at tons and tons of aid on those borders waiting to get into gaza. but they simply haven't been able to distribute the aid that is so desperately needed. >> okay. thank you us president joe biden is taking a tougher stance, wanting prime minister benjamin netanyahu, that if he needs to do that, he needs to do more to address the growing humanitarian crisis in gaza or face consequences that warning came last week during a phone call, cnn's priscilla alvarez has more about what he said between my what was in that conversation between the two leaders? >> cnn is learning new details about appointed call between president biden and israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu last week, that call coming at a pivotal moment only days after world central kitchen employees were killed in an israeli attack in gaza according to sources, president biden place additional pressure on israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu to change
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his policies in his war against hamas that included primarily getting more humanitarian aid into gaza by opening a land crossing a port and also ramping up supplies. now, according to a source, so he's really prime minister benjamin netanyahu agreed to that, saying that there would be more done. but the president went a step further saying that it needs you need to be done soon. and indeed, hours after the call, these really security cabinet approved of the measures and the white house has so far welcome the moves and the changes that they've seen thus far acknowledging that there has been frustration. and that more needs to be done. but what is clear is that the us is steadfastly supporting israel and its right to defend upset. it defend itself difference now is that they are more willing to change their policy if israel doesn't change, what it's doing, of course what that would be still remains an open question as well as what metrics the us is using to determine if israel is making the necessary changes priscilla alvarez cnn washington >> the >> israeli military says it is ready to do with iran, quote
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offensively and defensively after iran blamed israel for a strike on its embassy compound and syria killing seven officials last week the idf's chief of staff. so as israeli troops are prepared and operating in the north, south, west bank and beyond, cnn has reached out to be renin foreign ministry for comment. meanwhile, a former israeli prime minister, naftali bennett is calling iran an octopus of terror he says, quote its head is in tehran than it sends its tentacles all around israel and the middle east. but it told cnn that iran has been using its proxies in several countries in the middle east to carry out attacks against israel. meanwhile, senate majority leader chuck schumer says the us is ready to respond swiftly. against any attacks by iran or its proxies >> i know the president and his team are working hard to prevent escalation and our prepared to defend any attack and response with leave if
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necessary. well, ron is >> vowing to retaliate after that deadly strike in damascus the us is on high alert and preparing for a significant iranian attack. as officials believed to run could target israeli or american assets in the middle east ukraine's president giving his strongest starkest wanting yet about the state of war between or against russia without military aid from the united states sure. >> if congress does not help ukraine, ukraine, we lose the war, and we need to find a public format for this. if ukraine loses the war, other states will be attacked >> i've loved them as lenski also says, russia will soon be quote, more and more insistent on dragging nuclear weapons into the debate. meanwhile, the head of the us house intelligence committee says russia, propaganda has absolutely spread through congress, particularly amongst some of his republican colleagues. a number of
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hardline house conservatives have refused to back in $95 aid package, which includes 60 billion in assistance for ukraine. the refusal is also putting house speaker mike johnson and a really tough spot if he does push your head for more ukraine aid, he risks being ousted by his own party, sinn as many raju has the latest on johnson's dilemma johnson as speaker of the house, is facing a daunting road ahead as he tries to navigate competing politics within his own conference. >> as well as demands for action on aid to ukraine. remember aid package that pass the senate earlier this year has been stalled in the house because of republican opposition to that bipartisan $95 billion package. whose money for israel, for ukraine, for taiwan, mike johnson in the time said he wanted that to include border security measures, then the santa bipartisan border security deal, mike johnson along with
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donald trump, opposed it as essentially it was killed in the us senate. so where do they go from here? because there is still this demand for ukraine aid. mike johnson is trying to move behind the scenes to try to cobble together a plan that could win over significant amount of republicans support and tried to woo democrats as well. it is uncertain whether you can do that. he wants border provisions in there. he wants to narrow the ukraine package. all of which still could be too much for ukraine, clicks within his conference, namely marjorie taylor greene, who is running to oust him from the speakership. has already filed a resolution over call for a vote seeking his ouster. remember this happened last fall to kevin mccarthy. he was the first speaker ever ousted by his own colleagues on a vote on the house floor, green is dragging to do that? again, she told me last week that johnson should absolutely not move forward at any ukraine aid package saying they would mo move the needle with her, suggesting that that could actually force that vote. the question will be, what
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democrats come to johnson defense and would they do that if they even if johnson move forward with ukraine aid package that was not something that they ultimately could get behind all major questions for the speaker going forward. now the speaker has been busy himself trying to raise money for republican candidates as they tried to scrambled to keep their razor thin republican majority on the democratic side. i have learned a new details, but the push by the democrats to take back the house in the fall, the democratic super pac, house majority pac plans to invest more money than it ever has to win back the house. they are announcing today, hundred and 86 million. this split between hundred and 40 million or so for tv ads, the rest four digit joel adds in some key swing districts going after republicans in biden districts trying to defend democrats and trump districts all going to really two a furious battle, or as the leader of the group told me, trench warfare with republicans, district by district. they tried to keep the republican the demo, the
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dirt to win over with that take the democrats back to the majority. but there are so few districts truly at play here. so enormous sums will be spent, but will have huge implications as we can see right now, the majority decides the agenda and the democratic majority, their agenda would be much different than the republicans my raja cnn, washington >> sounds calm. the latest on the total solar eclipse that seem a will be seen across america just in the coming hours as well, how best to enjoy that view? plus ahead of key meeting this week with joe biden, japan's prime minister, tell cnn the world is an historic turning points. so the vatican is set to release new documents addressing gender roles and surrogacy will it stick to the churches, traditional views or offer? something you >> how far would you go? is that the ambiance of your space? try the air wigwe with
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count down to the solar eclipse today, when millions of people in the mexico and >> canada, we'll watch the moon block out the rays of the sun, the forecast for part of the eclipse's path of totality could ruin the view though this once in a lifetime experience for many meteorologists, elisa raffa has the details were watching those clouds so closely on the path of totality, it looks like we have a storm system though developing on the southern end of the path where a severe risk is growing for damaging winds, large hail, even isolated tornadoes from texas into oklahoma, arkansas, and louisiana. the good news is though it looks like the storms do blow up after the eclipse. we've got a couple of showers, right? as the eclipse is starting that partial eclipse. and then they blow up right after that peak, probably after three or four clocks, you might have a one to two hours window to seek shelter if you're in a place like dallas outside to watch the eclipse, though, it will come with cloud cover
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mostly cloudy skies in dallas, temperatures in the 70s, 1402 is your total solar eclipse time. then it ends up three and those storms will fire up shortly after it's all part of the system that kind of stalls right near that path of totality, bringing you some showers for middle tennessee and then over towards the carolinas. we do have some clouds that will come with it from texas into louisiana on the southern end of the path, some clearing across the ohio valley, and even some clearing and new england to also looks like a pretty good spot to catch the total solar eclipse for looking at some places like little rock where we'll have some mostly cloudy skies a little bit close to that system. you're totalities at 1:50 place like rochester also finding some mostly cloudy skies with your peak at 3:20. now, what's so cool about this too, is we will find temperatures taken king a dip while you have the peak totality of that shadow because it's cutting off the energy from the sun. so those temperature are going to
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briefly come down and will pop back up once the shadow moves away from the sun and we get those temperatures to rebound. so something that we'll have to watch out for closely. so not only will you experienced the total darkness in totality you'll experience that temperature drop, the relative humidity increases as the temperatures dip closer to that dewpoint, the winds could decrease two, and so could your cloud cover >> one joined now by a gunman rasa astronomer at the royal observatory, greenwich here in london. thank you so much for joining us. i mean i think one of the things that's unusual about this is that so many people will get the chance to see this eclipse because the path, the shadow will create across northern america of course, but in terms of science, how exceptional is it? >> while we do see total solar eclipse is like this roughly every 18 months from somewhere in the world. but because the shadow that the moon costs on the earth's surface is actually relatively small you
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really do have to be in the right place at the right time. and because we have so much water covering the surface what it a lot of the time, it's not visible at all, or it could be from various different locations in the world. so the us is very lucky this morning that they are going to get to see such a beautiful eclipse >> well, many people plans many people found for years apparently, and they're heading, there are lots of people are just rushing there to see what they can unfortunately, a lot of them are gonna be disappointed, aren't they? if we look at that weather report? but will the weather affect any sort of scientific management you take as well >> well, whether it's always a problem, usually here in the uk, we find it's a massive problem as well >> in terms of >> the science that is done around eclipses there's not words that is currently done. eclipses have been studied for a very long time as they're such an easy thing for everyone to be able two spots. one thing that it's a really useful thing that you can study during an eclipse though is the outer
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atmosphere of the sun. the outer atmosphere is much fainter compared to the sun itself, which is incredibly bright. brights. >> it's only when the >> main disk of the sun itself is blocked out that we're able to see that those fainter layers clouds, of course block that so get another way a little bit, but shouldn't be anything too much of a problem in sands of that slide is out there about eyesight being damaged by people looking at it. can you just give us the i know you're not a medic, but you've got experience of these things. what is the advice >> yes, definitely do not look at the eclipse directly, don't look at the sun directly at all ever. do not look at it through sunglasses only through special solar eclipse glasses. if you don't have access to those though, is very easy to make your own pinhole oh, camera we need is two sheets of paper, but a little hole in one of them. project, hold it up so rays of the sun could pass through that hole and project it onto your second sheet of paper. and you can see it very safely through that. >> what is it like? and i
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remember there was one that crossover london a few years ago, wasn't there. and i remember it's suddenly going cold. just describe what it's like >> well, i've actually never experienceable myself the lost when we had reached totality here in the uk was back in 1999, i was a little too young to fully remember at that time, though i do have memories of going into the garden with my mom when i was very young and we made our own little pinhole camera then >> but yes, it is a >> very exciting thing to happen. lots of people, as you've mentioned, go all over the world trying to chase these because it's so exciting to be in that position to see the dynamics of the solar system playing out over your head is just such a special thing that i hope to probably experience cell on once i myself, i've one last question. >> people that don't believe the world is round what does this say them? >> yes >> it's always an interesting theory that people somehow
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still have to this present day. there's plenty of evidence to the contrary >> the biggest beam you >> send spacecraft out to take a look at the earth from above and look down. >> but there's >> even things like if you look out over the sea and watching ships go by that can appear to come up over the horizon because of the earth's curvature and lots of things like that. so there's plenty of evidence out there i realized a lot of people choose to ignore certain >> we call a flat fees i think there'll be, but and i got so much david joining us today, an exciting de feel community. now stilts com right now ukraine's a fight for survival depends in part on us lawmakers that fight isn't easily one and how rising global tensions of causing japan to move away from decades of pacifism
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>> get your viewing glasses ready and experience so rare, it won't happen again for another two decades. joint cnn for live coverage around the country of the spectrum in the skies eclipse across america live today at one on cnn or streaming on macs >> introducing finish, ultimate engineered for the toughest conditions dry burned tons, stains, oh, dishwashers, hard water to finish ultimate with psychosis, technology helps deliver the hope it's clean >> dry skin is sensitive skin
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for. make. >> decisions mute, you physicians, mutual >> welcome back to cnn, yoozoo, my max foster, if you're just joining us here, are some of our top stories today. aid is not flowing through the erez crossing into gaza? yes. off the israel says there are
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additional logistical preparations needed once a date has been set and israeli spokesperson says they will announce the crossing's opening negotiators for israel and hamas are still working on a potential hostage and ceasefire deal. but egyptian officials say there's been significant progress on many points and negotiations are expected to continue can you for the next 48 hours and ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy says, ukraine will lose the war with russia if the us congress doesn't approve military aid. lenski is warning comes as house speaker mike johnson faces mounting pressure to decide whether to move forward with an aid bill joining me now from vienna is france have gaiety and associate fellow of the international issues for strategic studies. i mean, it was very clear language, wasn't it from president zelenskyy, but it's the sort of argument has been made in washington for some time that all of those who feel that ukraine needs that money from the us i think it's fair to assume that we are currently in
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a transitional phase when it comes to the war in ukraine. rusher >> is conducting probing attacks along the front line. it is trying to advance read can and it is preparing what seems to b if future offensive down the road. and this is of course, where we very worrying because ukraine currently is also already losing territory, man. and i'm the biggest handicap that ukraine currently has in its war against russia is manpower. it is of course related hey, to do ammunition, but it's not exclusively the lack of western support that do want to emphasize this year >> using the war >> how do you read that? does that mean russia keeps the land that it's got or that russia continues let's take the rest of ukraine >> well, i think it would be premature to say that ukraine is losing this more. i think overall, yes, it is true that
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there are certain negative trends that are ongoing in 2024 of four ukraine. but i also think at the same time, i'm just moore is far from over or far from lost for ukraine. the major issue here is manpower, ammunition, and ukraine needs both in order to at least hold onto what they are currently holding on along the frontline. and so i think what we need to should perhaps expect down to row it is some tactical withdrawals some russian advances, a long parts of the front line perhaps even down the road, a partial collapse of certain sectors of the ukrainian front line. but this doesn't mean that ukraine is going to lose just more. it just means that we probably need to be ready for some bad news down to road. but it's not indicative of ukraine losing the struggle in the long
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term. >> europe is obviously been stepping up as much as it can to fill the gap with potentially the gap with us going into a us money going into ukraine, also coming out with new plans for how that war could be supported from europe, taking some pressure off the united states. but is there any way that europe could replay? a swat america is giving, right now >> are not in the short in the long-term, i think to situation might look different, but this year, ukraine really neat us support their certain weapon systems, certain logistical support, which the european countries simply cannot provide to ukraine so us aid remains crucial, particularly bennett camps to ammunition when it comes to other weapons systems such as infantry, fighting vehicles, long-range air-defense systems, in particular, because if you've been following the news the last couple of weeks have seen an uptick in so-called glide bombs attacks, which are really
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terrible and i really causing a lot of havoc along the front line and ukraine desperately needs long-range air defense systems and the united states is the only country that can really supply dose, for example obviously, trump comes into this argument because many of his supporters are very much against funding ukraine. but when you look at the language of trump, he, it's not entirely clear what would actually do in a situation. if you base it on what he says ahead of it, but you think he's really saying that he would stop funding ukraine and stops ukraine or is he this is bigger issue, just that some european countries simply aren't paying their fair share into nato >> i do think it's a wake-up call for europe on many, many fronts when it comes to these comments by the formula or president of the united states, having said that, i do think to europeans have realized that didn't need to step up, that they need to do more. whether it's enough that remains to be
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seen for the moment. there is no substitute for us military aid. unfortunately, i also want to emphasize though that we need to decouple the discussion about european, western, american military aid to ukraine and to duration of this more because the ukrainians would continue to fight even without any western aid, because they simply have no choice but to resist russian aggression. >> okay, friends, stuffing katie. thank you so much for joining us with your insight today. the war in ukraine is just one of the concerns for japan's prime minister as well, ahead of a trip to washington for me. okay. sida will be meeting with us president joe biden is 11 to bolster japan's defenses. the mid spiraling global tensions in europe the middle east, and asia. he says the world is an historic turning point. but after decades of pacifism, this move is not without controversy. the prime minister spoke with our correspondent in tokyo hanako a gunnery, who is joining us right now. so what did he say?
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get out of this trip >> yeah, max, during a conversation with the japanese prime minister fumio kishida on sunday, he emphasized the importance of a strong us and japan alliance, especially right now given some of the hostile environments that japan is facing in the region, here's what cash shooter had to say about some of those security threats >> you already high kd, you work in our neighborhood. >> there are countries that are developing ballistic missiles and nuclear weapons and others that are building up their defense capabilities in an opaque way. also, there is a unilateral attempt to change the status quo by force in both the east china sea and south china sea now we know that at this upcoming state visit, the two leaders will discuss a wide range of topics >> from artificial intelligence semiconductors, space, and of course, defense cooperation
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under kishida's leadership, we've seen japan, the us, and south korea agreed to share real-time information about north korea's miss owltest, which of course is very important for japan given that north korea is a close neighbor. now, during our interview with the prime minister, i asked him about his relationship with north korea and he told me that he is still seeking a summit with north korean leader kim jong un, despite receiving a lot of mixed messages from the leadership now in the backdrop of all of this and the state visit, of course, is japan's changing defense posture under because she does leadership, we've seen japan agreed to boost its defense spending from 1% of its gdp to about 2%. we've also seen japan agreed to buy a tomahawk cruise missiles made in the united states the first time that japan is acquiring counter-strike capabilities in decades. but this will be key to help deter a potential invasion of japan according to the japanese government, as we'll a very strong us-japan
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alliance, which could cheetah is aiming to achieve. and we'll work on during his state visit with biden max. >> ok. hanako. thank you so much. and we look forward to seeing that whole interview. us treasury secretary janet yellen says the us work, except new industries being decimated by an influx of chinese imports. those comments came during a news conference in beijing earlier, wrapping up a weekend of meetings with both local and national leaders discussing, uh, you us and chinese economies in areas of concern for both parties. yemen. so she had just concerns of chinese overproduction and its potential effects of the global economy, as well as us national security concerns. both countries also discussed the need for better communication to prevent future financial crises from escalating mexico it says it will report ecuador's raid on its embassy in quito to the international court of justice. ecuadorian police on friday, forcefully entered the embassy to arrest former ecuadorian vice president mexico's foreign minister says her country plans to denounce the move and expects the court will agree
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ordering ecuador to repair damage to the embassy meanwhile, mexican diplomatic arrived back home after the country broke its diplomatic ties with ecuador in response to the rate mexico's foreign ministry greeted them with their families and that was when they landed in mexico city on sunday moos case presidential candidates have just wrapped up the first debate ahead of the general elections, which are in june, the front runners are both women, meaning mexico may soon have its first ever female president claudia shane baum, is leading the polls. she's part of the ruling party of president andrzej manuel lopez obrador. she is promising to continue his policies saying the election is a choice between his progressive policies or returning to corruption close behind is is so gil galvez, as she's candidate of an opposition coalition, she is promising to end violence in mexico and to quote, bet on health and education. now still to come
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gender roles, surrogacy, and human dignity. they're all subjects disgusted any document the vatican is publishing today i will share what we know about it after the break >> debris in the guy, parents, husbands and wives? >> i wish i could have done something differently. you can just make it better for those that follow space shuttle columbia, the final flight, two part finale, sunday at nine on not flossing >> well, then add >> the wo of listerine to your routine. new science shows. listerine is five times more effective than floss at reducing plaque above the gum line for a cleaner, healthier mouth >> this >> three, feel the world, introducing finish, ultimate engineered for the toughest condition dry, burnt on stains old dishwashers very hard water, new finish, ultimate with sequencing technology helps deliver the health camila tried the new sense of gain relax flings, and it changed
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most loved thinking >> london's are remembering the genesis die that devastated the nation 30 years ago when an estimated 800,000 people, mostly members of the tutsi ethnic minority. i were slaughtered during 100 day spree of killing and raping acts committed by hutu extremists. cnn's christiane amanpour looks back now on the violence and how it unfolded the international community's failure to act. and the followed a warning, many of the images you're about to see are disturbi a genocidal rampage that wiped out >> nearly 1 million people in jail that's 100 days men, women, and children hacked to
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death with machetes, clubs and bare hands. when extremist from rwanda's dominant prive the hutus, set out to exterminate the tutsi ethnic minority 30 years ago, when they threw grenades. a task and started hacking all over our body >> the systematic campaign of mass murder was sparked after the hutu president's plane was shot down april 6, 1994. and when i first traveled there, the scale of the atrocities was only just emerging. investigators have now turned up evidence to suggest that the massacre of tutsis was preplanned by the hutu led government. the un report calls that slaughter genocide while the international community failed to add hundreds of thousands fled for their lives, the scenes were biblical to neighboring tanzania to xi year. now, the democratic republic of congo the genocide
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finally ended when the rwandan patriotic front took control of the country that army was led by paul cogat, who eventually became president and remains so today did you expect the international community to intervene? >> absolutely. >> along with 30, that's why they were here. >> and why do you think they couldn't and didn't get into care? >> 2020 to freedom house >> report found that while could gummies regime has maintained stability, it has also suppress political dissent through pervasive surveillance, intimidation, and torture craig army denies any of those accusations after the bloodshed in 1994, i saw the country's jails overflowing with alleged perpetrators everyone in prison claims to be innocent. >> human >> rights workers say at least one in five, people may have been falsely accused the government pursued a policy of
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unity and reconciliation, which often sees perpetrators and victims living side-by-side, as i witnessed when i returned to rwanda years later f virginia was preparing a plate of food and serving it to john bosco, busy monarch one of the menn who murdered five of her children. >> it's amazing for >> us to sit here and share food with families who've been through so much. did you expect if virginia two forgive you and give you mercy? >> he >> felt that they were forgive me >> as for international accountability in 1998, president bill clinton apologized to the victims we did not act quickly enough after the killing began. we did not immediately call these crimes by their rightful name genocide >> but the scars run deep and rwanda and mass graves are still being found 30 years
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later a painful reminder of the country's darkest hour. christiane amanpour, cnn, london >> now, the coming hours, the baskin is set to reveal a controversial new documents addressing moral questions when considering human dignity, gender, and surrogacy can you document called the dignitatis in photometer will be presented by cardinal a victor manuel fernandez. he's the popes doctrine or tsar. i pointed late last year. it comes after a declaration last year from the pope authorizing blessings for same-sex couples pope francis has openly tried to make the catholic church there's more accepting of lgbtq plus individuals, but he remains the vocal minority within the church which holds to the belief in traditional gender identity enrolls and only recognize his marriage between a man and a woman. cnn vatican correspondent, christopher lamb joins me now. it couldn't be addressing more sensitive issues well, max, it's gonna be very closely
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scrutinized document because it is covering those hot button issues gender theory, sex >> change, surrogacy. now this document comes, as you mentioned, after another vatican doctrine office declaration on same-sex blessings, which sends shockwaves through the church continues to send shockwaves because of that openness to allowing for blessings of same-sex couples. the first time the vatican has done that, this document, i expect to reaffirm the catholic teaching and the catholic position on these sensitive and contested areas. it points to the pope's broader approach. the pope, on the one hand, has tried to do a balancing act between being open to people from the lgbtq plus community. he's helped and supported trends catholics at a parish outside of rome. but on the other hand, he's been very critical of gender ideology. so it's this balancing act that the pope has tried to do to be
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open and pastoral, but also maintain church teaching and doctrine. so it will be very interesting to see later how he approaches it. have a vatican approach that with this document if he is going to balance, it is going to be a compromise and it's not going to have any real change is that it'll just be nods towards what some people within his church, >> perhaps the side that he leans towards, are thinking, well, it's difficult because it comes after that same-sex blessings move and i think there has been pressure from the vatican to show that it maintains the teaching so it is always difficult and it can involve compromise. i think what the pope is always trying to do is maintain the unity of the church. >> he >> doesn't want to see splits and et cetera, has obviously come under a lot of pressure from conservatives but francis is not quote, unquote, a liberal. he does and has always followed the churches teaching it's just how he six to apply it. that's often been quite progressive, is struggling with
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a wave of support towards the more conservative side as parts of the world engage with the church and are frankly more conservative. >> well, he has too, i think balanced the different constituencies. he has. >> as i been someone who's shown a progressive side and open side when it comes to particularly same-sex couples but he has also been on the risk stephen, end of really unprecedented attacks from conservatives in the church who want him to isolate certain issues. culture-war issues, which he refuses to do. and i expect this document will try and set all the contested issues within a wider remit of human dignity. >> christopher, thank you very much, indeed, back with you when we get that a report will be back in just a matter >> zyrtec allergy relief works
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ambiance of your space? try the air wigwe with airway essential myth infused with naturalists sent two oils to fill your low bit with immersive fragrance for up to 45 days now that's a breath of fresh air, not flossing well then add the wo of listerine to your routine. new science shows. listerine is five times more effective than floss ever reducing class above the gum line for it cleaner, healthier mouth >> this >> field, the wo closed captioning is brought to you by skechers, hands-free slip ends. >> this tiny home trend >> now, this is more like it, the same goes for my foot work. why one hands-free with wide fits, get your slip, dry wipe fits, sketcher slip sweet revenge for south carolina, the gamecocks now have >> that third nc doublet women's basketball national championship dash, caitlin clark titled dreams with an 87,
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75 victory over iowa the hawkeyes knocked to south carolina out of the tournament last year, donning her iowa jersey for the last time, caitlin clark said, despite the loss, she doesn't have time to in her world's her words, sulk and called her team's season special, certainly was. >> we are now only >> hours away from the biggest game in men's college basketball defending champs the uconn huskies, will be looking to win two titles in a row when they take on purdue for the men's and cwa national championships, seven foot to uconn star center. donovan clingan will go head-to-head with purdue's in tallest star. zach edey. he's seven foot-4. it's a matchup. the huskies coach is calling a battle of the giants and the stories of the spotlight, this the us senator bernie sanders says he's deeply grateful to the efforts of law enforcement after a man suspected of arson that is burlington office was arrested the suspect is accused
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as spraying and an accelerant on the door. the office door, then lighting it on fire. if convicted, he would face you could face five between five and 20 years in prison the faa says it is investigating a southwest airlines flight from denver that had to make a quick return when an engine cover fell off and hit the wing flap of the boeing 737800 the plane, no injuries were reported and southwest said its maintenance teams will review the aircraft. this is the latest in a string of mechanical issues to plague boeing aircraft across a range of airlines over the past several months. going declined to comment on this incident finally, maryland's governor says the timeline to open a major channel and get the port of baltimore up and running is realistic. on sunday, workers started removing the shipping containers from the cargo ship dali almost two weeks after it's slammed into the francis scott key bridge killing six
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people. speaking to cbs governor wes moore said, crews will work around the clock to make sure the channel is fully operational by the end of may do join us latest de, the total solar eclipse as it travels to mexico across america and canada, experienced the total eclipse from numerous locations along with plenty of science and excitement along the way are special coverage starts at 12:00 p.m. eastern time. thanks. joining me here on cnn usury, my max foster in london, cnn this morning up next a quick break
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flossing well >> then add the >> wo of listerine to your routine new science shows. listerine is five times more effective than floss at reducing plaque above the gum line for a cleaner, healthier mouth this story, feel the world introducing finish, ultimate engineered for the toughest conditions dry, burnt on stains, old dishwashers hard water, new finish, ultimate with sequencing technology her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under
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a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for. >> china. >> number one was loved thinking app cnn this morning with kasie hunt. >> next >> do you think that our democracy is at risk? >> we have to be very concerned. this is because a damning report for the president >> why do you >> think he's doing this in >> can he be talked out of wood? republicans be willing to support this age? backwards. >> we need a functioning legislative branch. are you willing to let people in the west bank vote why do you think so many republicans have downplayed this? do you think?


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