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tv   CNN This Morning  CNN  April 8, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for. >> china. >> number one was loved thinking app cnn this morning with kasie hunt. >> next >> do you think that our democracy is at risk? >> we have to be very concerned. this is because a damning report for the president >> why do you >> think he's doing this in >> can he be talked out of wood? republicans be willing to support this age? backwards. >> we need a functioning legislative branch. are you willing to let people in the west bank vote why do you think so many republicans have downplayed this? do you think?
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think he's guilty? >> the lead with jake tapper? weekdays it for and cnn >> it's monday, april 8 right now on cnn this morning, donald trump closing the financial gap with president biden with a record fundraising haul as he he uses a big announcement on abortion this morning. president biden, preparing to bring a student loan relief to a new group of borrowers plus bad weather threatening to spoil plans for millions of americans hoping to get think glimpse of today's solar eclipse all right 5:00 a.m. here in washington, dc. a live look down the national mall in washington monument and lincoln memorial. good morning, everyone. happy monday. i'm kasie hunt. it's wonderful to have you with us. >> team trump claiming they >> raked in more than 50 million at a palm beach, florida fundraiser saturday night, that is nearly double what president biden raised last month at a starr new york
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event featuring former presidents clinton and obama. trump's campaign has struggled to keep up with biden's fundraising numbers. >> the new >> head of the republican national committee, though, michael widely says the former president is solid financially heading into the general election we've raised over 100 million since the president became the presumptive nominee, about a month ago. and feel like we are >> very strongly positioned to go into this general campaign mode. >> former president trump also promising a statement on his abortion stance this morning we know that the former president has gone back and forth about how aggressively to confront that issue. joining me now is sum of four politics reporter, shelby talcott. shelby. good morning. great to see you. >> let's talk a little bit about this fundraiser. on saturday night. they we know that the former president wanted to post this massive total but he also made a series of controversial remarks at
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this fundraiser that the new york times is reporting here. what does it tell you that they were able to post this? kind of a number and whether it means that there whether they are where they need to be. >> i think the most important thing to remember is in the primary, there were a lot of top donors who were really wary about backing trump's. some of them stayed out of the primary others decided to back some of his opponents. and now we're seeing this sort of coalesce coalescing around donald trump. and so that indicates to me that at the end of the de, these wealthy donors are starting to get behind donald trump, even if they have reservations. and so that's important because it does indicate that he is able to get a lot of money. it's not going to be as much as joe biden his campaign aides have acknowledged that but there's certainly in a better position than they were a few months ago when they were really struggling with fundraising?
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yeah. the consolidation. absolutely critical part of this trump posting, biggest night in fundraising of all time will double the biden number of last week. i we want to make america great again, of course djt. here's how the biden campaign spokesman michael tyler responded to this fundraiser watch he's down in mar-a-lago tonight with a bunch of billionaires, people like john paulson, who not only wants to cut social security, but he's famous >> for as a hedge fund or rooting against the american economy, betting against the american economy. so i guess it's no surprise that he's investing in somebody like donald trump who is reading for the economy to crash. but the whole lot of them is a bunch of billionaire scammers, extremist and racist who understand that if they fund trump's legal fees, he's going to cut their taxes, volley cuts are social security so there's a lot there >> in terms of how he's talking about a lot of these donors, a preview i think of what's to come, but that economic
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messaging from the biden team, i mean, they have sort of struggled with how to frame that. what's your view of how they're doing it here in this context, this is it this is the big thing is both candidates in this election are really trying to build themselves as like the middle class every day. candidate. and so when we see donald trump go to these high top donors, it gives the biden campaign and opportunity to say, hey, voters, donald trump does not actually of the people right? and on the flip side, when we see democrats raised a lot of money from high donors versus donald trump's sort of small donor amounts, which has historically been higher. donald trump is able to say the same thing. so it indicates the importance for each campaign to target this group of voters version. it's, and it's potentially going to determine who wins this election, right? donald joe biden is struggling with young voters. he's struggling with minority
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voters. and so these are the kinds of voters that they want to say, hey guys, we're going to help you. the opponent is not going to help you. and so that's sort of what we're seeing. >> donald trump on a different topic also, put this out last night, that he says he's going to be putting out a statement on abortion >> right? he the all caps here, it's kind of interesting, right? exceptions. he's focusing on exceptions for rape incest in the life of the mother he of course says this as well win elections is in all caps at the same time, we must use common sense in realizing we have this obligation to win elections. this issue, he has been pushed by many in the pro-life movement to be more definitive about where he stands on a nationwide abortion ban. but on the other hand, he seems to acknowledge that it is, it is not been a winning issue for republicans. and he
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has seemed to go back and forth about whether he wants to do something like this. what does it tell you that he is going to put out a statement today? which also by the way, happens to be the day of the total solar eclipse >> isn't wants that news. >> it is. it is really interesting because abortion has been such a hard issue for republicans ever since dobbs and it's been something that democrats have really highlighted on and they plan to highlight and continue can you to attack going into this election because it's been so successful for them. and so it's notable that donald trump is actually coming out with a statement when he made that comment last week saying that he planned to make a statement, it took his aides by surprise. and so this isn't necessarily something that they've been prepping for. it seems for a long time so i'm curious to see what he ultimately ends up, but i think he recognizes that despite anti-abortion activists really pushing for much stricter restrictions, it's not what the american people want. and so whatever he does come
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out with, i think both sides are going to be there's no it's very difficult despite what he has said publicly to come to a consensus and to come to an agreement on this issue. >> well, and the >> sort of consensus number if there is one, the way that he talks about it, and other republicans talk about it as 15 comma 16 weeks. glenn youngkin tried to run on that in virginia and it didn't seem to really work for him, possibly because there are all these other examples of bands that are so much more draconian than that. and democrats are arguing. they say this now, but really they want to go further than that and they will. is that do you think going to resonate at remember when donald trump came out last year and criticize the anti-abortion movement meant for trying to be so strict and saying that republicans have failed to come to a consensus that's the big thing here. i think republicans problem has been that they can't find a consensus. so even when you have these
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candidates who are focused on what the consensus could be 15 weeks, 16 weeks, you still have a portion of the party who's pushing for much stricter restrictions. so regardless, that ends up affecting the candidates who maybe are willing to accept lesser restrictions. so it's going to be really tougher for donald trump, for the republican party as a whole. this election on the issue of abortion and democrats know that all right, shall we tell cut for us, shelby. thank you very much for getting us started this morning >> all right. up next here, the israeli military withdrawing some ground forces from the key city in southern gaza, plus a southwest flight forced to turn around after a scare in the air. and the parts of the country were bad weather might impinge on your solar eclipse experience there's debris in this guy. >> husbands and wives gone. >> wish i could've done something differently. you can just make it better for those that follow space shuttle columbia, the final flight two
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bbdo >> this is cnn the world's news >> welcome back. israel and hamas may be inching closer to a ceasefire deal. negotiations continue in cairo today, egyptian media reporting significant progress pressed with a talks. in the meantime, israel's military claims that they've withdrawn ground forces from khan younis in gaza. but a cnn team there says they only saw a large number of tanks pull out, not troops. prime minister benjamin netanyahu, facing criticism from president biden after a tense phone call last week netanyahu putting the blame on hamas as demands intensified domestically to bring the hostages home >> muscle knows hamas extreme demands were intended to bring about an end to the war while leaving the group intact it will not happen. israel is ready for do, israel is not ready? hey, just surrender
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>> all right, cnn's max foster joins us now, live from london. max, good morning to you. what do we know about the latest in these ceasefire talks and what exactly is happening on the ground with israel's troop movements app in the wake of that call between the two liters, president biden and bibi netanyahu well, a very positive news from the egyptians who are obviously deeply involved in all of these negotiations. but the same time we are hearing from netanyahu no ceasefire until all the hostages are released and we're also hearing from hamas that they are not near an agreement here. so it's the same as it always is. listening, to different soundings from different groups, we were can't bet anything until they're actually is some sort of ceasefire deal. a lot of those ongoing issues are still there on the ground. we are seeing troops leave khan yunis and palestinians able to get back in there and see all the
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absolutely horrific destruction there. it's not entirely clear what's happening there. clearly regrouping, recreate recuperating after really tough period of war within gaza. but the big question is whether or not they're preparing to go into raffa, which is where this is. justin has been the next flight will be and there are huge amount of civilians. there so we're really waiting on what happens to those new troop deployments there. the other big talking point today is one of the crossings into gaza from israel that it said it would open. it hasn't opened yet because there are big logistical issues. those aid corridor that land crucial land corridor of aid into gaza isn't open just yet >> max, can we just talk for a second about the pressure's on prime minister netanyahu right now, because there were some news analysis and the new york times over the weekend suggesting that the people in israel raising questions about whether he is continuing this war in way that he's conducting
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this war has to do with domestic political considerations and pressure on him to keep it going in order to keep this fragile government governing coalition together. what do those pressures look like? >> well, the precious the coalition, the pressures are that there are members of that coalition or now calling for early elections. so the it's not quite fragmented there is still a war cabinet, but there's pressure on it. at the same time. we've talked in the past, haven't worry about the immense amount of pressure on netanyahu even before we went into this war. and how he handled the judicial review process, for example, he was very unpopular then but there was a war boost dare i say he was seen as very strong leader going into the war, but it's being six months. and there isn't a deal. and october 7 still very clear in everyone's minds, of course israel. but the time it's been six months now, it's still very fresh memories and still no real
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progress for many israelis is just this constant argument about how do you deal with hamas. everyone is clearly agreed broadly in israel that the fight is with hamas. how do you break them down and netanyahu's argument is still, we have to destroy them before we leave and reach any sort of lasting deal right? >> so max, on a slightly lighter note, i've never actually witnessed a full eclipse in my life, but it sounds like you have what are people in for? >> well, we had a total eclipse in 1999. so major bit, but i remember i was working another organization then going outside the building and it's a really hot day. and it was really weird an area. so if you do get that chance to see it today, i'd certainly recommend because it just goes dark. i know that sounds obvious, but it's really weird but also gets really cold suddenly. and for me that was quite start because it was a hot day and it's the silence. i think
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it's the silence because people go quiet because they are trying to take in the moment, but all of nature went quiet as well. so bird stopped tweeting. it is the most mesmerizing experience then it's suddenly over also last a bit longer than you imagine as well, but it definitely worth seeing if you get the chance. >> yeah. have you appeared on television with these on yet? >> a no and i'd say a lot of people didn't wear them, but the recommendation is you do. but here you are. this is your moment >> we agree many of them. i don't know. i can't read the telephone with a month, so you didn't get a chance to see it. you'll get up to see what you're gonna get partial totality here, which i have seen before. i mean, it is incredible still but my understanding is it's just not the same as being able to experience it in full. so i guess i'm going to have to wait 20 years to get my shot. i feel >> all these people that would waiting years and a traveled and the weather is going to ruin it. i'm just smoothing out for them >> one of my shelby actually who was just here, she said she has friends who booked three different flights and they're
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just deciding this morning which one to get on >> that good weather. >> all max foster. max. thank you. you're such a good sport. talk to you soon. >> all right. coming up next here. we've got a new >> stage of the salvage operation at the site of the baltimore bridge collapse plus caitlin clark's i know college basketball game ending with a three-word message to her fans >> erin burnett outfront tonight, it's seven odd cnn nobody is born with grid >> rose is really struggling it's something you'd build over time >> 21 at eight years, morgan stanley has offered clients determination. it forward thinking to create the future only you can see back in the winter
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before turning back and making a safe emergency landing in denver crews now we're moving containers from the dali, the cargo ship plowed into baltimore's key bridge and collapsed it last month. it is a major step toward reopening the critical i'll channel and wins over 95 miles an hour battering parts of colorado this weekend, shutting down roads causing power outages for more than 150,000 people all right. >> heavy rain and severe weather expected >> from central texas to northern arkansas. the good news is the worst is expected after the eclipse or meteorologists allison chinchar tracking the system for us allison, i feel like people just want to know are they going to see the eclipse? what's going on? >> right? so it really just depends on where you plan to go for the eclipse because there are going to be some absolutely wonderful spots along the path. some of those places include areas of northeastern missouri, portions of southern indiana and illinois also areas of vermont up through maine. also
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very nice conditions there. the trouble spots are really going to be some of these areas across us, the great lakes. and then again, yesterday down into texas and oklahoma. will we do have the potential for some severe thunderstorms. now, as you mentioned, those storms are really expected to be after the eclipse viewing, but a lot of those clouds could roll in ahead of time and that can end up obscuring that optimal viewing time. but even after that, as people are heading, maybe home to where they came from and they may be encountering some of those strong to severe thunderstorms. this is the target area you see here the green, yellow, and orange colors. we can expect large to very large hail. you're talking maybe up to baseball size, hail, damaging winds and also the potential for some isolated tornadoes. so you can see a lot of those showers and thunderstorms already developing by three or 4:00 the bulk of them really ramp up after say, five or 6:00 p.m. but if you're headed back towards lubbock and amarillo, where maybe home is over-torqued shreveport in jackson, mississippi. you are likely going to encounter some of those storms as you're heading back home after the eclipse. some other places again, dallas specifically still looking at pretty a
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pretty high amount of clouds for the eclipse viewing today, indian applause going to be a much better spot. those clouds will actually be decreasing as we go through the day. so once we get to that time of totality, we should only have just a very few amount of clouds in the sky niagara falls is also going to be about that 80% range for cloud cover. burlington, vermont only of kasie, about 20 to 30%, much better viewing there all right. >> fair enough. it's not like there maybe some people getting stuck at the dallas airport trying to get out of dodge after that, we'll have to keep an eye on that too. thanks, alice. and i really appreciate it. we'll see you next hour. >> all right. get your eclipse-viewing glasses ready. this is the rare opportunity that will come around for two decades do join us here at cnn for special live coverage of the eclipse across america starts live today at 1:00 p.m. eastern. you can also stream it on macs >> all right. coming up next here. why donald trump says it would be a great honor to go to jail plus a republican congressman conceding some of his fellow republicans are spreading russian propaganda
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2:32 am >> tide is busting laundrie's biggest myth that cold water can clean cold water on both stains cold water can't clean tough. >> i'd say that myth is bus turned to coal with todd. >> i'm dr. sanjay gupta >> and this is cnn >> comparing himself to nelson mandela again, over the weekend, the former president posted this to truth social about the judge presiding over his criminal hush money trial, quote, if this part isn't, he says wants to put me in the clinic for speaking the open and obvious truth. i will gladly become a modern day nelson mandela. it will be my great honor. that of course refers to judge one martin and
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his gag order that prevents trump from speaking out about witnesses, jurors prosecutors, and courts staff, as well as family members of the court and the manhattan district attorney, his trial set to begin next week. join me now, associated press white house reporter sung min, kim, segment. good morning. wonderful to have you for having me it's not the first time we didn't show back in october what donald trump had to say about mandela. watch >> if you want to challenge the result of an election, they hound you >> cared. we don't get scared i'll tell you what. i don't mind being nelson mandela, because i'm doing it for a reason >> he's doing it for a reason. >> well, he's doing it for political reason in that in that he is trying to make himself the victim of all of his legal proceedings. and that is what he has consistently done since his face. all of these a criminal indictments across four cases in terms of a
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strategy in the primaries, it's something that's worked for him. he has made himself the victim of these legal challenges. or these legal issues, and he makes his legal challenges about the people that his supporters, his base and that's what he's continuing to do here, it just continuously sort of outlandish ways. >> the argument is there victimizing you when they victimized me is what he's trying to say. and yes, let's just be clear. i mean, what was nelson nelson mandela put in jail for? or to an end and apartheid system that literally divided races from each other, right? >> right. and donald trump, as we know, as someone who has constantly stoke these racial divisions the country through his rhetoric, right? >> so let's talk briefly about something else that occurred over the weekend which was congressman turner, chairman turner. congressman turner spoke to jake tapper over the weekend about russian propaganda and whether some of
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that was making its way into rhetoric being used here in america by republicans. here's what turner said. watch >> congressman mccall made a comment this week about what he says sounds like russian propaganda from some conservative media and why it's so difficult to explain to republican voters why supporting ukraine is important. he told julia yahi, quote, i think russian propaganda has made its way into the united states unfortunately, and it's infected a good good chunk of my party's base. he singled out primetime shows. i'm conservative channels. do you agree with him and how big is this problem >> is absolutely a true it's absolutely true. he says, what do you make of that, right? well, i think what people what republicans like mike mccall and my turn are trying to make the point that they're trying to make is that the reason this conflict began is russia invaded an autonomous country that russia invaded ukraine. and that's why it's so critical for the united states other allies around the world
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to help ukraine in its fight against russia. and that is not what you're hearing from a growing segment of republicans, not just those who might, who may watch fox news or or, or our an isolated part of the republican party. but many other elected representatives in congress, and that's one of the reasons why it's been so difficult to get that ukraine aid package across the finish line in the house. now we know speaker johnson has mauling several different options. i do think it does sort of way on him this idea of helping ukraine in its fight against russia. but he just really has to weave this go figure out this political puzzle in the house that doesn't make him lose his leadership position. if he does bring it up for a vote what's your sense of mean? he seems to have indicated a willingness to do this to try to put this ukraine aid on the floor. do you think at this point that that's the most likely scenario? >> it's hard to tell the fact that he's floating various different options of what he
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could get an exchange, whether it's lifting that lng pause at the biden administration has put on or turning liquid natural gas. all right. yeah. thank you for the explanation. early in the morning >> or you're changing ukraine aid and parts of that aid into a loan which is something that the former president, former president donald trump solve has proposed. but the problem is, i'm not sure those little those little wins that he could get could sway enough of his conference who are just adamantly opposed the concept of aiding ukraine altogether, people like marjorie taylor greene and a growing faction of that conference. i'm not sure what he could get in return. that saves him his political save, saves his political position. >> if he does, again, if he does bring it up, especially is when the answer is that he's going to need support from democrats to actually get it done, right? poison pills in there. the democrat that are going to lose and democratic votes, right? right. he needs eight now he, democrats have significant leverage here. i'm looking at this sort of more or less test vote that one speaker, one speaker kevin mccarthy was speaker in terms of a little bit of additional
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assistance to ukraine. i believe it got only 107 house republican votes at that time. so that leaves basically the passage of ukraine aid in the house democrats hands. and again, as you say, if johnson tries to accept its extract something in turn, if it's really small democrats can say fine, but if not that democrats would say, why are we helping you here when we have the power? >> because they do >> all right, sung-min, kim simon, thank you very much for being with us. i appreciate it >> all right. treasury secretary janet yellen i held a news conference de she wraps up her four visit to china. this is yellen's second china trip and included meetings with the chinese premier and senior economic and finance officials. so the visit did not result in any major breakthroughs. the world's two largest economies did agree to hold intensive exchanges on more balanced economic a growth. it's not clear when and where talks might take place are mark short, marc stewart, excuse me, live in beijing with more >> mark. good morning to you. you just had a chance to question the treasury
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secretary. what did she tell you? >> hi casey. good morning. as you know, from your spot in washington, there is this intersection between economics and politics and china that secretary yellen is having to confront. it's a very full menu, just a few weeks ago, we had all this controversy involving tiktok. there is concern that chinese evs could perhaps collect data on american streets. it's a very long list and it is drawing skepticism as well as suspicion from washington, from main street, as well as from wall street. and i asked the secretary if this is a warranted and what a path forward could perhaps look like, let's let's take a listen >> i've tried in our conversations to make clear that this is a reason for caution on the part of american firms about doing business
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here. i think on each side we need to be as transparent as we can about are national security concerns and how the actions we take relate to resolving those concerns. >> these concerns over national security and how they relate to the economic side of things are a big deal. the secretary acknowledged she had difficult conversations with her chinese counterparts including concerns, claims over purported support by chinese firms, for russia's effort in ukraine, casey, this is a very long list of issues. they also talked about anti-corruption efforts, about moves by china to perhaps flood the market with products but she did seem encouraged indicating that perhaps more talks would happen as soon as next week, we'll have to watch >> all right. marc stewart for us. mark. thank you very much. i really appreciate your
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reporting >> coming up next here. crowds flocking to a tiny town in maine that finds itself directly in the path of totality plus caitlin clark's three words farewell to her fans after her final column game >> sunday night, those for still mofolo story with anderson cooper the james webb telescope we alone, followed by the two part finale of space shuttle columbia, both final flight. sunday starting at eight on cnn >> if you spit blood when you brush, it could be the start of a domino effect new periodontics act of gummer pair breath freshener clinically proven to help reverse the four signs of early gum disease >> a new toothpaste from >> periodontics, the dom experts from the everglades to the dry toward two goes >> and >> all points in between the keys offered of miles of hayden cones mangrove estuaries
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states. it will be 2044. >> i didn't want to calculate how old i'm gonna be by. >> if you want the full >> eclipse experience, you'll have to be within the path of totality one of those places to do that is holton main, where crowds have been gathering all weekend and joining us now is jane torres. she has executive record the greater holton chamber of commerce jane, first of all, i'm so jealous you're gonna get a chance to see this because of where you are. >> give us a sense of how >> excitement has been building in your town through the weekend we are beyond excited when we started on this path. >> we'll >> call it the path of years ago. >> we really, we really didn't even dare to hope that we would have weather like this and the sky is blue and the crowds are actually beginning to form and it's only quarter five quarters six in the morning, excuse me. but we are so excited to have everybody come to our town >> so you're a town of about 6,000 people and i'm told that you're expecting, according to
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the banger daily news, 40,000 visitors. there was an amusing headline about a neighboring town of girls in maine and new york times, when somebody questioning for the bathrooms for all of those people. how does your town prepare and are you ready to handle that? many people >> i think we are. we're slightly terrified, but i think we can do this. this is, this is this is we have pretty much hit on everything from safety to port-a-potty places to park shuttle buses. >> everybody >> in the town has pulled together to make this happen >> do you have any like can you give me some numbers like how many port-a-potty is did you have to bring in? >> well, we brought in 100 and now we're beginning to think we should have brought in another hundred, but now it's is 2020 we think we're okay. for sure. >> so what is the weather supposed to be like today? you said it's been nice through
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the weekend actually, actually the weather has been cold. it's been snowy, it has been really kinda grim and yesterday it started to turn in the afternoon and people started to come out and we're looking at 55 to 60 degrees and absolutely clear skies amazing. so have you seen a total solar eclipse before in your lifetime >> i think when i was about six, i remember doing something with a milk carton, but i don't remember actually being allowed outside to see it. so this is gonna be really exciting so what have you done in terms of preparing with your own family mean do you guys have a spot to watch it? where did you get your glasses, etc the committee so we have this committee that we formed a two-and-a-half years ago, and we actually ordered 60,000 pairs of glasses and we're down to a bow. i'm going to say the housing left, so we hope everybody brings some. we do have some available for people, but we assume that a lot of
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people have already had them. but my family came to visit me from new hampshire and i haven't seen much of them because for three days we've been planning this whole thing organizing it. and i've had site the whole time. but hopefully we'll all be together today. they'll come to the historic downtown and that's where i'll be >> i was going to say you said you've been on-site kind of preparing. what does it actually look like in your town? like what are the best eclipse watching polices, what have you set up? >> we have five-star parks. >> we >> have the airport, we have we have a really very nice international airport, but we do have a lot of jets coming in, private jets today, we are at capacity at nine private jets, but we do know a lot of smaller players will fly in. that's a very big star park we are you're looking. at market square right now that is a really good start park. it's not quite as big as everything. every other place but it is kind of the coveted spot just
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because of the picture opportunity and the mda. it's just gorgeous down there. we have a beautiful town. so we have a community park we have we've really spread out across the town and we have parking areas all around the town of houlton. so we hope to have we actually have buses that it will be shuttling people from these parking lots into the different areas those would be going i think they started nine and there'll be going throughout the day major logistics challenge. so you see your ad capacity with nine private jets mean what do you know about the folks that are flying their private jets in >> we don't know anything. it will be interesting to see who ends up in our small town will have to. >> i'm sure that there will be people tracking these tail numbers, but i'm really interested in this story because because i don't know why it didn't occur to me before that. if you have a private jet obviously you would fly into the path of totality because what else would you use your private jets are today >> yeah well we heard stories about people turning around. it
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we're headed to texas and they said, no, that's not the place to be because of the weather. so lonely hold, here's helped me and a little hope main, this is definitely are well, we have some documentarians here. is that a documenting what a small town does and how everything comes together? other for an eclipse event like this or any event like this is the biggest thing we've ever seen. so they're here and they're calling the documentary a moment in the sun. and it is so true, this is our moment >> that's so amazing congratulations to holton. and i hope everything goes smoothly. i know since you've spent so many years planning this event but it will go great and thank you very much for taking it off today with us. i really appreciate a jane. >> oh, thanks for having me and come visit holton sometime. >> i would love to we love maine, so i will i will definitely think about it next time we're up your way thanks again >> and get those viewing glasses ready. this is a rare opportunity that won't come around for two decades can join us here at cnn for special live coverage of the eclipse across
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america. we start today at 1:00 p.m. eastern. you can also stream it on macs >> my time now for sport south >> carolina's women's basketball team caps and undefeated season with a national championship and they took their revenge against caitlin clark and iowa along the way. andy scholes scholz has this morning's bleacher any your back? good morning >> good to see. yeah. i yesterday we had the best player and caitlin clark versus the best team in south carolina for the championship. and in the end, it was the gamecocks completing just the 10th undefeated season and d1 history, but that wasn't easy. caitlin clark's came out just on fire in his games. he scored 18 points in the first quarter, but then or johnson would just put the locks on clark's you held clark to just 12 points, the rest of the way and kamilla cardoso, what can you say about her dominant dal low for south carolina? a lot ad 15 points and a career-high 17 rebounds gamecocks would when at seven and 75 to claim their second title in three years
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>> they weren't going to be denied. so i am so incredibly happy for our players it doesn't always let you wanted them much like last year. but but my friend, she's are at the top of my at the top of my heart because they wanted this and i hope we can erase whatever pain they had last year experience and not being able to finish it here so i'm just we're proud of rao work. i'm super proud of our fans this is awesome is unbelievable >> god daily. they're very emotional after the game in a really cool moment, she took time to recognize what caitlin clark did for women's college basketball in her career >> i want to personally they caitlin clark for lifting up our sport she qarrah. she carried a heavy load for our
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sport and it is not going to stop here on a kalisa tour. when she is the number one pick in a wnba draft, she's going to choose going to lift that league up as well. so so caitlin clark, if you're out there you are one of the goats of our games are we appreciate you >> when i think about women's basketball going forward. obviously it's just going to continue to grow, whether it's at the wnba level, whether it's at the college level, like everybody sees that everybody knows, everybody sees the viewership numbers. when you're given an opportunity, women's sports just kind of thrives and i think that's been the coolest part for me on this journey. >> down the men's side, you've got an old school big man match up tonight in the title game, seven foot zach edey and produce taken on seven foot two, donovan clingan and uconn. this is the first matchup between seven voters in the title game since ewing versus elijah, won in 1983? the first ever between two guys over seven foot
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>> pointing is really good like he changes the game defensively, but offensively, he's a good player two we're going he's he's just going to keep calm and he's gonna be a fabulous play or he's got 15 to 20 years in front of him. >> he understands the challenges that he's dealing with zach, edey. it's it's just a it's a unique matchup that's gonna be a heck of a challenge for our frog court, for our guards, for a whole team, because going to have to take it team effort to try to slow him down a little bit >> and you gotta try to become the first team. went back to back men titles since florida back in 2007, pre-game covered starts night seven, easter or sister network tbs tip-off, nine all right. finally, huge bu in the call is coaching ranks according to multiple ports. john calipari is leaving kentucky after 15 years to become the new coates at sec rival arkansas, calvaria one a national title back in 2012, but it's just one inscrutable a tournament win in last four
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years, arkansas hasn't reached the final four since losing the 1995 title game. so casey, big move there and i'm sure one razorback fans are pretty excited about hoping that caliber i can elevate their men's basketball program. >> yeah. for real big deal down there. all right. andy. thank you very much. hope you've been enjoying the basketball the past few weeks see you tomorrow. coming up next here, closing the financial gap, donald trump's record-setting fundraising haul plus emergency landing, a boeing 7307, losing an engine cover on takeoff and here's one for your eclipse playlist >> me >> later de the moon steels are sunshine when it blocks out the sun >> debris bree in this guy, parents, husbands and wives gone. >> i wish i could have done something differently. just make it better for those that follow space shuttle columbia,
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