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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  April 8, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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russian propaganda. among republicans in the house of representative, chairman mike turner was on cnn this weekend. instead, he said, quote, we see directly coming from russia attempts to mask communications that are anti-ukrainian pro russia messages, some of which we even here being uttered on the house floor >> is this something >> you hear on the house floor? >> i'm concerned about it. i'm concerned about russian interference in this election cycle obviously they did it in the past selection they continued to do it now as we tried to fund and give monies to ukraine, they will try to interfere in the vienna and and this is something that's concerning to the average voter is concerning to me as a representative of 13 congressional district, that the power of one vote there's going to be compromised because the russians are meddling in in us politics. >> tyson adriana as by had from new york. thanks so much for being here on saying >> thank you for having me >> so we get a new weather
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forecast for the total eclipse just in a new our of cnn news central starts now not only can you see it, but you can feel it if you're in the path of totality, tens of millions of americans are preparing to see a total solar eclipse. the dramatic celestial show set to begin just a few hours from now and the united states, bracing for the real possibility of a wider war in the middle east, iran vowing revenge for an apparent israeli airstrike right that killed top iranian commander and another big attempt at clearing student loan debt, the biden administration unveiling details on a new plan they say could benefit more than 30 million americans. on sara sidner with kate bolduan and john berman. this is cnn news central
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>> this morning, the existential question, if there is a total solar eclipse in the sky, but it is too cloudy to see does it make a sound? we are just about t minus six hours to show time. everyone scanning weather reports to figure out if they will get a view roughly 32 gilliane to americans live in the path of totality. that is where nasa says the moon will appear to completely cover the sun for about four minutes or as one scientists just told us we're the moon will eat the sun. that is science. 99% of americans will view at least a partial eclipse, which is still pretty cool, but not totally cool. again, science. the next time this will happen is 2044, 20 years from now. so consider this a deep ties cnn's rosa flores and good to have a valdez are both in the zone as it were less begin with rosa incur ville, texas. good morning to you good morning.
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eclipse mania here and carville, texas is out of this world and is out of control. this is the heart of the texas hill country. and according to the mayor of this town, about 100 people from all over the world are expected to be here in this town for this. now, let me give you that tiktok of what we're expecting because the he total this eclipse is going to cross from mexico into the united states at about 1:27 p.m. in eagle pass, texas or near eagle pass, texas. i just can't get away from covering the border here and the good thing is that the federal agency that's going to be monitoring and following this eclipse as it crosses the border of mexico, is going to be nasa. so there's gonna be no stopping this eclipse. it's going to continue on from texas all the way to main. now, about the economic impact here,
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according to one on source that could be about 6 billion across the united states but the texas slice of that astronomical pi is about 1.4 billion. and businesses are getting very creative, especially here in kernel, we're not just talking about all sorts of glasses, afford the eclipse but also pins that show that it's an eclipse. and guys, i'm not wearing this on this time, but you can see that it's an eclipse pen, that it's on here. there's also of course crystal balls that are being sold in this town, just a little bit of everything, t-shirts like the one that i'm wearing. >> but the >> business that gets the most points for creativity is the brewery that's just across the river from the park. we're in they're actually going to be given free beer during the four minutes of totality here. and what could go wrong when you
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give free beer in the dark, take a listen the. beer keg >> is 60 pounds when it's full. so we'll see how that goes tomorrow to prepare for this. no so the beer line will be attached to this beer gun. and this allows me to quickly poor cups of beer high spill over everybody >> i hope not that's a great point. i don't know what it's going to be like it seems if it's like nighttime, maybe we'll have street lights on. i don't know >> john. i got just a couple of mood rings and also alleged that tells me that the weather's going to be good here in carvel, just a few of these you could tell if you read the legend, everything is
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going to be perfect. the weather is going to be perfect. the clouds are going to part. you see clouds right now, but don't worry about it. it's gonna be perfect hearing caravel i'm just going to keep this array that none of us are concerned about. you, rosa flores. thank you so much for being here, showing us the one ring to rule them. all right there, let's go to mexico now now, gustaf of ellos, you're gonna get it first before the rest of us >> let's see if and we can see the sun starting to come out, out is you see a few clouds. we hope that they go away. >> i'm an >> urban forest is what they call it here in torreon. there's going to be about 30, 40,000 people in this place at some point some of them are trickling in, including six year old's your mat schumer. are you excited for the eclipse >> yes. >> do you know what's coming? must have it led totally dielectric yes yes. yes, it's just trying to practice her english also they've asked us to start you're gonna be scared know not that massive star is your first one. so
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it's the look of us at accorded you're going to remember this when you grow up yes well. thank, you her mother, olivia is going to be here and people are starting to frequently nasa, it's installed about 100 yards from where we are are there two telescopes here. they were here to have a planetarium and their scientists from all over the world that are gonna be closely watching this eclipse. and the rest of the world. now, to answer your earlier question as to whether the eclipse will make a sound if it's cloudy, listen to this there are a lot of birds that live in this forest, so they're going to have experts here studying what happens during an eclipse right now is still dark, is early in the morning. they're trying to get on with their daily routine. you can hear the nodes are making their and have a experts not only listening, seeing what happened, but telling the people what's happening. we're hoping for not cloudy days then a big show on this guy
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extraordinary stuff because double valdez, rosa flores, our thanks to both of you, everyone obviously, get your eclipse viewing glasses. this rare opportunity will not come around again for two decades. you can join cnn for special live coverage of the eclipse across the country today at 1:00 p.m. eastern, or you and streams on max in kate, i do have to tell you you heard the birds. they're going, you know, what's coming. the birds, they're going crazy. we've got a whole segment coming later in this broadcast about the effect of eclipse on it. animals. because in 2017, the last time we had a total eclipse, the galapagos tortoises inexplicably started mating >> and the eclipse. and if you remember, if you have not had the pleasure of seeing a galapagos to toward is made years and you miss it today. that's it will. >> and when you do see it, it's just like your retina. it will be burned in there forever and you can no longer unsee it. it was hard for you, but think about for them if they have to win back
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>> oh, my backwards again. >> he makes me laugh sometimes >> so hard that my back actually, it's re-entered. okay. we've got coming up for us on high alert. how you is actively preparing for quote significant attack by iran. we have new details on what the preparing for and the new morning also coming from top economists, why they say oil prices are the most serious threat to the us right now after considering backing a federal ban on abortion, why donald trump just said it should be left only to the states to decide get your viewing glasses ready and experience so rare, it won't happen again for another >> two decades don't cnn for live coverage around the country of the spectacle in the skies, eclipse across america, live today had one on cnn or streaming on max cracked windshield schedule would say flight and will come to you to fix it. this customer was enjoying her morning what we texted her when we were on our way, and she could track us and
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see exactly when we derive a few we came to her with service that fifth earsketch, you must be nice to meet you. we got right to work with the replacement. she could trust. we come to you for free, scheduled now for free mobile service at say likely payer, say flight be place >> hey, i've lived got you. going through it grabbed new column for q or asthma attack nikola is a once monthly add-on injection for severe eosinophilic asthma, not for sudden breathing problems allergic reactions can occur. get help right away for swelling of face, mouth, tongue, or trouble breathing, infections that can cause shingles have occurred. don't start steroids unless told by your doctor. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection, may cause headache, injection site reactions, back pain and fatigue. and that's going to asthma specialist if no comma is right for you? >> yeah. dp disrupts cid p derails. >> let's be honest >> socks but living with c dp
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>> this situation with glitter, knighted six point cnn new this
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morning former president donald trump saying he'll leave it up to the states to make decisions on abortion rights if he wins in >> 2024, trump's stress, there should be and his opinion, exceptions for rape, incest, and the life of the mother, abortion rights expected to be one of the big issues for voters in november, cnn reporter limit following all this alayna, when you look at all that, he said he promised he was going to put something out. what else did he lay out for the american people? >> right well, after weeks of months, i should say not just weeks. i've sidestepping this issue and not being very clear with where he stands on abortion. donald trump released a video statement this morning saying that he believes it should be left up to the states. he also took credit for overturning roe versus wade, saying that he had stacked the supreme court with the three conservative justices that helped do that. and that's kinda where he leaves this. and i want to just remind you, sarah, that this is exactly what we have seen from him, from months. he believes that this issue is a political
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loser. that's what he tells people privately and publicly. he knows notes that this is something that republicans are very vulnerable on and he recognizes the political landmine that comes with this issue. i want you to take a listen to how he phrased it in a video. >> my view is now that we have abortion where everybody wanted it from a legal standpoint to stage will determine by vote or legislation or perhaps both. and whatever they decide must be the law of the land in this case the law of the state. now, it's up to the states to do the right thing like ronald reagan, i'm strongly in favor of exceptions for rape incest, and life of the mother. you must follow your heart of this issue, but remember, you must also win elections to restore our culture they sat heritage from him himself. you must win elections and that's really what some of this comes down to. now, i can tell you that this is not exactly resonating
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well with some of donald trump's anti-abortion allies and pro-life groups. we had a statement from marjorie dannenfelser this morning to cnn, where she told me that she's deeply disappointed in this statement from john trump. i'm going to quickly read some of that for you should we are deeply disappointed in president trump's position, unborn children and their mothers deserve national protections and national advocacy from the brutality of the abortion industry. the statement goes on to say, saying the issue is quote back to the states seeds the national abortion beat to the democrats. and so definitely not what i think a lot of his leading anti-abortion allies had wanted him to do not going as far as they thought he should again, with donald trump, just leaving this to the states sarah >> all right. alayna treene. thank you so much >> so senate majority leader chuck schumer, he says the us is ready to quote, respond swiftly if necessary. we're talking about is a very real threat from iran right now, the united states is on high alert,
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actively preparing for a significant attack that could come anytime from iran, possibly targeting us or israeli assets in the middle east after last week's israeli airstrike in syria that killed top iranian commanders. us officials believe an attack by iran is inevitable. cnn's alex marquardt is following all this and he's joining us now. and alex, we've talked about this a lot. i mean, iran is in the backdrop, in the background of of everything involving the israel's war against hamas >> but they have not been >> directly involved to this point. is that about to change >> that is a very important point and that is the line that us officials now fear iran could cross. iran has been more than happy to get involved in this war, indirect we by helping proxies like hezbollah, the groups in iraq and syria, the houthis carry out strikes ainst usnd israeli targets. but until now administration and intelligence offials have
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told us th iran has shown no interest in getting involved directly that may soon change. and it is because of that israeli strike that. was carried out exactly a week ago, i believe against the iranian consulate in damascus, in which an israeli attack killed some seven senior members of the revolutionary guard of the irgc. now us officials i believe that iran could respond imminently within the next few days. they say against american and/or israeli targets. now, the us has been trying to distance itself from that israeli strike, saying publicly that this was israel that carry it out, that they had no prior knowledge that they had no oh involvement in this. but at the same time, warning that iran should not retaliate against us interests. of course, kate, there are us potential us targets, all across the region and goes without saying that if iran were to get involved directly, that that would escalate this conflict quite
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significantly okay. >> so we now hear what chuck schumer is saying about this. what are the israelis though saying >> well, the israelis are certainly ratcheting up their rhetoric in terms of the possibility of this war expanding when it comes to iran specifically, they're saying that they are ready to deal with iran offensively and defensively. >> they're >> really two pressing issues right now, kate, in terms of the potential escalation and iranian response against us or israeli targets. and what israel may do when it comes to lab on. now, remember for the past six months, there has also been this low level war going on between hezbollah in southern lebanon israel tens of thousands of israelis have been displaced. the us has been working furiously to prevent a second front from opening up. but now israel is saying that they are ready to move from defence to attack when it comes to his blood, they are preparing ways to get more troops and equipment faster to that border. now i've reported recently that us intelligence
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believes that israel could open up a second front by attacking southern lebanon by early summer. us diplomat's trying to prevent that from happening to create a buffer in southern lebanon to push hezbollah away from that border. but israel may feel that that is not enough and launch a a broader campaign into southern lebanon. kate, alex has good to see you. thank you so much for reporting. sir. >> all right back here in united >> states, president biden pushing for, but the new student loan forgiveness plane and trying to get that through ahead of the 2024 election. but who would be eligible also? it was a blockbuster night at the women's march madness channel being shipped game everyone was talking about iowa, lsu know the quiet storm coming through. we'll talk all about it >> whether you come to key west for an in-depth history lesson
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trust your experts at true green, go online today. >> there's debris in the guy parents, husbands and wives gone. >> wish i could have done something different. for, you can just make it better for those that follow space shuttle columbia, the final flight, two, part finale, sunday at nine on cnn >> this morning, ukrainian officials are denying being
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involved in drone attacks on the zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant the flight took three direct hits. a kremlin spokesperson called it a very dangerous provocation. the power plant is currently under russian control. again, ukraine denies involvement new video of a terrifying sight, an engine cover on a southwest plane falling off during takeoff, hitting part of the plane's wing. the denver flight was headed a houston when this happened? no one was hurt. this was a boeing plane, but it is not clear if this was a plane issue or an airline maintenance issue. and tonight a classic battle of the big men seven four, zach edey, produce, takes on seven to donovan clingan of uconn in the ncaa men's finals. that's like 25 feet of college centers they're tip off. is it nine, p.m. overnight, south carolina defeated caitlin clark and the iowa hawkeyes, completing a perfect season, they want the women's championship sir. >> all right. speaking of college this morning, the biden administration is revealing details of a new plan to try
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and wipe out student loan debt for millions of americans ahead of the election, the new round of proposals come almost a year after the supreme court struck down his initial plans. cnn's priscilla hello, alvarez joining us now from the white house, basilar, what are you learning about this latest proposal now >> sarah, this is yet another attempt by the white house to address an issue that is facing voters this election year. now, this is following, as you mentioned, the supreme court striking down president biden's plan to provide some relief to those with student loans. now, this today, the administration will unveil new details that altogether with the measures that they have released over the last few months could benefit more than 30 million americans. now, these plans would benefit people who fall under these categories. let me read some of those to borrowers two already qualify for student loan forgiveness under existing programs, but have not yet applied. those who have entered repayment, at least 20 years
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ago, those who enrolled in low financial value programs and those experiencing financial hardship now these these plans still need to go through a public comment period. so it may take some time before these all take effect, but the white house says that some of these borrowers could see relief as early as this fall. of course, this is all part of the president's pitch to lower costs for americans. and today, he's going to take pick that pitch to battleground wisconsin, where he will be talking about all the efforts has administration has made that have helped the american pocketbook and especially front and center. the programs that he is rolling out to provide some relief to borrowers priscilla alvarez. thank you so much for all the reporting. john, we have a new update on job security for house speaker mike johnson as the push to oust him heats up in the astronomical phenomena that could get tortoises feeling a bit extra frisky it's only
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monday, but the solar eclipse is moving, pumped day a little earlier this week >> this is the big good kane who that do >> day one, we're our shared values propel us towards a more secure future. >> through >> august, the partnership built upon cutting-edge american australian, and british technologies will develop state-of-the-art next generation submarine let's build something stronger together. securing dickey peace and prosperity for america and our allies we are going forward word together >> when we say it'll be on time, they expect it to be on
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people over 15 a day could strike at any time thank you. are not at risk. wake up because shingles could wake up in you if you're over 50, talk to your doctor or pharmacist about shingles prevention. >> welcome the lobsterfest is your party ready? >> ready to tango with tails on tail on tails, try lobster, lover's dream while you can. >> it's >> one of ten next level lobster creations lobsterfest is ending, zooms. so hurrian get your viewing glasses ready. >> eclipse across >> america, live today at one, you know, i spent a lot of time thinking about dirt at three in the morning and he joined what people don't know. is that not all der is the same. you need dirt with the right kind of nutrients. look at this new organic soil from miracle grow. >> everybody should have it, it worked great for us. >> this is as good as gold in any garden if people only knew that it really is about the dirt, your dirt nerd huge turret nerd.
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>> i'm proud of it >> eclipse across america brought to you via miracle-gro row like martha >> so this morning, not sure you heard but we are watching the tortoise is very closely because the last eclipse in 2017, they inexplicably started mating we're going to have more on that shortly this morning though, hospitals in the path of totality are on high alert, especially concerned about the millions of people, extra people who will be on the roads seen as major l is with us now. so how are those hospitals preparing? >> yeah, john, a lot of these hospitals have spent literally more than a year meeting to prepare for this event. >> a lot of hospitals in >> smaller communities, especially are worried about getting overwhelmed and worried about traffic and being able to transport patients if they need to weave heard from a few different hospitals along the path of totality bloody down in
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waco, texas airlift texas says they're going to have an additional medical helicopter just for that reason in case ground transport can't get through an ozarks health care serving missouri and northern arkansas. there extending walk-in clinic hours. they're encouraging patients to use the walk-in clinic for non life-threatening emergencies and reserve the emergency department for actual emergencies and read health indiana, they're expecting up to 150,000 people in their community. they are actually closing some specialty clinics and sort of more routine care clinics or a bridging those hours in order and they're keeping urgent cares open. it, ohio health, they say that they're going to be providing first aid at eclipse-viewing events so they're going to be right there on site and up in vermont, there particularly concerned about traffic and they're asking folks to really to stay away from their campus if they do not actually need care, they are saying they're going to restrict some of the traffic patterns to ensure that their staff can get to work. but overall, guys were hearing hospitals are really stocking up on supplies. they're
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increasing staffing because we know from the 20-17 and clubs their were increased traffic fatalities similar to a holiday weekend because of all of that travel, we've also heard from communities that were in the path of totality. there are an increase in emergency department visits. luckily, everything seemed pretty minor minor injuries, heat related injuries, gi related illness, and of course, there can be damage from looking directly at the sun. so you don't want to do that, john, it'not all serious thoughthere are some hospitals that are doing some fun things. cleveland clinic, for example, posted on social media that they've made one zi's for the babies in their nicu. we've heard of other hospitals doing similar things to mark this day because of course for many this is a once in a lifetime, or at least once in several decades event. john, i wanted eclipse onesie, i mean, who doesn't want it eclipse onesie. now, the thing with the traffic is pretty intuitive, which is had a look at that, okay. i really do want that >> you know, >> people are going to where they're going to get you to watch the eclipse over time. but they all leave at once. i mean, once the thing is done, everyone is going to flee wherever they are, which is why
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there are so many traffic incidents, at least there were last time i can see why they're concerned. you talked briefly about viewing the eclipse safely. i don't think this can be stressed enough. don't look directly at it, correct? >> yeah. unfortunately, damaged here. i actually can happen within seconds and this has been documented from the 2017 eclipse in previous eclipses you may not notice symptoms if you do cause damage to your eyes for a few hours, but it can cause blurry vision, it can cause holes in your vision, sort of altered colored vision a lot of different things can happen and unfortunately, if you look at the sun for long enough, that vision damage can be permanent. and so of course, what you wanna do if you plan to look directly at the sun and anytime other than totality when the sun's light is completely blocked, you need safe eclipse viewing glasses. >> a lot of >> libraries are giving these out. you can go on the american astronomical society website site to find retailers that might even still have these. but these are 1,000 times darker than the darkest sunglasses they allow in only a fraction of the sun's visible
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light and you need to make sure that they are iso certified. and really if you're going to use these and you're not absolutely positive that you've got a good pair because counterfeits are out there, make sure that when you're looking through them at the brightest lights, you can only barely see the outline of them looking at the sun should be comfortable, but don't do it even for more than a few seconds at a time. if you're not absolutely positive, they're completely safe. john, right. get >> your eye, where get your onesie get in the zone, meg tirrell. thank you very much for all that. >> okay. >> so one of the cities in the path of totality is indianapolis, indiana. it's the first time in over 800 years that area is going to see a total solar eclipse, nearly if 50,000 people from over 25 countries are expected to watch this all play out today from the indianapolis motor speedway and wonderful place to celebrate. soon as mike valero is there in indianapolis, he's joining us now, mike, he's just of nasa's top astronauts who are gathered there as well. what are they looking to do?
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>> so there are top astronauts key and also top scientists who are milling around with the spectators. so they're going to be astronauts who are meeting and greeting, you know, the next generation of scientists, young people who are gonna be here with families. but we had the chance a couple of hours go to to speak with nikki rachel, she's one of the leading scientists for nasa's helio physics division. so what we're talking about, the physics of the sun and when we hit totality a 30, six in the afternoon, it's going be all of us up to 50,000 people. as you mentioned, kate looking up at the jumbotron and nikki real the scientists from helio physics at nasa. so that she's going to be looking at the structures emanating from the corona because the song and dance is known between the earth, moon, and the sun. it's been predicted since the time of the babylonians, millennia ago we don't know what is happening with the coronas. so much of it is still a mystery. listen to how she described it to us earlier today >> thank you i think of it as
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like a living beast. it has these objections that releases huge amounts of energy towards earth and it couples into this energy system. but that energy sometimes can impact spacecraft that we have on orbit, things like gps and navigation, which i don't know if you're like me, i rely on my gps like to get around my neighborhood. otherwise, i get lost. and if those systems go down because of activity going on in space, that's a big impact for us here on earth >> so the tail end of the conversation, she said, imagine 80 million school buses or millions of indycars being ejected from the sun, from the corona heading towards us and interfering with our satellites impacting our electrical grid. we need to better understand and predict the behavior of the corona and the plasma that comes out of it. that is what the data and what we'll see today from the eclipse is going to help nasa to do in the years ahead, kate mike, what else? >> how is it all going to play out? how is it, what is it all going to look like being at the motor speedway is a pretty great place to have this all
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happen. what are you gonna see >> so the gates are going to open at the top of the hour. there are people who are ready to come in and we're going to have demonstrations people riding around the 2.5 mile oval of the track here before the eclipse begins in the 1:00 hour. and as soon as that wraps up, as we approach, two block the indy demonstrations are going to stop the cars are going to clear off the tracks and then the people kate, are going to be able to go onto the pavement. they're gonna be able to kiss the bricks, so to speak. this is actually the start and finish line just over my right-hand shoulder as it comes out of the famous pagoda. so people will be able to go onto the start and finish line and then look up this moment when racing madness and this celestial crescendo, all align. it's gonna be amazing at 3:06 in the afternoon okay >> i'll be watching it together. it's good to see you. my thank you so much, sarah. >> i can see nothing with these
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hans. i'm not sure where the camera is, but everyone keeps warning us to wear the glasses yeah. now, let's go to allison chinchar. everyone wants to know if they are going to be in the path of totality or really if they're in the path of totality, will they act? actually be able to see this? what's going to happen with the whether you are the woman of the hour, this morning, give us a sense. >> it right. okay. now, everybody yes. >> we want to know is mother nature going to actually cooperate with all of these folks that have traveled places? and the answer is yes, especially in some areas more than others. so let's take a look. we've got to separate areas where we're talking about pretty close to ideal conditions. that's going to be for areas of southeastern missouri, places like cape gerardo southern illinois, carbondale, for example. and then also indiana. we're talking places like evansville going to be very, very fantastic whether they're for the viewing this afternoon. we've also got another area that's going to be far north along the path. we're talking basically from burlington, vermont all the way up through
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caribou main conditions are expected to be a very sunny there in that spot as well. you are going to have a couple of spots where we are looking at a ttle bit more cloud cover that does include places like niagara falls, maybe up to rochester, new york, and also the big concern is going to be texas. now, we may get lucky. the bulk of the strong to severe thunderstorms are expected after the eclipse. so that will likely pose a bigger problem for people as they they are leaving. the real question is before the orm start, you often get clouds that come in ahead of time. and so the real question is, how early do those clouds come in? can they hold off at least until after the eclipse? now, once everybody is done and they are starting to head home, they may encounter some issues in terms there's a very large hail will trucking tennis ball size, or even larger, some damagg winds and the potential r tornadoes, especially if you live east, sayou were traveling west into the path of the eclipse, but you've got head back east home. you may encounter some of those showers and thunderstorms, but again, we are also so going to have plenty of very nice spots to talk about. dallas is going to have some increasing clouds,
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but it's not going to be completely overcast. so you will at least maybe fingers crossed again at least a portion of that time, were you we'll be able to see it indianapolis, a different story if you woke up this morning in indianapolis, looked up and saw some clouds, don't worry, they're actually going to be decreasing as we go through the rest of the day. so you'll start to see even more sunshine by the time we get into the afternoon. and one of the other fantastic spots two is going to be burlington, vermont. yes. a couple of clouds here and there. but you're talking about 20% cloud coverage at absolute best so again, in most of these areas, plenty of time to be able to view it here you can again see some of those clear spots right through there. that's where we're likely going to have some of the best viewing. one thing to note too, is the temperature drop. we don't often talk about this, but yes, when totality takes place and the moon fully covers the sun, temperatures will actually drop in several places, including carbondale and indianapolis by several degrees. so it may even feel a little bit different. not only that you'll notice it with your eyes, but they do rebound very quickly back up as soon as the moon starts to
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shift away >> and you've got the outfit ready and i'm sure you have your glasses most important to wear these because obviously you do not want to have permanent damage which can happen if you look directly at the sun during. thank you so much. allison chinchar. appreciate it. >> the us job >> market on fire, consumer spending, strong, the economy going at a brisk pace. so why is one top economies? ms flashing a warning sign and as the house returns to work, speaker mike johnson may need to fight to hold onto his jaw the special to our titanic demir of how it really happened. >> sunday 28 did nine on cnn >> he there, brenda. >> it's carroll actually, which like are we operating on? >> you mean arm? >> it's all connected asking the right question can greatly impact your future. >> you share your an orthopedist. >> actually, i'm a
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>> kane, who that do >> house and senate are headed back into session and back to work this week, the person likely with the most work ahead of them is a republican house speaker, mike johnson. he is still facing down the threat of being ousted from his leadership post, just as he is considering moving ahead. and what is options really are with the long stalled legislation to provide aid to ukraine. however, this shakes out. there is going to be real ripple effects coming from capitol hill very soon. cnn's lauren fox is on capitol hill. she's got much more on this. >> so mike johnson >> keeping his speakership and ukraine getting this long stalled military aid can both of these things happen? lauren? well, that's the >> question that we're going to see unfold over the course of the next several weeks on capitol hill, kate and we may not get the answers by the end of this week lawmakers in the house are going to return onto they will have their first vote series in the evening, but it
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may take a while for this to all unfurled. that is because mike johnson has yet to announce exactly what a ukraine aid package would look like. i'm told from sources that he has been consulting, having conversations with members with the administration, trying to figure out what his best course of action is but he hasn't made any concrete decisions. and that is because looming in the background is marjorie taylor greene and her potential threat to try and oust speaker johnson. and one thing to keep an eye on, what does she do over the next several days? she already has threatened an introduce this resolution to oust him. she is not actually gotten the process started and forced it, but it becomes a key issue for johnson if he begins to move on ukraine, if he makes an announcement, is that when she decides to? move forward or perhaphe will wait until he understands precisely what her threats. now, they we supposed to talk ofriday. it's unclear if that conversation actually happen
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or not, but i will tell you, te, that there are a lot of republican members who are dely frustrated abouthe fact that they view marjorie ylor greene and her threat against the speaker as a potentl distraction in an election year where they argue they can not get the house back into the tumble, back into the chaos that they saw in the fall when kevin mccarthy was oust. that is not a chapter that many republicans want but because the margins are so narrow right now in the house of representatives, it may be unavoidable if marjorie taylor greene decides to move forward >> lauren, keep his updated. it's good to see you. thank you so much. john. right with the snap >> former white house spokesman for president george w bush, pete seat and democratic strategists and co-founder of lift up your voices. julie brzezinski, friends. i want to ask you both about the statement from donald trump just a short time ago where he weighed in on his stance on abortion. people had been waiting for this. he had been suggesting he would make some kind of big policy
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pronouncement and private, he'd been saying he would support a 15 are 60 16 week federal ban on abortion. but the statement this morning, all he said is he thinks that should be left up to the states. and he does support some exceptions. so julie, i want your reaction to that. is that some middle ground? >> well, it was quite a word salad, john, so it was a little hard to parse. but from what i can tell, he patted themselves on the back for abolishing roe versus wade congratulated the justices he appointed to make that happen. and supported all the states that are banning abortion virtually at conception in this point. so i don't think there's much change from what what's going on now and some of these states that are leading to horrific outcomes for women from what donald trump proposes to do if you were to get back into the white house. >> and >> on the other side, though, there are some anti-abortion groups that are disappointed with what donald trump said about this literally the susan b. anthony pro-life statement was this. we are deep really
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disappointed in president trump's on saying the issue is back to the states seeds, the national debate to the democrats who are working relentlessly to enact legislation mandating abortion throughout all nine months of pregnancy. does this have any effect with complaints from the right beat? we'll leave it to >> donald trump to not be eclipsed by anything, including a once celestial event. to put this statement out, this morning, what really struck me, john though, in this transcript is the hard pivot he made to politics and to this election cycle, it really sounds to me like he understands there's really no middle ground here. there is no way to make both sides happy. so he's trying to do something to energize republicans in these states were we're going to see referendums on abortion. and he has a chance to potentially lose if a lot of democrats show up to vote. so that's what i got out of this. it wasn't about the policy, but so much about the politics.
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>> but i guess is there anyone on the right less likely to vote for him because he didn't support a federal ban abortion no. >> i mean, the susan b. anthony group needs they need to do what they have to do, right? this is what the group is all about. it's about pro-life, it's about opposing abortion. so they're going to put this statement out. it's unsurprising to me that they are not happy with what he had to say. i think at the end they're going to a vote for him because they know donald trump is the best candidate for the issue they care about most. >> and julie, i'm >> so sorry that i stepped on what you were saying there. the flip side of that is, is there any democratic or pro-choice voter who's going to say, oh i'm going to think twice about donald trump because he doesn't support a federal ban >> look, anybody who's approach choice motor has been seeing what's been going on in places like alabama and texas and now florida and other states that have moved very quickly ban abortion for rape survivors for
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women who are desperate to have children, but literally are dying from their pregnancies. >> and >> so when you see that kind of behavior already taken place, you remember what made that possible, what made that possible was a trump trump presidency that appointed supreme court justices that enabled this kind of actions. so there's not one pro-choice voters going to read with solid trump said today and then say, oh wait a second. now i think now this all makes sense to me now i've seen the light. i just it's he has not made any either side happy, which and typical donald trump fashion his followers will follow him over the cliff wherever he goes. but for anybody who's undecided, i just don't see that the statement today makes either side happy so julia white, what does he get out of it then? i mean, that's i guess you guys
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>> had a lot of focus on >> congratulating himself and appointing these justices who banned roe versus wade or overturn roe versus wade >> and so i think a lot of it was just self-congratulatory and then trying to get out of this whole ivf debacle that overturn roe versus wade has now led to in places like alabama and so it's not artful it's not skillful and actually it's not very trunk like in the sense that he didn't really take any declaratory action on either side was kinda squishy, which, which seem a little out of character, just shows me that he's very uncomfortable with this issue. who understands its potency even in places like ohio in kansas that are typically republican but voted overwhelmingly to support abortion rights. >> and people this keep questions from being asked going forward. is this now settled >> well, i think a position is better than no position donald trump has been hitting fellow republicans for being what he said is inarticulate on the topic of abortion. democrats have been able to paint republicans as extremist because there hasn't been
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clear position. this might not be the right position. it might not make everyone happy, but at least it's something to stand on moving forward. >> it very quickly, julian, white house president binds coming out with a plan for some kind of student debt relief, student loan debt relief. the supreme court struck down the last attempt to what extent do you think young voters give him any credit for trying? does he need to actually come through with relief for it to matter >> every focus group i've seen over the last few years is really i call the data jackson model. what have you done for me lately? so a lot of these proposals sound very, very nice. but i think a lot of young voters were probably we want to see some real results before taking it to the bank, >> the bank that's literally taking it to the bank. that is it. you're saying all right. julia, we're again ski pc. thank you both very much. sarah knew this >> morning pain once again at the pumps, surging oil prices mean you will pay more at a gas station. a top economist is warning sing oil prices. he
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thks is the number one threat to the us. cn's madigan is joining us now matt when you take a look at this, the economy isoing so well. and then two hear this why does does moody's believed that oil prices are such a huge risk right now? >> well, sir, you're right, therare so my positives ou there. t jobs market is on fire consumers are spending the economy is growing at a healthy pace, but oil prices they do pose a growing threat to the economy. one that could really undo a lot of those positives. so you could see that chart shows that us oil prices, they up $87 a barrel last week for the first time since october. >> and this is up from around $70 a barrel to start the year. now, moody's chief economist mark zandi, he told me that, look, we can live with 85 to $90 a barrel. the economy can handle that. but once you >> get closer to $100, that's really the danger zone because that's going to hurt consumer
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spending, especially low-income families is andy said, quote, it's the most serious threat to the economy nothing does more damage to the economy more quickly than higher oil prices. never remember the higher oil prices go, the more all of us have to pay for gas at the pump, the national average today is up to three 60 a gallon. that is a fresh five-month high. that's up $0.06 in a week, $0.20 over the past month. and if gas prices go too high, that could also unwind some of the progress on inflation front and that could delay when the fed can start cutting interest rates or even by how much the fed cuts rates. there also could be significant political consequences here, moody's has a model out there, a forecasting model that finds gas prices are a >> key variable in the november election. how key will moody said that if gas prices hit $4 a gallon and stay above there, that alone could be enough for donald trump. >> when the white house, sarah, that's really, that's really
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interesting. i wanted to >> give you an idea of why this is happening. i'm assuming there's the issues that have going on in the middle east >> yeah, that's definitely part of i mean, part of it a seasonal right whenever winter ends, demand goes up. and so that's an issue part of it is intentional opec plus the producer lions led by saudi arabia and russia, they're holding back supply. they want to lift prices and it's working. and then you have the war factor, drone attacks on russian refineries by ukraine. that was the issue last month. and now there are all these concerns about the middle east. >> and you have to keep in >> mind, the us is producing more oil than any country ever has before. and so that is cushioning some of the blow here. but there are concerns about the middle east. and so sarah, what happens next on the oil price front is going to be big for the economy, for the market, and maybe even the election >> president searle candidates. we'll be watching that very closely. i'm sure matt egan. thank you so much another hour. i've seen a new central starts right now


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