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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  April 8, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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>> give you an idea of why this is happening. i'm assuming there's the issues that have going on in the middle east >> yeah, that's definitely part of i mean, part of it a seasonal right whenever winter ends, demand goes up. and so that's an issue part of it is intentional opec plus the producer lions led by saudi arabia and russia, they're holding back supply. they want to lift prices and it's working. and then you have the war factor, drone attacks on russian refineries by ukraine. that was the issue last month. and now there are all these concerns about the middle east. >> and you have to keep in >> mind, the us is producing more oil than any country ever has before. and so that is cushioning some of the blow here. but there are concerns about the middle east. and so sarah, what happens next on the oil price front is going to be big for the economy, for the market, and maybe even the election >> president searle candidates. we'll be watching that very closely. i'm sure matt egan. thank you so much another hour. i've seen a new central starts right now
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>> mass weddings, >> animals going >> crazy, and the coolest classes you will ever where we are live across north america with everything you need to know about today's solar eclipse and what you will be able to see >> donald trump >> takes a stand on abortion this morning, but one that a major anti-abortion group calls a disappointment i'm kate bolduan, my john berman and sara sidner. this is cnn news central >> a celesti eventyears in the mang, most he and it wi not happen again for another 20 years. so total eclipse mania has begun in america in just over five hours. the moon will start to eat the sun as nasa scientists would say, we wink. and the
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really good news right now, the chances of clear skies across the united states is much, much greater. than your chances of finding a pair of those cool glasses. if you do not have them already, roughly 32 million americans live in the path of totality. that is where nasa says the moon will appear to completely cover the sun for about 4 minutes. outside of this path, you will still see something pretty darn cool in the skies, 99% of americans will be able to view at least a partial eclipse. of course, if the weather helps you out the next time this will happen 20 years from now. so look up or look like the person who totally missed out. we begin with wrote mr. flores and karen ville, texas. rosa, you've been showing us all day all the fun things that are being sold. people are making good money off of this and it hasn't happened yet. what are you rst time and seeing crowds, e you're not only one out there we finally have some de
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light, sarah, you do seeome of the crowds behind me. welcome to carville, tex. this ie heart and look back at all of the texas hill country and everything has portions, the crowd sizes, and ones let's st see behind me are actually a size aller but you know, it's texas des. okay. the mayor of thitown says that this towcould get up to 100,000 people from all over the world that are going be flocking to this area to want you to see this map. this is from nasaand what's scating about this is that there is an x that marks the spot, and this is what makes carville so special because it is going to experience two eclipses in a matter of six months. so there's a lot of people having audit front around in a matter of six months. and so one of those paths of totality happened in october we're and then you see the path of totality from today. a in the center of that is carville, that's why
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people thinking that there's going to be a lot of exciting energy here in carville and there's a particular business that is buzzing in town. it's called zen, an alche. and a lot peoplare gog there fothe rchande. i got to admit nt there tooor the earringsnd the sure buthere e people are also ing there for aling.nd so that they can have pre-eipse agnmes to ask about the weather, e because the's clear cloud ver here. we're in and the good thinghat we heardrom zen and alchemy is that there might be something we could experience when with the clo company. take a listen >> hopinfor good weather. so but ev iit's nothe weather. energy still the, it's still going to get dark. so and wher he at all because i potential cloud cover 's still there. were suing a feg solutely >> that maybthe prize for the day if brains, or if it stor or whater you might eclipse. absolutely othe
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thatrgy sara, look at what i got i'm going to wd off the evil ally there that's trying to cic clubs >> like i'm just doing this there to >> make sure that the hundred thousand people e coming through carvel, we can all enjoy this eclipse just doing my part i'm sure that they are appreciating all of your efforts, rosa and the businesses there. i know they're booming partly because of you and your producer, sara weisfeldt. so that is all well, so appreciate it. thank you so much. appreciate it all >> all right. >> you've got rosa flores buying outouth texas single-handedly, supporting the econom there. but i got more than that. i have stephanie elam right now in russell lloon with kid rock h air overloing what will apparently be apparently be all kinds of marriages taking place
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all kds of marriages all kinds of bish sky. i'm just gonna mo out t way here so pretty it is here. no offense to rosa, but you can kinda see we've got a beautiful day. we were concerned, but i'm cool, some light hazy clouds because i learned from 2017 a little bit of cloud doesn't stop a party, but why stay on the ground? so if we could be closer to the celestial beings this morning. and so we are here in a hot air balloon >> and i am >> joined by craig, wayne boyd, who you are. let's see, singer and performer, a songwriter and today you're also an officiant. just call me rav read rad. okay. so have you married people before it's rib cwt now, i got that. i got an email a couple of days ago. i'm like i'm actually a river now yeah. okay. so i mean, i know you're used to doing lab. i mean, let's think about it. you one we have to make sure we stay up in the sky. but you wanted to see even seasoned
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seven of the voice, right? so you're used to doing live things, but have you ever married more than 350 couples at one time? >> no, i haven't you know, what's wild about this is that i got to make sure that they're not stays type >> oh, he got now, i talked to some people who were excited because you're going to sign there our marriage certificate to have you been working on your wrist. and how much work you're gonna have to do with that >> i'm signing autographs after shows kinda help out with that. but it's yeah, that's i think my hands gonna be tired after this one ptty much. okay. so have you been in a hot air balloon before you've gone on stage? >> this is my first time in a hot air balloon. evers. you see how hard i'm holding on >> let's ow you robbie what we areoing here and keep us the plane going. >> what you're gonna be g later toy, right? you're gonnbe making sure you have some romantic songs too. i w listening to your muc. you are kind of the right man for the job today. >> i'm a little bit of a lush en it mes to that. i'm happy, hly mared man. so i write, wri about what i
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know. >> seet's all ve good. i think i saw your fy here yestery. th'reere with you, right? yes. irought up most of thfamily. i ha one ng in the bmx races. i got to stay hereut other tha that abroad, all the rest of though? right. so i feetexas like this is a friendly crowd. i fe like they're goi to be pretty excited to seeou >> i think 'm nda half of the state though my d's fromhere is boyd, botoffered bradley >> why are they be names? very good question >> hey, mr. rm, did you arhat maybe you ould be here. do i would le to be there with my n, the reverend there,ho is going to marry over 300 people fromhis balloon, which i hope is sy tethered >> to the ground as far as you know, are you tied down? we are. we are tethered we joel here, keeps making sure that thawe have the planto take us back up because we're ngack down to thground
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ght now and then hliked gives us a little bit of heat and weo back up, but we have to do it early. so you know, no onwants thbaoons to ben the way whenhe lar eclipse wh'going to hapn, the w o the wedding is going to ppen jt before the eipse happens, happs hererusselthey'll arkansas. and then afterhat, everyone's going to pause and w're all going to look up at e sky. and then they'll hav their first dance. and i do believe you are performi them. >> yes. it's a song that i wrote back about a yr ago, little bit, very little fanfare. and ihink if found hihome with this event yea tolly. yeah. we're gng to john, i'm i'm soy. you're not here to join us. we've got a atles cover nd. we'veot a lot going on he russe vil, arkansas is the place to see the eclipse >> it's awesome. i can't belie it just so peoplsee here so we can see thi we l actually have a view of your, t balloothat has now floating safely. i think a truck. e. le's hope that truck
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doesn't drive th off. >> there. you e not iving off. you guys are floating up withhis guy, getting ready to rform marriages only on cnn. stephanie elam, our th to you thanks. the reverend. he's at all. unds incrediblthere i just ink it's like im compition d who hathe best shot? so let's try and one up you, if you wl. joining usight now are too eclipse chasers, retired physics professor joe eyes and he's four and former nasa contract or paul male who's preparing to watch the eclipse from just north of durango and joe. joe is ke watching it just nor of durango. paul is in the path of totality on a ship off theoast of mexico. letter let's begin, paul. thkful that the tion can hold while you're while you're on e ship. so
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hopefully this stickwith us. you're o of thmost aive eclipschasers in the united for you?hat is, what iit raw the next one? ps you chasing >> well, if you've ever seen a total eclipse of the sun, you would understand because it's prablyne of the most traumatic experiences personal experiences that you can have in life 's so short in terms of the time thatt sts that you have to really soak up every second. so this particular eclipse it has more than 260econds, and thats pretty remarkable >> and paul, you've been we're showing some pictures that you provided to us. you've been to dozens of countries to to catch eclipses this time. you're on a boat in the pacific off the coast of mexico. why did you pick this location? kind of talked me through the preparation ahead of this one well, we looked at the weather data statistics for the past 20 years and it seemed that this area had a very long >> history of clear skies on
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april the eighth or on the days it. so that was the main driver could we actually encounter clouds or would it be likely to be clear? sure >> how's it looking right now? whato you what has the forecast looking high cloudcurrently out the or window, and i'm sitting in my cabin looking outside, but it's looking pretty good right now. >> that's excellent. okay. joe, you're near durango, mexico. you're also taking part in a big experiment for this eclipse. what is your group hoping to capture >> well the modern eddington experiment is redoing the experiment that was done 100 years ago that confirmed more einstein's predictions of this theory if relativity, that the gravity of the sun will bend star light as it goes past and there are about two dozen of us in texas here in mexico, and el saulteaux and elsewhere and we
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are hoping to blow the best measurement and out of the water and confirm the functional dependence of that the flexion. and so we're holding our breaths and we're hoping for clear skies all over and that's, that's the game we're playing >> exactly, >> hoping to top einstein. no small fee. good luck on that one. there >> talk to me to see an eclipse but i'm just like seeing any clips. what does it feel like for you? >> oh, it's a whole mix of excitement and tension that all the cameras will go off when they're going to go off and you just look up. and there's nothing you can do as that shadow approaches except gawk and hope you got your preparations done and, then then there's a hole in the sky
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it looks like just as black hole surrounded by the magnificence of the corona paul did i read correctly that you met your wife on one of your trips to catch an eclipse >> yes, that is correct. and 1994, i met her at the lima, peru airport and we have been together ever since. so she's observed 45 eclipses with me up to now that's always in paul, you help coordinate trips to help others to kind of get the best views of these events. what does it like? sharing not only your personal passion, but you know, kinda what is it like sharing this with others in this way? >> well, it's really enjoyable because i represent the johnson space center astronomical society and houston. and it's a public outreach efforts. so where you don't require anyone to have a background in astronomy or having seen an eclipse priors now, so this is more of an educational one. i want to and i have 185 people
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here with me on this ship. >> it's pretty exciting >> joe you and paul or both in this unique community of eclipse chasers, have you found a common thread between, between all of you and where your passion? all comes from. this >> i think we're just the clips extremist were pple cls that i can seet the ible 'm d it'alwaars inlife chalnge to figure out how to get's one co uphere i'll be in ice, i and t'n one in africa and it's a great wato see the world and whever whever've bn for an eclipse, there have been lots of people who've been
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>> even the most laws who come along just because a friend made them come along just come out astounded and the mass joy is it's something to behold >> the only great type of extremist would be an eclipse. extremist, i think we can declare wishing you both a very successful eclipse today. thank you so much for coming on and sharing it with, sharing this with us. really appreciate it, sir. >> we have mass joy here. don't we? >> every day, every >> all right. >> covering up a major message this morning, donald trump delivering his stance on abortion by way of a new video. but what he said, upsetting a pro-life group and the women of south carolina are bringing home a third national championship. best thing iowa superstar caitlin clark and her team, we're going to hear from the winning coach, who has just
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>> okay, donald trump, as you said, he's been sidestepping this issue four months because he's been telling people both publicly and privately that he believes that the issue was a political loser display also take but for the overturning of roe versus wade. and that's exactly what he did in this video this morning. he said that he's proud that he played a part in the overturning of roe versus wade. but he also said that he's leaving this decision to the states. he believes that is up to the states to decide how they should rule. on abortion. take a listen to how he put it >> my view is now that >> we have abortion where >> everybody wanted it from a legal standpoint to stage will determine by vote or legislation or perhaps both. and whatever they decide must be the law of the land in this case the law of the state. now, it's up to the states to do the right thing. like ronald reagan, i'm strongly in favor
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of exceptions for rape incest, and life of the mother. you must follow your heart of this issue, but remember, you must also win elections to restore our culture okay. and as you >> heard there, i think a key line is that he said you must also win elections. this is something that donald trump has said before both publicly and privately and really, that's what this comes down to. he recognizes that republicans are very vulnerable on this issue. and you have to win elections. and this is how you know, they think is really the politically safe route. but i have to also argue that it does open him up to more criticism from both the left and the right democrats can continue to blame him for strict abortion laws, state by state, and republicans and conservatives on the right particularly those in the anti-abortion abortion movement who have been pressuring him to come out for a specific number of weeks when abortion should be banned? i don't think they're going to be very happy
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with this. and one group already is saying that they are disappointed. here's a statement from marjorie dannenfelser. she's the president of susan b. anthony pro-life america. this is what she told me this morning. she said, quote, we are deeply disappointed in president trump's position. unborn children and their mothers deserve national protections and national advocacy. the statement went on to say, saying the issue is back to the states, seeds the national debate to the democrats. and so, as you can see, one pro-life group already has pretty disappointed with this. and look, i think one thing that i've been hearing from a lot of these groups and anti-abortion allies of donald trump is that they argue that they were crucial in helping get him elected in 2016 because of this issue. and they really wanted him to go further on this. and so him leaving this up to the state's isn't necessarily a satisfying answer for them great reporting is always alina. thank you so much, sarah. >> all right. joining me now is national politics reporter and axios sophia cai. thank you so much for being here. you
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listened to this. we just play the clip of what donald trump's was there anything that stood out to you other than the fact that this was a very calm and very scripted response >> yes, very, very scripted trump is also floated a couple other things previously, we had the 15 or 16 week man and he was serving people at mar-a-lago. we know that he likes the 16 banned because it was it was a whole four months. and now he's seeing in a very scripted way, very formal background that he wants to leave it up to the states. and i think it is just an answer for now, it'll be easy for him to move from this and say, oh, actually, i want an x week ban for him than for him to do the other way around? so i think we should remember that trump has been telling people different things. and this is just what he's saying for now, seven months away from the general election does it sound to you like he's trying to message the moderates on abortion at
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this point in time because he himself has said this is like a no win issue. >> yeah. i mean, let's just take a step back right. a month ago, he got enough delegates to be the presumptive nominee. he spent the last month taking over the rnc. it was very chaotic. they've finally come to a point now where that is stabilized this past weekend, he had a pretty good fundraising haul. >> now, >> on monday, he finally has the brain space to now focus on putting out a couple of more concrete stances on policy issues and abortion is just one of them. of course, everyone runs the center he's putting out more moderate stanzas. and i think thank you. yes, he's signaling to suburban women something that he knows is going to be a problem for him that he can be potentially on the right side or a moderate side of this position. >> we've talked to some republican strategists who think he shouldn't have touched
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the issue of abortion at all. because no matter what he says, he's going to be attached buy one side of the argument or another. a case in point where we just heard from the susan b. anthony anti-abortion group who were very unhappy. and if we could just pop that up with the announcement that he will leave abortion rights up to states and that's what he's going to stick with for now. let me ask you about that is this a situation where this could hurt him with conservatives, which most people don't think but could potentially help him with moderate voters yeah, i think conservatives, there are a lot of lawmakers who is right, who looked to trump as a north >> star and we saw this with ivf when the ruling came out trump pretty immediately said that he supports ivf and you saw a lot of members to his right? hey, like senator tuberville also kind of moderate their own position ivf and that was something that trump also addressed in the
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video today, he said, republicans have to support growing families. and so he understands on these issues he sets the north star and a lot of more conservative members will follow his lead and that may help. and kind of letting the base no, it's okay. we have for president trump and then on your second question, i think look at suburban women and others. i mean, parents, families. this is something that a lot of voters care about and it's not just this cycle we saw it in the last cycle. foreign president trump had several losses in key swing states where abortion has been on the ballot and democrats have been sending folks like for vice president harris, two states where abortion will again be on the ballot >> the bidens, biden campaign is hoping that they can turn florida on this very issue, so yeah. thank you so much. appreciate it >> so what tortoise is due in the dark apparently there was
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total eclipse, one researcher wrote quote another interesting behavior was with the slow moving galapagos tortoises during the last eclipse, they began moving much faster and some started made it joining me now, is that researcher, professor adam hartstone-rose, professor of biological sciences at north carolina state university, professor. i know the question. everyone wants an answer to is what made the tortoise is. so randy we have no idea. it seems crazy. i like to think that potentially in a long-lived species like this are rare event like that could be a signal for me. but it's probably a one-off. we don't know, but we're going to find out because we're going to be watching more tortoises today >> lucky tortoises let's just say that what other animals we'll be watching, what other animals have been watching, what we'll be watching for. and is it all pg rated?
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>> maybe it's pg rated. animals will be animals after all, but we'll see what we see. we're going to be watching another fantastic group of gorillas were gonna be watching a group of bonobos. those animals can be pretty randi as well. so who knows what we'll see from them? we're going to be watching giraffes. there's an amazing array of wonderful animals here at the fort worth zoo. and i'm going to have researchers all over the place watching probably about 20 or 25 species. >> i mean, from what i know about bonobos, they don't even need a reason. but, but professor the eclipse they don't need a reason what is it specifically about an eclipse? tortoise isn't bonobos aside, what are the theories about what makes animals act the way they do? and how much of an advance before the eclipse begins will they start acting peculiarly? what do you know? >> those are really great questions and that's all things that we're trying to figure out in 2017 when we were watching animals, most of them behave as if it had become evening and
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nighttime. so we think that actually the effects of the sun going down is what they were noticing. but a lot of the animals exhibited behaviours that we associate with anxiety. we don't know if it's the clips itself that makes them anxious or the crazy behaviour of the people around, because we are so excited. and as you know, if you have a dog, you might be like, oh my god, this is great and your dog will be like, oh, my god, this is great. and the dog has no idea what's great. so that might be something that's happening as well. >> every cat owner in this room that i'm in right now wants to know house pets is anything that we can expect with house pads >> i think so. so we did a preliminary study during the annular eclipse that happens in october. and the closer people were two totality, the more likely it was that they would see differences in behavior in their dogs well, it's interesting is that half of them reported that the dogs became super quiet during the eclipse, and the other half reported that their dogs started barking or howling during the eclipse. so we just need more data to figure out
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some of these questions. >> if for all my immaturity this is actually genuinely fascinating stuff, professor, how long do you prepare? before and eclipse have you guys been planning since 2017 for this one >> pretty much. i mean, it's crazy. so this is such an ephemeral thing where i am, it's less than two minutes long and we've been planning for about six months just to be here putting people all over. it's costing so much money, so much time, so much investment smith, and then it's gone almost in a snap. >> do you need totality for it to work? do you need not just totality, but you need to be free from cloud cover that's a great question. so that's really two questions because one is what's happening off of the path of totality. all of north america is going to be under at least a partial eclipse. and we actually have a citizen science projects where anybody can watch animals during the eclipse from wherever they are and contribute data our project is called solar eclipse safari and
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anybody can learn about it on solar eclipse and we have all the tools to take data. and if people are off of the path of totality, that will tell us whether animals behave interestingly, when it's not 100% cloud cover, that's another question that we don't know the answer of a lot of us came to texas because the weather report six months ago looks like texas was the surest bet. and of course now it's looking like our friends up in buffalo and toronto and montreal might have clearer or whether we don't know, but that will help us answer those questions again, if there is cloud cover, do the animals react to the eclipse or not >> professor adam hartstone-rose. rose, i got to say, i can't wait to see what you find out. give the tortoise is the privacy they need that's my only request. professor. thank you so much. >> they're going to be very much overexposed, unfortunately, but we'll, we'll we'll see cool things that's for sure it depends what your definition of cool is. i appreciate it >> thank you >> country music star morgane
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whelan is in trouble again now facing felony charges. now that you're blown over by that, our deepest appreciation and also apologies to the professor. we're having to deal john that entire time. >> but back to this coming up for us country music store, morgan wallen in trouble and under arrest once again, now facing felony charges it's after an incident at a nashville bar overnight. we'll be right back >> the clips across america. he's brought you you by american home shield. don't worry, be warranty now go to slash eclipse to follow the latest news and good viewing and photo tips to experience the rare solar eclipse whoa >> whoa >> talk >> on an american home. she had >> warranty. i can reject your
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started at long-lived as well, play >> for the national championship. this is the greatest this is what dreams are made of bull mix. they talk about for a lifetime, we will see you in phoenix country music star morgan wallen has been arrested on felony charges after he allegedly threw a chair from a rooftop >> bar in nashville late last night, the chair fell six stories and landed near two police officers witnesses say, well, and was seen laughing afterward. he now is facing three charges of reckless endangerment. his lawyer says that he is cooperating with police a man has been arrested after allegedly trying to set fire to the vermont office of senator bernie sanders. investigators say the 35-year-old sprite, an accelerant on the office door before igniting it. sanders put out a statement after this arrest saying that he's deeply grateful for the work of law
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enforcement no one was hurt in the incident. thankfully and crews in baltimore have begun removing cargo containers from the ship that caused the francis scott key bridge to collapse. the gold. is to move enough containers so workers can access the front of the ship and begin deconstructing the tangled mess of debris still stuck there. now, two weeks later, only then can they move the ship to shore, sarah? >> all right. >> it all comes down to this tonight. the uconn man hoping to defend their title as they take on purdue in the nc doublet championship game last night though, girls ran the world of basketball, south carolina talking perfect season defeating iowa and his star player, caitlin clark, to take home the national title for the third time, cnn's coy wire is joining us now from glenle, arizona. lot of buildup to this game baby, but boy, the girls loud man, man, what again? >> these women have been smashing glass, yes. right? sarah ones, one of the
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semi-final games had more viewers than every world series and nba finals games last year. and any master's final round since 2013. so the game for last night's game was the hype tightness was palpable. iowa's caitlin clark dawn staley, south carolina, facing all folk driving forces behind the women's sports boom >> clark breaking another record in the final, her 18 points ithe firsword of most in any quarter. and sewa tournant hisry she finished wi 30, but south carolina wa just too much there bench alon scored 37 points, while i was scored zero, the gamecocks finish off there. perfect season 38 now and dawns the grrrl grew up in north for philadelphia projects continues to solidify herself as one of the all-ti great leaders in sports, winning a third title in seven years. how's it feel to win coach? >> batshit feels great. i never really paid attention to be undefeated because it really didn't feel like that every
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day we would go into practice and, you know, we we didn't play we didn't practice perfectly. every every game that we wanted to we did not execute perfectly. so all the things that we didn't execute, other things that we're right there in front of us. and they felt like losses all right. >> now, in the men's final tonight in the stadium behind me, we've got a powerhouse looking to win back-to-back titles against the team that's never won one. uconn and purdue playing in a huge game featuring two really huge dudes. it's good time national player of the year produce zach edey stands seven foot-4 he'll face uconn's seven foot two donovan clingan. i talked to the coaches last night and the huskies coach, dan hurley, had the perfect description for this matchup. listen you know, we've got clean kong, it looks like a lower layer think. they've got godzilla over
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there. so we've got a true clash of the titans type of matchup there. >> we have to be able to get the basketball. zach edey you know, where where he can go to work and do some different things to put them in a bind. if we can't put them in that bind, that's gonna be really difficult for us >> all right, you can watch the game tonight on tbs and streaming on match pre-game coverage begins at seven eastern. the game just after nine, sarah, this will be the first battle of seven foot centers in a title game since patrick ewing and hakim olajuwon over 40 years ago, it is outstanding watching these to practice all week now we get to see him go toe to toe. >> i can't believe that i'm old enough to remember those days with like chemo visor one thank you so much. core wired. have fun out there. this is going to be great john. >> all right, counting down to a collective moment of complete darkness, brianna keilar, boris
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sanchez, the cnn anchors who had been training for months to bring you a total eclipse of the doughnut, apparently >> get your viewing glasses ready and experience so rare, it won't happen again for another two decades. joint cnn for live coverage around the country of the spectacle in the skies, eclipse across america live today had one on cnn or streaming on best thing i've ever done. >> that trip freely told me it was the best thing i've ever done. >> yes. without a doubt, i don't have any >> anxiety about money anymore. >> great people different people. that's for sure. >> and all of them had different reasons for getting a reverse mortgage but you know what? >> they all felt the >> same about >> two things they all love their home and they all wanted
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20% for a limited time >> and rosa flores and bandera, texas for the eclipse. and this is cnn now only falling apart
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nothing i can do so what are your eclipse plans for today? friends? so there's been some beautiful music almost every single person in the united states will be able to get some sort of a glimpse of the solar eclipse. we believe the real winners though, are in the path of totality that includes indianapolis, indiana, the best state in the country. >> it's the first >> time in more than 800 years that area will see a total solar eclipse. and that is where cnn's boris sanchez and brianna keilar are at right now in the path of totality at the indianapolis motor speedway. and brianna, i was thinking this is like a double whammy of awesome for you. you not, not only are you in the path of totality, you also were like the biggest lover of car racing of anybody i know yeah i really am. i'm really into nascar. which are also pretty cool.
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>> thiis unbelievable. we're here at the indianapolis motor speedway. boris, it's going to be the biggest viewing party and all of the country, we're going to be here with some 40,000 of our closest friends, just here in the speedway around town. there's something like what, 100,000 people that are coming to to ndi specifically to watch the eclipse. it's a huge boon for the local economy. there's not only a ton of festivities here. they're all around towns is gonna be a silent disco, a paddle boarding experience. and this is just one spot in the past path of totality where we're going to witness all sorts of fun and wildness and a little weirdness. can we, we really >> did get lucky because you see the path there? guys. >> and it looks >> amazing, but not everyone is going to be able to see every amazing phenomena of this eclipse. because weather is going to be the wild card here. mother nature is going to have the final say. and right now here in indianapolis, this guy's are completely clear. there are expected to pretty much stay that way. so we're
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really get excited for what we're going to see >> boris, are you required to call it a total brick clips brij clips, essays? >> yes. briana has breonna has threatened physical violence unless i referred to it as a breach clips, we should give them a preview of some of the other things we're gonna be seeing in the path of totality that we're gonna be covering this out on my gosh, yes, that's right. but it's not just the brij clips, it's also boris sanchez scared of what she's going to i'm quite scared of what she's gonna do to me if i don't >> but we are going to be bringing the sun and the moon are going to bring this amazing show. but cnn is really bringing a show unlike any other, all the way from texas up to canada, we're going to be seeing this when this begins in mexico, but we're going to see a mass wedding or master wedding. there's a rumor somebody on cnn is going to get attached to there's going to
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be started that rumor. there's gonna be a solar eclipse flight as well. what we're going to get some pictures from, so it's a jam packed afternoon. you will not want to miss it >> the tattoo i'm concerned about because it will be dark on. i don't know if that's a good i take it she'd gotten so much fun thank you so much. you guys are our son. thank you so much for joining us as well. this is cnn news central, santa news, or whichever costa up next >> what a theory i'm exposure right in your brokerage account, get it with the symbol e, the grayscale ethereum trust the world's largest if theory i'm eth theory of investing,
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